FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

Interlude: Up Past Your Bedtime With Father
Up Past Your Bedtime With Father

It's practically surreal for you to step into what once had been the stronghold of your most hated enemy.

You recount the numerous times you had personally led your allies into the belly of the beast, fighting through winding corridors patched together out of sheet-metal, chewing gum, and wooden planks. While you had always hated the KND, and by extent, their obnoxious contraptions, you'd always held a begrudging respect for their moonbase - if only because of its staggering weaponry. It had taken nearly every ship Stickybeard could scrounge together plus the entire yearly budget of Adult Co.'s spaceflight R&D division to amass a force big enough to assault it with any hope of success.

The location of the Moonbase kept it safe from all but your most dedicated attacks, while conversely providing the KND with the ability to monitor and reinforce their assets in any part of the world as needed.

As for the base itself, it was a marvel of KND engineering, pushing 2x4 technology to its total limits. Entire looted greenhouses' worth of plants and O2 tanks provide oxygen along with hydromatic-rebreatherlyzers to constantly refresh the teeming hordes of hamsters on wheels that power the duct-tape colossus. Armories filled with fleets of vehicles and arsenals of soda-poppers, splankers, gumballers and more line the reinforced cardboard halls, capable of equipping entire legions of ankle-biters with enough ramshackle weaponry to overwhelm a thousand PTA meetings. Entire starports the size of minimalls were filled with S.C.A.M.P.E.R.S, C.O.O.L.B.U.S., P.I.P.E.P.O.D.S., and E.L.I.M.O.N.A.T.O.R.S. kept constantly fueled for emergency deployment. Not to mention research labs where the KND's nerdiest agents built new headaches for you to deal with, the training academies full of fresh faced first grade cadets, the hallowed halls of childhood memorials, and whatever other junk they came up with to fill space up here.

The Moonbase had always been a constant Splinter of Damocles that hung over you in the night sky. Every time you looked up at the moon, you felt a flicker of hate and another scheme brewing. Now it was plastered roots to trunk with kitschy posters of a lava man talk show host.

Or at least, what was left of it was.

You were dumbfounded for a moment upon arrival. Over half of it was missing. Only the stubby base of the tree remained. All that wreckage you'd been buried in made a lot of sense now.

So that was what they'd dropped.

What had once been a shining beacon of freedom to thousands of children, a monument that'd taken generations of KND to build, had been smashed down on your head like a big leafy missile.

And to top it all off, it still hadn't killed you. It hadn't changed anything. All that childhood whimsy weaponized for nothing.

That fact alone almost brought a tear to your eye, though smug satisfaction at the destruction of the moonbase vanished as Moltar's guest pod neared the docking port. Attached to the side of the building, and digging into the surface of the moon itself, were miles of construction scaffolding teeming with ant-like swarms of workers. An overwhelming construction project. Tunnels and chambers spread out across the surface of the moon, reaching out from the darkside like red and silver tendrils from a great shadowy beast, the yellow lights of facilities and gun platforms gleaming like hungry eyes of an alien beast.

Somehow, despite all its industrious activity, the moon looks empty. The hollow absence of the moonbase's brilliant branches made an annoying itch pop into the back of your head. All those years you spent trying to destroy it. All those schemes, those plots, those plans. The very emblem of the KND; reduced to a stump of its former self---and they'd done it to themselves.

A chill as cold as the void outside the vessel settled around your shoulders. Here you were, the KND's rightful archnemesis, getting antsy about them blowing up their stupid fort. You tried to brush it off, but the uncertainty still stuck to you, like a frozen wad of bubblegum in your hair.

Nestled deep within the ruins of the stump was your destination; a strange amalgamation of broadcast station and weapons platform, built directly into the remaining KND structures. No matter how many times you pester or demand, the diminutive agent piloting the modified S.C.A.M.P.E.R. only gave generic, polite responses. Either this kid had the patience of a saint, or something else was going on here. But it didn't matter. The vessel flew into the dock and you took a step out the door and onto a red carpet.

Everything looks different, just as it had on the outside. Except the interior remodeling was far from intimidating. It was almost… Tacky. No. No, it was definitely tacky. It was like someone had transformed a space drydock into a ritzy studio. Well, a studio from the 80s that someone had tried to make look ritzy. Posters of Moltar's bucket-mug-face lined the walls and dazzling lights guided you along your way to the front desk, where another child, this one a bit more nervous at the sight of you, signs you in. As she explains it, this area has been modified into a reception room intended to receive Moltar's guest stars. You couldn't help but feel a strange pit in your gut. Like looking at a familiar street that was in the process of being completely remodeled.

A handful of loose plyboards and chunks of random incorporated buildings betrays the place's KND origins. But most of the room was painted over in a mundane, if futuristic, shade of beige. Dusty old carpeting that'd probably been fancy at one point covered the floor. Where necessary, parts of the walls and floor had been patched up with new sheets of metal that still had a sleek, steel finish. Overall, the parts of the base you'd seen so far looks like the hodge-podge child architecture was being slowly tamed and built over to a standard fit pattern.

Sitting on a rather luxurious chair, you twiddle your thumbs and look closely around the room. No ice cream machines or candy bar vendors. In their place was a coffee machine dispensing an unfathomable array of caffeinated drinks. You could spot the old canteen around the corner, but from the signs you could read, they'd traded kiddy fare for a more… diverse selection. You watch a kid in a khaki uniform restock it with crates of granola bars, freeze-dried space squid, roast crickets, and dolphin-chow.

Confused as you are, you didn't dare make a ruckus, besides to say that the kid is doing a bad job. Gotta crush that spirit where you can, you know. Plus, without a spaceship of your own, your host could strand you up here in this warped funhouse mirror of the moonbase. It only took a few minutes for someone to finally arrive to properly greet you; and it was a good thing too, you were running out of Villain's Digest to read.

A child arrives, flanked by what you recognize as KND Elite Operatives dressed in space-age power armor and wielding heavy duty 2x4 weapons that made a M.E.C.K.S.I.C.A.N.N.O.N. look like a water balloon.

The head of the two elites was precisely as unhappy to see you as you were to see her. You nearly fail to recognise her under all that scary stormtrooper getup, but that stupid colander samurai helmet gives her dead away.


In an instant, you snap to your feet.

"NUMBUH 362. I should have KNOWN that this was a trap!"

Flames flicker into your hand. The guards tense up. But the young commander simply shook her head in frustration.

"This isn't a trap, Father."

You won't buy that line so easily. Numbuh 362 obviously sees that, because she keeps her finger on the trigger.

"Uh-HUH. Like I'm SUPPOSED to believe that?"

"I'm telling the truth. I'm only here to retrieve you for your segment on the show. Now, as Moltar's Second In Command, I'm gonna have to ask you to-"

You nearly choke on the laughter as it bursts out of you. Your sheer surprise leaves you doubling over for a hot minute before you can catch your breath again.

"Wait wait wait. WAIT A SECOND. YOU are telling me that you work for Moltar?"

Numbuh 362 grits her teeth, your reaction clearly isn't making it easier to admit.

"Yes. I work for Moltar."

She spits out the words with not a small amount of bitterness. That only makes your satisfaction greater.

"HA! Are you serious?"


"GEE, and here I was thinking you were all MIND-CONTROLLED or something! I thought, NEVER in a BAJILLIION years would the MIGHTY Kids Next Door, let ALONE their SUPREME Commander WILLINGLY serve an adult."

Numbuh 362 is broiling. Steam is practically pouring from the colander on her head.

"You're one to talk! I did what I had to do to protect the kids under my command!"

"OH, of course little MISS responsible as usual!"

The guards back away as Numbuh 362 steps forward, getting in your face in the way that only a girl who had to organize a global network of anti-adult agents could.

"You don't know the first thing about responsibility. Tell me, when was the last time you checked on your own soopervillians, huh?"

That put you on the back foot.

"Well, uh, I-"

"Oh, that's right! They were all left trapped under a moonbase worth of wreckage, leaderless and helpless! Unlike you, I didn't have the choice to pack up and take a vacation. Do you have any idea how hard it is to organize global supply lines without a credit card? Let alone get enough snacks and water up here every month for a thousand hungry kids!"

From the sound of it, it seems like she's never had a vacation in the first place. But she quickly regains control and turns to gaze out of a nearby window before letting out a deep, heavy sigh.

Silence fills the room before she begins to speak again.

"Following the defeat of Grandfather, the KND were in shambles. Communications were down, Treehouses were in ruin, and I'd just woken up surrounded by screams burning metal."

Her eyes land on the ongoing construction. Mechanical robots lug heavy materials, while both children and adults in space suits work, slowly welding fresh sheet metal over the skeleton of the treehouse.

"It took nearly a month to gather the agents I could find and scrounge up enough ships and supplies to try and make it back to what was left of the moonbase. We took as many as we could, but…" She trails off. "When Grandfather unleashed his hordes, he didn't care who went where, who did what. Agents from Sector G were in Sector A, Sector C in Sector L. It was more scrambled than a Lil' Yipper crossword puzzle. And all the while, all those new villains popping up were tearing us apart." She shook her head. "Black Hat, Jasper, Aku… They're not like you and your henchmen. They're dangerous… They…" Her voice hitches.

The room was as quiet as an empty airlock.

"We left so many behind…"

The gaze of Moltar, immortalized by a giant bronze statue, came into view as it was hoisted up upon the surface of the moon. Beneath the boot of Moltar, you could make out the likeness of other villains, all of whom are being crushed beneath his giant, metal heel, yourself included. As you follow the gaze of the great metal Moltar, you see its gaze locked onto Earth.

Well, that seems normal.

You feel like you need to say something. Maybe an evil laugh? Perhaps mock her? But you didn't. You rationalize that it probably wasn't good form to interrupt a stirring monologue. Even if it wasn't from a villain.

"When we finally got here, we found the Moonbase already under Moltar's control. What kids had remained in the lower decks were already working with him under threat of being returned to Earth, or worse. When he hailed us, he didn't hide that our ships were in range of his array. So we cut a deal. We work for him, and he protects the Moonbase and us from villains like you."

The pointed accusation, and Numbuh 362's pointing finger jab you in the chest, reeling you back to reality.

"Like ME? You're the one working with that TWO-BIT space-SHOW-host."

"At least Moltar is willing to be reasoned with. Sure, he's not the best boss. But I had to protect the KND. If that means cooperation with an adult, then I'll do what I have to."

"So you sold out, HUH?"

There is a pause. And then you watch as Numbuh 362 turns back to face you. Her B.O.P.S.I.G.N. is in her hands as fast as you can process it, and 362 looks like she's going to pounce you right there. But she doesn't. Instead she simply looks at you with fury in her eyes before holstering it again.

"The only reason I agreed to let you on this station was that Moltar agreed to…" 362 trailed off slowly, the fight dropping out of her. "Nevermind. I guess I shouldn't have expected you to understand."

"AND why's that?"

"Because as much as you make it sound like you're the ultimate adult, you never learned to grow up."

You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Before you can properly even respond, a claxon goes off. Numbuh 362 nods to her guards.

"Alright Father. Show time."


"Hey hey hey! Welcome boys, girls, men, women, and all other genders and creatures to the world's number one rated show!"

The lights were glaring, the intro-music was awfully loud and you swear that the kids with the boom-mike had purposefully been trying to hit you on the head.

"It's Moltar!"



Once again, the theme song blasts across the soundstage. While you had previous show production experience with the Villain's Choice Awards, you had never seen anything of this scale, nor had you ever done it in space. You were sitting in a small, uncomfortable wooden chair that was either positively murder on your back if you tried to lean back, or made you slouch like a school boy sitting in the principal's office.

Of course, the view was nice. A wide, panoramic shot of space with a captured planetoid hanging in the background. A real, honest-to-goodness space shot. Digging your feet into the well-groomed shag carpet, you try to keep your focus on the strange, looming man that was Moltar.

At least, you assume he was a man.

Standing nearly seven feet tall, encased in what seemed to be an armored hazmat suit, Moltar was an intimidating figure. While his voice had a certain gravely "boom" to it that left an impact, meeting him in person was a more unnerving experience. The way his body moved so smoothly it didn't feel human, but neither was it robotic. Meanwhile, the blank, unchanging gaze of his visor practically stripped you. You try to avoid eye contact for a moment, waving to the empty audience chamber before you, but you could never tell where he was looking.

"And boy, do we have a great guest today! None other than Mr. Father himself!"
His arms sweep over to you, unrolling like tubes of toothpaste in reverse.

"Uh, Tha-"

Moltar seemed to pause for a moment even as he actively interrupted you. "Oh, wait, my apologies. Just double checking, Father's still good right?"

You blink, caught off guard.

You confirm uncertainly.

Moltar leans back, as if he'd expected that. "Oh, cool, cool. Just wanted to check, because you know, words out that you go by a few other names. Heard Patriarch was the most recent one." He says mildly. "Anything to say about that?"

That name again…. Patriarch. That gosh-darn Sooper hero name that people gave you after your little escapade in the North, fighting against those aliens. Truth be told, the name itself wasn't so bad. But the thought of being a good guy left an awful taste in your mouth. Worse yet, you knew for a fact that somewhere out there, children were buying comics made in your likeness, plucking them off shelves right next to Dinobonoid Action Weekly, Major Glory, and that insufferably immortal Rusty Venture paperback.

And not only that.

They were buying them.

And enjoying them.

The thought made your stomach do a flip, and it was only when Moltar spoke again did you snap back to attention.

"Father. Yo." Moltar interrupts, waving a hand in front of your face.

"You had some sorta… Mental cataclysm there. Sorta fell in on yourself."

"Oh. Uh. Sorry."

"Ahuh… Annnnyways, didn't get an answer there." He says, looking at you expectantly. Probably looking at you.

"Right, Father is fine."

"Ah, I should of figured. Anywho, lets get on with the show! So, Father, tell me about the great white north, that country which you love so dear, Canada? Last time I checked, you decided to go ahead and save it. Any reason why a villain like you did something so charitable?"

You pause, scratching your chin for a moment and chewing on your pipe.

"Well, MOLTAR I mostly did IT to show those punk gems WHO the BOSS is. After all, can't let those ALIENS think they can just go invading us and stuff." You say, smugly satisfied about your victory.

"Ahuh." Moltar replies unconvincingly. "Yeah, but what about those military guys?"

"The what?"
"Yeah, the military. You seemed like you were working with them a lot."

"Oh. Right. WELL, I guess I only worked with them to a degree. You know, good ol' UNCLE Sam."

That only receives a stare from Moltar, although his visor makes it impossible to determine what kind of stare it precisely was.

"I thought you were British."


"And like, a bad guy?"

"WELL of course I'm a bad guy!"

Moltar remained silent for exactly long enough.

"...Are you?"

"What do you mean by THAT?"

"Well, like, you're a bad guy."


"So… You worked with the government to save Canada and/or America?"

You pinch the bridge of your nose. This was not going as planned.

"YES. Wait, NO."

"So you didn't work with the government."


"Would you describe yourself as evil?"


"Fair point. But, just out of curiosity…."
As Moltar spoke, he pulls a small set of glasses from his hazmat suit pocket. It was a familiar motion to you, an instant sign of an appraisal or revelation to come. Or, worse, judgment. Picking up a small stack of papers, Moltar looks across them. Studying them. Picking them apart, just as a warrior might arm themselves before battle. Where such a predatory view of such a simple motion came from left you stupefied, but preparing for what would come next.

"Right, so you fought the KND. Bunch of freedom fighting terrorist-tots. Well, I mean, if you call fighting against 'Adult Tyranny' a bad thing."

"IT IS."

"Oh, so they're the bad guys, huh?"

"...Come again?"

"I mean, come on. You just said. The KND are the bad guys."


"So you're the one in the right."


"So you're the good guy here, fighting for adults."

"WELL OF- wait, wait, wait, I AM fighting for adults!"

Moltar folds his hands and rests his elbows on the desk.

"Ah, gotcha, so you are the good guy."


"Well, I mean, your track record says 'Bad Guy'. You do a lot of bad things. And I think that's pretty cool, all things considered. But now you're here saying you're looking out for adults."
"BECAUSE I am. I AM the correct one here."

"So you're the morally correct choice."

"That is correct."

"Because you are fighting to protect the Adult way of life… Whatever that is."

"THE adult way of life is making sure we get to tell those kids whatever it IS we want them to do!"

"Gonna ignore the potential weird interpretations there and push forward. So you're fighting in the corner of the adults. Champion of… Lets see, barbecues, coffee, doing your taxes, whatever. You're doing the right thing. But you say you're a villain. Can you like… Explain how that even works?"

"HOW what works?"

"How you're both a bad guy and a good guy at the same time. Seems kinda… Paradoxical by your views. Kinda like how you think the KND are both bad and good at the same time."

"They're NOT both bad and good, they're all BAD children."

"Then what, you're a bad guy fighting bad guys? Who also happens to moonlight as an alien defender."

Now you were starting to think. And thinking tends to make you angry. Who was this molten-moron to call you a good guy… Er, a bad guy. A good-bad guy? In either case, he was really pushing his luck too far. But now you couldn't really call yourself a good guy, right? You were a villain. For pete's sake, you sponsored the VILLAINS choice awards. How could you possibly be a good guy? But then again, if you were the bad guy, then that would make the KND the good guy, right?


Moltar took in your increasingly smoldering complexion.

"Ahuh. Well, here, why don't we take some guest callers and see what they have to say while I put on some of your greatest hits."

Tapping a button on his desk, a small TV-Drone deploys, showing some of your greatest schemes. Things like hijacking a satellite network and the KND code module to turn all of the KND agents into animals. Or that time he became the Supreme Leader of the KND because of that time he became an animal only to betray them and try and make them eat broccoli. That time almost worked too! If only you had used the KND's foolish total loyalty and trust to accomplish something more concrete! It also turns out you can't patent vegetables in general. Oh, and not to mention all those times you kidnapped children to force them to watch your… "Children"… eat cake.


Today, Hank Hill had finally resolved to finally get a handle on just what it was his company did. He'd gotten by as CEO up until this point following his gut and his boss's lead, but if he was going to be a good CEO (and dang it, Hank was gonna do his best) it was high time he sat down and did some research on 'Supervillainy.'

He tried the world wide web at first. That's what Bobby suggested. But Hank must've been even less tech savvy than he thought because all he kept getting were wanted lists and a bunch of listings for some 'Guild' recruiting apprentice underlings.

He had a go reading their website, but between 'Arch' this and 'Antagonist' that Hank was pretty sure there was too much trade jargon for him to wade through. It seemed legitimate at least. From what Hank gathered, it was some sort of old time union. Maybe that explained why his boss kept throwing him inordinate sums of money on top of the included dental.

He clicked over to a page displaying a detailed flow chart full of earning brackets, share percentages, and 'Equally Matched Aggression Levels'(?) and stared at it for about half a minute before he gave up the ghost.

Maybe it was time to try something else.

Hank plopped himself down in his lazy boy in front of the break room television. Kicking up his boots, he turned it on. Where the internet failed, good old cable news would see him through.

He flicked through channels. Lots of new shows on these days. Pretty wild stuff. He looked for something conservative, trustworthy, Texan or better yet, all of the above.

When he tuned in to MoonTV, he found it was none of those things. But he couldn't bring himself to switch away. Hank did a double take. He was watching grainy footage of hundreds and hundreds of children pouring out of a river and into a giant cake bowl, the tubes, the water, the kids, and their innertubes all mixing together into a gloopy mess of batter. The kids panicked, clinging to the sides of the bowl and their rafts as they clambered over each other like crabs in a bucket.

He watched as a fire lit up under the bowl.

A big fire.

A big, roaring inferno capable of baking a massive cake.

Capable of baking a massive, screaming cake full of live children.

And in front of the giant cannibal-cake is a black silhouette.

A black silhouette laughing and flinging balls of fire from his hands, screaming at the top of his lungs.


Hank responded in the only way he knew how.



As the clipshow rolled to a close it began to occur to you that:

  1. All of your plans typically revolved around the KND.
  2. You really picked on children.
  3. Your plans might have deserved another looksie or two.

"Oh! Our first call. Fabulous."

Moltar calls out before pulling down a chunky, boorish lever, like the kind Frankenstein used to make his monster. The TV switches, and in its place, there stood a monkey. Well, not just any monkey.

He was a chimp, no less.

A green chimp with a massive, cylindrical helmet that was practically half his height. Pink-shot eyes and a scowl as cold as ice-cream peers beyond the TV before you. He was dressed to the nines, a blue tunic, white boots and gloves and armor, and a menacing purple cloak adorning his frame. He was an intimidating caller for sure, but what perplexes you was how cognisant he looked.

His eyes flicker about you, peering and pouring across your black silhouette, never stopping for even a second. It was like he was trying to decide what to look at- Or perhaps, he never needs more than a few seconds to come to a conclusion before looking elsewhere. Even while he looks you over, you could see his face change, a cavalcade of emotions and thoughts and theorems- yes, theorems- hidden behind that green mug. You wondered what that big brain looked like.

You didn't have to wait long, both because of his immediate tirade and because of the point near the end where he took his helmet off to scratch it.

The big brain, you mean. Completely exposed.

"I have identified you as Father also known as The Patriarch also known as an alias upon which I will tenuously not say live on a widely broadcasted television program out of part of my respect for the creed of Supervillainy. I shall identify myself as the one and singular genius known as Mooooojo Jojo. And I, Mojo Jojo have contacted you, Father, to identify and comment and criticize and demonstrate as towards your complete inability and lack of capability to properly enact, execute and perform adequately as a villain against a organization composed mostly of prepubescent children who are not old nor mature enough to mount a defense against a competent evil-doer such as myself."

"What." You reply, unable to even make it a question. Moltar for his part is leaning into the ongoing tirade.

The monkey-

"Mojo Jojo!" Mojo Jojo demands.

-Mojo Jojo decides to simplify slightly for your primitive brain. "That is to say your schemes are childish, immature, underdeveloped. Clearly, your talents seemed optimized and more suited towards, I don't know," Mojo says, clearly knowing, "...cooking and serving baked goods."

"DID THAT monkey JUST tell ME I'd be a better BAKER?"

"Yeah, pretty sure he did. Weird too, since I thought Black Hat baked all your cakes." Moltar says, nodding in confirmation.

"He runs it in his ads. Shows you and the kids and everything." Moltar replies, pointing at the screen.

