The last time I had to do this kinda shit in person, I gave up after being told I had to redo shit a second time, called the guys personal phone and asked him to deal with his minions before I walked past them and got in trouble, worked like a charm :V
If you can make a proposal for that, sure!

Fuck that guy and everything around him
Your scavengers found what the Vanar-Feer tell you is an artefact to launch rockets and other high explosives. While you are aware of what rockets are, you thought them confined to knights or static emplacements, being able to craft a portable version would net you a powerfull weapon on the battlefield.

Is this alright? It could work for both a rocket launcher or a mortar, I'm not sure which is more viable, or cooler.

Fuck that guy and everything around him
Your scavengers found what the Vanar-Feer tell you is an artefact to launch rockets and other high explosives. While you are aware of what rockets are, you thought them confined to knights or static emplacements, being able to craft a portable version would net you a powerfull weapon on the battlefield.

Is this alright? It could work for both a rocket launcher or a mortar, I'm not sure which is more viable, or cooler.
Yup, drawing an action up now.

Edit: it's in now.
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seeing that we can create pen easily we should probably start marketing them because it seem the imperial bureaucrat would love us for it
So for research this turn, how about we start the secret of the circuit? We have artefacts to throw at it and next turn it will get a boost from the electronics workshop.

I don't know about the other slot. Starting pneumatics will just slow both since we will have to spread bonuses. Maybe we could do a fashion revival for extra income or a theory to boost chances on other projects. We also have an untranslated book hanging around.
[Canon] - The Whispering Mist
The Whispering Mist is a region of the world in which, nothing sane exists. The land is covered in an infinite fog of purple mist that flows and undulates in maddening patterns that are able to drive even the most mentally stable of people insane within only a single day of exposure.

No one has ever been seen returning from the mists and everything on the border is tainted beyond hope, mutated that travel too near find themselves being subsumed into the ranks of the Mutants from the mental pressure that the mists place upon the minds of all that travel near its foul reach.

Yet, its patterns of madness are not the worst, the worst is its never ending whispers, that draw the foolhardy into its deadly embrace. Everyone that has come within miles of it has reported hearing on the edge of their minds, a voice whispering promises of knowledge of the past and the future, ready to make them unto a mythical being in their own right. If only the came to the center of the mists, many have fallen prey to the whispers, but none have returned.

The mists are one of the few regions that are completely unknown to all upon the world, nothing goes in or out and all hope for it to remain as such. For the horrors that such a place could provide are without limit.

Internal Security Brief
I hope that the above will keep people away from the edges of the mists. We do not need another Panopticon disaster in the making. We should try to convince the Emperor to allow us to build secret bases around the mists, to eliminate those that try to enter before they can feed the thing that lurks within.

@HeroCooky a very short omake that just came to me
Materials: 316.46 (min. +27.76, max. +128.76 per Turn.) - (110 Materials owed in 3(three) Turns to The Merchant Guild.)
That's a lot and with many actions locked we won't spend too much. We probably should start repaying the loan, 30-40 Materials a Turn are easy but over 100 in one Turn would be...bad.

Huh, taxes increased by 4 Materials.

Not many changes in Relations. Everyone is politicking and the Knight-Chapters are busy recovering. We might want to help the Healers a bit though, they keep losing Influence to the Foundation faction. Oh, and of course, the next competition.
The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics
Contact: High Archivar Mahan
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Local Plans: Getting Suspendium.
National Plans: Improved Radiological Technologies (12 Turns) - 470 (1st), 350 (2nd), 290 (3rd) Materials as Reward.
The workshop finishes this Turn and we would need only 7 Successes for primitive radios.

Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30
Gilded Artworks - 0.49
Gyro Bed - 1.47 - +5 to Machinery
Unusable Robot - 0.56
Rusting Water Pipe System - 1.43 - +5 to Hydraulics
And now Artefacts. Not much to say about the Common stuff, we might be able to do something with the robot?

Self-Loading Rocket Tube - 6.15 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Machinery
Ammunition Storage Feeder - 7.42 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics
"Flight Related Sicknesses And Cures" Manual - 6.92 - +20 to Advanced Psychology
Rare grad stuff is more interesting. Great stuff to develop some kind of big gun and the manual will definitely be useful with our Airships.

