Day 3 Chapter 3
- Location
- Around here
[X] Plan: Let's take care of our friends and new teammates (part 1)
"You should talk to Kyouko when you get the chance."
You make a stop at Sayaka's desk on your way out of the classroom. She looks up, her head previously lolling about on her desk as the class waited for next period's teacher to arrive. "Oh, yeah, I probably should," she says. Sayaka pulls herself into something resembling an upright position, glancing over in the direction of Kyouko, who is still sulking. "I guess I don't really know what to say to her right now. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around everything; I can't imagine how she must be feeling."
"Right now, I think knowing that her girlfriend is there for her is more important than any conversation topic in particular." You aren't Kyouko, but you know that if you were feeling down, knowing Madoka was there for you would make you feel better than anything else someone could say to you. "As long as you're there for her, I don't think she'll care that you didn't come with a conversation topic in mind."
Sayaka nodded. "Right," she said. "I'll talk to her next period."
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it." You turn to Madoka once you and Sayaka have finished, and you say to her "Alright, let's go."
You know the way to the nurse's office by heart now, but it's always better to go with Madoka than by yourself. By yourself, there's a good chance you'll get in trouble if you return from one of your talks with Nurse Ortensia after the next period has started; but with Madoka, the nurse's aide, at your side you're perfectly fine to return late and not get in trouble. Usually it doesn't come to that, but from now on, you have a feeling things will be different.
"Come to see me again?" Nurse Ortensia asks as you enter her office. "We simply must stop meeting like this."
"My memory isn't perfect, but I think you've already used that one." Your head turns to the side as you hear an annoyed snort coming from the corner; it's Assassin. She's discarded her elegant purple robe for a mundane skirt and shirt, and with one of Nurse Ortensia's lab coats draped over her shoulders she almost looks like she belongs in the office. She looks up from her magazine - you weren't even aware Japan had a horse racing industry, let alone a dedicated magazine for it - and sends a derisive eye your way before returning to her magazine. "At any rate, I was hoping you and Assassin would be willing to join the rest of us for a practice session later in the evening."
"Practice for what?" Nurse Ortensia asks.
"Combat." As if there were any other kind of practice your team needs right now. "We've just taken on four new teammates, and it's imperative that we all learn to work together if we're going to come out on top."
"I hope you weren't planning on having me fight those girls," Nurse Ortensia says. "The tools at my disposal are really only good for combating men and evil spirits, and I don't think our enemy girls are either of those things."
"We can help you, if you're lacking in good tools to fight them," you reply. "Oriko's servant is quite a good instructor of runic magic. I'm sure she could help you."
Nurse Ortensia rolls her eyes, sighing as she says "Of course; damn that cousin of mine." Another sigh accompanies the shaking of her head, and Nurse Ortensia says "I guess I don't have a choice then, do I? If it's not you inviting me, then I'm sure Oriko would have invited me sooner or later."
You nod, before turning to Assassin. "We never had a proper introduction last night," you say to her. "I'm Akemi Homura, master of our team's Archer. I hope we can get along going forward." Assassin makes no reply. You try again. "Are you interested in joining the rest of us for team exercises later in the evening?"
"What for?" Assassin doesn't even bother looking up from her magazine to answer you. "In life I was the greatest warrior in all of Alba. What use do I have for training with a bunch of children and their deceased hangers-on?"
"Because we're a team, and we need to learn to fight like one," you reply. "I'll understand if you're still upset at being summoned to an improper class. I'll understand if you're never not upset about that. But we need you. Being an Assassin gives you a class advantage over the enemy's Rider, and we desperately need your assistance to defeat him."
"You know how to flatter," Assassin says. "That's a good skill to have in the presence of your betters."
That's neither an affirmation nor a rejection of your offer you're hearing from Assassin, but you don't know enough about her to say if pressing the matter further is worth it, or even safe. At least she's chosen the office to sulk, and hasn't wandered off to be away from her master. You hope that's a sign of improving relations between Assassin and Nurse Ortensia, but you won't claim anything until you're sure. "I'm glad you're at least being civil with each other," you say to both at once. "It wouldn't be good to have you at each other's throats when we've already got enemies to deal with." Both Nurse Ortensia and Assassin snort at your words. "I know it's a long shot," you say to Nurse Ortensia, "But do you happen to have any information on the enemy masters we might be able to use? Or maybe the Church has some information on them?"