Before the monkey could interject once more, the screen swapped over to an advertisement for the Black Hat Organization's premium Villain Package. To your surprise, you saw… Yourself accepting a cake from a pathetic man wearing a brown paper bag and a strange blue bear.. Plant… Creature… Thing. You'd practically be incandescent right now in rage if it weren't for the sole fact that the blue-bear-plant-creature-thing was cuter than the most adorable Rainbow Monkey.

"THAT string beaned posh PENCIL-PUSHER"

The screen changes, back to the scowling monkey face.

"As I was previously stating, which is to say what I was saying before I was cut off by an advertisement, was that I, Mojo Jojo, have far more effective, concise and better plotted plans to ensure my dominance and power in conjunction with ambition far outpacing your own. Unlike you, Father, the person I am currently directing my voice towards, I have already created a self-sufficient, highly advanced, or in other words, incredibly sophisticated society, organization, community and group of apes like myself. Already, I have begun to construct a highly refined, complex and intriguing culture and belief-system which will remain under my command due to a personalized set of codes, created by I, Mojo Jojo, as well as my stranglehold over the chemical substance that allows for us to continue my new societies propagation across the world."

"THAT. All."

You say between gritted teeth, practically digging grooves through your pipe that if played on a pipe-shaped record player would sound like the blast of a supernova. The monkey pauses. He taps a finger to his chin, looking back.

"That summarizes it, yes."

"Great to hear," Moltar says, flipping the screen off, in the non-offensive way. "Because we have another Guest Caller!"


The TV changes once more, and this time, you are met with another weirdly colored animal. For a moment, you just look at a bear. And the bear looks back at you. Sure, it was a purple bear, wearing a nice suit with a lot of expensive pins, but it was obvious that the bear was probably not aware of what he was looking at, and to be perfectly fair, you weren't sure what you were looking at either. Oh, aside from a purple bear in a suit that is.

"Hello? Is this thing on? Hello?"

A richly accented voice came through on the line, dripping with an indiscernible yet undeniable spanish accent and filled with the bluster of a major generalisimo. Moltar chuckles to himself in a knowing way.

"Moltar! You do this every time! Scar, bring the monitor up!"

"As you wish," said a voice off screen, practically built from the very bricks and mortar of disdain and tedium. With a straining grunt, you hear someone manually crane the viewing screen up so that you can see the owner of the voice. This time it was not an animal, but rather, a part of the animal. Well, parts, plural, of an animal. Afterall, you consider a brain and eyeballs to be partially separate.

"Father! There you are! I can see him now, Scar, thank you."

For a sec, you really did feel like you were gonna hurl. You power through it, because if a trip through G-force to the moon didn't crack your stomach, you weren't about to let a little organic matter suspended in green ooze looking at you from a jar bolted to the head of a bear get to you.

"Now then, I have called- Hey, look me in the eye when I am talking to you! And not the stupid bear!"

'ER, sorry."

"Do not apologize! What kind of evil dictator apologizes! That is a sign of weakness!"

"BOLD words from a brain."

Moltar leans forward in response to the brewing drama.

"I will not be insulted by a man who wears a yellow and pink robe!" the brain insists.

"Do not forget the fluff, sir." came the voice again.

"Ah, yes, a pink and yellow robe with fluff! In fact, what kind of evil overlord works with the United States? Well, except Noriega. And Pinochet. Ooh, and Trujillo, he was fun. But other than those guys!!!"

"Okay, maybe helping the United States isn't the best way to be evil. But just because I'm the bad guy doesn't make me a BAD guy."

"I think you'll find it does," says the brain.

"Hector's got a point, Father," Moltar points out, reclining back in his chair.
so the brain has a NAME."

"Sí. I am Hector Con Carne, Supreme Generalisimo and commander of the military forces of the Southern Hemisphere-soon-to-be-called-Hectorsphere. And I have called in to show you what real evil leadership looks like!"


"Yes. You see, it is all about responsibility! I am a very responsible person. For example, I am responsible for my threats. And my clones. And my underlings' pay. And for the people of my country. And for many, many, many terroristic activities that overturned the democratic governments of a dozen nations. See? Very responsible."

Your hands were beginning to clench the char so hard that the plastic began to crack, but your own ambient temperature was melting it fast enough to fuse the shards back together. You wonder if Moltar will send you a bill for it, which only makes you madder.

"Your problem, Father, is that you waste time on children! Bah, such a stupid idea. Why waste time on helping people when you can help yourself, eh? Adults, children, all ought to be equally oppressed, don't you agree? And forced to work in sweatshops making delightful little trinkets that I can sell you gringos to make fat stacks of cash for ME! Why waste time fighting for other people when you could be CONQUERING THE WORLD for yourself?"

"Oh, and don't forget your loyal servants! You can conquer the world for people you like.. Or… Maybe even love?" came a positively chipper and morbidly-optimistic feminine voice.

"Aeaugh… Sure, I guess you can do that too. Not that I do, obviously, because love is a weak emotion. For the weak. Anywho, all I wanted to say is that you are weak. I will one day crush you. And also Moltar. Who still owes me an inter-"

"Oh, weird, strange, wow, the transmission cut out," Moltar said as he slowly pushes a lever forward. "Weird. Anyways, next guest caller! Normally I'd do the interviewing, but watching you seethe is entertainment all on its own."

"WATCH it BUCKET-head."

"Pfft. What are you gonna do, melt me?"

"Don't push it."

Moltar raises his hands placatingly. "Cool it hot-head. I think I've got enough for two more guests in me. Before you can debate it, he flips the screen again. "Let's see who the next caller is!"

The screen changes once more, and for a moment, you were afraid it was that loco-coco again or whoever. All you knew was that it was green, angry, and stunted. After a few moments, it begins to refocus, and presents you with someone semi-familiar.

"Greetings, Earth Clod."

She was a triangle headed, visor wearing, cape-adorned weirdo the color of mint ice-cream. She was also the commander of an alien invasion that had stripped most of Canada of life. She was also the person you specifically peeved off real bad by fighting her invasion and ruining her day on countless occurrences over the months.

"Hello Peri-DOT."

"It seems that we have finally come screen-to-screen at last. I believe your earthling designation identifies you as Father. Correct?"

"...Yes. Probably."

"Ha!" the green little gremlin snorted in a short victory. "You don't even know your own name for certain! You Earthlings are so easy to trick. No wonder you've stopped your assault. You know that if you were to continue your frivolous endeavors you'd still wind up losing!"

"I'm CERTAIN I kicked your green BUTT across THE GREAT white NORTH."

Peridot narrowed her eyes.

"I'll have it on the record that your boot was nowhere near my posterior during the entirety of your little escapade into Gem territory. So now you fabricate your achievements AND retreat. I'd ask why you don't pick on the ursine with a human cortex strapped to it, but I suppose anything involving brains isn't your specialty. It makes your pyrokinetic powers even more in line with my Human-Ruby equivalent theorem."

You were beginning to think Moltar was doing this on purpose, bringing a bunch of jerkish know–it-alls on the call to insult you. If he was, then it was rather hard to tell. Either way, you began to hate the callers more than you hate Moltar.

"I have BETTER things to do then BURN your pathetic little losers into POP-ROCK flavored ash. Maybe when you PROVIDE a more suitable challenge, I'll decide to allocate a little TIME for you."

"I will make you retract that statement and the carbon dioxide you emitted from your mouth you... you… TOTAL CLOD!"

There was a loud noise in the background. Peridot's bravado vanishes as she practically shrunk in her command chair.

"O-Oh, hello Jasper. Me? No, no- I was just using my… uh… commandeered transponder.. What do you mean you were watchi-"

In an instance, the view port drags away. It fumbles for a minute, and you and Moltar watch with confusion before a big, orange iris pops onto screen.

"Is this thing on?" booms a husky voice.

"Yes! It was operating perfectly until you snatched it from my hands. Besides, you're holding too close."


Pulling the screen back, you see a more familiar face. A face you had drop kicked. Also a face that had nearly given you a skull fracture.

Moltar kicks his feet up, his job done.



"I see you gave up on trying to fight us."

"It was beginning to get TIRESOME.."

Jasper snorts at that, but the sound of gritting teeth just barely makes it over the audio interface.

"Tiresome? Why don't you bring your inferior Earthling armies back and we'll have another go. Or are you gonna stick to softer targets? Like a moonbase full of runts?"

You narrow your eyes.

"I'll have you know, those kids are a BAJILLION times the menace YOU and your MOOD ROCKS could EVER be."

"Really? 'Cause I was watching that Moltorian's little clip show. Seems you only ever pick on earthlings weaker than you." Jasper showed all her teeth. "You're not a soldier. You're a bully."

"WHO gives a darn?"

You immediately blanch and turn back to Moltar.

"Am I allowed to swear on TV?" You whispered.

"Uhh. Sure." Moltar shrugs..

You snap back to Jasper.

"What's the difference? I still beat you, FAIR and SQUARE!"

Jasper folds her arms, her wolflike grin growing wider. "The difference, 'Patriarch', is that a soldier won't stop until she's strong enough to win. Maybe you think you're tough for beating up a bunch of brats, but I bet you've never actually had to fight for your life. Have you?" She laughs. "You're strong for an earth pest. Strong enough you caught me off guard. But what'll you do when I give you the first real fight you've ever had in your life? Will you still be so tough then? Or are you gonna run home for ice cream once I start giving you some bruises?"

"Oh, you want to LOSE again that bad?"

"No. I want another chance to smash your face in."

"AS if. If I bothered to come up to your little SNOWFORT again, I'd just whoop you again. No toys or gizmos would stop me from UTTERLY defeating you once more. Not like your weak little rock-heads pose much of a threat."

You can hear the screen crack in Jasper's hand, and for once during this interview, you begin to feel good about yourself.

"Then maybe I should make an excursion down south. I want a rematch, and this time, no annoying subordinates interfering."

"YOU think I need Izzy to beat you? What a posiTIVELY deluded belief."

"Fine by me. I can't wait to show exactly how weak you humans are. No matter what you can do, you're still a product of this world, and I'll shatter you like all the others."

"We. Shall. See."

"I'll be waiting. But not for long."

"Jasper, please don't break my-"

Despite Peridot's plea, Jasper crushes the transponder in her hand, ending the transmission as the screen blacks out. That leaves you alone with Moltar in the studio.

Wow! Talk about a searing exchange!" Moltar laughs as you smolder. "Personally, Father, I always say you shouldn't let them get to you. After all, you're the bigger man, right?"

"YOU know MOLTAR, I think you have a point there."

Moltar nods at you for a moment, then tilts his head. "Oh, by the way, Mandark couldn't make it, but they wanted me to tell you his robot was bigger than yours."


Before your inferno can reach the ceiling, a gentle ring emanates from Moltar's desk.

"Huh. A call on the landline. Didn't even know that still worked."

He picks up the receiver, looking at it awkwardly and then placing it just as awkwardly against his massive, earless, dome-shaped head.

"Ahuh." Moltar says.

"Ahuh." Moltar agrees.

"Ahuh." Moltar elucidates.

Moltar nods with each 'Ahuh' before holding the phone out to you, leaning forward excitedly. Well, as excited a lava man truly can be.

"It's for you."

With that he passes it over, turning on the audio for everyone to hear.

"Mr. Father, that you?"

Oh. Finally. A friendly voice.

It was Hank.

He was probably going to be giving you some sort of business report, or some sort of update on a project and he was just too excited to wait for you to get back. You like that about Hank. Good Ol' Hank. Always with good news and a can-do attitude.

"Father sir… Why exactly do you hate children?"


Ooooh no.

Well. This was it. The cherry on top of this garbage fire sundae.

How do you even respond to that?
You need to decide how Father will respond to Hank's Question. This will have impacts on Hank's relationship, as well as impact other's perceptions of you.

Kids. Are. AWFUL. Seriously. You hate children. You've always hated children. You hate everything about children. The way they eat, the way they walk, the way they blow bubbles with their gum and eat all the good ice cream. You despise the very concept of Children. Everything about them is an affront to you. The universes' greatest mistake was not popping out fully formed adults like a functional natural order would. Why do you hate children? Because they're not adults. Because they ruin the things you want. Because you were raised that way. Because they are not you. That is why you hate children, and you tell that to Hank with a fire in your voice.

That was taken out of context!
Hank's question is not one you really wanted to hear. Why do you hate children? Finding an answer is very, very difficult. Well, difficult to do when you're already in a bad mood and afraid of scaring away one of your best workers. So, you do what you always did when you got caught red-handed. Deny it. You don't hate children. God that hurts to even think. Clearly, those children were… Intruding into a reservoir. OBVIOUSLY, you lie, there were signs. Them getting into the giant cake pan was no fault of your own and entirely unexpected. Infact... You were just having a… bad day. With all those children in your… reservoir. Anyone would have declared their undying hatred for all things childhood in such circumstances! Why, you were actually just trying to make a de-licious cake for your de-lightful children's birthday- speaking of which, if anyone has seen them, please, send all possible information to this extremely distracting phone number-

We all do some things we eventually come to regret. Like filming it.
You'd… never do that to children… again… without a good reason
Besides, you don't need to! With the war against children won, it's now time to focus on what really makes Adulthood worth adulting: soul-sucking corporate power structures and weekly barbeque supplies. Buy AdultCo! Every piece of coal and sheaf of paper bought goes straight to the war effort! The Canadian orphans will thank you! Everyone likes to see their hard work recognized…

[X] Write in…
Maybe you have a different idea… Note, I will dismiss anything Father would not say or that I think are supremely dumb or stupid or bad or lame-o.

Last edited:
Interlude: Up Past Your Bedtime With Father (Pt. 2)



The question pounds against your skill, bouncing back and forth, back and forth. At first, you were angry. How dare he ask you why you hated children? That was your own business! Clearly, you hated children for so many reasons! Practically everything about children made you hate them! That was obvious, it was clear, it was smacking him right in the face! You hate children because…

Well, it had to be obvious, right? They were annoying! They were obnoxious! You hated them for every reason one could! You open your mouth, rage already boiling inside, sparks flying off your fingers as you sat straight in your chair, looming forward. Any second, you'd pour forth that roiling, blazing torrent of hate you held for children.

Rising up from your chair, you look the camera in its lens, knowing thousands, if not millions if perhaps not billions of people were watching your next move. Within moments, you'd spill the smoking coals about every reason you hate children. All their annoying little antics, their spiteful pranks and utter disobedience.

You step forward, and out of your chair. The spot light shines down upon you, making you out as even bigger silhouette. Your time to shine. Your time to hate.

Your time to tell them why you hated children. Why you hated why they did. Why you hated everything that had to do with them.

You begin to speak.




Like smoke from a firecracker dud, you barely get an indecipherable whisper out. The question hits your gut like a bully's fist, held back until the very last second for maximum effect.

Just the thought of snot nosed brats being happy usually made you simmer and seeth with enough invisible heat to peel wallpaper.

You never really had to think about why.

It dawns upon you that you don't actually have the words to explain it.

It was easy to point out flaws about children. Oh, they never took responsibility. They were selfish. They got underfoot. But how many adults did that apply to as well? And you were willing enough to tolerate Toiletnator.

So why kids? Why did they get under your skin even when they weren't doing any of that stuff?

It's not like you hated kids any less when they were eating ice cream. Or throwing frisbees. Or playing those GOSH darned "vidya-games" which even you have to admit are actually pretty fun. Every last thing they did made you feel utterly sick to your stomach.

Hate came naturally. But to rationalize it? To explain it? Perhaps in more confident days, you could have just blustered up half a dozen half-baked rationales. Maybe you would've even brushed it off as obvious. Why bother trying to explain it? You're Father. You hate kids. That's who you are.

But here and now, in a moonbase tellyvision studio, before the entire world, you were forced to give an answer to a question asked by a man who had helped get you back on your feet.

So why DO you hate kids?

You dig deep.

Had it been the KND? Perhaps.

Had it been Numbah One? Easily.

Had it been your brother? Maybe you'd even hated them a little back then.

But pointing the finger at individuals doesn't really satisfy the gut-revulsion you've had towards childhood for as long as you can remember being an adult.

So what're you left with? No rage. No fire. No vitriol. Nothing.

For a moment that stretched on for eternity and beyond, you stood there, blinking sheepishly through the camera lens at a global audience and hoping that some light bulb of hate will go off in your head.

The bravest of Moltar's studio hands, 362 among them, scurry into place. They're bracing for brimstone: thermal shielding at the ready and fire extinguishers in hand.

Moltar waits, leaning forward, his hands folded across his desk and his visor looking down upon you.

Hank is waiting too. You can see him cupping his phone on Moltar's video feed.

All of them are waiting for you to tell them.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you [don't] know?!" Moltar erupts.

"I mean I DON'T know! Are you happy?" You snap.

The studio seizes up with silence. Once or twice, Zorak hunches up, as if to tell a joke or give a jab, but he reads the room and silences himself. From the side stage, a pink Gem appears, popping her head around as if waiting for a cue to liven things up.

Instead you and Moltar just sit there.


It made for terrible television. But it was a lot nicer than being roasted.

".... You really don't know?" Moltar echoes, after a while. He flopped back into his seat, mushing into his seat like a dummy filled with volcanic mash-potatoes.

Moltar doesn't seem sure what to say. Though it's impossible to tell, you figure the molten man's face (if he has one behind that mask), is transfixed for a moment. Whether outraged, annoyed, or frustrated at your answer, you can't say.

You have no idea how long you've really sat there. Clearly Moltar thinks it's been long enough to come up with something better. You try again---racking your brains for a new answer, an explanation, a witty comeback, anything.

"I don't." you agree, hoping to disguise the defeat in your voice with earnesty.

"… I think I might get what you mean, sir."

Hank. You forgot him for a second. But his voice drags you back into the real world. Though the steel between his usually easy Texas drawl gives you cause for worry.

"Oh, REALLY?" You snap defensively. "You get what it's like to HATE something your entire life then come up as blank as a paste eater's homework on NATIONAL Telly-vision?"

Hank furrows his brow, and you instinctively stare down at your feet. Something about the way he looks at you fills your gut with lead-heavy shame.

What was it you always told your Delightful Children when you REALLY had to lay it on? 'I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.'

"Yessir. I reckon I do." Hank says plainly.

You look up, sullenly, the fires whimpering in your eyes.

"Now, I can't pretend I understand why you hate kids the way you do, sir. I've got a boy of my own. Sometimes he worries me, but dang it, I love that weird little kid. And sir, I won't lie: I find the thought of a grown man pickin' on children downright repulsive."

Oh. Here it comes.

"But I know you're better than that."


"When I came to work for you with no experience outside of sellin' propane, you offered me a job. A darn good job. I won't flatter myself. I know there were probably better people for the position. I got turned down by just about everybody else I applied to when they found out I was supportin' a single income household. You're just about the only boss who's bothered to take the time to get to know me. Does that sound like an evil man to you?"

"But I AM Evil!" You insist.

"No denyin' you've done some pretty… morally reprehensible things." Hank agrees with you. "But I don't think the man I saw in that clip show woulda admitted to me what he was doing didn't make a lick of sense. I don't think you really wanna be that person. Hold on a minute---"

Hank ducks out of frame. You hear the sound of shuffling papers and he returns holding a copy of one of your government propaganda comics.

"---look here." Hank holds it up to the camera. The cover shows your fist clashing mightily against Jasper's helmeted headbutt. "You get back, and first thing you do is find a bigger bully to take down. My boy thinks you're a hero."

"But I'm---"

"No sir! Save it mister. I think, deep down inside, through all the fire and shoutin' and dad gummed 'super-villainy' whatsit you're tryin' to do good."

He can't be right. You're two billion percent positive. Everything you do is evil through and through. Even if the only person you can seem to convince of that is yourself. Even if you can't fully convince yourself, either.

Hank takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his short-cropped hair. "Now, I don't like talking about this. Let alone on live TV. But I knew a guy who hated kids just about as much as you do. Heck, I figure twice as much."

That much? You blink, impressed.

"A sooper-villain?"

"Not by reputation. Actually, by all accounts, the man was a hero. The government sure thought so, what with all the old medals I still haven'tt cleared out of the attic." Hank grumbles. "But he sure didn't act like it to people. Least of all to…" Hank's voice wavers. "Well, he wasn't a nice man, I'll tell you what."

"Sounds like a big fat jerk." You empathize.

Hank bristles for a moment. "Yeah. Probably. Only thing is, it's hard to think of him just that way. Sometimes I feel like maybe he didn't know why he acted the way he did either. Maybe if I'd tried harder, I could've at least understood him. Then again, maybe he was just too damn bitter and lonely to let me. But you're not him, Father. And I know when a man needs someone to be in his corner."

You look up, drifting your sight towards the stage lights.


"I've had friends go through rough patches, and I know that the best thing I can do is stick by them. For better or worse, I've stayed with them through all sorts of crazy adventures I tell you what, Sir."

"...So… You'll stay?"

"If I didn't, I'd make a pretty sorry CEO, wouldn't I?"

You nearly dropped the phone. But you hang on, grasping it firmly with all the weak strength in your hands.

"Uh, I don't want to take up too much of your time on your show, Mr. Father sir. So I'll give it to you straight: I don't like the man you used to be. If you get to actin' like him again, I can't in good conscience be a part of that. But I reckon I can try to walk a little in your shoes too. Then maybe we can figure out what's behind this whole super-villainy thing together."

A moment passes. Hank was never the best at this emotional stuff. He himself had told you that. But this was enough.

"You're… You're right...Thanks Hank."

"You're welcome sir. I'll uh… Talk to you later."

With that, you let the receiver click, and feel the smallest flicker of hope fill you.

"Well. That was sappy." Moltar drolled. "Hey, cameras off for a moment." He flagged down his stage assistants, snapping his fingers to gain their attention. "Cut to commercial. We'll do the Pepe's Burgers spot, that plays well."

Molter turns back to you. He leans in conspiratorially, hands on his knees as though you two are sharing a secret.

"So. Now the cameras are off and your guy's gone, you wanna admit what it's really all about? Off the record, I mean. No disclosure."

"I ALREADY told you, I don't know!" You simmer. It's getting pretty tiring having to repeat yourself so often.

"Still sticking with that, eh?" Moltar chuckles. ".... I can't blame you."


"Not knowing why."

You don't respond to that. Instead, you stand there, arms limp at your side.

"Not a lot of people do. It's really easy to hate, you know?" Moltar continues, still slumping over in his seat. "Hate can come freely. Hate can be natural. Some of us live to hate. But it's so hard to actually know why we do it."

You look up now, away from the floor.

"AND why's that."

"Because that'd ruin the fun, wouldn't it?"

