Nek-Ne Invasion Day 3 Results + Day 4 Planning
Day 3 Results
[X] Plan: get more bodies
- [X] Request Reinforcements - 1x [Crossbow Battalion], 2x [Sword Battalion]

The requested reinforcements have arrived and stand ready for any orders, sir.

Sivaldy Caves: Wastes:

Light Sandstorm (Speed down, Range down.)


-2x Knight - Hel - Scattered
-2x Scout Lizard Patrols

~400 Mutant Rabble

Knights open fire, killing 255 (45,24,97,19,5,5,56,4) Mutants.
47 Mutants remain.
Mutant Rabble scratched on the Knights paint. No effect.
Knights used [Squish]! It is super useful!

302 Mutant Rabble killed.
Light scratches on several Knight's cosmetics.
Effortless Victory!
The sands began to rage once more outside, the winds swiftly carrying them around the Wastes. Though not at speeds where one had to fear being flayed alive, the sand and winds still held plenty of danger to the unwary and foolish caught in the open without shelter and supplies. It was a good thing then that the Hel of the Blue Lance and the Scout Lizards were safely within the confines of the Sivaldy Caves, sheltered by the earth and stone around them. What was less pleasant was the howling horde of Mutants charging towards the various entrances topside, guarded by the Knights who, in turn, were shielded by the scouts dutifully guarding the giant machines. All over, the massive robots readied crossbows, Cores readied ballistic-calculations, overlaying arcs, expected spread, and shared information among themselves, before, with a single pulse from each leader, the Knights opened fire upon the horde.

Within minutes, over 200 Mutants fell to their bolts. Truthfully, a low number, but the size and unpredictability of the charging Mutants meant that some managed to reach melee with the Knights.

For all the good it did.

Sir?Yes?There appear to be Mutants scratching my paint. Permission to commence squish, sir?Permission granted.

The Knight lifted his foot, shifted, and, like an overripe watermelon dropped from a skyscraper, the Mutants popped.

Squish successfully commenced, sir.

Sunny (No effect.)


-1x Spear Battalions [Trapped Fortified Position]
-1x Crossbow Battalions [Trapped Fortified Position]
-2x Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams [Trapped Fortified Position]
-1x Tribal Squadrons [Trapped Fortified Position]

~400 Mutant Rabble

Mutants do not detect your forces, smashing through empty barricades and half-dug trenches.
Ranged Units open up.
Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams assassinate 76 (20, 12, 19, 7, 18) Mutants.
326 Mutants remain.
Crossbows open fire, killing 383 (137, 203, 43) Mutants.
0 Mutants remain.

402 Mutant Rabble killed.
Many graves need to be dug, and the Tribals are grumbling about not getting into the thick of it.
Grand Victory!
"Steady, gentlemen," the sergeant called out in a stage-whisper, holding a hand up, as another two cracks echoed through the pass, rebounding from the walls to add yet another echo to the toll being taken since a few minutes. None among the hidden crossbows were dumb enough to utter or murmur their dissatisfaction with being shown up like that by the Longbolts but trusted their superior. They would shoot when she told them to, and not a moment sooner, even if it grated at them to leave the killing to, allies they may be, loaned troops. A howling and a cacophony of sounds reached everyone's ears as the Mutant horde had reached the barricades, trenches, and traps below, only to find no living soul down there. "NOW!" The sergeant cried out, chopping her hand down. A volley of bolts hurled out not even half a second later, soon followed by another and another, as they bombarded pre-sighted spots. The horde never stood a chance to make it through.

Nimer Flats:
Sunny (No effect.)


