FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

[x] Plan: Operation R.E.F.L.E.C.T. (Refurbish Essential Factories, Liberate Employee, Coffee Theory)

-[x] National Actions

--[x] Rescue The Toiletnator (Father & Hex)
DC 100 (CS 6% CF 4%)
1d100 = 58 + 37 - 15 + 5 + 27 + 3

That was… different. It sure as HECK didn't look like any kind of sooper-villainy you're used to. You still aren't sure what to think about it. Just about the only thing you ARE sure of is that if Toiletnator keeps babbling about the eyes in the sewers coming to get you, you're gonna hand him right back over to Impossible.

To Be Continued In Interlude: Playing Against Type

--[x] Invite Candy Stock Market Investors (Father)
DC 40 (CS 8% CF 2%)
1d100 = [30] + 21

You should've known better than to pit Hank against those sweet toothed savages. He's a nice guy. But nice doesn't get you far among cutthroats like them. What they really needed to get in line was a solid show of strength and stomach. And when you've got the rocky road blues, no pirate captain on the sea can out-eat you in an ice cream binge. Needless to say, they were dutifully impressed. Still doesn't make you feel any better about... Well nevermind. The candy stock market has investors now. You guess. Woop de doo.

Result: +1 Income. Bet On Candy Futures Stewardship Action unlocked.

--[x] Build Partnership with VenTech (Daphne + Izzy)
DC 90 (CS 5% CF 5%)
1d100 = [7] + 27 +3 + 1 + 20 + 2

You assigned Daphne the task of opening up formal talks with VenTech, and by all accounts, she prepared quite a thorough presentation to really wow their straight-laced CEO. Izzy was even going to co-present with product demonstrations to add some flair. And therein lay the rub. Izzy's untimely arrest forced Daphne to scramble over to Michigan in order to bail her out, and by the time she'd smoothed things over with the chief of police they were late for their flight to Paradigm, and their appointment with Jonas Venture. Needless to say he wasn't very impressed with their tardiness.

--[x] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories (Hank)
DC 80 (CS 9% CF 1%)
1d100 = [78] + 21 + 22 + 33 + 3

Skips already handled the more involved repairs himself, and the team of local contractors and day labor from the community needed little supervision finishing the job. Still, ever one for good impressions, Hank rolled up his sleeves and pitched in personally. He might be just about the only CEO on the planet patching leaky roofs between boardroom meetings. At the end of the day, title or not, Hank's earned a pretty approachable reputation with the hard hats and hi vis crowd. Now that your long dormant freezers are finally back in action, you can treat your staff to free whippy cones for a job well done.

Result: +1 Income. Modular Dessert Ordinances Martial Action unlocked. The Perfect Flavor Learning Action unlocked. Ice Cream Factories FINALLY opened for business. Won't the Professor be pleased?

--[x] Implement Anti-Scrying Protocols (Father)
DC 65 (CS 7% CF 3%)
1d100 = [69] + 27 + 10

Hex's step by step list of precautions left you little room for error. A combination of modern magical banes, extended runic barriers, and common sense infosec habits ensure AdultCo's secrets will be much safer from spying, scrying, and all seeing eye-ing any mystical ne'er do wells might get up to. You're sure your skull faced pal's concern is warranted, but man is it a pain in the keister memorising all these secret code-phrases. At least you've got a little practice with doublespeak from your life of sooper-villainy. Like how 'Parent Teacher Conference' is code for 'Enhanced Interrogation.'

Result: The Barrier of Char'Gar'Gothakon now imposes a contested Occult check to remotely spy on Father's mansion.

--[x] Advanced Theoretical Stimulants (Professor XXXL)
DC 90 (CS 7% CF 3%)
1d100 = [41] + 19 +10 + 31 + 3

Coffee may not be ice cream, but Professor XXXL seemed pretty excited to finally be given something to do with his degree in culinary science. He babbled on and on about 'catecholamine release' and agoni-whatsits and a lot of other complicated brain chemistry stuff you didn't catch, but if you understood him right, he was able to refine samples of crude coffee from your pipelines into concentrated super-beans which proooobably won't kill people. Probably. Maybe you better test it on the Toiletnator first.

Result: Distribute Coffee Combat Stims Martial Action Unlocked. Delve Into The Dark Roast Arts Learning Action Unlocked. Crossbreed Vanilla-Coffee Bean Learning Action Unlocked.

--[x] Research the Book of K.N.D. (Skips)
DC 80 (CS 7% CF 3%)
1d100 = [32] + 15 + 15 + 15 + 7

You and Skips shared a brief moment of panic when you went to retrieve the Book of KND and found it missing. You're a gajillion percent certain you've been using it as a doorstop to your office since the day you unwrapped the stupid thing, but when you stooped to dust away the months of caked dust, you discovered in its place Hex's Lesser Tome of Fyto-Necromancy: Black Thumb Tips for the Extinction Gardener. You and Skips scoured the office for it for the better part of a week before Toiletnator butted in and insisted he knew where to find it.

