Ship-Name approved by QM via Word of God.

YES!!!! I got to name a ship!!!!

This one will happen regardless of the relationship, due to osmosis by proximity to Martyris

And, unfortunately, she'll be in a position where the Pilgrim's (and Martyris') more cynical and/or pessimistic enemies will try and kidnap her to try and 'reveal the dark truth of the Pilgrims'. Alongside their other enemies, who'll try and kidnap her to use as leverage over us.

Also, the Countess would probably have both a conniption and a heart attack upon discovering that her favourite mutated's in a relationship with not just any normal human, but the leader of an entirely religion!
[X] Kiss Her
- [X] Martyris wants to continue the relationship if feasible.
- [X] Seli is welcome to learn about and/or join the Pilgrims (or not) regardless of relationship status.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Jun 28, 2020 at 11:05 AM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Dis is da part where dey kiss
    [X] Kiss Her
    -[X] Martyris wants to continue the relationship if feasible.
    [X] Kiss Her
    - [X] Martyris wants to continue the relationship if feasible.
    - [X] Seli is welcome to learn about and/or join the Pilgrims (or not) regardless of relationship status.
Rumour Mill Turn 18
Slander Against Martyris!
While the Pilgrims are enjoying their new privileges, some people want to besmirch their name. Rumors about Martyris, their leader, state that he has gone out with a mutated and kissed her in public! Low-ranking members of The Church of Eden have been especially vocal in their voicing of accusations. But how much weight are you willing to give the words of those showing increasing hostility towards the Pilgrims?

Crusade Draws Near
The final preparations are close to being finished. The marching route is set (and classified), the orders for the rising of the levies are written, coin for mercenary and adventurer is set aside. Scouts range the lands of the enemy, traps set, traitors bribed, information changes hands, and our emperor enforces a strict training-regiment on those Knight-Chapters deemed necessary to assault Starlight. All the while, our courageous army once more runs drills to incorporate their newest members. Let's see those starlighters stand in the face of our plate-armored front-lines while our Knights decimate their ranks!

Nobles Enforce Apartheid
Every Mutated knows that they are not welcome in "more civilized" districts of a city, that we cannot marry a human, or enjoy the same privileges under the law. Until now, the Nobles have not strictly enforced the legislation stating that we have to own a permit to cross or work in them. That a legal marriage between humans and Mutated is forbidden. This has changed in the last three months. Before, one could still buy products in a market or live in a "prohibited" district, while the guards looked the other way, more often than not. Now those few living outside the slums have been forced back into them, evicted from their property, and forced to pay fines. Those that found love with a human had to see how their loved ones are dragged away to be judged for "deviancy" while they are beaten and thrown into the gutter. It seems that the leniency given to us is no more.

Some state that this is a reaction to Martyris, leader of the newly recognized Pilgrims, being seen kissing a Mutated. A religion not only tolerating Mutated but seeking to elevate them as equals, seen as a threat to the noble's stations. And if that is true...
Slander Against Martyris!
While the Pilgrims are enjoying their new privileges, some people want to besmirch their name. Rumors about Martyris, their leader, state that he has gone out with a mutated and kissed her in public! Low-ranking members of The Church of Eden have been especially vocal in their voicing of accusations. But how much weight are you willing to give the words of those showing increasing hostility towards the Pilgrims?
Not really surprising that it's another church that's leading the accusations. Most of them are pretty big on blaming the Mutated for everything.

Crusade Draws Near
The final preparations are close to being finished. The marching route is set (and classified), the orders for the rising of the levies are written, coin for mercenary and adventurer is set aside. Scouts range the lands of the enemy, traps set, traitors bribed, information changes hands, and our emperor enforces a strict training-regiment on those Knight-Chapters deemed necessary to assault Starlight. All the while, our courageous army once more runs drills to incorporate their newest members. Let's see those starlighters stand in the face of our plate-armored front-lines while our Knights decimate their ranks!
Hmm, we probably are going to get a demand for troops soon.

Ugh, I'm still convinced that this Crusade is going to turn into a shitshow; given the internal civil war not too long ago and that the target of the Crusade is a mountain nation.

Nobles Enforce Apartheid
Every Mutated knows that they are not welcome in "more civilized" districts of a city, that we cannot marry a human, or enjoy the same privileges under the law. Until now, the Nobles have not strictly enforced the legislation stating that we have to own a permit to cross or work in them. That a legal marriage between humans and Mutated is forbidden. This has changed in the last three months. Before, one could still buy products in a market or live in a "prohibited" district, while the guards looked the other way, more often than not. Now those few living outside the slums have been forced back into them, evicted from their property, and forced to pay fines. Those that found love with a human had to see how their loved ones are dragged away to be judged for "deviancy" while they are beaten and thrown into the gutter. It seems that the leniency given to us is no more.

Some state that this is a reaction to Martyris, leader of the newly recognized Pilgrims, being seen kissing a Mutated. A religion not only tolerating Mutated but seeking to elevate them as equals, seen as a threat to the noble's stations. And if that is true...
Huh, it was pretty clear that there is something of a strict class-society but this is quite a bit worse. It's going to cause more problems too. People losing their jobs, more criminals, etc.

I'm not really sure why the Mutated are a threat to the status of the Nobility though.
It might be wise to go for elites first, if we go commoners who were on good terms with they might take it as a sign of rebellion so smoothing feathers with the elite immediately would be better
I think it actually means that we are seen as a threat to their status. We should really take the We Are One People action really soon in order to mitigate this, but would it be better to do the commoners or elites first?
Elites probably. We know they didn't enforce the apartheid because of us, but instead because of the Emberguard.
We might want to combo that with Tailor Your Messages - (Psychology/Culture) and some High-End Introduction for the nobles. Maybe a few Infiltrate actions against the other churches.
Eh, worth it. Still, I wonder how the Pilgrims would react to Martyris taking on Selene as his Girlfriend/Lover?
Due to work-related issues, Turn 18 is delayed for two days. It will be online on the 02.07.20 at 17:00 CET.

Turn 18: Year 4; Month 3; To Young Love, Old Perversions, And Future Glory
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) The nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the Pilgrims H.Q. ballots, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist
-h.) caring for any children that are born as a result of their actions

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctoral orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the expulsion after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin
-f.) Occupation
-g.) Mutation

10.) These crimes (but not excluding others) are immediate ground for exile without 8.a.1. coming into effect.
-a.) Murder
--1.) attempted or otherwise
-b.) Psychological Torture
-c.) Physical Torture
-d.) Rape
-e.) Conspiring to do any of the crimes listed here

11.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Origin: Humanism:
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be:
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)

Hidden Tenet: A Mythos Called Names:
It is undeniable that there is power in names. Nations, Organizations, Myths. All have one thing in common; a name gives meaning and identity, where there was none before. The Pilgrims have taken after the First Leader, Martyris, in His belief. A soldier, wary of death and destruction, a healer that failed too many times or someone honoring a vow, may choose to change their name to reflect what they believe to be. While a name given by one's parents may encompass their hopes and dreams for one's future, reality tends to disagree.
(Every Leader of the Pilgrims may rename themselves. All Pilgrims may rename themselves in honor or shame. -1 to Piety rolls)

Trait: Fail Better:
Falling is not a sin. Falling and not getting up is.
(One free reroll per turn should an action fail, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 265
-Faithful: 5/9
-Followers: 257(32 unoccupied)

Materials: 16.83(min. +4.14, max. +12.14 per turn, 12.50 Materials owed to: The Merchant Guild in 2(two) turns)

Income = 9.14-18.14Materials:
1.00-4.00 Desalination Basins
3.00-9.00 Inn (Eye of the Beholder)

Upkeep = 5.00Materials:
0.90 = 1 Soup kitchen - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
1.50 = Administration Center - Expanded - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
1.40 = 1 Small Hospice - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.40 = Hygenic Living Expanded
0.50 = Living Quarters Expanded
0.30 = Storerooms Expanded

Goodwill: 14.12 (+0.02 per turn)
+0.01 Soup-Kitchen
+0.01 Small Hospice

Piety: 95.5% (+45 to personal rolls)(+1 1(one) turn Action for: Personal)
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Who?

