Maybe we could mess with their systems and more directly interfere by sending them off in completely the wrong direction?
You could, but the question is how do you stop this from happening when Molly isn't here. You need a long term solution
It doesn't actually solve the long term problem and exposure to the soliders is unnecessary. We don't know how much they know and while we probably could talk them around eventually I don't think either of us would benefit much from it.
You're making guesses that have no basis in evidence, that don't align to the motives of our opposition, and assume abilities would change how they're operating where we can see them.I am making guesses. They might be just average soldiers on an average patrol. But I think it would make a bit more sense for Red Court to send someone whose loss is more of an issue / scandal.
Thanks. I know what perfect defenses and shaping defenses are, but still thank you for putting it in simple words that I can then use to explain to anyone I try to introduce to the system.Nice to see a new reader. There's a link in informational on this too, but you can find the charms we're referring to here.
Perfect defenses are an entire category of protection that work roughly as you describe. For our purposes they essentially have a condition you fill that then allows you to bounce whatever you like off your chin.
ExWoD adds some additional nuance to that, but generally they just work.
On the charms, mostly EXP hell. Other needs came up beyond more health. Stuff like building a primordial soul hierarchy, perfect disguise illusions, and perfect shaping defenses. Which work like damage related perfects, but apply to people playing exotic games. You know, hostile teleportation, forced shape shifts, soul attacks, curses, etc.
We did get MiM though.
Edit: error