Distant Stars. (a WH40K/Xianxia civ Quest).

Did I say that going bellow five was what killed you? I genuinely don't remember and looking at my notes I have it at 4 pillars corrupted for anyone in the 8-9 range 3 for the 6-7 range and 2 for anyone at 5.
Yeh, my bad
For a regular guy loosing 2 pillars means loosing the entire foundation at the best of cases.
I assumed you meant that going below the minimum required for ascension is what will kill you, and that most people will not go the bare minimum, that's my mistake.
Turn 12.
Even as old as you are, you will never tire of flying.

Of soaring through the sky's upon the wind.

It is a joy all keku share.

And one that your new found daughter greatly enjoys.

A gust of wind sends you higher, passing her small form -so briming in power- for but a single moment before she pushes forward to claim the lead once more.

You smile as you hear her laugh.

You know she's cheating, bending the winds to her advantage and you could respond in kind but you are content to let her pull further forward.

And then use natural wind current to swiftly catch up.

This isn't the first time you have gone flying with your daughter.

Many, many parents fly alongside their children the first few times and as they get older racing the winds is a very respectable way for a family to spend an entertaining evening.

And as young as your second daughter is, she is almost as good of a flyer as you are.

Not that you were expecting anything else.

A small drop of Qi drawn form your core propels you to the lead and your daughter scumbles to keep up.

In time you'll need to return to the ground.

To the reasonability of the crown.

But for now, you are content dancing with your daughter upon the wind.

(OOC note: this turn empire action were written with the assumption you'll pick to advance your tehcnolagy rapidly as that was the rationale behind choosing a stability focus. Should you not do this I'll need to post a new set of actions after this vote).
(note 2: In order to improve the visibility of actions I've decided to put the (new) tag next to options that are new and the (updated) tag next to old actions that were updated, copy and paste those tags to C+V+F search box and it should take you to all of the relevant actions, I would like some feedback on if this is better as even more options were added this turn)

[] culture preservation.

As capability jumps forward by decades and things are rebuilt and changed to match the new capability it is important to take some time and founds to ensure that some of the old survives

Admittedly this isn't that important, there is no distinct benefit to preserving the past to be had.

But a hundred years form now many Keku will be thank you for saving their legacy and preserving their history.

Minimal investment would be more than enough to preserve enough style and historical monuments but you can investment more if you wish.

[] military refitting.

Your generals argued long and hard for founds to be spent on refitting the factories that churn out your war gear, even though much of the equipment will be obsolete relatively soon after for a single reason.


If you want to be able to maintain and use the machines you'll construct (not even speaking on building them) effectively, you'll need to gather a cadre of experienced engineers who will practice on those machines.

Skipping over some of the fundamental upgrades and training people only on the production and maintain of the new stuff will see many snags and setbacks that could easily be solved I you possessed the necessary experience.

A maximum investment is way too much for such a project but a minimum investment is way to little, so a balance must be found and maintained.

[] the track of progress. (must be in the top three priorities).

With the advancement of time, the power steam inevitably has been overtaken by combustion.

The new trins are faster, more reliable.

And require better tracks.

Thankfully new construction equipment would significantly increase the pace of contraction.

This project is focused on two objectives.

The replacement of old track lines with newer stock a slow and methodical procedure as to not hinder the economy too much.

And the construction of additional train tracks and expensive and time consuming prospect.

Truthfully only the former is an objective that would be done any time soon as there more than enough towns and cities to connect by rail.

A minimum investment would see a decant amount of progress in both objectives.

A maximum investment will see upward of sixty percent of the old tracks refurbished and a dozen or more new lines open.

[] welfare for the needed.

Times of transition are times of hardship.

People can suddenly lose their job, wake up one day and find out that everything is twice the price it was yesterday or anything form a thousand different crises.

There is nothing that could truly be done except throwing some money to ease the suffering and hope that your other programs will ensure a smooth ride until the transition ends.

The more you invest the less unrest a great change will generate, of course injecting massive amount of gold into the economy is liable to rack up inflation and advisers urge you to be cautious.

[] expansion and preservation of the schooling system.

Local effort had done an admirable job of both maintaining and expending the primary schooling system to keep up with the growth of the empire.

But their efforts -while valued- are no longer enough.

You expect that you'll need to reform the curriculum many times over the next decade.

Which requires both deciding what should be taught and then teaching the teachers on those topic's.

And really if you're going to be completely reforming the education system you might as well also expand it at the same time.

A maximum investment would see you both keep up with the evolving curriculum and expend the education system itself to cover all the natural growth.

A minimum investment would see you scrap any expansion plan and struggle to keep up with the changing times and is not advised.

[] city expansions.

No matter your plans for the next decade your cities must still be expanded to deal with both immigration and natural growth.

Thankfully the rate of immigration has sharply dropped so you no longer need to keep up the frantic pace of expansion.

A maximum investment is way more then you need and would create a large buffer.

A minimum investment on the other hand isn't enough and would see you fall behind schedule, which isn't the worst of things.

[] preservation of skilled workers.

Throughout the empire there are then of millions of skillful hard working Keku but the march of time may invalidate a large portion of their skills.

This is unacceptable, an empire runs on its skilled workforce.

This project is meant to found hundreds of programs thought the decade to help with modernizing one skills in a job, so that no worker may be left behind.

The more you invest the more workers can be retrained and the more through the retraining is. A medium investment is enough to retrain the vast majority of workers.

The last decade saw both the fast expansion of the number of cultivators and also the expansion of their reasonability's (4 AP).

new mechanic: third step intervention- in an attempt to make third steps more influential, in addition to the bonus they give, form now one each one of them has a small chance (5%~) to free up enough of their time and energy to grab one of your cultivator action's. those actions will be picked semi-randomly.

it is expected that around 273 new 1st step cultivators would be recruited and trained this decade (at current pace you're expected to get another AP in 3 turns).

Tribulations: 19 second steps have indicated that they would face their tribulation in two decades (on turn 14).

Lightening reflection arrays: 13 (+7 per turn)

Alchemy: 172/200 capacity. Total cost: 20 EFEP. Total production: 4 lowly healing pills charges.

[] change alchemy production? (doesn't cost an action).

-[] to what?

[] mercenary board
(doesn't take an action) 23 tokens.

-[] what do you wish to buy? And how do you pay (token, empire divine Qi, personal divine Qi)

[] Recruiting-
if you wish to have a hope of survival the current number of disciples is pitiful, your disciples would focus on going out and training potential cultivators in order to find new talents and increase their number. With a crude but passable way to determine talent you can now weed out the untalented. Increasing the power and quality of your new disciples.

[] Looking for enlightenment cultivation as a concept is relatively unknown, with all of your knowledge coming from either your or your older disciples' experiments. But your knowledge is lacking and there are many unknowns. Have your disciples try to invite new concepts that either help or push your knowledge of cultivation further. (OOC: you get a cultivation advancement dice which can give you many tasteful things)

[] Push forward- your disciples have their own cultivation to pursue and they will do so regardless but giving them more time to do so would allow them to make more progress.

[] the power of many- when fighting the demons you have tapped into something, a way to pull the power of cultivators and to be greater then the sum of its parts now that you have touched on it replacing this feat should be fairly easy so task you disciples to do so.

[] rune study- new knowledge has brought your disciples another avenue of growth you very little about the runes you've found and how they work but were there is two there are three and your disciples are eager to find out more so let them and slowly you'll unlock the secrets of artificing.

[] craft- supernatural knowledge is at your disciples' beak and call, maybe they should do something with it.

