Arc 3 Post 4: Signs for the Seeking
Signs for the Seeking
24st of July 2006 A.D.
"Dad do you mind if Lydia comes along with us tomorrow? To... Ohio?" You hesitate as much because you still don't know precisely where you are going as because you invited someone else along on the father-daughter evil fighting mission. It's for a good cause OK, you tell your conscience. Unlike the demon in your head it does not talk back, but it does twinge from time to time.
There's a pause as dad turns off the sound on the basketball game he had been watching.
"It's going to be dangerous," he points out reasonably.
"She knows, I get the feeling she just wants to do something good, have an impact on the world you know, what with her life being turned upside down. Being around people who aren't gonna freak when she starts to glow is probably important to her as well."
He shakes his head, not so much in denial as puzzlement you would say.
"God moves in mysterious ways?" you try, your voice rising into a question almost without meaning to.
"That he does Molly... that he does," he chuckles. "Remind Lydia to check in with her father's lawyer and keep in contact. She should bring a camping bag as well in case we have to get off the road. I don't plan to but you never know with these sorts of trips."
You quickly settle what Lydia is supposed to bring along. The difference between camping for fun and camping 'on the job' seems to be mostly a lot more medical supplies, though the negotiations over what snacks to bring remains all too familiar:
"Daad, I can literally live off chips, crackers and Mars Bars and be healthy as a horse, it's part of the whole superpower package. As long as I get remotely enough calories I'm fine."
"Think you can make that point to your mother?"
In the end the ratio of junk food to actual food does not resemble the 'how not to eat' part of a school PSA, but you get most of your favorites in and you are pretty sure that Lydia's weird assortment of European candies will be fine. More importantly you find out where in Ohio you are all going.
"Cleveland...?" Not the most exciting place for an adventure, but maybe there is some secret part of Cleveland that has vampire dance clubs and underground fey grunge rock concerts or something. Then dad sets down a pamphlet that had just arrived, seemingly by accident, though really by Providence according to him.
Soul's Rest Wellness Clinic, is emblazoned in golden lettering on the front. It does not take more than a look down the glossy pictures of smiling seniors to realize that this is a retirement home on the banks of Lake Eerie. Golden years, golden memories seems to be their motto. "Any idea what's wrong with this place. Feelings? Signs?" You could just ask of course... but you only get one question and if you ask the wrong one from lack of context there goes that lead.
"Not any kind of sign from on high but one thing stands out, the price they are advertising on line is too low for the services they are offering," dad explains. "I did a bit of digging myself and they are blowing the competition out of the water. The simplest mundane explanation for things like this in my experience is money laundering, but there is little chance I would feel a pull for something like that."
"Leave that with me dad..." Leave it with me and my digital friends. You are not the only one who has grown since the fight with Katrina. Like explorers cutting their way through a dark forest of knowledge and secrets Clippy and her kin had learned how to navigate the internet and growing bold they had learned to walk beyond the lighted paths. Passwords, keys, locks and ports all these they navigate like fish in the sea.
There's something else you would like to know about of course. So far the investigation into the Museum has been all over the news of course, how could it not be with twenty eight people gruesomely killed and no suspect in sight, but law enforcement has been very tight-lipped about the whole thing. One of the few things you know for certain is that there is federal involvement... Daedalus
So you now set them to search for more information on Soul's Rest and on project Deadalus.
How deep do you want your assistants try to to dig into this?
[] [Daedalus] Light, hack a few agents email accounts, get a feel for their basic procedures as well as more on how they see the supernatural. Also includes data on the Museum incident
[] [Daedalus] Medium, hack the internal network, full personnel files, see how they get their funding and from whom, who are their allies and their rivals
[] [Daedalus] Heavy, you mine as much personal data as you can fit on the agents, seek out their most secure files, if it has an internet connection and is associated with them you want to have access to it
[] [Daedalus] Write in
[] [Soul's Rest] Light, track the staff and the residents. Are the latter communicating with their families? If so what are they saying
[] [Soul's Rest] Heavy, Try to get into the company financial data
[] [Soul's Rest] Write in
OOC: Normally Michael would just get signs to lead him to the place of interest when he is sent in a mission like this, but someone knows a party to this search has computer magic so you get a bit of a heads' up to start the digital search.
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