Marquis of Tessen
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Very Interested

House Mirn
Contact: Lord Malarn
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Further your usefulness

Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Ensure you are compliant with the law

Church of Eden
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Aggressively ignore you

The Followers of Light
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Watch very carefully

Miscellaneous Nobles
-Lady Maranica (???(???)/???)

General Opinion on Mutated: Uppity Rabbel (-1)
The Common People:
Opinion: Friends (2)
Plans: Cheer you on

The Merchant Guild:
Contact: Abraham Lin
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Source of Artifacts and Customers

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Con you
-Unionists (-1/58% Control/Mali to Costs for Actions)
-Base (0/32% Control)
-Healers (1/10% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Leader: Marthen Marthensons
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Arrogant Superiority

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: I like money

Criminal Organisations:
Leader: Holy Rose
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: A Painting and Poem in your honor, but nothing hostile

Opinion: Neutral/??? (0/???)
Plans: ???

The Mutated:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Surprised

General Opinion on Mutated: Semi-Hidden Hostility (-1)
Thouroughly Burned Pile Of Electronics - 3.84 Materials - + 5 to Electronics
Diagram For A Waterwheel - 2.80 - + 5 to Machinery
Rusted Cogs - 1.25 - + 5 to Machinery
Drained Battery - 2.39 - +5 to Electronics
Non-Functional Lightbulb - 1.48 - +5 to Electronics
Parfume - 1.11 - +5 to Chemicals
Shattered Robotic Arm - 4.91 - +5 to Electronics
Glaive - 2.04 - +5 to Weapons
Destroyed Crossbow - 4.00 - +5 to Weapons
Rusted "RIOT" Shield - 2.18 - +5 to Armor
Serrated Ax - 1.72 - +5 to Weapons
Reinforced Shield - 2.23 - +5 to Armor
Mechanical Pencil - 1.95 - +5 to Mechanics
Clockwork Pieces - 2.08 - +5 to Mechanics
Burnt Breastplate-Schematic - 1.08 - +5 to Armor
Translated Transcripts - 2.50 - +5 to Linguistics
Mechanical Lock - 2.65 - +5 to Mechanics
Lizard Cuirass - 2.66 - +5 to Armor
Rusted Motherboard - 5.29 - +20 to Electronics - Bound to Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1
Untranslated Book On Chemicals - 5.20 - +20 to Chemicals - Untranslated
Diagram Of A Rudimentary Icebox - 5.66 - +20 to Refrigeration
Assorted Books In Multiple Languages - 5.11 - +20 to Linguistics
Treaty On Brainwashing- 5.26 - +20 to Psychology
Broken Pump - 5.96 - +20 to Hydraulics
Papers With Recurring Numbers - 5.42 - +20 to Programming
Lightweight Alloy - 5.22 - +20 to Metallurgy
Burned Theory On Cloning - 5.35 - +20 to Advanced Medicine
Untranslated Book - 5.25 - +20 to Linguistics
Black Rectangle - 5.53 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
Armor Piercing Ax - 5.49 - +20 to Weapons
Surgeons Kit - 5.50 - +20 to Advanced Medicine
Dilipidated Prosthetic - 5.19 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
Rusted Block With Missin Circles- 5.48 - +20 to Advanced Metallurgy
Textbook On Cellular Theory - 5.47 - +20 to Biology
Layerd Plates - 5.25 - +20 to Advanced Armor
Schematic For Toys - 5.72 - +20 to Psychology
Report On Vivisections - 5.12 - +20 to Advanced Biology
Chemical Waste Bags - 5.32 - +20 to Advanced Chemicals
Electrical Conductor - 5.61 - +20 to Electronics
Lost Tech
??? - Knight of the Pilgrims - Cored
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (7 Passive Recruitment per turn)
Units (1/2)
6/6 Size
1/1 Armor
Training: Militia (2/6) -5 to all rolls
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in combat
Spears: 1 Damage per size (6 total)
Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. +1 Armor
Special Rule: Cannot take a scout action if this Unit is used for military purposes.
Upkeep: Free (Scavenger Past Unit)
-Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack.
(Ranged) After attacking, If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one extra stealth attack.
+1 Armor. 2.00 Materials per Unit
-Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. (Ranged) After attacking, If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one extra stealth attack.
+3 Armor. 5.00 Materials per Unit
-(Basic Melee) Spear/Mace/Ax/Sword/Dagger: 1 Damage, can be combined with a shield, or equipment. 0.15 Materials per unit.
-(Basic Ranged) Sling/Bow: 1 Damage per size, damage halved, cannot be combined with shields, -15 to first melee roll for the equipped Unit, Ammunition for 5 Turns. 0.2 Materials per unit.
-(Basic) Shield: +1 Armor, -15 On stealth rolls. 0.35 Materials per unit.
-(Basic) Cloth/Leather Armor: +2 Armor, -30 on stealth rolls. 1.00 Materials per unit.
Unique/Notable Assets
-Ashleaf Tea +10 to Diplomacy
1x Extremely Fertile Farmland
2x Fertile Farmland
1x Inn (Eye of the Beholder)
1x Iron Mine
1x Silver Mine
1x Jewel Deposit
Tree Of Knowledge
Pros: Material cost is halved, and Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, unique building options unlocked
Cons: Buildings take +1 Turn to mine and set up

Desalination Basins
- 250 Pilgrims receive water in case of a drought. +1d4 Materials per turn.

Administration Center - Expanded
- +1 Personal Action, Unlocks Too Much To Do.
- +1 Tree of Knowledge Action

Hygenic Living - Expanded

- Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 300 Pilgrims before it becomes useless.

Living Quarters - Expanded
- Up to 300 Pilgrims can live in your base before a mali starts to apply.

Storerooms - Expanded
-Up to 300 Pilgrims can survive for 6 months under siege conditions
You, Martyris, The One That Suffers, Leader of The Pilgrims
4/6 Health (-2 permanent)
3/3 Armor
Training: Trained (3/6)
Breakpoint: NONE
Spear: 1 Damage per size (1 total)
Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. +3 Armor
Special Rules:
-Must be attached to one Unit to join Combat
-All Units gain the special rule Unbreakable: Unit automatically succeeds its morale check
-50% Chance to gain/lose 40% Piety should this Hero die in Combat.
-Gain 30% Piety should this Hero die of natural causes
-Immune against all poisons
Upkeep: Free (Because it's you.)

Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity

There are few things worse enough than dying to the poison of a Plague-Engine. You are enduring the least of the worst of those fates. Though many see your determination to face such a future for something beyond yourself as inspiring and have taken to more selfless actions as a result of this. A side effect of your medicine and the lasting damage seems to be a much-increased tolerance against any form of poison, though there may be more at play.
(Reduced health, reduced lifespan, permanent -1 to Piety reduction rolls, grants immunity against poison)

A Victims Ire: Holy Rose - Criminal Organizations
This world is not a kind one. It will chew you up and spit you out the moment you let your guard down. You did so, and almost paid the price for that. Your experiences now mark you, as does the anger you feel towards those that wronged you. Dealing with both "Holy" Rose and various Criminal organizations beneficially will require much more effort, but harming them will be much easier.
(-20 to aiding Criminal Organizations and Holy Rose, +10 to harmful actions against them. Reduced to -10/+5 respectively once Holy Rose dies.)