-[] condensing arrays- perhaps you have changed you opinion on how they should be divided? If so you will need to replace the current arrays. (doesn't cost an AP just don't go changing it every turn)

heavenly lightening deflection array- a special array that is incredibly helpful when challenging tribulation, unfortunately the power of the tribulation burns it out so it can't be used. Charge your disciples with constructing it. taking this action will give 2 such arrays.

-[] shield array's- able to protect a small city for outside attack so long as its fed sufficient Qi, the shield array represent a paradigm shift for defensive siege warfare

-[] pills- you have a need for more pills so task more disciples with crafting them. (+500 capacity)

[] the building blocks of the world part 3- the world is full of possible alchemy materials that you haven't even touched yet, with at least a somewhat better understanding of the underlaying principles of alchemy you can continue to attempt mixing and matching materials and see what new recipes you can come up with.

[] cultivating perfection- the road to perfection is endless but it is a road that must be walked, refine one of your alchemy recipes lowering the requirements to craft it or unlock its more powerful version.

-[] which recipe?

[] expend the farms
- there is no denying that the spiritual herbs are far more effective and potent as ingredients for alchemy and immortal cooking both and while you currently produce more then you need this wont be true for long so expend the farms that produce them.

[] concentration of intent- The emperor has grown a herb like no other yet what is the difference between him and another? Sure, his cultivation is advanced but other third steps have tired their hands at herbalism and while their herbs where more potent the difference wasn't major form what a mortal could grow. The answer than is intent, the question is if someone else can concentrate their intent so purely at a single herb to produce something better?

[X] The wonder of a well cooked meal- already the immortal cooks are adding spiritual herbs into their meals and they become all the better for it but they could do more, be more if only given the time to refine their art.

[] fang shui- a new path opens itself before your disciples, task them to spend time and effort to push further down it and complete your understanding of its basics. (new).

A long decade is awaiting you, there is much to do and not enough time to do it all (4 personal AP). (14 divine charges).

You are injured. timer until fully healed: 3 turns.

[] the power of sacrifice (no option under here takes AP)- either by way of insight or technique you have found a way to greatly empower yourself by sacrificing something. (current lifespan 470)

-[] sacrifice life- sacrifice 10 years of life span for 1 AP (current lifespan 450).

-[] sacrifice wealth- commend your empire to tribute 150 Estimated Economic Power worth of wealth and gain 1 divine charge.

-[] sacrifice divinity-
spend 1 divine charge to gain 5 lifespan.

-[] attempt healing- spend divine charges and lifespan to heal a certain condition.

--[] a half step- spend 3 divine charges and 30 lifespan to allow him to fully step into the third step. (updated).

-[] Yourself- you are injured spend 3 divine charges and 30 lifespan to heal yourself. (new)

[] Push higher- your power alone would not save you or your kind, but more power would certainly be useful, so push ahead on this path that you've created oh so long ago.

-[] condense your core (0/5)- pour ever graters amount of power into your core to increase the pressure placed upon the Qi inside it and then crystalize your insights at the moment of condensation. (new).

-[] meditate upon your insights (may be taken more then once)- meditate upon your insights in preparation to combining them, spend years pondering their natures so when the times comes to combine them your chances of success will be higher. (new)

-[] seek life (costs 2 AP)- you have spent a decade in the realm of the dead and have come out with new knowledge but now your understanding is unbalanced, seek death counterpart to regain the balance, seek life and the great Dao so that balance may be returned. (updated).

-[] study (artifice)- a new path opens itself before you, travels down its length and attempts to pry whatever secrets it holds.

-[] The connection of it all- following your new insight you have hundreds of links connecting you to your students and many more from them to their students, the ability to know your daughter is alright at all times is the dream of all fathers but maybe you should try and see if this connection has other uses.

[] the lords- who are the lords?, what are the lords? And how do they fit into your world? You know not the answer but you could find out.

-[] the lord of war- you have recovered a book from the base of the demonic cultivators, the knowledge within is both dangerous and vital attempt to read this book while taking frequent breaks to recover form the mantal assault you will subject yourself to.

-[] the lord of fate- you have recovered a book from the base of the demonic cultivators, the knowledge within is both dangerous and vital attempt to read this book while taking frequent breaks to recover form the mantal assault you will subject yourself to.

-[] the bounty of heaven- your disciples have confirmed to the best of their abilities that after a tribulation passed, small amounts of energy still linger further study would hopefully not only shed more light on the nature of heavens Qi but perhaps also find a useful use for it.

-[] a drop of primordial blood- you have acquired a drop of blood you know nothing about expect that its important, attempt to study it and see what it may be use for. Not available increase any/all of the following your lore of the lords, of divinity, of alchemy, of runes, of ???, of ???, of ???, of ??? to unlock.

[] Glimpse the future- you have a gift, a gift that no other has. It has set you on this path and you must both hone and use it, to see the end of this path. Cast your eyes into the future and the apocalypse to come and attempt to draw any piece of information that might give you an advantage.

-[] Pin down the date- currently you know that the apocalypse will start anywhere between a fourdecades to a century from now, attempt to pin down when it would actually start so you may better prepare. the closer to the apocalypse you get the more
interference you suffer in attmpting to pin down its start date. (updated).

-[] The all-consuming flame- The black flames of Akerktu are already extremely effective in their effect of your divination, could you perhaps improve their quality by allowing them to burn for years without interruption? Always feeding the flames? So long as you have someone constantly watch them you shouldn't burn down your palace. (new).

-[] Follow the path- no matter where you looked or how much time you've invested into seeing the future, you have never found a path that averts the apocalypse yet new data shows that you may have inadvertently caused it and weather true or not validating such information will shed a light on may things. Thankfully while seeing THE future is hard seeing A future is considerably easier -although by no mean easy-

-[] The nature of the beast- you know almost nothing about what's to come besides an unending tide of beasts, attempting to understand the coming apocalypse.

-[] The tide- in your vision you saw many types of beast's, small and big, deformed and consisting of perfect form. Attempt to more correctly ascertain what it is that you'll be fighting.

-[] the maelstrom [extremely dangerous]- in your journey through the sea of time you have encountered a being that defies understanding. One way or the other this being is connected to the coming apocalypse, already without even knowing you desist it shrouds your sight of the future, your sight now returning with less and less details. So cast your gaze once more to the future and attempt to ascertain its nature and perhaps you'll find ways to avoid it. But beware as should you be caught death is the only mercy you can expect.

[] The burdens of an emperor- a farmer, son of a farmer turned into a sage, you never thought, nor wanted the burden of rule but here you are with a crown upon your head.

-[] To rule well- taking the time to listen to your subordinates and subjects as well as taking care of the small problems that arise would free your subordinates from the need to do it. (OOC: with the competent ruling action being removed from the empire action list -having achieved a good enough administrative efficiency that it doesn't need to be focused on- this action still helps with the rule of the empire and solving any problem that might crop up).

-[] Illness of the soul- your subjects suffer form a condition with no treatment and you can offer them the cure, finding them is going to require some work but you'll both do good and increase your understanding of the soul.

-[] The bounty of the ocean- the ocean and seas contain untold wealth both of food and of metal, by use of your new insight it is possible to now tap into that wealth with relative ease bringing great wealth to the empire.

[] The burdens of a teacher- you have come to enjoy teaching, but the very act gives you a certain obligation to those you teach.

-[] Haku- it has been some time since you have taken a student personally but some talents are worth it.

-[] Vakatu- it has been some time since you have taken a student personally but some talents are worth it.

