Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Day 1 Chapter 19
[X] Plan: Servant Questions & Filling in Minako

You head to your room after seeing to Hijiri Kanna's sleeping arrangement. Your mind is a blur with thoughts about all that's happened today. Enemy puella magi. Enemy servants. A mysterious woman. An artificial human. "And of course, it all had to happen on Madoka's birthday." You flop down onto your bed without bothering to change out of your clothes, and you stare at Amy, who stares back at you from her perch atop your desk. "You're lucky. You don't need to concern yourself with any of this." A single "Mew" is all you get for your troubles. "I'm not overreacting. This is serious."

Amy leaves her perch, slinking towards you until she's close enough to place her paw on your cheek. You smile, lazily groping a hand underneath your bed for one of her toys to play with her, but as soon as your fingers settle on what you're sure is her squeaky mouse, there's a knock at your door. "It's me," Archer says. "Thought you might want to join Minako and I for a little chat about what happened earlier."

You hand the squeaky mouse over to Amy, saying to her "Guess this will have to wait." You pull yourself up, saying to Archer as you leave your room "Alright. Let's get this over with."

"I already told her that Hijiri's not entirely what she appears on the surface," Archer says as you and he walk towards the kitchen together. "But I figured it'd be best to wait on the really big stuff until we could tell her together."

"Yeah. That's probably for the best."

You find Minako sitting at the kitchen table, same as she was when you returned home. Her laptop is gone now, leaving nothing between you two as you and Archer takes your seats across the table from her. "This must be big if you're sitting across from me," she says to Archer. "So, what have you two been keeping from me about this girl you've brought home? Is she-" Minako waves her hand back and forth, "-one of you? Or is it something even weirder?"

"The latter," Archer says. "You're probably not going to believe this, but that girl's actually not a real person."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly what it sounds like. She's a homunculus, an artificial human created through magic."

Minako sighs, glancing down at the table as she massages her brow. "This is going to be one of those really long discussions where you two try to explain some really weird magic stuff to me, isn't it?" Another sigh escapes Minako's lips, and she asks "How much of what you two told me is just a bunch of garbage?"

Archer shakes his head. "None of it, actually. She really doesn't have a safe place to spend the night. Hijiri Kanna being an artificial person is about as simple as it needs to be. It's everything else around her that's the not-so-simple part." Archer turns to you, asking "Do you want to take it from here?"

You nod. "So, I guess the best place to start would be at the beginning," you say. "The girls and I were heading over to Uptown to deal with an office fire we thought might have been the work of a magical interloper, when..."

Maybe it's foolish, but you don't hold anything back. You tell Minako everything, from the mysterious woman who started the fire, to the enemy puella magi who attacked your allies. You tell her about Kanna Niko, the one responsible for creating your artificial human house guest, and about the pair of enemies who fought Oriko and Kirika. Who hurt Oriko and Kirika. Archer chimes in on occasion, telling Minako about the enemy servants and what you know of them so far; an ancient Greek huntress whose name goes completely over Minako's head, and an unidentified female doctor you only know the existence of.

And all the while, Minako's face grows dark with every word spoken.

When you and Archer finish telling Minako everything, the kitchen is silent. Neither you nor Archer say anything, waiting for Minako to make the first move before offering anything to counter or reassure her. Her hands leave her face, and she says "I want that girl out of my house." Minako's voice is calm, hiding away whatever anger or torment she must be feeling. "I'm not going to be a bitch and kick her out onto the streets in the middle of the night, but as soon as she's had breakfast I want her out of this house for good. I can't..." Minako stops, taking several deep breaths before continuing to speak. "I know it's not her fault that things are the way they are, but I can't take the risk that keeping her here will bring. Those girls let you leave with her, but what if they decide to come back for her when she's not expecting it? What if they come back for her and something happens and someone I care about gets hurt? I can't take that risk."

Now, and only now, does Archer move to a seat beside Minako, letting her lean on him as she continues to air out her concerns. "I hate that my two little girls have to keep going out at night to deal with weird magic monsters and other things I can't even understand. I hate that there's nothing I can do to keep the people I care about safe. I hate that it makes me feel so powerless. It's an awful thing to do, but not letting her stay here is the only thing I can do to keep my family safe."

"I understand," you say. "I hope either Tomoe-san or Oriko can hold her up until all of this blows over."

Minako shakes her head. "I don't want her staying with Oriko either," she says. "I know it's not my place to tell Oriko what to do, but... If she's there and Kirika's there and something happens to Kirika..."

"Mikuni's got a really good defensive barrier set up around the mansion," Archer says. "I know that's not enough to make you not worry about your daughter, but if anything happens the mansion's one of the safest places for Kirika to be." Minako hardly looks convinced by Archer's words, but she says nothing in protest.

"I know there's probably nothing either Archer or myself can say to make you feel better about all this, but I want you to know; we will get through this in one piece. You have my word." You aren't sure Minako believes you. You take a moment to hug Minako on your way out, to reassure her that you're still here and that everything is going to be alright, before excusing yourself to your room. You aren't even sure you believe yourself.

Amy is asleep when you return to your room, curled up on her little cushion at the foot of your bed, so you tread lightly as you change into your pajamas. Thoughts of the night's events come back to you, and you're right back to where you started. There's only five of us, but there's six of them; seven if you include the mystery woman among your enemies. That puts your side at a disadvantage of two, and it's not unreasonable to assume that your enemies will be fielding as many servants as they can now that they know your own side has servants.

You roll over, staring up at the ceiling of your darkened room. We should probably think about bringing at least one other master and servant into the fold; ideally two. The question is who? Who would make for a reliable, trustworthy, and capable master? Hitomi is the first choice to which your mind jumps. She's intelligent, trustworthy, and capable as a mage; and she was one of the master candidates Caster had identified in the weeks leading up to Walpurgisnacht. She declined the position of master of the Saber servant when you offered it to her, but that was a year and a half ago. With time to improve her skills in magecraft - with time spent growing closer to you and Kyouko - her answer might change if you were to ask her again.

Might. You have no guarantee that her answer would change if you asked her again.

Hijiri Kanna is another possibility, though one you aren't sure would be the wisest course of action without knowing more about her. According to Archer, a homunculus like her is a valuable asset that the Saints will want to recover. According to Caster, if you deal fairly with Hijiri Kanna, she'll reciprocate for the duration of the coming War. Giving her command over one of your team's servants would ensure she has a way to resist being taken by the Saints, and if you show trust in her by giving her this responsibility, you hope she would reciprocate and show trust in you and your allies.

But she's still an unknown variable, and you need to know more about her.

There is one other option you could consider; Nagatsuki Miyuki. She was a puella magi who was part of a trio from Shirome. Initially, the trio opposed your side, seeking revenge against Oriko for the death of their friend; and while you wouldn't say she and her friends ever grew fond of you and your allies, she was able to put her differences aside to work with you in the fight against Walpurgisnacht. She has experience, having served as the master of Saber at that time, but she and her friends have all hung up their capes, so to speak. She's a known option, but getting her to come out of retirement to fight in a War like this may be a tough sell.

That's three options, and not a one can you put down as a guarantee. Is there anyone else you're missing you might consider trusting to be a master for your side?

Well, all you can do is ask them. If they say no and nothing else turns up, you can ask Oriko or Caster if there are any options you haven't considered. You aren't tired. You aren't tired. Who are you kidding? You're tired. You hope tomorrow will be easier. You know tomorrow won't be easier.
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Omake, side Niko - The Night After the First Day
"You've got three broken ribs, your arm is broken in too many places to count, and you've got second- and third-degree burns over eighteen per cent of your body." The sound of a pen scratch-scratching across a clipboard echoed through the sterile room as Assassin finished her once-over of the patient. "You're lucky. In my day, your arm would likely have been amputated, given the severity of the damage."


Assassin nodded her head, saying "Yes, amputated," as she donned a pair of latex gloves with a loud snap. "Do you have any other questions?"

"Yeah, just one-" Usagi Satomi turned to the third girl occupying the sterile room, a platinum-blonde hunched over a laptop whose servant had just given her the bad news. "Just what the hell were you thinking, going off to fight Tomoe and leaving me to fight Sakura by myself?"

Kanna Niko looked up from her laptop, on which she had previously been typing up an after-action report of the night's events. "I would have come to back you up as soon as I had dealt with Kanna, had Tomoe not appeared before I could reach her. Besides, I didn't leave you by yourself. You had Archer. If she failed to provide you with adequate backup, that isn't my fault."

A "tsch" sound escaped Satomi's mouth, which was promptly followed by Assassin chiding "Don't spit in my operating room." That was enough to shut Satomi up, and Assassin turned to Niko, saying "Master, we're ready to administer treatment to the patient. Permission to proceed?"

Niko nodded, setting her laptop aside in order to join Assassin at the operating table where Satomi sat waiting. "So, amputation," Satomi said to Niko. "I know you don't give a damn about what happens to your body, but I'd like to keep the limbs I was born with."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to chop off your arm or replace it with anything unnatural." Niko held her hand out, and Assassin responded by laying several large pieces of bone onto the operating table. "For your broken bones, I'll be using actual bone to repair the damage, and the same is true for the skin grafts." Niko held out her hand again, and Assassin responded by setting out the requested piece of skin.


Satomi stared at the assortment of parts which seemed to stare back at her. "Are those…?"

"Parts from the Fridge, yes. I could have made something from your tissue and bone if I had the time, but I'm assuming you want this done as quick as possible, am I correct?" Satomi nodded her head. "Then we'll proceed."

