Among the Dead Anew
24st of July 2006 A.D.
After assuring the nice lady again that you will not mess with the 'soul-flaying serial killers' and promising to call 'Warden Dresden' you ask her if she knows anyone in Cleveland. Rose of Autumn does not, though she does say to keep in touch and implies that she would be willing to meet with you when you get home from the family trip.
"She does not wish to give you her name while you are yet in this city lest these foolish 'Patchfinders' consume the mortal whose guise you took on my lady," Usum points out clinically.
"Which is just common sense," you point out, a little annoyed that a demon would impugn someone's character on the basis of putting their own safety before a stranger.
"I never said that it did not my lady, only pointing it out if your eye had slipped from the matter to grander things."
The last thing you do before going to bed is ask Clippy to send Burny a message asking for whatever information Harry can get on the Pathfinders, as well as set some tasks for the network to handle while you sleep.
25st of July 2006 A.D.
Though you toss and turn in the unfamiliar bed enough that the sheets end up on the floor instead of on you whatever dreams had troubled your sleep are left behind in the shadows that spawned them as Clippy gives her report. Unsurprisingly your assistants had found a statistically significant number of Finnish American names among the residents at Soul's Rest and they had even managed to cross-match eight of those people, five women and three men as recipients of Dreamless Sleep. There could be many more of them since you do not have the full name of people who took the stuff and suffered no ill effects, just names which had coincidentally made it into articles of the day.
1 Essence Gained -> Now at 12/12
They did not manage to dig up anything significant on the cops, but that had been a longshot with no access to their internal network and the vampires trying to be at least a little subtle this close to Chicago and one of the White Council's more... incendiary members. Whatever contact the Blood Packs have with the Cleveland it is way above Le Blanc's pay-grade apparently, nothing about how to call for clean up on there. then again he hardly uses his email at all and his inbox is full of spam, Clippy announces, with an accusatory tone to her synthesized voice. As you are going down to breakfast she chines in with a last minute update on unusual activity at Soul's Rest. You had told them to focus on hirings, firings, deaths... so they had almost missed the element hiding in plain sight.
On the 19th of July the head of the facility registered a complaint about speedboat races and parties on the lake. Input from law enforcement was nil, yet fortuitous misfortune was achieved, the next stage of the 'Eerie 2006 Turbofest' was postponed following the death of one of the semifinalists to an apparent stroke. Estimated probability of natural causes: low.
"So..." you carefully sip your morning coffee. "Either the evil cultists are really not down for 'those damn kids' on their watery lawn or that guy knew something or saw something he shouldn't have."
"And if he saw something than you can see it too, like yesterday," Lydia finishes.
So you find yourself back among the headstones in the shadow of stone angels, looking now upon a much more recent grave, the ground still looks freshly turned over. The trouble now is what to ask for the wider you make the question the shallower the answer.
What do you ask?
[] What did you see at Soul's Rest? (If cogent will provide a detailed vision)
[] Why were you killed (Will give a shorter less detailed answer, but will only return a null result if the boat driver actually died of natural causes)
[] Write in
OOC: I kind of struggled with this one, a part of me just wanted to roll Wits+Investigation to see if you asked a good question but that just felt like taking away player agency when talking about limited resources like Crown Questions. This is the only question you got for the speedboat race discovery so better a shorter update with a vote at the end I decided eventually than one bad roll killing the lead.