@HeroCooky a suggested holding action, a hospital. I know we probably built some clinics with the service buildings, but with the amount of people moving in we might need a proper hospital.
Will add that right away!

Edit: Done and added. You can now expand medical availability via Norqod!
You know, it would be cool if we could turn it into a teaching hospital. It would be cool to start something like a college in general. We are connected to what is going to be the core of the first safe intercity transit network. It would be cool to set up a full on school, perhaps even going so far as to scout for talent outside the Pilgrim faith to teach in it.

We could internally finance education for the less fortunate with scholarships and loans to be paid off after they have marketable skills. We could involve students in research as aids and assistants.

The core of the idea would be to basically significantly build up our ability to teach new scientists, doctors, and engineers and then throw open our doors to all comers, Pilgrim or not. Bring them in along the airship network and send them back out again along the same network. Raising the baseline level of competency of the empire can only help us in the longrun.
You know, it would be cool if we could turn it into a teaching hospital. It would be cool to start something like a college in general. We are connected to what is going to be the core of the first safe intercity transit network. It would be cool to set up a full on school, perhaps even going so far as to scout for talent outside the Pilgrim faith to teach in it.
That is after stage 2 of the hospital. When you have built that, you can add a lot of modules and add-ons to the building.
We could internally finance education for the less fortunate with scholarships and loans to be paid off after they have marketable skills. We could involve students in research as aids and assistants.
That is... not going to work without taking a -4 to piety rolls per turn. Its either fully free for everyone like your school in Mirn, or, well, piety malus.
The core of the idea would be to basically significantly build up our ability to teach new scientists, doctors, and engineers and then throw open our doors to all comers, Pilgrim or not. Bring them in along the airship network and send them back out again along the same network. Raising the baseline level of competency of the empire can only help us in the longrun.
As said, you will be able to do just that, but after having the specific add-on and around ~6 specialists. Still have to figure out the best number, but it is a thing you can do!
Contact: Sub-General Aiden Gracia
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: They are incredibly concerned about the earthquake. They are helping in the clean-up.
Information Network: Rank 2.
It seems like killing the Mother will have to wait until this catastrophe is dealt with. At least it didn't wake her up, right?

Low-Grade Conductor - 1.60 - +5 to Electronics
Lever-operated Pump - 2.19 - +5 to Mechanics
Not many new Artefacts. We might be able to research the Low-Grade Conductor to reduce the upkeep of our electronic workshop but not much more.

"One," Wiljem calmy began to count. "Because the idea for training was sound, and you didn't propose it to get close to Aria, you rationalized that afterward. Also, someday we will have to contest with Knight-sized Mutants and Machines. Better to figure out how to do that with someone not inclined to squish us. Two, you are too professional to try and flirt in training. Three, I have seen your attempt at flirting. I remain unimpressed." He finished, stuffing another leaf into his mouth and ignoring the light slap against his shoulder.
Ohh, someone is romantically interested in Aria? If they aren't somewhere outside of the Tree, I give it good odds that PD knows about it.

"Sorry!" Someone shouted near them, making both flinch. A scholar working on the disassembly and diagnostic of the First Son waved at them from the end of the walkway, his bright red clothes making him stand out. "Sorry," he repeated, pushing his googles upwards. "But have you seen or heard anything out of place lately? Specifically, coming out of any vents?" Both Wiljem and Chiedi shook their heads, causing the man to swear. "Well, thanks anyway." He turned on the spot, walking off again, muttering under his breath.
Ah, so on the ship, maybe even in transit. I'm curious what the vent-thing was. A pet? Did he built a drone as a hobby and lost it?

Aria no longer needed to move a muscle to pull the required lever or pedal; a thought was all she needed to move PD. Thought was how both communicated when in the cockpit; speech was not necessary to do so, nor was moving any levers or handles.
Must be creepy for the maintenance crew.

Yes. The Council wants to know if I'd be ready and willing to help research efforts like the old lady and Angels Demise.
Ah, this is the first time we hear that title IC. At least I think none of the scouts during the first meeting with the DOD spoke machine.

