Against the Blood
3rd of March 2007 A.D.
Deciding you are going to cure dozens of people of a supernatural addiction that has plagued this part of the world since time immemorial is the easy part, the hard part... well according to Martin the hard part is everything else. Getting into a room with the target without any listening devices or other compromised personnel, convincing them that you are on the level, actually curing them...
"I can handle those two, I'm convincing."
A tired laugh echoes from the other side "You don't say? That still leaves keeping them from getting re-addicted as soon as their handler realizes whatever you did to ween them off it."
"They'll be immune," you clarify.
It's clear he had started off humoring you. The idea of sparing Red Court assets just because killing is wrong painfully naive to his ears. It is not that the Fellowship never tries to turn them, but the process is long term and
varies wildly in success.
Grimy steel rooms wit narrow windows piercing rays of sunlight upon a face drawn with pain and nameless hunger... You shake away the memory, part of you wishing that you hadn't asked for a video recording of their methods.
He is not humoring you now. "That still leaves the problem that you'd have to walk up to each decision maker to make your pitch. If Duke Emiliano notices you moving in he
is going to start removing your new assets and he has more bullets to spend than you do hours in the day to spend on this. I'm going to have to figure out a way to draw them in one place to make the change over, some kind of retreat or a religious occasion, something important enough for so many to attend, but which no true vampire could observe in person."
"You don't have to do this. I was just asking for advice," you insist, but Martin is adamant.
"It would be a good demonstration of both your power and your intentions to the leaders of the Fellowship. I'm going to need some operatives, preferably ones that speak Spanish but I can make due as long as they have good discipline."
I'm not actually helping enact a coup, you tell yourself as you order the transdimensional intelligence agency to send people over for stake out and infiltration purposes. It is going to be a week or two before Martin's arranged the meeting , though at least that means once this goes off,
if it goes off well you should have no problem securing land rights for the Gate.
In a sense the jungle spirits being active on your side has also solved the problem of more military encounters. It's the rain forest. There is never a time of year when heavy rain and winds aren't at least vaguely within the purview of the some spirit drawing its power from the waters of the amazon and the rain shadow of the Andes.
While Martin is attempting to organize the meeting you asked of him what do you do?
[] Continue with the Fortress action
-[] Write in how
[] Move on to another of your plans this week, you will return to this one when the plan is right
-[] Write in which
[] Write in
OOC: Just having Molly try to to a one person plot here would risk the reds getting wise to you. This way you can talk to all of them at once. leveraging your charms and it has the added benefit of usng one of the people you recruited last month. No rolls for this one