Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

So, any opinions on the above? Uri, Roth?
I think that when making an insight, it is better to look at the larger picture, don't just look at our current insight but at future ones too, and how combining them would work.

We can use multiple insights again and again, but we probably want to avoid too much cover, we don't want to repeat the same pillars more than needed, because while we could make it more and more complex, it increases failure chances and we want to balance it.

We would likely for example use the fire insights of regeneration with the dao insights of life and death, so when adding them to other insights, care should be taken, that's not to say they should be held back if they empower the insight though, just that we want to be careful about it.

Aside from the obvious that such a support insight is probably better held until the Keku pillar is back.

Not sure if adding the life insight is a good idea, the skill it represent works extremely well with the concept of the insight, but a good alternative could be the flying pillar, which also carries connection to the Keku as a whole, life could be added, but I think it is very much dependant on how meditation actions we invest.

I think the fire insights do add an aspect of civilization to this pillar, which synergize with our core concept, but this is a question of complexity, I think we would need to meditate before adding so much.

So my main comments are basically, we can add to this flight pillar, or replace the life one for it, teaching better insight may be a good addition, fire insights could go either way, depending on how complex we want it, I would say the choices are no fire insights, the control fire insight or all of them.
If only the keku pillar wasn't out of commission I'd push for it immediately... But yeah, seeing as I'm imagining it as "All Shikatu did, he did for the Key"...

Life (life is precious insight) is a somewhat decent substitute, but I imagine together they'd only work even better

Maybe we can speedrun the purification and do this next turn, who

Not sure if adding the life insight is a good idea, the skill it represent works extremely well with the concept of the insight, but a good alternative could be the flying pillar, which also carries connection to the Keku as a whole, life could be added, but I think it is very much dependant on how meditation actions we invest.

I think the fire insights do add an aspect of civilization to this pillar, which synergize with our core concept, but this is a question of complexity, I think we would need to meditate before adding so much.

So my main comments are basically, we can add to this flight pillar, or replace the life one for it, teaching better insight may be a good addition, fire insights could go either way, depending on how complex we want it, I would say the choices are no fire insights, the control fire insight or all of them.

I considered flight, but it didn't quitw fit the narrative i was trying to build, same for.the second teaching insight.

The concept of "life is precious" works pretty well for the narrative because it explains WHY Shikatu does what he does, though I'll agree it works better if we wait until the keku pillar is fixed. I'm focusing a lot more on the narrative than the actual powers, though those works well too I think

Regeneration, control of flames, emotion tampering resistance, better healing techniques, connection to students, keku are more talented.

I imagine a good combined power from these parts would be basically the ability to tend to the health and wellbeing of the empire/Keku civilization as a whole, instead of the individuals. Let it recover from the chaos of the rapid tech progress, remove the disease (chaos cultists, criminals, poverty, actual diseases...), and basically through lessons and careful guidance let the Keku better than we found them.

I find that adding more insights might not be worth the added complexity, while removing any feels... Unneeded. I thought they fit the narrative well enough that it ends up weakened if I remove them in an attempt to simplify the combo.

Oh, one thing you said leaves me a bit confused by the way.

Why do you think we should avoid refusing insights? I don't see why that would be a big problem, unless we routinely avoided some pillars, and only because we eventually want an insight that combines all pillars at once.

I imagine we'll get at least 5 core insights before aiming for ascension anyway, and possibly more really. We're also likely to go back and unlock some more insights at some point, which will give us more ingredients

Right now I'm imagining we'd do your insight first (relatively simple, an appropriate concept of development of knowledge), then mine (more complicated, related to guiding and leading the keku, empowering them but also stopping them from making grave mistakes). Maybe your core insight will end up fitting this concept too, actually. That would mean we'd already have 7 pillars out of 9 combined, leaving only flight and death out.

[] knowledge is power insight
I'm rereading your insight plan...

I think the one insight that doesn't talk of knowledge explicitly might not quite fit perfectly, but maybe that's just me.

Thinking of other insights that might fit though, did you consider the following?

"The flame, it is ancient wisdom that fire cannot be controlled, yet it is wrong for dos not the smith control the flame when he fashions a blade, civilization has long learned how to do what wisdom dictated cannot be, learn from them and assume control of your flames" increased control of all fire mundane or supernatural.

"Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it" Die and at the end of the next turn come back to life and in doing so gain the following, a Dao shard of death, the ability to resist death for a short while and the ability to impart death upon another a soul/comprehension based attack that deals instant death.

"To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".

Those insights also relate to knowledge.