The 'procedure' was hardly that. A quick flash of light as Niko's magic reconstructed the damaged areas of Satomi's body using the chosen samples, and Satomi was soon flexing her repaired arm with a look of mild boredom in her eyes. "I made sure to pick samples that matched your blood type, but if you experience any rejections, come see Assassin and me immediately. Worst-case scenario, we might have to pull you out of rotation for a few days in order to get everything squared away."

"Right." Satomi looked at Assassin who, now finished with the 'procedure', had removed her gloves and was busy rubbing her hands with an alcohol wipe. "So, amputation," she said for the third time. "Doesn't that, you know, violate the whole 'Do no harm' part of your oath?"

"It is impossible to do no harm," Assassin said, bluntly. "To heal, there must first have been a harm done. If I give you an injection, am I not harming you when I stick the needle under your skin?"

"Well, no. It hurts, sure, but you're doing that because there's medicine I need in that injection."

"And if I remove an injured limb, I do so to prevent that injury from becoming gangrenous and spreading to the rest of your body. It hurts, but I am doing that to keep you alive." As Assassin spoke, Niko returned to her laptop, wiping down both her own hands and the keyboard of the laptop with an alcohol wipe. "There is always a reason behind the harm healers must cause their patients, and there is no way to avoid that harm entirely. The best we can do is make the wisest choices and attempt to mitigate the harm we do as much as possible. You wish to become a veterinarian one day, is that correct?" Satomi nodded. "You will have to learn that lesson eventually."

"Kaoru and Umika will be arriving with the VIP tomorrow night, correct?" Niko asked, to which Satomi again nodded. "Then you don't need me at the debriefing." Niko finished typing her report and closed the laptop, handing it over to Assassin once she had finished admonishing Satomi. "You can present my report to Saki at the debriefing. I need to take a walk." With a nod, Assassin accepted the laptop from her master, and Niko exited the sterile room, leaving Assassin and Satomi to head to the debriefing without her. The winding corridors of the Saints' underground base were no doubt daunting to any potential intruders, but Niko never once feared for getting lost as she wandered.

Instead, not needing to look where she was going, Niko reached for the wallet in her back pocket, glancing at a photograph she kept in its folds. Two adults, a dark-haired man with glasses and a smiling woman with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, stood over their children; two young girls with the same dark hair as their father, and an older girl with the platinum blonde hair and blue eyes of her mother. That girl was smiling. Niko couldn't remember the last time she had smiled.

"Why..." Niko whispered to herself as she returned the wallet to her pocket, her voice barely audible above the echo of her footsteps. "Why did you run away? I thought... I thought you were happy." A sound, heard or imagined, caused Niko to turn her head and look behind her, only to be met by shadows and the darkened hallway she had just passed. "Did Umika's magic wear off? If that's the case..." Niko's thoughts turned to the VIP scheduled to be arriving the following night. "If that's possible, then is she just as flawed as the others? Or am I the one who's flawed? Is it my magic? Is there something I failed to take into account when I made her?"

How fitting that Niko would end her journey here, in front of these cold, double-wide doors looming tall over her head. There it is! That same sound, real or imagined, caused Niko to turn her head once more in its direction. But this time, there is something there to greet her beyond shadows and a darkened hallway. "Archer," Niko said, addressing the woman who had appeared behind her. "Shouldn't you be with Satomi at the debriefing?"

"Shouldn't you be with Assassin at the debriefing?" Archer replied. Niko had no answer for her. "I left as soon as Saber's master gave me my orders. Didn't have a reason to stick around after that."

"It's the enemy Rider, isn't it?" Niko asked. "You've got prior experience with him, so it's only natural that's where you'd be-"

"He and I don't have anything more to say to each other," Archer said, cutting Niko off. "Besides, I'm more interested in fighting their Archer than I am in fighting him again."

"I see." Niko supposed that made sense. Archer had been more than forthcoming in her description of that War, the War between two opposing factions, and the way in which it had dissolved into chaos as soon as the Overseer made his move. Archer and Rider had said all they needed to say to one another back then, but this new Archer offered her a fresh start. "Was there anything else you needed to say to me?"

For a moment, Archer was silent, staring beyond the cold, double-wide doors looming over her and Niko. "There is." Without warning, Archer lashed out, punching Niko in the face. She fell to the ground, pulling herself up despite the pain in her likely-broken jaw as Archer said "I can understand what you and the others are doing. But I hate it; and I hate you most of all." Archer flexed her fingers in and out, giving her hand one final flick to discard any of Niko's blood that had landed on her gauntlet, before walking away in silence.

A brief flash of light saw Niko's wound on the mend, but neither she nor Archer acknowledged what had happened between them. "I hate me most of all, too," Niko said to herself, clutching not her injured jaw, but her right arm. "More than you can ever know."

But what choice is there for one who has walked this path, but to see it through until the end?
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Day 2 Chapter 1

As a puella magi, your body technically doesn't need sleep in order to function, but you would be lying if you said that a good night's rest didn't feel refreshing. At least, on the nights when your dreams are allowed to be pleasant. This time, it wasn't Madoka who had died, but Archer, Kirika, and Minako. There was nothing you could do to save the people you've come to call your family; in fact their deaths had been your fault.

Fortunately, you open your eyes to a friendly sight. Light streams into your room through the slits in your blinds, catching on Amy's silky black fur as she rests curled up beside you. Some time in the night, she must have moved from her cushion at the foot of your bed and crawled up to be by your side. Cautiously, you pull yourself up, trying to exit your bed without disturbing Amy's rest. Your efforts fail, but you don't mind being greeted by her usual "Mew" as she uncurls, her eyes begging you for affection.

"Why is it so hard to say no to you?"

You give Amy her demanded scratches behind the ear as a yawn forces its way out of your mouth. No matter what, whether your dreams are pleasant or ghastly, whether you're able to leave your room without giving in to Amy's demands or not, pulling yourself out of bed after a night's respite and greeting the day anew is always the hardest part of your morning. Breakfast usually comes much easier until, as you enter the kitchen with Amy following at your heels, you remember that you've got a guest. Amy hisses as Hijiri Kanna comes into view, and she takes the long way around the kitchen to reach her food and water dishes in order to avoid your house guest.

"Your cat doesn't appear to like me very much."

Minako remains silent at the girl's comment, leaving Archer to be the one who must bear the bad news. "We're going to have to find you a better place to stay," he says. "This place isn't a very defensible position. If the enemy attacked here, there's no telling who could be injured."

"I figured that would be the case." Hijiri Kanna eats her breakfast with a look of complete nonchalance, a look you don't think you've ever seen on anyone's face before upon their first tasting of Archer's cooking. "Tomoe's apartment struck me as a more advantageous position. There's more room to establish defensive measures than there is here." Hijiri Kanna looks around the kitchen, adding "In fact, don't you think it's risky to not have a single defensive measure in place here?"

[ ] What do you talk about over breakfast?
-[ ] with Archer (write-in)
-[ ] with Minako (write-in)
-[ ] With Hijiri Kanna

When you head out after breakfast, do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
--[ ] About what? (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Major objectives:
- Keep Everyone on your side alive.
- Solve the mystery of the new Witches
- Win the coming Great War against the Pleiades Saints
- Find new masters and summon the Saber and Assassin servants
- Find Hijiri Kanna a place to stay
[ ] Set your major objectives here
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Day 2 Chapter 2
[X] What do you talk about over breakfast?

Hijiri Kanna eats her breakfast with a look of complete nonchalance, a look you don't think you've ever seen on anyone's face before upon their first tasting of Archer's cooking. "Tomoe's apartment struck me as a more advantageous position," she says upon agreeing with the insistence that she find another place to stay. "There's more room to establish defensive measures than there is here." Hijiri Kanna looks around the kitchen, adding "In fact, don't you think it's risky to not have a single defensive measure in place here?"

In the past, it was only you living here, and you ere better-equipped to keep yourself safe in the absence of servants or any of the other magic nonsense this timeline has thrown at you. After Archer arrived, any defenses you could have erected would be useless before Walpurgisnacht, and with the entire field of servants on your side for the entire latter half of the loop leading up to her appearance you had little reason to fear from any surprise attacks. Then there was a year and a half of peacetime. But now...

Now you have a family to consider. Even if you, Archer, and Kirika when she shows up on the weekends can all take care of yourselves, Minako can't. She's completely vulnerable to any and all of the weirdness that Fate sees fit to throw your way every so often, and for whatever reason it only occurs to you now how vulnerable she is. "You're right," you say. "That's... Actually an excellent point." You turn to Archer, and ask him "Do you think you could speak with Lancer at some point about having her set up a Bounded Field around the building?"

"I think I can find the time to speak with her," Archer replies. "I wish you'd have told me yesterday, I could have asked her then."

Breakfast passes under an awkward silence. Minako doesn't speak, but occasionally steals a glance in Hijiri Kanna's direction. You wonder if she still feels bad about kicking your guest out, even if her reasons for doing so are justified. Hijiri Kanna also doesn't speak, but by now you're wondering if maybe she just isn't a talkative person. She's an artificial person. Does she even have enough real-life experience or social skills to have much to say in the first place? Occasionally Archer tries to strike up conversation, but with half of the table unwilling to speak his efforts fall flat.

You spot a text message from Kirika as you change into your uniform. Nothing too important; just her expressing a desire to have salmon for dinner when she comes home on Saturday evening.
<Kirika: Hey, can you see if dad'll make that salmon dish for dinner Saturday?>
<Kirika: I got a cravig for it last night but I don't wanan make Oriko do it if she's not gonna eat any.>

<Homura: Yeah, I'll let him know.>

You set your phone aside in your pocket, making for the door once you have everything. "Hey dad, Kirika wants to have salmon for dinner on Saturday," you say, catching Archer as you're about to head out. "Is that okay?"

