Combined with the fact that she speaks several languages, I think its clear Lydia has much better Academics than Molly does

Less raw Intelligence probably, but at least two dots, possibly three dots in Academics.
Private Tutors 1, American Public Education 0

-Lol at Molly about to cut a bitch, not for insulting her, but for insulting her dad.
-A mid 90s laptop? In 2006? Arawn was a luddite confirmed.
He could certainly have afforded a much better PC, especially. Even the need for shielding against magic is no excuse.
Lydia should probably get a modern IBM Thinkbook, or a Mac.
-We can probably find out who Rose of Autumn is trivially.
She's a woman in Chicago and she has an account on this forum. Her mention of a teacher suggests she is either a Venator or a lesser talent. With her IP address and hacking the local ISP we could track her to her apartment.
But she's doing us a solid, and taking a risk in doing so given that the occult murders in Chicago were less than a week ago.
Plus there's no indication she's in danger at the moment. Lets not freak her out.
-Things behind the curtain that humanity's ancestors worshipped?
Another allusion to the Age of Unreason thing that Le Blanc talked about.
Appropriate for Halloween
- Strength. Speed. Perception. Persuasion.
Physical mutations of limbs and eyes. Poison breath, poison touch. Jump Good.
Mechanically, most of the physical aspects sound very much like they are modelled by the Fomori Gifts from W20.
The rest sounds like a mix of the Infernal Paths from the Sorcery book of M20, some of the Yomi King stuff from Kindred of the Esst, and the Hellish Investments from the back of ExWoD.
-In-universe, this sounds like they're cousins of the Stygian Sisterhood from the Thomas short story Backup.
Which means there are almost certainly true Venatori around here.
Might be worth looking around.
Of course, its worth remembering that the Archive uses White Court vampires as Venatori as well as mortals. Nothing preventing a Rampire being one in theory. There's a non-zero chance Don Phillipe, or someone in his coterie, is a true Venator.
Which might mean we cant afford to kill him.