You said 3 of your insights relate to listening to nature to gain knowledge. In this case maybe you should remove the water insight that doesn't quite fit the theme, and add one or more of the above?

We understand life and death by experiencing them.

We learn from fire (and from civilization) how to control the flames to craft great wonders.

And through understanding we gain control, of life, death, fire, the self (water reflection insight), everything that stands on earth (earth insight) and above it (the skies).

...mh... I really like it actually. I think I might post a core insight with those 6 insights.

3 of your 4, remove the water flows and can't be stopped insight, add life, death and flames.

I'll probably post a plan for it later. I admit starting with a 6 insights plan is ambitious, but they fit well enough that I think we'd have a decent chance and even if it fails its not the end of the world.
There's also 2 water right? So removing one and adding fire would result in sky/wind, water, earth and fire. So, perfect really.
Mh... Even better, as I said life and death also fit due to being about understanding life and death.

The elements, life and death. Its Basically understanding of the whole of nature/creation!

What's left outside also makes sense (keku, flight, teaching), as you could imply a divide between the things to learn, and the learners, the actual people.

Basically it would be knowledge of everything Outside of the Keku... Though then again, life and death can include them too.
Ok, building up from Roth's plan, I went for something more ambitious.


-[X]"The flame, it is ancient wisdom that fire cannot be controlled, yet it is wrong for dos not the smith control the flame when he fashions a blade, civilization has long learned how to do what wisdom dictated cannot be, learn from them and assume control of your flames" increased control of all fire mundane or supernatural.

-[X]"Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find" you may now choose 2 insight out of 4 instead of 1 out of 3 but every insight action carries with it a small chance of creating a minor heart demon.

-[X]"The blue skies represent hope above all, they give us a sense of wonder and beauty unmatched, they give us our dreams and motivations, look to the sky and forget your earthly concerns" become resistant to supernatural emotion tempering.

-[X]"To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".

-[X]"The earth sees all and hears it all, and if you listen attentivity it may share its wisdom with you" you may attempt to listen to the earth and have it revel to you pieces of information it knows that are relevant to you (a few example's would be pinpointing where an army is, accertain type of tree, finding something buried and eventualy conversition's)

-[X]"Death, the great equalizer. In time all will know its kiss from the mightiest of gods to the lowliest of ants, it is the end and the beginning and to understand it means harnessing power unmatched. But to truly understand death one must experience it" Die and at the end of the next turn come back to life and in doing so gain the following, a Dao shard of death, the ability to resist death for a short while and the ability to impart death upon another a soul/comprehension based attack that deals instant death.

Life. Death. Fire, water, earth, wind/sky.

We get our knowledge from all of creation, and in turn that allows us to understand all of creation. (And maybe control it)

The flames, we learn from our history (from civilization) that nature can be controlled, that even destructive forces can be turned to constructive uses. And in doing so we take the wisdom of the flames for our own.

Water offers us a mirror, and through that mirror we reflect upon the self, and from it we learn and develop further knowledge.

Yes, indeed sometimes all you need to learn more is to look in the mirror and not shy away from what you see.

The blue sky gives us hope, an impetus to actually aim for more, to not be satisfied with what we know and lose ourselves in "earthly concerns" and continue to reach higher. It also represents the missing element, the wind.

The earth teaches us about itself, and we listen.

That covers the 4 elements. But there's more to the world than that. For from the elements life springs, and from life inevitably follows death, and then more life.

To truly understand everything, then, you need to see, study and experience life AND death. And that's what we do.

What we DID.

And with our Dao In balance (we're taking the action to do so I think), from the experience of life, death, and everything that is present in nature (the 4 elements), we can call ourselves one who knows everything... Or, at least, one who TRIES to learn from anything, who aims to learn everything.

That's the narrative. But what about the power?

Control of fire. Double insights. Emotional tampering resistance, listen to the earth. Gain Dao of life and death.

It seems obvious that a power developed from those Insights would be a power about gaining knowledge (fire, water, earth insights), not shying away from unpleasant knowledge (water insight), resisting corrupting knowledge (sky insight) using such knowledge in truth (fire insight) and, most important of all, achieving true understanding (life and death insights) and not just a superficial one.

I'm posting and voting for this right now, as I think any change (adding or removing insights) would just ruin the balance. after all we have the 4 elements, and life and death, which I think are often also meant to represent yin and yang, the duality of existence. I believe changes could only make it worse, and it's already 6 insights so adding more would likely just make it too hard to achieve.

It also offers an interesting possibility > this core insight is all about getting knowledge from any and all available sources and about any and all topics, understanding it, and using it.

on the other hand, the insight I proposed before is instead about what to use that knowledge and understanding FOR.

so the first insight covers what Shikatu knows and how he learns it. The second insight would be about what he uses that knowledge for, about the Goal, the MOTIVE behind what he does.