-2x War Lizard Squads [Ancient Fortifications]
-4x Scout Lizard Patrols [Ancient Fortifications]
-2x Sword Battalions [Ancient Fortifications]
-1x Crossbow Battalions [Ancient Fortifications]
-1x Vanar Grenadier Outriders [Ancient Fortifications]
-2x Tribal Squadrons [Ancient Fortifications]

~400 Mutant Rabble

Mutants begin to charge.
Ranged Units open up.
Crossbows open fire, killing 14 (1, 13) Mutants.
369 Mutants remain.
Hidden Trait revealed: [Chitin-Armor]
Mutant Rabble showed to be [Corrupted Swarmguards]
Corrupted Swarmguards crash into the fortifications, killing 205 (104, 101) Sword 1 and 326 (140, 186) Tribal 1.
Tribal 1 wavers (Morale: 79, pass) but does not flee.
Vanar Grenadier Outriders open fire, killing 127 (61, 66) Corrupted Swarmguards.
242 Corrupted Swarmguard remain.
War Lizards charge, killing 311 (38, 83, 86, 65, 39) Corrupted Swarmguards.
0 Corrupted Swarmguard remain.

205 Swords killed.
326 Tribals killed.
383 Corrupted Swarmguard killed.
Swarmguard Corpses sent to HQ for analysis.
The plan had been straightforward. The lizards and grenadiers would leave when the outlying scouts found the enemy on the approach, hiding away to smash in their backs. The crossbows would use their elevation in the ancient structures to shoot the rushing hordes, while the tribals and swords held them at bay long enough for the cavalry to mop the Mutants up. But the best-laid plans of men and mice were always doomed to fail once the enemy made contact.

Before the crossbows even had a chance to fire, a buzzing filled the air shortly before the rushing horde began to run. Far faster than they had any right to, far quicker than any had expected or feared. But discipline held among the troops, and volleys were loosened. In graceful arcs and like angry hornets, the bolts flew and struck true. And did nothing. Despite several volleys impacting, the Mutants shrugged off the blows, continuing to run towards the fortifications, leaving little corpses behind.

Crashing into the prepared barricades and prepared defenders did little. The Mutants seemed to jump several ranks deep into formations to reap a bloody harvest with scythes, acid, poison, and weapons made of strange materials. Word quickly traveled through the ranks from the Tribals as to what enemy they were facing. The Jilper Tribe had long since been "gifted" with a relative focus of Mutations among their Mutated, most commonly manifesting in hardened chitin-armor, poison-, or acid-glands, as well as possessing superior leg musculature, which had lead to many being consolidated into the Swarmguard, the elite of the Tribe. They had been thought dead and lost, having demanded to stay and fight to give the rest of the Tribe's civilians a chance to retreat to safety. Now they stood with those that had killed their own, twisted into pale shadows of their former selves. Cancerous growths and extra limbs twitched and pulsed all over their bodies, their speech nothing more than animalistic screeches and screams. Their reveal here, now mutated further beyond what mutations they had, was seen not only as utter mockery and insult but sacrilege by the Jilper Tribals present.

They would not be able to reap revenge and give due mourning to those souls that the Nek-Ne had stolen from them, as the Grenadiers opened fire, drawn in early due to the lack of effect from the Crossbows. Their grenades worked where bolts did not, shattering chitin, bones, eardrums, and innards with equal ease, the fragments scything through tender flesh and soft organs. A roar drew attention to twelve lizards rushing with deadly glee towards unguarded and unaware foes in the confusion and disorganization. Moments later, Swarmguard were shredded apart with claws, teeth, steel, and tails. Only seconds after, the sites where the War Lizards had entered the fray resembled more the blood-charnel pits of the Rose of Flesh than battlefields.

The last Swarmguards turned in terror, only to be killed by the swarming Scout Lizards instead.

The Empire had won the battle, even with some surprise and death.

Gu Valley:
Storm (Speed and Range harshly down, Morale down.)