-[] unforgotten- your new insight makes your lessons quite literally unforgettable, you have a lot of knowledge to impart many of it would normally go over most first steps head but now that they quit literally can't forget it you can impart upon them knowledge that will be supremely useful for their cultivation efforts. (new)

-[] To teach the next generations- you're going to need many more cultivators to face the end that comes, and you have taught many, do so again and help train the defenders of the future. Your new pillar makes you even more suited to this task.

-[] The next step- you have many students pushing for the next step in their journey, take the time to share your wisdom and guide them in surviving the tribulation, with your new insights this is even more effective as your advice can be kept in mind at all times. (updated).

-[] the broken- the tribulation to the third step is nothing alike that of the second step and its harsher nature seems to apply to those who fail it as well, those who fail the first tribulation and yet survive had lost most of their cultivation granted power and are heavily wounded but a few months later most of their wounds are healed and although they do not regain their former strength they are still stronger than a regular mortal this is not so for those who fail the second tribulation and are unlucky enough to survive as even now, years after their attempt at tribulation the wounds incurred show no sign of getting any better. You have already tasked various medical institutes to try to conceive of ways to ease their pain (for somewhat mixed results) but you possess knowledge and understanding few others will claim to match and with just some attention, your fallen students' plight might be much reduced… it is the least you owe them and yet the duty of the emperor sits heavy on your shoulders, can you justify investing your time (one of the most valuable resources you have) in something that will not help stave of anhelation?

-[] kekaru- Kekaru has done something you had no idea was possible and has reached a place between the second step and the third attempt to push him over the line fully into the third step if such a thing is even possible.

-[] the power of the few (must be taken with power of the many)- while fighting the daemon you have touched on a way to pull the power of cultivators together and empower it beyond its parts, you have tasked your disciples to search for that power again but you feel as if your help would be especially useful.

[] Listen to the earth- your new pillar allows you to understand the language of the earth all you must do is listen, you're not likely to get any useful information but practice makes perfect.

-[] attempt to pry the secrets of the noble's- somehow the nobles managed to get a third step, listen to the earth and try to ascertain how they did so. (updated).

-[] just listen- the earth has much to say and instead of directing it for a specific piece of information you can just listen, you wont get any useful information but it would make for very good practice.

-[] discover the secrets for its health- your new insight scales based on the health of the land you live on and who is better in showing you how to care for it then the land itself? Attempt to listen to the earth and ask for how you may care for it.

[] The burden of a god- whether it was a mistake you will perhaps never know but you are now a god or at least worshiped as one. and being divine -fake or not- comes with some benefits and no less reasonability.

-[] spend time with your daughter's- form the sacrifice of your pillar and the soul of your people has your new daughter been born and while she is far older then, she is also incredibly young and ignorant, you cannot teach her of her domain or her nature but you can certainly tach her about mortality. Besides that just spending time with her Avatar would help her with the stress of the coming decade, kekita would also be happy to join the family time. (new).

-[] to change realty- your experiments with divine Qi has shown you that its nature is to change the rules that govern realty at least when it comes to techniques attempt to see if it can be used more broadly.

-[] the power of intent (costs 1 divine charge in addition to the AP)- intent, you have know there was power in it for quite some time and now you have found two different manifestation of it attempt to see if you can empower one with the other or in transform one for the other. This is unlikely to bear fruit but the knowledge you will gain from the attempt will be considerable.

-[] the nature of godhood- you have recently met a god, this meeting raises many questions for which you have very little answers. Meditate on the insights gleamed form your encounter and attempt to discern some truth of godhood.

[] ancient secrets- recently a strange pyramid has been excavated. No one knows what you will find inside but danger practically radiates off the whole thing in you will have to descend to its depths, best to be prepared.

-[] Start the expedition (doesn't take an AP)- you're preparations are complete and the smell of treasure lures you to the depths, gather your man and descend who know what you might find.

-[] sight unseen- use you're talent to divine some of the potential dangers you'll face and potential ways to counter them.

-[] fight practice- to fight in such close quarters is a difficult prospect for your species and it might be beast to practice such before attempting to enter the pyramid.

-[] buried secrets- the earth seems to know something about the strange pyramid you have found, attempt to decipher their words.

[] Research- there are many ways you can put your experiences and knowledge to help, invest the time and hope the results will be worth it. (new)

-[] The experiences of age- with several new third steps perhaps it is time to pick up a project your daughter started? Much has changed since she first wrote the cultivation almanac and with your experience and knowledge as well as the help of the other elders even more conapts could be included as well as expending the concepts interactions to the fifth order. (new).

-[] To purify the corruption- following your tribulation one of your pillars has been corrupted, spewing the tainted energy of the warp into your core, you will need to spend some time to study your corrupted pillar to see what you can do about it. (new).

-[] Harmony of the core- the pillars of your core clash with one another, their energy slowly rejecting one another, in time things will get settled and they will mix more but perhaps you should study this interaction and see if you can increase their harmony in some way? (new)

-[] The from of Qi- in some of your endless musing you have theorized of a way to change the Qi in ones dentian into another matter state, form liquid to gas or solid if successful this will revolutionize the second step as your cultivators could increase their power in ways that don't just conform to advancing higher. (new).

-[] To turn backwards (0/4)- even though you have advanced you wish to turn back and perfect your foundation even more, this is a difficult project and will probably not work for anyone but you as temporarily liftin your core form your foundation is all but impossible for lesser talents. (new).

-[] write in- ping me with an idea and I'll tell you how much it will cost and if its viable. (new)


The four great chaos gods gather their strength to in time struck you down, to ravage your lands and wipe your name from history.

They are not yet ready to cross the boundary between the real and the unreal yet they need not.

For a new goddess has been born.

Kuvara, goddess of the wind patron deity of the Keku, a species the four has deemed a mortal enemy.

Did you think even for a second that they will let her gather her strength in peace? To accrue experience and allies?

The warp is the domain of the four and only theirs

To be a god in this land means to cower before their might and hope they never turn their eyes toward you to hind and flee at every opportunity, for to face even the slight attention of one means death to any but the mightiest.

And Kuvara has the attention of not one but all four.

For any other god this would have been a death sentence, yet your sacrifice has granted Kuvara an avatar in the mortal realm in which she can hide beyond the reach of the four.

Yet Kuvara is a creature of the warp and going too long without breathing its energy will kill her all the same.

And so war has come, a game of cat and mouse as your goddess gathers strength while the four chaos gods attempt to struck her down.

Thankfully, while the power the four posses is all but infinite, their abilty to channel it in specific areas is limited and their attention more so.

And in a true chaos fashion three of the four are content to watch from the sidelines to either swoop for the prize or to stab a knife in their brother side, in time they will unite but for now they stand divided.

On the one side we have Kurvara who possess the following traits and attributes.

Outer shell: 20/40

Inner shell: 10/10 (this is her HP, only inner shell damage actually hurts and penalizes her)

Young and Inexperienced: -20 to all rolls (will halve next turn)

No Deva: nothing.

Avatar: Kurvara may more directly intervene in affairs on the non-warp side of things, outer shell damage received cannot be higher than 2 per clash as Kurvara may retreat into it (note: using this function means abandoning all presence in the warp temporarily).

On the other side we have Tzeentch. Who has the following traits and attributes.

Outer shell: 99E99/99E99 (likely higher).

Inner shell: 99E99/99E99 (likely higher).

Attention 2: +20 to all rolls (+10 per attention level).

Small Deamon presence: +30 to contested rolls.