Miniature Bright Lance - 18.33 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Metallurgy/Machinery
Flesh Mending Syringe - 16.71 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
Bright-Lance Compartments - 18.76 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Weapons
Stimulants - 15.11 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
Samples Of Neuionum - 16.28 - +50 to Pioneer Metallurgy
Target Seeking Explosives - 18.74 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming
Hostile Virus - 17.38 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Fluid Exchanger - 15.02 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics
3d Metal Printer - 15.78 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Programming/Chemicals/Metallurgy
Gas Liquifiers - 15.43 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics
Non-Biological Affecting Acids - 17.05 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology
Theorem On Celestial Movements - 15.97 - +50 to Pioneer Physics
Sleep-Gas Bombs - 18.56 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology/Weapons
"The Black Rune" - 18.33 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology(???)
Spider Drones - 16.55 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming
Self-Adapting Virus - 16.53 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Of course, the biggest haul of new stuff is Lost grad, which is... wow. Many weapons, programming boosts, and industrial stuff. That rune though...

"Hello, ^Ä^," Aria called out, waving an arm at the immobile Core next to PD. The Core did not respond himself but used PD's speakers to reply, with her permission, of course.

:D | ^.^7 He replied with gusto, having taken a liking to his friends Pilot. Her enthusiasm and honest nature rapidly endearing the small Mutated to himself.
Nice, that answers how their first meeting went.

Aria shook her head in mirth before wishing the two, now bickering, friends goodbye. She didn't notice the technician staring after her in confusion, wondering how she understood ^Ä^'s speech.
Huh? I didn't look into the Hero folder but:
Mutation: "???" - Electronic Snakes - (4/10):
Aria has metallic gray hair can do little more than move about, generate mild electric shocks, and vibrate to create simple tones. They also provide an ill-defined extra sense that mainly seems to cause mild headaches, or at least that's all that Aria has been able to discover. But maybe there is more?
(+8 to all rolls made with PD.)
That would explain it. Aria's mutation leveled up again.

It was an experience that left many disturbed, some afraid, others angry and enraged, while the rest stayed silent, deep in thought. Only one Mutated left happy, feeling desired for the first time in his life.
Interesting. Living in the Wastes means they need any help they can get, including using every useful mutation. I guess Mutated are more normalized in the tribes than in the Empire.

"Thank you," Aria replied, nodded, and left to find the room she had been pointed at while filling out the forms with one of the new pens created by the Pilgrims.

A few clerks stared in envy.
Hmm, could equipping our diplomats with extra pens, specifically intended as gifts, give us a Diplo-bonus for interaction with bureaucrats?

Annika had always been different from her peers. Even when she had been born, she did not fit in, waking to the world in silence and curious stare, watching all around without sleeping or crying after being ripped from her mother's womb.
Uhhh, are we sure she is, physiologically speaking, a normal human? Not needing to sleep sounds like a mutation. I mean she is obviously crazy but I wonder if there is something else.

All in all, Project Skylift has been a resounding success!
Great! We can start repairing the cutters. That is our Archeology action but what to research next? Should we try to repair the Cargo Crafts or developing our own? Or maybe something electrical or Pneumatic Automatic Generatic...

"Thank you," Aria ground out with the last of her patience, turning on her heel, and walked out of the building, suppressing a scream within her mind as her hair crackled with electricity.
And for a dozen seconds, all Radios in Tessen were disrupted by white noise.
We probably should send someone else next time. I doubt people will appreciate it if disruptions like that start happening repeatedly.
[ ] Rotting Moon's Answer

