Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

Do not let shiny syndrome distract you, we might have one action to explore it, but I doubt we can afford more.
right now my plan is, more or less, to spend the next turn on alchemical preparations (mostly spiritual farming on a mass scale, storing spiritual herbs, and the formation action), while the turn after that I'd commit the APs to the alchemical institute.

Then, depending on what date we scry, we either focus on awakening pills to get more cultivators, or start producing stockpiles for the apocalypse.
right now my plan is, more or less, to spend the next turn on alchemical preparations (mostly spiritual farming on a mass scale, storing spiritual herbs, and the formation action), while the turn after that I'd commit the APs to the alchemical institute.
I think we are already doing storing this turn (we picked it in preparation for improving production), may be better to focus on improving the spiritual plants themselves, there is an action to improve the technique for the weak.

So more spiritual plants, better spiritual plants and formations.
Seeing as its been brought up and the turn will take a little while, there's no reason not to release the feng shui rules a little early.
That's reminds me, how do talents work on a character sheet, do you roll the grade of a talent (aka, are there chances of us getting a heaven defying talent), is there a chance of a talent being born with special constitutions (like our daughter qi adapt body and the emperor's ability to see the future) or multiple talents.

Do our cultivation talent translate to being talented at everything, or does Haku for example have advantages in pure rune competition.
Turn 11: end.
AN: Finally I'm done, now to slowly update the sheets.

Another decade has passed and with it passing you're inching ever closer to the apocalypse.

With the help of your divination, you estimate that the apocalypse will start anywhere between 4-11 decades (turns) from now.

As your information about the crises is almost nonexistent you cannot estimate how prepared you are for the coming crisis. But the being you saw in your visions does not spell good fortune.

Without knowing for how long you must fight it is difficult to say if your supplies will last but at least they'll last longer than they did yesterday.

You can only hope that the actions in the past decade have pushed you closer to survival.

-[X] book of laws.

The work of reforming the laws is in -one word- huge.

You must not only go over all of the previous laws one bay one and all of their revisions throughout the times you must also understand why to rules were put in place so you may modify them to better achieve their objectives.

You must also pour over thousands of documents from the empire records to ensure you possess the required knowledge to correctly judge the necessity and practicality of the law.

Needless to say, no one Keku can even attempt to do this.

Thankfully they don't have to as thousands of bureaucrats and law Keku are gathered to debate and decide upon this subject.

Some rules are easy.

Every, one agrees that killing is wrong and shouldn't be done and at most a few extra definitions of what represents intentional killings are added to the law.

The building code on the other end was a debate that lasted three months as hundreds of items needed to be ruled on and for each one several factor influenced either their inclusion or exclusion.

But even a mountain can be made into hill if every keku would take a spoonful of dirt from atop its peak.

The work was done and the result was laws that were much more relevant to modern life.

Lose " Book of laws (excellent)" modifier and gain the "law reform" modifier for 1 turn and then replace it with the "Book of laws (good)".
Law reform.

"A wide scale reform is a chaotic project and it will take some time for people to get used to the new conditions and until they do, their work will suffer."

-30% administrative efficiency, increased chance of random negative events.
Book of laws (good).

"The work of yourself and the finest servants of the empire you could have gathered, this set of law's takes into account hundreds of different factors to customize the laws to the local situation and give it some needed adaptability to handle unknown factors which may or may not pop-up"

+5% administrative efficiency, +8% tax efficiency, reduces cultural tensions, reduces unrest rise, reduced grift, reduced blot, increased responsiveness, +10% economic growth.

-[X] the track of progress. (must be in the top three priorities).

The burden placed on the empire hurt the tracks and trains program most of all.

Requiring a large amount of construction material and valuable machinery the lack of such has hurt progress significantly.

In the end only around a fifth of the already eastern network has been modernized and only minor expansion were undertaken.

+30 base economic power.

-[X] city expansions. (must be in the top 4)

You continued poring founds and attention to expending the myriad cities of the empire this decade.

And at long last it seems that the rush to the city is slowing down.

By the end of the decade, you see half the movement to the cities in a year you saw in its start.

There is still immigration of course and the natural growth of the population is still putting pressure to expend and with the burden placed upon the empire you hadn't managed to create any buffer but overall things are stable.

Which is all you really need.