For the following turn Kuvara will attempt the following:

1. Create Deva.

Kuvara will attempt to create enough Deva to have a minuscule presence of them (+5 to all contested rolls) this isn't a contested roll as Kuvara gets enough souls to do this passively but she will roll to see if she manages to snag a good enough soul to create a greater Deva.

2. Repair outer shell.

Kuvara will attempt to desperately repair her outer shell, this action is heavily penalized as someone is attempting to destroy her outer shell.

The higher the roll the more of her outer shell she can repair (to a max of 20).

3. Fortify the local warp (contested).

Kurvara will attempt to fortify the local warp, giving her a scaling bonus to defensive contested actions as well as increasing the effectiveness of her Deva in such.

This action is contested (look in the constated section below for details).

For the following turn Tzeentch will attempt the following:

1. Gather attention and daemons.

Tzeentch will attempt to increase both his daemon and attention levels by 1 dot, this will happen but he will roll to see how smoothly he can retrieve his servant and attention, this will determine the price he pays for concentrating his power.

2. Entrant his brothers.

Tzeentch will attempt to convince the other chaos gods to provide help, he has a very (very) small chance to get another chaos god to actually join this war but he's likely to at least get them to back of from him for a time and so will be able to concentrate his own power with less difficulty.

3. Hunt her down (contested).

Tzeentch will attempt to find and kill Kurvara by shattering her outer shell and then her inner one.

This action is contested.

Contested actions.

Fortify the warp is contested and contesting the hunt her down action.

Resolution: 10 pairs of D100 will be rolled for both sides and then compared to on another, if the dice are to Tzeentch favor he will damage Kuvara outer shell (the amount dependent on degrees of successes) and destroy a single level of fortification. Should the dice be to Kuvara favor she will build X levels of warp fortification (+2 to defensive contested rolls in the region, +1 per dot of deva present) where X is degrees of successes.

Dice modifiers:

Kuvara: -20.

- Kuvara will use her wind domain to negate any damage inflected upon her from 2 clashes but will forfeit that clash (so all the others effect will happen).

Tzeentch: +50.

- Tzeentch use his divination domain to help. Should his divination be uncontested he will be given 1000 points to randomly distribute between his 10 dice (chosen before they are rolled).


Empire action (must replace other empire actions):

[] arrange mass prayers.

In the hopes of supplying more power toward Kuvara, your empire will organize massive prayers, day and night tens of thousands will be led in fervent prayer in the hopes that the extra power will help their goddess in her fight.

The more you invest the more people will be able to dedicate a large potion of their day for prayer.

Cultivator actions:

None so far.

Personal actions:

[] Sacrifice 10 life span and 1 divine Qi to heal 1 outer shell level for Kuvara. (doesn't cost AP). (new)

[] Attempt to contest Tzeentch divination (not as dangerous as it sounds as you mostly try to divine his action after his divination, while he dos the same to you) for every AP spent on this action lower the number of points Tzeentch gets to distribute to his rolls by 100. (new)

Mercenary board:

[] Hire Deva/demons (may be bought up to 4 times)- 2 divine charge to buy +5 to a single roll, you may pay an additional divine Qi to have the bonus apply for another roll up to a limit of an extra 9 divine Qi (for 11 total) to have it apply to all 10 rolls. (new)

[] Retribution (may be bought up to 10 times)- 5 divine Qi, Okertaku is unwilling to directly contest Tzeentch now that more of his attention has been brought to this place but he is willing to strike at his more vulnerable holdings, for every time you buy this Okertaku will invest more effort to make sure that Tzeentch concentrating his power will come at a cost to his other interests, hurt them enough and his effort to concrete power may be slowed considerably and/or tempt one of chaos gods to strike at a weakened Tzeentch. (new).

[X] Teaching- free. Okertaku will take a bit of his time to teach Kuvara about her instincts as a god, and he will defiantly insure she at least knows how to fight. (new).

[] intervention- teach Okertaku the secrets of cultivation and for the next 3 turns he will personally fight along side you in the warp (with all of his deva), he's not going to win especially because Tzeentch will start gathering more of his power to contest him but he will buy you much needed time. (this is additionally to the normal price of selling the secrets so you still get your tokens and discount). (new).

Reminder there is a 4 hour moratorium in place. vote in plan format.

Plan format example:

[] plan name.
-[] empire action with highest priority.
-[] empire action with lower priority.
-[] empire action with lowest priority.
-[] cultivators actions.
-[] personal action.

As a reminder maximum investment refers to putting the action the highest in the plan and minimal investment means putting it the lowest.

For the war in the warp section, you should be putting the actions from there in their normal spot (IE: personal actions go in the personal actions section, empire alongside the empire actions and so on).

I hope I remembered everything but I'm sure I'll remember if I didn't (or I'll get reminded).
Last edited:
Offhand what levels in things do you think we'd need to have every keku be a cultivator if not an accomplished one? Same way eldar are all psykers.
Offhand what levels in things do you think we'd need to have every keku be a cultivator if not an accomplished one? Same way eldar are all psykers.
On a pure lore level? You'll probably need to max both the cultivation lore and the feng shui lore, plus get a few dozen advancements for them for that to even be a possibility.

If you try to craft pills to help you'll probably need a few tens of millions awakening pills charges then another few million basic body refining pills charges, probably around a total worth of 1B capacity and 400-600M EFEP with your current lore.

Refining the needed pills and maxing out the lore would reduce that cost heavily but were still in the tens of millions range.
….ok. I think that we should actually teach Otertaku the secrets of cultivation. We still get the discount and tokens, which are very good. More importantly, 3 turns will buy Kuvara a lot of time. Especially since sacrificing an empire action is a very major cost.
I think we should play it save this first turn and put [] arrange mass prayers. as our top empire action best case she grows stronger and we can put it lower next turn
But for now, you are content dancing with your daughter upon the wind.
Cute and wholesome!

(OOC note: this turn empire action were written with the assumption you'll pick to advance your tehcnolagy rapidly as that was the rationale behind choosing a stability focus. Should you not do this I'll need to post a new set of actions after this vote).
(note 2: In order to improve the visibility of actions I've decided to put the (new) tag next to options that are new and the (updated) tag next to old actions that were updated, copy and paste those tags to C+V+F search box and it should take you to all of the relevant actions, I would like some feedback on if this is better as even more options were added this turn)
This sounds fine for both things.

[] culture preservation
This sounds reasonable. Minimal to low funding should be enough.

[] military refitting.
Mid-low to build up equipment in managing military equipment then..makes sense.

[] the track of progress. (must be in the top three priorities).
Probably third or second place. It's useful, but we don't want to go overboard.

[] welfare for the needed.
Somewhere in the middle probably?

I'm starting to think we might want to pick a "rule we'll" action this turn.

[] expansion and preservation of the schooling system.
This might be our top pick I think. It will require a lot of funding to keep up AND expand at the same time.

[] preservation of skilled workers.

And this is basically about as important as education.

I think skilled workers and school expansion need to be first and second place, not sure in which order.

That leaves railway for third place.

Culture can be last, the others will fight for the mid-low positions.

new mechanic: third step intervention- in an attempt to make third steps more influential, in addition to the bonus they give, form now one each one of them has a small chance (5%~) to free up enough of their time and energy to grab one of your cultivator action's. those actions will be picked semi-randomly.
I like it! It's a good way to add some unpredictability and make the third step more valuable.

It's also a decent incentive to free up enough divine QI to pay for their tribulation assistance from the board.

