Not sure if this has been asked, but what would the effects of researching Physics Theories using the Physics Theorums be? Because I'd think that it would basically be converting the 'exhausted' atrefact into a permanent one... But the fact it would give us a permanent +50 to all Physics at a minimum makes me believe that we'd need something else to enable the full effect if that's the case...

Huh. Looking at it more, we've got several artefacts which are things like the Physics Theorums, Beer Recipe and Report on Vivisection. Which are all 'books' if you will, and we've got a printing press operating. So is there a way to preserve those artefacts whilst using them that isn't the Library? Or is the Library basically exactly that, because now that I look at it again I think that the Library allows us to get a permanent +110% bonus for any literature artefacts we place in it... Which considering how many we have, makes me very eager to start building our library. Because I really want to be able to put all of our literature artefacts in there to preserve them whilst giving us some really, really good bonuses.
Adding the Physic Theorem to a Physic Theory would get you a massive reduction for all Physic research. Doesn't matter which tier.

And the library is exactly for the preservation and gaining boni on a continous basis. Logical? No, you should be able to copy and benefit from literature artifacts eternally. Gameplay wise? A limitation to ensure you don't finish laser weaponry with +300 points while having two/three people with college entry level education.
Okay, so the first theory we may attempt may just be physics.

@HeroCooky could we add an Archeology office to the Tree? Like to coordinate several different teams and give us an extra action.
Also you didn't answer on the beer formulas, did we unlock a more general fermentation research?
Okay, so the first theory we may attempt may just be physics.

@HeroCooky could we add an Archeology office to the Tree? Like to coordinate several different teams and give us an extra action.
Also you didn't answer on the beer formulas, did we unlock a more general fermentation research?
The Administration Office is the one which gives you more actions. Upgrading it to the next stage will require you to research Electronics 2.

And sorry about the beer! The interesting thing about it is more the formulas written down and what interacts with what and how. The making of Booze is well understood, so some followers are already making beer with the formula, but it is nothing truly great.
Adding the Physic Theorem to a Physic Theory would get you a massive reduction for all Physic research. Doesn't matter which tier.

And the library is exactly for the preservation and gaining boni on a continous basis. Logical? No, you should be able to copy and benefit from literature artifacts eternally. Gameplay wise? A limitation to ensure you don't finish laser weaponry with +300 points while having two/three people with college entry level education.
So just to check, but is the difference between using the Physics Theorum to research Physics Theories, and building a library slot that contains Physics Theorums then researching Physics Theories basically that with the first we get a massive reduction to all Physics research, but nothing more. Whereas with the second we get a massive reduction to all Physics research, and keep a big boost to any of said research as well?

Or would the completed Physics research nullify/integrate the bonus given by the Physics Theorum?
Adding the Physic Theorem to a Physic Theory would get you a massive reduction for all Physic research. Doesn't matter which tier.

And the library is exactly for the preservation and gaining boni on a continous basis. Logical? No, you should be able to copy and benefit from literature artifacts eternally. Gameplay wise? A limitation to ensure you don't finish laser weaponry with +300 points while having two/three people with college entry level education.
No, it makes sense -- a scrap of knowledge about one particular thing shouldn't apply to everything within a gameplay-category of all other topics.
So just to check, but is the difference between using the Physics Theorum to research Physics Theories, and building a library slot that contains Physics Theorums then researching Physics Theories basically that with the first we get a massive reduction to all Physics research, but nothing more. Whereas with the second we get a massive reduction to all Physics research, and keep a big boost to any of said research as well?

Or would the completed Physics research nullify/integrate the bonus given by the Physics Theorum?
Adding it to Theories would get a permanent reduction in difficulty for all research. Adding it to the library would get you the boni eternally (until it is removed or stolen), without the reduction.
... Huh. Well, this is making me want to 'use up' the Physics Theorums now. Because I think that permanent reduction will be more useful than the bonus, especially as it's likely to be harder to lose than the bonus would be.

Speaking of the Library. Would the literature artefacts in the Unique Artefacts list be valid for putting in the Library Slot? And would ___ Theories actions result in more Unique Literature Artefacts if that is the case? I'm curious because looking through the list of artefacts, the Physics Theorums is the only 'depletable' literature artefact that is widely useful but most of our Unique Artefacts look like they'd count as Literature.