INSIGHT 1 (the one I propose here)

FIRE, WATER, SKY/WIND, EARTH, LIFE, DEATH. Knowleddge and how to achieve it.

INSIGHT 2 (the one I proposed before, but that requires the corrupted pillar too)

Triple FIRE, SKY, LIFE, TEACHING, KEKU. What the knowledge and power we have is used for. what motivates us. what we're trying to achieve.

8 out of 9 pillars used between 2 core insights. pretty good, I think.

all that's needed then is to add the flight insight too, and we're in theory done... though I'd rather get a few more normal insights before we tried, as we only have the one flight insight and I'd prefer to get more ingredients to play with.

not a big deal anyway. we're not aiming for ascension any time soon, insights can be reused, and so can the core insights themselves, so who knows... if they fit well together the THIRD core insight might very well just be the first two CORE insights combined together. the means AND the ends...
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Got my vote. This sounds amazing if we manage to create it. I'm excited to see just how strong these are.

The name is also a huge +, universal knowledge just sounds cool
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Got my vote. This sounds amazing if we manage to create it. I'm excited to see just how strong these are.

The name is also a huge +, universal knowledge just sounds cool
It fits.

Our core:

Concept: The cycle of creation and destruction. (fire, water, sky, earth, flight, life, teaching, death): stability: 90%. Harmony: 76%. A core of creation and destruction and the cycle of all things from their inceptions to their end. Basic effect: Increase your regeneration factor to major (this replaces your healing factor from insights), as you get injured and heal you slowly temper your body (to a cap of tempering 1). Empowered by: Dao of life, Dao of death, Dao of creation, Dao of destruction, Dao of decay, Dao of growth and more.
The cycle of all things from their Inception to their end

Our core concept includes the whole of creation, so a core insights that embraces knowledge and understanding of all the aspects/elements that form the world seemed fitting.

I took Roth's proposal as a starting point, and I just noticed that actually we had one insight for each of the 4+2 elements that were just perfect for that concept.

And hopefully next time we'll go with my other idea, an insight that's about the reason, the MOTIVE, what we actually use this knowledge FOR.

But that one really requires the key pillar to be brought back online
Maybe we can speedrun the purification and do this next turn, who
Such an insight seem complex enough I am not confident about doing it without meditation actions, but I agree, Keku pillar should be speed run, if only for the divine qi we will miss on if the population grew without it being active.
The concept of "life is precious" works pretty well for the narrative because it explains WHY Shikatu does what he does, though I'll agree it works better if we wait until the keku pillar is fixed. I'm focusing a lot more on the narrative than the actual powers, though those works well too I think
Than you might want to change the narrative, because we need flight insight somewhere.

I also think life is precious is not necessary not when it reference the war we started to start the empire.

Yes, we did it for greater purpose, but I don't think life is precious add much when we talk about wars, even for justified cause like preserving life.

The power of the sacrifice life insight fit more the concept of destroying to make, but her burb doesn't fit and it might allow us to sacrifice our people to boost others, which is bad.
imagine a good combined power from these parts would be basically the ability to tend to the health and wellbeing of the empire/Keku civilization as a whole, instead of the individuals. Let it recover from the chaos of the rapid tech progress, remove the disease (chaos cultists, criminals, poverty, actual diseases...), and basically through lessons and careful guidance let the Keku better than we found them.
Sounds inefficient, I think it is better to focus on an insight that support them getting better, with the flight and greater teaching, which works well with the Keku increased talent insight.

Push them further, rather than helping them recover.

I want to elevate our species, not nurture it.
We understand life and death by experiencing them.

We learn from fire (and from civilization) how to control the flames to craft great wonders.
I initially disagreed, but thinking it over and seeing the way having everything fit made me change my mind somewhat, I wanted to keep life and death seperate for some greater cycle insight, but we could always do it later if we want, all the different knowledge insights seems to fit here, they synergize so well they can even make a core.


Hopefully it is a success, but at the worst case, we can try again, it is just five and half-size divine qi now.

So it would be first insight getting knowledge, second insight sharing knowledge, third would combine them and bring us to the peak.
Such an insight seem complex enough I am not confident about doing it without meditation actions, but I agree, Keku pillar should be speed run, if only for the divine qi we will miss on if the population grew without it being active.

It's admittedly complex, it is after all 6 insights compared to your 4. I THINK the narrative is solid enough that we should get a decent bonus to the roll, and and we can afford the risk.