"Fine by me," Archer calls back. "I'll pick up some fresh salmon Saturday morning."

"If you could, can you also keep an eye on Hijiri Kanna until we can figure out what to do with her?"

"Sure can. I'll let you know if anything comes up."

With Saturday's dinner confirmed and the safety of Hijiri Kanna at least momentarily secure, you head out. You've got a few minutes to yourself before meeting with Madoka; that means precious few minutes with which to plan how you're going to tell her and the others about what happened last night. Doubtless, you should also come up with a better plan than what you currently have for Hijiri Kanna, but Madoka, the others, and the bad news comes first.

"Homura-chan, is something wrong?" Madoka's hug is warm, as always, but her first words to you this morning make it plain how deeply your concerns have etched themselves onto your face. "If it's something I can help you with, you know you can tell me."

"I wish you could help me, Madoka." You say, forcing through the best smile you can for your girlfriend. "It's... I'll explain when we meet up with Sayaka and Hitomi."

"Oh. It's something bad, isn't it?"

"Yeah," you say. "It's bad."

You try to make smalltalk with Madoka, but the conflict looming over your head, and the pressing need to arrange for two more master, to meet the enemy with an equal force, distracts you. You aren't sure what to say when Madoka tries talking to you, until she asks "So, is the offer to go with you to take Amy to the vet still on the table, or has... Whatever came up, made it unsafe for me to join you?"

[ ] Madoka can still go with you to Amy's checkup
[ ] It's not safe for Madoka to wander around with you

"Hey, what's up you two?" You spot Sayaka and Hitomi, the former of whom is animatedly waving her arm as she calls out her greeting. "How was the after-party? You two do anything special to celebrate after we left?" Sayaka's nudge-nudging of her elbow does little to endear her teasing to you. Fortunately, she takes the hint, slinking away with a "Fine, fine, I get it."

"We watched Kirika-chan's present after you all left," Madoka says. "It was a slideshow with pictures of me and Homura. I thought it was really thoughtful. After we were done, Homura-chan left to join the others; but I don't know what happened after that." Madoka looks to you, and the cheerful smile she had for Sayaka turns dour as she adds "But I guess it was something really scary."

"There's..." There's no easy way to say this. "There's an enemy faction of puella magi who appeared in Mitakihara last night. We were tipped off to their existence by a girl named Hijiri Kanna; she's an artificial human who was created by one of them, and she escaped to warn us about them when they set their sights on us. They're Soul Gem hunters, and what's worse is they appear to have servants on their side." Blank stares meet your explanation, forcing you to add "I know it's a lot to take in, and I'll understand if you think I'm making any of it up. But it's all true. I wouldn't lie to you three." You lied to them enough already in the weeks leading up to Walpurgisnacht. You don't have any reason to lie to them any further. "There's also a... Rather disturbed individual that's also wrapped up in all of this. She calls herself a witch, but I don't know if she's telling the truth, nor do I know what her role in all of this is. I just want you three to be careful; Mitakihara's getting dangerous again, just like back then."

"I see..." Hitomi is the first of your friends to speak. "Well, Akemi-san, that certainly is... Unexpected. I'm intrigued by your claim of an artificial human, though; can you tell me more?"

"I wish I could. She claims to be something called a 'homunculus', but I've got absolutely no idea what that means, and no way to tell if she's lying or not about it. She's, uh, certainly as socially proficient as someone born in a tube might be." Not that you're one to talk. How socially adept were you before Archer encouraged you to be proactive in managing your relationships with others?

"Perhaps that's something I could ask Tohsaka-san about when she arrives?"

"If you would, please." Now or never, Homura. Now or never. "Actually, there's one more thing I'd like to ask, if you don't mind. Would you... Would you consider summoning a servant and becoming a master for my side? I'll understand if you say no; it's a big responsibility, and dangerous too. But We're in need of two more masters, and you're someone I can trust who also has some talent as a mage, so I thought I would at least ask."

An uneasy silence passes over your circle of friends as you pose your question. For a moment, you fear for the worst, that Hitomi will reject you and you'll be back to square one; but then; "Can I think about it? I understand that this is important to you, Akemi-san, but I need sometime to think about it before I'll be comfortable giving you an answer."

Well, it isn't a "No." "Yes, that's fine," you say, hoping that Hitomi's answer won't be the same as it was the last time you ask her. "You can think about it. That's fine."

Caren Ortensia is the nurse at Mitakihara Junior High. Whether she was always the nurse here and you just never noticed her before, or whether this is a quirk of only this timeline in particular, you have no idea. But she is the nurse at Mitakihara Junior High. She is also a representative of the Holy Church, acting in Mitakihara on their behalf. You and she have a strained relationship; that is to say, you have to come see her every day to take heart medication that does nothing for you, and she has to pretend that she's oblivious to the fact that your medication does nothing for you.

"Caren Ortensia? I have a package for you."

You and Nurse Ortensia look to the new arrival, a delivery man bearing a cardboard box. "Oh, thank you," Nurse Ortensia says, directing the man with an outstretched hand "You can leave it on my desk."

The man does so, leaving after Nurse Ortensia has signed for the package, but not before saying "Oh, the main office said they don't want you using the school to receive your personal packages."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

You catch a brief glimpse of the label on the package as Nurse Ortensia takes it; it's from Scotland. Any questions you might have had upon seeing the place of origin are doubled when you see the contents within, an ancient, water-logged fragment of what appears to be a wooden wheel. "What is that?"

"Oh, nothing special," Nurse Ortensia replies. "Just a little something I picked up on a whim. Have to find something to do now that McRemitz has my Lancer."

Before Walpurgisnacht arrived, the Mage's Association had sent an Enforcer into Mitakihara to ascertain the situation. They sent Bazett Fraga McRemitz, who eventually came to be an ally to you and your team, especially after she regained her Lancer servant from Nurse Ortensia's clutches. You have only one guess what Nurse Ortensia is planning now with this old wheel fragment of hers. "Planning on summoning a new servant, then?"

Nurse Ortensia nods. "Well, I went through all the trouble of finding this just so I'd still have some way of poking at McRemitz's buttons. It'd be a bit foolish of me to just let it sit around, wouldn't it?" Nurse Ortensia sets her catalyst aside - A wheel fragment from Scotland. What servant could she be planning on summoning? - and hands you a pill and a cup of water. You need to keep up appearances, after all.

Do you
[ ] Tell Nurse Ortensia about the coming War
-[ ] and invite her to be a master for your team
-[ ] but don't invite her to be a master for your team
[ ] Say nothing, and hope you can find another master before Nurse Ortensia can summon her servant
[ ] Get in touch with Oriko; see if Nurse Ortensia can be trusted before making a call one way or another
-[ ] If Oriko gives the okay, talk to Nurse Ortensia after classes are done

Over lunch, do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
-[ ] to Kyouko
--[ ] About what? (write-in)
--[ ] Get Kyouko's opinion on allowing Nurse Ortensia to be a master for your team
--[ ] Get Hitomi's answer on whether or not she'll agree to be a master for your team
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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Day 2 Chapter 3
[x] Plan: Family Opinions

You leave the nurse's office without telling Nurse Ortensia anything of what is about to come. Of all your possible masters, you trust her to work alongside your team the least. You know your opinion isn't one shared by the rest of the team, however, so in the interest of fairness - and because she's at least primed to summon a servant, if nothing else - you reach out to the only person you can think of willing to give Nurse Ortensia the benefit of the doubt.

"I've got a bit of a surprise for you." You hope you aren't interrupting Oriko in the middle of an important class right now. "Nurse Ortensia has acquired a catalyst, and is preparing to summon a servant."

"Is she?"
Oriko's mental voice sounds positively thrilled. "That's wonderful news, Akemi-san. Do you know which servant she plans on summoning?"

"I'm afraid I don't. Her catalyst is a wheel fragment sent to her from Scotland, but I don't know who she could be attempting to summon from a catalyst like that."
Archer would probably have an idea, if he were able to give the wheel fragment a bit of structural analysis. "Actually, I'm letting you know because, well, because I don't entirety trust Nurse Ortensia to be someone who would work well with our team, so I wanted to check in with you to see whether we should allow her to summon her servant or whether we need to speed our timetable up."

"I wish you wouldn't think so poorly of Caren-san. I know how she seems on the surface, but I want to believe she's better than to cause problems for us, if she knew the situation."
Despite their physical similarities - the same ash-white hair, similar facial structures, and similarly-shaped eyes despite the difference in colour - somehow you never put together the fact that Mikuni Oriko and Caren Ortensia were related until it was spelled out for you. Their maternal grandmothers were sisters, as you've heard, and for the past two summers since connecting with her cousin Oriko has joined Nurse Ortensia in visiting their family in Italy over summer break. If anyone can give you a positive review of Caren Ortensia, Oriko is that person. "But, I suppose I should at least check to make sure she can work well with us as a team."

You're more than happy to give Oriko the few minutes she needs to peer ahead into Nurse Ortensia's future, because she soon returns with good news. "I don't see Caren-san, well, being particularly nice to any of us, but assuming we treat her as an equal partner it doesn't appear she'll give us any problems. I was even able to get a bit of a sneak peek at her servant. It's a woman; she's got long hair, dark robes, and she appears to have decent parameters. I don't know who she is, and I'm not sure whether she's a Saber or an Assassin, unfortunately, but I think we should give Caren-san the go-ahead to join our team, if she's interested."