You only humored him because Skips, strangely enough, seemed to believe him. If he hadn't, you might've spent the whole month searching.

Toiletnator led you expectedly into the bathroom where the office janitors were still hard at work repairing the damage he'd done during his brawl with Aka Manto.

The Toiletnator led you to one stall, where a shattered toilet lay in pieces, and after a moment of reverent silence, plunged his hand into the still intact upper basin.

He came out with the Book of KND, sealed safe and dry inside a plastic sandwich bag. Skips seemed to flinch at the sight of it. Probably just a natural reaction to seeing an ancient tome submerged in toilet water. Not that it held any real value. The ratty old thing's binding was already held in place by chewing gum and boogers.

The way Skips kept eyeing it nervously got you nervous by proximity, so you dumped the thing still dripping in his lap and left him to sort things out.

His report revealed a lot of stuff that made some amount of sense and just as much that had you scratching your head. The book's contents were as disorganized, as you'd expect from a glorified diary continually added to by twenty something plus decades worth of KND Supreme Leadership. Whenever its pages ran out, the current owners would stick in new ones haphazardly with no real care for chronological order. It was, in every sense of the word, a living document kept constantly up to date with new protocols, blueprints, and operational guidelines as the group evolved with the years. Skips has compiled the most useful of these together by category, offering key insights into how you might reverse engineer the KND's technology and preempt their future strikes against you.

However, far more prominent than practical advice are the pages documenting hallowed lore: stories passed down throughout the years in Kid legend--some already familiar to you through oral retellings--all codified here in their definitive form.

The lengthiest single entry is an origin myth of sorts. In it, adults are created by children instead of the other way around, and enslaved as servants, only for one man to rise up and lead them in a brutal revolt that established the contemporary order of Adult Tyranny. Nothing but a bunch of KND flapdoodle. Even still..

Two details unnerve you. The Lucifer figure as described bears a striking resemblance to yourself, minus the doofy name. And the location of the ancestral Adult homeland is given as Cleveland, Ohio.

A part of you wishes it'd been a more recent entry. That, at least, would've been easy to dismiss. As it stands, Skips thinks it's one of the oldest. Older than you by a long shot.

Your mythological counterpart isn't an entirely unsympathetic figure. It puzzles you why on earth those kids would write themselves in as the initial oppressors in their foundational myth. Maybe somewhere in the uncharted journey of your hated nemeses they came to realize that Adults had valid grievances. Skips speculates the story was meant to be a morality tale to remind themselves there was a line they couldn't cross.

If that's true, then what does that mean for the remnants of the KND now operating sans book? It's a thought that turns your stomach as you remember all those empty tree forts and the abandoned experiments left behind.

Result: Investigate 2x4 Tech DC reduced by 10. L.U.N.C.H.B.O.C.K.S. Field Database Intrigue Action Unlocked. Study The Juvenile Mind Learning Action Unlocked. Investigate KND Mythology Occult Action Unlocked. Capture Decommissioning Chamber Martial Action Locked Behind Hunt down the K.N.D. Intrigue Action.

-[x] Personal Actions
--[x] Father

---[x] Sit in on OSI Meetings
1d100 = 72

Through dumb luck and tireless devotion to punching gems you have earned yourself a seat at the big boys' table. A general meeting of secret intelligence was convened in Pork Belly, Montana to discuss developments in the war against the aliens and other potential threats to internal stability. It feels good to be plotting against an enemy again. You think you've got a better sense of your rocky enemies and their PP allies, and more importantly, how best to begin dismantling them. Sure, it was weird that the Guild was there too. But for the first time in a while, you're finally starting to feel like you're on top of things.

----[x] Transfer Gem POWs to OSI Custody (Free Action)

Uh oh.

To Be Continued in Interlude: Rubies Aren't Forever

---[x] Hold a Funeral
1d100 = 90

It took a lot less time to arrange the details than you'd expected. Even after determining the ashes collected at the scene were inert, Providence refused to rescind them to a non-relative so the funeral is a symbolic memorial held in a tiny chapel on the outskirts of Youngstown. It's hardly a large gathering, but that's probably good considering McLean's vultures would've swooped in to turn it into some headline. 'Hero Patriarch Mourns Monster.' Even if they gave it a positive spin you don't want attention for this.

Aside from you, a very nervous XXXL, and the Toiletnator, Stickybeard and Nightbrace sitting as far away from each other as possible, old Cuppa Joe, and that one angry Soccer Mom.

