I guess the vote is over anyway, but the Church of Eden is not going to stop discriminating Mutated and Pilgrim. There is also the fact that there will be conflict if we marry Selene.
And I don't think it matters too much if we have a few militia units, a veteran scout unit, or a functioning Knight. If there is open violence the Military will come down on both sides like a ton of bricks anyway. I would just like to do the wedding while everyone is still distracted by the Butcher.

The explicitly worst reaction we can get from marrying Selene is that the Church of Eden tries to cause a Purge, which should be more difficult if everyone worries about the Butcher literally looming over them and the Military is gathering their forces in preparation for a fight.

If we do the wedding without a super threat like the Butcher around, it will be politicized and everyone will try to use it for their advantage. Of course, we could simply not marry Selene but that will cause it's own problems if there is a kid.
yeah i know,but we should fuck them over when we can win

that means

1) gain allies across elites and other religious organizations

2) develop our militar doctrine

3) improve tech

4) gain the emperor favor

then we can declare them evil,but if we declare them evil now we will outgunned,outnumbered,with no allies etc,no soldiers etc

play the long game even if it means allowing pain and segregation to conitnue for a few decades
I would like to weigh in on that by saying that even if you declare the COE heretical, the open conflict would be minimal, mostly focused on deniable sabotage acts and them sharply increasing their anti-pilgrim rhetoric.

Getting the COE to a -3 would result in them going "Deus Vult" on you, but would require a more concentrated effort than marrying a single Mutated. A -2 will result in them being very angry, trying to obstruct your actions, and stabbing at you in the dark. There is also a good chance that their Pope will tell the local Bishop to shut it and stop shooting themselves in the foot, should you start hurting them too much. They are Powerlevel 27; you are Powerlevel 1,3. Big enough to keep an eye on, small enough to not be worth the effort needed to evict you.

They are geared for "Repent Sinner!" you are focused on "Feed the poor, heal the sick, ease all burdens." If you play to your strength, you could chuck them out of Tessen, even without escalating to open fighting. When you are (almost) allies with the Common People, fucking with you is seen as more antagonistic than usual.

And you do have that favor...
yeah,as said,lets take the long route and gain the upper hand by becoming so intrinsecally necesary for the working of society and so liked that other factions would have to declare war on everyone to go against us
[X] Plan Security and Wealth But Less Greedy

I wish we were raiding the workshop one last time sine the forge clan isn't gonna give it up one they've fixed it, but I'm willing to let that go so we can play the long game with Eden.
then we can declare them evil,but if we declare them evil now we will outgunned,outnumbered,with no allies etc,no soldiers etc

play the long game even if it means allowing pain and segregation to conitnue for a few decades
This assumes they won't escalate their actions if we don't act against them. We already went from fluff about what the Church of Eden does to a mechanical -10 on our Diplomacy actions. I don't see anything in Plan Security and Wealth But Less Greedy that would stop them from escalating further.

Maybe if we get something juicy from Exfiltrate - (Church of Eden) but even then would we have to spend an action on forcing them into backing down.

I wish we were raiding the workshop one last time sine the forge clan isn't gonna give it up one they've fixed it, but I'm willing to let that go so we can play the long game with Eden.
I seriously doubt the forge clan can hold the Workshop in the long run. The Revival Initiative had a safe zone in the Forest, but they had better tech and the resources of a city-state.
This assumes they won't escalate their actions if we don't act against them. We already went from fluff about what the Church of Eden does to a mechanical -10 on our Diplomacy actions. I don't see anything in Plan Security and Wealth But Less Greedy that would stop them from escalating further.

Maybe if we get something juicy from Exfiltrate - (Church of Eden) but even then would we have to spend an action on forcing them into backing down.

I seriously doubt the forge clan can hold the Workshop in the long run. The Revival Initiative had a safe zone in the Forest, but they had better tech and the resources of a city-state.

and who said we wouldnt escalate?

there a manner of escalation that doesnt involve declaring holy war on them
you know,subversion over time to erode their power base
Rolling now...