A woman with long hair, dark robes, and decent parameters. She'll be from Scotland, with some relation to the fragment of wheel Nurse Ortensia found, and she'll qualify for either the Saber or Assassin class. You really need to study more mythology if you're going to find yourself in situations like this. But even if you've been left even more confused as to the identity of Nurse Ortensia's servant, Oriko's news is still good. "Alright, I'll be sure to speak with her when classes are over."

You can almost see the smile on Oriko's face as she says "That's wonderful to hear, Akemi-san. I really hope Caren-san accepts the offer. Working alongside her will be a great opportunity, I believe."

You're sure Oriko really believes that. Yourself not so much, but at least that's one master you don't have to worry about finding. One down, one to go.

The first half of the school day passes uneventfully. You have no major tests, you don't get back any major assignments, you don't have to worry about any major projects. It' sjust a normal day at school. Ironic, when you think about how the night waiting for you at the end of this day will be anything but normal. "Homura-chan?" Madoka speaks your name in a concerned tone as your group of five sits down at your usual table for lunch. "You're worried about what's going to happen, aren't you? You've looked like you've been out of it all day."

"Yeah," you say, making sure to hug Madoka as tightly as you can. Maybe if you hold on tight, Madoka's presence will ground you and you won't be blown away to wherever Fate wills you. "I thought I'd be done with stuff like this once Walpurgisnacht was defeated, but I guess I only managed to buy myself some time."

Madoka returns your hug with one of her own, saying "I know, Homura-chan. You've got a really tough job to do, and I wish you didn't have to do it. But at the same time, if there has to be weird stuff happening, I'm glad it's you who's protecting the city."

"Stop it, Kyouko, that's my lunch you're eating."

"Make me!"

"You've got your own lunch! Eat that instead!"

You and Hitomi exchange knowing glances, you and she both watching in silence as Sayaka and Kyouko bicker over nothing. It's not like they won't just keep stealing food from one another until they've both eaten the other's entire lunch. "I've been giving your request some thought, Akemi-san, and I think..." You don't like the tone in Hitomi's voice. It sounds like a "No." "When you asked me back then, well, I wasn't exactly prepared to give the question an adequate amount of consideration. I'd barely known about the existence of magic for a few weeks at the time, and I had even less experience with magecraft than I had knowledge of magic. But now..."

Hitomi looks over to Sayaka and Kyouko; you can't tell if their current round of bickering is friendly or charged. Sometimes, you can't tell if there's a difference for those two. "I'd hate to see something happen to Sakura-san that would make Sayaka-san upset. I know I'd feel terrible about that, especially if there were something I could do about it." That doesn't sound like a "No." "I know it's rather risky of me, but I believe I'll accept your offer, Akemi-san. I'll agree to be one of your team's masters."

That sounds like a "Yes." "Thank you," you say to Hitomi. "I know you'll be more vulnerable than the rest of us, so I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe." Once again, you hug Madoka. You know her presence won't keep you from being blown away to wherever Fate wills you, but it just feels so good to hug her.

"Don't worry, Homura-chan," Madoka says. "Everything is going to be just fine." You wish you could believe those words.

Do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
-[ ] to Kyouko
--[ ] Does Madoka still want to go to the vet with you after classes?
--[ ] How soon can Hitomi summon her servant?
--[ ] How does Kyouko feel about having Nurse Ortensia on the team?
--[ ] Other (write-in)

[ ] What do you tell Nurse Ortensia when you speak with her? (write-in)
-[ ] Just what she needs to know
-[ ] Everything minus Hijiri Kanna
-[ ] Everything, Hijiri Kanna included
--[ ] Once you've spoken with her, how soon can she summon her servant?

Today is archery club practice. [ ] Wat do?​
Last edited:
Day 2 Chapter 4
[X] Plan: Honest conversation

"I know it's rather risky of me, but I believe I'll accept your offer, Akemi-san. I'll agree to be one of your team's masters."

That sounds like a "Yes." "Thank you," you say to Hitomi as she accepts your offer and signs on to the danger ahead. "I know you'll be more vulnerable than the rest of us, so I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe."

Once again, you hug Madoka. "Don't worry, Homura-chan," Madoka says, reciprocating your hug. The peace you've enjoyed these past seventeen months may have met with a brutal and abrupt ending, but Madoka's warm embrace soothes your soul even in trying times. There will be a lot of those in the weeks to come. "Everything is going to be just fine." You just wish you could believe Madoka when she says those words.

You wish you could believe Madoka, so you're going to try. "I've been thinking about what you asked me this morning," you say to her. "If you wanted to go with me when I take Amy to the vet, you're still welcome to."

"I'd like that."

You smile at Madoka's response. Even if it's several hours away, the promise of some time spent with Madoka is something you can look forward to when your obligations for the day are done. Well, that's not entirely true. You've got other obligations after that need to be taken care of. "I figure I should tell you this now," you say to Hitomi and Kyouko. "But Nurse Ortensia is also preparing to summon a servant, completely unrelated to what we're getting ourselves into. I spoke with Oriko when I found out, and she's given me the go-ahead to invite Nurse Ortensia to join our team. I thought I should ask the both of you how you each feel about that, in case you've got differing opinions."

A "Tsch" sound escapes Kyouko's lips as you address her and Hitomi. "Do we really have ta?" she asks. "I mean, I know we're hurting fer bodies, but do we really wanna trust that crazy lady ta be part of our team? Seaweed here's at least someone I'd trust not ta stab me in the back or kidnap me while I'm sleeping."

Hitomi appears horrified by Kyouko's accusations, but immediately composes herself, saying "Well, perhaps I don't know Nurse Ortensia quite that well, but I've never known her to be quite so... Drastic, as Sakura-san fears her to be. She's not exactly the kindest person I've ever met, but the few times I've needed her she's been nothing but helpful." Kyouko rolls her eyes, to which Hitomi responds by asking "What has Nurse Ortensia ever done to deserve your scorn, Sakura-san?"

Kyouko looks to you, asking "Don't ya think we should, ya know, tell her, if yer intent on making Seaweed a part of our little crew?"

Hitomi looks between you and Kyouko, nervously asking "Tell me what?"

"Nurse Ortensia... Is probably not qualified to be a nurse, anywhere," you say, your words earning you a nod from Kyouko. "It's a bit of a long story, but the short of it is that Nurse Ortensia is a representative of the Church, stationed here in Mitakihara for-" your eyes dart to Kyouko momentarily, and on the chance that Hitomi doesn't know the full story you decide on a version of events which doesn't incriminate the redhead's father. "-reasons unknown. She has repeatedly insinuated that she might try to kidnap either Kyouko or Oriko to bring them to her superiors, though if her insinuations are genuine she has yet to act on them."

"I see. Well, that does make Sakura-san's reluctance to trust her a bit more understandable. But, if Nurse Ortensia isn't qualified to be a nurse, then how did she get her position here at the school?" You don't have an answer to Hitomi's question; a shrug will have to suffice. "What about Mikuni-san; how does she feel about Nurse Ortensia?"

"Oriko and Nurse Ortensia are cousins," you reply. "I think Nurse Ortensia would actually have to go through with her threat to kidnap Oriko before she stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt." Even then, Nurse Ortensia might still be a better relative than Oriko's uncle, for as little as you know of their strained relationship. "However, Oriko is confident that Nurse Ortensia won't be a detriment to our team."

"Well, that sounds fine to me," Hitomi says. "I don't know Nurse Ortensia well enough to feel uncomfortable working alongside her, so as long as she won't be a detriment I don't mind having her on the team, especially since she's already preparing a servant of her own. That makes your job a bit easier, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does."

As soon as your attention is off Kyouko, she and Sayaka are right back at it. Hitomi looks at you, and says "Sayaka-san sure has her hands full with Sakura-san, doesn't she?"

You nod. "I think sooner or later she'll have to learn how to cook if she wants to sate her girlfriend's appetite." That gets a laugh out of Hitomi. Considering her involvement in something which promises to be extremely dangerous going forward, you hope it won't be the last time you hear your friend laugh.

"Hey Akemi, you feeling okay?"

You stare at your archery target, where your inability to clear your mind has caused your aim to falter. As the team's captain addresses you, you reply with a simple "I've got a lot on my mind."

"I can see that. Want to talk about it?"

Even though you say "I don't know if I should," you allow the captain to lead you over to a bench, taking a sip from her offered water bottle as you both sit down. "It's... Kind of complicated."

"Eh, complicated's fine. Come on, you can tell me. Is it relationship troubles?"

"No, it's nothing like that."

If it were, you aren't sure what your captain could do for you. Mochizumi Nico - not to be confused with Kanna Niko - was the vice-captain of the archery club last year; at least, she was before Walpurgisnacht arrived, half the city was destroyed, and she was sent off to a school somewhere else in the prefecture. Back then, she had a crush on the previous archery club captain, Kasuga Shinji, who graduated in March and now attends the local high school. He was completely oblivious to her feelings, and Mochizumi-san absolutely refused to speak up and confess to him; you can remember how obnoxious it was watching the pair dance around her feelings. If what was on your mind was indeed relationship troubles, you aren't too confident in Mochizumi-san's ability to help you. Her "Oh, thank the gods," is hardly unexpected in that regard. "So then, what is it?"