-1x Spear Battalions
-1x Crossbow Battalions
-1x Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun
-1x Tribal Squadrons

~400 Mutant Rabble

Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun opens fire (1x Solid, 2x Cannisters), killing 308 (89, 8, 20, 19, 8, 45, 35, 27, 18, 15, 24) Mutants.
? rolls for ? = 68, 59, 50. Pass, Pass, Pass.
93 Mutants remain.
Crossbows open fire, killing 13 (5, 2, 3, 3) Mutants.
80 Mutants remain.
Tribals open fire, killing 25 (10, 3, 10, 2) Mutants.
55 Mutants remain.
Mutants crash into spears, killing 14 Spears.
The champion is revealed: [Soothsayer]
Soothsayer kills 597 (20, 76, 12, 74, 69, 84, 51, 11, 200) Spears.
639 Spears remain.
Spears waver (Morale: 68, bare pass) but do not run.
Spears attack, killing 37 (13, 6, 18) Mutants.
17 Mutants and 1 Soothsayer remain.
Tribals attack, killing 42 (8, 13, 7, 2, 8, 4) Mutants.
0 Mutants remain and Soothsayer at 20/45.
Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun and Crossbows cannot fire, Champion (Tiny) in Meele.
Fire anyways? (DC: 02 and 20 respectively. 1 and 7, fail and fail.)
Soothsayer kills 596 (71, 76, 25, 63, 1, 76, 36, 48, 200) Spears.
Spears at 43.
Spears shatter, running away.
Tribals attack, causing 52 (10, 13, 6, 11, 8, 4) damage, killing the Soothsayer.

1.207 Spears killed, Spear Battalion dissolved.
400 Mutant Rabble killed.
Soothsayer Corpse burned.
Soothsayer Ashes melted.
Soothsayer Slag sent towards HQ to be entombed.
Very Costly And Narrow Victory.
The rain fell in solid sheets, soaking through every nook and cranny in the empire soldiers' armor, making them shiver even only minutes after leaving the protection of the tent. Scouts had spotted the enemy, and so, Seargents had roused them from their warm drinks and dry places, leading to the battalion standing ready, cold, and miserable. Though not grumbling. No one expected this battle to last longer than the first three minutes, especially once the heavy coilguns opened fire and reduced everything in its firing-arc into so much paste.

A yell from behind the spears came shortly before several high-pitched thumps rang out, momentarily ripping tubes into the dense rain and bringing death to the Mutants running towards the imperial line. Several more volleys followed as the enemy came closer and closer before light suddenly bloomed in the sky. A flare shot from a forward observer, signaling that an invisible line had been breached and followed by more high-pitched thumps. Though this time, the rain was shredded instead, revealing those charging for a singular moment.

The sight was pitiful, as not even a hundred Mutants remained from the 400 or so reported, and with luck, those on the front would not have to fight at all. Trills came from the crossbows as they and the Tribals readied their weapons, and with another signal, fired over the heads of their comrades and allies, respectively.

That was where things went wrong.

One would expect that over two-thousand arrows and bolts would lead to a quick demise for those charging without heavy shields. One would also expect that that would not be enough even then.

But they would be wrong.

The heavy winds somehow managed to shift in just the right way to deflect most projectiles from their paths, and those who did strike true and the unfortunate reality of hitting next to nothing vital. Yes, some Mutants fell, but not enough to prevent the maddened half-animals from crashing into the spear wall ready to receive their charge. Flailing limbs and natural weapons managed to hit, snuffing out the lives of over a dozen soldiers, though only barely below a 4-to-1 ratio of the Mutant's living members.

Victory was assured in the minds of all, only the mop-up of the survivors needing to be taken care of.

And then half the battalion died.

The other half began to scream, blood seeping out of their eyes, ears, noses, and skin. Skin began to cook as organs failed within bodies, a single creature standing in the middle of the unexpected slaughter, laughing in absolute joy.

A Soothsayer had entered the battlefield and had reaped its bloody harvest. Even with the Empire's relaxed laws on Mutations and top-down disapproval of Kill-On-Birth lists, some Mutations still lingered on them, too dangerous to let exist. The death of the infant judged mercy compared to the horrors it would sow. A Soothsayer was among those blacklisted Mutations, as the afflicted body would begin to create horrific neurotoxins and poisons, delivered via unknown mechanisms over a large area, intentionally or not. Almost everything other than the result and the markings of the Mutation were unknowns, as all those who had it were killed, dismembered, burned, and then had the ashes glassed in fear of some trace of the horrific poisons remaining.