-[] The all-consuming flame- The black flames of Akerktu are already extremely effective in their effect of your divination, could you perhaps improve their quality by allowing them to burn for years without interruption? Always feeding the flames? So long as you have someone constantly watch them you shouldn't burn down your palace. (new).
Sounds worth taking.

-[] unforgotten- your new insight makes your lessons quite literally unforgettable, you have a lot of knowledge to impart many of it would normally go over most first steps head but now that they quit literally can't forget it you can impart upon them knowledge that will be supremely useful for their cultivation efforts. (new)

-[] spend time with your daughter's- form the sacrifice of your pillar and the soul of your people has your new daughter been born and while she is far older then, she is also incredibly young and ignorant, you cannot teach her of her domain or her nature but you can certainly tach her about mortality. Besides that just spending time with her Avatar would help her with the stress of the coming decade, kekita would also be happy to join the family time. (new).
-[] The experiences of age- with several new third steps perhaps it is time to pick up a project your daughter started? Much has changed since she first wrote the cultivation almanac and with your experience and knowledge as well as the help of the other elders even more conapts could be included as well as expending the concepts interactions to the fifth order. (new).
This... Is pretty important. It Might be able to wait, but then again the third step cultivators would benefit the earlier we took it.
-[] To purify the corruption- following your tribulation one of your pillars has been corrupted, spewing the tainted energy of the warp into your core, you will need to spend some time to study your corrupted pillar to see what you can do about it. (new).
-[] The from of Qi- in some of your endless musing you have theorized of a way to change the Qi in ones dentian into another matter state, form liquid to gas or solid if successful this will revolutionize the second step as your cultivators could increase their power in ways that don't just conform to advancing higher. (new).
Valuable, and again the earlier the better. There might be some interesting sinergy with pillars too, I imagine a wind pillar made of gas QI could work better for example.

There's also more unconventional states like plasma.

-[] To turn backwards (0/4)- even though you have advanced you wish to turn back and perfect your foundation even more, this is a difficult project and will probably not work for anyone but you as temporarily liftin your core form your foundation is all but impossible for lesser talents. (new).
Not yet. Maybe after we come up with a couple core insights.

And in a true chaos fashion three of the four are content to watch from the sidelines to either swoop for the prize or to stab a knife in their brother side, in time they will unite but for now they stand divided.

It's 4 out of 4.

Everyone knows Tzeentch 's worst enemy is Tzeentch after all! He could also stab Tzeentch in the back!

[] arrange mass prayers.

In the hopes of supplying more power toward Kuvara, your empire will organize massive prayers, day and night tens of thousands will be led in fervent prayer in the hopes that the extra power will help their goddess in her fight.

The more you invest the more people will be able to dedicate a large potion of their day for prayer.
Mh... In Place of what...

I'd say the only real options are military refitting or city expansion, and we can catch up on them next turn.

Then again if Okertatu is fighting for us this is not quite a must... But accelerating her growth in those 3 turns will help a lot.
[] intervention- teach Okertaku the secrets of cultivation and for the next 3 turns he will personally fight along side you in the warp (with all of his deva), he's not going to win especially because Tzeentch will start gathering more of his power to contest him but he will buy you much needed time. (this is additionally to the normal price of selling the secrets so you still get your tokens and discount). (new).

Sadly we have no choice

….ok. I think that we should actually teach Otertaku the secrets of cultivation. We still get the discount and tokens, which are very good. More importantly, 3 turns will buy Kuvara a lot of time. Especially since sacrificing an empire action is a very major cost.
Oh, sure, we basically have no choice.

Pair it with mass prayers and our quickly expanding empire and population and hopefully in 3 turns Kuvara will be able to defend herself somewhat.
How much would a single or double purchase of Foresight Lessons bump up our skill?
I don't think we can take any lesson (except divine QI) twice.

We're not sure about how much it will help, but we're mostly planning on taking it.

Foresight lesson + black flames with fire-divination insight, maybe the "maintain the black flame" action too... And then multiple divination actions, with pin the date as the last one we take this turn, to hopefully gain us a rank up before the attempt.
Oh, sure, we basically have no choice.
As a QM I think it's a golden rule to not offer a choice that isn't a choice at all but sometime, to simulate a real breathing world, you must let situations force the player's hand. (well technically you could do without his intervention it would just be much, much more difficult and resource consuming.

How much would a single or double purchase of Foresight Lessons bump up our skill?
It will bump you most of the way to the next level.
Pin down the date isn't in, are we too weak to do it still?

And would the fire add much more to it, or is it just going to trim a a turn or two if you bring it back?
As a QM I think it's a golden rule to not offer a choice that isn't a choice at all but sometime, to simulate a real breathing world, you must let situations force the player's hand. (well technically you could do without his intervention it would just be much, much more difficult and resource consuming.
In theory we could pay Okertatu to attack with a great amount of divine QI per turn, while hoping to survive long enough for Tzeentch to give up or be distracted or self-sabotage.

But it's clearly a suboptimal choice, only to be taken if we really value keeping cultivation only to ourselves at all costs.

It would mean, among other things, slowing down tech growth by a lot.
-[] sacrifice life- sacrifice 10 years of life span for 1 AP (current lifespan 450). X4
-[] To purify the corruption- following your tribulation one of your pillars has been corrupted, spewing the tainted energy of the warp into your core, you will need to spend some time to study your corrupted pillar to see what you can do about it. (new).
-[] Harmony of the core- the pillars of your core clash with one another, their energy slowly rejecting one another, in time things will get settled and they will mix more but perhaps you should study this interaction and see if you can increase their harmony in some way? (new)
-[] Glimpse the future- you have a gift, a gift that no other has. It has set you on this path and you must both hone and use it, to see the end of this path. Cast your eyes into the future and the apocalypse to come and attempt to draw any piece of information that might give you an advantage.

--[] Pin down the date- currently you know that the apocalypse will start anywhere between a fourdecades to a century from now, attempt to pin down when it would actually start so you may better prepare. the closer to the apocalypse you get the more
interference you suffer in attmpting to pin down its start date. (updated). (Do after the other actions so we benefit from the skill boost we get from other divinations)

--[] The all-consuming flame- The black flames of Akerktu are already extremely effective in their effect of your divination, could you perhaps improve their quality by allowing them to burn for years without interruption? Always feeding the flames? So long as you have someone constantly watch them you shouldn't burn down your palace. (new).

--[] The nature of the beast- you know almost nothing about what's to come besides an unending tide of beasts, attempting to understand the coming apocalypse.

--[] The tide- in your vision you saw many types of beast's, small and big, deformed and consisting of perfect form. Attempt to more correctly ascertain what it is that you'll be fighting.

-[] The burdens of an emperor- a farmer, son of a farmer turned into a sage, you never thought, nor wanted the burden of rule but here you are with a crown upon your head.

--[] To rule well- taking the time to listen to your subordinates and subjects as well as taking care of the small problems that arise would free your subordinates from the need to do it. (OOC: with the competent ruling action being removed from the empire action list -having achieved a good enough administrative efficiency that it doesn't need to be focused on- this action still helps with the rule of the empire and solving any problem that might crop up).

--[] kekaru- Kekaru has done something you had no idea was possible and has reached a place between the second step and the third attempt to push him over the line fully into the third step if such a thing is even possible.

-[] Push higher- your power alone would not save you or your kind, but more power would certainly be useful, so push ahead on this path that you've created oh so long ago.