"It's..." How do you say this without revealing all the really weird stuff to Mochizumi-san? Is that even possible? You're going to have to try. "Last night, my friends and I found a homeless girl; either that, or she's a runaway, we're not sure. I invited her to stay at my place until we could figure out what to do with her, but as it turns out, there's a..." Don't call them a gang of murderers. Whatever you do, do not do that. ".... Rather unpleasant, gang of girls from Asunaro we think she's gotten herself tangled up with. Mom was willing to let her stay the night, but once she heard there might be people coming after her she said we had to find somewhere else to put her up."

"And you're worried about what's going to happen to her?" Mochizumi-san asks. "I can't say I blame you. Sounds like you're in a pretty tough spot. Maybe you should get in touch with the police? They're probably better equipped to handle things than you and your friends."

"Maybe," you say. "But, those girls are pretty dangerous. Even if we went to the police, there's no guarantee that'll keep her safe."

Mochizumi-san sighs, kicking her legs back and forth as her eyes flit between you and the others practicing on the line. "Hey Daigo, buddy, what the hell do you think you're doing? Keep your back straight!"

Along with yourself and Mochizumi-san, Suzuhara Daigo is the last member of the archery club still remaining from when you joined last year. Kasuga-san graduated, as did the fifth and final member of the club, Tanaka Haruo, leaving just the three of you, as well as a pair of first-years you and Mochizumi-san were able to recruit; and for the life of you you can't remember what their names are. "Sorry captain!" Suzuhara Daigo calls out, his accuracy immediately improving once he straightens his back. "Won't happen again!"

"Course it will!" Mochizumi-san calls out. "We all mess up sometimes; that's what practice is for!"

"Even you?"

"Took Shin getting himself a girlfriend for me to figure out that I shouldn't have kept putting off telling him how I felt, so yeah," Mochizumi-san says. "I'd say I messed up pretty bad there. Haven't even spoken to him since graduation; I'm still kicking myself for not speaking up when I had the chance." Mochizumi-san shakes off her negativity, asking you "So what about you and Kaname, huh? You two still going strong like always?"

"Yesterday was her birthday. We had a lot of fun, and after classes today she wanted to come with me while I take my cat to the vet for her checkup."

"Trip to the vet's not exactly my idea of a fun date, but hey." Mochizumi-san shrugs, kicking herself up and off the bench; it's time for you and she to get back to practice. "If it works, it works. Hope you two have fun."

You hope you aren't putting Madoka in jeopardy by bringing her with you.

Speaking of Madoka,
[ ] What do you want to talk about while you and she take Amy for her checkup? (write-in)
Day 2 Chapter 5
[X] Ask Madoka about how she's been doing recently.

"So, will you consider joining our team as a master?"

Nurse Ortensia is fairly unresponsive when you approach her after archery practice with your offer. Even after disclosing the situation to her, she seems at best tepid about the prospect. Whether she's hiding some deeper emotional dialogue, or whether she genuinely doesn't care about your situation, you can't say from the stony look on her face. "You know, as the Church's representative in Mitakihara, I'm supposed to remain neutral in the event of something like this," she says.

"I also know that neutrality is a load of bull," you reply. "Archer told me about the Fifth Holy Grail War, and I've heard from Rider that the Church's representative in his War was hardly neutral as well. You've got no reason to lie; if you don't plan on getting involved, you're free to say so. I promise I won't be offended."

"Is that so?"

"That is so."

"Well, I suppose I don't have a choice, then." Nurse Ortensia shrugs as you look on in confusion. "I'll admit, I'm curious to meet this homunculus you girls have found, and my getting involved on your side makes it easier for me to do my job and keep tabs on all of you. On top of that, even if I went off and summoned a servant on my own, chances are pretty good I'd end up getting drawn into things one way or another. Either the enemy will see I have a servant and treat me as an enemy, or that annoying cousin of mine will end up dragging me into this somehow. At least this way, I can set my own terms for joining."

It's a power play, then; "And, what are your terms?"

"We summon as soon as we can. Tonight, if possible. You bring your team and whoever you've pegged to be your seventh master to the basement of the Sakura Church by nightfall, and we'll take care of things right then and there."

"Any particular reason you've chosen the Sakura Church?"

"The city's leylines are fairly robust in that location. It'll take some of the burden of summoning off my magic circuits if we do it there." Huh. That wasn't even something you had thought to consider. If nothing else, you're glad Nurse Ortensia took it into consideration if it really is as important as she makes it out to be. It probably is. She's got prior experience with this sort of thing, after all. "The same should apply to your other master as well, I imagine."

You nod, and are about to speak when you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. "Do you need to take that?"

It's Madoka. "I probably should." Your eyes glance over Madoka's text; it's nothing urgent, just her asking when you would be ready.
<Homura: I had to speak with Nurse Ortensia first. I'm just leaving now.>

You return your phone to your pocket, and say to Nurse Ortensia "I need to be leaving now. I assume Oriko will get in touch with you when we're ready."

Nurse Ortensia waves you out of her office, making sure to say before you leave "Don't forget. Tonight, at the Sakura Church. I'll be waiting."

Nurse Ortensia will be waiting several hours still before nightfall; that gives you plenty of time to spend with Madoka before you and the rest of your team have to be ready. You'll be seeing two servants summoned tonight, and you can't help but wonder which servants, and of which classes, Hitomi and Nurse Ortensia will be summoning. Saber and Assassin still remain; who will be summoning a servant of which class?

Madoka is waiting for you when you arrive at your apartment. "Hey, Homura-chan," Madoka says, hugging you as you fish your keys out of your pocket. "I hope I didn't drag you out of anything important, but I wanted to see you."

"It's fine. Nurse Ortensia and I were just talking; it's nothing serious." Reluctantly, Madoka pulls away from you so you can unlock the door. She waits outside, while you leave your shoes at the door so you can fetch Amy. You find her in your room, hiding under your bed. "Come on," you say, trying to coax Amy out with one of her toys. "It's just the vet; nothing bad's going to happen, I promise. You're just getting a checkup today, that's all. No shots." You can still remember how much Amy protested the first time you took her to get her shots.

"Come on, Amy, you've got to go to the vet." Madoka wasn't content to wait for you at the door, after all. She grabs another one of Amy's toys, joining you as the two of you, together, are finally able to coax Amy out from under your bed. Madoka smiles as Amy bats at the toy in her hand, saying "There, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Getting Amy into her travel cage is easier than getting her out from under your bed. Once you and Madoka relinquish your hold on her toys, she goes quietly, uttering only the occasional "Mew" as she bats her toys around inside the travel cage. "This'll be over quick, I promise," you say to Amy, as you and Madoka set off for the vet's office. It's not a very far walk, fortunately; just a few blocks, plenty of time for you and Madoka to catch up. "So, what have you been up to lately?"

"Well, my birthday was yesterday," Madoka responds. "I got to see my girlfriend; that was really nice."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." You do your best to smile, as you say to Madoka "I'm sorry I haven't had that much time to spend with you these past four weeks. Things have been a little hectic for the girls and I, and we're nowhere closer to being done even though it's taken up more time than I'd like to admit."

A quiet "Mhm" escapes Madoka's lips as she nods her head. "It's okay, Homura-chan, really. You're doing a good thing for the city. I just wish you had more time, that's all."

"So do I, Madoka." Ah! You know what you can talk about. "I didn't see your brother at all at your birthday party yesterday; how's he doing? He must be, what, five? Six? How is he?"

"Takkun is fine," Madoka replies. "Papa was watching him upstairs so he wouldn't bother us, but I guess I wouldn't have minded if he came down to say hi. He's in his first year of school now; he's already making friends, actually." Madoka smiles, saying "You know, I was about his age when I met Sayaka-chan and Hitomi-chan. I hope he makes some really good friends, just like I did."

"And what about girlfriends?" you ask, your lips turning upwards into a coy smile as you ask "How old do you hope Takkun is when he starts dating?"

"Well, I met my first girlfriend when I was fourteen," Madoka says, returning your coy smile with one of her own. "I guess I'd be okay with him meeting his first girlfriend at that age, too." One of Madoka's hands finds its way to your free hand, and her fingers slip in-between your own. "Of course, I really hope that my first girlfriend turns out to be my only girlfriend, so I guess I'd hope the same for Takkun as well." Madoka lets out a small "Oh!" as she hastily adds "But I'd also be fine if Takkun had a boyfriend! You know, don't they say there's a higher chance of being gay if you've got an older sibling who's also gay?"

"I wouldn't know," you reply, shrugging as best as you can with your arms weighted down as they are. "I'm adopted, so I guess there's no relation between me being a lesbian and my older sister also being a lesbian."

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised if Takkun brings a boy home when he's my age. I wonder how Mama and Papa would take it, though; they're both riding on Takkun to give them grandkids..."

You and Madoka continue to exchange smalltalk as you make your way to the vet's office, a tiny clinic located on a somewhat-busy street a few blocks from your apartment; an when you say tiny, you mean it. It isn't as though the veterinarian is a poor one, but you don't think you've ever seen more than a handful of people in the clinic at a time. Not that it could fit more than a handful of people at a time, that is. You check in with the lady at the front desk, after which you and Madoka take your seats underneath a poster with information on feline dental hygiene, and you wait for your name to be called.


"That's me." Amy comes with you, while Madoka stays behind, engrossed in some animal health pamphlet she's picked up for reading material. "It's her regular checkup," you say, letting Amy out of her travel cage once you've found your way into the examination room. "I haven't noticed any problems with her health since the last time you saw her."

