[X] Disregard CoE, Acquire Tenet.
-[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Jokvi) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Military) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
Needed: 20 Rolled: 69 + 15 = 84
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Expanded) - (3/3 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Learning] Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry) - (2/2 Successes)
--[X] Armor Piercing Ax, SC, SC
Needed: 65/75/85 Rolled: 21 + 59 = 80
+2 Successes!

-[X][Learning] Heavy Metal - (Super-Heavy) - (Metallurgy/Armor) - (4/4 Successes)
--[X] Burnt Breastplate-Schematic, Alloy Ingots, PD
Needed: 05/25/55 Rolled: 70 + 40 = 110
+1 Automatic Success
+3 Successes

-[X][Archeology] The Berth (Tech-Scouts)
--[X] 6FF
Needed: 33 Rolled: 14 89 + 6 = 95
TB-01, TB-02, and TB-03 mapped and scouted.
Airships Found (Not Recovered):
Warships (Armed 500 ton): 3 Intact (<80%), 1 Damaged (<60%)
Cargo Crafts (Unarmed 1000 ton): 10 Intact (<80%), 2 Damaged (<60%)
Line Vessels (Unnarmed 200 ton): 14 Intact (<80%), 4 Damaged (<60%), 8 Destroyed (<20%)
Personal Cutters (Unnarmed 20 ton): 60 Intact (<80%), 4 Damaged (<60%), 16 Destroyed (<20%)

-[X][Tree] Storerooms - Grand - (2/3 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Tree] Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded) - (4/4 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Holding] Build A Wall - (4/8 Turns Complete) - Sandcrete
+1 Turn of Progress
+1 Turn of Progress - (Sandcrete)

-[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - (Suborn The Festivals)
--[X] 6FF
Needed: 51 Rolled: 22 + 36 = 58
Goodwill: 3
COE Damage: 77

-[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - (Train The Militia- (2/2 Turns Complete))
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Aria] Too Much To Do - ( Create The Crystal-Path - (2/3 Turns Complete))
--[X] 4FF
Needed: 60 Rolled: 33 + 19 = 52

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Soup kitchens)

-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Study Sessions - (1/8 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress.

-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] Because of SCIENCE! - (Heavy Metal)

-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Commission Repairs - (2/2 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress.

Further Rolls:


2d2-1 Mundane- = 3
3d2 Rare+ = 4

1d6-9 = 0% Piety reduction

Needed: 07 Rolled: XXX
+1 Faithful

22d4+3d12+76 = 72 + 76 = 148 Materials!

The Update will be online on the 24.01.21.
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Rumor Mill Turn 38

New Defense Knight Chapter-Houses To Be Built Shortly
In typical fashion, once the IMB gets going, there is no stopping it from rolling over everything and everyone. New sites have been marked, and patrols are starting to eradicate any nasties that have nestled there. Workers are drafted, materials bought and tallied, while architects and military planners alike wage war upon each other to get their designs approved without any changes others foolishly believe critical. While those new sites will help keep any bandits and gribbles off the streets and routes, some are rather grumpy about the fact that such projects always seem to be completed within a year, while sewers or new expansions to cities often take up to decades. Bah, what do these idiots know about proper building anyway?

New Prevter House Declared
It comes as no surprise that the Imperial Procession would talk shop with the Pilgrims about whatever issue needed them to arrive. That such talks have now sent the Scavenger Guilds and Organizations into disarray over an ARO, the Nobles over the creation of a Prevter House, and the Military into a feeding frenzy for the newly dubbed "Suspendium" resource inside the Forest Of Rust is par for the course. The one thing that many have taken from this is something else, however; namely that very soon, airships could become commonplace, maybe even replace land-travel entirely! These are exciting times we live in!

Party Upon Another's Pockets
Few things are as fun festivals, fewer when those same are paid for by another! And we are in luck, as both the Pilgrims and the Curch of Eden have had the same thought: sponsoring the upcoming festivals for Low Summer! In a battle of legal and monetary means, both religions fought quite viciously with each other over the honor of paying for our food, drink, and enjoyment. A battle which the Pilgrims ultimately won, meaning that all we could enjoy came directly from them as bureaucrats sent the COE away. So, cheers! And cheers to the Pilgrims!


