Could we use a Favor with house Ulatarn to get shares? My plan is to offer them a Line ship in exchange for shares.
Favor = 5%
Lineship = 10%, Cost: Political Ramifications
Also, what did the ??? in Agricultural Studies end up being.
That is now a clock counting down in the background.
I honestly don't understand this tenet.
What Amilia says here:
I think it means we get extra Piety everytime we do an action that takes longer than 3 Turns, at 1 Piety per turn over 3.
If you perform an Action, after three turns said Action will gain you +1% Piety. Either because Research, Repeat, or because said Action takes 3+ Turns.
This effect stacks.
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[ ] Hello, My Name Is Money, Big Money.
Okay, deep and calm breaths. We can't afford to be panicky about this right now; we have the time to be smart. Instead of trying to shatter the project and go against a House that could cause us serious problems, why not become a part of the project? Pour money into the project, and we should be able to influence everything in a direction that won't be awful.
(Cost: [Write-In] Materials, 20 Goodwill, -2 Mutated Opinion (Once)
Reward: Increased Influence over the project.
Warning: Construction will start in 12 Turns.)

We would have to spend at minimum over 253 Materials in order to get to only 1% Shares in the project via this method. If the actions to influence the project mean that we lose our shares after taking them, then simply throwing money at the problem will not work out for us. We need to find other ways to gain/retain shares than simple bribery/investment.
...Is it a bad clock or a good clock?
Its not a doom clock! :V
Again it feels like a proper Pilgrim doctrine, but it feels very limited and not really needed. From my reading it simply ensures that we can choose 1 Faith/religion/Ideology that we consider to be acceptable and that if a person in said group does a ritual we accept them as a true Pilgrim. I guess it could be used as a way to bleed splintered sects of the Pilgrims back into our fold, by using it on the Lost for example. However, in the case it simply extends to All Faiths, then it becomes notably more useful, yet still I find it odd since we already dont have issues with conversions from other faiths. It feels almost redundant.
This Doctrine is more about the Pilgrims becoming Pluralistic in nature, rather than Agnostic. Instead of "There are people in need, we can talk another time" you'd go "There is/are (a) truth(s) in your belief and teachings. Let us talk."

It applies to all religions, even those you currently hold as evil.

Remember, you don't have any religious framework that allows you to circumvent cultural bindings. If a Pilgrim would meet an Eversun Worshipper, there'd be a 50% chance the EW would get an ax to the brain, and a 50% chance to apply a boot to their ass.
Okay, with 5% shares and doing 3 actions continuously we can get up to around 30/80. This leaves the villages as merely poor rather than Black Holes of misery.

With 15% we can handily finish 80/80 it with only one action per turn.

So the question is, do we risk the political ramification and give house Ulatarn a Line Ship?
Influence Actions do no cost money or Goodwill. And I consider getting them to poor a bronze star in this disaster level.

So they question is, do we want to aim for the gold star?
I was referring to the fact that getting to the best level of influence/Shares would require us to bankrupt ourselves if we went about it the conventional way. (253 Materials for 1%, and the amount per % of Shares only grows higher each time) I think aiming for the "gold star" only makes sense considering our doctrine as pilgrims, which effectively means giving House Ulatarn a lineship or 2.
Pilgrim AIs are more likely to Awake.

Question: what exactly does this mean? We're more likely to find awakened ais who join us? Ais we find are more likely to become people if they weren't already? Ais we code are more likely to become people? Both of the last two? All of the above?

Also, how does indomitable bastion compare with DoD?

So they question is, do we want to aim for the gold star?

I would argue absolutely, although if we can find another way to gain influence that'd be fantastic. Maybe we could give them some special artifacts from the bunker instead?

But in any case, this is an opportunity of massive proportions. An 80/80 village will be a huge wealth generator. This is our chance to get the noble houses to start seeing treating mutants well as an *investment*, not a sunk cost.
Shouldn't taking [ ]Is This All You Want From Life? last turn have increased the base CoS for actions agitating against the DOR?
That is already covered in the Relationships - Local section of the info-bar:
--Warning: All actions involving the DOR rolls with a malus of -95.
Question: what exactly does this mean? We're more likely to find awakened ais who join us? Ais we find are more likely to become people if they weren't already? Ais we code are more likely to become people? Both of the last two? All of the above?
The latter, the AIs you create are more likely to become Sapient/Sentient.
Also, how does indomitable bastion compare with DoD?
You'll have to wait until I post the stats with the picture.