Mutated Girlfriend - Selene - Fresh, Happy, Sappy - (1/4)
You never believed someone could fall for someone else as hard as you have for Selene. It is a bit awkward finding a day when you can both meet, but the dates are worth all the hassle. Even if your friends think you are insufferably sappy.
(Evolves next turn.)

But no, I can't do that. What if he doesn't feel the same about me? What if he is only friendly? I can't just kiss him just because ilikehimandohgodwhycantibreate?

Oh. I am kissing him. That's why.

I could only think one thing; that the books lied to me. No, they didn't, not really. They simply couldn't put into words what I am feeling right now, how my heart flutters, my stomach feels like it is falling, and my body feels like it is on fire, burning up in our passion, while all I can do is continue kissing to avoid letting the moment end. But my body betrays me with its need for air, and so we separate, breathing heavily while my ears twitch furiously, looking into each other's eyes. There is joy in his eyes, along with awe, but there is something else that I recognize, insecurity, not in what we just did, but in what I would do next.

It is that moment of fragility that would sear itself into my mind, seeing him scared of what I thought of him, what I would do. I could have broken him in that one moment if I had run, or rejected him—a look I could not bear to see on his face. So, I did the only thing I could think of doing. I grabbed his head and pulled him into another kiss.

Again, words could not describe the explosion of emotions I felt, how my body burned, chilled, and my heart soared in the clouds, shouting in joy. But even this kiss could not last forever, and this time we were distracted not by our need to breathe, but by fireworks exploding in the sky, washing a myriad of colors over a cheering crowd and us.

As I watched the display with awe, I felt my hand shift from beside me. Looking over, Martyris had taken it into his and stood up, bowed to me, and asked, "Would you give me the honor of this dance, my Lady?"

Surprised, I realized that musicians had started playing in the plaza, with many taking this chance to dance once more the night away. So, with a laugh on my lips, I accepted. So, we once again danced until we could not move once more, laughed, and reveled in the euphoria of two souls finding each other. But all nights must end, even those that seem endless.

And so, we stood once more on the hill, under the Tree, looking over the city with its myriad of lights slowly flickering out as night receded and dawn overtook. We kissed one final time, before separating, tired but happy, promising each other to meet again in two days.

It continued like this for the next three months. We met under that Tree, greeted each other, laughed at jokes, kissed, danced, and basked in each other's presence. Enjoyed dinners underneath the twin-moons' light, reading lousy poetry to the laughter of the other, called each other silly nicknames while feeling the warm embrace of another body cuddling yours in the chilly night.

We were happy, and according to a few of my friends incredibly sappy. But what did they know? They were not in love with the perfect man. You were the one swayed to risk punishment by him holding you tighter against his chest, after your first-ever night of passion, not they, sleeping the morning away as you cuddled, finally happy, finally loved.

We were in love, it was ours, and no one could take it from us. No one could take that away from me.


Telling them was a mistake, I thought as I watched Nexa finish screaming into my face.

-E FUCK NOT!", Nexa screamed at me as she had done for the past hour. At this point, I had lost my composure going over the same issue over and over again.


Her face turned red as she balled her hands into fists and shook in blinding anger and burning rage. Taking a shuddering breath, I slowly exhaled to once more control my emotions. It only marginally succeeded. "She is a crime-lord. Two-thirds of all criminals swear allegiance to her, and the other third does so through intermediaries. You can't go near her without being detected, nor can you simply stab her to death, you would die before taking a single step. And what would happen to the rest of the Pilgrims after that? Did you think about that?" I ground out with anger in my voice.

She was silent, as were the rest of my friends and department-heads of the assembled Pilgrims. "How can you be so willing to forget she was trying to rape you?" Nexa whispered back with impotent hate. At that, I swept my gaze around the council. Most had similar expressions to her, rage, shock, horror, disgust. A few looked numb to what I had revealed to them this morning. Some looked at me with pity in their eyes. That hurt the most.

"Do you think I forgot what she did? I want nothing more than to go back and gut that bitch. But I can't! Because there is more at stake than just my psyche. What if she wants revenge for me snubbing her? Or if she realizes that we are hatching a plan to off her?" My gaze intensified as everyone in the chamber looked away as I looked at them, one after the other.

"Then what are we supposed to do? Accept that she did it? Letting her get away with this?" Needle calmly asked, not backing away as I looked into her eyes. "I know a gal that knows a guy specializing in "cleaning up," that could help resolve this situation."

A murmur rang through the room at that, most of it positive. Hell no, I thought. We are not doing that. "No." "Bu-" "No."

No one continued speaking as I glared at everyone at once. "I understand that you want revenge. I want it too. But we can't be blinded by it. Charging into this without any idea of what we will find is idiotic."

"Then what do we do?" Axel asked. "While Needle is good at her job, I don't think that she could get around the kind of security that she must have." She nodded at that, holding up a sheet of paper. "That's why we should hire professionals."

Everyone looked at the paper, with three stylized letters on-top of it.

M.A.G. Mirn Adventurer Guild.

"And until we have confirmation that she does not want revenge, we should prepare for the worst. It goes without saying that what Mart has shared here, stays in this room," she continued, an edge in her voice that brooked no argument.

As the murmur of agreement subsided, I raised my voice; "All I favor of hiring the M.A.G. to gain more information, please raise your hand." All hands went up at this, some more hesitant than others. "Then it is decided, Needle, since you presented the motion, would you put it into action?" She nodded.

Letting out a breath, and with it the last of the tension in my body, I changed the topic to something much more pleasant. "Then let us discuss the party. All of us could need the distraction right now."


"I am telling you it is here!" a voice echoed out of a small tunnel, which led into a cavern-system.

"You said that the last thirteen times, and you still haven't found shit." a second voice retorted. "Look, we have found a promising iron vein and even managed to locate the silver marked on the map, but you are kidding yourself if you think that there is a chance that there is any Jewel around here. Or that the deposits haven't already been exploited to hell and back."

"C'mon, man! Don't be so negative! Yes, we haven't found anything yet, but it is here! I checked the maps thrice again and even cross-referenced with Eliss back at base. The geological shift and erosion due to rainfall may have changed the surface, but they couldn't have changed the underneath. Trust me!"

The second voice only groaned at that. "I do, and what does it bring me? I have to walk all over the ass-end of nowhere, while you crawl into the ass of the earth, expecting me to do the same. Look, just call it a day. There is nothing here, we searched for weeks now, and you won't fin-"

"FOUND IT!" a shout echoed out of the hole.

"Pardon?" "I SAID: FOUND IT! AND THERE'S SO MUCH OF IT!" came the triumphant reply. The second man stood for a second, before hastily crawling into the caverns. Following the laughter of his friend, he eventually emerged into a chamber and stood.

Then he saw it. A green glimmer and glittering filling the entire chamber as the lights were refracted from the two torches illuminating the space. Rocks the size of fists dotted the walls, floor, and even the ceiling, jutting proudly in defiance of gravity.

"Holy shit," the man whispered, before being hugged by his friend. "Yeah! We are so going to get drinks for free forever, man!"

Looking at the grinning face of his friend and then the massive amounts of Jewel, the man could only agree.


You are Nexa Lurun, and you have made a massive mistake.