Worst case we try again next turn.

Next turn I'm definitely in favor of spending as many APs as necessary on Keku pillar, both because it's important for my next core insight idea and, yeah, because it means more charges

Also more talented keku, which is always nice.

Than you might want to change the narrative, because we need flight insight somewhere.

I also think life is precious is not necessary not when it reference the war we started to start the empire.

Yes, we did it for greater purpose, but I don't think life is precious add much when we talk about wars, even for justified cause like preserving life.

The power of the sacrifice life insight fit more the concept of destroying to make, but her burb doesn't fit and it might allow us to sacrifice our people to boost others, which is bad.
I didn't use life is precious though. I used "understanding life Dao"

"To understand life is to understand a profonde truth of the universe" gain Dao fragment "life".

About flight, I tried, but I thought it made it worse. Better having to do one more core insight.

It's not like we're in a rush, and we might get better flight insights in the future anyway. I'm pretty sure we'll gather more pillar insights eventually after all.
Sounds inefficient, I think it is better to focus on an insight that support them getting better, with the flight and greater teaching, which works well with the Keku increased talent insight.

Push them further, rather than helping them recover.

I want to elevate our species, not nurture it.

I don't think they're that different. We nurture the Key, teach them. In time they might surpass us, but it's not the time yet.

I initially disagreed, but thinking it over and seeing the way having everything fit made me change my mind somewhat, I wanted to keep life and death seperate for some greater cycle insight, but we could always do it later if we want, all the different knowledge insights seems to fit here, they synergize so well they can even make a core.


Hopefully it is a success, but at the worst case, we can try again, it is just five and half-size divine qi now.

So it would be first insight getting knowledge, second insight sharing knowledge, third would combine them and bring us to the peak.

That's the idea. We could always do something else for the third, and we could certainly make more "focused" core insights, like one that combines multiple life and death insights and focuses only on the life/death duality. I'd want more insight ingredients to play with for that though.

I think we have time to have fun with this stage of cultivation. As we get more charges we can afford potentially more core insights, and Uri basically said core insights are very powerful abilities. We might very well end up creating even ten for all we know.

It's the main use we currently have for personal divine charges anyway.

We can use the "general" ones for the board, but right now we basically need up to 8 charges to convert into 4 APs, multiples of 4 stored away for self-rez, and... That's it.

Well, aside for the core insights of course.

In the medium term I want to get the clone teacher insight, as that gives us another way to take more actions, effectively allowing us to spend charges to boost both our champions and/or cultivators in general, and who knows, maybe in time we might even take actions to teach at the imperial university too. The teaching bond and unforgettable lessons would be valuable even for mortal researchers, not just cultivators.
didn't use life is precious though. I used "understanding life Dao"
Spoke of your support Keku insight, the one we can't do yet.

That one got healing skill is higher ability.
It's not like we're in a rush, and we might get better flight insights in the future anyway. I'm pretty sure we'll gather more pillar insights eventually after all.
Yeh, that seems like a major obstacle we can just do without by adding it to the Keku support insight.

I think the flight pillars fit with supporting Keku, and doing without it is just wasting our time for no real reason.
Yeh, that seems like a major obstacle we can just do without by adding it to the Keku support insight.

I think the flight pillars fit with supporting Keku, and doing without it is just wasting our time for no real reason.

I don't think it's necessarily a waste of time, it's not like we're aiming for a quick ascension.

...though admittedly skipping to nascent soul before the apocalypse is tempting, but the consequences if we failed...

Eh, thoughts for later. It also depends a LOT on how much time we have before the apocalypse. I think we'd need at least another 5 turns or so to be worth considering, and at least 4 core insights, preferably more.

I'll try to fit the flight insight in the next one, though no promises. It didn't feel like it fit to me, but I might be able to tweak it.

We also don't know what the core insight will be like. Maybe we can add that one too and get everything done in just 2 core insights, leaving us free to have fun atter thatbwithout worrying about what fits and what doesn't.
I don't think it's necessarily a waste of time, it's not like we're aiming for a quick ascension.
It is, energy spent on making additional insight just to shove flight inside when it fit very well in a different insight we are going to make already is energy we can spend making an insight we actually want.

The Keku thinking of flight as a way of life, and it improving skill synergized extremely well with the other Keku improving insights.
We also don't know what the core insight will be like. Maybe we can add that one too and get everything done in just 2 core insights, leaving us free to have fun atter thatbwithout worrying about what fits and what doesn't.
My personal thought is that we can easily make a knowledge insight, support Keku insight, and than fused them to a third insight, squarely putting us a the peak and leaving us free to do what we want, be it combining random insights or doing something else, even ascending to nascent soul if we have time and find it worthwhile.