+3 base economic power, the situation is stable and improving.

-[X] benefit of the faithful.

With the birth of Kuvara and the mass conversion of the entire planet this project has been deemed unneeded and the founds an keku power assigned to it diverted to other projects and to help lower the burden placed on the empire.

obsolete. Effort diverted to other projects.

-[X] priesthood.

Creating a dedicated priesthood for your faith was really only a matter of expansion and organization of the already existent network.

Which was easy enough.

The real work began when you needed to create a priesthood for your new found daughter.

Finding candidates was no problem -not with the entire race feeling her awakening- finding the right candidates was harder.

But with Kuvara right there it was merely time consuming rather than difficult.

Priesthood created (both for you and for Kuvara).

-[X] factory of war (mechanized).

The creation of a new kind of automobile and bringing it to production has been an easy endeavor.

Utilizing the expertise of the few factories which were already in the businesses allowed you to skip a few steps in the development and soon enough put it into production.

In truth most of your generals have been unenthused with the prospect of using such vehicles to transport troops around.

Keku wars are after all a matter of swift maneuvers and the vehicle are significantly slower then a fully trained Keku.

Most have been brought around to the idea with the knowledge that you aren't going to fight a Keku war and a demonstration of how much extra equipment a soldier could carry without compromising their stamina now that they weren't expected to flay vast distances at max speed.

A benefitable side effect of this development has been the expansion of the civilian automobile industry, as the expert used on your project turned around and applied their new found experience in the civilian market.

Evry turn 3 army points are going to be converted into mechanized. mechanized units have reduced strategic speed but gain a large increase to combat strength. +5 base economic power. +0.1 tech multiplyer.

-[X] factory of war (artillery) (must be lowest priority).

Even with the burden placed upon the empire by your ascension the work on the artillery factory continued with little problems.

Weapons of absolute destruction, the artillery pieces represent a significant improvement to your forces.

As the first artillery pieces are rolled out of the factory they are swiftly shipped out to the academy so that tactics and training method may be devised.

The next pieces put together will be utilized to putting together whole units utilizing the weapons.

Initial factory for artillery (and its ammunition) has been constructed, at current rate of constructing you will be putting together 1 point worth of artillery units every decade (turn), experience is accumulating in both the construction of such weapon an in their use. +0.1 tech multiplyer.
Artillery army (47 BP).

Offense: low (+5).

Defense: low (+5).

Mobility: low (+5)

Survivability: low (+5).

Equipment: semi decent (+7)

Discipline: decent (+20).

Tech level: 6.

Special traits:
-Artillery: this army may initiate barrage actions equal to their tech level. (a barrage combat action may fully wipe out 1 army point worth of fodder, inflict damage on non-fodder army points and suppress them, or suppress 10 army points worth, difference in tech level may increase or decrease those values)

-Flight capable: high boost to mobility, opens up strategy options. Reduce casualties from being overrun.
-experienced: when rolling discipline roll twice and take the highest.

-[X] traveling demigods- your new religion portrays the cultivators as those blessed by the emperor, having them travel the empire and show of their abilities would go a long way to helping in converting people to your new found religion and while less effective then if you go personally the total impact would be greeter due to their greater number.

Once again, your disciples have been sent out to showcase their might.

Once again, they have met the papules ready to convert them to your faith.

And this time they have met incredible successes wherever they went.

Keku lining up to see their exhibitions and hear their speeches.

Falling over their feet in an attempt to speak to them.

The reason is apparent.

Your daughter awakening has seen the population know of her deep in their soul.

Almost overnight the entire keku race has come to worship her.

Really the hard part has been to maintain their faith in your divinity.

Although Kuvara avatar publicly calling you father has been enough to overcome that particular hurdle.

Massive amount of converting.

-[X] the ravages of time- for whatever reason spiritual herbs lose their potency rapidly, task your disciples to find a way to prevent (or at least slow down) this phenomenon.

A full decade later and your disciples are no closer to an answer for why the potency of spirit herbs is lost with time but they have managed to find a way to stop it.

After attempting a few hundred different ways to store the herbs two way were discovered to slow the loss of potency.

The first and easier one was to store them in a place of power.

Easy and fast this method had the drawback of needing to set aside a full place of power as the ambient Qi could not be lowered beyond a certain point.