Then come Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb, pulling up in their sporty new Guild funded motorchair. A Katz Ventures chopper rustles the lawn as it touches down and out steps Mr. Fizz, decked out in a fancy new suit and tie the color of creme soda foam. They take their seats without acknowledging any of you.

Mr. Boss shuffles in halfway through the service and sits by himself at the back.

As for you, you sit in the front. Alone.

The funeral director says a few generic words about remembrance and stuff before she quietly shuffles off and leaves you by yourselves with a platter of soggy finger sandwiches and coffee. The latter of which Cuppa Joe keeps glancing at, sweat beading on his face from the effort of restraint.

The silence goes on for minutes interrupted only by mumbles greetings when two of you accidentally make eye contact.

"You know Mr. Wink, I always thought--"

"--that he'd be taken out by some enterprising child with a tent stake?" Mr. Fibb finishes.

"Oh, real respectful guys!" Toiletnator splutters. "And at the guy's funeral too!"

"Aw, shaddup Toiletnator." Mr. Boss shoves a cigar into the side of his mouth without lighting it. "Let the tweedle dunces chatter."

"Well.. um.." Toiletnator rubs the back of his neck. "That's not very nice! We're here to remember our friend Spankulot, right? He wouldn't want us to make fun of each other."

"Friend? Mr. Fibb was he our friend?"

"Mm. The bruises on my paddled bottom remember that traitor differently, Mr. Wink."

The urge to bury your face in your hands grows the longer you listen to them.

"Heh, big talk for the guys who joined the richer villain's club." Soccer Mom scoffs. "And Bossman over there, he answers to a kid now!"

Mr. Fizz clucks his tongue. "Tch. But if we are talking traitors, it does not do to ignore the murderer in the room."

Your heart sinks, brow furrowing as a spark of annoyance flares up in your eyes. The sudden rise in the room's temperature makes Mr. Fizz flinch. You don't hear much from him after that.

"The EVOlisation process was practically irreversible." XXXL offers timidly past his lisp, pulling at his now sweaty collar. "Father--"

"Did the only thing he could. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure the report he had you cook up says the same thing." Mr. Boss brushes him aside. "Look, it's not that shocking it was one of us who did him in. Let's be honest. None of us were ever really friends. Heck, we never even wanted the same thing."

"But that's not true!" Toiletnator cries. "We all wanted to DESTROY those ROTTEN KNDs!!"

"Not him." Mr. Fizz jerks at thumb at XXXL.

"I never wanted to deshtroy them." Nightbrace agrees. "I jusht wanted them to clean their teethsh! And he wanted to rot his gums on their candy!" He growls, indicating Stickybeard.

"Arr, all of ye, quit'cher bellyachin'!" Stickybeard shouts. "None of us are any blasted good! That's why we're th' BAD GUYS!! But would it do ye swabs in to keep a bit 'o decorum while we're honorin' a dead man half of ye were on a bowling team with!?"

The room falls silent again.

Joe finally snaps and grabs the coffee.

It occurs to you that everyone expects you to speak. You were always the one holding everything together when they used to fight like this. The big dog on the block. As you rise to the occasion, you wonder if you still are.

"I still don't get it all myself," you begin, clearing your throat.

"Mr. Boss has a point. We weren't always the BEST of pals. But we fought those brats for YEARS together, and we KNEW it was the most important thing in our lives. We were friends. Then, all of a sudden…" You look down to your hand- without knowing, you have summoned a small flame in your palm. Taking a deep breath, you close your hand, snuffing out the flame before watching as the smoke coils up into the air.

You struggle to come up with the words to describe your sense of loss for whatever you had before. You give up trying.

"EVERYTHING is different." You throw up your arms. "We thought we were the biggest SOOPER-villains around. But SOMEHOW the world got meaner than us. Even I'LL admit those aliens up North are bigger news than any trouble those brats ever got up to. I dunno why I'M supposed to be some kinda SOOPER-HERO just 'cause I don't want MY neighborhood to get abducted but it's not like I've got better things to do nowadays' than play ALONG. Spanky just did what he had ALWAYS done. It's NOT his fault the world decided it was wrong… If I hadn't lucked into this government thing, maybe I'd've gone off the deep end too. I'm…" It takes you a minute to bite back the gut revulsion at sentimentality building in the back of your throat. "GLAD you guys are doing alright for yourselves."

You force a smile.

Nobody can see it. You hope that they can tell.

"HECK! I heard STICKY-BUN even pulled one over on that awful Numbuh Five."

Stickybeard takes the bait, showing all of his rotten teeth in a big goofy grin as he launches into his tale. Everyone relaxes into light reminiscing about old times after that. You talk about flawed evil schemes. Near victories. Cook outs. Bowling. Nothing that matters now in this changed time, but it means the world to you. Memories of Spankulot float in here and there throughout the meandering episodes of your life. Cuppa Joe raises toast after toast to the old Vampire as an excuse to down more coffee.