Not sure how the +10% bonus would work for the Sandcrete Recipe admittedly, and Narcotics, Stimulants and More! is only likely to see a 0.02 increase to the upkeep reduction, admittedly to all medical facilities, but it's still not too much.
... Huh. Well, this is making me want to 'use up' the Physics Theorums now. Because I think that permanent reduction will be more useful than the bonus, especially as it's likely to be harder to lose than the bonus would be.

Speaking of the Library. Would the literature artefacts in the Unique Artefacts list be valid for putting in the Library Slot? And would ___ Theories actions result in more Unique Literature Artefacts if that is the case? I'm curious because looking through the list of artefacts, the Physics Theorums is the only 'depletable' literature artefact that is widely useful but most of our Unique Artefacts look like they'd count as Literature.

Not sure how the +10% bonus would work for the Sandcrete Recipe admittedly, and Narcotics, Stimulants and More! is only likely to see a 0.02 increase to the upkeep reduction, admittedly to all medical facilities, but it's still not too much.
You cannot put Unique Artifacts into the Library, as they already give you boni.
Say, would gifting the ancient Tora to any religion descended from judaism count as a good gift?

I'm just wondering if we should keep it in case we need to grease some wheels later or if it's just better to sell it.
Say, would gifting the ancient Tora to any religion descended from judaism count as a good gift?

I'm just wondering if we should keep it in case we need to grease some wheels later or if it's just better to sell it.
I mean, if someone gave you an ancient holy text you thought would be lost forever, how would you react? The Flaming Sword is focused on reclaiming lost holy places and texts...
Materials: 70.57(min. +50.89, max. +145.57 per Turn. (18.74 owed to The Merchant Guild in 4(four) Turns.))
We have a lot to work with this turn. We could easily do one or two big projects.

That rose a lot. Last turn the taxes were only 24 Materials.

-0.02 = Print Shop - Smut
And the Print Shop costs us Goodwill each turn. Maybe we should print stuff besides smut?

Church of Eden
Contact: N/A
Opinion: Unfriendly (-1)
Influence Inside Tessen: 690
Plans: Regain the trust of their congregations in Tessen.
Information Network: Rank 1.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
They are going to lose around 200 Influence once our school finishes this turn, and we get an improved spy network too. Next turn we probably should use that and do Exfiltrate to ruin their plans to regain the trust of their followers.

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance/Make Cheaper Medicine
- Foundation (Neutral (0)/48% Control/Cheaper Actions)
-Healers (Ally (3)/52% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
Huh, they both apparently are going to stay around the 50% mark. I guess the Foundation wants to advance medicine, while the Healers want to make treatments affordable for everyone?

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Continue Operations.
-The Huntsmen (Leader: Amra Kaliv/Friendly (1)/75 Members/Reliable Mercenary Company)
That's a big expansion, from 60 members to 75.

Ancient Tora - 0.44
Antibiotics - 1.26 - +5 to Common Medicine
Beer Recipe - 1.41 - +5 to Common Chemicals
The Tora could be interesting to the Order of the Flaming Sword. We might want to contact them about it. The other stuff is more things we could research.

- Suspendium Dust
It seems like the crystals, coined Suspendium by your scholars, can float when supplied with electricity. It, however, degrades when not supplied with the correct dosage and turns into dust. The dust still seems to react to electricity and retains its anti-gravity properties. What could be done with this?
Hmm, "degrades" implies the dust needs more electricity to do the same as the crystals or is otherwise less efficient. It's also unclear if it negates gravity or if it creates thrust of its own.
The first would limit its use to planets and places that have gravity. Any vehicle that uses it would also need something else to provide thrust.

I mean, here: 'She breasted down the stairs with her heaving buxom bosom bouncing with each step.' How the heck do you breast down the stairs?!"
Painfully by tripping, I presume. :V

"A Midnight Sitting, by Eneles," he began,
...Really? Selene written backward? She could have at least used an anagram!

The first was eager and brimming with energy, reluctant to back away from training every single available hour. Simultaneously, PD tried to reign in her Pilot's enthusiasm by enforcing breaks and mealtime rigorously.
Only breaks and meals? So Aria did get to sleep in there?:p

"There is also something else, but I forgot. But fuck that boring shit, cause we. Got. ANTI-GRAVITY!" She continued, getting louder and faster with each word until she shouted the last two in euphoric glee while pumping both of her fists into the air.