"Shut up." "-nd the way her ears twitch is ju-"

Yes. You must be in hell. What other reason could there be for you to be stuck next to a love-drunk idiot gushing over his girlfriend?

"Please. Mercy." "-but that is not the best thing either for-"

It all began so great. When you were put in charge of organizing the party, your most important concern was supplying enough food and drink. However, once word got out that there would be a party, almost everyone started talking about it. At least the villages close to the Tree did, the city itself was more occupied with some sort of unrest.

"Why." "-the coloration-"

So, detecting a golden opportunity, you confirmed that everyone would be welcome to celebrate with the Pilgrims. It meant that you had to order almost four times the number of supplies needed for just the Pilgrims, but having a crowd of around 900 people forget their worries for a whole day was worth all the hassle. There was only one problem.

"Are you punishing me?" "-After that, we went into this-"

About two months ago, Mart got himself a girlfriend. This was both good and bad. Good, in that it meant you won the betting pool, bad because you just had to ask him about her, which lead to this.

"Kill me." "-you stop whining. Just because you don't have such a great-"

For over an hour, he has talked about nothing else than Selene. The first few minutes were sweet, how he talked about how amazing and funny she was. Then he continued speaking about her, heaping praises upon her. Either that girl fed him drugs, or he fell hard for her.

"I am now dead." "-mature. Real mature Nexi," he returned to your dramatic display of death by laying onto the bench nearby.

"Can't talk. Died by overexposure to the sap." He looked sheepishly at you; "Am I that bad?" "I died, Mart. From your gushing about your girlfriend. So yes," you shoot back in a deadpan voice. "And now we will change the topic before you start interpretative dancing to express your love to her." At that, you hand him a nearby mug, taking one for yourself.

"This is a festival for our achievements. The only people who should be sober are those making sure we don't get shanked by a random asshole. So, bottoms up!"

And with that, both of you drink the mugs in one go. He doesn't stop talking about her after that, but being drunk makes him being so hopelessly smitten somewhat endurable.


It is three months later that a final meeting occurs to discuss what had happened in the first quarter of the new year. Two of the most notable things that had been, and still are, on some minds is the impromptu festival that had been organized, and the small flood of children being born. For the latter, it was both a joyous occasion and a confusing one.

Thirty-five children in three months were much, considering that there were only about 200 Pilgrims, what surprised more was how many of them were Mutated. You honestly feared that there would be problems due to that, thankfully, the Pilgrims proved you wrong. Many were glad that their children were healthy, while the rest thought that the entire thing was comical. What were the odds of 29 children out of 35 being Mutated?

Aside from that, there was the festival. Nothing else could describe almost 900 people showing up to party it up with the Pilgrims in celebration of recent accomplishments and future glories. Thankfully, there was more than enough food and drink to go around for the days-long festival, as new friendships were struck, old ones renewed, lovers and the flirty found a quiet place or a room altogether. At the end of the festivities, morale was higher than ever, along with hangovers and awkward walks home, if they did not decide to just outright stay.

But more things happened than a single party and some births. After more than a year of silent panic, the Plague Engine was finally killed in a co-ordinated strike, before being torched thoroughly with flamethrowers.

Nothing remains that could harm the people, as was evident in cases of poisoning sharply dropping off after a single month, meaning that the longest sortie of the Pilgrims ended, not with fanfare, but with a whisper that they were no longer necessary. Preferable, for it said that more attention could be spared for other projects, such as finishing the administration's expansion, and the education of the Diplo-corps.

They were pretty much on schedule and resulted in what was advertised. You were now able to orchestrate more efforts in the building and expansion of the TreeTree, while your diplomats could navigate the labyrinthian politics of the Herbalists.
Rebooting... Rebooting... Reboot failed. Re-Initialize Reboot...
And then there was the meeting you dreaded the most. It was when the adventurers would return with news about what she was planning.


A priest, a bard, and a soldier walk into a room filled with clergy that hired them for spy-work. A joke somewhere else, a difficult situation for the Pilgrims. The three were known as "The Three Unremarkable." The single best undercover-agents that money could get you from the adventurer-guild located in Mirn. An oxymoron, being known as good spies, but they got results, and that was all that counted.

The first thing that stood out was that the priest, garbed in the clothes of The Church of Eden with the branching cross in green on his chest proudly displayed, grinned lecherously at Needles' legs, before being slapped upside by the bard. "Stop being heretical, and show some respect for our employers." The priest only chuckled at that. "Oh, but how can I be at the sight of su-" he said before receiving another slap, this time from the soldier. "Silence, you horny idiot."

Most of those present were slightly put off by the priest's behavior but chose to ignore it in favor of the topic at hand.

The soldier coughed into his hand before holding up a small bag. "As was discussed in our mission parameters, we have infiltrated the criminal structure headed by the one known as "Holy Rose." Upon reaching a position conducive to our purposes, we observed her actions and managed to obtain a wealth of information. In this bag, we have compiled her daily routine and most of her dealing with other organizations. However, there are only two instances where we can confirm that the target has shown any interest in you, sir," at his the man respectfully points to you.

"And this was the results." At this, he and his team began handing out two pieces of paper. One appeared to be some kind of lengthy text, and the other wa- "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" someone exclaimed, and you were inclined to agree.

"To put it mildly. Along with the picture that shows "Holy Rose" being tortured by you, sir, in excruciating detail, the text is not much different. Unless you are a fan of snuff, I would not recommend reading it, I have seen some shit, but that woman gives me the creeps."

"To put it mildly. I had to be there when she created this, and she got off on those. Repeatedly." the bard dryly remarks. "Yes, as he said. I apologize on my team's behalf on not being able to gather more information. If we had more time, we would have been able to penetrate her inner circle and see if these acts of perversion were nothing more than momentary distractions, or something much more sinister. In my opinion, sir, you should make some preparations to ensure your safety."

And with that worrying comment, they departed. They were leaving behind you and twelve Pilgrims, alternating between staring at the horrid painting, the repulsive poem, and each other.

"All in favor of burning these... things?" You asked, deliberately looking away from the picture. A chorus of "Aye's" came back. As an aide started collecting the offending sheets of paper in a bag, Hestan, the aerie-keeper, rushed into the room, holding a letter, looking nervous. "S-sir, sorry for the interruption, but you have to see this," he sputtered as he rushed towards you, holding the letter that displayed the seals of the Imperial Crown, House Mirn, and the Military.

It was with a slight tremble in your hands, that you broke the three seals, and took out the letter within. You read the contents, then did so again. And then you laid it down, onto the sandstone table, and looked up at everyone and spoke.

"The empire calls for us to do our duty. We are to send twenty scouts for the war effort, no later than six months."


Battle Of The Wounding Nightmare
Status: Concluded
Military Casualties: 782
Civilian Casualties: 1.673 (1.145 saved)
Damage Inflicted: Killed


Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Wanna Join my Club?
You need people to hear the Pilgrims' message, and you need more people if you want to make sure this does not die before you can get started.
(Chance: 99%
Reward: 1d20 Recruits)

[ ] The Pilgrims Need You!
Your missionaries can walk much further and stay out for much longer with the help of the inn. This directly translates to more people hearing the Pilgrims' message, though you may want to focus on one group of people in the future to maximize the effect this will have.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 75%
Reward: 4d20 Recruits)

[ ] Of Books And Pilgrims
Printing the Codex in any quantity beyond two per month will allow the mindset and ideology of the Pilgrims to spread further and broader than feet ever could. It would also give the Pilgrims a chance to survive even if everybody at the Tree would die.
(Chance: 50%
Reward: Codex Printing, +0.6 Upkeep, +5 permanent passive recruitment for the Codex.)

[ ] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Mirn)
Now that you have a soup kitchen up and running, it is time to expand them to cover the city. About three more should give you a solid base for future expansions and provide your other ventures with places to attach to.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 80%
Cost: 11 Materials Upkeep: + 2.5 Materials to soup-kitchens
Reward: 3d6 Recruits, +0.04 Goodwill per turn, 1d3-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Establish Another Soup-Kitchen (1/3)(Mirn)
Another soup-kitchen allows you to feed more people, which in turn makes them like you more. A win-win!
(Chance: 80%
Cost: 4 Materials Upkeep: + 1 Material to soup-kitchens
Reward: 1d6 Recruits, +0.01 Goodwill per turn, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Establish A Poor-House
The Poor-houses in the empire are not great places to live in. They are overflowing with the desperate and needy and cramped beyond all reason. Those who live in them are also forced to work for a pittance of what they would have earned if they had done the same work in the streets. While the Pilgrims cannot provide for everyone, it is within your capacity to provide adequate and humane shelter for around 100 People in the city.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70%
Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 2.5 Materials
Reward: 1d2+1 permanent recruitment, +0.1 Goodwill per turn, 1d4-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Build a House Of Pleasure, Brothel, ??? (Choose A Name)
Now that you have officialized the law regarding prostitution, some have suggested building a place where people can do so safely. They would be supplied with silphium and other medicine at cost, and there would be guards to ensure that no-one gets any wrong ideas. Someone also suggested that those who want to enter should pay an entry fee for the free amenities provided. It would also ensure that the patrons are of the civilized sort.
-[ ] Stand-Alone
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: 1d4-1 Materials per turn)
-[ ] Attached To The Inn
(Chance: 75%
Cost: 1 Material
Reward: +1 Material per turn)

[ ] Establish Another Small Hospice - (1/2)(Mirn)
While a Hospice does cater to the dying, their primary purpose is healing the sick that cannot afford to see a doctor. Unfortunately, you cannot provide more than the most basic of medical procedures until you make some deals and agreements with those that have studied medicine.
(Chance: 30%
Cost: 3 Materials Upkeep: 1.5 Material
Reward: +0.1 Goodwill per turn, 1d5-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Hey, Why Don't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A word in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] We Are One People! - (Choose Elite Or Locals)
To harm someone because they look different is idiotic and utterly wrong. You cannot push another down and still call yourself righteous, no matter how they look. Even the lowest deserve our respect as fellow human beings. Start a propaganda-campaign to change the view of the Mutated, bringing the people together and start on the road to reconciliation.
(Cost: 20 Materials
Chance: 50% (rolled each turn)
Successes Needed: 4
Reward: +1 Relationship for the Mutated with the chosen faction, +15% Piety, 3d20 Recruits, +1d12 Goodwill)

[ ] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Choose Faction)
Your training for the diplomats is as comprehensive as possible to create for the foreseeable future. Now you either need institutional knowledge or an in-depth look into one faction to help you out more.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 50% for Locals, 35% for Elite, cannot choose The Union of Herbalists
Reward: +15 to all rolls involving said faction.)

[ ] High-End Introduction - (Choose Elite Faction)
You should probably introduce yourself to the local Nobility, Church, and Military to assure them that you are no threat and will comply with any official and legal requests to ensure that there is no miscommunication with the Pilgrims. It would also ensure that you could ask for help from them in the future.
(Chance: 50% for Nobility and Churches (choose The Emperor, Marquis of Tessen, House Ulatarn, Church of Eden, The Followers of Light), rolled with a +10
Reward: Official point of contact with a faction and unlocks future actions)

[ ] Train The Infiltrator-Corp - (Expanded)
What is done is done, now you can only ensure that they do the best job that they can do.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 65%
Reward: Can infiltrate factions for fewer Materials. Raised Chances to secret actions)

[ ] Infiltrate - (Target)
With spies now available to the Pilgrims, it may be the time to make sure that they are in place to ply their trade.
(Cost: 4 Materials
Turns: 3
Chance: 55%
Reward: Target is Infiltrated, displays more information, raises chances for Exfiltrate and Illuminate)

[ ] Exfiltrate - (Target)
What is yours is mine; what is mine is none of your concern.
(Chance: 60%
Reward: Depending on the faction)

[ ] Illuminate - (Target)
Holder of justice, beacon in the dark, I have sinned. Liberate me of my darkness, unburden me of this pain. May my deed feed that which may eternally grow.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Chance: 30%
Reward: Target has their operations/structures halted/crippled/terminated.)

[ ] To Bid Welcome
The Herbalists are similar to the Pilgrims to an eerily degree. They believe that helping should be a priority for those that can render aid and only take as much as you need from those that offer rewards to keep helping others. Maybe you should sound their members out for more, personal, integrations?
(Chance: 45%
Reward: The Herbalists become interested in co-operating closer with the Pilgrims.)

[ ] A Grand Step
Being officially recognized as an official religion has done wonders for the number of doors open to the Pilgrims. Two of those doors are the right to open a school and orphanage. You should make sure that you have enough income to run them, however since those institutions eat money like it is going out of style.
(Chance: 45%
Reward: Can construct a school and orphanage.)

[ ] Get The Permit
The weapon-laws in Slatnan are non-existent at worst and a ban on siege-engines at best. As such, owning Knights isn't illegal, though having explicit permission to own one is seen as a good form. With several mercenary companies utilizing Knights, it would not be unprecedented.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Can use and own the Pilgrims Knight without reprisal.)

[ ] Shouldn't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Martial: To live, you need power. To have power, you need knowledge. Luckily, you have the latter in spares. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Seek and Train Volunteers - (Choose Equipment)
Well, you got the call to arms. It would be really, really, really bad idea to not comply. At least you should be able to get some volunteers ready and trained. Maybe you will even be able to outfit them in proper gear.
(Chance: 65%
Cost: 20 Pilgrims, Variable Materials
Basic Melee = +0.5 Materials
Basic Ranged = +0.6 Materials
Basic Cloth/Leather Armor = +3.3 Materials
Basic Shield = +1.16 Materials
Camo-Cloaks = +6.6 Materials (DC of 40 to be spotted)
Armored Camo-Cloaks = +16.6 Materials (DC of 65 to be spotted)
Reward: You wont get tried (and killed) for treason.)

[ ] Scout Out.
While you know that enemies exist in one location, you do not know what forces they represent and how many. Remedy that.
(Takes 1 Unit - (Specify which)
Chance: 70%, starts Combat if failed by more than 20%
Reward: Numbers and composition of Enemies are revealed at the chosen location.)

[ ] Build An Armory - (Basic)
No one likes it when someone starts to stockpile weapons. For cults? Triply so.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 3 Materials, 4 Goodwill
Reward: Can supply and equip 3 Units. Unlocks further actions)

[ ] Build A Training Field - (Basic)
Now that you have been officialized, there will be a time when the empire will call upon you to take up arms. Ensure that those that volunteer for their duty have at least a minimum of training
(Turns: 2
Cost: 5 Materials, 4 Goodwill
Reward: Can recruit Units at (2/6 Militia) instead of (1/6 Untrained), unlocks further actions)

[ ] Construct A Hangar
The repair and maintenance of Knights is an affair that requires both space and expertise. Since you can dig the former, you only need to supply the latter.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 9 Materials, 1 Goodwill
Reward: Can start repairs of the Pilgrims Knight, increased chance for Knight research, reduced numbers of successes needed.)