Flubbed and hit to roll a second 1d100 instead of 1d25. My luck is just not good lately. :\
Godwinson threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 45
13 13 32 32
Godwinson threw 1 25-faced dice. Total: 17
17 17
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Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Sep 26, 2020 at 10:59 AM, finished with 61 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] A Journeys End
    [X] Plan Security and Wealth But Less Greedy
    -[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Faith] Calm Tensions
    -[X][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (Church of Eden)
    --[X] 3FF
    -[X][Martial] Construct A Hangar - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Archeology] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (1/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
    -[X][Learning] Lock and Key - (Use:Mechanical Lock)
    -[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Use: Rusted Motherboard) (0/4 Successes)
    --[X] 6FF
    -[X][Tree] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Too Much To Do - Improved Waterwheels For Jewel Mine (-13 materials)
    -[X] Too Much To Do - Improved Waterwheels For Silver Mine (-13 materials)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] A Small Loan
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Hygenic Living - Expanded)
    --[X]Selling Artifacts - (Decorative Glass, Decorative Urn, Toy Weapon, Embroidered Tapestry, Ninja Doll, Silverware, High-Grade Alloys, Glass-Violin, Assorted Plastics, Torture Instruments )(+ 6.70 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (5/8 Turns Complete)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Because of SCIENCE! - Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 (-4 materials)
    [X] Plan Heart Attack
    -[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Faith] Screw You; Eden! - (-2 Materials) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (Church Of Eden) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martial] Construct A Hangar - (2/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals) - (0/1 Successes)
    --[X] 3FF
    -[X][Learning] The Feather Is Mightier Than The Sword, At Least Against Paperwork - (Advanced Mechanics/Biology) - (0/2 Successes)
    --[X] 6FF
    -[X][Archeology] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (1/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Personal action] Marry Selene
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Hygenic Living - Expanded)
    --[X]Selling Artifacts - (Decorative Glass, Decorative Urn, Toy Weapon, Embroidered Tapestry, Ninja Doll, Silverware, High-Grade Alloys, Glass-Violin, Assorted Plastics)(+ 5.05 Materials)
    -[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Guardians For Hire - (In front of COE temples) - (-1.5 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (5/8 Turns Complete)
    [x] Remember Their Names

Voting is now closed.

I need 5 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
05, if successful, roll 4d20+10 recruits
20 rolled with +8, if successful, roll 2d6-3
10/30/45 rolled with +27
50/75/95 rolled with +48

The first failure is re-rolled
All others have a DC of 50 for Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:






The first rolls are taken as official.
I will roll on the 27.08.20 at 17:00 CET if there are no other rolls present.
I am still in need of a 1d100 (re-roll), 2d6-3 (Material gain from Exfiltrate), 2d2 (Artifacts), 1d6-2 (Piety), 1d100 (Faithful), 12d4+11 (Material Income).
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[X] Plan Security and Wealth But Less Greedy
-[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (2/2 Turns Complete
Needed: 05 Rolled: 3 Failure! Re-Roll: 5, Exact Success!
Recruits: 22+10 = 32 Recruits

-[X][Faith] Calm Tensions
Needed: 25 Rolled: 67
Tensions caught early and almost eliminated!

-[X][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (Church of Eden)
--[X] 3FF

Needed: 20 Rolled: 46+8 = 54
Gained: 5 Materials
Secret Gained: 17: Extreme Hook

-[X][Martial] Construct A Hangar - (3/3 Turns Complete)

-[X][Archeology] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (2/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)

-[X][Learning] Lock and Key - (Use: Mechanical Lock)
Needed: 10/30/45, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 1+27 = 28, Natural One! Abyssal Success! Artifact Consumed Without Any Bonus!
+1 Success!
Complete! -ish.

-[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Use: Rusted Motherboard) (1/4 Successes)
--[X] 6FF

Needed: 50/75/95, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 2+68 = 70
+1 Success!
Artifact Consumed.

-[X][Tree] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (2/2 Turns Complete)

-[X][Tree] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of progress.

-[X] Too Much To Do - Improved Waterwheels For Jewel Mine (-13 materials)

-[X] Too Much To Do - Improved Waterwheels For Silver Mine (-13 materials)

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] A Small Loan

+10 Materials, Owes 11.70 Materials in 4(four) turns.

--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Hygenic Living - Expanded)

--[X]Selling Artifacts - (Decorative Glass, Decorative Urn, Toy Weapon, Embroidered Tapestry, Ninja Doll, Silverware, High-Grade Alloys, Glass-Violin, Assorted Plastics, Torture Instruments )(+ 6.70 Materials)

-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (6/8 Turns Complete)

+1 Turn of progress.

-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Because of SCIENCE! - Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 (-4 materials)


Further Rolls:


2d2 Mundane++ = 2

1d6-2 = 3-2 = 1% Piety reduction

Bolt VS Ancient Firewall = Needed: 130 Rolled 13 + 65 = 78 Failed, +15 to next roll.
Empire Knights Gonna Squish 'Em 28 + 225 = 253 vs. 189 = 39 + 150 Flood Tries To Resist = Flood Get's Squished
Holding The Line 2 + 90 = 92 vs. 183 = 83 + 100 The Sea Of Bodies = The Line Broke Before The Walls
Cutting At The Hearth: 17 + 75 = 92 vs. 154 = 74 + 80
Catching the Pilgrims: Needed: 75 Rolled: 55

Needed: -07 Rolled: 70
+1 Faithful!

12d4+11 = 20+11 = 31 Materials!

The update will be online on the 30.09.20 at 17:00 CET.
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