This was deemed unacceptable and so another method was sought.

And it was discovered in runes.

A small condensation rune can make small but highly concentrated area of Qi storing the herbs upon such arrays still sees the plant potency degrade but far more slowly.

Current calculation theorize that a grade 1 herb can maintain useful potency for up to three decade's using this method.

The arrays themselves are cheep an easy to construct and it is no problem to commission the artificer institution to make them.

You may now store 3X your production in G1 herbs, should this not be enough you may set aside a place of power (and all of its capacity) to store G1 herbs indefinitely.

-[X] The mercenary board.
--[X] Tribulation assistance (for you)- 10 divine charges.
--[X] A blessing of life (+20 lifespan) – 2 divine charges. can only be bought once per person
-[X] the power of sacrifice (no option under here takes AP)- either by way of insight or technique you have found a way to greatly empower yourself by sacrificing something. (current lifespan 470)
--[X] sacrifice life- sacrifice 10 years of life span for 1 AP (current lifespan 450). X 3
--[X] sacrifice wealth- commend your empire to tribute 150 Estimated Economic Power worth of wealth and gain 1 divine charge. X 4

Power and wealth flow like water.

Sacrificed in the bid for ascension.

A body pushed beyond its limits an empire paying tribute.

And the last grasp of life thrown away.

AP and divine Qi that was used this turn.

--[X] The bounty of the ocean- the ocean and seas contain untold wealth both of food and of metal, by use of your new insight it is possible to now tap into that wealth with relative ease bringing great wealth to the empire.

In a bid to cushion the economic demand you have spent some of your time swiftly traveling throughout the empire commending the see life to surface to the writing wings of the fisherkeku.

You have even managed to get some of the titans of the deep to beach themselves although you were carful not to do so too much lest you drive their specie to extinction.

Your efforts have reduced the burden on the empire even as more and more wealth was sacrificed in your name.

Gain temporary economic power and economic growth.


Time marches onwards relentlessly, progress is made faster then one can keep up with.

But every piece of knowledge clawed from the universe is one more step toward survival. (+4 advancement points, +3 from omake).

Cultivator reports.

This past decade two hundred and ninety two new cultivators have been awakened.

This decade one hundred and sixty four first steps have braved the tribulation of them only nine have broken through, and many only managed as they ascended just after the emperor.

A net gain of 128 new first steps.

A net gain of 9 new second steps.

In your time you haven't yet seen another disciple manage to cultivate quite as fast as Vakatue, maybe Kekita, and with his swiftness and ambition he has reached stages yet unknown.

He has blazed a trail to the true peak of the first step and you're all greater for it.

Interestingly it seems his divine body is more resistant to the toxicity of pills and even increases their efficiency by a few percentages points.

Vakatue reached the divine body stage and has made progress on his project.

One of your third steps has taken upon themselves the task of refining the body reforging pill and after many failures they have managed it.

Although the successful sample has all been consumed in testing so more would need to be made I you wish to use them.

The third step you have assigned for alchemy research has refined the body reforging pill (OOC: honestly I saw that people are just skipping the refine recipe option so I figured I'll give you some idea on who good it is. .

Body reforging pill (G1) - cost per charge:
100 EFEP, 1 charge of G1 herbs. Craft per charge: 200 capacity. effect: upon consumption a single champion gains a medium permanent strength increase. Toxicity: 4 (permanent).


Body reforging pill (G1, Refined) - cost per charge:
80 EFEP, 1 charge of G1 herbs. Craft per charge: 150 capacity. effect: upon consumption a single champion gains a large permanent strength increase. Toxicity: 3 (permanent).

In a surprising turn of events Haku has challenged the tribulation and has succeed where so many failed.

Granting you a new third step in the process and she has taken her place among the artificing institution.

She has also managed to build several prototypes of her current project during her recovery.

Haku has passed her tribulation and has spent her time in recovery putting the finishing touches to her prototypes, hopefully her working will be done by the next decade.

A new talent has distinguished itself to your eyes.

Okokuto has risen to the impure body stage swiftly.

But it is not his speed of cultivation that has drawn your eye but his practice of feng shui and large-scale geomancy.

In particular the verdant fields patterns, a pattern that draws upon the power of Qi to replenishing the fields and hasten the growth of its fruits.