"I am sorry to hear that," Aria said, genuinely feeling saddened by his admission. She didn't know what it would feel like to have to limit one's brain due to injuries, nor did she ever wanted to.
I... don't think there is a biological equivalent. The closest would be to consciously and constantly not to think about certain things or maybe being drugged.

-Summarized report on the security of the Mirn Consensual on gang activity.
Good to know. Probably not relevant given the earthquake, but we could station a unit there. Any Adventurers will be busy with other stuff.

The rescued miners were ushered into the nearest hospital, but none would require more medication than a saline solution and anti-dehydration treatments.
It was lucky we got them out before the earthquake came.

Kahal laid his head into his hands, taking a deliberately deep breath, before looking at his student once more. "Nobody. The answer was nobody. People don't care if it takes them a minute longer to switch streets if they have something nice to look at."
Ah, the differences between different architectural schools of thought. Like all things artistical they are subjective, and like all subjective things they have and will cause many fistfights.

"Oh, that reminds me! We studied the preservatives and managed to refine a few methods and collect a few chemicals to increase the edibility of food, but this is my favorite surprise," Turi said, taking out a bottle with 'MILK' written on a label. "Does anyone want to know what edible month-old milk tastes like?"
Month-old as in "sealed and refrigerated" or month-old as in "plainly sealed"? Because keeping something fresh for a month without refrigeration would be huge.

An Earthquake of 7.3 Magnitude has struck Tessen!
Ah, crap.

Ok, we should coordinate with the Herbalists, the Military, and the Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics. Then we can lend the DOD to the Bureau for transporting huge amounts of relief goods. The Herbalists could probably also use every bit of Bloodbark they can get. We also should open the Medical Wing of the Tree for anyone that needs help, we would need the Cutters for transport though. Maybe open the school as a shelter too, depending on how the building is doing.

Then, of course, "Ready Immediate Aid For (Mirn/Ularn/Jokvi/Tessen/Strul/Zulmni)", probably with a loan and maybe "Healing For All!" on top.

And now for some planning stuff, @HeroCooky
[ ] Propulsion In The Air
Moving around on the ground is easy; driving around in the air, less so. Relying on sails is good, but what if there is no wind? How do you move around then?
(Cost: 17.31 Materials
Chance: -01/-56/-101 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 6
Reward: Airship Modules: Tiny and Small Vuur-Engine Room, Tiny Fuel Storage, Prototype Airscrew.)
This Learning Action misses what type of Artefacts could be used. Probably Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy?

[ ] Expand The Living Spaces - Subsidized
Now that you have a moment to breathe, figuring out how to solve the issue of overcrowding permanently, without direct and special attention every season, is advised. One possible avenue is by covering a (large) part of the cost. Although, with how little Mutated and their families usually have, this could turn the village into one giant ghetto.
(Turns: 1
Upkeep: 10 Materials
Reward: Housing problem delayed! +0.50 Materials in Taxes per Turn.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
I don't think the Contractors option makes sense here, at least if they can't time-travel.:p
I... don't think there is a biological equivalent. The closest would be to consciously and constantly not to think about certain things or maybe being drugged.
I imagine it would be like learning to do stressful things while managing your bloodpressure. You constantly hold yourself back and above the stress so you don't let your bloodpressure skyrocket. You can function just fine on the low end, but can't throw yourself fully into something stressful without risk.
@Some_guy_161 knows.
Among Us referrence.
The first. Turi isn't that far gone or smart.
Oh, you can totally keep milk good for months at a time without having to refrigerate it. Pasteurization is able to remove all the bacteria from milk if you do it long enough. The thing is you need to then place the milk in a sufficiently sealed opaque container and a standard milk jug isn't going to cut it. A tin can will though. Canned milk is generally good for 18-24 months, and that's just the label limit. It's generally safe to consume after that, it's just that nobody plays with botulism so we throw it out even if there is just a 1% chance it kills you.

The milk you buy in the store generally isn't actually that well pasteurized. They don't hold the temperature with perfect consistency nor long enough to kill everything, just most things. You can buy "ultra-pasteurized" milk that last significantly longer both in and out of your fridge.
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Oh, you can totally keep milk good for months at a time without having to refrigerate it. Pasteurization is able to remove all the bacteria from milk if you do it long enough. The thing is you need to then place the milk in a sufficiently sealed opaque container and a standard milk jug isn't going to cut it. A tin can will though. Canned milk is generally good for 18-24 months, and that's just the label limit. It's generally safe to consume after that, it's just that nobody plays with botulism so we throw it out even if there is just a 1% chance it kills you.