The more divine qi we have in the apocalypse, the more revivals we can have too, a single revival is the bare minimum, but I wouldn't say no to three or more emergency lives.
...though admittedly skipping to nascent soul before the apocalypse is tempting, but the consequences if we failed
I think research turns we do now will tell, maybe we can win as we are, maybe we can't.
Nascent soul would actually be a big power boost although speed running to it would limit some of its full potential.
So the more core insights you have, the stronger nascent soul is? Kind of like how foundation insights served as base for our core insights?
My personal thought is that we can easily make a knowledge insight, support Keku insight, and than fused them to a third insight, squarely putting us a the peak and leaving us free to do what we want, be it combining random insights or doing something else, even ascending to nascent soul if we have time and find it worthwhile.

The more divine qi we have in the apocalypse, the more revivals we can have too, a single revival is the bare minimum, but I wouldn't say no to three or more emergency lives.
That's the hope. Honestly if we had keku already unlocked I think we MIGHT be able to do a 9-insights plan all at once, but that's really ambitious and probably not worth it.

We'll see later on if we'll want to rush NS or not. It's a possibility, at least.
The fallen One.
Wrote something about a potential consequence of the keku pillar's corruption and the chaos gods taking advantage of us being busy with tzeench. Keku pillar my beloved <3
Wanted to post it before the turn but wasn't done, now with the core insight mostly... discussed, seems like a good time.
Also some mortal life pov., love that.

As the sun fell, inside a broken and forgotten cabin near an unnamed village, a gathering was occurring.

A dozen hooded figures dressed in robes of a deep red stood in a circle, surrounding a crude wooden table, the carpentry work amateurish, yet detailed, each surface showing images of battles between a few small kekus and the forces of the Emperor himself.

"My fellow cultists." The figure facing the door began, speaking in a deep and rough voice. His hood was slightly different from that of the others, having an extra golden stitching around the neck, forming a thorny circle, that of the Fallen Emperor. "Our weekly meeting has occurred. I have listened to all of your reports. Red Dawn." He pointed at one of the individuals, the cultist sitting right opposite of him. "You have done well, smuggling the food of gods, the spiritual food. That will serve us well. Yet… you have failed to mention this to me." He picked up a plate from the floor, on it a single piece of a thin, half-eaten fried vegetable.

"Her- F-Fallen, my lord!" Red Dawn began, voice quivering in fear, barely able to form words. "I… was starving, I had no choice but to-"

"Silence!" The Fallen shoutout, smashing his hand on the table with such force the floor began creaking.

"Dude." The figure to his right turned and looked at the Fallen, then nodded towards the table, both of them staring at each other for a few seconds.

"...sorry." The Fallen wiped the table with the golden feathers peaking out of his sleeves, as if cleaning dust, as a sign of apology. Receiving a lackluster nod, yet one nonetheless, from the other, he began shouting again at Red Dawn. "You know of our rules! Your gluttony is no excuse! Our reserves are faltering, we can barely sustain our resistance. Slight in your work again, and you will face the flames of Jola herself!"

"No!" He shouted in horror. "Anything but that, I'll do anything, even, even…"

"Yes." The Fallen gave him a slow nod, sad that it had to come to this. "You will do our homework."

"Noooo!" Red Dawn yelled in despair, the others avoiding looking at him, not bearing to see such suffering, yet knowing that it must be done.

"That was all… we will handle this throughout the week, sadly, I and Great Archbishop will have to pa- pa…" He nudges the figure to his right, the Great Archbishop himself.

"Partake." He muttered.

"Yes. We must partake in supper." The Fallen concluded, preparing for the outrage of the cultists.

"Awww…" The cultists began to head for the exit, getting rid of their hoods and handing them over to a green-haired kid- *ahem* cultist.

Shortly after everyone but the Fallen and his Archbishop left, the two figures at the top of the cult remained in their mortal clothes, figures no longer hidden by the holy hoods. The Fallen was taller, with golden hair, feathers, and yellow eyes, while the Archbishop was shorter but wider in build, his feathers showing shades of blue near the ends of his wings, with his entire hair losing that holiness, instead being a deep blue.

Slowly stepping out of the cabin, the Fallen looked around him, staring at each and every young tree, some barely as tall as the cabin itself.

"Can you believe there used to be an entire city here?" He asked.

"You've told me that a few times, so yes, Herko, I do." His brother replied.