A new talent has arisen, one who has discovered the practice of feng shui.
Feng shui is a method of achieving harmony by ordering things (locations furniture, buildings) a certain way.

Here it is a way of manipulating the warp into certain patterns by changing the immatirium and reflecting that change upon the warp.

In time you will unlock more patterns for it and get to choose the effect you use but for now you only have one.

The verdant fields- this feng shui aligns the energy of Qi with the concept of growth and health of the land, when this feng shui is active increase EEP by 5% and economic growth by 100%.

Currently only one feng shui effect may be used at a time.

There is also a smaller effect of fengshui on other things but that is scaled based on fang shui lore rather than an active mechanic.

Faction actions.

Five sects:
a second third step now owing allegiance to the five sects is a great cause of celebration for them as they raise mor second steps who in turn raise more first steps.

Nobles: in a complete surprise the lightning of a third step tribulation has been spotted above one of the noble's manors. Your agents report that the leader of the nobles has succeeded in her tribulation, she was either incredibly lucky or found another way your agents are investigating the matter.

AN 2: considering some of the event for this turn and the last I think I should offer you the chance to change your focus, didn't fine a place to naturally put it so we'll just do it here.

[] we want to change the focus.

-[] to what? (the four normal are a given but you can also offer ideas for more specialized ones)

[] we don't want to change the focus.
Your daughter awakening has seen the population know of her deep in their soul.

Almost overnight the entire keku race has come to worship her.
This is better than I could have hoped, with the divine qi increase, we could see our preparations becoming significantly easier.

We had a generation of six personal divine qi with 40% of the population, now we could see 15 personal divine qi (remove 2 or 3 from that probably for maintenance), this make the temper core idea much more feasible.

Now we are mostly limited by the fact that the more we wait, the more we heal.
we want to change the focus.
That main question, do we want to already start on military, or use economy to tank the technological upheaval.
We get a lot of divine charges now so i do not think we should keep the current focus:

Total divine Qi generated per turn: +113 charges worth.
Total gained by Kuvara (60%): +68 chrages (+whatevr she gains from her own worshipers)
Total gained per turn (15%): +17 charges (this is what you get personally)- 3 (insight), +14 a turn..
Total diverted for mercenary board (15%): +17 divine charges.

Where is the final 10% going?

[X] we want to change the focus.
-[X] Economic for two turns
I think we can do a cycle of economy, though if we want to be safe we can just swap at the end of turn 2 or something.
[X] we want to change the focus.
-[X] Economic (focus on heavy industry)
[X] we want to change the focus.
-[X] Economic for two turns

I agree.

Looking at what we give the board, it about exactly enough to get the tech upgrade next turn and lessons at at spiritual surgery, although we can definitely skim of a bunch off our champions, so we can afford knowledge of the two other lords too probably, and maybe a tribulation boost for our first step talents.

We get to healing our pillar (now even more critical to bring back the more divine qi before our population grows) and half steps.

We heal during the turn, next turn we continue healing our pillar if we didn't finish yet, add it to our core (probably best done with divine qi to break the rules) we do a tempering tribulation, with four divine qi to make sure we don't die if we screw up and refine our harmony, so our core insight will be stronger, my planned insights is knowledge and learning based one, so we may get a boon for learning speed or something.

As in the same turn, we would also buy divination lessons and spam divination, so increased learning may benefit it, with such an increase at divine qi, I pretty much changed my position on the date not being worthwhile investment, we can afford it easily now, and will do so just before we change focus again.

The turn after it, we will buy the next core insight, hopefully with a boon from the first insight (who will use our two insight per one insight as base) and the turn after it, we can buy the third insight, which will empower the Keku.

Assuming we have time, we will buy the final insight for core formation a turn later.
Distant Stars. (a Xianxia civ Quest).
Here is a link for my four insights plan for our core formation.

Assuming everything goes well, it is first insight in turn 13, second in turn 14, third in turn 15 and if the apocalypse doesn't start at the earliest date, fourth in turn 16.

It is worth keeping in mind, that plan assume our qi production stays the same as it is now, considering we doubled and doubled again our population if I remember correctly in the last half a century, we can see a rise of four times the divine qi by turn 16, and that assuming our fevor or convert percentage (currently around ~80%) doesn't rise.