--[] seek life (costs 2 AP)- you have spent a decade in the realm of the dead and have come out with new knowledge but now your understanding is unbalanced, seek death counterpart to regain the balance, seek life and the great Dao so that balance may be returned. (updated). (Divine qi)

That I think are the most beneficial personal actions we can take, pushing at multiple angels, finding how to improve our harmony in the next turn, fixing our core, fixing the third steps, likewise we invest in divination, both for the apocalypse and in preparations for taking over for keeping Kuvara safe when the timer for her protection ends, because currently we can't do much against Tzeench.

I suspect the flames would be best done early, but there some things I am not sure about, I want to spend time with Kuvara and I am not sure it is for the best, it is nice action, but is it really worthwhile when we can spend the time keeping her safe?

Most divine qi is being left for next turn, my plans include using it more heavily next turn, instead we pay for our actions with life, as divine qi is more useful, being capable of turning into life while the opposite not being true.
Ok, so my thoughts are


[] expansion and preservation of the schooling system.
[] preservation of skilled workers.
[] the track of progress. (must be in the top three priorities).
[] welfare for the needed.
[] city expansions.
[] military refitting.
[] culture preservation.

I'm not sure if/what to replace for mass prayers. Probably either city expansion or military refitting, with the understanding we'd invest more heavily on them next turn to catch up. Delaying City Expansion to expand with more advanced tech will cause some trouble this decade, but it's probably an acceptable burden.


Should we go for the pill institution now? I suppose we could wait a turn and take more connected actions instead.

mass farming, focused intent, more ingredients, formations, feng shui, refining the awakening and/or body step pills...


You know, I realized something. We dismissed the teaching insight that allowed us to make a clone to teach. but with the newly discovered limit of "only +4 ap from 8 divine charges" it now becomes worth considering, as it's basically a way to get extra (teaching only) actions.

in any case, starting from 14 divine charges, 8 are turned into APs, leaving us with 6.

With them we should either heal ourselves immediately (3 charges and 30 lifespan), or potentially get the first core insight.

I think we should NOT sacrifice wealth, as the empire needs all the resources it can get.

So, 8 actions.

list of actions I believe worth considering, in no particular order (list to be refined later)

1) The lord of fate

know thy enemy. especially if we can also afford the board knowledge about him.

2-3-4-5-6) scrying: black flame and the four apocalypse divination, excluding the Maelstrom.

7) to rule well (it's turbulent times, it might be justified right now)

8)illness of the soul (probably not worth it right now honestly)

9) Bounty of the Ocean (only if we really think we desperately need the resources an growth.

10) kekaru. fixing the third steps.

11)earth listening, discover how the nobles got a third step. I doubt it was luck. We MIGHT wait a turn for it though.

12-13) spend time with your daughter and nature of godhood, both are supremely important I think.

14-15) power of intent and changing reality, they're both about learning more about divine qi, and know that we have more of it AND a goddess to take care of and help grow it sounds pretty important.

15) the experiences of ages, to help our third steps grow faster. probably also take the heal third steps soon if we can (Kekaru)

16)purify the keku pillar. THIS IS A MUST

17) gas/solid qi. not super priority, but something to develop soonish.

underlined the most important ones in my opinion. Keku pillar, time with daughter, godhood, 5 scrying actions. I suppose we could trade some of the scrying (NOT PIN THE DATE) for something else.

actually, if we replace military refits for mass prayers, pin the date will tell us how urgent military focus is going to be. we MIGHT be able to delay it by a few turns if we're lucky


no choice. we HAVE to sell cultivation to Okertatu.

At least we get a good deal for it. 3 turns of building up, 50 tokens for the board, and a 20% discount.


2 tech tiers is the start. that should be

Technology level: 6 (8/18 to next level) (tech multiplayer: 5.95)
Uri can you confirm we get 4 points per turn? if so we need another 6+21 = 27 tech points, which means 54*0.8= 43.2 tokens.

we have 50, plus a max of another... 28.5 charges if we use everything from the empire except Kuvara's and Shikatu's shares. ideally we'd leave at least a couple points for Kekita though.

We also want to take Foreisght lessons at the very least, so that's another 8 charges, leaving us with 78.5 -51.2= 27.3 charges/tokens at most.

I think I'd buy knowledge about all the lords too, personally, and next turn we can read the books to see if there's anything more there. that would be another 17*0.8= 13.6 Charges , leaving us at 13.7 remaining. Maybe buy knowledge about the pyramid too? Not sure.

That I think are the most beneficial personal actions we can take, pushing at multiple angels, finding how to improve our harmony in the next turn, fixing our core, fixing the third steps, likewise we invest in divination, both for the apocalypse and in preparations for taking over for keeping Kuvara safe when the timer for her protection ends, because currently we can't do much against Tzeench.

I suspect the flames would be best done early, but there some things I am not sure about, I want to spend time with Kuvara and I am not sure it is for the best, it is nice action, but is it really worthwhile when we can spend the time keeping her safe?

Most divine qi is being left for next turn, my plans include using it more heavily next turn, instead we pay for our actions with life, as divine qi is more useful, being capable of turning into life while the opposite not being true.
I think Kuvara is a must. she's a baby goddess and she will live for hopefully... forever, really.

This is an early investment in her, making her happy and helping her understand the mortals who pray for her and her wellbeing.

I'm not sure harmony is necessary now, as well as life dao. They're 3 APs we could use on other stuff.

in particular if you want to help the third steps then improving the guide to the pillars for them is probably important too.

i don't think improving harmony is relevant until the Keku pillar is fixed, so we could do it next turn after finding out HOW to purify the pillar?

I forget, does improved harmony help us get better insights, or does it just improve them AFTER we get them?

what are your thoughts of the rest of the turn votes?
I'm not sure harmony is necessary now, as well as life dao. They're 3 APs we could use on other stuff.
Life dao is done with divine qi.

Harmony is a research for improving harmony, not improving the harmony if understood correctly, am I right @uri .

So it is best doing it now and having it next turn, because
I forget, does improved harmony help us get better insights, or does it just improve them AFTER we get them?
It works only before, our harmony at the time of making the insights determines their strength.

If we are doing insights next turn, we are better off having that stuff ready.
in particular if you want to help the third steps then improving the guide to the pillars for them is probably important too.
Not really urgent, aside from Haku (who I am boosting, which is why she outrunning it in the first place) all third steps got the pillar boost until the third pillar, getting our half steps to heal and start making pillars is more important than helping our third steps raise pillars more easily in a few more turns.
we have 50, plus a max of another... 28.5 charges if we use everything from the empire except Kuvara's and Shikatu's shares. ideally we'd leave at least a couple points for Kekita though.
I don't think it is worth it, we need the points now more, we can leave her enough to use divine qi but not make insights, I don't think it is time sensitive though, her cap on divine insights would be less about time and more about the amount of divine qi and regular insights she has, so we can dump on her a lot of divine qi by not spending it in a few turns and she can speed run divine insights.
I think I'd buy knowledge about all the lords too, personally, and next turn we can read the books to see if there's anything more there. that would be another 17*0.8= 13.6 Charges , leaving us at 13.7 remaining. Maybe buy knowledge about the pyramid too? Not sure.
Buying knowledge of the lords doesn't come from nothing, I think we should keep our divine qi, from the calculations I ran, even without much rise in production, we can get two tempering tribulations (one for divination and one for our core harmony) next turn, as well as a tech upgrade.

This means we are ready to do our insights next turn (we heal our core, increase it's harmony normally and have tempering increase it further), empower our divination and got tech upgrade, that is possible even with zero increase in divine qi production.

I think mediating on godhood can be delayed, we are better focused on time critical stuff.

Other things we can potentially give up on for now but need to do soon are healing the half steps.