They continued their way through the nascent forest, leaving the cabin, the old town hall, behind. It was supposed to be preserved as a historical building, yet the new city became a farming one, and spread upon a larger area, further away from the old one, letting it be forgotten to time. Yet, it had to be done. After all…

"The Emperor requires his offerings, Liron."

"...Well, yea, but… yea." He tried to find a fault within Herko's comment, yet ultimately gave up, it's not the first time he heard that, after all. The phrase had begun as a slogan for the cult, before slowly becoming a more and more common saying

They made their way to the city, a beautiful thing, each house at least two stories tall and made out of the newest materials available, with the work of hundreds of architects and engineers. The 'fields' of spiritual plants, at this point in their growth just normal plants, were barely larger than a normal home garden. Despite that, a single plant requires dozens of times more effort than an ordinary one, just for a chance at holding what the cultivators call 'spirituality'.

They certainly were tasty, and healthy, but no matter how many you ate, your skin would still lose to blades and guns. Perhaps the cultivators were able to benefit from it more than a normal keku, or they simply liked the taste and had the power and resources to eat as many as they wanted.

For the workers of the city, however, they were simply a luxury, perhaps tasted once a year, the rest of the harvest being sold and exchanged for normal food.

And as the kids reach home, the sun sets, and the city lights up, bright lights at every corner. This was the time for most to interact, a signal that work had ended for the day. Young and old, kekus flooded the streets, heading towards bars, or a friend's house. Most of the kids simply roamed the streets in groups, running around towards whatever they deemed interesting. However, the two had something to do that day, so, with much sadness, they ignored the calls of their friends.

Entering their family's home, a structure that would have been worthy of a king mere decades ago, they sight their father working on a new television.

"Kiddos!" The older keku with golden feathers spoke. "Look what I got here! Guess what."

"It has color?" Liron spoke.

"Exactly!" Their dad got up, having finished setting the television up, and ruffled Liron's hair. "Now, did you kids have fun? Let's head to the kitchen."

"Yes! It was fun, we spent a few hours playing, and had a meeting… then had to call it short." Herko pouted.

"Sorry, hawk, mother wanted you home early…" He explained, folding his arms.

"Are you blaming me!?" A yell came from the kitchen, making their father flinch.

"Let's… let's hurry." He whispered, before grabbing Liron by the shoulder and heading towards the kitchen. "Come on, Liron. How was your last carpentry project? Your old man is free to help all day tomorrow!" The two began to talk.

Herko simply watched for a few seconds, looking at the two before a shudder went through him and he started running towards them.

Why doesn't he offer to help ME?

The sirens start to scream, sounds of panic overtaken by the sounds of the attackers themselves.

From beyond, the wretched hellions fill the night with their deformed yells.

Herko rushes to the window, awoken from his sleep, and sees the disaster strike in full. The earth has split, ravines that reach beyond the center of the world, beyond this mortal planes have opened in every conceivable spot, and through them, beings beyond nightmare emerge.

Their power is unimaginable, they kill and slaughter, and destruction is their only goal, it seems.

Why is this happening?

Beyond the sky, a red light flickers.

The disaster continues, agony, panic, yet not all is hopeless, for a figure emerges.

Clad in golden light, a figure of pure power appears. The emperor itself. His wings ethereal, of fire and might, his figure cloaked in a coat of holy light. And the light only grows in power, more and more, until it escapes its confines and a cloud of flames emerges. The flames purge, monster and keku alike, they do not stop, they do not falter.

Herko is engulfed, his skin is burned, and he falls.

Why is this happening?

The keku kind has turned its back on the red light.

Herko sits up, awakened by a cold gust of wind.

Another nightmare. This was nothing new for him, sadly. They were never the same, but they always showed him the same thing: why he shouldn't trust the Emperor. And… he tended to believe them. He knew himself more than others, even his parents or his brother, his instinct was always right, supernaturally so somehow.

Ever since the Emperor's last breakthrough, ever since the birth of the new god, these… visions of the future have been plaguing him. Always demanding his attention, begging that he does something, that he accepts them.

He had not done that. Haven't given in. Not yet.

But how long would that last?

Time passes, as it always does, and Herko stands alone in the old cabin.

"Where is everyone?"

No one had come, a first, in a long time. His brother, he understands, Liron told him that he would be busy with something while they were at school, but of course, he forgot what. He was busy talking with his friends!

Giving up on waiting for the others, he headed home, the windy day allowing him to reach it before sunset. He could see while gliding down the last hill all of the kids, all heading home from school.

At this hour? Why?

"Herko!" He heard a yell as he arrived home, his mother was upset, very upset. "Where the- where were you!?"

"Jola, don't get mad at the kid." His father tried to calm his mother, to little success.