So we in all likelihood, we might reach the peak of core formation before the earliest date of the apocalypse, with time to temper our core (making each insight stronger).
Last edited:
@uri How big of a malus do we have to beating tempering tribulation with our injuries, and how much does it shrink every turn.

We know regular talents got like 85% odds of passing for example.
Book of laws (good).

Not Excellent.

Still, with our fast progress and the need to expand tech and military soon, we'll probably revise them not too far in the future and I'm sure we can do better then!

In the end only around a fifth of the already eastern network has been modernized and only minor expansion were undertaken.

+30 base economic power.
Acceptable. The sacrifices were necessary this turn, it should get easier now.

+3 base economic power, the situation is stable and improving.

-[X] benefit of the faithful.

With the birth of Kuvara and the mass conversion of the entire planet this project has been deemed unneeded and the founds an keku power assigned to it diverted to other projects and to help lower the burden placed on the empire.

obsolete. Effort diverted to other projects.

Nice side effect. Mostly unexpected, but when every Keku in the empire could FEEL her birth...

Priesthood created (both for you and for Kuvara).

...I wonder how much divine QI were both getting now...

Evry turn 3 army points are going to be converted into mechanized. mechanized units have reduced strategic speed but gain a large increase to combat strength. +5 base economic power. +0.1 tech multiplyer.

Enough to start getting them used to the idea. I imagine we'll give this stuff to the garrisons once we get another tech rank up or two.

Initial factory for artillery (and its ammunition) has been constructed, at current rate of constructing you will be putting together 1 point worth of artillery units every decade (turn), experience is accumulating in both the construction of such weapon an in their use. +0.1 tech multiplyer.
As with the vehicles, the Military actions right now are mostly to build up military culture and strategies..any equipment we make now will be obsolete next turn already, but it's important to get them used to the new concepts.

Once again, your disciples have been sent out to showcase their might.

Once again, they have met the papules ready to convert them to your faith.

And this time they have met incredible successes wherever they went.

Keku lining up to see their exhibitions and hear their speeches.

Falling over their feet in an attempt to speak to them.

The reason is apparent.

Your daughter awakening has seen the population know of her deep in their soul.

Almost overnight the entire keku race has come to worship her.

Really the hard part has been to maintain their faith in your divinity.

Although Kuvara avatar publicly calling you father has been enough to overcome that particular hurdle.

Massive amount of converting.
Yeah, if she wanted it would have been trivial to turn our faith against us... And, of course, if you're acknowledged as the FATHER of a goddess, well, it's not hard to define yourself as a god as well.

You may now store 3X your production in G1 herbs, should this not be enough you may set aside a place of power (and all of its capacity) to store G1 herbs indefinitely.
Good! Now to actually start mass farming!

You have even managed to get some of the titans of the deep to beach themselves although you were carful not to do so too much lest you drive their specie to extinction.

Your efforts have reduced the burden on the empire even as more and more wealth was sacrificed in your name.

Gain temporary economic power and economic growth.

Acceptable. Cool we also got basically whales to beach themselves for massive food/oil gains.


Time marches onwards relentlessly, progress is made faster then one can keep up with.

But every piece of knowledge clawed from the universe is one more step toward survival. (+4 advancement points, +3 from omake).

And we're only going to accelerate this coming turn!

It will be a frenetic time

He has blazed a trail to the true peak of the first step and you're all greater for it.

Interestingly it seems his divine body is more resistant to the toxicity of pills and even increases their efficiency by a few percentages points.

Vakatue reached the divine body stage and has made progress on his project.
We might want to go back to it in the future, but it's hardly important in the short or medium term.

The third step you have assigned for alchemy research has refined the body reforging pill (OOC: honestly I saw that people are just skipping the refine recipe option so I figured I'll give you some idea on who good it is. .

Body reforging pill (G1) - cost per charge:
100 EFEP, 1 charge of G1 herbs. Craft per charge: 200 capacity. effect: upon consumption a single champion gains a medium permanent strength increase. Toxicity: 4 (permanent).


Body reforging pill (G1, Refined) - cost per charge:
80 EFEP, 1 charge of G1 herbs. Craft per charge: 150 capacity. effect: upon consumption a single champion gains a large permanent strength increase. Toxicity: 3 (permanent).
It's more that we haven't been really making lots of pills yet, nor could we really afford to, so we delayed.