"Good, good." The vet, a bespectacled twig of a man by the name of Yoshida, takes over once Amy settles in. Doctor Yoshida's routine is, well, routine to you by now; he checks her ears, nose, mouth, and eyes; he feels her underside looking for problems with her stomach and intesites; he checks her reflexes; and he checks her coat for parasites. The whole process takes about ten minutes. "Well, she's in perfect health, as always," Doctor Yoshida says. "You know, I'm amazed at how healthy she is, considering she's a former stray and all. You must take very good care of her."

"Only the best." Only the best for your best kitty; because the alternative is Madoka contracting to revive her. "See?" you say to Amy as you nudge her back into her travel cage. "That wasn't so bad, was it? No shots, just like I said." Once you have Amy secure in her travel cage, you say to Doctor Yoshida "Thank you. See you in six months?"

"See you in six months, Akemi. Take care."

Doctor Yoshida sees you out of the examination room, and you return to Madoka to deliver the good news. "Well, how'd it go?"

"She's in perfect health."

"I'm glad." Madoka smiles, and the two of you make to return to your apartment. "So, Homura-chan, we've got some time before you've got to meet up with the others, right? What do you want to do?"

What do you do while you wait for nightfall?
[ ] Spend your time with Madoka
-[ ] Doing what? (write-in)
[ ] Meet up with your teammates to get everything ready
-[ ] What needs to be done to get everything ready? (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)
Day 2 Chapter 6
[X] Plan: Chill & Prep 2.0

"So, Homura-chan, we've got some time before you've got to meet up with the others, right? What do you want to do?"

That's a very pretty smile Madoka is giving you. You wish you could stop time and admire her smile in this moment forever. "Well, I was thinking we could go shopping for your arrows, if you'd like. After that?" You shrug. "Who knows. Oriko and Kirika won't be arriving until around eight or so, so that gives us plenty of time to do whatever we'd like."

"That sounds nice, Homura-chan." Madoka takes your hand - now free to be taken with Amy returned to the apartment - and gives you a gentle squeeze. "Really, I don't mind what we do, as long as I get to do it with you."

"I just have to send a few quick messages to the others, and we can be off." The first text message is the easier of the two to send; it's just a notice to the rest of your team that Nurse Ortensia wants to meet at the Sakura Church for the servant summoning. The second, not so much, because you haven't included Hitomi in your team chat group yet. She gets her own message.
<Homura: We're meeting tonight after eight. Nurse Ortensia wants to summon in the basement of the Sakura Church. Can you be there? Also, do you have a preference for servant/class? I'm sure we can work something out if you do.>

You put your phone away, content to spend time with Madoka while you wait for answers to come. You offer an arm for Madoka to latch on to, and ask her "Shall we be off, then?"

You've never gotten to see what having arrows sized to fit is like. It's different; neither particularly noteworthy nor particularly unpleasant. But it's time spent with Madoka, so you don't mind. You stand back as she, with the bow you gifted her, draws back on the string until she's demonstrated to the store owner how far back she can pull. Perhaps it's the memory of a bow without a string, but Madoka's draw strength is a lot less than you had expected.

"Are you sure you want to get into archery, young miss?" the story owner asks Madoka. "I don't mean to sound rude, but your upper body strength leaves a lot to be desired."

"That's okay," Madoka says. "I don't mind if I'm not cut out to be a champion archer. I just want to do something fun with my girlfriend." The store owner gives Madoka a look, one which you wish you could un-see. "Besides, she got me this bow for my birthday; I'd feel bad if I didn't do anything with it."

"Well, alright." The store owner glances in your direction. "You're the boss."

You and Madoka exit the store shortly after, Madoka two dozen arrows richer, and you poorer by more Yen than you expected two dozen arrows to cost. But it's fine; it's all for Madoka. "Well, what should we do next?" Madoka asks. "Do you think there's enough time for us to go to the mall and go shopping, or do you have to be heading out soon?"

"I think we've got enough time," you say. "Is there anything in particular you've got your eye on?"

Madoka steals a kiss from you, pulling back and saying with a smile on her face "You, silly." A few laughs and another kiss later, and Madoka is ready to give you a more serious answer. "There's nothing in particular I want. I just thought it would be fun to go shopping with you, that's all. We haven't gone shopping together in awhile."

"Shopping it is, then." Just as you and Madoka are about to leave for the mall, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. "Hold on, I should take this." It's Hitomi. "Moshi moshi."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you if you're in the middle of something, Akemi-san, but I just saw your message. We're meeting at the abandoned church later tonight, is that correct?"

"Yes, that's correct. Is that going to be a problem?"

"It shouldn't be, I don't think so. Um... You asked me if I had a preference for a servant or a class, but... Well, I confess this is all rather new to me. Is there anything I should know before I give you an answer?"

"Well, an Assassin servant is going to demand less mana from you than a Saber would, but they're not as suited for combat, and in a pinch an Assassin might not be the best at defending you. On the other hand, a Saber is going to be more mana-intensive, but in a fight a Saber is also going to be better suited for defending you. There's also your personal compatibility to consider, but that's more a matter of the individual servant than the class as a whole."

"I see. Well, you've given me something interesting to consider; I don't know if I can give you an answer at the moment." You are about to say goodbye to Hitomi, but before you can she returns with one final question. "Do you... Um, do you know if we'll be... Having to fight anyone tonight?"

"I can't answer that question," you are forced to say. "I'm sorry. I know that's not what you were hoping to hear."

"I know I've signed on to this, but I admit I'm still a little on edge over the thought of having to... Fight, another person, this way. I hope I don't end up holding you or the others back any."

"You're a competent mage and one of the smartest people I know. I'm sure you'll do just fine once you've had the chance to acclimate to things."

"Thank you, Akemi-san. I suppose I'll see you and the others later tonight, then."

"See you then, Hitomi." You hang up, returning your phone to your pocket and hoping you weren't loud enough for the entire rest of the world to hear your conversation. "That was Hitomi," you say to Madoka. "She just had a few questions about going forward with, well, with all of this."

"You're going to keep her safe, right Homura-chan?"

"Of course I will." You lean in, kissing Madoka again. "Now, let's go shopping. I'm sure there's lots of cute outfits we can find that'll look great on you."

"You too, Homura-chan. Don't forget to take care of yourself."

Shopping with Madoka is always a pleasure; seeing her reactions as she gleefully grabs clothes off the rack, comparing them with the ideal version of you she sees in her head, reminds you of your first date together in this timeline. In her hands she holds out in front of you an elegant, Gothic dress with lots of frills and ruffles, beaming as she says "Isn't it adorable, Homura-chan?"

There's something familiar about the dress Madoka is asking you to try on, but you can't place your finger on it. "It certainly is something," you say, taking the dress from her. That price tag is something else, however. "But, it's a bit too rich for my tastes. Maybe it's something I could ask mom to get me for Christmas, if you think I'd look good in it." You don't really want to do that. True, Minako makes good money now working for Madoka's mother, but you don't want to make her spend money frivolously on clothes you don't really need. Just last week she bought Kirika a really nice jacket for her birthday and that cost a fortune; you don't want to make her break the bank a second time. You return the dress to the hanger where Madoka found it, adding "Ironically, it would probably cost less to outfit me in a tailored suit."

Madoka's eyes practically become hearts at that image. "Really? Would you try a suit on for me, Homura-chan? I bet you'd look really good in one."

You give in; there's no way you can overcome those eyes of Madoka's. "Oh, alright," you say, allowing Madoka to lead you over to the department where suits in women's' sizes are kept. "You know, have you ever considered becoming a fashion coordinator?" you ask, as Madoka rummages through the racks of women's suit jackets for something in your size. "Because I can't think of a single time where your sense of fashion has ever let me down."

"I'm not actually that good," Madoka replies, handing you her selections. "You're just really easy to match for, because just about anything looks good on you."

"You're just saying that because I'm your girlfriend," is what you want to say, but upon seeing yourself in Madoka's chosen attire - a black suit, a royal blue shirt that matches your eyes, and a white silk tie - you find yourself questioning the degree to which Madoka undervalues her coordination skills. "I think you shouldn't sell yourself so short," you say as you reveal yourself to Madoka. "Because some people would pay really good money to have their clothes matched to them the way you do for me."

Damn, do you look good in a suit and tie; and this really is cheaper than that Gothic dress, who knew?

Madoka smiles at your compliment, edging closer to you as she says "You know, there's something I've always wanted to do..." Before you can react, Madoka has grabbed you by your tie, using it to pull you in as she kisses you. You're hidden from sight within the confines of the changing room, thankfully, or this would be rather embarrassing for any other shoppers to come across. When Madoka finally releases you, she's still smiling. "You look really good, Homura-chan, but I think there's still something missing."

"What are you thinking of?"

Madoka takes out her phone, and chews on her tongue as she spends a minute or two pouring over the device until she finds what she's looking for. While you're facing the mirror, she holds her phone up to your ear, revealing that she's found a picture of some rather expensive-looking amethyst earrings. "You don't have to if you don't want to, but I think you'd look really good with these earrings, Homura-chan." Removing her phone from your face once you've had the chance to confirm Madoka's correct opinion, she runs a finger over your earlobe, adding "But, I'd understand if you didn't want to get your ears pierced also. You've got really pretty ears; I'd hate for you to think you have to get them pierced just for me."

"I'll give it some thought," you say, not sure how you feel about the idea at the moment. Nor are you sure how your body would react to having your ears pierced in the first place. It's just a tiny pinprick; wouldn't your body heal it before you've even had the chance to enjoy your new earrings? "I don't feel particularly compelled to at the moment, but you're right; I would look good with those earrings." More than getting your ears pierced, though, is the thought of what Madoka's choice in earrings would cost you. They look too nice to be within a price range you're comfortable with. "Now, we've come all this way, surely we're not going to make this trip just be about me. Come on, let's find you something nice to wear..."