The milk you buy in the store generally isn't actually that well pasteurized. They don't hold the temperature with perfect consistency nor long enough to kill everything, just most things. You can buy "ultra-pasteurized" milk that last significantly longer both in and out of your fridge.
Yeah, that is what the second food preservation option you unlocked will do.

But for the moment, she has literally stumbled upon the process and doesn't have enough confidence to take too many risks.
Yeah, that is what the second food preservation option you unlocked will do.

But for the moment, she has literally stumbled upon the process and doesn't have enough confidence to take too many risks.
Though this also brings up the idea of refrigerated cargoholds on airships once we have powered flight. It wouldn't be too hard to divert some of the engine output to spinning a compressor as well as the airscrew. We could reliably deliver frozen food, allowing fresh meat to arrive at a fraction of the cost.
@HeroCooky I have a question about Suspendium. Does it get hot if a current runs through it or if pressurized?

We got the "Prototype Unique Component" Action this turn and I'm curious if we could use waste heat from the Suspendium bags/containers to run a Stirling engine, as propulsion.
@HeroCooky I have a question about Suspendium. Does it get hot if a current runs through it or if pressurized?

We got the "Prototype Unique Component" Action this turn and I'm curious if we could use waste heat from the Suspendium bags/containers to run a Stirling engine, as propulsion.
Considering we have to run electricity to the suspendium in the first place, this seems sorta redundant. You are adding weight to the airship when you could just use the battery to power instead of trying to use that same energy but twice removed.
Does it get hot if a current runs through it or if pressurized?
There is no change in temperature that you can measure when running a current through suspendium.

As for pressurized suspendium, well, who knows? You'd need to research it to figure that out. The DoD isn't a helpnin that regard as its systems are too advanced and black boxed for you to glimpse what is happening.
Considering we have to run electricity to the suspendium in the first place, this seems sorta redundant. You are adding weight to the airship when you could just use the battery to power instead of trying to use that same energy but twice removed.
The idea was that most of the electricity goes to the Suspendium anyway, so using the waste heat of the Suspendium to get propulsion means we can use more electricity on the Suspendium, allowing the ship to be longer in the air.

But that doesn't work anyway if the Suspendium translates all of the electricity into anti-gravity without any losses/waste heat.
[] Coordinate with the Herbalists, the Military, the Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics, and whoever else is relevant. Check all Pilgrim buildings for damage and if possible open them to everyone that needs shelter, from the Poor Houses to the school. Open the Medical Wing of the Tree (including doctors and any medicine like Bloodbark) to the public for the treatment of any wounded that need time to recover but aren't in danger of dying, to reduce the pressure on the hospitals in the cities. Offer the DOD and the Cutters to transport disaster relief into the region or to buy anything that's needed.

[] Plan Disaster Relief
-[][Faith] Build Upon A 'Consensual' - (Mirn) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (7 Materials)
-[][Faith - One Turn] ???
-[][Diplomacy] New Settlement, Who Dis? - (5/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
--[] Station the the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[][Learning] Learning To Take Census Pt.1 - (All Psychology) - (10/14 Successes)
--[] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], Scientific Theory +15, +4 FF
--[] "Flight Related Sicknesses And Cures" Manual +20 to Advanced Psychology
-[][Learning] Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (2/15 Successes)- (Uses: Somnia In Sempiternum +20 to Advanced Psychology)
--[] Scientific Theory +15, +6 FF
--[] -
-[][Learning] Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1 - (All Mechanics/All Electronics) - (Uses: Dilapidated Prosthetic) - (0/4 Successes)
--[] 1 [ENGI] +14, Scientific Theory +15, +3 FF
--[] Chainsword +5 to Common Mechanical, Low-Grade Conductor +5 to Electronics, Warped Cuircuits +20 to Advanced Electronics,
-[][Archeology] Scout The Eastern Outskirts - (0/1 Turns Complete)
--[] +1 FF
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (1/5 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (0/6 Turns Complete) - (-26.50 Materials)
-[][Holdings] Contractual Expansion - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (Upkeep: 13 Materials, Tax Income: 21 Materials) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
--[] Housing Quality: Good
-[][Aria action] Too Much To Do - (Ready Immediate Aid For (Mirn/Ularn/Jokvi/Tessen/Strul/Zulmni) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (24.25 Materials *6=145.5 Materials))
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (???)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Metallurgy) - (1/3 Successes)
--[] 1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Adjudicator +50, +3 FF,
--[] Samples Of Neuionum +50 to Pioneer Metallurgy