We also hoped for the institution to do that passively later on I think.

We might want to refine the awakening pills if we want to truly boost numbers...

We already knew about Haku and Feng Shui...

Nobles: in a complete surprise the lightning of a third step tribulation has been spotted above one of the noble's manors. Your agents report that the leader of the nobles has succeeded in her tribulation, she was either incredibly lucky or found another way your agents are investigating the matter.
We have to talk to her.

If they have a new method, we need to know to apply it on a large scale (if viable). We can give incentives /pay for it, but we HAVE to know

If they don't and she was just lucky... We should make it clear that I'd they but ASKED we'd have offered use of one array.

Sure, they're political headaches... But we need as many 3rd steps as we can get.

Unless they're planning a coup, I can only assume they still believe we're ready to purge them (or at least are more opposed to them than we actually are) if they were not willing to ask for an array.

Maybe Kuvara can play mediator?

As a side note... Did the mansion actually survive the tribulation lightning?

AN 2: considering some of the event for this turn and the last I think I should offer you the chance to change your focus, didn't fine a place to naturally put it so we'll just do it here.

[] we want to change the focus.

-[] to what? (the four normal are a given but you can also offer ideas for more specialized ones)

[] we don't want to change the focus.

Well, we now have 100% spread I think.

We PROBABLY can afford to change this.

So... Economy, military... Maybe a custom "tech low hanging fruits"?

We're most likely going up a tech rank every turn or two turns, so being able to quickly apply only what repays us in a decade...

Education also has arguments in favor, as people would benefit massively from programs focused on letting them keep up with the tech progress.

And military is more than obvious, though I'd like to do the scrying before going for it.

Total divine Qi generated per turn: +113 charges worth.
Total gained by Kuvara (60%): +68 chrages (+whatevr she gains from her own worshipers)
Total gained per turn (15%): +17 charges (this is what you get personally)- 3 (insight), +14 a turn..
Total diverted for mercenary board (15%): +17 divine charges.

As in the same turn, we would also buy divination lessons and spam divination, so increased learning may benefit it, with such an increase at divine qi, I pretty much changed my position on the date not being worthwhile investment, we can afford it easily now, and will do so just before we change focus again.

Ok, military is now worthless.

We can now DEFINITELY afford +1 tech rank per turn

Depending on date scrying result we can potentially change our focus.


Maybe we should keep religion focus for one more turn then? We'll know next turn how much time we have, which is likely to change our plans again.

If we have little time, probably military.

If we have a lot, either eco or some kind of edu/teach people to keep up with tech progress option...

I'll check the sheets updates before voting, but I'm definitely ecstatic about the extra charges.

...@Uri can we use the charges going to Kuvara for the board? What kind of consequences can we expect from it? Of we ask her about it, does she have an opinion?
We can ask to change, no real point in staying in religion now, we can go economics and after two turns pick military.
Or more, if we have more decades than expected.

No interest in education? The population is likely to have trouble keeping up with the tech progress, though I suppose that could be a single project at high priority while in the middle of eco focus
@uri How big of a malus do we have to beating tempering tribulation with our injuries, and how much does it shrink every turn.
Fairly big, you should probably be fully healed if you're attempting a tribulation.

As a side note... Did the mansion actually survive the tribulation lightning?
Yes, because they haven't done it in the mansion itself but on its grounds (which are rather big).

...@Uri can we use the charges going to Kuvara for the board? What kind of consequences can we expect from it? Of we ask her about it, does she have an opinion?
No, because she isn't using divine Qi its just easy for me to represent it as if she dos, so you can see where a large chunk of the faith is going.

Also she really needs that faith.
No, because she isn't using divine Qi its just easy for me to represent it as if she dos, so you can see where a large chunk of the faith is going.

Also she really needs that faith.
Good to know.

So we effectively have a max of 28 + "17-3" personal charges.

Which is still a lot and gives us a lot of APs to play with Through conversion!
Assuming we buy lessons of soul surgery next turn, how many aps would the project of figuring out how to purify our pillar, purify it, figuring out how to fuse it to our core and than doing so take? Both in regular and divine ones (I assume divine qi will be helpful as it breaks rules).
shikatu (you)- champion (V- low).