"Why would I?" Nurse Ortensia replies. "I've never met any of those girls before in my life. Asunaro's not my responsibility."
Well, you did say it was a long shot. Hearing that Nurse Ortensia doesn't have any useful information doesn't really surprise you. But she's not your only option at the moment, is she? You turn to Assassin, and dare to ask her "How good are you at scouting?"
"I have Presence Concealment, but since I'm not supposed to be an Assassin it's about as useful as a sheep that can't grow wool. Other than that? I was a warrior, not some skulking snitch. If you're asking me to hunt down an enemy fortification, I'd sooner raze it to the ground than sneak back with information."
"That might also be useful," you say. "For the moment, I'm just feeling for my options." In all this conversation, you've completely forgotten to take your medication. You down your pill and the water which follows, and make for the door. "Thank you. You've both given me plenty to think about."
You don't miss being trapped in an endless repetition of the same stretch of days. But you do miss how much easier school was when you knew everything without having to think about it. By the time you make it to lunch, your brain can hardly take much more. Add to that the crisis that was last night, and how unhelpful Nurse Ortensia and Assassin are being, and it's only when you sit down beside Madoka in the cafeteria that your mind feels at ease once more.
"You look exhausted, Homura-chan," Madoka says "Maybe you should go back to the nurse's office and get some rest."
"I don't know how much rest I'd get in there," you reply. "Those two might just start bickering at any moment."
Hitomi nods, chiming in with "I'm actually a little worried for Nurse Ortensia," she says. "I hope she and Assassin don't hurt each other."
You have to stop yourself from laying your head down on the cafeteria table. "I don't even want to think about-" You gesture to nothing in particular with a wave of your hand. "-This, right now. Let's think about literally anything else." Madoka. You'll think about Madoka. "When all of this is over, is there anything you want to do together?" you ask her. "Anything at all. You name it, and when winter break rolls around I"ll do my best to make it happen."
"It's a little early to be thinking about winter break, isn't it?" Madoka asks. "That's still two months away. Besides, I thought you were going to teach me archery, and that we were all going to go ice skating together."
"Nothing's saying you can't do it all," Sayaka says. "Besides, it's not like we're going ice skating every day of winter break; I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for you two to think of something romantic to do." Sayaka wraps her arm around Kyouko's shoulder, pulling her girlfriend in close as she says "Me and Kyouko are gonna hole up at my place and play videogames whenever we're not doing anything with the rest of you guys, aren't we?"
"Only if I get ta stick my tongue down your throat whenever I beat ya," Kyouko replies.
Sayaka rolls her eyes, saying "Please, that time at the dance machines was a fluke. I've got you beat, easy."
"If by fluke, ya mean it happens every time we play, then yeah." Kyouko sticks her tongue out at Sayaka, who lunges forward, attempting to bite the offending appendage off. "It's a fluke all right; a fluke so flukey it happens every time we play."
You're glad to see Kyouko sounding a little livelier than she was this morning; whatever they said to each other, Sayaka's talk must have done something. "Maybe we could do something similar?" Madoka asks. "We could get cozy at one of our places and marathon a bunch of anime together, if you wanted. I think you'd like the show Sayaka got me for my birthday."
"Symphogear, right?" you ask. "You said the main lead sounds like you?"
"Yeah! Her name's Tachibana Hibiki; she's voiced by Yūki Aoi, and she sounds just like me. That was actually the reason I started watching it, when I found out. It's a lot of fun, and the songs are really good, too. I think you'd like it." Madoka giggles, leaning closer to you as she says "Maybe we should find a series where Saitō Chiwa voices the main character, since she sounds so much like you do."
"Maybe." You said you didn't want to deal with any of this, but you find your mind won't let it rest. Ugh, typical. "Are you feeling any different from how you felt this morning?" you ask Hitomi. "Do you still have an abnormal appetite? Have you tried any magecraft since last night? If Saber's draining your supply of magical energy, it wouldn't be a bad idea to know where your new limits are."
"No, I haven't tried anything," Hitomi replies. "When I got home, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. But don't worry about me; if something changes for the worse, I'll be sure to let you know."
You nod; but even as you do, another thought creeps up on you. Even if Saber proves to be too much of a drain on Hitomi for her to safely use magecraft, there might still be a way for her to help you out. She did some research for you awhile back; actually, it was her investigation that led to her wanting to learn magecraft in the first place. Maybe you could use her again? No, you shouldn't word it like that. It sounds like you're taking advantage of her. "Actually, I was hoping you might be able to do some research for me..."