Horror was immediately overcome by hard-trained discipline, as various standing spears realized what manner of horror they faced and panicked, trying to take it down before more would die, or they succumbed to the subjected wounds. Their heroism was ill-fated and only ensured the rest of the survivors' doom, as the crossbows saw the swarming soldiers, hesitating to pull the trigger once more. At the same time, the gunners of the Coilgun held out a short hope that they would be able to deliver a precision shot with a Vanadium Steel Dart, though their hesitance to fire through their comrades dooming the very same.

In the end, it was the Tribals who overcame their hesitance first, readying bows and firing all the arrows they had, turning the horrific laughing monster into a grotesque pin-cushion.

They only stopped firing onto the Mutant once they had run out of arrows.

The Spear Battalion would later be officially dissolved, with only 43 survivors, none of them fit for battle. Physically or mentally.

Day 3 Planning.
You currently have 494 Supplies and lose 13 Supplies per Day. (-10 due to recent battle.)

[Daughter Of Dawn
Numbers: 1
Size: Dreadnought
Strengths: Big Honking War-Ship (Stats are Yes. Upkeep is No.)
Weaknesses: Big Honking War-Ship (You cannot afford to lose this Unit. It also represents a chance for the enemy to scatter into the countryside, which would be dangerous.)
Attack: Yes
Defense: Yes
Range: Yes
Speed: Yes
Morale: Yes
Supply Cost: No.
Supply Upkeep: No.]

[Knight - Hel
Numbers: 25
Size: Giant
Strengths: Anti-All (Bonus against all enemies), Mecha (immunity against all biological and fire hazards, resistance against chemicals), Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), The Elite (Morale cannot be affected)
Weaknesses: Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage), Centerpiece (Will receive the most focus of the enemy)
Attack: 80 (4d100 ranged, 3d100 melee)
Defense: 105 (Damage reduced by 105 per dice.)
Range: 1-10 (maximum of 8 ranged damage dice.)
Speed: 30
Morale: 1000
Supply Cost: 150
Supply Upkeep: 25]

[War Lizard Squad
Numbers: 6
Size: Large/Giant
Strengths: Anti-Infantry (Bonus against infantry), War-Beast (Reduced Supply Upkeep after battles), The Strong Thrive (No mali for losses)
Weaknesses: Controlled Frenzy (Minor Chance to lose control of this Unit when in combat)
Attack: 55 (3d100 (when attacking infantry, add +30) melee.)
Defense: 30 (Damage reduced by 30 per dice.)
Range: 1
Speed: 40
Morale: 120
Supply Cost: 60
Supply Upkeep: 10]

[Scout Lizard Patrol
Numbers: 18
Size: Large
Strengths: Extreme Speed (Can outrun all Units not sporting the same speed), Scout (Enhanced information when used for scouting), Anti-Infantry (Bonus against infantry)
Attack: 25 (2d40 ranged, 3d50 (when attacking infantry, add +25) melee)
Defense: 15 (Damage reduced by 15 per dice.)
Range: 1-5
Speed: 80
Morale: 100
Supply Cost: 40
Supply Upkeep: 6]

[Spear Battalion
Numbers: 1250
Size: Medium
Strengths: Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered)
Weaknesses: Weak Attack (Not the best at attacking)
Attack: 6 (3d50 melee.)
Defense: 16 (Damage reduced by 16 per dice.)
Range: 1
Speed: 5
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 5
Supply Upkeep: 2]

[Sword Battalion
Numbers: 1250
Size: Medium
Strengths: Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered), Versatile (Can fill any role)
Weaknesses: Versatile (Always beat by specialists)
Attack: 12 (6d40 melee.)
Defense: 10 (Damage reduced by 10 per dice.)
Range: 1
Speed: 5
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 5
Supply Upkeep: 2]

[Crossbow Battalion
Numbers: 1500
Size: Medium
Strengths: Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered), Ranged (Can assist Units despite narrow conditions)
Weaknesses: Ranged (Cannot engage within structures(mali to dice if stationed within, or firing into, structures.)), Weak Defense (Has a weak defense)
Attack: 14 (3d250)
Defense: 4 (Damage reduced by 4 per dice.)
Range: 1-8
Speed: 6
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 8
Supply Upkeep: 3]

[Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams
Numbers: 2
Size: Tiny
Strengths: Assasin (Can target individuals reliably), Fury Of The Small (No size restrictions apply), Scout (Enhanced information when used for scouting)
Weaknesses: Weapon-Team (Size set to smallest size)
Attack: 250 (1d10 against formations. 2d50 against individual targets.)
Defense: 1 (Damage reduced by 1 per dice.)
Range: 1-25
Speed: 12
Morale: 80
Supply Cost: XXX
Supply Upkeep: 5]

[Vanar Grenadier Outriders
Numbers: 18
Size: Large
Strengths: Anti-Infantry (Bonus against infantry), Lizard Synergy (Bonus to attack and defense for any Lizard Units assigned the same tasks)
Weaknesses: Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage)
Attack: 35 (2d100 (when attacking infantry, add +25.) ranged, 1d40-15 melee.)
Defense: 10 (Damage reduced by 10 per dice.)
Range: 1-5
Speed: 65
Morale: 65
Supply Cost: XXX
Supply Upkeep: 15]

[Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun
Numbers: 1 (25)
Size: Medium
Strengths: Fire Modi (Solid Shot, Canister, Vanadium Steel Dart), Extreme-Range Artillery (can fire 6-20 km), Rapid Fire (Drastically increased fire-rate)
Weaknesses: Horrific Defense (Cannot defend itself), Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage), Extremely Slow (Massive malus to speed)
Attack: 150/300/450 (3d150/10d50/3d150 (when attacking singular targets, add+300))
Defense: 1 (Damage increased by +10 per dice.)
Range: 1-100
Speed: 1
Morale: 55
Supply Cost: XXX
Supply Upkeep: 30]

[Tribal Squadrons
Numbers: Medium
Size: 800
Strengths: Mutated Members (Increased Attack and Defense), Our War (Vastly Increased Morale), Tribal (Does not cost any upkeep.)
Weaknesses: Witnessed The Horrors (Increases Morale Damage taken), Unused To Coordination (Mali to all orders)
Attack: 12 (4d20 ranged, 4d50 melee.)
Defense: 14 (Damage reduced by 14 per dice.)
Range: 1-3
Speed: 7
Morale: 95
Supply Cost: No.
Supply Upkeep: No.]
Your forces are currently being stationed everywhere, resting from the last and preparing for the coming fights. Four routes lead to Jokvi: The Alali-Pass, Nimer Flats, Gu Valley, and the Sivaldy Cave-System.

The Alali-Pass does not contain any significant geological dangers except a wide river, slowing down any march between [Midway] and [Exit] by a day and includes two entrances to the [Sivaldy Caves] at its [Entrance] and [Midway].

The Nimer Flats have several [Ancient Structures] scattered about, though mostly picked clean. They would make excellent defensive positions if their supply can be guaranteed or contain a force to fall into the enemy's back. One [Sivaldy Cave] exit is situated [Midway].

Gu Valley is notable for having one Entrance to the [Sivaldy Caves] at its [Exit] and being narrow, unsuited for any cavalry. Two [Villages] lay within, who, if necessary, can be ordered to evacuate, creating a momentary drain on your supplies and defensive liability, or sacrificed for strategic/tactical goals.

The Sivaldy Caves run through the whole northern part of Jokvi, connected to the city itself via a heavily guarded gate. Two One Entrance is within the Alali-Pass, one for the Nimer Flats and Gu Valley, with another three in the [Wastes] themselves. They need to be patrolled and guarded if you wish to secure your rear and Jokiv itself.

Current Strategic Evaluation:
Additional forces consisting of 3 unidentified groups of about ~800 per will arrive on Day 4. On Day 6, 9 groups of about ~600 will come. The sandstorm is abnormally developing and behaving, something to keep an eye on before it bites us in the back, sir. Our lack of on-the-ground information nearly lost us Gu-Valley, scouting operations need to be intensified to prevent any such happenings again.
Wastes: Caves 1-3: Level 1 Fortifications
Alali-Pass: Exit: Level 1 Fortifications.
Nimer Flats: Entrance: Level 1 Fortified Structure.
Gu Valley: Midway: Level 1 Fortifications.