Moltar sat up right now, grunting slightly as his suit shifting to meet the movement.

"I used to have somebody I hated. I hated his guts. His stupid face. His ego. I always knew I'd be a better show host than him. That I ought to be the one calling the shots. Manipulating the manual."

There is a small sudden pause; you can't see it, but you almost get the impression that Moltar is remembering something. He chuckles.

"He's gone. And here I am."

"THEN why did you hate HIM?"

Because he ruined my plans and shoved me in an AV closet, duh."

The crass return makes you face away and begin to look for an exit. But he chuckles once more, turning to look outside into the void beyond.

"Okay, okay. I didn't hate him for that… Truth is, I hated him because he was a jackass. He insulted me. He made fun of me. But most of all… Well, for a long time I was like you. Hating for the sake of hate."

Moltar leans back, slowly reaching for a lever. You watch, quietly, unsure of what to say or do.

"But after I turned the tables, it dawned on me. I hated him because I always thought I ought to be there. I ought to be the one in the seat. I ought to be the host. That I deserved it more. That I was better."

Fire returns to you, embers of confusion sparking enough to make you stand once more.

what now?"

Moltar continues to ponder out into space, looking across the stars.

"What now?"

"Yeah. Now you're the HOST. So what now?"

For a moment, Moltar doesn't respond. He doesn't say anything. You wonder, for just a moment, what he was thinking.

"Now?" Moltar begins. "Now? I have to prove I've got what it takes."

Alarms disrupt the scene and you have scant seconds to react as a massive glass tube slams down from the ceiling to trap you like a firefly in a jar. Moltar looks on, his body language indecipherable and his face, as ever, impossible to read. Muffled klaxons blare,just loud enough to penetrate the thick walls.

Instincts kick in as you try to set yourself ablaze and melt away your prison. Your mind races at a mile a minute---you have no idea what's going on.

Though it's pretty clear 362 is a big fat liar.

And as the ceiling slides open above you, you see the big blue sphere of planet Earth loom like a swimming pool under a high dive.

You look to Moltar one last time, who is now trying to do something with his console; whether to stop it or proceed, you aren't quite sure. Regardless, the chamber makes a clunk. You feel the telltale sproing of a KND C.A.T.U.H.P.L.U.N.K. under your feet.,and with all the ceremony of a trash bag chucked into a dumpster, you are flung out into space.

You're tossed around the jar, bouncing and jumbling in zero-g,.There's way to right yourself or get your bearings, because in space, there IS no right way up. Instead you simply slam, again and again, into the glass wall, your flames sputtering and dying with every impact before you can get a good blaze going. The planet comes closer and closer, and the high dive analogue suddenly becomes a lot more apt as Earth's gravity takes hold.

You wonder idly if this time, you'll actually die. After all, you were a heckuva lot angrier when they dropped the moonbase on you.


Not so much.


It wasn't everyday that Izzy got the chance to skydive off the surface of the moon.

In fact, considering how she was banned from passenger, private and military flights, Izzy technically wasn't supposed to be skydiving at all, let alone flying. But space shuttles weren't legally airplanes so the TSA could go suck an egg.

As she soared through an incandescent halo of orbital laser fire, carefully dancing between streaks of searing hot death, Izzy felt like anything was possible.

So when she had just about reached the edge of the Molar Array's earthside range, it really didn't surprise her to see her boss trapped in an enormous glass jar hurtling towards re-entry.

For a moment, she ponders if saving Father is really a good idea. After all, he'd probably be pretty mad that she stowed away on his flight up here. But what the heck, Izzy liked danger. More importantly, would it make a better livestream if she recorded herself rescuing him or caught his splat live on camera.

She taps her lip, looks at stream chat, and then back up the hurtling pod. She resists a snort as she sees Father faceplant against the glass before its lopsided tumble tosses him about once again.

She decides that yes, it would be a good idea to save you. Would you probably survive either way? Prooooobably? But since you sign her paychecks, she figured she ought to at least try. Even if it would screw up her own stunt. Ooh, but then again, that might make it even more fun.

Taking a deep gulp, Izzy vents the rest of her air supply like a miniature jetpack, sending her careening ahead just far enough to intercept the pod. Even still, she has to strain her arms to reach it. She scrambles for purchase on the smooth glass, knowing well that one wrong move could send her slipping off into the empty void.

Her hands find purchase around a near-invisible welding seam. Latching on, she swings up to the roof? Floor? Eh, gravity hasn't kicked in yet. Doesn't matter.

She gets a solid handhold on the metal hatch and braces. She barely has the time to do so---once she hits the atmosphere, air resistance will fling her off if she doesn't stabilize its fall.

So many factors to consider. Angle. Mass. Surface area. She's just a hair away from catastrophe in every direction.

Catastrophe is Izzy's middle name.

Her second middle name.

Izzy Explosivo Catastrophe Kaleidoscope.


You're a little more focussed on trying not to puke than what's going on outside your pod, but you can tell that somebody is now hanging off of it wearing a green spacesuit suspiciously similar to the one Izzy had asked you to order "for no particular reason."

As the Earth swells larger and larger, Izzy hooks her legs around the handle of a hatch in the ceiling of the pod. Removing her own parachute, she carefully fastens its straps around the handle and waits.

It starts to get toasty inside, and you're pretty sure it isn't you. The flames of reentry lick around the edges of the pod. Still, Izzy holds tight, her suit keeping her safe enough to stand the heat. Meanwhile, your tumbling begins to slow.

You realise what Izzy is about to do.

It would be close.

But Izzy was a trained professional, minus the professional.

After all, that season of Total Drama In Space had to be worth something.


At just the right second, she takes a chance.

She pulls the cord.

Within a moment, a massive parachute deploys, ballooning out, slowing your descent. For a moment, Izzy thinks she's done it. Her celebratory 'Woo hoo!' is cut a little short.

She hears the tear.

"Uh oh."

The material connecting the pod to the parachutes comes undone. She doesn't even realize she's moving to grab it, but by the time she does, she already has it in her hands, straining with every rabid muscle she had to hold on to it.

The pod's flight slows just enough, and most importantly, stabilizes. But there's not a snowflake's chance in hell she can do this for too long.

Thankfully, it's just long enough for you to do two things.

The first is for you to finally, finally to stop pinballing around the containment pod.

The second is to panic.

And from panic comes fear and from fear comes rage. Your body acts on its own, and with a harrowing shriek of fury, you raise your hands up above your head, before throw your fists down at your sides in a violent tantrum.

A veritable afterburner propels you up to the top of the pod, but you are fast this time, adrenaline sharpening your instincts as you kick your feet up above you and land flat footed on the roof. Memories of minutes ago, of those so-called villains mocking you, return and give you the fuel you need to melt a dripping hole through what is from your perspective the ceiling.

Time seems to vanish, as you slow your careening descent to a controlled landing. Your concentrated blast counteracting your fall as Izzy shelters from the heat on the other side of the pod's roof.

Mile by mile, yard by yard, foot by foot, you return to the planet's surface. By the time the ground rises up to greet you, you're falling slow enough not to splat like a pancake but it's not gonna be a pretty landing.

Molten glass shatters around you, and you feel the roof of the pod smush you face-first into the dirt. You lay there for a while, totally pooped. Eventually, the weight of the pod's wreckage lifts off your back and you feel somebody drag you out into glaring daylight.

"First off, you're welcome! Second off, not my fault! Third off, uh, again, not my fault. Fourth off---are you allowed to do a fourth off haha---uh, I don't think this is your fault either. Or Spooky's."

Tossing her crash helmet aside, Izzy helps you to your feet. Another pair of hands helps you up as well. Hex shoots you a worried look.

"If by 'Spooky' you mean me, then… no. Not entirely."

"Ugh… DID I drop in at a bad time?"

You mutter, rubbing your aching head.

"Unfortunately, yes." Hex says. "Now hold still. Healing magic isn't my forte."

His staff flares with light as he attends to your injuries.

As soon as your percussion induced headache has cleared up, you take another look around.

Most of the neighbourhood is gone. In its place is an enormous crater full of scorched rubble and fire. Girly pink fire.
Definitely not your fire. But probably about as hot. You think you can make out the McGarfields' new hybrid melting into a chrome puddle in what's left of their driveway. Serves them right for always bragging about it.

Oh, and your house. Your house is here too. It looks pretty much fine. Chalk one up for magical wards, you guess.

Hex stands in the middle of it all. As you look from the carnage back to him, he winces almost sheepishly. At least as close to sheepish as you can get when you're a skull-faced evil wizard.

"Whuh Happen?"

Hex and Izzy share a look with each other, before helping walk you back to your home.

"I'll tell you about my familial visit after you get some rest."

And that's just about the last thing you have ears for before you crash on the couch.

Interlude: Charm cast
All things considered, Hex's task was going well.

Hovering across the ground, Staff of Ages in hand and bare feet grazing the errant blades of grass, Hex drifted forward. As he passed, the grass was cut, invisible shears sweeping out and scything through the brush, leaving a leveled trail in his wake. "Mow the lawn", Father had ordered. Hex appreciated the metaphor, but there was some satisfaction in doing it literally. Of course, this was no mere chore.

Hex levitated up five stories and admired his handiwork. He'd trimmed the grass in intricate weaving patterns until they formed a circle around the pavilion at the center of the public park. The Seal of Diagon. A powerful binding circuit that could contain any infernal magic. Even a dark god… if only briefly.

Perhaps a trifle overkill, but better safe than sorry.

Having been issued the task early in the morning, Hex had taken the opportunity to do something he didn't often have the privilege to do: Plan. Hex had called upon Father's meager menagerie of servants, at least those who hadn't been brainwashed into acting like children, and had them gather every scrap of evidence they could find for the bizarre happenings reported in the neighborhood. He'd even managed to get the cooperation of the local authorities. Perhaps they'd mistaken him for some sort of 'Super Hero'. They certainly thought as much of Hex's employer, however much he might reject it.

Hex was
not a superhero. He was a scholar of royal blood, and unlike the Tennyson child. That meant he could go about his business without bulldozing a building. There was something of an elegance to the subtler magic arts of household rituals.

A wealth of physical evidence lent itself to a scrying pattern. He'd heaped the creatures' leavings atop a pyre of sage and ensorcelled wood, then set it alight. After that, he'd only needed to follow the trail of winding smoke from one destination to the next.

Hex had spent the majority of the day resolving trifling supernatural incursions. A fraternity of unicorns to trap here. A slighted gnome to appease there. Matters he could have entrusted to the most incompetent apprentice, and yet, the gratitude that Hex received from the relieved suburbanites had made the humble task feel less beneath him than it should.

He met a more demanding task in short order. A policeman had come sprinting up to him, begging for his urgent aid. Apparently some sort of wizard had taken half a cul-de-sac hostage and was now forcing its captive audience to watch enraptured as it put on… a magic act?

Was that all? Hex was nearly amused at the notion that such a thing would be deemed urgent. He'd spotted the crowd easily enough, gathered around a bandstand in the middle of a city park. There was the magician performing a parlor trick with a pair of metal hoops. The crowd cheered with delight. For a moment, Hex even began to wonder if perhaps his spell had given him some sort of false positive, or if this man's essence simply had crossed the figurative magical wires; confused stage "magic" for projection of mana. He dared not consider that such a simple charade hid actual magical ability.

As he drifted through the seats, his amusement stopped dead in its tracks.

No one in the crowd was moving, the only sign that they were still alive being the unsteady pace of slow, heavy breathing. Wide eyes drooped, many of them bloodshot, as though they'd neglected to blink for a very long time. Popcorn and drinks littered the ground, too heavy to hold in weary hands. A trance that prevented them from leaving until the show expired, or they did.

He saw the magician. An unassuming, goateed man in a stereotypical tuxedo and top hat.

Hex thought this was a waste of time. Then, he
smelled it.

The overwhelming odor of magic and death intertwined.

A bizarre case indeed, and all the more evidence for what Hex had been feeling more and more as of late. Magic flowed from the realm of Legerdomain. Should Legerdomain enter a state of flux, the mystical consequences would spread outward. All of these supernatural nuisances were no doubt just one of many symptoms of a greater malady. He'd need to proceed with care; hence the binding seal.

However violent his confrontation with this revenant would become, Hex would not let it spill the confines of the park.

Almost oblivious to his approach, the performer continued its act, basking in the silence even as Hex drifted forward midair. It was only when Hex came close to the front row did it turn to face him. The Magician smiled. It was midway through pulling a rabbit from a hat, mimicking the same gesture as depicted in a stage poster plastered on the wall.

'Al Lusion,' it read, 'Master magician and death defying escapist.' Hex could barely read it, as old and stained as it was. Calling forth upon his power, Hex waved his hand in a sweeping arcane gesture to banish the illusion of life.

The magician vanished, and in its place, a ruined, walking corpse appeared. The magician in the poster was a much younger man. Age, and rot, had taken its toll. Beady red eyes glared out from sunken sockets, flickering to enraged comprehension as it registered that its glamor had dropped. Hex could see pallid, blue-green skin through holes in its ragged suit, rips spaced at even intervals. Puncture marks from an instrument of torture; a final performance gone horribly awry. The rabbit clutched in the zombie's hands became a ragged lump of roadkill. Even its black and white stage wand lost its glossy sheen to the march of time.

The poster changed. Gone was the Amazing Al Lusion. In its place, the Terrible Abracadaver.

Abracadaver's jaw creaked open. It pointed, rigor mortis curling its gloved hand into a claw.

You've…ruiiined my… makehhhup." It creaked. "Do.. hhhhyyoooo fancy hhhyourself a magician, boy?"

"More than you ever were in life."

This was a pathetic creature, propelled by forces it didn't understand, holding an audience captive to sate its own twisted desires. He raised his staff, preparing to destroy it.

To Abracadaver, Hex was-


The rasping voice blew out of the clenched teeth of Abracadaver, like wind blowing through the ruins of a blown out theater. Hex took a moment, trying to understand what it meant, what it was saying. That was an error, as it ceded to Abracadaver the first move of their magical duel.

The corpse flipped its hands forward, coils of rainbow handkerchiefs flying out of its sleeves. They were soiled, moth-eaten rags, but they slammed down upon Hex with unnatural force and the snap of a bullwhip. Raising his staff, Hex caught the blow, muttering a chant of protection as the enchanted fabrics made impact.

"I call upon Thrax's Unyielding Orb."

A bubble of abjuring magic forced around Hex. Even with the orb diffusing much of the force around itself, Hex buckled under the force. The cloth ropes coiled about and tried to constrain him, to little effect. With a thought, Hex expanded his protective shield outwards, shredding the bindings apart.

It was a useful spell, for both defense, and offense. Right now, offense was what was called for. Hex stepped backwards out of the bubble, and then lanced it with his staff like a cue striking a snooker ball. The sphere barreled towards the corpse-mage, engulfing Abracadaver inside of it. The monster scurried on his bony legs to stay upright as the oversized hamster ball rolled off of the stage and through the railing of the gazebo.

"Your glory days are behind you, corpse." Hex warned. "Return to your eternal rest and release your captive audience. You no longer have business meddling in mortal affairs."

Hex dispersed the bubble, causing Abracadaver to slump to the ground in a heap. The flimsy corpse had been shaken to pieces by its bumpy trip across the lawn. Hex watched as pieces of the zombie vanished in a puff of smoke. Impossible stage lights burst into life as a coffin-shaped box rose from the ground. Hex didn't wait to see what was inside.

"The Blade of A'she'natari!"

Casting his will forward, a blade materialized mid-air near his palm, before launching itself directly through the box. It struck with a heavy thud as its sword speared cleanly through until its hilt met the wood. Hex summoned a dozen more, spearing the coffin over and over until it resembled a pincushion.

The box swung open regardless, and out stepped the zombie, completely unharmed. It paused to give a crooked bow.

The foul mana emanating from Abracadaver flared. It was preparing another spell.

Hex capitalized on the being's showmanship. Before it drew itself up again to launch its next attack, Hex drove his magehand into the earth and thrust upwards to raise a berm of dirt, wide enough to shield himself and the audience behind him. The barrier was soon put to good use. The coffin-box spun in place, dislodging all of the swords stuck through it in a showering of blades. He watched, annoyed, as the blades pelted harmlessly against the wall.

"You were a showman once. Do you not care for the well-being of your public?"

"They…. laughed… at mhheee…"

Hex had little time to react, as a hand burst through the earthen wall, grasping the hem of his cloak with a rigid death-grip. The undead magician's head followed, leering out at Hex with its rotten teeth bared in a snarl. Stepping back, Hex spun his staff, before planting into the earth. Vines and roots sprung out from the trees and grass, lurching out at the zombie as it tried to dig its way through. Grunting and groaning, Abracadaver writhed against the foliage as it crept over his body, before pausing and making a different noise.


A sickly aroma filled the air as wilting flowers bloomed across the vines at an astonishing rate, covering them in a bouquet of decay. Sickly jets of acid sprayed out, combining into a deluge that strained Hex's own mystical wards of protection; while it saved him from being melted like the gazebo he crashed into, there was little to be done about the physical impact. With a restrained display of magic, Hex rose to his feet, watching as the zombie wrenched free of the decomposing plants and crumbling wall.

"Nhhhhow… I'll…. laugh.. at yhhoou." The zombie croaked.

"You've been an especially annoying pest." Hex said.

He itched to blast this wretched thing away and be done with it. It would be easy. A snap of his fingers and he could incinerate it in an instant.

Hex remembered himself.
The grass. There was all too flammable dry grass all around him. And houses. And people. Father had entrusted him as guardian of his domain in his stead. He would not burn it to the ground for such a petty slight.

Instead, he looked for safer ammunition. His eyes turned to a nearby bike rack.

A thought occurred. Perhaps he could simply impale the creature, skewering it to the ground. That ought to give him enough time to properly exorcize its soul from its accursed form. Hex was half-way through the movement to levitate the rack, before he got a better idea.

It had been a performer when it still breathed. Whatever was left of the ghoul's original intelligence still guided its actions. Whenever Hex cast a spell, it endeavored to turn it back around to show him up. Why not return the favor?

Transitioning mid-movement, Hex carefully weaved his staff in long, circular patterns, steeling himself as the zombie approached. At first, Abracadaver ignored it as he shambled onward, but But as light drew to a point at the end of Hex's staff, its pace slowed to a clumsy stumble.

Transitioning mid-movement, Hex carefully weaved his staff in long, circular patterns, steeling himself as the zombie approached. At first, Abracadaver ignored it and shambled onwards, but as the light drew to a point at the end of Hex's staff, its pace slowed to a clumsy stumble.

Soon enough, the enchanting light formed a spiral pattern in the air. It was a trifling tactic, and one that not one that a proper combatant would fall for. Hex predicted that the zombie was cognizant enough to be mesmerized by the entrancing motions, but not aware enough to consider that he should look away.

His hunch was paying off. Inch by inch, Abra Cadaver slowed, his rigid, contorted face relaxing for the first time in decades, dropping slack. His hands fell to his side, no longer outstretched, and the bitterness in his red eyes began to fade.

That's when Hex felt a presence behind him.

A powerful presence.

familiar presence.

"Having fun?"

His concentration disrupted and the spell broken, the zombie lurched free of its trance. It lunged at Hex. He raised his staff to block but it swatted it away with a risen corpse's unnatural strength. The Staff of Ages slipped from his hand, but before the focusing tool could sail away, it froze midair and darted behind him of its own accord.

"Careful there, Uncle. Don't want to lose your toys."

Hex forgot entirely about the fight and turned to face his niece.

Catching the staff, the newcomer carefully looked it over, weighing it in her hands, as if recalling some previous moment of their past. The moment faded. She fixed the staff with an un-sentimental sneer.

"Hope." Hex said, his tone on edge, but under control.

The woman looked up.

"Wow. Been a while since someone called me that, Uncle. Most people call me Charmcaster these days. Especially the ones under my rule."

Hex's fist clenched. He couldn't tell if that was genuine surprise from her. However, he was certainly caught off guard. Charmcaster was the title he gave to her, and after all this time, he didn't expect her to still be using it.

She was who he knew her to be, but something had changed. He could feel it. Just barely. Like the creaking of a dam holding back a flood, or the moisture in the air before a storm.

Charmcaster was older now, of course. It had been nearly half a decade since Hex had last seen her. When they went their separate ways. She wore different clothes. A slightly regal tunic akin to the one worn by her father.

Above all, Hex was shocked that she was

"I hope I didn't interrupt your little… What was the word that he used? Competition?" Charmcaster said, looking over at the confused zombie.

"…I didn't expect you to come here." Hex admitted. "I used too much at once, didn't I? You noticed."

"Well, I didn't expect to find you poking a dead body with a stick. So I guess we're both surprised. You were never much of a necromancer." Charmcaster floated forward and cupped Abracadaver's chin. The creature was still too befuddled to do much about it. "Did this one break free of your control? Your underlings do have a habit of outgrowing you." She turned towards the zombie. "Don't we?"

Hex reached out with his magic and pushed Abracadaver aside. He strode up to Charmcaster's side. Smiling, she handed him back his staff, and gingerly, Hex took it.

"I will finish this. Then, we shall talk."

"No. I don't think you will." Charmcaster set her hands on her hips. "What is this, uncle? You taught me how to conjure infernos and animate golems taller than ten men! And here you are, playing around with bubbles and trimming weeds for pocket change?"

Hex's brow furrowed. "People live here, Hope. I have a duty to--"

"A mage's duty is to grow as powerful as their potential." Charmcaster admonished with a laugh. "Anything that holds you back is an obstacle to be ignored or discarded. That's what you taught me. Maybe it's a lesson you've forgotten."

"I…" Hex hesitated. He had taught her that, back when such callous words didn't sound so empty. How many hollow defeats had there been between then and now? "There are other things that matter. Some of what I taught to you was… rash."

Charmcaster's expression darkened. "Why? Because I'm stronger than you now? Because I actually succeeded? Because I don't need you anymore?"

With each accusation, Charmcaster took another step towards Hex. Legerdomain's pink fire blazed out behind her eyes, with a level of intensity rarely seen in beings of mere flesh and bone. For a moment, Hex wondered if she was actually going to attack until her head jerked to the side, away from him. She looked directly at Abracadaver.

Raising his hands up, the magician let out a desperate curse or cantrip, conjuring another fiendish trick to fight or flee. Charmcaster simply watched. She opened one palm lazily as the zombie threw its arms out at her.

Something was supposed to happen. Instead, nothing. It was as if somebody had switched off the faucet on a sink.