[ ] Watch Thy Neighbor, Carefully
It has happened. Someone has taken offense at the presence of the Pilgrims and has decided to burn your home down. Make sure they won't have the chance to claim lives next time they try.
(Cost: 9 Materials, 1 Goodwill
Watchtower: When the Tree Of Knowledge is attacked, your units receive enough warning to equip themselves and create counter-ambushes
Security Station: Creates a DC for successful infiltration against the Pilgrims)

[ ] Pump Those Legs! - (Choose A Unit-Name)(Choose Equipment)
You have things people want. Some of those are not the kind to kindly ask for a price, but rather to simply take. Well, the Pilgrims may be idealists, but they are long-used to the horrors of the Wastes. Formalize the in a military unit.
(Cost: X(Equipment) Materials, 3 Goodwill, +2.50 Materials Unit-Upkeep
Reward: 1 New Unit (Size 6/6) at Untrained (1/6)

[ ] Sir! The Situation Is As Follows: (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (Choose 1 Action)(Artifacts can be attached to one learning action to provide the inherent bonus, but are consumed unless special buildings are present)

[ ] Tailor Your Messages - (Psychology/Culture)
Now that you understand the local culture, you can tailor your messages to increase your effectiveness in both diplomacy and recruiting.
(Chance: 70% Successes needed: 2
Reward: Increased chances for recruitment actions and diplomacy)

[ ] That Stone Is Talking - (Fabrics/Chemical)
Creating a cloak that makes people miss you on a casual glance takes skill and hard work. Making one that could stand up to multi-second scrutiny, however...
(Chance: 30% Successes needed: 4
Reward: Reduced chance to be detected + increased chance to complete all scouting actions, unlocks further actions, replaces Camo-Cloaks(Standardized))

[ ] Tell Me Your Secrets - (Mineralogy/ Advanced Alloys)
Jewel is a curious metal. Or substance. Or chemical. Or a myriad of other things, since none really know what it is, only that it is used in Knights, and those that do know, won't tell anyone. Well, you have a deposit of the stuff, why not see for yourself?
(Chance: 35% Successes needed: 2
Reward: Potential uses of Jewel, increased chance for Catalog Everything)

[ ] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics)
While you have a functioning motherboard, you have no idea what it is supposed to do, or how it even functions. Start unraveling the mystery of circuitry.
(Cost: Rusted Motherboard
Chance: 35% Successes needed: 4
Reward: Unlocks Base Action, Unlocks Learning Action, +5% Piety, Progress towards Pilgrim-made Electronics.)

[ ] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics)
A Knight is in your camp. A cored, burned out and heavily damaged Knight, but a Knight nonetheless. Finding out which systems are salvageable and which should be removed is tantamount. As is understanding just what does what.
(Chance: 1% Successes needed: 17
Reward: You can start repairing the found Knight, may finish other Learning Actions due to osmosis, and unlocks further actions.
Warning: Due to an absence of both a Lab and a Hangar, it is recommended to wait on starting this project.)

[ ] Firebombs - (Weapons/Chemicals)
Someone has burned down the living quarters with flasks filled with burning chemicals. While some may find it distasteful to use them, having a way to lob liquid flame is a potent argument. Luckily, you already have (broken) examples.
-[] Smoky Sneaking
Adding the ability to disorient your pursuers after ambushing them, or to get away, is well worth the extra work to develop something new.
(Add +1 Material, reduce the chance to 50%)
(Cost: 1 Material (2 with Smoky Sneaking)
Chance: 80% (50% with Smoky Sneaking) Successes needed: 1
Reward: Firebombs as a weapon and for sabotage (+Smokebombs with Smoky Sneaking)

[ ] A Bloody Mess
While simple melee weapons are enough for peace times and the occasional mutant, war requires better weapons. Use the Serrated Ax the Pilgrims found in the Forest of Rust to develop better axes for your troops. Specifically against biological targets.
(Cost: Artifact "Serrated Ax"
Chance: 75% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Weapon: "Bloodletter", Special Rule: Bleeding: +2 damage against biological targets, -2 damage against mechanical targets, -1 damage against armor.)

[ ] Get To The Point
The best-ranged weapons the Pilgrims can give to their volunteers are currently bows and slings. That's enough for self-defense but not enough for a war. Use the examples of crossbows you have or bought, to develop your own.
(Cost: Artifact Type: Weapon + Crossbow, or bought Crossbow.
Chance: 70% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Weapon: "Pointer" +1 damage against armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls)

[ ] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
Finding these texts was a stroke of luck, but it was bad luck that had it written in a language none of the Pilgrims can understand. Time to hit the local libraries and hit up local linguists to translate it.
(Cost: Untranslated Texts, Books, other.
Chance: 40% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Translated Artifact)

[ ] Eureka! (Write-In)
(Write in something you want to research, as well as how you came upon that idea. Better success-chances to the action if you mark a relevant artifact for this research.)

Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future, may we learn from their mistakes. (1 Action Locked)

[X] Prepare an Expedition (Choose A Location)(Specify Turns)
Sometimes you need to dig into one location for months on end to exploit it fully.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every turn you spend on this action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one action.)
-House Mirn support: Y/N
(25% of the recovered artifacts are given over, no need for security or clearing places on your own)
-WO-02: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane++, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-03: Est. artifact-grade: General Rare-, Dice:4d2-5 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-04: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-WO-06: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-SO-01: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:2d2-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. Mutants nearby.
-SO-02: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane+, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
-SO-03: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:3d2-2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-SO-04: Est. artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.

-[X] Prepare an Expedition (WO-04)(Turns 3)(House Mirn support: N) - 1/3 turns complete

[ ] Send Out The Scavengers (Choose A Location)
Sometimes it is not worth it to send an expedition to a location, either due to its low yield or quality of the artifacts found there.
(Chance: 95%
Reward: 1 turn in the specified location.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Send Out The Scavengers To The Wounding Nightmare
Now that the Plague-Engine is dead, some have raised the possibility of checking if any military-equipment was left behind. There had to be something worth your time, right?
(Chance: 80%
Reward: 1d3 Military Artefacts, Grade Unkown (1d100), Possible Knight salvage
Warning! If the action fails, 15% Chance that 1d6+2 Pilgrims will die due to lingering miasma.)

[ ] Scout The Eastern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 90%
Reward: Sites in the Eastern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 3% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Wall
A giant, crumbling wall surrounds the First Ring. Ancient rusting behemoths lay atop it, and military bases extended along with it. There is also an old bunker that no one has been able to open. You should see how many places have been untouched by scavengers and which ones you have to fight over. The spoils will be worth it.
(Chance: 80%
Reward: Sites in The Wall are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Gallery
Why the inhabitants gave taken to displaying the corpses of their enemies in something that resembles an art-exhibit is not something that you want to now. Whether or not you can access the different libraries and other book-stores is.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in The Gallery are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Tower Of Pain
Intact electronics, architecture that makes the air scream, the certainty of a significant find. What is there not to like?
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in The Tower Of Pain are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 10% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Smokestack
Old rusting machines lie here, standing vigil over wonders of old. Engines are heard working throughout the area, while the smokestack continues to belch black smoke into the air. What surprises await you once past the guardians, what greatness lies locked away?
(Chance: 65%
Reward: Sites in The Smokestack are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 10% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Pit
You are not sure what to find here, only that you are probably the first to look for artifacts. But your scouts have reported feeling like they are being watched...
(Chance: 99%
Reward: Sites in The Pit are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 25% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