You part amicably. Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb even promise to put in a good word with the Guild for you. Though they caution that the Monarch really seems to hate your guts for some indefinable reason known only to himself. Something about a man in black and white stripes always stoking him up behind his wife's back. But that's a problem for another day.

For now you're glad to have laid a friend to rest.

---[x] Recruit a Hero: Alexis Warrington

"Well Ms. Warrington, your resumé speaks for itself considering the BIG whopping dent it made in my desk. Unfortunately I don't have time to read a novel, so I'll JUST leave it at one little question before I let you go for the day: how d'ya feel about kids?"

The face of the enormous lady sitting across from you twitches.



She reaches across the table so slowly that your mind never registers just how large her hands are compared to your face. You fool yourself for a quarter of a second that she's just casually reaching for your bowl of hard caramels. A quarter second later she's standing, your legs are dangling in the air, and she's got a pretty mean grip on the collar of your shadow suit.

"Let's get something straight Father." She says--not quite angrily, but with very little patience. "I know who you are. I know what you used to do. I don't care. Because I'm not applying to be your sidekick in your antinatalist baby-eating Kronos revenge fantasy."

You snap from incoherent shock and meekly lift a finger to object.

"And no, 'Patriarch', it doesn't change anything to me that now you're playing war hero instead."

You lower your finger.

"I'm here to read the news, because however gullible the cable-watching public may be, they deserve to have somebody tell them the truth. I'm giving you a chance because you gave that new girl a leg up the corporate ladder. I like that." She plops you back into your chair with a curt nod of approval. Her heavy hand remains planted on your shoulder. "It shows that unlike some people, you're open to new ideas. Doesn't hurt that you bought one of the largest news networks in the nation with none of the gossipy baggage of that creep McLean."

"For as long as I decide to work here, World Weekly News is my house. And where I'm from, the woman of the house calls the shots. I'll be watching that Blake girl's back to make sure you don't backslide into any Father Knows Best ideas about who's really in charge of that department. But so long as you can get through that thick male skull of yours that my job is my business, we won't have any problems." She smiles. "Will we have any problems?"

"Uh uh." You stammer.

Alexis claps your shoulder. A little too hard.

"Good boy."

She exits your office like she owns the place. Down the hall, you can hear her barking orders left and right to hapless worker drones.

"You! I'll need a cliff's notes on early polling for the party noms. Get me a line to an analyst for an on air interview while you're at it. Someone from Harvard. I feel like arguing today. You, the one overcompensating with that tie. Call ahead. Make sure the sound stage is prepped. And for gods' sakes, there'd better be a coffee waiting."

You feel more than a little intimidated. But in a good way?

Something tells you as long as you don't get in this woman's way things are going to run a lot more smoothly around here.

Alexis Warrington Recruited

Martial: 17 Alexis chalks her burly physique up to a childhood wrestling with her older sisters. Mental note: if you ever meet them, decline a handshake. One broken wrist is enough. 🔒

Diplomacy: 25 Say what you will about her methods. If she wants a quote from you, she gets a quote from you.

Stewardship: 17 Her leadership style can be… curt. But you can't argue with results. She could whip a gaggle of no-nothings into a well oiled news aggregating machine with military discipline.

Intrigue: 16 She prefers the direct approach, but sometimes it pays to be a little underhanded when you're digging up politicians' dirty laundry.

Learning: 15 A journalism degree doesn't quite explain how much Alexis knows about law, history, and miscellaneous antiquities. Maybe she took a few minors.

Occult: 🔒 Greek heritage or not, if you ask her about gods and monsters she'll pretend she didn't hear you.

- Alter Ego: This unit has abilities which are locked behind a secret alter ego. Abilities and traits marked with a 🔒are diminished while using this persona, and they will not roll using the full version unless they or somebody they care about is in immediate critical danger. Note that certain traits may be entirely invisible.

- Woman of Mystery: You may not assign Personal Actions for Alexis Warrington to perform. She will independently decide what to do in her free time acting as her alter ego.

- Amazonian Physique: She regularly rearranges all the filing cabinets in her office. One handed. +3 Martial while performing feats of personal strength. 🔒

- Aletheian Lariat: As a crusading journalist, Alexis serves the ideal of truth above all else. Alexis gains +5 to Diplomacy rolls when interviewing, interrogating, or intimidating somebody to reveal their secrets. 🔒

- Lampedo's Scar: Alexis gains a +5 Martial bonus while using a bowstrung or javelin style ranged weapon.

- I Heed Not Your Bro Code: Alexis gains a flat +3 to rolls while working with women or subservient men. She gains a flat -3 while working with macho men or under any man's authority. Trait is assigned by majority in groups.