This one

What do you think of the Mists?
Actually something that is in my notes, so congratulation! They will play a part in the future.
The workshop finishes this Turn and we would need only 7 Successes for primitive radios.
Note that the contest calls for Radiological improvements. The medicinal discipline, not radios themselves.
Hmm, could equipping our diplomats with extra pens, specifically intended as gifts, give us a Diplo-bonus for interaction with bureaucrats?
As inventive as that is, no. Any bureaucrats high enough to affect an action would be high enough to be able to buy one of the pens you produce themselves, if they haven't already bought one of those produced by Forge-Clans or independent Manufactories.
[Canon] - Rotting Moon's Answer
A fresh breeze lightly rustled the leaves of the Black Forest, the worry and light anger within clear to hear in his mind. "Yes, I can see her too," Rotting Moon replied, patting the bark of an oak. "You are right to worry. They are not yet truly ready, though strides are made." Another rustling came, this time accompanied by the scent of rain and thunder. "Relax. I know how hard it is not to worry so much, but we cannot act like them," he continued, speaking the last part with anger and regret. "As much as it pains us not to." A wave of his hand saw the very ground rise, bones with mold and decaying vines snaking around, rapidly forming an archway in front of him. The air within shimmered, showing a cave with deep webbings, all of it aflame. The scent around Rotting Moon changed in displeasure, making him laugh. "Yes, yes, I know you don't like him; nobody does. But as Harbinger summons The Candle's Flicker, so too can we release one of us in their world. The door opens for us both; it closes for both. So it has been crafted, so we maintain it in Their memory. Even the White Forest wouldn't dare trespass upon that law." He said, walking through the portal into the cobwebs. "Apostle Of Flames, you are hereby summoned to heed the Black Forest's call," Rotting Moon spoke with purpose and dignity, projecting all his power with his voice.

"No," came the petty response.

"This is not up to debate. It is an order, one which you will heed," Rotting Moon replied, his non-existent eyes definitely not rolling in his skull.

"Say my full name," was the Apostle's response.

"Okay," Rotting Moon said, audibly sighing at the childish behavior of one of his brethren. "Timothy, Apostle Of Flames, you are hereby summoned to heed the Black Forest's call. Satisfied?"

"Yes," said the being slowly walking out of the cave, moving one burning leg after the other towards his superior, revealing his blazing arachnid glory in full. "What needs to be done?"
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Some thoughts for actions:
-I'm seriously interested in the [ ] Feed The Masses action. By the description it would be a major step forward, and we currently have the materials and income to do it. It would also double our goodwill production.

-Upgrading poorhouses and hospices would also be interesting, if only to see what the higher stages of those projects look like and what they might mean.

-Completing some contracts from the guild might get us a bit of progress on upping relationships with the military, given the current situation. (See: Rumor mill)

-The action of having adenturers guild people investigate stuff costs 'only' three materials, and we could maybe use this to get better relations with the guild/various teams while also getting some information on i.e. the criminal organizations or maybe even cults.

-The 'Grease the wheels' action for the logistics buro is attractive, but seems very expensive in terms of goodwill. Could still be valuable in niche cases.

Maybe I'm a bit too spend-thrift with our current material stocks, but I'll leave that judgement to whomever actually writes the plans.
I'm seriously interested in the [ ] Feed The Masses action.
The upkeep is seriously expensive. It would eat almost all our remaining income when we are already building stuff and have debt to pay.

Upgrading poorhouses and hospices would also be interesting
The poorhouse is not worth it from an upkeep perspective, it's better to build new ones for now. Same somewhat for the hospices, we only have the one and we could build more.

Completing some contracts from the guild might get us a bit of progress on upping relationships with the military, given the current situation.
Our martial action is locked this turn, but we should do this next turn.
The upkeep is seriously expensive. It would eat almost all our remaining income when we are already building stuff and have debt to pay.
Upkeep only happens when a building/project is finished, doesn't it? So after the repayment period.
Of course, afterwards it would still eat much of the minimum income. But that is just that, the minimum. If we assume that the average is around [minimum + 1/3 of the difference], then we get some thing like 50 or 60, isn't quite as strict.
The poorhouse is not worth it from an upkeep perspective, it's better to build new ones for now. Same somewhat for the hospices, we only have the one and we could build more.
I agree they probably aren't effeicient, I merely meant that I was interested in what the higher stages of those projects would look like.
How can the empire get anything done with so much bureocracy?

Reward: 1 Intact Personal Cutter Recovered
Geez that's soooo slow. Can we just use DoD as a tugboat and bring them faster?

4 Damaged Caretaker Remains

You forgot to remove 1.
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If we assume that the average is around [minimum + 1/3 of the difference], then we get some thing like 50 or 60, isn't quite as strict.
50 to 60 materials is still too low for us to do anything of value. The grand kitchen should wait until we have something like the engine assembly or the airship manufactory done.
How does everyone feel about taking a first stab at pulling out the vault doors this turn? We're sitting on a ton of money.
If we are going to take a stab at the vault we should try shooting it with DoD once, the chances of blowing whatever is inside is very small if it's the first thing we try.