@HeroCooky A few questions:
1. Are we able to pause the expedition preparations for 1 turn so that we can spend this turn on scavenging instead?
2. How much would it cost to buy crossbows for our volunteers?

If we are unable to pause the expedition preparations then we don't have enough actions available to fit in all three of researching medikits, researching crossbows and scavenging the wounding nightmare site. I've proposed a few plans below which differ only in which of these three items they leave out. If crossbows are cheap enough then we might be able to pay for them by selling an extra artifact or two. That would save an action and let us fit in everything.

Another possible change is paying the military to train up our volunteers further but we'd need to sell more artifacts to afford it. The plans below only have 0.09 material to spare.
[ ] The Military - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] War Lessons
(Cost: 2 Material
Reward: +5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat.)

[ ] Plan: Medikits and crossbows, no scavenging
-[ ] (Faith) Of Books And Pilgrims
-[ ] (Diplomacy) To Bid Welcome
-[ ] (Martial) Build A Training Field - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns)
-[ ] (Learning) Medikits For Cheap
-[ ] (Archeology) Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N) - 2/3 turns complete
-[ ] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Extremely Fertile Farmland) - (Ashleaf Trees)
-[ ] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Bloodbark) (1/2 Turns)
-[ ] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Martial
--[ ] Train Your Volunteers - Armored Camo-Cloaks (-16.6 materials)
-[ ] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Learning
--[ ] Get To The Point (use artifact Destroyed Crossbow)
-[ ] Merchants
--[ ] A small loan (+10 materials)
--[ ] Selling artifacts: Rusted Cogs (+1.25 materials)
--[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk - Silver Mine

[ ] Plan: Medikits and scavenging, no crossbows
-[ ] (Faith) Of Books And Pilgrims
-[ ] (Diplomacy) To Bid Welcome
-[ ] (Martial) Build A Training Field - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns)
-[ ] (Learning) Medikits For Cheap
-[ ] (Archeology) Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N) - 2/3 turns complete
-[ ] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Extremely Fertile Farmland) - (Ashleaf Trees)
-[ ] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Bloodbark) (1/2 Turns)
-[ ] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Martial
--[ ] Train Your Volunteers - Armored Camo-Cloaks (-16.6 materials)
-[ ] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Archeology
--[ ] Send Out The Scavengers To The Wounding Nightmare
-[ ] Merchants
--[ ] A small loan (+10 materials)
--[ ] Selling artifacts: Rusted Cogs (+1.25 materials)
--[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk - Silver Mine

[ ] Plan: Crossbows and scavenging, no medikits
-[ ] (Faith) Of Books And Pilgrims
-[ ] (Diplomacy) To Bid Welcome
-[ ] (Martial) Build A Training Field - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns)
-[ ] (Learning) Get To The Point (use artifact Destroyed Crossbow)
-[ ] (Archeology) Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N) - 2/3 turns complete
-[ ] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Extremely Fertile Farmland) - (Ashleaf Trees)
-[ ] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Bloodbark) (1/2 Turns)
-[ ] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Martial
--[ ] Train Your Volunteers - Armored Camo-Cloaks (-16.6 materials)
-[ ] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Archeology
--[ ] Send Out The Scavengers To The Wounding Nightmare
-[ ] Merchants
--[ ] A small loan (+10 materials)
--[ ] Selling artifacts: Rusted Cogs (+1.25 materials)
--[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk - Silver Mine
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@Bomrek You can pause the preparations for the expeditions, but you will lose 1 progress for each turn that you do. The reason for that is that you need to know what route you are taking to avoid larger Mutant concentrations, machine-patrolls and that the food packed will need to be replaced.

Military-Crossbows are at 5 Materials for 1(one) unit of 6(six), so 16.6 Materials. Have AP of 1, and they have a +5 to the accuracy bonus.
Commercial-Crossbows are at 3.5 Materials for 1(one) unit of 6(six), so 11.6 Materials. "Pointers" are in this category.
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I've proposed a few plans below which differ only in which of these three items they leave out. If crossbows are cheap enough then we might be able to pay for them by selling an extra artifact or two. That would save an action and let us fit in everything.
We can't equip our guys with crossbows we research anyway. HeroCooky mentioned that they need a turn to familiarize themself with them, so if we research the crossbows this turn and our volunteers leave at the end of this turn, then they don't have enough time to train.
Your volunteers need three months of training to familiarize themselves with any equipment. Creating them next turn wont give you the ability to outfit them with it.