"You should talk to Kyouko when you get the chance."
You make a stop at Sayaka's desk on your way out of the classroom. She looks up, her head previously lolling about on her desk as the class waited for next period's teacher to arrive. "Oh, yeah, I probably should," she says. Sayaka pulls herself into something resembling an upright position, glancing over in the direction of Kyouko, who is still sulking. "I guess I don't really know what to say to her right now. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around everything; I can't imagine how she must be feeling."
"Right now, I think knowing that her girlfriend is there for her is more important than any conversation topic in particular." You aren't Kyouko, but you know that if you were feeling down, knowing Madoka was there for you would make you feel better than anything else someone could say to you. "As long as you're there for her, I don't think she'll care that you didn't come with a conversation topic in mind."
Sayaka nodded. "Right," she said. "I'll talk to her next period."
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it." You turn to Madoka once you and Sayaka have finished, and you say to her "Alright, let's go."
You know the way to the nurse's office by heart now, but it's always better to go with Madoka than by yourself. By yourself, there's a good chance you'll get in trouble if you return from one of your talks with Nurse Ortensia after the next period has started; but with Madoka, the nurse's aide, at your side you're perfectly fine to return late and not get in trouble. Usually it doesn't come to that, but from now on, you have a feeling things will be different.
"Come to see me again?" Nurse Ortensia asks as you enter her office. "We simply must stop meeting like this."
"My memory isn't perfect, but I think you've already used that one." Your head turns to the side as you hear an annoyed snort coming from the corner; it's Assassin. She's discarded her elegant purple robe for a mundane skirt and shirt, and with one of Nurse Ortensia's lab coats draped over her shoulders she almost looks like she belongs in the office. She looks up from her magazine - you weren't even aware Japan had a horse racing industry, let alone a dedicated magazine for it - and sends a derisive eye your way before returning to her magazine. "At any rate, I was hoping you and Assassin would be willing to join the rest of us for a practice session later in the evening."
"Practice for what?" Nurse Ortensia asks.
"Combat." As if there were any other kind of practice your team needs right now. "We've just taken on four new teammates, and it's imperative that we all learn to work together if we're going to come out on top."
"I hope you weren't planning on having me fight those girls," Nurse Ortensia says. "The tools at my disposal are really only good for combating men and evil spirits, and I don't think our enemy girls are either of those things."
"We can help you, if you're lacking in good tools to fight them," you reply. "Oriko's servant is quite a good instructor of runic magic. I'm sure she could help you."
Nurse Ortensia rolls her eyes, sighing as she says "Of course; damn that cousin of mine." Another sigh accompanies the shaking of her head, and Nurse Ortensia says "I guess I don't have a choice then, do I? If it's not you inviting me, then I'm sure Oriko would have invited me sooner or later."
You nod, before turning to Assassin. "We never had a proper introduction last night," you say to her. "I'm Akemi Homura, master of our team's Archer. I hope we can get along going forward." Assassin makes no reply. You try again. "Are you interested in joining the rest of us for team exercises later in the evening?"
"What for?" Assassin doesn't even bother looking up from her magazine to answer you. "In life I was the greatest warrior in all of Alba. What use do I have for training with a bunch of children and their deceased hangers-on?"
"Because we're a team, and we need to learn to fight like one," you reply. "I'll understand if you're still upset at being summoned to an improper class. I'll understand if you're never not upset about that. But we need you. Being an Assassin gives you a class advantage over the enemy's Rider, and we desperately need your assistance to defeat him."
"You know how to flatter," Assassin says. "That's a good skill to have in the presence of your betters."
That's neither an affirmation nor a rejection of your offer you're hearing from Assassin, but you don't know enough about her to say if pressing the matter further is worth it, or even safe. At least she's chosen the office to sulk, and hasn't wandered off to be away from her master. You hope that's a sign of improving relations between Assassin and Nurse Ortensia, but you won't claim anything until you're sure. "I'm glad you're at least being civil with each other," you say to both at once. "It wouldn't be good to have you at each other's throats when we've already got enemies to deal with." Both Nurse Ortensia and Assassin snort at your words. "I know it's a long shot," you say to Nurse Ortensia, "But do you happen to have any information on the enemy masters we might be able to use? Or maybe the Church has some information on them?"
"Why would I?" Nurse Ortensia replies. "I've never met any of those girls before in my life. Asunaro's not my responsibility."