Abracadaver mustered a momentary scowl of confusion on his face before Charmcaster closed her hand, and the magician's body folded in two. Bones broke, desiccated sinew ripped and cloth tore as he was magically drawn in upon himself Then he folded again. And again. Half became half became half became half again.

Hex was staggered, the sheer magical force Charmcaster had used was blinding to his third eye. The forces animating the zombie were snuffed out like a birthday candle. Charmcaster was relentless in her casual tightening of her palm, crushing the corpse further and further, concentrating its entire existence down into a single black prinpick.

Then finally, as if releasing a balloon, Charmcaster let go.

Hex realized what was happening within a quarter second of the impending doom. A body's mass compacted down to a point so infinitesimally small. It would not remain stable for long.

Desperately, he called upon the Seal of Diagon and to contain the pulsating dot of volatile magic. The mowed pattern lit up around them even brighter than the sun. For an instant, it seemed like it had worked. A solid barrier formed around the point. A fortress wall.

The wall cracked.

Hex wasn't strong enough. He had barely enough time to re-cast the spell around the crowd and bandstand before it detonated. Cascading blasts of purple and white exploded from the concentrated point, engulfing the world around them. A shimmering shield spider-webbed around Charmcaster. Hex was standing close enough to her that it wrapped around him as well.

The rest of the suburb was less fortunate, the end result being nothing less than utter devastation. When Hex finally lowered his arms from his eyes, he was in disbelief. Practically the entire park was gone, reduced to nothing but a deep crater in the ground, scarlet fire licking at the stonework and exposed piping. Houses for blocks around had been shorn from their foundations, and even beyond the lip of the crater there were shattered windows as far as the eye could see.

"Hope…" Hex whispered. For the first time in ages he felt his composure shatter and fall away. Such raw power. For a fraction of a fraction of a second, Charmcaster had brought the very beating heart of magic into this reality, and before such raw undiluted force nothing could endure.

Her gaze sweeping across the landscape, Charmcaster smiled, satisfied with her work.

"Now you see my potential, Uncle." She said, matter of factly.

Suddenly, Hex remembered where he saw that fire behind her eyes before. It was the same flames of absolute power possessed by Addwaitya. Almighty usurper of Legerdomain and jealous possessor of the true name of magic.

"You.. You have the Alpha Rune, don't you?" Hex asked, quietly. He could now see clearly that the artifact was fused into the gemstone on her dress.

"Indeed.You spent your life mastering magic, Uncle. But for all of your reading and scheming, you missed the forest for the trees. With this, I am magic."

With a blatant show of force, Charmcaster's eyes glowed as a pulse of raw, concentrated magic flew through Hex's body. It was like liquid-electricity flowing through his veins. For a moment, anything felt possible.

With power like that, anything was possible. Hex had for many years dreamed of seizing the Alpha Rune from Addwaitya and returning Legerdomain to its state of glory, though each defeat after defeat left him darker and more embittered than the last. He had abandoned such lofty goals long ago, only to see the Alpha Rune before his very eyes.

"I have reclaimed our home. Ledgerdomain is mine rightfully once more. And soon, this world will be mine as well." Charmcaster declared. "It could be yours as well Uncle." Her face softened, if only just. "However far you've fallen, I did respect you once. You were an excellent teacher." She opened her mouth again, but closed it. She frowned. Perhaps she had found nothing more to say. "I'll be in touch."

And with that, she simply vanished, leaving nothing but a lingering sunspot in Hex's vision where she'd stood.

That was about when Father entered the atmosphere.


As Hex helped Father down onto the living room couch, he glanced back nervously over his shoulder at the view of the crater through the window.

"I'm sorry. I have let you down."

Father blinked blearily up at him as Sir Toasty fetched a large, frozen steak to thaw on his creator's face.

"Whuzzat? Oh, yeah. Dun worry about it." He slurred. "I did the same thing ten months ago."

Hex froze up all at once.


"Hey, that reminds me." Father continued. "When are you gonna get around to teaching me some magic? Didn't you say you had an apprentice before?"

A terrible image flashed in Hex's mind. No. Not again. Never again.

He set his budding horror into determination. Hex would not make the same mistake twice.

"Yes..." Hex told Father. "I did. But I'm not going to fail you, too."

"Sounds… Good." Father said, giving one last thumbs up before Sir Toasty slapped the steak over his face.
Official U.S. Report on Gem Species

The alien invaders known colloquially as "The Gems" are the greatest threat to the safety and stability of the United States of America.¹ In a matter of months, Canada had fallen to the alien invaders with what few warships they were able to build planetside or sneak past Moltar's defense grid. Over time, the Gems have converted human cities into fortified facilities for defending their assets and kidnapped countless Canadian citizens for purposes unknown. Until we can confirm that their human captives are being treated humanely, we fear the worst for them. Perhaps a fate worse than Total Drama.

It goes without saying that the Gems and their expansionist empire must be stopped before they cross the border into US soil. This following intelligence has been obtained from Gem P.O.W.s in holding at Area 5▇.

  • Gems are silicon-based lifeforms from an unknown sector of space. As they appear to possess the capacity for FTL travel, they may hail from another galaxy entirely.
  • Your average Gem is stronger, faster, and tougher than a human being. They don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, meaning they can act 24/7 without rest or supplies.
  • The Gems' bodies are made of solid light projected from the namesake gems. Damage to a Gem's light form results in their bodies dispersing until they recover. Damage to the gemstone can result in permanent, debilitating injuries.
  • Gems have a strict hierarchy based on their caste of origin, which determines their role in Gem society. Gems do not deviate from the duties of their caste.
  • Multiple Gems (particularly Rubies) have been observed combining with Gems of similar castes , increasing their overall size and strength.
  • The Gem war effort on Earth has been spearheaded by COMMANDER JASPER and COMMANDER PERIDOT. Intel on their activities and weaknesses is a high priority.

These are categories of gems that have been seen in action or were captured and are actively being interrogated for further information.
  • RUBY: Rank-and-file cannon fodder of the Gem forces. They have enhanced strength, weapons, and pyrokinesis. While not particularly intelligent, Rubies fight in tightly-coordinated units of no less than three to five.
  • QUARTZ: Elite Gem soldiers with combat attributes superior to that of Rubies, without the pyrokinesis. When not acting as shock units, Quartzes serve as field leaders for the Rubies. COMMANDER JASPER is a Quartz.
  • BISMUTH: Builders and laborers. Bismuths can resist extreme conditions and reshape their limbs into tools for constructing fortifications.
  • PERIDOT: Exact role unknown. They are presumably of a very high rank, given that COMMANDER PERIDOT is one.
  • NEPHRITE: Starship operators and pilots.
  • EMERALD: Fleet commander of indeterminate status. On ▇▇/▇▇/▇▇▇▇, an Emerald threatened to attack the Earth with her ships while the Moltar Array was down for maintenance. Her efforts were foiled by the daring deployment of a covert nuclear missile strike from President Sebben wiping out her flagship.

An independent journalist with first-hand experience documenting Gem activity prior to their invasion, ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇, has volunteered essential intelligence to inform our soldiers of what they're up against. He has been a critical asset in this conflict.
  • DIAMOND: The absolute rulers of Gem society and, should the propaganda spouted by the Gems on Earth hold weight, the most powerful of their kind.
  • CHALK: Philosophers and scientists. They use their heads to compose complex strings of poetry and elaborate theorems.
  • SLATE, GRANITE: Builders of an unknown capacity in relation to Bismuths.
  • ROCK CANDY: Sugar harvesters and candy economists.
  • SALT: Biological warfare specialists.
  • CLODS: Untouchable caste. Their name is used as a derogatory term used by COMMANDER PERIDOT to insult people, places, and things she dislikes.

The Gems are a threat to the nation, and we should plan to fight against them accordingly. Halt their advance. Don't give the Gems an inch. If we could study and reverse-engineer more Gem technology, we could gain further insights into what makes their gems stick.

Unfortunately, the P.O.W.s we've captured have been less than helpful. Not due to strong resistance from them. The morale of the enemy, while hardened on the surface, can crack. The difficulties have come from trying to secure a Gem of a higher rank (such as an Emerald or even a Peridot) that knows anything we can use. Press these elites for knowledge, and any secret weaknesses the Gems have will become ours to exploit.

1. Not including Vilgax.²
2. Or the Glorft.³
3. Or rampant EVOs.⁴
4. Or the kaiju army beneath the planet.⁵
5. Or Dethklok.⁶
6. Or the resurgent Soviet Union that cropped up last week.⁷
7. Or a demonic invasion.⁸
8. Or Dethklok breaking up.⁹
9. Or any other threats we may not yet be aware of.
Last edited:
Turn 5: Rival Report
Endsville Energy Solutions - Mandy

[ ] Seek Occult Consultation
Sightings have continued of a weird, homeless shaman with a snake for an arm wandering around Mandy's territory, giving awful, terrible and mystic insights to any who cross his path- although, for the most part, they've just been awful and terrible. Word is that Mandy tried to summon a powerful spirit for occultic consultation, but someone made a mistake or two, and the weirdo is what she got. Evidently Mandy wasn't too pleased by what he had to share and kicked him out onto the street. Last reported sightings place the freak as wandering across the Rio Styx into Mexico.

[ ] Close the Morbucks Deal
In what will assuredly be called one of the biggest mergers in American history, Morbucks Oil and Endsville Energy Solutions have joined together. The papers were signed last night in Mandy's Office, followed the next day by an official statement from the new corporation. With the current situation in the Middle East deteriorating, and with the advent of new Underworld Energy, the new partnership is set to dominate energy production in the U.S. for the foreseeable future.

[ ] Get Behind a Candidate
Endsville Energy Solutions made a big splash in the primaries with an enormous contribution to the campaign of Republican Senator Bob Whitehead. Whitehead is running a highly unusual campaign within his party as the first openly Satanist candidate to run for president. With the endorsement of the dark lord Lucifer himself, it's small wonder his interests would align with Mandy's agenda.
So far, Whitehead has promised he'll fight for open borders with Hell and to deregulate the trade in mortal souls. Countless demon rights advocate organisations have come out in favour of his candidacy, alongside, shockingly, the religious right. One Rev. Rod Putty was interviewed saying quote "Satan's in the Bible too, so I guess I'm happy enough with Bob's campaign."

Gem Homeworld Colony - Peridot & Jasper

[ ] Recruit Earthling Auxiliaries
Seems like the Gems have made an unlikely alliance. Manpower shortages with no backup from the Moltar Array being what they are, Commander Peridot has resorted to what might have been previously unthinkable for her species. Reports are circulating that a contingent of gems led by Peridot herself stormed the headquarters of the Canada based Peril Partnership, a supervillain organisation similar in structure to the Guild. Apparently after an initial show of force, Peridot offered the group's surviving members an ultimatum: Collaborate in exchange for access to alien technology and unlimited loot, or be interned alongside their other human prisoners.

Evidently, they took the former deal. The Peril Partnership's head honcho Tiger Shark has been spotted leading highly successful raids against US naval assets with mixed squads of Gem soldiers and his own henchmen. Sufficient damage was inflicted that rumours from high command claim the military has had to indefinitely delay a planned amphibious assault on Hudson Bay. The Partnership's eternal rivals, the Guild of Calamitous Intent, have expressed their disdain at this move, and have issued a substantial bounty for the capture of Tiger Shark.

[ ] Restart Prime Kindergarten Production
The war seems to have reached a turning point. Previously understaffed Gem positions have received a wealth of new reinforcements. Although seemingly less experienced and often of a rougher make than earlier combatants, simply shoring up their numbers has allowed the Gems to make vital claims along both Canadian coasts, driving out several formerly safe US landing sites. Gem divisions have now come within 100km of Vancouver in British Columbia, previously a liberated Canadian stronghold.

[ ] Requisition Suitable Gems
Word from the front has it that the number of non-standard Gem types sighted behind enemy lines have been drastically increasing. In particular, the most recent batch of Gems seems to include an unusual amount from the Bismuth construction caste.

The Guild of Calamitous Intent - The Mighty Monarch

[ ] Issue Special Arching Licences
In an effort to combat threats to their model of Professional Villainy, the GoCI issued a new programme to draw in members while also incentivising the harassment of its enemies. Any individual applying for an Arch against an individual from what's been internally nicknamed "The Shit List" will be granted free membership dues and full access to Guild resources. Names will only be removed from the list once the individual has redressed the offending behaviour. This shortlist includes:
  • The Warden of Superjail, for incarcerating dozens of prominent supervillains.
  • Eddy of ScamCo, for selling unlicensed comic books featuring Guild villains.
  • Mandark Astronomonov, for patenting the death ray and demanding royalties from all villains who try to make one.
  • Mandy of Endsville Energy, whose Demon Immigration Bill inadvertently forces occult villains to get green cards for their summoned minions.
  • Father of AdultCo, for openly working for the O.S.I. as a Supervillain.

Villains with a bone to pick have been quick to snap up Arches on nearly all members of the Guild's Shit List, with more waiting for their turn in the queue.

[ ] Run PR
In a rare public address to non-supervillains, Head Councilwoman Dr. Mrs. The Monarch agreed to an interview on Moltar Coast to Coast to address the Guild's relationship with the war. She explained the organisation's stances on several subjects, including the recent news with the Peril Partnership.

"There's a big difference between a supervillain and a Quisling. One is a respectable career, and the other one is something I'm not allowed to say on TV. I mean come on people, have some class. We had this exact same issue during WWII. Look, it was this whole thing okay. Red Death still gets mistaken for the Scarlet Totemkampf."

Suffice to say, the Guild took a very strong stand against collaborators. DMTM spent the latter part of the interview graphically describing various death traps the Guild had prepared for would-be defectors.

Katz Ventures - Katz

[ ] Recruit Mr. Fizz
Katz formally signed on Adult Soopervillain Mr. Fizz as the head of his new beverages division. Starting next month, Katz Adults Only Cola will be hitting supermarket shelves. Taste testing has found the product to be the fizziest drink on the market; "fortified with youthful vigor", as the advertising goes.

[ ] Donate to the Weasel Campaign
Katz Ventures gave Yes! Party candidate I.M. Weasel his second major corporate endorsement, along with a substantial donation. Katz toothily suggested that he and Mr. Weasel were well equipped to understand each other as fellow predators who knew "when it is time to cull the weak, soft, and fat from the herd".

Political analysts took this to mean that Katz expects to be rewarded with substantial deregulation for agriculture. At least, that's hopefully what he meant.

Mandark Co. - Mandark Astronomonov

[ ] Fend Off Wink & Fibb
Your old colleagues Mr. Wink & Mr. Fibb rampaged through the city of Genius Grove inside their biggest, baddest Super Chair yet. Footage of their attack shows them calling out Mandark for a robot fight in their usual alternating style.

"Think you can patent our turbo-hydraulic legs, do you?"

"Why, I believe he thinks he can, Mr. Wink."

"Shall we teach him a lesson, Mr. Fibb?"

"Oh, I believe we'll teach the naughty brat a thing or two indeed."

You aren't sure if this means they're fully on Team Guild now, but it's about time someone called Mandark's bluff.

Scam Co. - Eddy

[ ] Replace Double D
Scam Co. made a big fanfare about their new hire: Twelve year old inventor Carter Brown. Brown is notable for developing a completely waterproof form of cardboard when he was ten, which Eddy claimed will become the engine of his company's expansion moving forward. He further exhorted that Carter was the best and smartest inventor he'd ever met and didn't wear a smelly sock on his head like "some people."

[ ] Buy Old TV shows
Scam Co. bought up the rights to hundreds of old shows and movies long since taken off the air. The unusual purchase sparked a surge of rumours ranging from reboots in the works to simple IP hoarding.


[ ] Strike a Bargain
𝕾𝖎𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆 𝕾𝖎𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕿𝖔𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖊
𝕬 𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖑 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍 𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝖞𝖊 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑
𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊, 𝖊𝖆𝖈𝖍 𝖋𝖎𝖇 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖎𝖙𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖐
𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖈𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖑
𝕭𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖉, 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑, 𝖆 𝖉𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑'𝖘 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖑'𝖘
𝕬 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊
𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖎𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖚𝖘
𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖊 𝖎𝖙 𝖔𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖏𝖆𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐

U.S. Government - President Phil Ken Sebben

[ ] Ponder His Legacy
In a rare moment of reclusiveness, outgoing President Phil Ken Sebben spent a quiet day away from the press in his office. Those close to Mr. Sebben claimed that he simply wished to reflect on his past two terms. President Sebben's career has been marked by a series of highly unusual policy decisions which later proved unerringly prescient, earning him a sterling bipartisan reputation and an enduring popularity among voters. In particular, upon leaving office, the President is scheduled to be awarded a Congressional Gold Medal for his heroic and decisive actions during the attempted invasion of the Gem Homeworld Fleet.

Only one question remains on all American's minds: Just what will the President do for his country during his final months in office?

To Be Continued in Mini-Interlude: Lucky Number Sebben.

[ ] Balance the Budget
For the first time in recorded history the American spending budget is in the green. Politicians and policy analysts have both expressed their utter bemusement at where all the money came from. Somebody had to have stopped paying for something but as far as public records go, it's a complete mystery. Maybe chalk it up to a long running rounding error.

[ ] Offer AdultCo a Contract
AdultCo's proprietary integration of alien technology has drawn a good deal of interest from investors, not least of which is Uncle Sam. You received a phone call from General Specific informing you that the US military is willing to pay you royalties to make use of your patented tech in commissioned experimental weapons. The General is positively salivating as he explains how much hard light could revolutionise the field of Sheep based energy weaponry.

"We may even be on the cusp of developing a whole new arsenal of livestock based artillery! Just think what we could do if we were to build a laser harnessing the power of a Cow and/or Chicken!"

While he certainly seems excited, you receive a separate offer in the mail from the government's Mega Institute of Technology, who are also interested in the potential of your proprietary tech. They don't have as much of a budget as the military, but if you were willing to explore scientific rather than military applications, they're offering to allow you the chance to use their incredibly advanced lab space and the expertise of their genius staff to boot.

Looks like you have a decision to make.

Select one of the following.

[ ] Licence Gem Tech To Military
Result: +1 Income

[ ] Partner With The Other MIT
Result: Free Collab Action with the US Government. Unlock option to request further collabs in future.


O.S.I. - General Timothy Treister

[ ] Stage a Coverup
The ATF has launched a full investigation into the large explosion that occurred in one of Cleveland's suburbs. In their official public statement, the ATF disclosed that the blast was caused by a miscast spell during an otherwise ordinary wizard's duel. The victim of the spell, former illusionist turned undead supervillain Al Lusion AKA "Abracadaver" is reported to have spontaneously transfigured into a weather balloon, which proceeded to explode, igniting an underground gas main exposed by roadwork. Public safety advocate and sitting Ohio Senator David Safely gave a town hall conference urging the American public to "remember that magic is not a toy" and to be conscientious of their limits while casting.

That's obviously not how it happened, but most of the public seem to buy it. You wonder why they decided to leave out anything to do with Charmcaster though… It sure deflects more heat on poor Hex.

[ ] Consolidate Gem Intel
O.S.I. disseminated a brief but comprehensive summary of all intelligence on the Gem species and its subtypes to its agents based on field observations, interrogation of POWs, and testimony from humans living behind enemy lines.

You even got a copy, since you're technically on their books!

Providence - Black Knight

[ ] Commission Weaponized Prosthetics
Providence has entered talks with Puma-Dyne Systems to commission the development and manufacture of a new line of advanced cybernetic prostheses with integrated weaponry. Fighting EVOs must be dangerous work, because they're sure ordering a lot of them. Maybe there's a lot of internal envy for their star agent you've heard rumours about.


[ ] Put Forth a Puppet Candidate
A teenage clone of former president John F. Kennedy announced his intent to run in the Democratic primaries. His campaign kicked off with an enormous house party featuring the cult underground artist DJ Jesus, who also catered the entire event by repeatedly multiplying a single party platter in one of his trademark "Near-acles." JFK's first campaign speech contained very little of policy substance, instead delving into exacting detail about the candidate's daily workout routine. Asked whether it was his intent to capitalise on his heartthrob popularity with the new 13-17 voting bloc created by President Sebben's Youth Voter Act, JFK responded saying quote "Who are you, my dads?"

[ ] Purge the Airwaves
A regularly scheduled airing of V.V. Argost's Weird World suddenly cut to static. The channel remained dead for the better part of a day before the feed cut to an exceptionally nervous looking Chris McLean, who apologised for the interruption and announced that "Due to um 'Differences in vision', I am regretfully informing you that Weird World will have to find another home. In its place, the Total Drama Nature Hour timeslot will now air episodes of Amazon Kevin's Wild Animal Takedown."

Huh. While it's entertaining to watch a large burly Australian man read off animal facts while wrestling all of God's creatures one at a time, you kind of miss the old creepy guy. You wonder when he'll get his show back on the air.


[ ] Assert Your New Management.
Puma-Dyne Systems today had a controlling share bought by the estate of California Supreme Court Justice Caligo Kard. Judge Kard could not be reached for comment, but his representatives assured the public at a press meeting that the Judge's purchase merely represents his lasting investment into the "blood and bones" of economic life in his home town Megakat City, and will not influence future court decisions in the slightest.

[ ] Influence a Court Decision
In a landmark criminal law ruling, Judge Caligo Kard found career criminals Mac and Molly Mange, better known as the Metallikat Mob, acquitted of previously committed crimes by reason of an altered mental state. The Manges' defence successfully argued that crimes committed during their time as the Metallikats were influenced by a lasting incompatibility between their brains and bodies which resulted in their erratic behaviour. Now that both Metallikats have been relocated to compatible, disarmed civilian models, they are cleared for pending release on good behaviour, having already served the duration of their sentences for all crimes committed during their flesh and blood days. This could set an important precedent for dealing with other meta-criminals who may have been drastically altered by the experiences that gave them their powers.

Puma-Dyne Weapon Systems - ???

[ ] Sell Off Archaeology Division
Why Puma-Dyne has such a large stake in commercial archaeology is an eternal mystery that probably has its answers as an artefact of some past merger. Puma-Dyne approached Endsville Energy Solutions about potentially offloading the unprofitable branch to handle government mandated cultural resource management during large scale construction projects. The deal initially progressed nicely, only to fall through at the last minute when Puma-Dyne unexpectedly withdrew. Rumour has it the leaders of the two corps have reached some kind of alternate arrangement. The details remain to be seen.