So I would vote for Plan: Medikits and scavenging, no crossbows. But maybe we can buy some crossbows and add some War Lessons from the Military? Or maybe sell some Artefacts instead of taking the loan?

For example; we have Schematic For Toys for 5.72 Materials and a +20 to Psychology. But we have only one Psychology action and are rather busy with more practical actions.
We also have an Electrical Conductor for 5.61 Materials and +20 to Electronics. But I don't think we can use that to get a special Learning action and the +20 only lasts one turn.

Also, @HeroCooky
1. Do we need an action to equip our volunteers with new equipment (Armored Camo-Cloaks, bought crossbows, etc.)? Or is it enough if we mention it as a sub-action of the Martial action?
2. Would another turn of Train Your Volunteers have an effect on the people we already recruited or would it recruit another group?
3. How expensive would it be to buy something like medikits from the Herbalists?

Oh, and there is a bit more invisitext. Specifically, about the Bloodletters.
"At least it's going better than the firebombs. Hey, do you think that the ax-guys have finished their round of testing already?"
Ysvrielle snorted at that. "Nah, probably still arguing over how to arrange the blade's teeth, like the nerds that they are."
Voting may now commence.

1. Its enough to mention it as a sub-action.
2. It wouldmean your volunteers would roll with a +10 in combat, instead of a +5
3. 3 Materials for 1(one) unit of 6(six), 10 Materials for 20.
I'm thinking if we get buddy buddy with house Ulatarn it'll be easier to convince the other Nobles Mutant's aren't all bad like the cult they had to wipe out.
Yea we've been scrounging up stuff to pay them back soon so it shouldn't be a concern unless were delaying that and increase the debt
@HeroCooky, so since Doggos aren't in this setting, I have another idea. What if we make a collapsible shield for the scouts like the one used in Sekiro? Or at least research a shield that can compact itself when not in use?
@HeroCooky, so since Doggos aren't in this setting, I have another idea. What if we make a collapsible shield for the scouts like the one used in Sekiro? Or at least research a shield that can compact itself when not in use?

compactable shields suck
more mobile parts,more chance of getting stuck or damaged,and increase maintainance cost

i rather preffer developing a one piece shield of recovered materials than a collapsable ones
@HeroCooky, so since Doggos aren't in this setting, I have another idea. What if we make a collapsible shield for the scouts like the one used in Sekiro? Or at least research a shield that can compact itself when not in use?
You could, but as armentho has said, there are many problems. Add to that that your shield needs to be sturdy enough to withstand a crossbow-bolt and an angry Mutant, and you are better off using a tried and tested version with better materials instead.
You could, but as armentho has said, there are many problems. Add to that that your shield needs to be sturdy enough to withstand a crossbow-bolt and an angry Mutant, and you are better off using a tried and tested version with better materials instead.
Ok, what about pepper grenades/tear gas are there any non-lethal powders that is just really irritating to humans and mutants?
[X] Plan: Medikits and scavenging, no crossbows with clearance sale
-[X] (Faith) Of Books And Pilgrims
--[X] 5 FF
-[X] (Diplomacy) To Bid Welcome
-[X] (Martial) Build A Training Field - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns)
-[X] (Learning) Medikits For Cheap
-[X] (Archeology) Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N) - 2/3 turns complete
-[X] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Extremely Fertile Farmland) - (Ashleaf Trees)
-[X] (Tree) A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Bloodbark) (1/2 Turns)
-[X] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Martial
--[X] Train Your Volunteers - Armored Camo-Cloaks (-16.6 materials)
-[X] (Personal) Too Much To Do - Archeology
--[X] Send Out The Scavengers To The Wounding Nightmare
-[X] Merchants
--[X] Selling artifacts: Rusted Cogs (+1.25 materials), Thouroughly Burned Pile Of Electronics (+ 3.84 Materials ), Glaive (+ 2.04 materials), Mechanical Lock (+ 2.65 materials), Burnt Breastplate-Schematic (+ 1.08 materials), Broken Pump (+ 5.96 materials), Mechanical Pencil (+ 1.95 materials) . (18.73 total)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - Silver Mine
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[X] Suffer Their Arrogance
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Should we have a Faithful get upgraded to a scientist for better research? It is a free action
[X] Plan: Selling rare Artefacts and learning about War.
-[X] Of Books And Pilgrims
-[X] To Bid Welcome
--[X] +6FF
-[X] Build A Training Field - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns)
-[X] Medikits For Cheap
-[X] Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N) - 2/3 turns complete
-[X] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Bloodbark)
-[X] A Farm For Starters - (Extremely Fertile Farmland) - (Ashleaf Trees)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Selling Artifacts (Schematic For Toys, Electrical Conductor, Clockwork Pieces)(+13.41 Materials)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - Silver Mine
-[X] The Military - (1 Free Action)
--[X] War Lessons (2 Materials)
-[X] Too Much To Do - (Send Out The Scavengers To The Wounding Nightmare)
-[X] Too Much To Do - (Train Your Volunteers - Armored Camo-Cloaks (-16.6 materials))