Base 20%

- Matriarchal Sensibilities -5%

--[x] Hank Hill - (Familiarize Yourself With Guild Guidelines)
1d100 = 75

Hank went back to the books trying to make sense of Guild bureaucracy. He came to an astounding revelation: it's all just a manual. And if there's anything a lawnmower afficiando loves it's a manual. There might be a specific angle relating to conduct during wartime that could restrict the Guild from siccing arches on you, but Hank would need to do a little more reading to see if it would hold up to scrutiny.

Repeating this action successfully will reduce the difficulty of acquiring Monstroso's assistance, since you will already have a plausible case against the Guild. An especially high roll may net Hank a small Stewardship bonus as well.

--[x] Izzy - (Perform a Stunt: Drag race through the streets of Detroit)
1d100 = 14

Izzy violated her vehicle suspension to take an interstate joyride to Detroit in your company limo. Unsurprisingly, she was swiftly hunted down and arrested by the Motor City's mechanised police force. She might have had more luck if she hadn't kicked off her roadtrip by goading a motorcycle cop into a race down I-94. In her defence, she claims it couldn't have been a real cop because they phased out the bikes for automated drones years ago. Whether he believed her story or not, DPD's Chief Carmine Fanzone decided to let her go on bail after only a few minutes of red faced shouting. Seeing as crazed drivers are only a dime a dozen in Michigan the incident didn't really seem to add much to Izzy's notoriety, outside of a handful of disgruntled fast food workers who came out to applaud her on social media for ploughing a new drive through in a roadside BurgerBot franchise.

--[x] Hex - (Teach Father Discipline)
1d100 = 90

"The first step to true mastery of magic is mastery of the mind."

It's kinda cheesy, but you don't tell Hex that. He puts you on a schedule of supervised daily meditation exercises. You don't even get to do the cool levitating yogi trick. But as you get over your disappointment you're not learning how to channel lightning through your fingers, you kind of sort of almost come to enjoy Hex's training.

After so much happening so fast on Moltar's show and at the prison and now with all these responsibilities you'd never considered weighing over your head, taking a half an hour each day to parse through your emotions helps make the past two months feel real instead of just a blur of indistinct highs and lows.

Hex's instruction focuses on 'seeing from outside yourself.' Kind of a discount astral projection. You relive memories as disembodied third person. And you notice patterns. When you blew up at the escaping prisoners for their seeming ingratitude. That time you melted your ice cream satellite on top of yourself. Even your final encounter with Grandfather. Moments where you let your anger ride you. You'd thought it pretty straightforward getting angrier meant getting stronger. But there's a trade off in terms of fine control over your powers.

Or maybe just control of yourself.

You think you'd like to keep working at this with Hex. Just to humor him.

Repeating this action successfully will earn Father a new trait representing the start of his journey for self-control.

--[x] Professor XXXL - (Stabilize your mutations)
1d100 = 16

After making such a hasty decision last time and paying the price for it, Professor XXXL decided to take his genetic dabbling slow and steady. Maybe a little too slow and steady, because next thing you know it, he's sporting a snail shell and leaving big sticky trails all over your garage his lab. Oh well. No legs is better than no arms, you suppose.

Result: Snail's Pace: Professor XXXL will take things extra cautious next turn. He will reroll critical failures for any actions he is assigned to, but the mechanical results of his roll will not come into effect until the end of the following turn.

--[x] Skips - (Soothe your aching head)
1d100 = 58

The pulp from the bottom of an OJ carton. A teaspoon of oil from the grease traps at Wing Kingdom. The blue stripe from tricolour toothpaste. One part oyster brine, one part pickle juice. The strange concoction Skips brewed was absolutely foul, but the big gorilla swears by it. After downing the whole thing in one gulp, he seemed to snap to attention. His eyes flashed with a rapidly vanishing insight as though reliving part of a phantom memory. Ever since then, he's been acting all on edge. Asking fellow employees about his past behaviour, interrogating them about his whereabouts on particular days. When anybody asks him what's going on, he's quick to clam up and brushes it off as an old ape's nerves. Whatever's got him worried, it'll probably take more than a passing inquiry for him to share it.