Paradigm Corporation - Alex Rosewater

[ ] Repel Kaiju
Reports from Paradigm News indicate that evidently another kaiju from the notorious "Monster Island" has met its end during an assault on Paradigm City. Eye witness testimonies state that the monster hardly got further than the bay before coming under assault from a truly massive giant robot, which the locals call "Megadeus." The big blue mech emerged from seemingly nowhere and ended the fight in a matter of minutes by ramming its enormous fist clean through the monster's chest. The Megadeus then vanished as mysteriously as it had arrived. The chief of Paradigm's police force expressed his mixed gratitude to the mech's unknown pilot, while also sternly reminding the public that vigilantism is still a crime.

McLean Productions (Chris McLean)

[ ] Diversify Programming
The wildly popular, wildly inflammatory Haranguenation talk show joined Chris McLean's ever growing media empire. Anchorman Will Harangue seemed especially enthusiastic about the purchase, exhorting that McLean of all people as a Canadian understands just how dangerous the extraterrestrial threat can be. He promised to bring a level of even-handed journalistic professionalism to Total Drama Today's coverage of the "insidious inhuman monstrosities that lurk among us."

VenTech Ind. (J.J. Venture)

[ ] Sort Out Rusty's Inheritance
Jonas Venture Jr. met with GoCI Head Councilwoman Dr. Mrs. The Monarch to discuss 'private matters' concerning his late brother's estate. Also in attendance was Guild notable Dr. Henry Killinger, who reportedly served as a notary witness. Following the reading of the will, it is unclear why the former Venture Compound remains Guild property uncontested by VenTech's legal department. Neither Jonas Venture nor DMTM could be reached for comment.

[ ] Renovate Spider Skull Island
Despite the purchase of the former Impossible Ind. HQ in Manhattan, and the subsequent legal loss, J.J. seems intent on honouring the life of his father- and, in a surprising twist, his brother as well. J.J. has spent weeks renovating the once former home of Scaramantula into the new Venture Museum. While most of it is dedicated to the works of his father, the late Jonas Venture, a small side hall in the old missile silos has been dedicated to the, admittedly lesser, work of his brother, Rusty Venture.

Ghost Planet Industries - Moltar

[ ] Broadcast Licensed Programming
Somehow, Eddy managed to talk Moltar into cooperatively launching a channel exclusively for re-runs of old shows. Only as far as the pitch goes, they won't be marketing them as re-runs. With 40 years of missing memories, that only means Paradigm City has 40 years of TV to catch up on. The new channel "Boomerang" is scheduled to launch within the coming months.

Astonishingly, for a Scam Co project, everything seems… reasonably above board? You've got a funny feeling it won't stay that way.

Country Con Carne - Hector Con Carne

[ ] Make a Proposition
That weird brain is back, and you think it's trying to do business.

"Okay, leesten. The whole 'destroying you' thing -- that's still on. But I can't help but notice that you are moving into the Coffee industry, eh? This is something I know very very well. Almost as well as bananas. Now I know what you might be thinking: How can I possibly compete with Hector's brilliant business sense? Well good news, amigo, you don't have to. I would be willing to handle branding and distribution for you. After all, you need to get that stuff to peoples' mugs, right? I can get your mocha poured in every cantina from Caraccas to Cleveland. Where do you think they get the bananas in their banana splits? I've got connections you couldn't dream of, Señor Padre! And the best part? We won't even be stepping on each others' toes. We will call your stuff Coffee™, with the big 'C', and mine will be the regular little c kind. See? Two new markets! Am I not a genius, or what?"

Select one of the following. This vote is separate from the other one.

[ ] Deal
Result: +1 Income from expansion into the LatAm market. Hector personally handles all of the branding and distribution of your Coffee™. Maybe Hector leaves you alone?

[ ] No Deal
Result: Hector becomes a competitor. He will probably be very annoying. You retain full rights to decide what to do with your coffee.


Superjail - The Warden

[ ] Capitulate to Guild Demands
After an extended insurrection by supervillainous inmates belonging to the Guild of Calamitous Intent, Superjail's Warden broke down and signed a release formally acceding to the Guild's long standing agreement with the US penal system not to arrest card carrying villains for super crimes. Notable released prisoners include former sea tyrant Lord Stingray and one-time Powerpuff Girls foe Rainbow T. Clown AKA Mr. Mime. Stingray told reporters on the scene that Mime had been instrumental in securing their release as he had "showed the Warden we were in a grey area, MUAHAHAHAHAH." Mr. Mime did not offer comment, but did very convincingly pretend to be inside a box.

To Be Continued in Mini-Interlude: Mime & Punishment

Professor Impossible

[ ] Drop by
You met your assigned Guild Arch for the first time today. He flew a couple circuits over your house in a funny little flying car. You were having some trouble hearing him at first, so he stretched his entire neck down to ground level and delivered an obviously rehearsed speech about how you were going to rue the day you ever met the dastardly Professor Impossible.

Then he sort of awkwardly asked if the first Friday of next month would be good for a showdown, handed you one of those little edible arrangement fruit baskets, and told you to have a swell rest of your day before puttering off over the horizon.

If it weren't for the fact you later found a time bomb in the fruit basket, that would've been almost neighbourly of him. Huh.

Next turn, your first Arch Action will trigger.

Arches are recurring foes that will continually try to face your Hero Units in some form of combat. They will occasionally meddle in your plans or try to sabotage you, giving some kind of penalty or setback to a National Action or even a quest. It's far from all bad however! Battling with an Arch is a great way to continue a character's own development, improving stats, unlocking traits, and helping them to grow as a person. A potentially evil person. In addition to dealing with them reactively, you may also unlock Arch Actions, which can either by taken as a National Action using both Father and an assigned Hero Unit or as a Personal Action using their Archnemesis's stats (in this case, Father).

K.N.D Remnants - ???

[ ] ???
Does he know?

??? Intrigue Check
22 + 88 + 5 (Hypnotised Ice Cream Men) = 115
Father Opposed
21 + 25 - 10 (Sound Asleep) = 36

You have some very soggy dreams about trailing toilet paper through the office late at night. You keep hearing a printer's low toner alarm but no matter how much you search you can't seem to find the source.

You get a funny feeling you haven't been paying close attention to something important.

[ ] Sabotage Father
You awoke in the dead of night to the sound of tapping on your window. Outside stood a child in a red hood. You were about to give the little brat a piece of your mind for staying up WAY past their bedtime when you were struck by the realisation that your bedroom is on the second storey. The floating caped child grinned at you mischievously. "Hey mister. Do you want Red Toilet Paper or Blue Toilet Paper?"

Select one of the following. This vote is also separate.

[ ] Red Toilet Paper
Result: Uhhhh

[ ] Blue Toilet Paper
Result: Hmmm

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Interlude: Lucky Number Sebben
Phil Ken Sebben sat and stewed behind the Resolute desk.

Phil had never wanted this job. He didn't even remember the election. It was just his luck. When normal people got blackout drunk after work they did something embarrassing like kissing a coworker or enlisting in an extremist Sudanese militia.

When Phil Ken Sebben got blackout drunk at work and did something embarrassing, he became the most successful sitting President in the history of the United States.

Phil kicked his shoes up on the polished oak. Frowned. Sighed. Returned his feet to the floor.

What was the point?

Eight straight years of bad behaviour. Eight years practically begging for an impeachment, and where had it gotten him? Phil threw back his head.

"Ha! Ha! Comic irony!"

Oh he had tried all right. In an effort to be branded unfit for office, Phil had issued a ceaseless stream of Executive Orders only a crazy person could come up with. Phil had lowered the voting age to 13. Phil had banned root beer for minors. Phil had authorised government intelligence to cooperate with supervillains. Phil had legalised Ranch.

And yet despite it all, despite his best efforts to crash and fail, Phil was cursed with perfection. Everything he did always came out right!

One day he had made candy legal tender. The very next he'd been informed the stock market was booming because of it and he'd delayed the next recession by ten years.

That had been the final straw. He'd been stuck in press conferences for weeks in front of smiling happy people who wanted nothing more than to shake his hand. Didn't they know he was a fraud? Didn't they know he hated all of them?!

So he'd decided to show them.

Phil did the one big no no thing presidents weren't supposed to do. The one thing you could never ever take back.

Phil had opened the Nuclear Football.

Phil had scheduled the launch of an ICBM targeting American soil. Straight up, and then straight back down again. Right on top of Capitol Hill.

It would've worked. They could gladhand him all they wanted for saving the economy, but nobody could excuse the nation's capital city wiped off the face of the map.

In a fit of rage, Phil grabbed the first thing on his desk -- his official presidential crack pipe -- and hurled it across the room.

"If only that stupid spaceship hadn't gotten in the way!"

What, was he supposed to know they'd go and park their giant mothership ominously over the White House? Not only had they spoiled his impeachment, they'd made him look like a war hero to boot!

Defeated, Phil ran his hands through his hair. Thinning. This job was going to age him into oblivion. The way things were going, they'd probably hand him a third term. Hell, with his luck, he'd be president for life!

Phil slumped into a puddle of malaise.

No. He straightened up. That was no way to think. Momma Sebben didn't raise no quitter. And she certainly didn't raise no Congressional Medal recipient.

Phil rapped his knuckles to the tune of Yankee Doodle across five specific spots on the surface of the desk. The Secret President's Drawer sprang open. He tossed aside the No Fly List, the Kubrick Moon Landing outtakes, and a veritable mountain of UFO evidence. Phil finally found the secret latch buried underneath and pulled away the drawer's false bottom.

Inside was the Black Budget Book. A list of funding for top secret projects answerable only to the President of the United States.

If he couldn't leave office the legal way, Phil would just have to piss off the right people in the deep state to instigate a shadow coup.

He flipped it open.

"Hmm….FBI... OSI… NSA… CIA blacksites…" Phil frowned. "Better not mess with any of that. I want to leave office alive, thanks. Ha! Ha! Magic bullet."

He flipped ahead. Now he was into the juicy stuff. Names he didn't recognise and secret experiments going all the way back to the 60s.

"Let's see… I don't even know how to spell that word. This one's just plain ominous. Ohohoh boy, we don't even have any records of that existing! When was the last time I needed a Plumber?"

Phil's red pen slashed through name after name until the budget resembled his law school professor's notes on his final exam.

He folded the Black Budget closed and returned it to its place. There was something zen about cleaning the slate.

"Ha! Ha! This does not spark joy." He muttered to himself.

After all that, somebody had better be upset with him.


Halfway across the country in a hidden bunker in South Dakota an old man watched a dozen screens blank out.

Another came racing into the room. The old man swiveled in his chair to greet them.

"The power's dead across all sectors!" The old man's partner puffed. "Just what the hell is going on?"

The old man steepled his fingers. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone forgot to pay the power bill."

"Don't joke about this stuff. You're not the one who has to answer to Servantis."

"I'm not joking."

His partner threw up his hands in exasperation. "The government's the one who pays our power bill!"

"That's why it's no joke."

Exasperation turned to panic. "W-What? You can't be serious? What does that mean? They just… cut us off?"

"Well.. We don't know what it means just yet." The old man stood up from his seat. "But it does mean we're going to have to find another way to keep the lights on."

His partner blanched. "No way. That thing was put away for a reason. It's… I've made some mistakes in the past but we can't mess around with---"

"We can't let the world---the entire universe down." The old man's voice was stern. "We're Plumbers Phil. And you were right. We never should've stopped. Too many people have gotten hurt or killed or worse because we let them take care of a mess we should've been there to fix. Even if nobody else is in our corner, it's still our fight. Put that in your report to Servantis."

His partner hesitated. Then he nodded.

"Almost forgot myself. You're right of course, partner. I'm with you all the way."
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Interlude: Mime and Punishment
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"I said, we want out of this miserable dump!"


The Warden of Superjail wiped a tear from his eye. He was so giddy with laughter his entire body was wriggling into a pretzel. It did that sometimes.

He straightened himself out and slithered from behind his desk to drape a noodly arm around all of his visitors' shoulders at once.

"Oh boy, what a gas!" He wheezed himself out of his lungs into a rising cloud of vapour before his body reformed. He idly kicked away his deflated former husk. "Good joke fellas! And don't worry. I won't get on your backs for wasting your Warden's open office hours."

He leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. "Truth be told. Those are my little joke on you guys. Because I don't care what any of you have to say." He slapped the inmate on the back. "HA! That was a joke too! It's really 'cause what more could you possibly ask from Superjail? We already have everything you could possibly need! Now hurry on back to the yard you lil scamps! Shoo! Shoo!"

He made to sweep them away with a wave of his fingers, which transformed into actual miniature brooms. None of them budged.

Their leader, Lord Stinkeye or something of the sort, seized The Warden by the collar. The Warden allowed himself to go boneless as he was picked up off the ground.

"Strong grip, friendo." He said.

Now just how had Lord Stingy gotten access to his power suit again? Tch tch. He'd have to get on Jared's case about paying those guards at the contraband lockup more so they wouldn't take bribes.

"ENOUGH!" Bellowed Lord Stringbean. "I am LORD STINGRAY, tyrant of the seas! And I have been subjected to far too much humiliation within these accursed prison walls!"

He dropped The Warden on his rump.

"Today, all of us got our mail-in memberships from the Guild of Calamitous Intent. Show him!"

The gathered inmates all raised slick laminated business cards bearing the emblem of a dragon on a globe. The Warden put on his reading glasses. And then a second, slightly smaller pair of reading glasses over that. Why didn't Superjail have cards like that? They were as legitimate a business interest as any guild.

"Very nice fellas!" The Warden checked his watch. Which didn't exist. Because neither did time in Superjail. It make all the scheduling much more flexible. "You've got about nineteen and a half seconds before Alice and Jailbot come maim you, just an FYI. You can have a head start if you'd like but I'd be happy to look at any other cool club cards you wanna show me if you'd rather pal around until then."

A few of the inmates shifted nervously. One broke from the pack and ran for his life. They'd all had run-ins with Superjail's two twin terrors before. But surprisingly, most chose to stay.

"According to the laws of the Guild," Stingray recited, "any and all super crimes are exempt from prosecution under the government penal system. All of my original charges were for wicked acts of malevolent supervillainy! I tried to take over the world!" He spread his arms, letting his eelskin cape billow behind him. "All of us are being imprisoned here unjustly! Heck, King Gorilla's been a member since 83!"

A large hairy hand shot up from the back of the mob.

"Actually, Guild legal immunity doesn't apply to sodomy charges."

"BESIDE THE POINT!" Stingray screeched. "You must release us ALL at once or suffer the wrath of Guild bureaucracy!"

The Warden nodded. "Uhuh, uhuh. I can see why you buster browns were so eager to send off your box tops. But this is Superjail. And your special little laws only apply to Regular Jail."

Stingray thrust an accusatory finger at The Warden. "You've been an exception for too long. It's high time you got in line and learned your place you... you… WRIGGLING bottom feeding sea slug!"

The assembled prisoners roared in their approval.

The Warden clapped his hands. "Ooh! Do we have an honest to goodness insurrection on our hands? Because I cannot WAIT to use all the fun fun toys Jared's been telling me I have to save for one of those."

The Warden snapped his fingers and his entire office sprang into a buzzing whirring sparking collection of electrified panels, buzz saws with painted on smiles, tanks full of snapping neon piranhas, and candy coloured hoses spraying confetti laced containment foam.

"Hold your ground boys." Stingray commanded. "King Gorilla! Bring him here."

Out of curiosity, the Warden extended a tendril of his will and made the weaponry withdraw.

King Gorilla dragged a squirming inmate to the front of the mob. His face was white as a sheet. Or was that greasepaint.

"P-P-Puh-lease sir! I beg of you!" He wailed. "I'm just a friendly rainbow clown! I was never cut out for this life! I didn't do anything wrong, it was the--- WOAAAH!" His eyes bugged out of his skull.

The Warden turned to see what he was looking at.

Lord Stingray had produced a bottle of bleach. A sharp toothed grin spread across his leering face.

"A little butterfly told me the reason you never give this guy any laundry shifts."

For the first time in a long time The Warden felt himself gripped with genuine fear.

"Now, let's not be so hasty fellas." He gulped. "I'm sure we can talk this out. Kumbaya, right? We can use this as a learning experience to grow closer to each other as prisoner and warden, whaddya say?"

The Warden's ears pricked at the sound of incoming chopper blades. A wave of relief washed over him.

Jailbot crashed through the roof of his office.

"Jailbot, quick! Rip them apart before they---"

But it was too late.

Lord Stingray overturned the entire bottle on the poor Clown's head.

All his colour washed out into a puddle at his feet like so much dripping makeup.

In the clown's place stood a very, very angry Mime.

Lord Stingray pointed at Jailbot. "Sic 'em."

Mr. Mime only had to touch Jailbot once.

The whimsical machine clattered to the ground, grey and dead. No more spark of life inside the metal.

The Warden backed against the wall. He tried to slip away but the mime waggled its finger. It touched the ground, and a wave of nausea brought the warden to his feet as the entire room lost its sheen of colour.

To his horror, the monochrome creep didn't end there. He could see it stretching over all of Superjail. The rainbow he had put in the sky today became brittle and rained down in jagged shards that cut apart any prisoners unlucky enough to be standing in the yard below. All the zig zags and squiggles that broke up the prison skyline flattened out all at once and impossible buildings began to crumble under the weight of disbelief. Those trapped inside as they were swallowed up by the earth hurled themselves through windows screaming without sound.

His wild, wacky, wonderous penal landscape fell silent under the oppressive grey.

The prison was a part of him and as it went, he could feel a welling emptiness start to stir. It didn't feel like his Superjail anymore. It felt like the bad place where The Warden had buried most of his childhood memories. Surrounded by grey bricks and grey bars and grey men with no time for childrens' fancies.

He dragged himself across the floor until he was clutching Stingray's knees.

Stingray and the mime leered down at him. "I've tried to bust out enough times to know we couldn't do it physically. So the Guild showed me how to hit you where it hurt. Your precious colour's all gone now." He gestured to the bleak washed out scene through the window. "Superjail doesn't look so super anymore, does it?"

"Put it back! Put it all back! Oh, this is no way for my Superjail to be!" He wailed.

"Sure, sure, we'll put it back." Lord Stingray grinned a wolfish grin. He took a clipboard from another prisoner and showed it to The Warden with a pen. "Just sign here."
TURN 6: PO'd about TP 3.14.20XX
"Hey mister. Do you want Red Toilet Paper or Blue Toilet Paper?"

You shrugged, scratching your head at the kid's bizarre question.

[X] Blue Toilet Paper

"Uhhh, BLUE I guess." You answered after a moment of hesitation.

The weird kid nodded at you eagerly.

"Okay cool. Open the window."

"WHY would I do THAT?"

The kid reached into his robes and pulled out a big blue roll of sopping wet TP.

"So I can give it to you."

Diplomacy Check: Do Your Schtick (6-/97+)
64+17 = 81
Father Opposed Intrigue: Don't Fall For It (4-/95+)
73+27 =100
Father Success


The kid snapped his fingers.

"Darn. That usually gets 'em. Oh well!"

And with that, he vanished as abruptly as he appeared.

The following morning you awake to find your mansion TPd floor to roof with streamers of bright blue toilet paper. Worse, Adult Co HQ calls in with reports of a terrifying specter haunting the office bathrooms. Your employees are so afraid to go in there they're having to hold it in for the entire workday. When Toiletnator hears about this, his usual look of bleary eyed idiocy melts away and he becomes deadly serious. He insists that you let him take care of the problem.

[All Stewardship actions have their DCs raised by 10. Exorcize Toilets personal option unlocked for Toiletnator. Taking this action restores the DC to normal and reveals more about the intruder.]

[X] License GemTech to the Military

In the ensuing weeks after you sign your alien tech over to the military, the papers are filled with stories about a strange wave of increased incidences of livestock disappearances all across the country.

Well. Everywhere except Nowhere. There this sort of thing seems to be business as usual.

You guess that means they're hard at work? You hope whatever they come up with works better than those stupid sheep tanks.

Oh well. As long as you keep getting paychecks in the mail, a few abducted cattle are really none of your concern.

[X] Deal

Hector doesn't bother to hide his enthusiasm as you sign the last strokes of your name across his digital contract.

"Yeeesss… Yesss! AHAHAHA!" The conniving cranium cackles, rubbing his brainstem together in fiendish glee. "You have made a powerful ally today my friend. Soon, I'll add a new conquest to my magnificent empire… THE BREAKFAST TABLE! MUAHAHAHAHEEHOOHA! General Skar, prepare my council of EVIL advisors. We are going to war!"

He blinks, seeming to remember he's on a video call.

"Oh. Metaphorically, of course. Hasta luego, Señor Padre. When next we meet, we shall both be much richer men."

And with that, the video feed cuts out.

Well. At least he sounded confident?


Blistering Anger: -5 Diplomacy, +5 Martial. Father is in a war state, and will try to bring his fight right to the enemy.
Father is MOST Dissatisfied: Father has +10 Martial for the duration of this turn


Select one in each category.

DC Variable
After months of being left to their devices, your ice-cream men have gotten out of shape. Well, having unlimited access to ice-cream and little supervision will do that to people. But no matter, after a run through your advanced training course, they'll be slinging scoops with the best of them.
Outcome: Get your Ice Cream Men back in fighting shape. AdultCo has an actual security force that's not just Father punching people. Unlock National Actions related to equipping and mobilizing your Ice Cream Men.

[ ] Cut Down KND Treehouses
DC Variable
You've got those naughty Kids Next Door on the run. The dumb ones have already been rounded-up, but that leaves the kids that think they're oh-so-clever, hiding inside their sector treehouses. The joke's on them! They've got treehouses, but you've got chainsaws! Saw those strongholds of dissent down, and throw any KND operatives you get your hands on into permanent detention!
Outcome: Remaining Sector treehouses in North America are cut down, further destabilizing the Kids Next Door remnant. Chances to capture notable KND operatives and confiscate 2x4 hardware are based on your level of success.

[ ] Prepare Coastal Defenses
DC 75
You've never really had to fight a sea battle before. You sure hope you'll never have to. Fire and water don't really mix too well after all. But the rumblings of Numbah 5 captaining a crew of pirate kids on the warpath don't sit well with you at all. You don't have a lot of naval assets to work with, but it couldn't hurt to set your more seaworthy Ice Cream Men to patrol around Lake Erie and reposition a few of your sherbert catapults to the shore.
Outcome: Improved readiness in case of a coastal attack.