Do you buy anything?
[ ] Break the bank a lot; get the Gothic dress
[ ] Break the bank just a little; get the suit
[ ] Don't break the bank; just buy some regular clothes that you need
[ ] Buy something for Madoka; it's her choice, price doesn't matter
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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Day 2 Chapter 7
[X] Break the bank just a little; get the suit
-[X] Check how much the earrings will cost

"Are you sure you don't want anything?"

Madoka shakes her head in response to your question. "You already bought me those arrows, Homura-chan," she says, standing back while you pay for the suit, shirt, and tie Madoka selected for you. "I'd hate to ask you to buy anything else for me."

Your purchase comes out to a little under 30,000¥, making it cheaper than the frilly Gothic dress by about 15,000¥. Did you exactly need to buy a suit and tie? No, but you know Madoka will enjoy seeing you in it, so you're more than happy to pay out if it means making her happy. With the money you've saved choosing to buy the suit over the dress, an idea occurs to you, and as you and Madoka prepare to depart you take a slight detour over to the jewellery counter.

"Homura-chan, really, you don't have to get anything else," Madoka says, as if she didn't say how good you'd look in those amethyst earrings just a few minutes ago. "If you spent all your money on things I said you'd look good in, you'd be broke. Come on, Homura-chan."

"Excuse me, miss, could I please see the price on those earrings?" you ask the woman at the counter, pointing to a set of amethyst studs set in silver. Probably a less expensive metal polished to look silver, if you had to take a guess. They aren't the exact pair Madoka showed you, but they're close enough to give you an idea of what it might cost. The woman nods, reaching into the display case to make the price tag more visible. 16,900¥, not as expensive as you thought they would be. You won't buy them, not until you know how quickly your body would heal a set of pierced ears, but you will keep them in mind for when you do have that information. "Thank you," you say to the woman, before relenting to Madoka's concerns for your wallet and leaving.

"Were they too expensive?" Madoka asks. "Or did you decide you don't want to get your ears pierced?"

"Neither, actually," you reply. "The price was fair for their quality, and it's not like I haven't suffered worse injuries than a pinprick to my earlobes." You shake your head, adding "No, the real reason I didn't buy them is just because I don't know whether it would be worth it."

"What do you mean, worth it? Like, you don't know when you'd wear them? Is that what you mean?"

"Not quite like that. See, bodies like mine have a fairly well-tuned ability to heal from injuries. Broken bones, missing limbs, things like that. So the truth is, if I got my ears pierced, I don't know whether my body would let me keep them that way, or if it would heal before I have the chance to enjoy how I look in my new earrings." You also aren't sure, even after finding out that information, if getting your ears pierced is something you'd want to do; it's just not something worth dwelling on until you know more. "That's why I didn't get them."

The meeting hour is fast approaching, but there's still a little time for you to enjoy with Madoka. Returning home to drop off your recent purchases, you decide to take a page out of your sister's book and spend your remaining time with Madoka by kissing her; well, you aren't quite taking a page out of your sister's book, because kissing is all you and Madoka do. Nothing else. Nothing your parents wouldn't approve of.

"Do you really have to go?" Madoka asks as you and she part lips for the last time. "I wish you didn't have to."

"So do I," you say. "But it's not like I have a choice. It would be rude of me to keep the others waiting." Reluctantly, you and Madoka must part ways for the night. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right. See you tomorrow, Homura-chan."

Once again, your worries are ill-placed, as the last to arrive at the Sakura Church are Oriko and Kirika. Their hands are entwined as they enter the church, and under her breath you can hear Kirika humming a piece by Wagner. "It could use some fixing up," she says as she ceases her humming. "But wouldn't it be great to get married in a big fancy church like this?"

Oriko nods, saying "Yes, it would," as the pair thankfully forgo stopping to kiss at what remains of the altar. "Ah, Caren-san, it's good to see you." Oriko hugs her cousin, who after some unnecessarily dramatic eye-rolling returns Oriko's hug. "I'm glad you'll be joining us from now on."

"I'd be even gladder about this whole arrangement if you girls could go any length of time without getting yourselves into trouble," Caren replies, her words failing to elicit a rise out of Oriko.

"I'm grateful you could all make it tonight," you say as your eyes scan the crowd that has gathered in the remains of the Sakura Church. Tomoe-san, Kyouko, Oriko, Kirika, Hitomi, Nurse Ortensia, and Archer. You can feel the presence of several other servants, but only Archer is visible among whoever has come tonight. "I won't waste time by making a big speech of this, so let's just get started."

After laying her fragment of wheel on the ground in front of her, Nurse Ortensia takes up a position beside Hitomi, who asks "Um, what should I be doing?"

"Just follow my lead, and you probably won't wind up dead," Nurse Ortensia says, earning her a horrified stare from Hitomi. A disapproving glare from Oriko forces her to reconsider her words, and she reluctantly adds "Relax. The worst that happens is you aren't able to summon a servant and Akemi has to find someone else. You'll be fine."

"Right." Hitomi takes a deep breath, saying "Whenever you're ready, Nurse Ortensia."

With her hand outstretched, Nurse Ortensia leads with the opening lines of a familiar chant, "Fill; fill; fill; fill; fill. Repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it," which Hitomi repeats after her. The basement falls silent but for their chanting, as a light in the darkness builds in intensity around their bodies.

"Heed my words; my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer my summoning!"

"I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world. That I shall defeat all evil in the world."

As the pair chant, you see the familiar crimson lines burning themselves into the flesh of Hitomi's hand. Her Command Seals take the form of three triangles, two lain on top of each other in the shape of an hourglass, with the third set into the bottom triangle. You see no Command Seals forming on the back of Nurse Ortensia's hand; that isn't the only unusual thing you notice about her summoning. Under her breath, you hear Nurse Ortensia uttering some additional lines, lines that are unfamiliar to you and which Hitomi does not hear or repeat. You wonder what their purpose could be.

"Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of scales!"

The light which had been building around Hitomi and Nurse Ortensia as they chanted over their summoning culminates in a blinding flash, before subsiding and revealing the forms of their servants.

Standing before Hitomi is a tall man with a narrow, pointed jaw and a European face. His hair is dark, short and untamed, and his eyes burn brightly like embers. His clothes are form-fitting and a dark teal in colour, and the armour he wears over his clothes is a polished dark blue, a colour reminiscent of a beetle's shell. In each of his hands he holds a sword, one a brilliant gold and the other a burning crimson. Hitomi summons the Saber servant, then. That means Nurse Ortensia's servant is Assassin.

The woman standing before Nurse Ortensia greatly betrays your expectations for what an Assassin servant should be. Eschewing the skintight leotard of the Hassan, she wears a long, flowing robe dyed in several shades of purple, accentuated by silver trim and a mane of black feathers wreathing her shoulders. Her hair is long and coloured a dark reddish-purple, and her eyes, set with anger on a pale European face, are the same shade of red as the ruby clasp at her collar.

The Saber servant kneels before Hitomi, saying with a calm voice "I am servant Saber. I look forward to serving you with honour and distinction, my master;" but Assassin is nowhere near as deferent towards Nurse Ortensia. She steps forward, forming a knurled wand in her hands – Are you sure she's an Assassin? – which she points at Nurse Ortensia, pressing its tip deep enough into the skin of her throat as to leave a mark.

"What did you do to me?" Assassin snarls, prompting an immediate response from Oriko, one which is only restrained when Lancer materialises to hold back her master. "Why did you summon me into this worthless class vessel?"

"It's not like I had much of a choice," Nurse Ortensia replies, her voice belying the danger of the situation. "The Rider and Caster classes were both occupied, so I had to make some adjustments to the summoning ritual in order to make you fit into what was available." Wait, you can do that? Modify a servant's class summon to make them appear in a class they normally wouldn't? "Now, we can do this one of two ways. You can either put that wand down yourself-" Nurse Ortensia raises her right arm, pulling back the sleeve to reveal a mess of jagged crimson signs, the sight of which causes Oriko to bite her lip. "-or I can make you put it down. Which do you prefer?"

"I will not comply with the demands of a common wench."

"The hard way it is, then." Nurse Ortensia sighs, saying "Assassin, by my Command Seal, I order you to put down your weapon and never threaten me again."

Against the power of a Command Seal, Assassin has no choice but to obey. She relents, and Nurse Ortensia is threatened by her no longer. "You shame me, wench," Assassin says, never once taking her hate-filled eyes off Nurse Ortensia. "You had better make this summoning worth my while, or I shall find ways to make you regret your actions that do not involve raising a weapon to you."

It looks like Assassin has a bit of an attitude problem. How should you handle her?
[ ] Kill her; you can summon a better Assassin off her corpse
[ ] Leave her be; Nurse Ortensia must have summoned her for a reason
[ ] Check her parameters before doing anything; make your decision based on what you see
[ ] Other (write-in)

Are you planning on going out to look for a fight tonight?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] See what Oriko or Caster can see
[ ] Team meeting before deciding on a course of action
[ ] Other (write-in)

Major characters unlocked!
For a first-time summon, Hitomi managed to call for herself a fairly good Saber. Diarmuid ua Duibhne was a Lancer, once, but now he has the chance to truly embody his heroic ideal in the Saber class. A word of caution for all you single ladies out there- While the power of his Love Spot may be more restrained in this class, it can still hold sway over the unwary. This time, though, women whose hearts are already taken by another are safe from its curse.​
Don't be fooled. Though she may look identical to a certain Queen of Skye, the Assassin servant summoned by Caren Ortensia is actually her rival and twin sister, Aífe. Normally eligible for the Rider and Caster classes, Aífe is understandably upset at having been summoned into a class for which she is unsuited. Do not take this as an opportunity to underestimate her, however- In life, Aífe was a master of both martial and magical might, able to fight Cú Chulainn himself to a standstill, and even in the vessel of the Assassin class she retains much of her power. Just, not enough to keep her satisfied.​
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Day 2 Chapter 8
[X] Plan: Readying up

"You shame me, wench," Assassin says, as Nurse Ortensia's Command Seal forces her to back down form her threat. She removes her wand from its place at Nurse Ortensia's throat, never once taking her hate-filled eyes off Nurse Ortensia. "You had better make this summoning worth my while, or I shall find ways to make you regret your actions that do not involve raising a weapon to you."