When no one answered her shout with the expected jubilation or awe, Turi frowned.

You spent nearly the entire energy-output of the Tree for two days within five seconds to fall slower,"
I guess she used some form of Jewel battery? That's going to be the big problem with Suspendium. It all depends on what the ratio is between the thrust/lift and the electricity needed. If most of the force is needed to carry batteries or a generator...

Three seconds passed in silence until a Councilor spoke up. "By all that is good and holy, we are following that research ASAP, right? Tell me you weren't so dense as not to see the benefits!" A woman called out into the room, her large ears covered in scales swiveling around the room. "Of fucking course! Flying? That shit will change everything! But telling her that she could plunder the treasury to get this working would have made her insufferable!" The one who had voiced worries about the costs answered, causing many chatters to ring out. "Gentlemen, Ladies," Martyris softly called out, cutting the talk off within seconds. "All in favor of prioritizing Turi's proposal?"
Eh, if we want flight we are probably better off with planes or zeppelins. They don't need to directly neutralize gravity and aren't as dependent on electricity.

[ ] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Ularn/Tessen)
Now that you have a soup kitchen, it is time to expand them to cover the city. About three more should give you a solid base for future expansions and provide your other ventures with places to attach.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 80%
Cost: 11 Materials Upkeep: + 2.5 Materials to soup-kitchens
Reward: 3d6 Recruits, +0.04 Goodwill per Turn, 1d3-1 Goodwill.)
This probably should damage the COE in some form.

[ ] Attack TOP-03 - (Choose Unit/s) - (Choose Enemies you will try to draw into fighting)
Now that you know what you will be attacking, you have to strike.
(Chance: 55%
Reward: Combat Round Initiated.)
We should do this this turn, or next turn if we want to do a bit more research.

[ ] Guards! Guards! - (Specify Building)
While the Tree of Knowledge has some security, it doesn't have a dedicated guard. Start training a few Pilgrims as guards so that you don't have to worry about thieves or, even worse, saboteurs.
(Cost: 6.5 Materials, Upkeep: 0.55 Materials
Turns: 1
Reward: Pilgrim Guards are assigned to the building, sharply increased DC for malicious actions against it.)
Something we could do this turn if we want to go after TOP-03 next turn. Either for the 'Consensual' and its future expansion or to replace the adventurers at the Jewel mine. Doing this often enough could also allow us to create a permanent training program so we can train a limited number of Pilgrim Guards each turn.

[ ] Energized Dust - (Common Suspendium Theory/Advanced Suspendium Theory/Pioneer Suspendium Theory)
Now that you have some insight into the mystery that is Suspendium, Turi has asked to follow that line of research. She is sure that she will only need some time to figure out something genuinely revolutionary. Unfortunately, you have only the dust that remained after the crystal broke down after being mishandled due to your unfamiliarity with it. Turi swears that this will not hinder her in the least, as she had the time to experiment a bit with it, claiming that she 'is on to something.'
(Needed: Suspendium Dust
Cost: 30 Materials
Chance: 38/23/08 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 2
Reward: Gain ???, Unlocks ???)
I think this should wait until we got the Common Suspendium Theory. If this opens a tech-tree based on Suspendium, then the theories should apply to all projects that get unlocked by this project.

[ ] Steel Casting - (Common Mechanics/Common Metallurgy/Common Hydraulics)
Few things are as coveted by the Empire as good steel. From Knights to armor and weapons, construction materials, or base components, many have desired it, yet few have the industrial capacity to produce it in enough quantities. Not for lack of trying, though, but because demand always outstrips supply. Learning how to make quality steel on your own would entail the entire process, sped up by helpful notes, diagrams, and theories, but it will still need many tests and trials. Knowledge cannot replace expertise after all. Too bad that the industrial magnates will not share their secrets with you, but you understand wanting to keep an edge over competitors, even if it slightly rankles you.
(Chance: -20/-87/-234% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 7
Reward: Can build a Steel Foundry, reduced Upkeep for Engine Assembly, Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded), and subsequent upgrades.)
Very useful but also very difficult. We either need to get several applicable theories or use many Artefacts.