-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Take Out A Flat Loan - (100 Materials loaned for four turns at 5% interest)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Black Box)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[] Investigate - (-3 Materials)
---[] The "noises" some Mutated complain about. Mutated Adventurers preferred, in case it's something that's outside the human hearing spectrum.
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Learning To Take Census Pt.1) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
--[] -

Costs: 7 Materials+ 26.50 Materials+ ???+ 12.5 Materials+ 145.5 Materials+ 3 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 15 Materials= 224.5 Materials
Remaining budget: 150.82 Materials + 100 Materials - 224.5 Materials= 26.32 Materials

I'm not sure if this counts as a double post but here is a plan draft. The focus is on disaster relief with Aria doing "Ready Immediate Aid For" because that doesn't require a dice roll and because I can't imagine her relaxing right now.
"Learning To Take Census Pt.1" is guaranteed to finish with those Boni and I start "Illness Of The Mind" because there are going to be a mountain of traumatized people. "Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1" for similar reasons, with the Chainsword as a bonus because it amuses me. Might add Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants, if that would get us some basic nerve reading capabilities.
The Adventurers look into the noises because the Military is busy with other stuff and I don't want to get jumped by the next problem.

And now some questions. @HeroCooky

1. We still have 100% Piety, which Category gets a one-Turn Action this Turn?
2. Could we switch what's inside of the Black Box? Switching the Hololithic Cube for the Gutted Core would be nice, due to our biggest projects being Psychology based and the scarcity of relevant Artefacts.
3. How does the building quality of "Contractual Expansion" affect the numbers of built houses and their population?
4. Does have "Healing For All!" any effect, with most cities being in chaos this Turn?
5. Would disaster relief be something the Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics does or is it more a Followers of Light thing, with them gathering donations from all over the Empire.

If it's a Followers thing I would prioritize contacting them this Turn. Might do that anyway for coordination purposes.
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1. We still have 100% Piety, which Category gets a one-Turn Action this Turn?
Holding does, thanks for reminding me.
2. Could we switch what's inside of the Black Box? Switching the Hololithic Cube for the Gutted Core would be nice, due to our biggest projects being Psychology based and the scarcity of relevant Artefacts.
Yeah, just make an action with [Black Box] (XYZ) to (ABC) into the plan.
3. How does the building quality of "Contractual Expansion" affect the numbers of built houses and their population?
The better the quality, the less people will be able to afford it, and the less units are built. I wrote a small indicator underneath the actions to show which grade is common for which social class.
4. Does have "Healing For All!" any effect, with most cities being in chaos this Turn?
It does, as you are pumping more money and supplies into the efforts to save/help people.
5. Would disaster relief be something the Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics does or is it more a Followers of Light thing, with them gathering donations from all over the Empire.
The Bureau would handle the official state efforts, while the Followers of Light would throw in support like churches in RL would do.
-[][Holdings] Contractual Expansion - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (Upkeep: 13 Materials, Tax Income: 21 Materials) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
--[] Housing Quality: Good
Given we have a free holding action, we could switch this with Engine Assembly and blitz it with money. That would increase the prosperity in Norqod which would mean more people can afford better housing. (and the money will be nice)

Though I still believe we will have to bump the quality down to average.
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...I guess we could but, that would be ridiculously extreme. Compressing 7 Turns into 1 is...
Even if it takes 2-3 turns we should still do it. A large portion of those moving in are mutated and they cannot afford even decent housing. We don't have a housing problem yet, so we can afford to let it tick for a couple of turns.

After all, what's the point of building houses a good chunk of the populace can't afford?