--[x] Mr Black and Mr White - (T-REX ARMS: Professor XXXL)

Black & White didn't seem too bummed out about helping the Professor all month long. They're used to being used as grunt labour by the government, and XXXL was a lot less pushy about it than their old CO. By all accounts they got along pretty well. Turns out Black & White are as enthusiastic about cooking as the Professor is about his frozen treats. In another life, they could've gone into business together.
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On Potential Synergistic Interactions of caffeine
On Potential Synergistic Interactions of caffeine


Caffeine is an adenosine A2A receptor antagonist, competitively binding to adenosine receptors in the central nervous system. Antagonism of receptors in the posterior hypothalamus, in conjunction with stimulation of the medullary vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers is responsible for the wakefulness-promoting effects. While this is primarily due to the deregulation of adenosine buildup in the neuronal synapse, the increased rate of respiration, decreased heart rate, and vasoconstriction act in the same regard, as does the promotion of the release of monoamines and acetylcholine. Caffeine is metabolized in the liver through the CYP1A2 isozyme resulting in the production of paraxanthine, theobromine, and theophylline, all of which have their own effect on the body. This study investigates potential synergy of other drugs with caffeine to increase the wakefulness-promoting and nootropic effects, as well as other pathways by which CNS stimulation may be achieved, and the downstream effects of adenosine antagonization. Case studies performed will demonstrate that a combination of caffeine with carefully dosed amounts of fluvoxamine and modafinil demonstrate a massive increase in efficacy from all three drugs, making it an ideal choice for commercial applications. Furthermore, earlier stages of the study revealed a combination that is more suited for military use due to the greater effects it has on the body.


Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used primarily for the treatment of major depressive disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, functioning by modulating the transport of serotonin into the presynaptic cell via monoamine transporters. With serotonin remaining in the synaptic cleft longer than it normally would, it may act on the synaptic receptors of the recipient cell more than it would have otherwise, playing a role in moderating mood disorders. Fluvoxamine in particular inhibits the function of cytochrome p450 enzyme CYP1A2 which , as the sole mediator in the metabolization of caffeine, increases the bioavailability for up to a 10-fold increase in caffeine levels and subsequent half-life. As seen in U Jeppesen et al, persistent doses of fluvoxamine resulted in consistently elevated caffeine levels present in urine for the aforementioned 10-fold increase. This is statistically significant due to the elimination of caffeine via glomerulal filtration; the majority of caffeine is metabolized in the liver, allowing any remaining in the bloodstream to be excreted- but with CYP1A2 being deactivated by the presence of fluvoxamine, caffeine's plasma concentration is able to remain persistently high. While this does not increase the effect of caffeine on CNS stimulation, it does enhance the duration in which it may act.

As seen above in the experimental protocols dictated by Jeppesen et al, fluvoxamine contributes to the persistence of caffeine and its metabolites for several days following initial consumption, with plasma concentration demonstrating a statistically significant decrease in glomerulal elimination following consumption of fluvoxamine- increasing the half-life from 5 to 31 hours. Jeppesen calls attention to the efficacy of inhibition of CYP1A2 over other substrates such as propranolol, imipramine, and clozapine, eliminating their viability for this project as well as avoiding any potential unwanted side effects of those drugs. Fluvoxamine, therefore, demonstrates viability for use in this indication although further care must be taken to avoid caffeine intoxication.

The mechanism of cocaine is complex and while it has indications involving vasoconstriction and anticoagulant effects, these are unrelated to its potential use in this proposal. Cocaine is a potent CNS simulator, acting primarily on monoamine and reuptake transporters in a similar manner to fluvoxamine- but instead of acting solely on serotonin, cocaine also modulates the concentration of dopamine in the synaptic cleft, leading to the activation of downstream post-synaptic dopamine receptors.Dopaminergic activation of these receptors is involved in the mesolimbic reward pathway that is responsible for habit formation. M Mehta et al examine the synergism of cocaine when administered in conjunction with caffeine, due to their similar yet distinct mechanisms of action in modulating catecholamine release. Caffeine is metabolized primarily in the liver by the cytochrome P450 enzyme, primarily resulting in the release of norepinephrine, while cocaine may act on dopamine and serotonin primarily in preganglionic fibers. (M Mehta et al, 2004) Administration order seems to play a significant role in the demonstrated synergy, due to metabolization rates and affinity for receptors- caffeine may attenuate the effects of cocaine if administered afterwards, but if cocaine is administered following metabolization of caffeine, the synergistic effects may be demonstrated (M Mehta et al, 2004). While this would demonstrate some practical effects in dosing of this combination, the addition of naloxone will decrease the availability of opioid receptors, allowing for the synergy to take place. Naloxone is primarily utilized to counter or reduce the effects of opioid overdose. It is a competitive opioid receptor antagonist, demonstrating a significantly higher binding affinity for the μ-, δ-, and κ-opioid receptors, preventing opioid molecules from continuing their pharmacological effects- and negative side effects such as in the case of respiratory depression (Swerdlow et al, 2005). Oral administration of naloxone results in massively reduced bioavailability compared to intravenous administration due to first-pass metabolism in the liver, resulting in the total amount of available naloxone being insufficient to completely eliminate the effects of the opioid, while still reducing the total amount of opioid metabolization that takes place. This study demonstrates that the presence of naloxone is enough to delay cocaine metabolization after caffeine administration given the half-life of naloxone being shorter than that of cocaine (Handal et al, 1983).