Recent Tactical Evaluations: All Units await further orders while recuperating from the last and preparing for the coming fights. We should reinforce Gu Valley.

Wastes: Sandstorm (Speed significantly down, Range significantly down, malus to all Scouting Actions.)
Alali-Pass: Storm (Speed and Range harshly down, Morale down.)
Nimer Flats: Sunny (No effect.)
Gu Valley: Sunny (No effect.)
1x Daughter Of Dawn
2x Knight - Hel - [2x Sivaldy Caves Wastes 1-3 (Scattered)]
2x War Lizard Squads - [2x Nimer Flats: Fortified Ancient Structure - (Entrance)]
6x Scout Lizard Patrols - [2x Sivaldy Caves: Wastes 1-3, 4x Nimer Flats: Fortified Ancient Structure - (Entrance)]
1x Spear Battalion - [1x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
4x Sword Battalions - [2x Nimer Flats: Fortified Ancient Structure - (Entrance) - (1 at 1.045/1250)]
4x Crossbow Battalions - [1x Gu Valley: Fortified Position - (Midway), 1x Nimer Flats: Fortified Ancient Structure - (Entrance), 1x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
2x Vanar Longbolt Launcher Teams - [2x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
1x Vanar Grenadier Outriders - [1x Nimer Flats: Fortified Ancient Structure - (Entrance)]
1x Vanar Slingshot Heavy Coilgun - [1x Gu Valley: Fortified Position - (Midway)]
4x Tribal Squadrons - [1x Gu Valley: Fortified Position - (Midway), 2x Nimer Flats: Fortified Ancient Structure - (Entrance) - (1 at 474/800), 1x Alali Pass: Trapped Fortified Position - (Exit)]
[ ] Scout (Forces)
Cost: 20 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Information

[ ] Fortify Cave Exit - (1/2/3) - (Forces)
Cost: 30 Supplies
Time: 2 Days
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)
[ ] Guard - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Fortify Position - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 50 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Fortify Cave Exit - (Midway) - (Forces)
Cost: 30 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)
[ ] Guard - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Fortify Position - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 50 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Fortify Cave Exit - (Midway) - (Forces)
Cost: 30 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Fortify Ancient Structure - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 20 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Massive Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Camouflage Ancient Structure - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 15 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Hidden Forces attack as if rolling critical and deal twice the Morale Damage.
[ ] Guard - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Fortify Position - (Entrance/Midway/Exit) - (Forces)
Cost: 50 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)

[ ] Evacuate Village - (Exit/Midway) - (Forces)
Cost: 70 Supplies
Time: 2 Days
Reward: Civilian lives saved, hurray?
[ ] Guard - (Jokvi/Gu Valley/Nimer Flats/Alali-Pass/Wastes) -(Forces)
Cost: 10 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Forces ready within the area.

[ ] Fortify Position - (Jokvi/Gu Valley Exit/Nimer Flats Midway/Alali-Pass Entrance/Alali-Pass Midway/Wastes 1/Wastes 2/Wastes 3) - (Forces)
Cost: 50 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Defensive Bonus (Stacks with repeated use)
[ ] Reinforce Damaged Units - (Sword Battalion)
Cost: 4 Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Unit reinforced.

[ ] Request More Supplies
Time: 1 Day
Reward: 10d20 Supplies

[ ] Request Reinforcements - (Write-In)
Cost: Variable
Time: 1 Day
Reward: Reinforcements
1x [Spear Battalion
Numbers: 1250
Size: Medium
Strengths: Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), Disciplined (Reduced Morale damage suffered)
Weaknesses: Weak Attack (Not the best at attacking)
Attack: 6
Defense: 16
Range: 1
Speed: 5
Morale: 60
Supply Cost: 5
Supply Upkeep: 2]