...Or we use In The Name Of Profit and PD on it for 3 turns and finish it that way. It would cost around 45 Materials but we could get a lucky roll over three turns. Both scientists and Scientific Theory would get us a bonus of +39, so as long as we roll at least once over 81...

[ ] Coke - (Common Chemicals)
Coke is used ubiquitously within the Empire for all kinds of tasks, but primarily for steel creation. You should figure out how to produce the Coke yourself; it would make Upkeep cheaper for many things.
(Chance: 64/52/40% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 2
Reward: Reduced Upkeep for Engine Assembly, Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded), all Steam Engines, and Steel Foundry, increased Chances for all Steam Engine research.)
Probably the more practical brother of Steel Casting. We should get this soon because it makes research into steam engines easier and reduces the upkeep for the steam engine we have (4.40 Materials) and the Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded)(5.86 Materials).

[ ] Create The Crystal-Path
While you have no idea how to replicate the Crystals' strange properties, it would be a good idea to create a safe-ish way to gather more without having to spend months actively preparing. Safe-houses would be a good start.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 6 Materials, 4 Faithful
Chance: 40%
Reward: +2 Tiny Shards each Turn.)
I wonder if this would make research into Suspendium easier because we can get more of the stuff easier.

[ ] Living Quarters - Continous Expansion
While you have enough space for a small village in the Tree, you should expand what space is available. If anything, you will run out of rooms sooner rather than later. Making this a passive effort, where you will add living space as needed and only some on the side, will allow you to focus your efforts elsewhere.
(Cost: Upkeep: 6.14 Materials
Turns: 1
Reward: No more overcrowding mali.)
We don't need it yet but soon. I think we also could reduce the upkeep with things like Pneumatic Automatic Generatic or Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded) because of better tools/the easier access to tools.

(Also, a one time +20 boni to the one which correctly guesses where I stole borrowed Suspendium from!)
I guess Eezo from Mass Effect? Mainly because of the gravity stuff and the fact that Eezo in dust form is mentioned in-game as a result of engine accidents.

Anyway, the big question is what expensive project we want to start now. We could:
  • Repair PD for 34.30 Materials.
  • Expand the 'Consensual' for 20 Materials.
  • Build the Black Box - (Basic) for 20 Materials. (This could get us a +5 on nearly any research if we slot in the Hololithic Cube)
  • Build the Electronics Workshop for 40 Materials. (Generates 4d8 Materials Income)
  • Build the Library for 40 Materials. (+10 to all Physics research if we slot in Physic Theorems)
I would take the Black Box because of the bonus to most research and the fact it only takes 3 turns to build.
... Might want to correct the spelling, as I believe it's Torah, not Tora.

Also I take it that this means there's no verified copy from before the fall then? Anyway, yes I am definitely on board with gifting this to the Flaming Sword. The small value we'd get from selling it is nothing compared to the reputation and potential Favour we'd get from that whole religion by doing so. The latter also has the advantage of it keeps on helping us forever, whereas the small amount gained from selling it is immediately spent.

There's also the fact that we've been told that the Flaming Sword is the religion that's most likely to help us with our desire to explore ruins.
Repairing PD should wait until next turn so we can use a Forge-Clan action on it. And we should go the crystal-path ASAP to build up a stock of those crystals (it's fucking anti-gravity). Black Box, Eletronics Workshop and Living Quarters Expansion are highest priority once we free up Tree actions again.
My only question is if the Flaming Sword is present on Tessen. If not, it might be best to hang on to it until we start expanding and use it to smooth relations once we meet them formally.
My only question is if the Flaming Sword is present on Tessen. If not, it might be best to hang on to it until we start expanding and use it to smooth relations once we meet them formally.
They are not present in Tessen. They would have been displayed in the information tab. You can, however, still give it to them like this: -[Free Action] - Give (ITEM) To (FACTION)