Bubar et al further demonstrate interactions between fluvoxamine and cocaine in mediation of dopamine transmissions in addition to fluvoxamine's effects on serotonin reuptake. Due to the 5-HT serotonin reuptake transporter being modulated by cocaine, this may lead to increased concentrations of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, allowing for SSRIs such as fluvoxamine to potentiate the effects of cocaine (Bubar et al, 2003; Cunningham and Callahan, 1991; Herges and Taylor, 1998; Reith et al., 1991), particularly- and of interest in this study- of the locomotor effects of cocaine. Bubar et al confirms this in their experiment, as was replicated during the experimental phase of this study. It is suggested that this is due to the interaction between 5-HT receptors and their indirect activation by plasma cocaine levels due to fluvoxamine's theorized effect on altering monoamine transporters- " therefore it is plausible that fewer cocaine molecules are able to bind to SERT in the presence of fluoxetine than when cocaine is administered alone, thereby rendering more cocaine available to bind DAT." (Bubar et al, 2003) In essence, this theorizes that the pharmacological activity of cocaine in conjunction with a SSRI like fluvoxamine results in less overall cocaine molecules binding to receptors, thus allowing the effect of cocaine to be modulated by the SSRI, especially in conjunction with the administration of naloxone as previously mentioned. Furthermore, fluvoxamine's inhibition of the P450 3A4 cytochrome (Fleishaker and Hulst, 1994)- the very same mechanism of action by which it synergizes with caffeine- inhibits the breakdown of cocaine, leading to a longer effective half-life of the drug.

The extant possibility of serotonin storm (also known as 'serotonin syndrome') is a possibility with this combination of serotonergic drugs. Serotonin storm is a phenomenon in which synaptic serotonin levels are elevated, causing a wide variety of side effects ranging from an increase in blood pressure to more severe cases such as fever, tremor, and increased sweating (Sternbach 1991). The combination of drugs addressed in this study is unlikely to trigger this phenomenon due to multiple factors as discussed prior- the effects of fluvoxamine and cocaine acting in conjunction, the presence of naloxone decreasing the amount of cocaine binding to opiate receptors- and the lower doses of the SSRI and stimulant, which should reduce the chance to a clinically insignificant 1% of cases (Friedman 2015, Kuribara 1994, Venture et al, 1957). It is unlikely to eliminate the possibility of the phenomenon in its entirety while still utilizing serotonergic drugs, barring the addition of benzodiazepines or serotonin antagonists like cyproheptadine in the case of onset (Friedman 2015). While this would in theory allow us to increase our profits by offering the product ourselves, the risk may be deemed unacceptable for commercial applications despite the lack of risk. There is a noted legal precedent for the lack of liability on companies subcontracted to provide pharmaceuticals to the US Military (United States v. Venture Industries, 1985), leaving this route open to us to pursue. "By providing a black box warning about the appropriate risks of dependence and related symptoms [...] the defendant cannot be held liable for any damages suffered by individual personnel. There is a reasonable degree of competence to be expected in following appropriate dosing directions and management of any resultant side effects." (United States v. Venture Industries, 1985)

This study examines the viability of using armodafinil as an alternative to cocaine in the event that the low risk of serotonin storm is deemed unacceptable for commercial applications. Armodafinil is the R-enantiomer of modafinil, a CNS stimulant that functions on the inhibition of dopamine reuptake. Consequently it has very little effect on the serotonin or norepinephrine receptors (Ishizuka et al, 2012; Schmitt and Reise 2011), instead modulating the effect of the neuropeptide orexin and histamine neurotransmitter pathways, which work in conjunction with dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine pathways to promote wakefulness as well as stabilizing the need for sleep (Ishizuka et al, 2012). Half-life of the drug is approximately 15 hours in the average Adult body, once again being acted upon by the cytochrome P540 complex (Ninan et al, 2004) providing synergy when administered in conjunction with SSRIs like fluvoxamine due to the ways in which the drugs are metabolized. Most notably, armodafinil's lack of serotonergic activity reduces the possibility of serotonin storm to nonexistent levels when administered in conjunction with caffeine and fluvoxamine (Wisor 2013) given that its only influence on hypothalamic levels of serotonin is the result of a very indirect influence on extracellular dopamine.

Materials and Methods

This study was carried out on a double-blind selection of five hundred Adults who demonstrated no prior heart, liver, or kidney conditions due to clinical investigations, over a period of two months. They consumed no additional drugs nor alcohol over the course of the study, and were subsequently monitored over every step of the procedure, including full panel blood tests, complete urinalysis, EEG, EKG, and physical examination every twenty-four hours. All subjects were told that they were participating in the study but were not informed as to the specifics to avoid any potential placebo contamination.