We can also give up to rule well to double down on divination or tribulation based action.

Of divination, I think looking down the reason for the apocalypse is least critical.
Life dao is done with divine qi.

Harmony is a research for improving harmony, not improving the harmony if understood correctly, am I right @uri .

So it is best doing it now and having it next turn, because
It works only before, our harmony at the time of making the insights determines their strength.

If we are doing insights next turn, we are better off having that stuff ready.
Ah, if it's divine QI that's fine. Also good point for harmony.

Buying knowledge of the lords doesn't come from nothing, I think we should keep our divine qi, from the calculations I ran, even without much rise in production, we can get two tempering tribulations (one for divination and one for our core harmony) next turn, as well as a tech upgrade.
I'd rather avoid tempering tribulations, I don't think they're worth the cost right now.

I'd rather get the knowledge about the lords and the blood, for example.

...well, maybe the harmony tribulation could be worth it. Between that, the research to help it, and the +10% we'll slowyget naturally we might be able to reach 100.

I think mediating on godhood can be delayed, we are better focused on time critical stuff.
I think we shouldn't delay it.

We're teaching and spending time with a young goddess, fighting for survival against one of the 4 Chaos Gods, AND making important deals with Okertatu. I think understanding god's more is important seeing how much we're interacting with them
We can also give up to rule well to double down on divination or tribulation based action.

Of divination, I think looking down the reason for the apocalypse is least critical.
I'd be fine giving up the reason for apocalypse divination.

To rule well too IF NECESSARY, though I think right now it's kinda needed.

We're after all trying to transition from basically pre ww1 USA to contemporary USA, all in one decade. The potential for mistakes is immense.

And then we'll repeat this again another two times, going from contemporary tech to sci fi.

The next three turns need our personal attention more than ever, and this one turn specifically considering our development would make China feel inadequate.
I'd be fine giving up the reason for apocalypse divination.

To rule well too IF NECESSARY, though I think right now it's kinda needed.
Than that's means four divination actions (pin date, tide, nature of the beast and flames who would likely pay off more the earlier we started it).

Two research actions (fixing our core and increasing harmony).

One mediation on godhood and one spending time with daughter.

Does anyone have any comments about their own opinions, besides me and Pittauro.
I'd rather avoid tempering tribulations, I don't think they're worth the cost right now.

I'd rather get the knowledge about the lords and the blood, for example.

...well, maybe the harmony tribulation could be worth it. Between that, the research to help it, and the +10% we'll slowyget naturally we might be able to reach 100.
Assuming we will try contending Tzeench once Kuvara's protection is over, we would need every help we could get, a second tempering tribulation is both a saving net for failing our first one (we get to temper our core again if we failed the first time) and a way to improve divination in a way not much more expensive than a divine lesson, and probably better.
Uri can you confirm we get 4 points per turn?

I forget, does improved harmony help us get better insights, or does it just improve them AFTER we get them?
It works only before, our harmony at the time of making the insights determines their strength.
Harmony influences the chance of successfully combining insights into a core one, it also impacts their strength.

This is isn't set in stone, if you had a core insight and your harmony decreased the power of the insight would also decrease same if your harmony increased.

It would be best to think of harmony as a multiplier for your insight, basically core insight*(harmony+ chaos)= final power of the insight.

Harmony is a research for improving harmony, not improving the harmony if understood correctly, am I right @uri .
Yes, this is intel research, it might unlock actual options but most of its unlocks would be directions to move in.
It would be best to think of harmony as a multiplier for your insight, basically core insight*(harmony+ chaos)= final power of the insight.
Does it mean that if we had an insight now, and rose to harmony 100%, do we get an insight as strong as one we would have made at 100%?

So increasing our harmony isn't necessary before the the insight creation for optimal results?
Let's make my initial plan.

[] Plan scrying to apocalypse, healing and selling cultivation
-[] expansion and preservation of the schooling system.
-[] preservation of skilled workers.
-[] the track of progress. (must be in the top three priorities).
-[] military refitting.
-[] arrange mass prayers.
-[] welfare for the needed.
-[] culture preservation.
-[] mercenary board (doesn't take an action) 23 tokens.
--[] 1 advancement point- 2 divine charges per. X 27
--[] Foresight lessons- 10 divine charges.
--[] Soul surgery lessons- 5 divine charges.
--[] we take 26 divine qi from our cultivators, not touching our personal production and leaving them 2, and transform them into tokens.
-[X] Teaching- free. Okertaku will take a bit of his time to teach Kuvara about her instincts as a god, and he will defiantly insure she at least knows how to fight. (new).
-[] intervention- teach Okertaku the secrets of cultivation and for the next 3 turns he will personally fight along side you in the warp (with all of his deva), he's not going to win especially because Tzeentch will start gathering more of his power to contest him but he will buy you much needed time. (this is additionally to the normal price of selling the secrets so you still get your tokens and discount). (new).

-[] expend the farms- there is no denying that the spiritual herbs are far more effective and potent as ingredients for alchemy and immortal cooking both and while you currently produce more then you need this wont be true for long so expend the farms that produce them.
-[] concentration of intent- The emperor has grown a herb like no other yet what is the difference between him and another? Sure, his cultivation is advanced but other third steps have tired their hands at herbalism and while their herbs where more potent the difference wasn't major form what a mortal could grow. The answer than is intent, the question is if someone else can concentrate their intent so purely at a single herb to produce something better?
-[] fang shui- a new path opens itself before your disciples, task them to spend time and effort to push further down it and complete your understanding of its basics. (new).
[] the building blocks of the world part 3- the world is full of possible alchemy materials that you haven't even touched yet, with at least a somewhat better understanding of the underlaying principles of alchemy you can continue to attempt mixing and matching materials and see what new recipes you can come up with.
-[X] The wonder of a well cooked meal- already the immortal cooks are adding spiritual herbs into their meals and they become all the better for it but they could do more, be more if only given the time to refine their art.

-[] the power of sacrifice (no option under here takes AP)- either by way of insight or technique you have found a way to greatly empower yourself by sacrificing something. (current lifespan 470)
--[] sacrifice life- sacrifice 10 years of life span for 1 AP (current lifespan 450). X4

-[] To purify the corruption- following your tribulation one of your pillars has been corrupted, spewing the tainted energy of the warp into your core, you will need to spend some time to study your corrupted pillar to see what you can do about it. (new).
-[] Harmony of the core- the pillars of your core clash with one another, their energy slowly rejecting one another, in time things will get settled and they will mix more but perhaps you should study this interaction and see if you can increase their harmony in some way? (new)

-[] Glimpse the future- you have a gift, a gift that no other has. It has set you on this path and you must both hone and use it, to see the end of this path. Cast your eyes into the future and the apocalypse to come and attempt to draw any piece of information that might give you an advantage.

--[] Pin down the date- currently you know that the apocalypse will start anywhere between a fourdecades to a century from now, attempt to pin down when it would actually start so you may better prepare. the closer to the apocalypse you get the more
interference you suffer in attmpting to pin down its start date. (updated). (Do after the other actions so we benefit from the skill boost we get from other divinations)

--[] The all-consuming flame- The black flames of Akerktu are already extremely effective in their effect of your divination, could you perhaps improve their quality by allowing them to burn for years without interruption? Always feeding the flames? So long as you have someone constantly watch them you shouldn't burn down your palace. (new).

--[] The nature of the beast- you know almost nothing about what's to come besides an unending tide of beasts, attempting to understand the coming apocalypse.