"Why shouldn't I? Does he even know what he-" She pointed towards the direction of the school, but before she could fully explain the situation, the door opened again. Liron had arrived as well.

"...how was it?" Their father asked, breaking the silence.

Liron simply nodded, prompting their mother to start crying. Herko panicked before noticing that she was smiling. He was even more confused now, their mother, so happy that she began to cry? What had he missed!?

"Can I talk with Herko, first?" He looked at his brother. "Alone?"

Their parents looked at each other, a worried look on their faces before both nodded at them and headed out of the room.

"Herko, I-" Liron began.

"Ok, great, now you can explain! Where the hell was everyone? Wait, you probably don't even know, I doubt they invited you…"

"I was with them."

Herko looked at him, frowning. "Then the school organized something. What was it?"

"You really didn't pay attention?" Herko just frowned harder at his brother's question. He felt as if he was trying to blame him. "It was… testing for cultivation talent, I-"

"No!" Herko yelled. "You, did all of you forget what I told you!? All this time?"

"The games?"

"They're not games! Well, the cult wasn't! I was trying to save you, I… so what, you're going to be a cultivator now? And leave?"

"Yes, but I'll still come here! Often! Especially after… after a few years."

"So what, until then you'll leave our parents alone? You don't care about helping them?"

Liron's calm figure finally broke. "Help them? How have you helped them?! All you do is play all day, and talk with your friends!"

"At least I have friends! You don't, because talking to you feels like talking to a corpse! Yet I tolerate you, and… and mom and dad! Everyone else likes me more, except them!"

Liron froze, thinking about his brother's words. "Is everything you do just so that others like you more? The games, your friends… you just want to feel special."

"I'm special!" Herko shouted. "They say so!"

"They?" Liron asked, puzzled.

They? Herko blinked, eyes shifting down as he thought about his words. Who are 'they'?

"Whatever!" Herko shouted, before running towards the stairs. "You traitor… leave us, not like I- anyone would wan to be a cultivator…"

The night falls, and dreams eventually come, like any other day. Herko's sleep, alas, is devoid of calm, and full of chaos unease.

Inside the void, a thousand stars, the little bird falls. Its wings can't catch onto the void, the twinkles fly past his form, and from that an image of a face all too similar with hair built of cerulean skies.


The face breaks into a thousand stars, and the stars too similar to him, form but one shape, that of a pillar. Everything he's ever known, the keku kind manifested through the strongest catalyst, the chaos battering at it, unable to get past.

I don't hate him, he's family, he….

Yet the pillar is not without of flaws, not anymore. The cracked form with dents and scratches can not withstand the forces. A purple mist of sin slips past, a thin tendril of want, envy, hedonism manifested.

He has everything you wanted. Everything you should have had.

The voice calls, knowing his deepest desires. A path forward, as of destiny shows itself in front of him. The void becomes of stone, a dark and empty place, yet it gives the bird the ground to walk, to run forward.

Grab me, child, grab everything you want.

The ground cracks, a storm appearing just to blow everything away, rending the mist to nothingness.

The bird clutches its hands to its heart, floating again, knees and head tucked in.

Herko wakes up.

And opens his hands.

Grab everything you desire, child, it's all yours. The purple mote whispers to him. The Emperor requires his offerings.
So the more core insights you have, the stronger nascent soul is? Kind of like how foundation insights served as base for our core insights?
Something like that.

A dozen hooded figures dressed in robes of a deep red stood in a circle, surrounding a crude wooden table, the carpentry work amateurish, yet detailed, each surface showing images of battles between a few small kekus and the forces of the Emperor himself.
Ah yes, cultists that thing you most defiantly, 100%, assuredly do not have.

Entering their family's home, a structure that would have been worthy of a king mere decades ago, they sight their father working on a new television.
Just to note (this not really having anything to do with thins omake) but most Keku buildings which are more then just a single story tall have balconies as their entrance point, there aren't any stairs or elevators because they aren't needed when 98% of the population could fly that distance trivially.

"So what, until then you'll leave our parents alone? You don't care about helping them?"
What do you mean? cultivators families are very well compensated!

I very much enjoyed this one. choose 1.

[] boost Vakatu base tribulation chance from 5% to 20%.

[] Boost Okokuto cultivation (He'll get to purified body this turn with a small chance of reaching pure body instead)

[] increase the hunters detection rolls and response rolls for budding cults for 3 turns.
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We don't have hair, we are birds, unless you mean the feathers on their head?
I was thinking of it like small fluff. The thing young birds have. And the head feathers of most birds are finer than the wing feathers, if they were big they could block their sight. Just called it 'hair' to signify the place, not sure how the thing is called for birds. Keku anatomy is a mistery to me tbh

What do you mean? cultivators families are very well compensated!
Oh yea, 100%, he's talking about housework.