The following drugs were used: cocaine hydrochloride, fluvoxamine maleate, naloxone hydrochloride, armodafinil, and caffeine. Each was obtained in their purest form from the United States Pharmacopeia, with their purity assured through spectrographic and melting point analysis. Samples were examined and compared to a known baseline and found to be within .05% of the manufacturer's claims, making them suitable for use in the study. All of the drugs were dissolved in sterile 0.9% NaCl saline and administered orally.

The experimental procedures outlined in the study by Jeppesen et al were tested independently to attempt to replicate the results. Subjects were divided randomly into two groups, one of which was monitored on the basis of 200mg caffeine administered over a week, while the experimental group was administered an additional 50mg of fluvoxamine after the first three days, increased to 200mg of fluvoxamine for every subsequent day. Blood plasma and urine samples were collected and analyzed for caffeine metabolites at half hour intervals for the following seventy-two hours. As expected, our own results managed to confirm the protocol dictated by Jeppesen et al, and the experimental protocol could proceed.

Subsequently, the subjects were randomly divided into thirteen groups, as dictated in the following figure:

Strict monitoring of all subjects was a priority to assure both safety and validity of the data; subjects were provided with food over the course of the protocol that lacked in any potential metabolites of caffeine or the other administered drugs. Over the following two week period, subjects were first administered caffeine for five days prior to concurrent administration of the additional drugs. As mentioned previously, plasma and urine were monitored for metabolites of caffeine, as well as a comprehensive monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, and coronary flow reserve, as dictated in the following:


In addition to these physical attributes, the mental effects on test subjects were observed as well, and monitored for any potential deviations from the baseline by means of cognitive tests and interviews. There was a fortunately low occurrence of megalomania within the observed population, with only a grand total of two (2) subjects demonstrating any sort of declaration as to their intent to take on or over the world, while the vast majority of subjects instead displayed increased energy, focus, and efficiency as dictated in the following:


It should be noted that this study breaks from traditional FDA observation in declaring that spontaneous bouts of laughter, maniacal or otherwise, are a well-observed baseline behavior for many functional Adults. Further study is needed to determine why this behavior tends to increase with administration of different formulations, but at present this is far from a problem.


Results of the study are extremely promising. As speculated, the coadministration of caffeine with fluvoxamine, cocaine, and naloxone resulted in suppression of the CYP1A2 enzyme due to fluvoxamine's affinity for the substrate, resulting in vastly increased plasma concentrations of caffeine and subsequently lower concentrations of its metabolites over the drastically increased half-life. Caffeine remained in the blood plasma for up to 31 hours with the expected physiological effects of wakefulness, increased plasma catecholamine concentrations, and other CNS effects. Administration of cocaine hydrochloride in conjunction with a decreased dose of naloxone functioned similar to speculation, with [Figure 31-47] demonstrating the altered locomotor activity, heart rate, blood pressure, myocardial oxygen consumption, and stroke volume as Mehta et al demonstrated. This alone is enough to consider the blend as viable for military applications at the very least, and as expected the occurrence of serotonin storm was extremely low. However, the studies with the combination of caffeine, fluvoxamine, and armodafinil were even more promising [Figures 68-112], in that they demonstrated nootropic effects at the cost of the dramatic change in locomotor activity. These armodafinil studies demonstrated not a single case of dangerously increased serotonin concentration, rendering them perfectly safe for commercial applications. My recommendation in moving into clinical trials is proceeding with two different combinations:

Military application [name pending- investigate 'BATTLE COFFEE' in test markets]: 300 mg caffeine/100 mg fluvoxamine maleate/5 mg cocaine hydrochloride/1 mg naloxone hydrochloride

Civilian application ['Patriarch's TRIFECTA Blend'/'Señor Padre's Café']: 200 mg caffeine/50 mg fluvoxamine maleate/150 mg armodafinil

Obviously, the usual contraindications and dosing considerations apply, though we can absolve ourselves of legal liability by providing a black box warning (Hector con Carne v. FDA, 2023; United States v. Venture Industries, 1957). This product is, of course, for Adults only as its use is strictly contraindicated in any and all children. With the initial trials out of the way, we can move on to more important matters such as finding the perfect blend of coffee to obscure the taste of the pharmaceuticals. I recommend a light blend but will ultimately leave it up to focus groups.


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"Huh. Let's see. 'On potential synergistic applications of caffeine'." Hank had been waiting for the Professor's report for what felt like months. He didn't know all that much about chemistry, but as CEO it was going to be his responsibility to figure out just what XXXL had been going on about for all this time and to present it to Mr. Father.

"Hmm. This is a respected scientific journal. I'm sure he doesn't mean that kind of cocaine."