Kuvara (avatar) - champion (III- high)/ Kuvara (warp side)- champion (V- high).
Kuvara is both first and third place in our champion ranks :V

Also we went up to rank V!

In any case...

We have 28 charges we can use for the board at most without using the emperor's personal stock.

Technology level: 6 (8/18 to next level) (tech multiplayer: 5.95)

We get at least 3 charges during the turn, right? Or was it 4?

If so I'm thinking

1)Advancement points up to rank up (should be 12 or 14 charges)

2)foresight lesson (10 charges)

Should have 4 or 6 charges left

...how about taking pyramid knowledge instead of lords' lore? We can probably take all lords lore the turn after, all together.

This way we can start to prepare for the pyramid expedition too.

As for personal actions...

All the apocalypse foresight actions (except the dangerous one)

Pyramid preparation could probably wait a turn, we need to heal first anyway

Definitely our personal research actions (formation, power of intent...)

Nature of godhood and time with Kuvara if at all possible.

Maybe a personal meeting with the noble leader?
Maybe a personal meeting with the noble leader?
That probably doesn't require an ap.
Pyramid preparation could probably wait a turn, we need to heal first anyway
Disagree, I agree about physical ones, but the divination should be done with the others, if you are planning to do the date, better do it after we do all other divination actions we want so they give us experience, the better we are, the more accurate the date would be, and we get better by doing divination.

Although I disagree with your priorities, I personally think fixing our pillar is more urgent (as part of my goal for tempering our harmony before getting core insights) and divination should be done the turn after.
Disagree, I agree about physical ones, but the divination should be done with the others, if you are planning to do the date, better do it after we do all other divination actions we want so they give us experience, the better we are, the more accurate the date would be, and we get better by doing divination.

Although I disagree with your priorities, I personally think fixing our pillar is more urgent (as part of my goal for tempering our harmony before getting core insights) and divination should be done the turn after.
I just forgot to mention the pillar healing, that's definitely a priority, sure.

But really, I think we should do divination immediately. It's just too important, and haven't we been told that the closer we get to the date the HARDER it is to scary?

We just got a boost from fire insight and step 4, and we're about to get lessons for it too. I'd then do AT LEAST the date scrying immediately (again, if we have more time it changes how we plan things considerably!)

If we can do LL other divinations in the same turn even better, but doing Date NOW is not something I'm willing to give up. It's just one action, and we should have...

3+ 14/2 = potentially 10 actions this turn. And I'm willing to sacrifice 300 EEP for another 2 points, maybe 450.

I'm waiting for the new turn post before deciding for good, but right now, assuming 10 actions, the ones that I'm most sure of are

1) date scrying

2) power of intent

3) power of the few (formations)

4) nature of godhood

5) all we think we need to heal our pillar

6) if AP leftovers... I'd say researching ways to heal the third steps and the broken IF we take soul surgery lessons. Otherwise maybe some pyramid preparations? Reading the books about the lords? Not sure
It's just too important, and haven't we been told that the closer we get to the date the HARDER it is to scary?
I think not? I would think it gets easier considering we got the action locked until turn 8 where we were closer last time.

What I think we were told is that the apocalypse interfere with divination, so we need to get better before we can do so again, we technically can do it right now with the fire divination insight, but the reward will likely be minimal, which is why I think all other divinations should be done first, and that a turn of being healed and our third steps being healed is more relevant than a turn of knowing this information.

The fact I agree it is worthwhile thing now doesn't mean I think we should do it a half dozen times, do it once well, so after divine lessons and all other divinations we wish.
Pointless, this is about places of power, in all likelihood it would just allow us to use divine qi to make places of power or improve them, useless to us, we got better stuff to do.
6) if AP leftovers... I'd say researching ways to heal the third steps and the broken IF we take soul surgery lessons. Otherwise maybe some pyramid preparations? Reading the books about the lords? Not sure
We can keep the divine qi, it isn't wasted, and could be spent next time, so if we have left over, don't feel pressured to spend everything, we aren't millionaires who just won the lottery and feel an urgent pressure to throw our money away until we are poor again.

Having more divine qi doesn't mean you need to spend the divine qi, of anything, I might recommend still burning some life force, because two divine qi are more useful than ten years for us now, because divine qi can be converted to ten life and ten life can't be converted to divine qi.