30x [Militia
Numbers: 1000
Size: Medium
Strengths: Expendable (Casualties do no impact other Units morale)
Weaknesses: Low Morale (Reduced Morale), Milita (Reduced Stats)
Attack: 4
Defense: 4
Range: 1
Speed: 3
Morale: 15
Supply Cost: 1
Supply Upkeep: 10]

2x [Knight - Hel
Numbers: 25
Size: Giant
Strengths: Anti-All (Bonus against all enemies), Mecha (immunity against all biological and fire hazards, resistance against chemicals), Punching Above (No mali against enemies one size higher), The Elite (Morale cannot be affected)
Weaknesses: Difficult Logistics (Increased Supply usage), Centerpiece (Will receive the most focus of the enemy)
Attack: 80
Defense: 105
Range: 1-10
Speed: 30
Morale: 1000
Supply Cost: 150
Supply Upkeep: 25]
An: sorry for the late update, my internet was down.

A moratorium will be until 14.03.21 at 17:00 CET.
Voting will be closed on 16.03.21 at 17:00 CET.
??? will begin on the 17.03.21 at 17:00 CET.
The update will be online on 20.03.21 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Hmm, maybe we should spread out the Longbolts to other areas, 1 of them at Alali Pass should be enough to snipe special mutants. I am thinking that next turn we send the DoD back out to do a radar scan of the area again, reinforce the damaged Sword Battalion, send a Spear Battalion to replace the one that got melted and a Longbolt there incase of another Tiny Special Mutant. I am a little worried at how thin Alali Pass is becoming though, maybe getting those Acid Troopers to bulk up the Alali would be a safe decision.
Okay, so this turn we should fortify everywhere and send the lizards to scout, though maybe not in the wastes, maybe send the DoD high to check the storm.
Oh, just FYI. If you have any questions, want clarifications, or want to do specific actions not on the lists, you can always ask so.
@HeroCooky, I'm baffled by how you calculate kill die. Our crossbows got 2d##, 3d###, and 4d#. Our 2 longboat teams somehow got a combined 5 kill die.

Can you explain a bit more about the mechanics of how this works? It's very disconcerting to have such a huge unexplained discrepancy in effectiveness.
Now, regarding a plan, here are my initial thoughts:

The main takeaway I'm getting from this turn is that the enemy has a ton of surprises to throw at us, and we need Intel about that. We also need to know: were these probing attacks to feel out are defenses? Or are these zealots hurling themselves against us without a thought to strategy? Somewhere in between?

Plan: Reinforcements, Adjustments and Scouting.
-Fortify all existing positions.
-Detach 1 scout lizard from waste caves and 2 from nimer flats.
--attach 1 each of these to valley, flats and pass. They are to scout out from the valley and discover in advance composition of incoming attacks.
--- while they're out there, also try to divine NN command structure, if any.
-detach 2 knights from each waste cave entrance
--attach these pairs to flats, valley and pass.
---these are to act as 'anti-social unit' units, killing things like soothsayer.
-Transfer one longbolt from pass to valley.
-One crossbow unit and sword to valley, one sword to flats.
DoD to stand ready to act as emergency Transport to shuffle troops if one area in danger of getting overwhelmed.
-request those acid Guys to start destroying the remaining cave entrances.
@HeroCooky if we chose to fortify this turn, would it be done by the time the mutants arrived?
Yes, you would have enough time to complete the fortifications to be effective for the battles.
@HeroCooky, I'm baffled by how you calculate kill die. Our crossbows got 2d##, 3d###, and 4d#. Our 2 longboat teams somehow got a combined 5 kill die.

Can you explain a bit more about the mechanics of how this works? It's very disconcerting to have such a huge unexplained discrepancy in effectiveness.
The Longbolts, due to being only two, have damage die of 5d20 (d10 per team) and 5 due to the range the approach was visible at. Good at killing important people, bad as damage dealers.

Your crossbows have 3d250 damage dies. In the Nimer Flats, they got 1 die reduced due to being inside a building. (Their damage also got reduced by 50 due to the Corrupted Swarguards trait Chitin-Armor.) In the Gu Valley, due to the storm, the die got reduced to 2d150 (storm reduced range), but got another 2 die because the enemy was also slowed down (storm again).