But it's vastly better, being an actual airship and not a flying rush-job does that. :V
Adjudicator: Omar of Iron (Human)
Ah, so we did get some news from them. That's a relief.

Materials: 1.241.77 (min. -28.90, max. +1.137.10 per Turn)
Our Material stockpile keeps growing. Hmm, I think we could easily spend 500-700 Materials without problems.

The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Politicking
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
No longer considering? Or just busy with other stuff?

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Unveiled its plans to create several dozen Mutated Villages within their territory, calling upon their allies and political figures for support in political and material means.
We probably can't completely stop this. They staked their reputation on this, and it wouldn't change the fact that people in charge think "villages" like that are a good idea.

So the best thing we can do is to make sure soup kitchens, hospices, and poor houses or any form of education at all are available.

-Lady Maranica (Ally (3)|Not Good, NOT GOOD!!!)
Oh hey. Someone who knows how this will horrible explode and has some influence to do something about it.

We Can Do It!:
Aria has been deeply empathetic, caring, and driven from a young age. Since joining the Pilgrims, she has grown into a relentlessly friendly and optimistic young woman, shaped by her adoptive family's experiences. With her determined personality, she's picked up "a little bit of everything" at a young age by enthusiastically volunteering to assist in any and everything. She picked the brains of anyone willing to let her, though the more curmudgeonly among the Pilgrims find her boundless enthusiasm tiresome. But she will give everything she has in all she does, unfortunately, sometimes beyond that.
(+20 to all actions this Hero is assigned to, -10 for every Turn Relax is not chosen. Currently: +20)
Shouldn't this be +10? Or did the wedding count as a Relax Action?

But fuck the Daughters; they could not spare a single coin when he had protected one of the boys from a customer as he and his were supposed to do, so he owed them nothing anymore.
Yeah, letting your hired security alone with wounds they got from working for you is a terrible idea.

[Dossier On The Ideology Know As "Irinism"]
I expected them to be decentralized but not even basic books... I wonder how they prevent the ideology from splintering and diverging into only slightly different but even more hostile for it against each other variants.

[Dossier On The "Floating Islands" Mentioned By Passing Merchants]
Either baseless rumors or the caravan saw something they shouldn't have and the island owners are more careful now.

And they did so for more than a year!

If only his daughter weren't so happy, oh, he'd show them how to farm...
Why did he have to fall in love with the one woman in the village whose father loved complaining only second to his children?
Truly, scientific progress requires sacrifices. Generally not personal ones like this, but it does happen.:V

[Dossier On The "Bone Valley Noble Houses"]
Wonderful. They will keep fighting against each other until the Emperor has to step in again because they wrecked the region. Ugh...

THIS UNIT WAS NAMED GALLAFREY The Machine boomed into the hangar, its speech and tone indicative of a waking Mind like those crafted long ago and left to grow on their terms. NEW DESIGNATION ACQUIRED: INDOMITABLE BASTION The ship continued to "speak" in its booming voice, its weapons turning away from Perpetual Defiance with no sound. THIS UNIT WILL REQUIRE NEW SYMBOLS FOR ITS SERVICE The Machine-Mind spoke a final time, falling asleep again, responding to no inquiry by Awoken Mind or skillful Data-Smiths within its bridge.
Huh, didn't expect to find another Machine-Mind. That would be number four, assuming the DOD doesn't count for two.

The gentle reminder startled the already dozing off Mutated, his eyes snapping open as he looked at Needle. "Well, to make it short: we can't expect any aggressive movements from the Purified against the DOR for the next year, at the least. But after that?" He shrugged, narrowly avoiding spilling the tea he still held in his hands. "You've got a radical Mutated Gang that wants to meet their goals with violence on one end and an exploitative, people-trafficking, brothel-ring operating, smuggling organization on the other. So they will either become the best of friends, or we'll see the tunnels run red with blood."
Now I wonder if we should keep hitting the Daughters to prevent any big fights or alliances in the future, or if we should mostly ignore them for now...

Choose A Doctrine:
[] Doctrine of the Burning Eye

As we stare into the darkness, the darkness stares back. Let it blink before you do.
(Unlocked By: Kindle Alight The Beacons
Theories reduce DC by 10/35/100% for Common/Advanced/Pioneer
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
Could help with Learning projects, but we are limited to three Successes per Turn and Grease The Wheels can boost projects anyway.