@Profectus, it does.
Last edited:
Hmm I would rather wait until we have an action to do a formal introduction to gift them, unless gifting already counts as one.
Even if it counts, I would wait until we actually share a region with the Flaming Sword before doing any introductions. Maximize our gains, so to speak. Befriending them now has little benefits since they can do little for us when they are so far away.
Even if it counts, I would wait until we actually share a region with the Flaming Sword before doing any introductions. Maximize our gains, so to speak. Befriending them now has little benefits since they can do little for us when they are so far away.
On the other hand they are the 3rd biggest religion (by influence) in the empire and it might cause them to place Tessen higher on the list of expansion options. On a third hand they may send expeditions to place we will want to claim for ourselves.
On the other hand they are the 3rd biggest religion (by influence) in the empire and it might cause them to place Tessen higher on the list of expansion options. On a third hand they may send expeditions to place we will want to claim for ourselves.
Yeah, it would be better if Tessen remained 'our' centre of power. No need to bring other religions into the mix when COE is already going into the offensive.
Ok, I'm going to post a few different plans. But first a question for @HeroCooky .

If we research Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry) this turn, can we use that for an attack on TOP-03 in the same turn?
We know, from our recruiting for the Starlight crusade, that normally a unit needs a turn to familiarize themself with new equipment, but Electric Lances involve developing electric crossbow-bolts which aren't that different from normal crossbow-bolts.

Oh, and a second question. How does Buying Goods In Bulk work with buildings we have several of? Can we use a Buying Goods In Bulk action on each of our 6 Soup Kitchens?

Aaaand a third question, now that I'm writing plans. Can we draw the Minor Bright-Lance Turret into a fight without fighting everything else? It's kind of... stationary so we cant bait it away from the other robots. Or would this be a case of us baiting the Sentinels away?

[] Plan Weapons and Theories
-[][Faith] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Ularn) - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (-11 Materials)
-[][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (5/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Criminal Organisations) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Guards! Guards! - (Tree of Knowledge) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6.5 Materials)
-[][Martial (free)] Re-equip:
--[]Tech-Scouts (Crying Crescent, Pointed Reply, Firebomb(Lingering), Smokebomb(Scented))
--[]The Unbroken (Crying Crescent, Pointed Reply)
-[][Learning] Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry) - (0/2 Successes) - (-4 Materials)
--[] Armor Piercing Ax +20 to Common Weapons,
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! (Suspendium)- (0/3-??? Successes)
--[] +2SC, +6 FF, [PD]
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (TW-01) - (2 turns) - (1/2 Turns Complete) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Create The Crystal-Path - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (4FF) - (-6 Materials)
--[] +5FF
-[][Holdings] Prepare Quarters - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Aria action] Train Pilot, TRAIN! - (Aria) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (Church Of Eden) - (1/2 Turns Complete))
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Attack TOP-03 - (Tech-Scouts, The Unbroken) - (6 Caretakers, 1 Minor Bright-Lance Turret) Focus Fire Turret first
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Soup Kitchens)
--[] Repay loan: - 18.74 Materials
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (1FF) - (0/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.34 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[] Commission The Sandcrete Mixer - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[] In The Name Of Profit - (Assemble The Theorists! (Suspendium)) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 11 Materials+ 6.5 Materials+ 4 Materials+ 6 Materials+ 2.34 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 18.74 Materials= 63.58 Materials
Materials left: 70.57-63.58= 6.99 Materials

This plan focus on re-equiping our troops, attacking TOP-03, and getting a bonus for futur Suspendium research actions. Using PD, the 4S and our two scientists should make it very likely that we get at least the Common Suspendium Theory. I really wanted the Black Box this turn but that would need a scientist, so instead we get the Crystal-Path and hope it boosts the research into Suspendium. It also gets us some guards for the Tree of Knowledge. Because after two incidents we really should get some for that place.
This plan has some problems if we can't use the electrical weapons we develop on the same turn though.