But you are right, I did do a bad job at explaining this. Will add more information to the damage die and how they are affected to the statistics for people to see, today.
-request those acid Guys to start destroying the remaining cave entrances.
The Acid-Troopers are currently unavailable. They have been reasigned towards another area due to an emergency, but willbe available again on day 4.
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they got 1 die reduced due to being inside a building.

Ohhhh. I thought this referred to combat where both forces were inside buildings. Hmm. Might be worth transferring 4he flats crossbowmen elsewhere then. Also, good gods, we rolled 4 consecutive single digits on d150s? Dice, did we murder your parents in a previous life or something?

The Acid-Troopers are currently unavailable. They have been reasigned towards another area due to an emergency, but willbe available again on day 4.

Thought that might be the case, but the write-in but made it unclear.
Don't leave us in suspense tell us what happenned?

The quest is over

We literally won so hard that turn that we managed all goals of several turns into a single one

To put things in perspectice

It was a 40k quest over a rebellion

It was normal (some good,some bad,some major succes) in the conspiracy and rebellion phase

Is once we took control of the system and expanded that shit got crazy

We received an ork invasion,weakened through mining

We received a nurglite invasion
Weakened through mines,managed to land some ground forces only to get eated by local fauna

Their fleet than was destroyed

Then an imperial crusade
Utterly destroyed by mines and defenses in 2 rolls
While convincing the AI on a ark mechanicus (warhammer imperial sub-faction tasked with keeping tech working)

After this we expanded and added more planets to our empire

Then came the final imperial crusade
It invaded one of our secundary systems,it passed our mines after suffering horrible casualties,then after some clashes it was destroyed through some gambling offensives

And while we thought it was finally over

Then the QM tell us a second surprise fleet has arrived to our under defended capital system (most of the fleet was facing the crusade)

This fleet was mechanicus leaded with better tech and heavier weaponry,they didnt like us taking control of the ark mechanicus on the first crusade we crushed

We seemed to be fucked,so we went for a gamble strategy

>hack their tech
>use psiquic mind control to cause ships to fire on each other
>use mind control to cause slave uprising inside the ships
>try to convince the ark mechanicus AI on this fleet to join us



On top of that we captured a the ark mechanicus and several mobile shipyards esentislly increasing up our industrial capsbilities several orders of magnitude

After this,the imperium collapsed

So our new foe was an alliance of 12 forge worlds with dozens of vassals systems per forgeworld

So esentially hundreds of systems against of small dozen of systems empire

after that we took an hiatus,and so the QM rolls for the war in the background and later gives us some spoilers on the discord

Thias was some of snips he told us will appear on the uodatw


we literally defeated the quest in a single turn


The QM is going to write the epilogue update and then work on a more narrative oriented sequel

Because he wants do jackshit with dices after this

The QM be like:

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That sounds interesting, mind throwing a link to the quest here?

As for this quest... Well, it looks like the plans worked rather well. Right up until bad luck and lack of information interfered. The bad luck's just bad luck. Though it looks like the mutant horde's got something that allows them to manipulate sandstorms going by what was suggested in the update. So we need to learn about that. As for the lack of information...

I put that down to us just not grasping how much the difference between having a general idea of what's coming your way helps in real life, and how much it helps in this world where mutations and relic technology can make someone who looks just like all the others much, much more dangerous. So yes, we definitely need to actually scout on the ground to get a clear idea of just what's coming our way, rather than the general impression of 'there's about so many mutants of unknown types coming this way'.
I think it was this quest here lol: LINK
I would advise using dark themes for reading(some of the text is white)
So we can't fortify everything since each action takes 50 supplies and we have just shy of 500, which points do we harden?

Also we are goig to have to request more supplies from Jovki.
So we can't fortify everything since each action takes 50 supplies and we have just shy of 500, which points do we harden?

Also we are goig to have to request more supplies from Jovki.

We only have 6 points max to fortify though, 3 if we don't fortify the sivaldy cave entrances in the waste, since the knights seem to have things under control there.