...I'll get back to you on that, after thinking how that would mechanically go down.

But... thats a really, really good idea.

(And no, you cannot use Alhas for that. He firmly noped out of the COE.)
It would also be really interesting if, down that plot line, it opened up the option to allow our cults to syncretise with one another. That's essentially when two faiths decide that their core belief systems don't actually contradict one another critically and people can walk both paths. We have heavily emphasized the "be good to one another" part of our faith over the anti-theist side. A theist church who embraces humans as the expression of god's goodness on the earth and focused on being good to other people could create a situation where someone could consider themselves a theist pilgrim or a pilgrim theist. It would be cool to have some degree in overlap between our followers, though our faithful would likely be one or the other, having devoted themselves to a specific path.
It would also be really interesting if, down that plot line, it opened up the option to allow our cults to syncretise with one another. That's essentially when two faiths decide that their core belief systems don't actually contradict one another critically and people can walk both paths. We have heavily emphasized the "be good to one another" part of our faith over the anti-theist side. A theist church who embraces humans as the expression of god's goodness on the earth and focused on being good to other people could create a situation where someone could consider themselves a theist pilgrim or a pilgrim theist. It would be cool to have some degree in overlap between our followers, though our faithful would likely be one or the other, having devoted themselves to a specific path.
Syncretism is already a part if the tenet system. You get the option when you get to choose your third tenet, depending on various factors and heavily on your relationship with other religions.

Fun Fact: There are three lines of thought in the Pilgrims relating to that. The Atheists say that you cannot be a Pilgrim and still follow another religion, but are the weakest faction (1%). The Theists claim that syncretising with other religions is the only way forward, and are only a little bit stronger than the Atheists (3%). The Agnostics are the strongest (96%) and say that if someone wishes to follow another religion and is able to make it fit, then it is very much their personal thing.
Syncretism is already a part if the tenet system. You get the option when you get to choose your third tenet, depending on various factors and heavily on your relationship with other religions.

Fun Fact: There are three lines of thought in the Pilgrims relating to that. The Atheists say that you cannot be a Pilgrim and still follow another religion, but are the weakest faction (1%). The Theists claim that syncretising with other religions is the only way forward, and are only a little bit stronger than the Atheists (3%). The Agnostics are the strongest (96%) and say that if someone wishes to follow another religion and is able to make it fit, then it is very much their personal thing.
This is about what I thought. As a cult we have more or less completely avoided any concerns about anything spiritual. Who has time to worry about god and the afterlife when there are people to save and tech to recover!
We could probably commission some weapons from the Forge Clans. Mostly likely better Crossbows, a hand-crossbow with a 5 round magazine that is semiautomatic would be a good back up weapon. Scouting tools and etc are also a possibility.
I would also like to suggest phneumatic guns. Air guns are quiet and deadly, and would allow our scouts to ambush and kill mutants without getting into melee. You can make airguns powerful enough to kill bear and able to be charged with a hand pump.

Also - Now we have started to work with electricity and have a mine that produces supercappacitors - Can we implement some form of railguns? Same idea as the pneumatic guns but more powerful. Nothing says FU like a railroad spike through the brain.
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The pilgrims are particularly suited to syncretism. We barely touch on any spiritual philosophy that most religion rely on. This leads to easy merging as long as our tenets do not clash too much.

Can we implement some form of railguns?
I think we will need to progress a fair bit on the tech tree. That or get lucky with an artifact. There is a location that gives weapons type artifacts, we could try looking there.
The pilgrims are particularly suited to syncretism. We barely touch on any spiritual philosophy that most religion rely on. This leads to easy merging as long as our tenets do not clash too much.

I think we will need to progress a fair bit on the tech tree. That or get lucky with an artifact. There is a location that gives weapons type artifacts, we could try looking there.
I mean, I am not thinking anything fancy. I am picturing more along the lines of a crossbow than a 50 cal. We would want the projectile to stay under the sound barrier anyway, to prevent sonic booms, so it would literally be a electric powered crossbow shooting metal spike bolts.

Or even just a straight up spring powered crossbow. Maybe implement an electric cocking mechanism powered by a jewel capacitor and an electric motor. I bet a lot of mutants fight a lot easier when they start combat full of bolts.