Tree of Knowledge: The home of the Pilgrims, a bastion of all that they stand for, and a symbol of hope for the desperate. (Choose 2 Actions)

[ ] Living Quarters - Grand
While you have enough space for a small village in the Tree, you should expand what space is available. If anything, you will run out of rooms sooner rather than later.
(Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 1.5 Materials
Turns: 4
Reward: Up to 900 Pilgrims can live in your base before mali start to apply)

[ ] Storerooms - Grand
Preparing for bad times is not only smart but necessary. Ensure that there are enough supplies and secure storerooms to last the Pilgrims for at least twelve months.
(Cost: 8.0 Materials Upkeep: 0.6 Materials Restock cost: 7 Materials
Turns: 3
Reward: Can support up to 900 Pilgrims for twelve months under siege conditions, before you need to gather new supplies)

[ ] Administration Center - Grand
Running the Pilgrims will, over time, become only more complicated and require more and more things to be handled at the same time, which means that you will have to create a bureaucracy to deal with this.
(Cost: 10 Materials Upkeep: 3 Material
Turns: 2
Reward: +1 Action to the specified section)

[ ] Laboratories - Basic
Researching is not done by sitting in a tent, doodling on parchment, or throwing ideas at a wall to see what sticks. It is done in specialized environments, with purpose build equipment, and stocked up on anything that could be needed for experiments and developing prototypes.
(Cost: 20 Materials, +3.5 Materials Upkeep
Turns: 3
Reward: Improved success-chances, DC for 1,2,3 Progress unlocked, fewer successes needed for Catalog Everything, unlocks Learning Action, unlocks Base Action)

[ ] Daycare
Well. There are a lot of babies around. And it does not look like they will go away soon (you hope), so maybe make sure that there is a place where they can grow up safely? The parents will thank you for that. As will all the babies that come after.
(Cost: 5 Materials, 1 Faithful, Upkeep: 0.5 Materials
Reward: -1 to Piety rolls, +2 permanent recruitment due to births.)

[ ] Beautification
Now that you have more clerks keeping the Tree in order and organized, you could start a longterm project. Like, say, chiseling a ludicrous amount of art and engravings into the stone so that people will like living here more? Maxcim does have all those ideas...
(Cost: 10 Materials, Upkeep: 1 Material
Turns: 3
Reward: -1 to Piety rolls, the Tree will be much more beautiful.)

[ ] Salt Refinement
The salt that is generated can be further refined to achieve higher quality. This would subsequently boost sales.
(Cost: 4 Materials
Turns: 2
Reward: +1 Materials through salt sales per turn)

[ ] A Farm For Starters - (Choose Farmland) - (Choose Crop)
You have soil, seeds, and the will to put the latter in the former. How hard could it be? (All choices are locked until you wish to change them. Extremely Fertile Farmland increases the rewards by 0.5 unless stated otherwise.)

- Ashleaf Trees - (Only in the Extremely Fertile Farmland)
Turns: 60
Reward: +5 to diplomatic bonus, the monopoly on Ashleaf Tee (1d4 Materials added every 3(three) turns of growth, caps at 20d4 per turn.)

- Bloodbark
Cost: 8 Materials, only for the first harvest
Turns: 2
Reward: -1 to all casualty rolls, -0.6 Upkeep to all medical institutions

- Sandwheat
Cost: 0.01 Materials for every harvest
Turns: 1
Reward: 1.5 Material in sales

- Helo-Fruit
Cost: 2 Materials for every harvest
Turns: 2
Reward: 2d4 Materials in sales

- Black Root
Cost: 3 Materials, only for the first harvest
Turns: 3
Reward: 3d4 Materials in sales

- Asil Nuts
Cost: 4 Materials for every harvest
Turns: 4
Reward: 6d4-6 Materials in sales

[ ] Digging Holes - (Choose Mine)
There's gold in them hills! Well, its actually iron, silver and jewel, but you know what I mean.
(Cost: 4 Materials, Upkeep: 1 Material)
- Iron (1d4) (Unlocks Blacksmiths Abode)
- Silver (3d4+2)(Unlocks Medical Wing, Medikits For Cheap)
- Jewel (3d4+8) (Increases Chance for Tell Me Your Secrets)

[ ] Let's Build A (Write-In)
(What do you want to build, and what should the building provide?)

Support: Many people try to take advantage of you. Fortunately, they are willing to give you something back. (Actions as advertised)

[ ] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] A Small Loan

(10 Materials loaned for four turns at 25% interest)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology)
-[ ] Selling Artifacts
(Write in artifacts that you want to sell)
-[ ] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Once Per Turn)
(Reduce Upkeep of one(1) structure by 0.1 Materials, can only be taken once a turn.)

[ ] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Guardians For Hire - (Choose Location)

(Cost: +1.5 Materials to Upkeep
Reward: 1 Facility has security against violent actions)
-[ ] Take 'Em Out - (Choose Target)
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks)
-[ ] Investigate
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans for the next two turns are revealed.)

[ ] The Military - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Fell Off The Wagons - (Request 1 Piece Of Equipment)

(Cost: variable
Reward: 1 Piece Of Equipment - Military Grade.)
-[ ] War Lessons
(Cost: 2 Material
Reward: +5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat.)

[ ] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Institutional Knowledge

(Cost: 6 Materials
Reward: +30 to Biological/Medicinal Learning Rolls)
-[ ] Study Sessions
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 4 Material per turn, for 8 turns
Reward: 1 trained General Doctor)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology)
-[ ] A Helping Hand - (Choose Faction)
Cost: 1 Biological/Medicinal Artifact
Reward: Increase the control of the chosen faction by 1d6+4%, doubled for rare artifacts, worsened relations to other sub-factions, decreased cost for Union of Herbalists actions, unlocks more actions at certain control thresholds.)

[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] In The Name Of Profit - (Choose Learning Action)

(Cost: 15 Materials
Reward: +1 Progress for chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] Because of SCIENCE! - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: +15 to chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] Suffer Their Arrogance
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 6 Material per turn, for 4 turns
Reward: 1 trained General Scientist)

[ ] Criminal Organisations - (1 Free Action)
-[ ] Auction- (Choose Artifact)

(Chance: 100%
Roll 1d2, on 1, add 1d50 to the price, on a 2, subtract 1d50)
-[ ] Sabotage - (Choose Target)
(Chance: 100%
Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks)
-[ ] And Oh, My! - (Choose Faction)
(Chance: 100%
Cost: 10 Materials
Reward: Blackmail of chosen faction obtained)

Personal: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide what to focus on. (Choose 2 Actions, 1(one) 1(one) turn Action)

[ ] Condemn An Organization/Person As Heretical/Forbidden - (Choose Target) - (Write-In Reason)
You knew something like this would happen. Somehow, somewhere an organization or person would manage to draw your full ire. Not in the sense that you disagree with something they did, but what they represent and how they act in life. Well, you are now an official religion, and as such, are allowed to condemn them. Do so.
(Cost: All support options for the chosen organization will be void; the Leader will most likely hate you.
Reward: Opposing factions will love this act. A good enough reason can give you additional benefits.)