[X] boost Vakatu base tribulation chance from 5% to 20%.

Gotta keep our pet project alive. Okokuto is cool, and his stuff is useful, but he can manage without power. (Wasn't it Vekatu? Last update had another name for him as well, it's always 1-2 changed letters but it adds up)
Keku anatomy is a mistery to me tbh
Beyond the bare basic's its also one for me.

But the word you're looking for is pin feathers.

And I'll say that only the really young ones still have them (like 10 and under).

(Wasn't it Vekatu? Last update had another name for him as well, it's always 1-2 changed letters but it adds up)
Checking back the name is Vakatu but I do from time to time add an E at the end for some reason.
How does gathering experience for gods work, is it easier early on and get progressively harder? Can they speed it up with training? Divine qi? By having their demons grow more experienced and drawing on those demons' experience as pieces of them?

Would Shitaku have been able to teach Kuvara stuff if he was of the sixth step (aka had a domain).

Can a god's domain grow? To encompass more things, like Kuvara suddenly gaining a domain of candies as a silly example.

The war in the warp section also said war brought with it opportunities, what was it talking about, since it doesn't seem we get anything out of Tzeench bullying our daughter, can she eat his demons to get experience and knowledge or something, I remember something about demons sometimes eating each other for power.
How does gathering experience for gods work, is it easier early on and get progressively harder? Can they speed it up with training? Divine qi? By having their demons grow more experienced and drawing on those demons' experience as pieces of them?
Mostly? By aging but they can speed it up with dedicating time to train (but only by very little) warring with others gods and clashing with domains speeds things up the most.

Would Shitaku have been able to teach Kuvara stuff if he was of the sixth step (aka had a domain).
He can teach her stuff now, but he can teach her how to use a domain because he doesn't have one.

Can a god's domain grow? To encompass more things, like Kuvara suddenly gaining a domain of candies as a silly example.
A domain can be empowered, not necessarily to encompass more concepts.

Most of that is done by strengthening their claim over the concept of the domain (mostly by ensuring no other god has a similar domain) but also by investing their power in it.

The war in the warp section also said war brought with it opportunities, what was it talking about, since it doesn't seem we get anything out of Tzeench bullying our daughter, can she eat his demons to get experience and knowledge or something, I remember something about demons sometimes eating each other for power.
You'll get some opportunities as things develop.

But mostly keep in mind that the biggest opportunity is the fact that you opened up a second front (with all the pro's and con's of such).
Mostly? By aging but they can speed it up with dedicating time to train (but only by very little) warring with others gods and clashing with domains speeds things up the most.
How does godly reproduction work, can they reproduce asexually, need a partner or can't.

Asking because I remember the Eldar got families in their pantheon, wondered if sparring could work eventually, and for that we need more gods.
But mostly keep in mind that the biggest opportunity is the fact that you opened up a second front (with all the pro's and con's of such).
Not sure how much a second front is helpful by itself when we send the equivalent of a trembling squirrel against a gorilla on steroids.

Hopefully as stuff develop, Kuvara gain experience and we gain divination skill and power, it would become a more decent fight, or at least make Tzeench need to work on it.
Not sure how much a second front is helpful by itself when we send the equivalent of a trembling squirrel against a gorilla on steroids.

Hopefully as stuff develop, Kuvara gain experience and we gain divination skill and power, it would become a more decent fight, or at least make Tzeench need to work on it.

Technically speaking the difference isn't exactly bigger than "the chaos legions Vs the Keku empire".

Just like with Kuvara, the limiting factor is how much the lords can afford to send against us.

And I imagine that if they have to both are attack Kuvara in the Warp and the Keku in real space, that means they have to spare more attentions, Daemons and so on.

And this will leave them more exposed against other enemies.

On a different note, if gods grow the fastest during conflicts... Well, we get 30 years during which Kuvara will fight with an experienced god at her side! That will give her LOTS of experience!
Most of that is done by strengthening their claim over the concept of the domain (mostly by ensuring no other god has a similar domain) but also by investing their power in it.
So this is probably why slannash started off by murdering the other Eldar gods.

I guess that would mean khaine is probably an enemy of Khorne, more than usual at least, as a god of war and bloodshed.

Was Isha's goddess of life thing why nurgle captured her.

This make me wonder if Tzeench got any contenders, can't think of any from the top of my head, maybe making one can be long term goal, continuing the tradition of fucking with Tzeench in particular.
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