--[] The tide- in your vision you saw many types of beast's, small and big, deformed and consisting of perfect form. Attempt to more correctly ascertain what it is that you'll be fighting.

-[] The burden of a god- whether it was a mistake you will perhaps never know but you are now a god or at least worshiped as one. and being divine -fake or not- comes with some benefits and no less reasonability.

--[] spend time with your daughter's- form the sacrifice of your pillar and the soul of your people has your new daughter been born and while she is far older then, she is also incredibly young and ignorant, you cannot teach her of her domain or her nature but you can certainly tach her about mortality. Besides that just spending time with her Avatar would help her with the stress of the coming decade, kekita would also be happy to join the family time. (new).

--[] the nature of godhood- you have recently met a god, this meeting raises many questions for which you have very little answers. Meditate on the insights gleamed form your encounter and attempt to discern some truth of godhood.

-[] Push higher- your power alone would not save you or your kind, but more power would certainly be useful, so push ahead on this path that you've created oh so long ago.
--[] seek life (costs 2 AP)- you have spent a decade in the realm of the dead and have come out with new knowledge but now your understanding is unbalanced, seek death counterpart to regain the balance, seek life and the great Dao so that balance may be returned. (updated). (Divine qi)

That's my current plan, at the harmony department,
Harmony affects core insights, does it matter if we get the core insights before the harmony rose, or does it rising or lowering empower them either way?
I seem to have misunderstood that quote, so the tempering tribulations aren't as urgent as I thought, I still do think working on our harmony is for the best, and so is fixing our core (especially considering our core is getting more harmonious with time and fixing the Keku pillar zero that process).

In the mercenary board plan
In turn twelve we sell cultivation, this gives us divine qi, our champions get 28 divine qi, we take 26 and leave them 2 to still experiment with divine qi attacks but not cultivation.

This gives us 76 tokens.

First turn we buy soul surgery lessons, divination lessons, and two tech upgrades.

This make it 10+5+12+42=69

We remove 20% and make it 55.2.

This leave us with 20.8 tokens.

Next turn let's assume we get 28 divine qi to our champions (adding just 2 to show population growth, but it can possibly be more), together it make 48.8.

We start off with two tribulations of tempering (having enough personal divine qi to survive even if we fail both), the first would be for tempering our core, the second would be a second attempt to temper our core if our tribulation failed, if it succeeded, we make an attempt to temper our divination.

This make it 22, which is 17.6 cost, the next tech upgrade cost 32 points with our spare.

This means we need 49.6, we pay the final point from our champions
That's my current plan in the long term.

I expect much greater rise in divine qi, so I do expect we may slowly be able to buy more information with it.

As for cultivator actions, one Feng Shui, I hope to refine our current Feng Shui as it increases growth rate, and for it we need to take the action, in spiritual plants, we are working on getting more, getting more potent ones, and divine meal is already pre-chosen, which is handy as it synergize.
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-[] expend the farms- there is no denying that the spiritual herbs are far more effective and potent as ingredients for alchemy and immortal cooking both and while you currently produce more then you need this wont be true for long so expend the farms that produce them.
-[] concentration of intent- The emperor has grown a herb like no other yet what is the difference between him and another? Sure, his cultivation is advanced but other third steps have tired their hands at herbalism and while their herbs where more potent the difference wasn't major form what a mortal could grow. The answer than is intent, the question is if someone else can concentrate their intent so purely at a single herb to produce something better?
-[] fang shui- a new path opens itself before your disciples, task them to spend time and effort to push further down it and complete your understanding of its basics. (new).
-[X] The wonder of a well cooked meal- already the immortal cooks are adding spiritual herbs into their meals and they become all the better for it but they could do more, be more if only given the time to refine their art.
Some corrections, you have another cultivator AP to spend as the immortal cooking action was picked by your third steps and doesn't consume an AP.

You also have 9 AP worth of action in the personal section.
Some corrections, you have another cultivator AP to spend as the immortal cooking action was picked by your third steps and doesn't consume an AP.

You also have 9 AP worth of action in the personal section.
I will add an additional alchemy action than.

I am using divine qi for the find life, the rest are four divination actions, two research actions, and two godhood actions, so eight.

What our odds of combining those insights currently
Water is ever flowing, it may be diverted or even stopped for a time but it always flows forward in the end '' mental resilience is increased, effect decreasing mental resilience are easier to defeat and last less time (both those cast on you and cast by you).

"Clear water is a reflection, a reflection of you and of the world and you may find greater insight form it, yet you may not always like what you find" you may now choose 2 insight out of 4 instead of 1 out of 3 but every insight action carries with it a small chance of creating a minor heart demon.

The blue skies represent hope above all, they give us a sense of wonder and beauty unmatched, they give us our dreams and motivations, look to the sky and forget your earthly concerns" become resistant to supernatural emotion tempering.

The earth sees all and hears it all, and if you listen attentivity it may share its wisdom with you" you may attempt to listen to the earth and have it revel to you pieces of information it knows that are relevant to you (a few example's would be pinpointing where an army is, accertain type of tree, finding something buried and eventualy conversition's)

The connection is relatively simple, the mental water insight connect to the other water insight as part of the same pillar, it and the sky pillar also serve as a counter to the heart demons, taking risk and resisting it in equal measure, and the flow of the mental water insight symbolise progress, it shortens time to get rid of mental affects, and it's blurb speak of the water flowing forward in the end, symbolising the progress.

The blurbs of the other water insight, sky pillar and earth pillar all speak of gleaning insights from nature, with the water in primacy thanks to it's two insight to symbolise the type of insight and knowledge we prize above the others.
And how would increasing harmony change it?

Asking since harmony improving the insight with time make me more inclined to pick a core insight this turn.
Than that's means four divination actions (pin date, tide, nature of the beast and flames who would likely pay off more the earlier we started it).

Two research actions (fixing our core and increasing harmony).

One mediation on godhood and one spending time with daughter.

Does anyone have any comments about their own opinions, besides me and Pittauro.
that sounds reasonable to me.

Are we converting charges into lifespan, or using lifespan directly? I suppose keeping the charges is better when we can convert them basically at will anyway

Should we consider the insta-healing though? Uri, does any of our actions get maluses from our wounds?

Assuming we will try contending Tzeench once Kuvara's protection is over, we would need every help we could get, a second tempering tribulation is both a saving net for failing our first one (we get to temper our core again if we failed the first time) and a way to improve divination in a way not much more expensive than a divine lesson, and probably better.

Fair. I imagine if we get better Tzeenth's bonus might go up too as he tries harder to predict us, but still that means making him commit more effort and attention, and that's a win too.

Surely between the black fires, improved skill from lessons and practice, and maybe even a core insight before the three turns are done, we might double our bonus! 200 per AP would mean 5 AP to nullify him, and paired with built up defenses, daeva, and maybe some more Okertatu bonuses (assuming he's still willing to help after the three turns) might actually allow us to win clashes.
Harmony influences the chance of successfully combining insights into a core one, it also impacts their strength.

This is isn't set in stone, if you had a core insight and your harmony decreased the power of the insight would also decrease same if your harmony increased.

It would be best to think of harmony as a multiplier for your insight, basically core insight*(harmony+ chaos)= final power of the insight.

can the bonus from harmony + chaos go above 100%? we already have a floor of 15% chaos after all.

Does it mean that if we had an insight now, and rose to harmony 100%, do we get an insight as strong as one we would have made at 100%?

So increasing our harmony isn't necessary before the the insight creation for optimal results?

it still helps with getting insights, of course, but it means it's not super urgent.