But yeah, if there is a place that drops weapon artifacts we should scour it heavily.
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I would also like to suggest phneumatic guns. Air guns are quiet and deadly, and would allow our scouts to ambush and kill mutants without getting into melee. You can make airguns powerful enough to kill bear and able to be charged with a hand pump.

Also - Now we have started to work with electricity and have a mine that produces supercappacitors - Can we implement some form of railguns? Same idea as the pneumatic guns but more powerful. Nothing says FU like a railroad spike through the brain.
I mean, I am not thinking anything fancy. I am picturing more along the lines of a crossbow than a 50 cal. We would want the projectile to stay under the sound barrier anyway, to prevent sonic booms, so it would literally be a electric powered crossbow shooting metal spike bolts.

But yeah, if there is a place that drops weapon artifacts we should scour it heavily.
The problem with the pneumatic gun is that the underlying idea does not exist.

Portable/Handheld blackpodwer weaponry is in the literal first prototype stage. 1453 era cannons is the most advanced on the planet.

Railguns/Coilguns are treated by the Forge-Clans as top-tier secrets. Unless the Pilgrims are able to provide heavy evidence that they developed those weapons themselves, they (the Forge-Clans) will come down on you like a Rod Of God.

And military crossbows are already approaching sub-machine-guns in terms of power/magazine. You just need to fork over 18.70 Materials for 6(six) of them.
The wall gives both weapons and armor, sadly we only have one location, but it's a rare+ with no dangers so we should probably hit that soon.
We have a contact with the Forge Clans now... There is that door that nobody can open...

I wonder if we could work out a deal with the forge clan to crack it for us in exchange for a cut of the loot?

Alternatively we have a harpoon class weapon we financed and then didn't use... Would it be powerful enough to stand a shot at blowing open the door?
I mean, I am not thinking anything fancy. I am picturing more along the lines of a crossbow than a 50 cal. We would want the projectile to stay under the sound barrier anyway, to prevent sonic booms, so it would literally be a electric powered crossbow shooting metal spike bolts.

Or even just a straight up spring powered crossbow. Maybe implement an electric cocking mechanism powered by a jewel capacitor and an electric motor. I bet a lot of mutants fight a lot easier when they start combat full of bolts.

But yeah, if there is a place that drops weapon artifacts we should scour it heavily.
If you read my omake "Clan Vanar Arsenal Report" I included stats on the Crossbows that the Military used, a better crossbow that Vanar kept for themselves use only, a 2 man Crossbow that can launch bolts the size of an arm that could be carried and aimed by a strength enhanced mutant, Coilguns reserved for Vanar only in the Sidestory tab. I got those stats after asking QM for them.
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Stats for A High-End Military Crossbow:

Max. range is ~680 meters, and the max. effective range is about ~320 meters.

They can shoot a bolt every 0.852 seconds, or one magazine of 20 within 16.5 seconds.

The Crossbow that the Empire currently uses is an iteration of one with 16 bolts and a fire-rate of 2.3 seconds.

There is one crossbow in the prototype stage with 90 bolts and a fire-rate of 0.501 seconds, though there are issues with weight, accuracy, range, and cost. Can still puncture plaitmail though!

We have a contact with the Forge Clans now... There is that door that nobody can open...

I wonder if we could work out a deal with the forge clan to crack it for us in exchange for a cut of the loot?

Alternatively we have a harpoon class weapon we financed and then didn't use... Would it be powerful enough to stand a shot at blowing open the door?
I mentioned a while back that you could hire a drill-team for 3% progress from the Forge-Clans.

And you sponsored the Harpoon. You don't have it, it is within the vaults of the Chapter-House of the Knight-Chapter of the Blue Lance (The local Knight Chapter.) But your scouts doubt the Harpoon would be able to crack the door. Maybe 10% progress if you are lucky, but thats it.
We have TW-01, we tap that before worrying about the bunker, though we should probably hit it everyonce in a while, after all we only need to get lucky once.
[X] Plan Stay On Track
-[X] You Growl.
-[X][Faith] Build The Brothel 'Consensual' (0/2 turns)
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) (2/6 turns)
-[X][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (3 Turns Remaining)
--[X] 6FF
-[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (6/8 Successes)
-[X][Learning] Building up Steam - (Advanced Metallurgy/Advanced Alloys/Advanced Mechanics/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulics/Hydraulics/Advanced Machinery/Machinery) - (3/8 Successes)
--[X] SC, Rusted Block With Missin Circles, Fuel Distributor, Actuator, 1FF
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TW-01)(3 turns) House Mirn support: N
-[X][Tree] Light It Up! - (1/4 Turns Complete)