Well, you did say it was a long shot. Hearing that Nurse Ortensia doesn't have any useful information doesn't really surprise you. But she's not your only option at the moment, is she? You turn to Assassin, and dare to ask her "How good are you at scouting?"
"I have Presence Concealment, but since I'm not supposed to be an Assassin it's about as useful as a sheep that can't grow wool. Other than that? I was a warrior, not some skulking snitch. If you're asking me to hunt down an enemy fortification, I'd sooner raze it to the ground than sneak back with information."
"That might also be useful," you say. "For the moment, I'm just feeling for my options." In all this conversation, you've completely forgotten to take your medication. You down your pill and the water which follows, and make for the door. "Thank you. You've both given me plenty to think about."
You don't miss being trapped in an endless repetition of the same stretch of days. But you do miss how much easier school was when you knew everything without having to think about it. By the time you make it to lunch, your brain can hardly take much more. Add to that the crisis that was last night, and how unhelpful Nurse Ortensia and Assassin are being, and it's only when you sit down beside Madoka in the cafeteria that your mind feels at ease once more.
"You look exhausted, Homura-chan," Madoka says "Maybe you should go back to the nurse's office and get some rest."
"I don't know how much rest I'd get in there," you reply. "Those two might just start bickering at any moment."
Hitomi nods, chiming in with "I'm actually a little worried for Nurse Ortensia," she says. "I hope she and Assassin don't hurt each other."
You have to stop yourself from laying your head down on the cafeteria table. "I don't even want to think about-" You gesture to nothing in particular with a wave of your hand. "-This, right now. Let's think about literally anything else." Madoka. You'll think about Madoka. "When all of this is over, is there anything you want to do together?" you ask her. "Anything at all. You name it, and when winter break rolls around I"ll do my best to make it happen."
"It's a little early to be thinking about winter break, isn't it?" Madoka asks. "That's still two months away. Besides, I thought you were going to teach me archery, and that we were all going to go ice skating together."
"Nothing's saying you can't do it all," Sayaka says. "Besides, it's not like we're going ice skating every day of winter break; I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for you two to think of something romantic to do." Sayaka wraps her arm around Kyouko's shoulder, pulling her girlfriend in close as she says "Me and Kyouko are gonna hole up at my place and play videogames whenever we're not doing anything with the rest of you guys, aren't we?"
"Only if I get ta stick my tongue down your throat whenever I beat ya," Kyouko replies.
Sayaka rolls her eyes, saying "Please, that time at the dance machines was a fluke. I've got you beat, easy."
"If by fluke, ya mean it happens every time we play, then yeah." Kyouko sticks her tongue out at Sayaka, who lunges forward, attempting to bite the offending appendage off. "It's a fluke all right; a fluke so flukey it happens every time we play."
You're glad to see Kyouko sounding a little livelier than she was this morning; whatever they said to each other, Sayaka's talk must have done something. "Maybe we could do something similar?" Madoka asks. "We could get cozy at one of our places and marathon a bunch of anime together, if you wanted. I think you'd like the show Sayaka got me for my birthday."
"Symphogear, right?" you ask. "You said the main lead sounds like you?"
"Yeah! Her name's Tachibana Hibiki; she's voiced by Yūki Aoi, and she sounds just like me. That was actually the reason I started watching it, when I found out. It's a lot of fun, and the songs are really good, too. I think you'd like it." Madoka giggles, leaning closer to you as she says "Maybe we should find a series where Saitō Chiwa voices the main character, since she sounds so much like you do."
"Maybe." You said you didn't want to deal with any of this, but you find your mind won't let it rest. Ugh, typical. "Are you feeling any different from how you felt this morning?" you ask Hitomi. "Do you still have an abnormal appetite? Have you tried any magecraft since last night? If Saber's draining your supply of magical energy, it wouldn't be a bad idea to know where your new limits are."
"No, I haven't tried anything," Hitomi replies. "When I got home, I was so exhausted that I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. But don't worry about me; if something changes for the worse, I'll be sure to let you know."
You nod; but even as you do, another thought creeps up on you. Even if Saber proves to be too much of a drain on Hitomi for her to safely use magecraft, there might still be a way for her to help you out. She did some research for you awhile back; actually, it was her investigation that led to her wanting to learn magecraft in the first place. Maybe you could use her again? No, you shouldn't word it like that. It sounds like you're taking advantage of her. "Actually, I was hoping you might be able to do some research for me..."
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