[] Doctrine of the Long Path
As we wandered in the beginning, so too do we wander in the future. But we must not do so as the desert, ever-shifting, ever bending. Instead, we must be like the Mythical Glaciers of Old. A force of nature, undeterred by hatred, and ignorance, ever walking onwards. Our journey may take a trillion steps, but it only means we will spend longer with those we cherish along the way.
(Every Turn spent on an action beyond 3(Three) gives you +1 Piety for each additional Turn.
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
Useful due to the long-term projects we have. Makes it easier to consistently have high Piety and the roll bonus/extra Action from that. But it doesn't do much more than that.

[] Doctrine of the Second Life
How can we call ourselves Humanists? How can we look at ourselves with pride if we disdain those we once shared our misery with? How can we teach acceptance and banish racism if we do not act upon our words with deeds? Do these men, women, and others not deserve the chance we once had, to be lifted by their hands, grasping ours?
(Unlocks additional Actions to target the underbelly of society for conversion, recruitment, and uplift.
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
More of a narrative effect and could help with Mutated issues. Doesn't help with Nobles and the leaders of society but hopefully, our cultural focus will help with that.

[] Doctrine of the Gilded Path
Money allows many evils to persist, grow, and fester. Yet, it entitles the wise and kind to banish hunger, thirst, disease, pain, and more. To make a future worth living, we must ensure that we have the funds for all to enjoy such a Gilded Path.
(Reduces Upkeep of everything by 20%.
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
Eh, we will make lots of Materials from airships. Not really interested.

[] Doctrine of the Withhold Fist
Violence is not the answer; it is the question. The answer is: When, and how much?
(Doubles all Unit Upkeep, +1 Base Training Level
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
Could be useful but we would have to focus on the military aspect. Doesn't really fit with the cultural aspect of Norqod.

[] Doctrine of Rebirth
There is always a chance to abandon everything you have done and seek redemption in your workings for the future. To cast aside what you were and welcome what you should be. Not another Cog, but another equal to the world, in body, mind, and soul.
(Unlocked By: A Mythos Called Names
Gain a free Rite, to be decided afterward. The Pilgrims cannot see [Follower] of [Faith] as [Hostile] or [Evil] to the Pilgrimage.
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
Huh, a redemption focus. I'm not sure how this mechanical would work. It would thematically fit with how Humanity has to recover and how the Collapse happened because Mes gave up on Humanity.

[] Doctrine of Awakening
There is more within code and number than we could ever hope to grasp, and we are no lesser for accepting and fostering change within those we crafted.
(We were not meant to walk this path alone. And it is not ours to decide with whom we may share it. Pilgrim AIs are more likely to Awake.
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)
...That's going to get a weird reaction from the Forge Clans. If we start, statistically provable, to get more Awakened than the Forge Clans.:confused:

This cannot be allowed to happen; expanding upon the BHVs will increase the suffering of the Mutated to unseen levels within the Empire, not to mention the sheer poisoning of relations between the nobility and the Mutated!
(Cost: 5 Goodwill for 1%
Chance: -34%
Reward: House Ulatarn faces harsh opposition against their project. And they know who is to blame.)
We could do this. It would cost us most of our Goodwill and wouldn't change the culture that enables the existence of the BHVs but we could do it.

Probably better to do Hello, My Name Is Money, Big Money. and spend 700 Materials this Turn, followed by another 700 during the next Turn. That should get us close to 5%.

Could we do Communal Outreach during the same Turn we get our first Shares? And would Collapse Their Gravity be more effective after we finished Catalog BHV Problems?
More of a narrative effect and could help with Mutated issues. Doesn't help with Nobles and the leaders of society but hopefully, our cultural focus will help with that.
But also remember how one of the cosmic entities gave up on humanity because human focused on science and became super dickheads to one another.

Probably better to do Hello, My Name Is Money, Big Money. and spend 700 Materials this Turn, followed by another 700 during the next Turn. That should get us close to 5%
A Favour gets us 5% shares. A Line Ship gets us 10%, but it will have political ramifications.
But also remember how one of the cosmic entities gave up on humanity because human focused on science and became super dickheads to one another.
Not quite, people became obssesd with the power that soence brings and how it would give an edge over their rivals, not with knowing and understanding stuff.
Shouldn't this be +10? Or did the wedding count as a Relax Action?
While the wedding itself was stressful, spending time with her mom wasn't.

Also, she was able to do a whole lot of After-Wedding related activities with Chiedi to blow off stress. :V
Huh, didn't expect to find another Machine-Mind. That would be number four, assuming the DOD doesn't count for two.
Well, a Waking Machine-Mind, not an Awake one. Waking ones are about 3-4 orders of magnitude more common than Awake Machine-Minds.