Ok, this is very similar to Plan: Medikits and scavenging, no crossbows and Plan: Medikits and scavenging, no crossbows with clearance sale.
I changed most of the common Artefacts for 2 rare Artefacts because I think a few of those common Artefacts could be used to unlock a Learning action, the rare Artefacts less so.
I also added a action with the Military in, so that our volunteers get a +5 for their first two rolls during their first real combat experience.

I'm also thinking about taking another loan so we can buy medikits and use our Learning action to translate some books. But I'm not really sure about that.

Anyway, two other things.
--[X] Selling artifacts: Rusted Cogs (+1.25 materials), Thouroughly Burned Pile Of Electronics (+ 3.84 Materials ), Glaive (+ 2.04 materials), Mechanical Lock (+ 2.65 materials), Burnt Breastplate-Schematic (+ 1.08 materials), Mechanical Lock (+ 2.65 materials)
I don't think you can do that.:confused:

@HeroCooky How would the ranged combat penalty work if we equipped our guys with crossbows and axes?
-(Basic Ranged) Sling/Bow: 1 Damage per size, damage halved, cannot be combined with shields, -15 to first melee roll for the equipped Unit, Ammunition for 5 Turns. 0.2 Materials per Unit.
Would it only apply if they can't switch weapons or is this something specific to Basic Ranged weapons?
@karmaoa, do you think it is a good idea to have a faithful get trained into a scholar so we get more bonuses to research or maybe get the lab constructed?
@karmaoa, do you think it is a good idea to have a faithful get trained into a scholar so we get more bonuses to research or maybe get the lab constructed?
Fixed and added a train scientist action.
Getting a general scientist would be nice but that's rather costly.
-[ ] Suffer Their Arrogance
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 6 Material per turn, for 4 turns
Reward: 1 trained General Scientist)

We can start that next turn, thanks to the mines and the other income streams that will increase over time but right now...
*Looks at the 5 Materials we have this turn* :cry:

The smokebombs gained Scented and the firebombs Lingering from the parfume artifact.
So depending on the Artefact and the project we could unlock special effects or bonuses. For example, a shield developed with the Reinforced Shield would probably have better armor, while one developed with the Rusted "RIOT" Shield would be more focused on not hindering the users' mobility/inflicting less of a stealth penalty.

Oh, and about Artefacts:
Parfume - 1.11 - +5 to Chemicals
I think we used this one up.

@karmaoa Its something specific for most ranged weapons in general.
In that case, I'm not sure if we want to give our volunteers ranged weapons. They will end up in melee fights and they aren't skilled enough to shrug that -15 malus off.
If they fight against the meatshields, the Bloodletters and the Armored Camo-Cloaks should give them a big advantage.
If they have to fight armored elites, they can use the Firebombs followed by the Smokebombs to escape.

Maybe if we could create several units that can specialize and if we had more time for training...
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[X] Plan: Selling rare Artefacts and learning about War.

I'm also thinking about taking another loan so we can buy medikits and use our Learning action to translate some books. But I'm not really sure about that.
Since our income is about to increase significantly I think we're better off taking out a loan if it reduces how many artifacts we need to sell.

If you added a loan and removed the military training then that would free up enough materials to purchase the commercial quality crossbows. Our volunteers are already equipped with bows so the -15 first round melee penalty already applies.