-[X][Tree] Salt Refinement - Deep Pumps - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holding] Prepare Quarters
-[X][Personal] Be With Selene
-[X][Personal] Too Much To Do - (Dig For Information)
--[X] 6FF
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (2/4 Turns Complete)

-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Guardians For Hire - (Prisoner) - (-1.5 Materials)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Poor-House - (Mirn))
--[X] Payback loan: -11.70 Materials

Meh this is late but I wasn't in the mood to argue previously. There are decent odds of Catalog to finish this turn without investing more artifacts or scientist, it's much better to push to finish Steam Engine quicker, with some luck we can finish it next turn. Picked Poor House Brothel over hepling Healers because we still have to kick down COE and this option causes more damage. Martial and Archeology are there to keep ourselves on track to clear TOP-03 in 2 years at most.
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So, and sorry if this has been covered earlier, but I was thinking about weapons and I came up with a technology I think could be really cool that we could possibly create and apply ourselves.

Shock gear - The idea is that we use jewel to store electricity like suped up tazers and then use the electricity to make our weapons deal more damage, but more importantly greatly incapacitate anything we strike with them. I think this would be tech we can learn about on our own because we are using electricity. Someone, at some point, has shocked the shit out of themselves by touching the wrong two wires. This would come in three main advancements.

Shock Spear - This spear has the single point replaced with a pair of bladed prongs. It's still perfectly functional as a spear, but also has a trigger on the grip that completes a simple circuit that causes anything impaled on the prongs to be shocked repeatedly by powerful currents. Biological targets have their muscles spasm and struggle to ether attack or defend themselves while this is ongoing. Mechanical targets have their circuitry fried.

Shock bolt - The long range version of the shock spear. This is the same idea, applied to a bolt. A small jewel capacitor is included in the bolthead and set to shock anything that is impaled by the two pronged bolthead. The point of such a weapon is to shoot a mutant or machine at short range and then rush forward to finish the target off while it's still spasming.

Shock Ward - This is an upgrade to the armored camo cloaks that the Pilgrims wear. The advancement is the inclusion of pairs of conductive studs connected to a jewel capacitor. This causes anything that strikes the Pilgrim to have a significant chance of being shocked, potentially turning a lethal wound into a glancing blow as the strike is thrown off and preventing anything from being able to grab and hold the Pilgrim unless it can resist the electric shocks. It also allows the cloak to be used aggressively by Pilgrims by shoulder checking mutants who get too close to create an opening to stab the shocked mutant with their spears.

Unfortunately these advancements are unlikely to be completely effective against any target large enough to simply endure the shocks or armored enough to prevent the prongs from penetrating. The shock spear would have the highest power and penetration with the bolts falling into the mid range due to miniaturization and the shock ward being the lowest power and having the lowest ability to penetrate armor due to relying on blunt studs and the need to be safe to wear.
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Good ideas, but the first two items are already researchable under Electric Lances in Learning, and you would need to finish Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 and another project to learn how to work Jewel for the third. But i'll add it to the list!
Thanks for the information. Is there a stats page somewhere with our current stats and potential developments somewhere? I have looked, but I don't see it in something like the information tab or the threadmarks.
Thanks for the information. Is there a stats page somewhere with our current stats and potential developments somewhere? I have looked, but I don't see it in something like the information tab or the threadmarks.
*Realizes that there is no page to inform people of what was researched, or has been proposed.*

*Adds it to The List.*

But for real, there is no stats page, yet, and potential research is in the Learning section of each update, with all non-recent projects and proposals under the Spoiler Misc. Research.
There's a lot of research that's both short and reduces upkeep and costs.

Melt and pour for the blacksmith and metal equipment
The mechanical pencil for administration
Tools of the trade for hospices

We should do these in between our larger projects.