[ ] Automate Mansion Security
DC 85
The improvements you made on Sir Toasty's autonomous capabilities have opened the possibility for automating all of your Mansion's defenses. True, it won't be quite as fun when you no longer get to push the button yourself to spring one of your fiendish anti-KND traps, but it's probably better for peace of mind if your house is able to take care of itself while you're out and about.
Outcome: Gain a base DC to resist rivals assaulting or infiltrating your Mansion. Opens further actions for Knightomatron automation.

[ ] Hunt Down Mother-Tie
DC 80
Your journal speaks of an ancient beast, hidden deep, deep within the forgotten mini-malls of Delaware. A monstrous creature, known only as the Mother-Tie, birther of all lesser ties. Its progeny have proven to possess a strange power to possess people, increasing their bureaucratic power, but at the rumored eating of the wearer's will to live. Hunting down the progenitor of them all could prove a boon to your business.
Reward: Capture of the Mother-Tie, Thread Decision

[ ] Perform War Heroics
DC 70
Your government handlers have tactfully explained to you that while you've done good work so far, the impact just one flaming man can have on a 5,000 mile front is decidedly limited. That said, the propaganda value of a super-powered patriot bashing gems and rescuing our boys from peril cannot be understated.
Reward: Opinion boost with the US government and general public.

[ ] Challenge Jasper
DC Variable
Your previous encounter with the hulking gem warrior known as Jasper may have opened up a way for you to make a more tangible contribution to the fight. If you can tie up half of their leadership brawling mano a mano, the coordination of the rank and file might falter long enough for human forces to make a push. Of course that relies on Jasper falling for it. And on your own victory. You may have beaten her last time, but this time she'll be ready for you.
Reward: Another shot at Jasper, gem leadership hobbled for a turn, slim chance to capture her.

[ ] Build Partnership with VenTech
DC 90
Building relations with the up and coming VenTech would be very profitable, that much is certain. You've opened the door, now all you need to do is set up an appointment with its owner, J.J. Venture. He's an optimistic sort, but after the loss of his brother, he's been looking for somebody else to support him---even if Rusty was never much support to begin with.
Reward: Stronger relations with J.J. Venture and VenTech, opportunity for a collab action

[ ] Give Izzy Her Own TV Show
DC 70
You're a little stumped by Izzy's sudden spike in popularity. Hey, you fell from orbit too and nobody's offering you any Radicola sponsorships! Maybe Tellyvision fame isn't anything like soopervillain/war hero fame. Maybe that's why it'd be best to leave this sort of thing to Izzy. You bought a whole TV network. You do need some programming. Total Izzy Izland is practically guaranteed to be a hit. As soon as somebody convinces her to pick a different name.
Reward: New Income from Izzy's TV debut. Start competing with Chris in the Reality TV market. Unlocks further Izzy PAs to enhance her fame and strut her stuff as a stuntwoman.

[ ] Invite Candy Stock Market Investors
DC 80
With Candy Piracy on the rise, rumors have drifted down from Stormalong of sticky-fingered scallywags with more gumdrops than they know what to do with. This could be just the break your candy stock market needs to blossom into a legitimate portfolio option---that is so long as you're willing to turn a blind eye to laundering illegitimately gotten sweets.
Reward: The Candy Stock Market becomes an actual thing. New Stewardship investment option to gamble on various candy futures for potentially great reward in Funds. Additional 1 Income from hosting the market and taking a percentage on every trade.

[ ] Threaten Numbuh 2
DC 90
So, Numbuh 2 has partnered up with that poindexter Mandark, huh? Well, he made one mistake. He picked somewhere you could get to. If he thinks that you're history, then you think you better remind him. Why not pay him a visit and remind Numbuh 2 Exactly who the arch-enemy of the KND was? Time for a good ol' game of "Smash the airplane and threaten the child." And look at that! He's just about to leave for Mandark Co. Delightful.
Reward: Numbuh 2 is shaken and his integration to the think tank will be slowed. He will fear you.

[ ] Check Up On THOSE TRAITORS Old Allies
DC Variable
Okay. So maybe you're a little bit steamed about a bunch of your old soopervillains going off to work for someone else. Actually, you're a lot steamed. But that doesn't mean you can't act like an adult here. If nothing else, you'd like to ask them why they didn't stick around. Maybe there's a chance you can still work something out?
Reward: Father learns more about the current status of his fellow Soopervillains and their new employers. Headway into opening new diplomatic relationships with rival Kings.
Select One:
- [ ] Stickybeard, Stormalong Harbour. DC 80
- [ ] Mr. Boss, Peach Creek. DC 85
- [ ] Wink & Fibb, Genius Grove. DC 85
- [ ] Mr. Fizz, Nowhere. DC 99

[ ] Set Up a Lobbyist Group
DC 80
Listen, between you and the world, you're not quite sure what these people are doing, nor why you would pay them. But they have nice suits, and you've heard they can be good at talking the government into doing things.
Reward: Increased Influence in Government, future actions to push for favorable decisions

[ ] Campaign for I.M. Weasel
DC Variable
You haven't quite tossed your hat in with the weasel yes–--though he is a mighty fine weasel, if you've ever seen one. It might not be such a terrible idea to do so. Helping a beloved icon of the people get elected might not look the best for your super villain optics, but I.M. Weasel has never been the kind of man–--er, weasel to forget a helping hand. Formally endorsing his bid for the white house will probably lead to him lending an ear when you need it.

Optional: Declare any amount of Funds to put towards Weasel's campaign to increase the influence of a successful roll.

Reward: Increased chance of I.M. Weasel's electoral victory on a scale depending on AdultCo's popularity with the public and how much money you've spent on him. He'll remember your contributions if he wins, making it significantly easier to lobby for favorable legislation.

[ ] Bring Mandy to the Table
DC 99
Given that in all likelihood, she's soon going to have an absolute monopoly on the American energy grid, it might be a good idea to come to terms with her before she decides to turn her simmering wrath in your direction. She may be a child, but let's face it she's a darn scary one.
Reward: Learn where you stand with Mandy. Potential room for further cooperation… if you dare.

[ ] Contain Gem POWs
DC 80 90 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Effectively dealing with these Gem POW is going to be tricky. On one hand, they don't have to eat, they don't need to sleep, and so long as they are in their gems, they don't cause trouble. When they're not in their gems, they can cause a big mess for everyone involved. Figuring out some way to properly contain them, or at least get them to stop thrashing their prisons would be very beneficial.
Reward: Risk of Gem POWs breaking out of confinement goes down. Cues thread decision.

[ ] Open Seaport
DC 95 105 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
With your offshore rigs refurbished and pumping out thousands of gallons a day it's time to look into what else your new ocean asset could do for you. Skips made great headway expanding the docks already, and it'd only take a bit more work and some customs red tape to make the place into a worthy offshore port. Not only would this extend your reach further overseas, there's also great potential to reap the bounty of seafaring trade. At least so long as you can keep the pirates at bay.
Cost: 1 Fund.
Reward: Unlocks Intrigue actions to investigate overseas factions like Charmcaster and Mojo Jojo. Unlocks Extend Seaport Range Stewardship Action. Unlocks Martial actions to develop a private navy.

[ ] Buy Scam Co. Products
DC 20 30 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Advertising works, even on you. After the eleventy-billionth ad, you cave in and decide to buy a smattering of different products, items, services and more. For what it's worth, everything you decide to buy will be extremely cheap. With these prices, it's hard not to buy them!
Cost: -1 (The bargains are just THAT good!)
Reward: Whatever your money gets you! Opens sub-vote for sub-optimal products.

[ ] Seek a Loan from Monstroso
DC 65 75 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Monstroso did well by you when you needed to get AdultCo back off its feet. Now that the business is growing and you're expanding into other ventures, you could use a little cash injection to hurry things along. Of course there's the whole thing about The Guild hating your guts that you'll have to smooth over, but that's all water under the bridge.
Result: Thread vote on how many Funds you'd like to borrow from Monstroso.

[ ] Redevelop The Swim
DC 115 125 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
The yawning crater that used to be the neighborhood is getting to be an eyesore. To make matters worse, it's starting to stink. Burst pipes and rainwater have collected in it to form a great big stagnant pond. Folks have taken to calling it The Swim. Those other villains chewed you out about responsibility, and you'd hate to prove them right. It'll be a pain in your keister to fix it and it sure as heck won't be cheap, but it's on your turf. And that makes it your problem.
Cost: 4 Funds.
Result: The Swim is redeveloped under AdultCo's banner, marking your first formal territorial claim as a corporate King. Thread vote on how you'd like to go about rebuilding the place in your image with various benefits.

[ ] Develop Luxury Housing for Employees
DC 70 80 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Well, not all your employees. That'd be silly. But it couldn't hurt to build some nicer housing for your biggest and most valuable underlings would make sense. After seeing all of your super villains run off the moment you left, it probably wouldn't hurt to keep them all anchored in one spot to ensure they don't run off. They'll probably appreciate the idea, and will (hopefully) keep them from moving into your house.
Cost: 1 Funds
Reward: Increased Base Loyalty for Heroes, bonus loyalty for new recruited heroes

[ ] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
DC 80 90 (Raised by Toilet Haunting)
Now that he's been formally invited onto the staff, Professor XXXL is chomping at the bit to get back to his life's work. Trouble is, Adult Co's ice cream plants have been left abandoned for much too long. Turns out your Ice Cream Men are a lot better at serving and eating frozen treats than they are at making them. A little elbow grease to get them back up to code should bring them into working order.
Reward: Start manufacturing ice cream, new Learning actions to develop your products, Adult Co. actually starts making money again

[ ] Hunt Down the K.N.D.
DC 130
Hunting down the K.N.D., or brats as you call them, has slowly become a priority. After trouncing their little pockets of resistance, they seem to have really gone to ground, covering their tracks as much as they possibly can. But you are certain they're up to something! Even in defeat, you know their tenacity, resourcefulness and ability to annoy you can bring them back from the verge of utter collapse. Besides, that weird thing with the Ice Cream men proves that they are out there! Still!
Reward: Information regarding the last holdouts of the K.N.D.

[ ] Investigate the "Guild"
DC 65
So there's some other tough guys trying to edge in on your turf, eh? Well, you were the original one to set up an organization for mass villainy! Well, at least adult-themed villainy, and that's got to count for something. Monstroso mentioned having a relationship with these "Professional Villains" while you were signing for your first loan, and now out of the blue, and now apparently they've started leaning on half the non-member villains in the country, including you! It's about time you got to the bottom of this.
Reward: Discover the Guild of Calamitous Intent, and what their whole deal is.

[ ] Sabotage Total Drama Productions
DC 80
As a sign of good faith, and in exchange for your guaranteed protection, Izzy has spilled the beans on pretty much everything she knew about Total Drama Productions. And oh boy, it's a doozy. Just from memory, she's been able to explain some of the different weak points in TDP's broadcasting, infrastructure and management. She's more than eager to get back at that idiot McLean, and this would be the first step forward.
Reward: Weaken Chris McClean's hold on Reality TV. Increased Loyalty for Izzy.

[ ] Investigate Paradigm City
DC 50
It was only a few months ago when you noticed a strange new city on the map. Paradigm City, a bustling metropolis located in a desert and right off the coast. You had never heard of such a place before, but evidently, it had been there for years. It was pretty reluctant to make contact with the wider world, but in doing so, it's grown to be quite the place of commerce. Its secured, enclosed domes have proved to be a reliable deterrent to outside threats when coupled with its mysterious robotic protectors.
Reward: Information about Paradigm city, establish contact with the people and factions within

[ ] Damage Endsville Energy Solutions & Morbucks Oil Partnership
DC 115
The partnership between Morbucks Oil and Endsville Energy Solutions could potentially prove catastrophic for any future energy sector ventures of yours. Morbucks Oil owns thousands of oil reserves around the world, and is one of the biggest names in drilling. Meanwhile, Mandy has proven the viability of her Underworld Reactors. Combined, it could result in a massive power house - Quite literally in this case.
Reward: Sour the relationship between Princess Morbucks and Mandy.

[ ] Spy On Moltar
DC 100
Something about the way your interview ended just doesn't sit right with you. And not just the part where you got thrown out into orbit. Moltar almost seemed like he was hesitating. What would he have to gain from throwing out one of his own guests? And for that matter, why'd he switch off all the cameras first? There's something deeper going on here. You just know it.
Reward: Listen in on Lunar broadcasts.

[ ] Implement Anti-Scrying Protocols
DC 65
Charmcaster's visit left Hex pretty rattled. Poor guy. You know better than anyone how family can be. Seems like he blames himself for drawing her there by turning the place into a magical hot spot. When you asked if there was anything you could do about it, he drafted up a list of measures to stop magic types from snooping on you in the future. Apparently, scrying magic doesn't play nice with technology, so it follows that if you fill a couple rooms with fax machines, you'll be able to practice magic in peace without pinging on anybody else's mystic radar.
Reward: The Barrier of Char'Gar'Gothakon expands to apply to remote viewing of AdultCo assets as well.

[ ] Build an Even Bigger Robot
DC 70
That Mandark punk made a robot that's bigger and tougher than yours. You could be the bigger man about this and let it slide. On the other hand, you could be a bigger and better man by making a bigger and better robot that'll put that junior poindexter in his place!
Reward: Increased bonuses for your Giant Robot. This may instigate an escalating mech-building contest between you and Mandark. As the Even Bigger Robot is being made for spite first and practicality second, there will be diminishing returns and higher DCs if this keeps being taken.

[ ] Investigate 2x4 Technology
DC 80
After sending the KND remnant running home for their mamas, you came to an unpleasant realization. Those pesky Kids Next Door left without cleaning up all of their junk! Normally you would have torched a lot of it, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have the lab techs study how those kids built all their little toys out of such haphazard, el-cheapo building material.
Reward: Father learns the base principles of 2x4 technology, the equipment and vehicles utilized by the Kids Next Door. Determines if industrial or commercial applications are possible.

[ ] Gem Solar Power
DC 100
Even ignoring their ability to generate matter from light, gemtech generators offer unparalleled solar efficiency. If you can learn how to replicate it you might just be able to edge out that little blonde sourpuss from Endsville with a cheaper and less theologically dubious source of clean energy.
Reward: Unlocks Stewardship action to build advanced solar arrays, inroads into competing with Mandy in the energy sector.

[ ] Hard Light Vehicles
DC 110
Integrating Gem technology into Earth vehicles could enable AdultCo to create the most lightweight, fuel efficient, and most importantly the DEADLIEST vehicles on the market. It's only a matter of miniaturizing hard light generators enough to run off a car battery.
Reward: Unlock Martial actions to develop hard light air and ground vehicles. Unlock Hard Light Propulsion Learning action.

[ ] Hard Light Scaffolding
DC 70
By integrating hard light generators into conventional construction processes, you can have an architect model out a life sized hard light hologram of the building right there on the plot before a single brick is laid. Apparently having a solid template to fill in really speeds along construction processes. Plus, it's way cooler to have a light show next door than a jackhammer at 4 in the morning.
Reward: Bonus on National Stewardship actions related to construction. Unlock Hard Light Assembly Lines Stewardship Action.

[ ] Synthesise Artificial Shadowstuff (Incompatible with Craft Mantle of The Lesser Dad)
DC 95
According to Hex, the stuff your suit is made out of is highly magically conductive, extremely fire resistant, supernaturally tough and malleable, plus it's light and breezy. You can think of a thousand and one uses for a wonder material like that! The only trouble is, Hex says that shadowstuff has this weird connection with itself that means it all shares occult energies from the same source. The only safe way to industrially fabricate more shadowstuff without stretching your powers thin would be to permanently release the lingering connection between your suit and Hex's sample first. He's not confident he could take any more from the original after that without diminishing your ability to kick butt. Tough call.
Outcome: Begin producing a synthetic version of your suit's material with only some of the properties of the original. Unlock new actions to implement and profit from artificial shadowstuff.

[ ] Advanced Theoretical Stimulants
DC 90
The old research notes scribbled in Cuppa Joe's shaky hand betray a coffee addled mind chasing a rush beyond what ordinary beans can offer. XXXL has triple checked his theorems and the chemistry checks out. With the right accelerants, it may be possible to catalyze a more dramatic response to caffeine within the body. Whether it'll be safe for consumption, let alone survivable, remains to be seen.
Outcome: Your Coffee becomes more potent and addictive. Unlock Distribute Coffee Combat Stims Martial action. Unlock Delve Into The Dark Roast Arts Learning action. Synergises with Ice Cream manufacturing once factories are refurbished.

[ ] Research Shen Gong Wu
DC 85
Whatever that buffoon with the spiky red hair was on about sounded interesting. These 'Shen Gong-Wu' as Hex put it, are evidently mystical items capable of giving their wielders amazing powers. While your helmet was mostly just good at letting you look around, Hex says he has heard of more powerful artifacts; but first and foremost, you need a way to find them.
Reward: Unlock further actions to hunt for and exploit Shen Gong Wu.

[ ] Research the Book of K.N.D.
DC 80
Looking over to the shelf, you spot the book. A chill runs down your spine, as just the sight of it brings back some bitter, hurting memories. That was the thing your brother had held so dearly, had caused your own fathers defeat twice, and eventually… his death. Gingerly picking it up, you dust off the cover. You supposed you were out to read it. Cracking open the book, you are met with singed paper, slight bits of ash, and something entirely incomprehensible. Page after page of gibberish, the words squirming and wriggling under your sight, never quite making sense. Oh wait, your glasses were off. Putting them on, and nope, it didn't help. Something strange was at work here, and you'd need to take some more time to figure it out.
Reward: Lowered Investigate 2x4 Tech DC and unlock further actions to reverse engineer it. Unlock tech openers related to Imagination, KND Mythology, & Magic.

[ ] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men
DC 60
Your Ice Cream Men haven't been acting like themselves lately. In fact, they've been acting like a bunch of KND operatives. Between their glazed over eyes and droning voices, the internet tells you they're experiencing the classic symptoms of hypnosis. The only question is; how do you reverse it? You've already tried snapping your fingers and dumping cold water on their heads. All you've got left to go off of is one really ugly snake.
Reward: Removed +5 bonus to KND martial sabotage. Restore Train Ice Cream Men action, ???

[ ] Study the Human Soul
DC 100
You can't help but sizzle enviously at the (possibly) literal killing Endsville Energy Solutions is making off infernal power. Your initial investigation into alternative energy sources revealed that harvesting the energies of the underworld directly is only possible with a stable portal. However, you also learned that a good portion of the power generated is derived from the souls of the darned. Maybe H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is where souls end up, but it might just be possible to get ahold of one without making the trip. First, though, you'll have to figure out what makes them tick.
Reward: Unlocks Develop Soul Traps Occult Action.

[ ] Craft Mantle of The Lesser Dad (Incompatible with Synthesise Artificial Shadowstuff)
DC 75
Hex believes that the sample he was able to take from your shadow suit could be refashioned into a second suit with powers linked to the mystic "essence" of the original. It's all Greek to you, but if what he means is that you could turn one of your employees into a little mini-you, he can count you in. Maybe if they look the part enough, you can have them stand in for you during really boring meetings.
Result: Craft a powerful new assignable item; The Mantle of the Lesser Dad. The Mantle will grant abilities linked to Father's current status.


[ ] Media Czar
You need someone you can trust to handle AdultCo's media profile, in addition to managing the day to day programming lineup of World Weekly News. This'll be your face to the world, and your ear to its gossip. The Media Czar position will be able to oversee Diplomacy National Actions.
- [ ] Who?
Select ONE Hero Unit to fill this role. They will spend their Personal Action this turn getting oriented with the position. You may optionally select a unit you choose to hire on the same turn.

Current Employees:
[ ] Izzy
- Interests:
Gossip, Celebrities, Extreme sports.
- Special Ability:
15 Seconds Of Fame: News in the information age moves fast, and that means you've gotta be fast to keep up with it. New Diplomacy actions have their DC reduced by 15 the first turn they appear, but increased by 15 each turn they aren't taken up to a maximum of 15 above their original value. (Izzy has a short attention span)

[ ] Hex
- Interests:
Magic, History, Antiquities.
- Special Ability:
Educational Programming: Hex has a great deal of passion about a bunch of different subjects but a lecture doesn't exactly make for good television. An action taken by Hex can never generate Funds from viewership, but each time he succeeds with at least 10 points above a Diplomacy DC, a random Hero unit gains 1d4 Learning.

[ ] Mr. Black & Mr. White
- Interests:
Cooking, Travel, Coverups.
- Special Ability:
Black Propaganda, White Propaganda: Remain calm citizen. Everything is fine. Black & White still take orders from the government. Any broadcast run by them is going to pretty quickly devolve into a state media outlet. Black & White will activate a free collab action with the US Government whenever the feds step in to control the narrative. Whether you want them to or not.

[ ] Toiletnator
- Interests:
Toilets. Toilets. Father. (In that order.)
- Special Ability:
Lackey: Toiletnator just thinks you're the coolest guy ever. If you give him the job, he'll make sure everybody knows it. At all times. Constantly. Every turn, Toiletnator will broadcast a televised homage to Father with a 50% chance of slightly raising your standing with the public and a 50% chance of lowering it.

[ ] Hank Hill
He's already your CEO!

[ ] Professor XXXL
He wouldn't want to be taken away from his work.

Prospective Hires:
[ ] Alexis Warrington
- Interests:
Superheroes & Villains, Politics, Corporate Scandals.
- Special Ability:
Hard Hitting Interview: As long as Warrington is your Media Czar, you will gain a repeatable National Action to drag any public figure into the studio for an interview with a contested Diplo vs Intrigue roll. Success will see Warrington pressure them into revealing one of their secrets on live TV and dredge up enough proof to make it stick.

[ ] Daphne Blake
- Interests:
Ghosts. Monsters. Mysteries.
- Special Ability:
Investigative Reporting: Daphne may choose to take an appropriate Intrigue action instead of a Diplomacy one.

[ ] Ann Gora
- Interests:
Technology. Crime. Politics.
- Special Ability:
Going In For A Scoop: Whenever Ann Gora takes a role that actively puts herself in peril for the sake of a story, add half of her Intrigue stat to the roll. If she actually winds up kidnapped, the roll succeeds as an automatic Critical Success provided you're able to get her back.

[ ] Johnny Bravo
- Interests:
Babes. Himself. Monkeys.
- Special Ability:
Pretty Face: Johnny is absolutely unqualified, but man he's pretty. As long as Johnny is assigned to the Media Czar position enough people tune in just to swoon at him that you gain +1 Income from viewership.