IB can perform limited adjusted actions to an order if the reality doesn't match said orders parameters, but won't be able to create a whole new plan like ^Ä^, PD, or DoD could do.
...That's going to get a weird reaction from the Forge Clans. If we start, statistically provable, to get more Awakened than the Forge Clans.:confused:
[Insert: "I see this as an absolute win!" Meme here.]
Could we do Communal Outreach during the same Turn we get our first Shares?
You absolutely can do that. Getting a share takes only a notification that you are buying into the project and delivering the money. That doesn't take more than a few weeks.
And would Collapse Their Gravity be more effective after we finished Catalog BHV Problems?
Since you'd know what to do, yes.
[] Doctrine of the Burning Eye
As we stare into the darkness, the darkness stares back. Let it blink before you do.
(Unlocked By: Kindle Alight The Beacons
Theories reduce DC by 10/35/100% for Common/Advanced/Pioneer)

I like this theory as it fits into our style of trying to do research to improve the world. It incentivizes us to do theory research which can then be shared with the world and directly helps with complex/long projects for us directly. Overall its a fairly good fit with the Pilgrim standard actions I feel. It does have the downside of not being a passive tenet that functions without action, which is somewhat painful, but I feel that the fact that it makes higher techs so much easier to get to be very nice.
It does help with research but more in the sense that it makes certain projects feasible to do, rather than finishing them quicker or easier. It only lowers the DC, it doesn't change the number of Successes we need or allow us to get more than three per Turn. And with Pioneer grad Theories needing 20 Successes...

[] Doctrine of the Long Path
As we wandered in the beginning, so too do we wander in the future. But we must not do so as the desert, ever-shifting, ever bending. Instead, we must be like the Mythical Glaciers of Old. A force of nature, undeterred by hatred, and ignorance, ever walking onwards. Our journey may take a trillion steps, but it only means we will spend longer with those we cherish along the way.
(Every Turn spent on an action beyond 3(Three) gives you +1 Piety for each additional Turn.)

I honestly don't understand this tenet. I think it means that we can choose to spend extra time on actions to get piety which can be useful, but unless the Piety stacks per extra turn it feels pretty strange. I can see a way in which this can be either near useless or overpowered for us. If the piety gain stacks then we can simply continue working on housing for ever and gain eventually +5 or more piety per turn, effectively giving us infinite piety. Yet, if it doesnt stack then its basically just -1 to our Piety rolls per turn, which doesnt really help that much currently. Hell the passive benefit in terms of piety loss reduction is near on part with the active effect. Also the Pilgrims have a long term goal but I just don't see us worshiping or otherwise going down the route of the Journey Is Important which this sounds to me of.
I understood that as us getting 1% Piety for every project/locked Action that goes on for more than three Turns. I think it would mainly apply to Learning Actions because some projects can take more than 10 Turns(needing more than 30 Successes). Getting 2% Piety every Turn as a side benefit from research would be nice.

Favor = 5%
Lineship = 10%, Cost: Political Ramifications
Those Political Ramifications worry me. The best case would be the Emperor having a problem with it.

If Empy gets pissy we just offer to start working on the warships in exchange for the suspendium and material cost of refloating them.
The Emperor being unhappy is the least possible problem. It would be way worse if other Noble Houses see stuff like the BHVs as a way to get Artefact-grade airships out of the Pilgrims.

Currently, stuff like this is only done because it's convenient for the Noble House in question. If every time they announce the creation of new BHVs there is a chance to get airships from the Pilgrims they will create more of them.
Best case, they get Artefact-grade airships! Worst case, they still make money/Materials from the BHVs.

So, you know. Perverse incentives.
It does help with research but more in the sense that it makes certain projects feasible to do, rather than finishing them quicker or easier. It only lowers the DC, it doesn't change the number of Successes we need or allow us to get more than three per Turn. And with Pioneer grad Theories needing 20 Successes...
Keep in mind that the higher you climb on the tech-tree, the higher the DCs get. The less Successes you gain by using Artifacts, Cores, and Support, the less the DC rises.

At some point (after getting the low-hanging fruit) you will have to either brute-force your way through research using automatic successes, or buy yourself through with artifacts. Neither of which will allow you to understand what is actually happening, only that you need to perform X for Y to do Z.

Theories lower the DCs, because you start to understand what is actually happening. For example, the next Electronics step has you sitting at a nice and snug -467% Chance at the lowest level, if you continue as is.