The Church Of Eden is struggling to keep any formal power and connections within the Region. They are preparing to artificially up their numbers via immigrants. Your efforts to subsume the festivals they wanted to sponsor have given fruit! The people enjoyed the respite from their lives, praised the Pilgrims, and were merry! The COE is not amused.

The Criminal Organizations are not making any move right now, though Needle uncovered what has them unnerved. See the next Update.

The Common People are happy about the festivals and enjoy the reprieve from their lives.

The Mutated feel okay. Many are visiting the night classes of the school.
Warships (Armed 500 ton): 3 Intact (<80%), 1 Damaged (<60%)
Cargo Crafts (Unarmed 1000 ton): 10 Intact (<80%), 2 Damaged (<60%)
Line Vessels (Unnarmed 200 ton): 14 Intact (<80%), 4 Damaged (<60%), 8 Destroyed (<20%)
Personal Cutters (Unnarmed 20 ton): 60 Intact (<80%), 4 Damaged (<60%), 16 Destroyed (<20%)

That's a lot of airships. The cargo craft are tempting, but I would like to consider the warships first, as anything that we put into the air will need to be able to defend itself.

Though it will depend on how much work it's going to take to get something airborn. A line vessel may be all we can manage. I really want to get SOMETHING airborn tough enough to start moving suspendium by air.
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Are those warships armed with functional old world tech? That sounds scary.
Scary enough that I wonder if we can talk the Forge Clan into going halvsies on a pair of them with us. We send a joint expedition to hack the systems and restore them to functionality, we each keep one.

Maybe even get the Emperor to finance the whole thing with men and materials in exchange for the third.
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I don't think we will have the power to lift either the warships or the big cargo ships and power them all the way out of the forest. We should begin with the Line Vessels ot the Cutters, much easier to take back and reverse engineer which we can then use to get the bigger ships.

Beyond the mere power needs, the bigger ships will also have more complex systems to operate. Better to first learn how to pilot the smaller ships rather than risk crashing the bigger, irreplaceable ships.
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I don't think we will have the power to lift either the warships or the big cargo ships and power them all the way out of the forest. We should begin with the Line Vessels ot the Cutters, much easier to take back and reverse engineer which we can then use to get the bigger ships.

Beyond the mere power needs, the bigger ships will also have more complex systems to operate. Better to first learn how to pilot the smaller ships rather than risk crashing the bigger, irreplaceable ships.
I wonder if we could take some of the armor and weapons off the damaged warship and build out some of the line ships into something combat capable. We would need the Forge Clan to refurbish the weapons and likely help with the install, but it would be a compromise between a combat capable ship and something small enough that we can lift it.
So we are going to have to send an expedition, noted. Best to send them after the path is finished.

@HeroCooky Do the Line ships have any weapons? I imagine the cutters do not but the line ships could have some self defense weapons.
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@HeroCooky Do the Line ships have any weapons? I imagine the cutters do not but the line ships could have some self defense weapons.
Curiously, no. None of them have any weapon on them, though your scouts can see that they should have weapons. There are holes and chunks missing where it would have made sense to put them in, but they are empty. The scouts theorize that those ships were either being built and hadn't yet recieved their weapons, had them ripped out during the Collapse since they didn't rely on internal power like those of the Warships (probably) do, or they were scavenged later.
Curiously, no. None of them have any weapon on them, though your scouts can see that they should have weapons. There are holes and chunks missing where it would have made sense to put them in, but they are empty. The scouts theorize that those ships were either being built and hadn't yet recieved their weapons, had them ripped out during the Collapse since they didn't rely on internal power like those of the Warships (probably) do, or they were scavenged later.
Could the Forge Clan be employed to repair and install some of the lighter warship weapons into some of them, or otherwise be commissioned to sell us some weapons that would work?
Well shit. The weapons on the line ships were probably cannibalized during the collapse while the ones on the warships were too big/complex to dismount easily.

Luckily there are several ships, so we could probably trade a few to the Forge-Clans in exchange for weapons.