[ ] Ronaldo Fryman
- Interests:
Aliens. Conspiracies. Sneeple.
- Special Ability:
Truth Is Relative: Ronaldo… is mostly wrong. Actually, almost always. It makes it hard to tell when he's stumbled onto something big via a fluke leap in logic. When Ronaldo has to make a roll relating to information, all his Failures are Critical Failures and all of his successes are Critical Successes. The numerical results of his rolls are hidden.

Father receives 4 Personal Actions per round. Heroes have 1 Personal Action in addition to being assigned to a National Action.

[ ] Practice Your Fire Thingy
You're powerful. But there's one thing Moltar taught you, it's that you're not invincible. You've never really tried to practice with your powers. Heck, back in the old days, you assumed training was just something those KND brats needed to keep up with you. But then again, you're never too old to learn.
Outcome: Father practices plinking at cans with his fireballs. Maybe he'll learn something about his abilities. Slim chance of a marginal Martial increase.

[ ] Tinker with Sir Toasty
You've gotten into the habit of tinkering with your favorite Knightamatron after work. It soothes the nerves and you're learning a lot more about how they're put together. Maybe some minor tweaks here and there will pay off.
Outcome: Slight RAGE decrease. Minor chance Father's Learning increases. Slim chance of making a useful upgrade.

[ ] Deliver an Evil Monologue
You never, ever, wanna be caught slack jawed and speechless in front of a crowd again. Maybe you're just a little rusty on the old public speaking front. Lucky thing you have a captive audience of AdultCo employees to listen to you rant.
Outcome: Father delivers a rousing speech that's both evil AND motivational. Slight chance you have a positive effect on employee productivity. Slim chance of a slight Diplomacy increase.

[ ] Sit in on OSI Meetings
So long as you're working for them you might as well get a sense for what's going on. The last thing you'd want is for anyone to think you were clueless. They won't mind. "Secret Intelligence" proooobably doesn't mean secret from you. Plus, you're like, an expert on counterintelligence what with all the times you've outsmarted the KND. The government will definitely appreciate your insights.
Outcome: Intelligence updates on the ongoing war effort. Father gets a (minor) say in military matters. Maintains friendly OSI / AdultCo relations. Slim chance of a slight Intrigue increase.

[ ] Do Some Paperwork
What's more mature and adult than filing boring paperwork? It's any grown up's favorite activity! Yeah… Taxes… Leases…. Portfolios… Okay, actually even you hate this stuff. You can feel your eyelid start to twitch just thinking about it. But this is part of running a business. Hank can only take care of so much of it on his own. Better buckle down and get to it.
Outcome: Slight RAGE increase. Minor chance of a slight Stewardship increase.

[ ] Eat Ice Cream
Indulge yourself.
Outcome: RAGE decreases.

[ ] Visit Spankulot in Prison
Last you heard, Spankulot was in the hoosegow. You're not sure when that happened, but you can understand why. Sure, he was a villain, but even you admit, the whole "hunt down naughty kids and spank them" thing was a little too weird. It seems he was "canceled", both online and in real life. Better go visit and see how bad things have gotten.
Outcome: Learn how bad things have really gotten.

[ ] Hold a Barbeque
If you were gonna get people back to your side, you knew the key to a lot of people's hearts. A good, old fashioned, personally cooked, Barbeque! And you were the best cook you knew. Not that you say it in front of Gramma Stuffum.
Outcome: Between 1 and 5 of your employees show up. Non-Stacking 10% temporary loyalty boost for 2 turns.

[ ] Hang Out in the Alleyway
Well, it's not really the alleyway, but the CEO's office corridor would be a good way to boost morale and meet people. He could even invite Mr. Father!
Select three other Hero Units who are of drinking age. They'll spend their PA this turn hanging out with Hank in the alley shooting the shit.
- [ ] Who?
Outcome: Male bonding.

[ ] Familiarize Yourself with Guild Guidelines
Hank did some research into the Guild of Calamitous Intent while he was looking into supervillainy, and while he couldn't make much sense of it then, now that he's got a better grasp on things, he'd be willing to give it another shot.
Outcome: Hank becomes more savvy about the way Professional Villainy works. Opens the way for National Actions renegotiating AdultCo's relationship with the Guild.

[ ] Mow the Yard
Literally this time. A healthy lawn leaves a healthy state of mind, doing some lawn work on Father's property is good exercise. Plus, with all that tall grass, who knows what could be under there?
Outcome: Slight RAGE decrease. ???

[ ] Hold a Barbeque
Have a barbeque! It won't be as good as Father's, but it will be certifiably Texan. Hank will host a barbeque and see who shows up!.
Outcome: Between 1 and 5 employees show up. Non-Stacking 5% temporary loyalty boost for 2 turns. If Father holds a barbeque on the same turn, the boost is 10%.

[ ] Shadow Father
See what your boss gets up to.
- [ ] Select a Personal Action that Father is assigned to this turn
Outcome: Hank adds double his loyalty bonus calculated from a relevant stat to Father's roll. Hank learns a little more about Father, supervillainy, and what he can do for the company. This is the path for Hank's Adult to Adult Trait to evolve.

[ ] Exorcize Office Toilets
Father's night time intruder has taken up residence in the men's room at AdultCo HQ. Just the thought of what that KND fiend might be doing to those poor potties makes Toiletnator overflow with rage. As the duly anointed defender of all things porcelain, it's his solemn duty to punish this menace for his gross abuse of TP.
Outcome: +10 Stewardship DC penalty is removed, regardless of outcome. Opportunity for Toiletnator to learn more about this mysterious foe and his motives. Unlocks further actions to pursue him.

[ ] Drain The Swim
Toiletnator took one look at all those exposed water and sewage pipes filling up Charmcaster's massive crater and knew he had a job to do. As the porcelain defender of plumbing, it's his solemn duty to ensure no flush goes wasted. He'll patch up the pipes lickety split and have The Swim running at low flow in no time.
Outcome: DC and Funds cost for Redeveloping The Swim significantly reduced. Toiletnator proves himself actually useful for once?

[ ] Build an Homage to Father
Tolienator did kinda mess up his fountain. Let's make a new one! Although, it will primarily be made of plumbing pipes and urinals.
Outcome: He'll probably like it?

[ ] Follow Father Around
After Father kicked him out of the house for giving his Ice Cream Men swirlies Toiletnator's become extra doubly super determined to be the best evil underling ever -- whether Father wants him to or not!
Outcome: RAGE increases.

[ ] Look for Friends!
Well, since all the villains left, Tolienator has mostly been left without a social circle. Time to fix that! Tolienator will try and find some friends to talk to. Keyword try.
Outcome: Toiletnator tracks down somebody from the old days.

[ ] Send Audition Tapes
Izzy will create audition tapes, mostly for movie studios not owned by Chris. While technically black listed, that hasn't stopped her before.
Outcome: Chance of Izzy ending up on national TV. This could be very good or very bad.

[ ] Spread Gossip
Nothing creates chaos like a good bit of drama, and Izzy can't help but push some dominoes over. She'll release a juicy story out into the world and let the tabloids and rumor mongers handle the rest.
Outcome: Izzy spreads false information on the internet for fun. Depending on how believable it is, some people might take action.

[ ] Sell Off Memorabilia
There're always creepy fans eager to pay top dollar at auction for something a celebrity touched. Maybe it's a little skeezy to sell an Authentic Izzy Moon Skydive Spacesuit (Unwashed) but what the heck! Cash is cash!
Outcome: The auction earns a small, variable amount of Funds.

[ ] Perform a Stunt
After her big debut skydiving off the moon, Izzy is back on top and ready to show the world her stuff. The only question is, what venue should she grace with her death defying antics?
Choose one:
- [ ] Scale Mt. Rushmore using toilet plungers.
- [ ] Windsurf the length of the Panama Canal
- [ ] Drag race through the streets of Detroit
- [ ] Mud wrestle an Everglades gator
- [ ] ⚠️ Storm Area 51 ⚠️
Outcome: Izzy performs a jaw dropping stunt in some part of the world, earning new fans in that location and making inroads into diplomatic relations with the locals.

[ ] Atone
Hex has been kind of hard on himself lately. You did try to explain to Hex that Charmcaster blowing up the town isn't really his fault, but if she learned that from him, then in a way it sort of is. Anyway, it's annoying the way he keeps moping about it. If he really needs to feel better about himself you guess you could sign off on him helping the people most affected by the blast. Just as long as none of that Sooperhero credit floats back to you.
Outcome: Hex performs disaster relief in the area. Recoup some public opinion loss. Hex comes to terms with what happened.

[ ] Study New Forms of Magic
Despite his great deal of traveling, Hex claims that there are a great deal more magics in the world than he realized. Hex will take some time to study all this strange sorcery and make heads or tails out of it.
Outcome: Intel on the magical factions of the world.

[ ] Set Up a New Library
Every good magician needs a library. Where else would he study, store his studies, and think about more studies? Not to mention it would act as a place to store Hex's mystical tomes, artifacts and more. But he calls it a Sanctum. Whatever that is.
Outcome: Hex takes over your mansion's library, transforming it into a mystic sanctum in which he is nigh omnipotent. That's… probably a good thing?

[ ] Teach Father Discipline
Hex taught Charmcaster how to wield unspeakable mystic power, but never the temperance to use it responsibly. Now that he's gotten a second chance he's going to do things right. The first order of business is looking into Father's temper.
Outcome: Hex tries to get Father to sit still and meditate. Chances of success are worse the higher Father's current RAGE is.

[ ] Hunt Down Ingredients
As the man who will one day perfect the humble snow cone, Professor XXXL is always on the lookout for rare and enticing flavorings. With the candy market booming like never before, it never takes long for the rumor mill to fill up with tales of sweet sensations.
Cost: 1 Funds.
Outcome: Professor XXXL splurges on rare ingredients for his research. Who knows? Maybe it'll lead him to a breakthrough? Taking this action mitigates Professor XXXL's loyalty penalty for not working on dessert related projects for a turn.

[ ] Experiment with Exotic Diseases
Aside from his obsession with frozen treats Professor XXXL has the bizarre side hobby of collecting deadly diseases and lab grown viruses. Now that they're all back in order he can finally do what any responsible scientist would and start randomly infecting test mice to see what happens.
Outcome: Coin toss of either amusing or horrifying results. Slim chance of something useful. Teeny weeny chance of an outbreak, but that's an acceptable risk, right?

[ ] Stabilize Your Mutations
An unfortunate lab accident years ago left the Professor with a constantly mutating body. Most of the time his adaptations never linger long enough to be much use, but a little genetic tinkering can stabilize them temporarily.
Outcome: Roll on a table for random animal mutation with mixed benefits.

[ ] Limber Up
It's been a while since he's done this. Might be a good idea to stretch his muscles before he goes through with what has to be done. One poorly timed cramp could spell disaster.
Outcome: Improved chances of success for The Ritual. Chance of a small stat boost.

[ ] Soothe Your Aching Head
Skips hasn't been feeling well lately. He isn't sick or anything, he just says he's got a headache. He claims to know a really good home remedy for a hangover, but he'd need to go shopping for the ingredients special. Maybe you ought to ask him that recipe yourself. Y'know. For those wild nights you get way too sauced up. Chocolate sauce that is.
Outcome: Skips whips up a hangover cure. Maybe it'll work.

[ ] Do Some Landscaping
When Skips started talking about adding some parks to the city he had you worried for a second that he meant playground equipment. After he assured you there would be no monkey bars or monkey business, you gave him the go ahead to plant a few greenways.
Outcome: Make Cleveland feel a little more like home.

[ ] Learn to Code
Skips seems pretty handy with just about everything except computers. He somehow managed to install a virus on his work laptop while trying to print a schedule. The only weekend computer class he could find was being taught at a senior center, but he doesn't seem to mind. He said he had a feeling that he wouldn't be the youngest person there.
Outcome: High likelihood of frustration. Low chance of a stat boost.

[ ] Collect VA Benefits
Skips has listed on his resume that he's an active duty veteran, which would be great if you could actually collect the tax break for it---except that he seems oddly hesitant to actually register with the government. When you asked what war he'd served in he just told you "The first one."
Outcome: Get what Uncle Sam owes you.

[ ] Start planning next trip to Fiji
It's never too late! Unlike Malaysia…
Outcome: Book a flight for Fiji.

[ ] Engage in inter-agency rivalry
FBI… more like Freakin' Bunch of Idiots. Stupid lousy suits think they're so great because they won the company baseball game. Maybe they'll feel less smug when somebody "leaks" their latest secret documents.
Outcome: Roll on a table. Leak some tidbit of government intelligence you probably weren't supposed to. OSI will probably frown at you if they catch you but as long as it's from an agency they don't like they'll probably let it slide.

[ ] Catch up with the twins
Usually when everything goes wrong Mr. Black & Mr. White's first instinct is to go see if the Test sisters have a solution. Look around at the state of the world, yeah uh, pretty bad.
Outcome: Learn what Susan & Mary have been getting up to. (And by extension, Mandark)

[ ] Watch the skies
UFO sightings have pretty much dried up since Moltar installed his array, but you want to believe, dang it! Follow up on any stray weather balloons that get reported in.
Outcome: Probably just a hoax. Unless…

[ ] Beg The General for new orders
After the incident in Malaysia Mr. Black & Mr. White haven't exactly been on good terms with their old boss. Officially, they still work at Area 51.1 but they haven't received any new orders since. Maybe if they ask really, really nicely and bring him those chocolates he likes, he'll take them back.
Outcome: B&W might start receiving assignments again. Maybe. If he's in a good mood. Maybe they'll even get their government benefits back.

[ ] Recruit a Hero
Hire a hero of the hero units currently available for acquisition. This costs two Personal Actions from Father to perform, and can only be taken once per round.
Now that Father's worked his way through his personal rolodex of soopervillains, most new hires will start asking for stuff like "salaries" and "up front benefits." All recruit options not marked as [Freebies] will cost 1 Fund to hire.

[ ] Knightbrace [Freebie]
The Plaque Crusader, the shining knight of shiny teeth, and the retainered foe of all things unhygienic. It seems that he has lagged behind the other soopervillains in their new ventures, as he has personally taken his time to hunt down each and every cavity in the area before moving on. This has made his progress rather slow, and easy to find: Just follow the dental floss and you'll find your man. So long as you leave the ice cream at home.

[ ] Alexis Warrington
An enormous, powerfully built woman with a career's worth of tough interviews under her belt. She's more than a little intimidating, but if you think about it maybe that's how she's been so successful wringing scandals out of powerful people for a living. Though she's most comfortable behind a camera, she's already proven her management chops taking your news staff to task on how to run a tighter ship, and her on-the-scene coverage of dangerous super-criminals proves she's more than comfortable getting her hands dirty in hot spots. Her one stipulation is that she won't work nights. All she wrote on the application about the reason for this unavailability was the word 'Justice.

[ ] Daphne Blake
A former teenage sleuth who quit the business after her old crew split up---and this time, not just to look for clues. She's maintained a respectable profile ever since with her one woman on-the-road programme "Coast to Coast With Daphne Blake." Seems now she's looking for an opportunity to use a full newsroom's resources to get to the bottom of some of America's spookiest mysteries.

[ ] Ann Gora
A former reporter for Kats Eye News out of Megakat City who was let go following the channel's acquisition by Puma-Dyne inc. This is no black cat you're dealing with. She's covered organized crime, elections, and alien invasions and despite capture by a dozen different evildoers, some combination of grit and good luck have carried her out every time without a scratch. You're more than confident she'd do an excellent job running your media outlet---the only problem is, her commitment to that funny little thing called 'Journalistic Integrity' might make her resistant to fudging the truth to make you look better.

[ ] Johnny Bravo
You're not really sure why he's here and neither is he. All he knows is that he turned up to the job office one day at his mother's insistence and they told him he had no brains, no talent, and no qualifications except for his good looks. So obviously he should apply to be an anchorman.
You probably should've tossed him out on the spot, but on the other hand, that is a good looking face.

[ ] Ronaldo Fryman
Okay. So he's technically still a teenager, and he technically doesn't have any formal qualifications, but he spent the last year and a half living under the gems secretly blogging about their activities right under their noses. He's even cited in that nifty government pamphlet you got! Maybe the only source he ever cites is his gut, and maybe he doesn't know how to drive yet, but he's not entirely unqualified. His MyFace page has a whole 200 followers which he assures you is a very high internet number. You could use a tech savvy youth to kick broadcast media into the digital age.

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[x] Plan: Operation R.I.P.O.S.T.E.D.

-[x] National Actions
--[x] ⚔️Cut Down KND Treehouses (Izzy)
1d100 = [95] + 37 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 25 + 2 = 179
1d100 = [97] + 20 + 19 + 5 = 141

While Izzy personally has no particular vendetta against children, she knows a threat when she sees one and is more than happy to play the role of the world's most dangerous lumberjack alongside you.

One small problem though; it seems like the kids aren't quite done playing in their tree forts. For the first time in months, things almost feel… Normal. As you coordinate the attacks on the remaining tree houses, the KND remnants put up a courageous counter-offensive. With Izzy in your Slightly Less Super Yet Still Incredibly Dangerous Machine, the two of you and a crack squadron of newly dehypnotized Ice Cream Men put the squeeze on the rugrats, and what began as a determined defense on the KND's behalf quickly transforms into a desperate hold out as more and more KND agents were either forced to pull back or be buried under freezing piles of Tutti-Frutti and Rum Raisin: Pure poison for their unrefined palettes.

The battles begin to quickly turn in your favor as you begin the process of putting the trees down for good. Forging your flames into a searing white-hot cutter, you watch with glee as fleeing ships slip out from hangers and KND agents attempt to slow you down; only to be smacked away with manic glee from Izzy, who may or may not be enjoying the power of the warbot a little too much.

A thrill creeps up your back and shivers run down your spine as singed the first of many KND treehouses in half. The sound of splintering timber and the crash of a eleventy-bajillion tons of steel into the pavement nearby is music to your ears. Gosh darn, you had always wanted to do that.

Things heat up again after a certain annoying flyboy decides to crash your party. Piloting a heavily modified K.L.O.S.S.A.L.I.N.E.R bearing the callsign of #2, the flying ace engaged Izzy en-route to your final cluster of targets and delayed her long enough for the rest of the brats to take their toys and scurry away down their rat lines to who-knows-where.

You find the remaining bases vacant, but no less dangerous. The KND leave behind a few nasty surprises for your troops. Home Alone booby traps are par for the course, but one treehouse suddenly reveals itself to be a carnivorous decoy, nearly swallowing you and Izzy's robot whole between its gnashing wooden teeth before flames and chainsaws cut it down to size. You get reports of vicious horned rabbits and flocks of winged hamsters monitoring your troops' locations. Evidently, that's how they spread the alert so fast.

The handful of intact KND labs you stumble across give further evidence of their weird new science projects. They're packed with bizarre specimens decidedly outside of their usual 2x4 wheelhouse. Things in tanks and cages you preferred not to examine too closely. In one, you discover a water-cooler full of bobbing eyeballs that all swivel to stare at you. You stay behind to make that one's completely burned to ashes before moving on.

The best, of course, was saved for last.

Sector V.

However, just as Izzy was about to start shredding it into toothpicks, you motioned for her to stop.

This place, perhaps even more than the moonbase, has stood as a symbol of resistance against your will for ages. It deserves a special fate. The question is… what will you do with it?

RESULT: KND prisoners of war taken, KND Remnants power reduced, Sector V Treehouse captured.

--[x] 🤝 Invite Candy Stock Market Investors (Hank)
DC 80 (CF 3% CS 7%)
1d100 = [20] + 19 + 23 + 5 - 5 + 4 = 71

Hank went into the meeting with the candy investors ready to charm the pantaloons off those pirates. Turns out good old boy Southern charm doesn't work too well on hardened sea dogs. Their macho chest pounding certainly didn't make things easy. One of them outright refused to do business unless Hank first proved that he could hold his drink---his teeth are still aching from the six mugs of pure cane sugar. At the end of the day, while they do seem interested, you're going to have to learn to speak their language to close the deal, matey.

--[x] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories (Skips)
DC 90 (CF 4% CS 6%)
1d100 = [29] + 19 + 15 + 10 + 2 = 75

Skips really hasn't been doing too hot. He admitted he's been struggling with migraines lately, but assured you he wasn't gonna let stress slow him down. Work on the factories progressed gradually up until Skips started having weird episodes on the job. At one point while he was fixing a skylight cracked by Charmcaster's shockwave, he got up in a daze and nearly walked right off the edge of the roof before four burly construction guys managed to pull him back. He said afterward that he had no memory of it and insisted he could still meet the deadline, but you forced him to take some time off. You're pretty sure he's gonna spend that time working anyway, but hopefully it'll at least be work that helps him relax.

--[x] 🎭 Investigate the "Guild" (Mr. Black & Mr. White)
DC 65 (CF 1% CS 9%)
1d100 = [79] + 27 + 24 + 4 = 134

While it's not quite their department, Mr. Black & Mr. White have always been vaguely aware of the Guild of Calamitous Intent on the periphery of the intelligence community. As part of their agreement with the OSI, the Guild maintains a direct line of communication with the other alphabet agencies. It only took a little bit of begging their old CIA buddies for Black & White to get ahold of the number of the Guild's Arching Services line, which they forwarded to you. Neat!

You got juggled between different departments for a while (which you're almost certain was just the same two guys passing the phone back and forth making up increasingly ridiculous voices) but eventually they gave you a straight answer. The gist is, the Guild is a REALLY old gentlemen's club of rich weirdos who for whatever reason have decided to become supervillains for… Fun? Revenge? A retirement hobby? As a SOOPERvillain yourself, you're not quite sure where these guys get off on criticizing you. The only difference between you and them that you can figure out is that they have all sorts of rules and stipulations about who's allowed to fight who using what weapons and when---something about an "Equally Matched Aggression Level" making sure it's always a fair fight. All in all, this sounds like something a bunch of nerdy teenagers would come up with to play in their basements with all their funny looking dice.

It DOES seem like you're allowed to renegotiate the terms of your rivalry with your 'Arch' or even request a different one provided you go through the right bureaucratic channels. The two dorks on the phone varied between professional answers and obvious jabs, which led to you hanging up in frustration before you could wring the specific details out of them. You DID manage to order a free GoCI Handbook on their website. Shipping wasn't included. Cheapskates. You'll probably have Hank go over it whenever it arrives. Maybe it'll shed some light on why they've decided they hate your guts.

In the meantime, you could probably also ask that Monstroso fella to clear things up now that you know the right questions to ask.

Result: Consult With Monstroso Diplomacy Action Unlocked. Renegotiate Arching Terms Diplomacy Action Unlocked.