It would appear the Assassin for your team has something of an attitude problem. You aren't sure how much of that you can pin on Nurse Ortensia's actions - she did, after all, forcibly summon her servant into a class for which she is unsuited - and how much you can pin on Assassin's own personality. "Archer, what are you thinking?" you ask of your own servant. "You're the expert here, do you have any insight into how we should approach Assassin?" If need be, you can always have Archer get rid of her if he thinks she would be a problem. You could do with an Assassin who doesn't have an attitude problem if that's the case.

"You said Ortensia's catalyst was from Scotland, right? If she's normally eligible for the Rider or Caster classes, then I think I've got an idea of who she might be. You should check her parameters; that'll give you a good idea of how to proceed."

Check Assassin's parameters... If she has good parameters, you'll have to weight the odds of how useful Assassin might be versus how difficult she might be to deal with in the future. You hope what you see will be enough to make your decision for you. If it isn't... Oh boy, you are not looking forward to having to make that call.
Strength - B
Endurance - C
Agility - A
Mana - A+
Luck - E
Noble Phantasm - B+
Item Construction - C
Presence Concealment - E
Territory Creation - C
Assassin has been summoned to a class vessel for which she is unsuited. As a result, her Class Skills have suffered demerits.
Celtic Martial Arts - C
Lust for Battle - C
Primordial Rune -
Assassin has been summoned to a class vessel for which she is unsuited. As a result, her Personal Skills have suffered demerits.
Sword Breaker - All Swords Shall Break Before Me - B+
Crystallized from the act of breaking of Cú Chulainn's sword when they fought, Sword Breaker is a technique created to destroy Noble Phantasms and Mystic Codes. By invoking this Noble Phantasm's name and striking another Servant's Noble Phantasm, Assassin can severely damage or destroy it depending on its rank. Noble Phantasms of C-rank or below will instantly be destroyed barring any special circumstances, and Noble Phantasms of B-rank or above will be damaged depending on how low the ranking is, with B-rank Noble Phantasms taking the most severe damage.

If the Noble Phantasm that Assassin strikes is a sword, then this Noble Phantasm is boosted in potency. Sword Noble Phantasms of B-rank of below will instantly be destroyed, while those of A-rank or above will be damaged accordingly. Striking an already damaged Noble Phantasm - whether it be damaged from this Noble Phantasm or otherwise - will likely cause it to break regardless of rank.

Fáinne Connla - In Fear of Reprisal - B
The second Noble Phantasm of Assassin, Fáinne Connla is the golden ring that Cú Chulainn forced her to be bound by in exchange for her life. Acting as a curse, Assassin is unable to come into conflict with her sister Scáthach for as long as she is bound by this Geis. After crystallizing as a Noble Phantasm, Assassin is able to curse another to be unable to come into conflict with her for as long as she is able to supply this Noble Phantasm with magical energy. Only one person may be cursed at a time by this effect.​
You understand as much of Assassin's Class and Personal Skills as there is to understand. Her improper class summon has forced on her a number of demerits to what were probably once A- or B-ranked skills, in addition to any demerits to her physical parameters your master's vision might not make you privy to. She does have access to the same runes as Lancer, so if she ever decides to chill with the attitude problem she might make for another useful magic instructor, but you won't put that egg in your basket just yet.

It is only when you reach Assassin's Noble Phantasms that you are thrown for a loop. You recognise the name Cú Chulainn - the Lancer servant of McRemitz-san who formerly belonged to Nurse Ortensia - and you know what a Geis is, but the other names mean nothing to you. Asssassin has a sister named Scáthach, apparently, and she knew Cú Chulainn as well, though neither on particularly good terms; assuming Archer knows anything, that's probably as good a clue to her identity as any.

"Yup, that's what I thought." Right on time. "This is... Well, it could be a mixed bag. Our Assassin servant is Aífe, a powerful witch who was sister and rival to the woman who taught Cú Chulainn everything he knew. I would strongly advise making sure nobody mentions to her the fact that he's still around. Things could get... Ugly."

"How ugly are we talking?"

"That's not my business to tell you. If you want to know, I'm sure Assassin would be willing to scream your ear off about it."

Assassin slinks off to a corner of the church, and you can hear her seething as she tests what abilities she hasn't yet lost from her improper summoning. "That wench. She will pay for humiliating me in this fashion," sounds to be the theme of her silent ranting as she waves her wand back and forth, conjuring the runes before vanishing them before enacting their power. "At least she hasn't completely ruined me."

The final servant of your team, Saber, is taking the recent commotion in good stride. In contrast to Nurse Ortensia and her temperamental Assassin, Hitomi and Saber are conversing politely. "So, how do you feel about our prospects?" Tomoe-san asks, approaching you. "Assassin seems like she'll be trouble if Nurse Ortensia can't keep a handle on her, but Saber..." Tomoe-san swoons. You've never seen Tomoe-san swoon before. "He's polite, respectful, and quite the looker, if I do say so myself. I'm looking forward to working alongside him."

"Are you feeling okay?" you ask. "I've never seen you swoon before. Not even over your boyfrie-ex, that is. I don't even remember you swooning over him."

"If I might," Berserker says, cutting in between you and Tomoe-san. "But I believe I can offer insight, if you will allow me to." You don't see a problem with Berserker giving you potentially useful information. "I believe our Saber is Diarmuid, one of the Knights of the Fianna. I recall seeing him, but as a Lancer, in the War in which I fought. If you are curious as to why your friend is swooning, he has a curse lain on his birthmark to make woman fall for him."

"That's hardly fair of you to say," Tomoe-san chides. "Are you saying my feelings for him aren't legitimate?"

"You may well be attracted to the qualities he possesses, I will not accuse you of feeling otherwise. But his curse is undoubtedly playing its part."

A curse that causes woman to fall for him... This could either be a blessing, if used against your enemies to cripple them with affection; or a curse, if Saber cannot control his affliction around your teammates and cripples them in turn. You need more information, and Saber's parameters is the only place you'll find any.
Strength - C+
Endurance - C
Agility - B
Mana - D
Luck - E
Noble Phantasm - B+
Having been summoned by a master unable to properly supply him with sufficient mana, Saber's physical parameters have suffered a rank down.
Magic Resistance - A
Riding - B
Eye of the Mind (True) - B
Knight's Strategy - B
Love Spot - C
Mana Burst - A
Moralltach - B+
Moralltach, the Great Fury. The first sword given to Saber by Aengus Óg. Any attack made with Moralltach will always certainly hit and be carried out without interruption, so long as the chance to land the hit existed in the first place. This ability does not require a True Name to be unleashed in order to be used.

Beagalltach - B
Beagalltach, the Little Fury. The second sword given to Saber by Aengus Óg. Beagalltach is a weapon that passively increases the defensive capabilities of Saber. By releasing its True Name whilst in Saber's offhand, it can strengthen the weapon in Saber's primary hand such that even a cheap tin sword might scratch steel. In combination with Mana Burst, this allows Moralltach to match the raw destructive power often associated with most Noble Phantasms, though it costs almost his entire stores of mana, requiring him to recover.​
Saber leaves you at even more of a loss than did Assassin. You're sure he will be useful, and his skills and Noble Phantasms are serviceable even at their worst, but Hitomi's inexperience as a master is doing his physical parameters no favours. You'll need time to figure out how best to use Saber in the coming battles. "Akemi-san, I have some... Rather unfortunate news." And speaking of coming battles, here's Oriko with what you assume to be news of one right now. "They're right on top of us. I'm sorry, but I didn't see them until just now."

"Are they attacking?"

"No, they're just... Standing there, menacingly."

"I see."
"Alright everyone, listen up!" You hate having to throw two assets into the crucible before you've had the chance to figure out how to use them; but on the other hand, giving them a warmup might be a good way to see what they can do. "Oriko's just informed me that we've got company. They're not attacking at the moment, but we should be ready for a fight, especially if they've managed to track us down and have a way to avoid her precognition."

"Don't worry, we're not here to fight," sounds a voice from outside the church. "We're just here to discuss formalities."

You look to Oriko, and ask her "Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"There's three of them. The two Kirika and I fought last night, and a third positioned on a nearby roof. I can sense the presence of servants with them, but I can't see who their servants are."

Six against fourteen, then. Your enemies are either incredibly confident in their odds, or they're incredibly stupid. Or both.

[ ] How do you proceed?
-[ ] Invite your guests in
-[ ] Meet them outside
--[ ] The Saints may issue demands in the course of formalities. Do you have any demands of your own?
---[ ] No
---[ ] Yes (write-in)
-[ ] Tell them you aren't interested and that they should leave
-[ ] Fight them
--[ ] What's your plan of attack ? (write-in)
-[ ] Other (write-in)​
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