[] Plan Preperations and Boxes
-[][Faith] Build Upon A 'Consensual' - (Mirn) - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (-20 Materials)
-[][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (5/6 Turns Complete)
--[] +3 FF
-[][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Criminal Organisations) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Guards! Guards! - ('Consensual') - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6.5 Materials)
-[][Martial (free)] Re-equip:
--[]Tech-Scouts (Crying Crescent, Pointed Reply, Firebomb(Lingering), Smokebomb(Scented))
--[]The Unbroken (Crying Crescent, Pointed Reply)
-[][Learning] Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry) - (0/2 Successes) - (-4 Materials)
--[] Armor Piercing Ax +20 to Common Weapons, +6 FF
-[][Learning] Combat Stimms Round 1 - (Medicine/Biology/Chemicals) - (0/5 Successes)
--[] Textbook On Cellular Theory +20 to Common Biology, Hygienic Instructions +5 to Common Medicine, Beaker Set +5 to Common Chemicals
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (TW-01) - (2 turns) - (1/2 Turns Complete) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Black Box - (Basic) - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (1SC) - (-20 Materials)
-[][Holdings] Prepare Quarters - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Aria action] Train Pilot, TRAIN! - (Aria) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (Church Of Eden) - (1/2 Turns Complete))
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble The Theorists! (Suspendium)- (0/3-??? Successes))
--[] +1SC, +6 FF, [PD]
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Soup Kitchens)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (1FF) - (0/8 Turns Complete)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[] Commission The Sandcrete Mixer - (1/2 Turns Complete)

Costs: 20 Materials+ 6.5 Materials+ 4 Materials+ 20 Materials+ 2.34 Materials= 52.84 Materials
Materials left: 70.57-52.84= 17.73 Materials

This plan would push the attack on TOP-03 to the next turn. It also expands the 'Consensual' and uses the Martyris action to boost the Theory research. If people want we could even use the 4S on top of that. This plan also starts on the Black Box, meaning we can get the bonus from the Hololithic Cube and roll the dice to keep some of the Artefacts we use.

[] Plan Crystals and Electronics
-[][Faith] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Ularn/Tessen) - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (-11 Materials)
-[][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (5/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Criminal Organisations) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Guards! Guards! - (Tree of Knowledge) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6.5 Materials)
-[][Martial (free)] Re-equip:
--[]Tech-Scouts (Crying Crescent, Pointed Reply, Firebomb(Lingering), Smokebomb(Scented))
--[]The Unbroken (Crying Crescent, Pointed Reply)
-[][Learning] Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry) - (0/2 Successes) - (-4 Materials)
--[] Armor Piercing Ax +20 to Common Weapons,
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! (Suspendium)- (0/3-??? Successes)
--[] +1SC, [PD]
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (TW-01) - (2 turns) - (1/2 Turns Complete) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (0/7 Turns Complete) - (1SC) - ( 12FF) - (-40 Materials)
-[][Holdings] Prepare Quarters - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Aria action] Train Pilot, TRAIN! - (Aria) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (Church Of Eden) - (1/2 Turns Complete))
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Create The Crystal-Path - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (4FF) - (-6 Materials)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Soup Kitchens)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[] Commission The Sandcrete Mixer - (1/2 Turns Complete)

Costs: 11 Materials+ 6.5 Materials+ 4 Materials+ 40 Materials+ 6 Materials= 67.5 Materials
Materials left: 70.57-67.5= 3.07 Materials

This plan would focus mostly on Suspendium and the production of electronics. It is less likely for us to finish the Common Suspendium Theory in one turn but it still gets the Crystal-Path and starts the Electronics Workshop, which boosts electronic research and gets us some income.
Ok, I'm going to post a few different plans. But first a question for @HeroCooky .

1. If we research Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry) this turn, can we use that for an attack on TOP-03 in the same turn?
We know, from our recruiting for the Starlight crusade, that normally a unit needs a turn to familiarize themself with new equipment, but Electric Lances involve developing electric crossbow-bolts which aren't that different from normal crossbow-bolts.

2. Oh, and a second question. How does Buying Goods In Bulk work with buildings we have several of? Can we use a Buying Goods In Bulk action on each of our 6 Soup Kitchens?

3. Aaaand a third question, now that I'm writing plans. Can we draw the Minor Bright-Lance Turret into a fight without fighting everything else? It's kind of... stationary so we cant bait it away from the other robots. Or would this be a case of us baiting the Sentinels away?
1. You still need a turn for the familiarization. The electric bolts need not only a supply-chain, but also modifications to your crossbows to allow for their charging/keeping supplied with lethal/damaging amounts of electricity. The soldiers also need to be taught on how to maintain the bolts.

2. You can use it for just that.

3. You can.
Do we even need suspedium theorists at the moment? As far as I know they only boost research chance and we don't need a boost yet.
Welp they need a turn for familiarization so TOP-03 is delayed yet again.
For the battle of TOP-03 we should try to draw and kill the caretakers first. They are healers, you should always target the healers first.