--[x] 📚 Hard Light Scaffolding (Professor XXXL)
DC 70 (CF 1% CS 9%)
1d100 = [84] + 19 + 31 + 10 + 3 = 147

Ice Cream is an art. Snow Cones are an art. Frozen Yogurt? Jury is still out on that one, but leaning towards art. But theoretical application of hard light in use of construction and larger frame maintenance via application of photon stasis? Well, that's just plain old science. Professor XXXL finishes the study within a week, and has some working prototypes within the same month. Frankly, however, when he delivers the final report on your desk, he looks more bored than anything else. His only question is when the Ice Cream factories will be back in operation.

Result: Company-wide +3 Bonus on Stewardship actions related to construction. Hard Light Assembly Lines Stewardship Action Unlocked.

--[x] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men (Hex)
DC 60 (CF 1% CS 9%)
1d100 = [93] + [70} + 15 + 28 + 11 = 217

After Tolientaor's cruel and unusual attempts to break the spell, you decided to turn to someone with a bit more occult acumen.

"WELL Hex, do you think you can FIX it?"


The skull-faced wizard taps his chin, peering deep into the eyes of the gaggle of tied-up Ice Cream Men, all of them clearly intimidated by his spooky visage. With a slight rap of his staff against the closest one's head, he leans back.

"I can not only remedy this affliction, but learn from it as well."

"What do you mean?"

He smiles at your question. Raising his staff, you figure that he intends to show you what he means first hand.

"Al'Ra Hego'Garay Skeel!"

His words feel funny in your skull. Like someone speaking to you in a language you don't know but instantly understand. But if they're having a strange effect on you, then it's doing something much, much more powerful on the Ice Cream Men. Staring deep into the light at the end of his staff, they quickly change their posture from that of a bunch of scared children, huddling together into.. Something more confident.

More assured.

More adult.

"What in MILWAUKEE was that?"

"Your… acolyte, Tolienator, did not realize the true nature of the spell. Mental conditioning can be broken with crude torture. But your warriors have been magically altered. Their mental states have been reverted. Grains of sand flowing back up an hourglass. The cure was to simply insert what had been missing."

"So, like, uh, BRAINWASHING?"

You say, absentmindedly tugging at the collar of your silhouette. Couldn't imagine why.

"No. Brainwashing is a clumsy, brutal method of control. I have… restored the lessons of adulthood. With some minor adjustments of my own. A lingering spell of bravery to improve their confidence, and, if you will forgive the insult, competence."

"Oh. THAT sounds good."

Hex smiles at that.

"Indeed. It is good. Although…"

As Hex magically unties their bindings, the Ice Cream Men stand tall, saluting you. Hex pays little attention to them. It seems he's pondering something.

"Did these… Kids Next Door possess knowledge of the mystic arts?"

"I don't believe so. 'Less you count that one time I saw Numbuh 2 eat twice his weight in LIVERWURST."

Hex studies you quizzically for a moment before deciding not to ask.

"Then this implies that someone with such power is aiding them. Someone I do not know. This magic is no learned sorcerer's spell. It is innate. Primal."
"So you're saying SOMEONE is helping the brats?"

"It seems so. Perhaps I might gain more insight from it."

Now, that didn't sound good. But at least now you've got a crack team of Ice Cream Men ready to go. Whatever Hex did really seemed to bolster their pride and spirits. Not a single one of them is hunching over or lollygagging! They seem primed and ready to take the fight to the pint-sized terrors!

Result: Your Ice Cream Men are back in business. Train Ice Cream Men Martial Action unlocked. KND Martial bonus removed.

-[x] Personal Actions
--[x] Father
---[x] Visit Spankulot in Prison
1d100 = [80]

You had braced yourself for what you might see when you scheduled a visit with the Count. You knew enough about prison from those Scared Straight specials to anticipate what it might have done to him. Nothing you could have possibly imagined came close. You're… gonna need some time to process the things you saw in there.

How could things have possibly gotten this bad? What Numbuh 365 said to you before the interview keeps echoing in your thoughts. There are things out there way bigger, and meaner, and crueller than you. Stickybeard was right. The world's changing. And the people who can't keep up are getting swallowed alive.

To Be Continued In Interlude: Truth Stings

---[x] Do Some Paperwork
1d100 = [83]

Ughhhhh. You've got cramps in your hands where you never even knew you could GET cramps. If you never have to think about a 401k again, it'll be too soon. At least you're starting to sorta kinda get this paperwork stuff. You managed to get through half the stack before you gave up and made Hank do the rest!

Result: +1 Stewardship. +A Bajillion Papercuts.

---[x] Recruit a Hero: Daphne Blake 👻

--[x] 🥩 Hank Hill - (Shadow Father: Recruit a Hero: Daphne Blake 👻)
1d100 = [21]

"Why CAN'T we just hire the big guy with the COOL hair again? He seems pretty HIP."

"Now Father sir, we've gotta be fair to every applicant. Miss Blake is a qualified young woman with great references. It wouldn't be right to ignore all that… Also, if I may sir, Mr. Bravo is still completely unqualified for… Well, everything."

"HM… But HOW is it gonna look for ADULT Co to put some meddling kid in charge? The other SOOPERvillains are gonna laugh at me!"

Hank fixed you with an even frown. The Dad Look. No fair! That was your move!

"Sir, I know how you feel about kids, but if you want 'em to grow into hardworking adults, then you've gotta give 'em a little trust and a chance to exercise responsibility. 'Sides. She ain't a kid anymore."

You sigh in exasperation. "Oh ALL rightALWAYS with the responsibility… At least she's just a teenager." You set the other applications aside. "...plus all that mystery solving stuff seems pretty nifty. I guess." You admit. "Maybe it won't be TOO bad."

"That's the spirit sir!" Hank says, reassuringly patting you on the back. "I know it can be hard to be open minded. Heck, I know Bobby's pushed me out of my comfort zone with all his weird hobbies more times 'n I can count. But sir, I think It'll be good for you to have somebody younger around. Get a little perspective."

Someone younger huh? Loathe as you are to admit it, those Teen Ninjas were useful for more than just spying on people. Chad wasn't always the brightest bulb but you could appreciate his insights on the youth. If only because they enabled you to more effectively crush them. Maybe it's time to forgive and forget…

Result: Chad Dickson added to Check Up On Old Allies Diplomacy action. Enhance Teen Appeal Diplomacy action unlocked.

--[x] 🚽 Toiletnator - (Exorcize Office Toilets)
1d100 = [75]

An epic duel between the forces of Good and Evil took place in the men's room at AdultCo HQ. The battle was intense and not without its innocent porcelain casualties, but in the end, though the red hooded spectre got away, the Toiletnator prevailed. Employees of AdultCo are once again free to relieve themselves in peace, no more troubled by the constipating terror of Aka Manto. For once in his pathetic life Toiletnator is being hailed as a hero. So… where the heck is he?

To Be Continued In Interlude: Red, Wiped, & Blue

Result: Haunted Bathroom Stewardship penalty removed. Toiletnator is nowhere to be found.

--[x] ✨ Izzy - (Perform a Stunt: Mud wrestle an Everglades gator)
1d100 = [68]

You'd think a town with a name like Gatorsburg would have a lot more… y'know. Gators. But nope---pretty much gator free. The local population must've all dried up a while ago. Both gators AND people. But Izzy is nothing if not persistent. She got her gator alright. It just came with a few uninvited guest stars.

To Be Continued In Interlude: Truth Stings

Result: Gator status: wrestled. Dethklok status: impressed. ??? status: also impressed, but a little weirded out.

--[x] 💀 Hex - (Atone)
1d100 = [36]

Hex has spent a lifetime hoarding elemental power, and the last five years learning how little it can really change. Magic can raise a house from ashes. But it can't build trust. Only patience and humility can do that. In those regards, he's still only a student. How fortunate he's met somebody he would not hesitate to call a master. And maybe, if he's lucky, a friend.

To Be Continued In Interlude: Apology By Hand

Result: Hex has been humbled, and appreciates it. The beginning of a friendship.

--[x] 🍧 Professor XXXL - (Stabilize Your Mutations)
1d100 = [1]

Professor XXXL had this really great idea, see. No, really, it was gonna be great! See, he got to thinking, animal mutations. Cool, right? But what about EXTINCT animal mutations? Even cooler! And of course, he started with the coolest one of all, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. He was gonna give himself T. Rex jaws (for chomping ice cream) or a big cool tail (for mixing ice cream). Instead, he sequenced one wrong genome and he gave himself T. Rex ARMS. Now he can neither eat, nor scoop, nor even hold frozen desserts of any kind without assistance. Thankfully the Professor's naturally unstable DNA will revert the changes any day now, but for the time being, the poor guy is pretty bummed out.

Result: Professor XXXL cannot take any National or Personal actions next turn unless you assign another unit to use up their entire turn acting as his hands.

--[x] 🌲 Skips - (Do some landscaping)
1d100 = [27]

Cleveland's got a lot of scars. Runs deeper and older than its latest crater. Making it a nicer place to live isn't a job even Skips can finish in a few months. It's slow, thorough work bringing green to places that've had more broken bottles than plants for the last four decades. And that suits Skips just fine.

To Be Continued In Interlude: Apology By Hand

Result: Cleveland is a little greener. The beginning of a friendship.

--[x] 🕵🏻&🕵🏿 Mr. Black & Mr. White - (Catch up with the twins)
1d100 = [58]

Mandark stonewalled them the second he figured out they worked for Father, and Eddy's secretary only wanted to talk about gravy. So Black & White did what any responsible intelligence agent would do and got their numbers from the NSA monitoring list. They managed to chat with both of them for a few minutes before work pulled them away, but nothing more than a few opening pleasantries. The girls say their brothers are doing alright, though they used the plural which is weird. They're amenable to meeting up for lunch if B&W ever make it out to the West coast. Kind of funny though. Susan's supposed to be working for Mandark in Genius Grove, but her new phone number has a Vancouver area code.

Result: A nice phone call with old friends. But something's a little off.

-[x] Media Czar
--[x] Daphne Blake
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Interlude: Apology By Hand
The foetid waters of the Swim lapped against the crater's edges. Every time the slopping water kissed the walls, it carried away clumps of loose soil, adding over time to the severity of the steep dropoff. A peppering of broken pipes jutting from the crater's edge at mismatched angles spewed a stream of grey water into the hole faster than it could absorb into the soil. The cross section of the suburb's underground plumbing system acted like tree roots or rebar; they anchored the Swim's dirt walls and kept it from collapsing. Or at least, from collapsing completely.

Hex floated out over the lip of the crater to survey the damage.

The garage side of an unfortunate family's three-bedroom prefab had crashed into the Swim along with dozens of tonnes of dirt disturbed by recent rains. The eggbasket of an entire household's wealth (plus station wagon) sinking deeper by the minute.

The parents -- a man and woman -- watched Hex with wide eyes from a safe distance through the doorway of the still-intact portion of their house. Their kids were nowhere to be found. It was a weekend. Evidently, they had sent them away somewhere while he worked.

He turned to them. "To have just escaped the initial blast, yet suffered even on the periphery… It is a grave misfortune. I shall set my power to rectifying it."

"You… mean you can fix it?" The woman asked. "How?"

"The forces I control are beyond your mortal ken." Hex said. "Know only that I have sworn an oath of loyalty to your liege. It is the duty of the powerful to see to the fates of those beneath them."

He raised his staff.

"Habitatio Arachnea Crura."

A crack rang out across the cul-de-sac. The man yelped and hid behind his wife. They looked on in horror as the waterlogged siding boards peeled off of the walls of their home, unfurling into spindly segmented legs. With a tremendous groan of creaking wood, the legs began to drag the house up the side of the crater, using wastewater pipes as footholds.

The trembling couple screamed as their garage clawed its way up and over the lip of the Swim and came barrelling right at them.

Hex drew an arcane symbol in the air, issuing a second command: "Geminae Partes Reformationis!"

The two halves linked up again, wood knitting together like healing tissue. The completed structure began to rumble. The owners threw themselves out the doorway just in time before the main part of the home raised up in the air behind the garage like a wooden spider's bloated abdomen. Its garage door rolled open and shut, gnashing expectantly as it waited for Hex's orders.

"The foundations are unsafe. It would not do to remain here," Hex mused.

"But we--"

"It is not your place to worry. That is my burden. What trade do you practise?"

The husband fainted dead away. His wife caught him. "Wuh-wuh-wuh-we're technicians at the, um, the stapler factory. Sir."

Hex whispered the directions into his staff. The house-spider listened intently. Then it turned and scuttled down the street away from the crater heading in the direction of AdultCo's industrial park.

"It will relocate nearer to your place of work." Hex told them. "I had intended for you to ride along with it. But I see you prefer to walk. Now, is there anything else I might help you with?"

The couple took one look at each other, and ran as fast as their legs would carry them after their home without so much as glancing back.

Hex sighed and resumed his rounds. Alighting where the damage was worst. Repairing. Relocating. Casting wordlessly as he simmered in his thoughts.

He took a listless path, simply following wherever he saw shattered glass. Few of the families whose homes he repaired came out to greet him. Those who did rarely thanked him. Most just looked at their feet until he left. It was all the same everywhere.

They were afraid. Of him? Unsurprising.

Hex was High Scholar of the Kingdom of Zoraster. Noble blood coursed through his veins, and magic all the more potent for it. If they understood their place that was only natural.

So why did he feel so unresolved?

One row of boarded windows blurred into another. Cracked pavement charred where tongues of magic flame had licked it. Hex was no stranger to such destruction.

He had watched his native plane, once verdant, razed into a charred black bone and then cracked to spill the marrow of its magic.

He himself had sundered brick and stone in crude demonstrations of force. If not for the Tennyson children, Hex might have ravaged Earth as Addwaitya had his homeland. But only to rebuild it. Or so he had always told himself.

He would have brought these small, scared people into a new age of magic. Taught them that they need not fear the things in the dark they did not understand, nor cage them within the limitations of their 'science.' Even then, Hex had ever styled himself the tutor.

He wanted that for Hope as well. The child had grown up in a neverending state of terror surrounded by violence far outside of her control. Hex's harsh lessons had always been intended to teach her strength enough that she need never fear again. In that regard, at least, he hadn't failed her. But he had cast aside her other emotions as well.

She was fearless, yes. But also pitiless. What kind of person did that make his niece?

Hex froze. He could feel a tingle of mana at the fringes of his senses. He whirled around, half expecting to see Charmcaster floating over Cleveland ready to finish the job.

Hex had absent-mindedly wandered out of the suburbs to the outskirts of the city proper. It was an understandable mistake. He counted about as many boarded windows, although it was time, not magic, that'd brought down the dilapidated buildings.

One of Hex's coworkers -- the one that always skipped -- was kneeling in the middle of a vacant lot. He whispered something into his cupped hands. When he turned them over, a ball of gummy worms spilled out and wriggled away into the dirt.

Skips looked up at Hex.

"You practise magic?" Hex asked incredulously.

Skips shrugged. "Yeah, I dabble."

"Do not hide behind false modesty." Hex scoffed. "That was a spell of animation. Flawlessly cast."

"Yeah, well. Just don't ask me to do statues. Never got the hang of golems." Skips said.

Hex touched down at Skips' side. Something crinkled under his feet. An empty Katz Kandy bag.

"Ah. Woops." Skips knelt and balled it up, chucking it across the lot into a plastic bin. "No littering. Oughta set a better example for the kids."

"What is your purpose here?" Hex demanded. "Surely you aren't casting spells merely to amuse yourself."

"Azaleas." Skips said.


Skips pulled a seed packet from his shorts back pocket, then gestured around the edge of the lot to a perimetre of freshly dug earth.

"Yeah, I thought they'd give some colour to the place." Skips repeated. "I'd use real worms but the bait shop was closed today. These guys'll squirm around down there a week or two before they turn to mush. Give the soil room to breathe."

He began unloading rolls of sod from an old golf cart parked outside the lot. He hefted two over his burly shoulders and tossed a third at Hex.


Hex snapped from his bemusement just in time to catch it with his magic. He floated the sod alongside him as he followed Skips across the lot.

"You are… gardening?"

"Yep." Skips began rolling out sod like a grassy carpet.

"You possess enough of a knack for sorcery to give life to inanimate objects. Yet you instead choose to toil in the dirt."



Skips grabbed Hex's floating sod out of the air and set to work unrolling it too.

"Good for the soul. There's nothing wrong with helping people."

"You think I have been idle?" Hex narrowed his eyes. "This morning alone, I have filled three sinkholes, prevented a mudslide, repaired and relocated six homes--"

"Heh!" Skips chuckled. "Yeah, saw one a those spider houses walkin' through earlier."

"You could do so much more with magic. I could teach you."

"I'll do things my way, thanks."

Hex pinched the bridge of his nose. He bit back the anger welling in his throat.

"And what has led you to believe this--" Hex plucked a blade of grass. "--is the best use of your time?!"

"I asked."

"You…" Hex was taken aback. He fished for words. A baffled "What?" was all he dredged up.

Skips continued to roll out his sod. He paused. "Mind takin' it to the side a bit? Don't wanna grow grass over your foot."

Hex obliged.

"Yeah, I asked. I figured they'd want me to handle renovations, but folks in East Cleveland're used to dealing with broken windows on their own. Consensus was, they wanted a place they could tell their kids to play without having to worry about tetanus shots." Skips scratched his head. "I guess I'm kinda pushin' the 'No Playgrounds' thing. Don't go ratting me out on Father, huh?"

An old pickup pulled up alongside Skips's golf cart. The driver, an average looking man wearing a blue button up, honked the horn. Hex might have seen him around before during one of his patrols. Then again, he might've not.

"Ey, green thumbs! I got it!"

Skips gave the last sod roll a kick to unfurl it the rest of the way. He hurried over to the truck.

"Lo and behold. CJ appears. And here your landlady was tellin' me you weren't gonna come through."

He got out of the driver's seat, laughing. "If you didn't wanna rely on me, you shouldna pulled up in a clown car." He gave Skips's golf cart a kick.

"I told ya Cornell! It's got sentimental value!" Skips laughed back.

Hex went to see what was in the trunk that the two were so excited about. Cornell flinched away.

"Ah, shit! It's that spooky fucker!" He looked ready to bolt.

Skips held up his hands. "Easy. He's with me today."

"Seeing how us regular jackoffs live, huh?" Cornell still cast a wary eye at Hex, but his body language relaxed.

"Yeah, somethin' like that. Actually, he was gonna help us set this up. By hand."

"I…" On another day, Hex might have taken exception to that. As it was he was far too out of his element. "Yes. I am here to help."

The thing in the trunk turned out to be a pair of nets and two disassembled frames.

Skips grabbed a spraycan and began painting a set of white patterns across the grass. Hex and Cornell got to setting them up on opposite ends of the vacant lot. Hex had no idea what it was they were building, but the pieces slotted together pretty intuitively.

They worked in silence. Until Cornell abruptly spoke up. "So… is it true you're the guy who blew up that neighbourhood?"

Hex hesitated. "...No. I did not."

"Huh." Cornell handed him the other end of the net they were stringing up between the posts.

"But it was my fault." Hex added.

"How's that?"

"It was my niece." Hex told him. "I raised her. Trained her in the dark arts. If I had only… But not even I can change the past."

"Yeah, I know how it is." Cornell agreed.

Hex gave him a look. "My apprentice now wields the very source of magic as a weapon of mass destruction. What do you know of my failure?" He scoffed.

Skips elbowed him. Hex winced. Not since his beating from the Tennyson child's four armed transformation had his ribs been so badly bruised.

"Maybe not the magic stuff." Cornell admitted. "But kids. Yeah. My little cousin's in jail for aggravated robbery. He stung the clerk."

Hex decided not to ask.

"Sometimes I go and blame myself too for not being there to keep him from doing something stupid."

They finished with the nets and frames. Next, they set about building a small shed out of a kit. Hex cheated by hammering the nails in with his magic whenever Skips wasn't looking. As he worked, he mulled their conversation over and over in his head. It was his turn to break the silence.

"Are you?" Hex asked.


"To blame." Hex clarified.

Cornell seemed to think about that. "Yeah. Nah. Guess it's a complicated question right? Man made his own choices. But I could've been a better role model."

They put in the door, then watched Skips finish up with the paint. He chucked the mostly empty can back into the trunk.

"Alright. That's that." He clapped off his hands.

They all stood back and admired their work.

"It's a little bare for now." Skips said. "It'll be better when the azalea bushes come in. And we'll need to get a lock for the shed so no wise guy steals any of the equipment."

Hex's curiosity finally got the better of him. "What is it?"

Cornell gave him a weird look. "I thought they were nuts for soccer in Europe."

Skips coughed. "Waaaay off the mark."

They waved off Cornell as he drove away.

"How'd that feel?" Skips asked Hex.

"Strange." Hex admitted. "It is not my custom to fraternise. Did we truly need his help?"

"It's his home." Skips said. "People tend to like having a hand in what goes on where they live. Turnin' their houses into spiders, even if it's helping 'em… Eh. A guy feels pretty powerless when he sees someone do that kinda stuff."

"So what then? Must I hobble my ability to do good?" Hex shook his head. He squeezed his eyes shut. "I have done so much harm. By my actions. By their consequences. Even using all of the power at my disposal, it will take an age before I have recouped my shame. I cannot balance the scales of karma by planting gardens."

Skips considered this. "Seems like you got it mixed up whether you want other people to forgive you, or just yourself."

"You frame it as a choice."

Skips shrugged. "Forgiveness is a person-to-person thing. You make people feel like ants, and they can only respect ya. Not forgive. That goes double when it comes to forgiving yourself."

"How can I not be on equal ground with myself?" Hex asked.

"Which 'myself' are we talkin' about?" Skips retorted. "Hex the all powerful sorcerer who can do anything? Or Hex the man?"

A moment passed as Hex internalised the question.

It struck him like a cannonball. Whatever impossible standards of strength he'd held Charmcaster to, he had also held for himself.

Hex let out a long breath. "It seems so obvious in hindsight. I am my niece's uncle. How did I not realise?"

Skips scratched his chin. "You want my unsolicited diagnosis? You feel like you slouched when that kid needed ya, so you're tryin' to compensate. Treating all of this like it's just your responsibility insteada the whole community. That, plus a helping of that old school noblesse oblige."

"I remain a High Scholar of Legerdomain." Hex huffed. "...But this is not Legerdomain. I should do better to remember that."

Skips clapped him on the back. "Getting there."
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