[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
There is simply too much to do and not enough hands to do it. Start helping out.
(Can be taken multiple times.
Reward: +1 Action is done)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)

[ ] Personal Introduction (Write in Organization)
Some factions and organizations could have things that would benefit the Pilgrims; Money, Machines, Connections, Public support, and many more. Unfortunately, that means introducing yourself, which may or may not paint a giant target on your back.
(Chance: 55% (choose The Emperor, Marquis of Tessen, House Ulatarn, Church of Eden, The Followers of Light), rolled with a +15
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)

[ ] Cool Tempers - (Material Cost)
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%, +10% for 5 Materials, +20% for 12 Materials
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 rolling above 60)

[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: +1 Faithful, as long as there are followers left)

[ ] Charity Drive (X Goodwill)
It is an unfortunate truth that money does not grow from trees. This means that you need to get people to donate to ensure that the Pilgrims can continue their expansion.
(Chance: 0-30/50/70/95
Reward: Exchanges 1 Goodwill 0.5/1/1.5/2 Materials)

[ ] Write In

If you spot any mistakes or have questions, tell me so that I can provide a better experience for all.

Note: If the opinion on Mutated falls to -3, a PURGE is initiated.

Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.

A moratorium will be until 04.07.20 at 17:00 CET
Voting will be closed on the 06.07.20 at 17:00 CET
I will roll on the 07.07.20 at 17:00 CET if no has yet rolled.
Updates will be online three days after rolls.
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Ok, so first of again the stuff in the spoiler.
Members: 265
-Faithful: 5/9
-Followers: 257(32 unoccupied)

Materials: 16.83(min. +4.14, max. +12.14 per turn, 12.50 Materials owed to: The Merchant Guild in 2(two) turns)
I think we got enough new Followers to roll for more Faithful again. We also have 16 Materials to work with, this turn. And:
Piety: 95.5% (+45 to personal rolls)(+1 1(one) turn Action for: Personal)
An extra Personal Action.

Next, diplomacy:
House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Very Interested
We got the attention of another noble house. We might want to introduce ourselves to them this turn.

Miscellaneous Nobles
-Lady Maranica (???(???)/???)
And we got Selene's boss added to the relation tab.

General Opinion on Mutated: Uppity Rabbel (-1)
Well, it doesn't sound like the nobles feel threatened. I guess they are more miffed because many Mutated served the Emberguard.

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Con you
-Unionists (-1/58% Control/Mali to Costs for Actions)
-Base (0/32% Control)
-Healers (1/10% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
I'm somewhat surprised the over all plan is still to con us. Anyway, the Healers got another percent and the Unionists lost one percent.

Criminal Organisations:
Leader: Holy Rose
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: A Painting and Poem in your honor, but nothing hostile
That's... not the reaction I expected.

Not much to say about the Artefacts, except
Lizard Cuirass - 2.66 - +5 to Armor
that I'm not sure what this is. Is it shaped like a lizard? A cuirass made for a lizard? Made out of a lizard? :confused:

6/6 Size
1/1 Armor
Training: Militia (2/6) -5 to all rolls
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in combat
Spears: 1 Damage per size (6 total)
Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. +1 Armor
Special Rule: Cannot take a scout action if this Unit is used for military purposes.
Upkeep: Free (Scavenger Past Unit)
We might want to do something about the training of our scouts. They are still Militia level, while Martyris counts as Trained.

Mutated Girlfriend - Selene - Fresh, Happy, Sappy - (1/4)
You never believed someone could fall for someone else as hard as you have for Selene. It is a bit awkward finding a day when you can both meet, but the dates are worth all the hassle. Even if your friends think you are insufferably sappy.
(Evolves next turn.)
And the new Trait, Martyris got from his date. Four stages, huh?

We were in love, it was ours, and no one could take it from us. No one could take that away from me.
That was so sweet, I think my teeth just rotted away.

Everyone looked at the paper, with three stylized letters on-top of it.

M.A.G. Mirn Adventurer Guild.
Huh, so every city has it's own Adventurer Guild, instead of there being one big Adventurer Guild.

However, once word got out that there would be a party, almost everyone started talking about it. At least the villages close to the Tree did, the city itself was more occupied with some sort of unrest.
I guess Lord Malarn decided to do something about the Emberguard.

Thirty-five children in three months were much, considering that there were only about 200 Pilgrims, what surprised more was how many of them were Mutated. You honestly feared that there would be problems due to that, thankfully, the Pilgrims proved you wrong. Many were glad that their children were healthy, while the rest thought that the entire thing was comical. What were the odds of 29 children out of 35 being Mutated?
Could be something about the Forest of Rust that caused that. Or maybe the Plague-Engine?

But more things happened than a single party and some births. After more than a year of silent panic, the Plague Engine was finally killed in a co-ordinated strike, before being torched thoroughly with flamethrowers.
Yay, we get our Actions back. We also don't need to pay the Herbalists for more supplies. Although, no more extra Piety every turn.

They were pretty much on schedule and resulted in what was advertised. You were now able to orchestrate more efforts in the building and expansion of the TreeTree, while your diplomats could navigate the labyrinthian politics of the Herbalists.
Rebooting... Rebooting... Reboot failed. Re-Initialize Reboot...
And then there was the meeting you dreaded the most. It was when the adventurers would return with news about what she was planning.
And the Engine isn't dead. Wonderful.:(

"To put it mildly. I had to be there when she created this, and she got off on those. Repeatedly." the bard dryly remarks.
Huh, so she is a masochist.

It was with a slight tremble in your hands, that you broke the three seals, and took out the letter within. You read the contents, then did so again. And then you laid it down, onto the sandstone table, and looked up at everyone and spoke.

"The empire calls for us to do our duty. We are to send twenty scouts for the war effort, no later than six months."
And the military draft we already expected. Looks like we have two turns to prepare our people.
We're going to need some of the military buildings and much more Materials. The cost of the Armored Camo-Cloaks alone...

@HeroCooky A few questions.
1. If we take Seek and Train Volunteers can they finish training in one turn?
2. Would our volunteers get the bonus from Build A Training Field if we finish it on the same turn we do Seek and Train Volunteers?
3. Would our volunteers get an advantage if we research Firebombs?
3. Could we use Eureka! (Write-In) to research better weapons? Crossbows, specialized swords, smoke bombs?
4. Would getting equipment for our volunteers be cheaper if we mine iron and had the Blacksmiths Abode?
5. Would our volunteers get a bonus from War Lessons?
6. Could we use Buying Stuff from the Herbalists to get our volunteers some medical supplies?
7. Could we give the volunteers extra equipment if we finish the action this turn?
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Here is what I have for a plan so far, I'm open to suggestions

[] Building up Connections
-[] Of Books And Pilgrims
-[] Get The Permit
-[] Seek and Train Volunteers - (Choose Equipment)
Basic Melee = +0.5 Materials
Basic Ranged = +0.6 Materials
Basic Shield = +1.16 Materials
Armored Camo-Cloaks = +16.6 Materials (DC of 65 to be spotted)
-[] Firebombs - (Weapons/Chemicals)
-[] Send Out The Scavengers To The Wounding Nightmare
-[] A Farm For Starters - (Ashleaf Trees - Extremely Fertile Farmland)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Selling Artifacts(Parfume, Glaive, Destroyed Crossbow, Rusted "RIOT" Shield, Serrated Ax, Reinforced Shield, Burnt Breastplate-Schematic, Lizard Cuirass)
-[] Too Much To Do - (Diplomacy)
--[] To Bid Welcome
-[] Too Much To Do - (Diplomacy)
--[] A Grand Step
-[] Too Much To Do - (Tree of Knowledge)
--[] Daycare

Wonderfull Marty has a Yandere and it looks like she's holding an axe with Selen's name on it
Or she might try for a threesome.
We really should do that campaign for the mutated on the Nobles and see House Ulatarn, and I have not idea what too even do for the Holy Rose beyond gathering more info to see if we can condemn them as heretical. Cause with what we have currently it's more embarrassing than anything.