Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

[X] Plan: Major Objectives
-[X] Keep Everyone on our side alive.
-[X] Solve the mystery of the mysterious Witches
-[X] Win the 'War' against the Saints
-[X] Find new masters to take the empty positions
-[X] Find Hijiri a place to stay

How's this?
It's fine, but something struck me just now that I think I should have asked before everyone voted. We can set major objectives for both Homura and Archer; so whose objectives are these? Just Homura's? Just Archer's? Do they belong to a mix of both? They should be more clearly separated by whose objective a given objective is, like
[ ] Plan: Major Objectives
-[ ] Homura
--[ ] Objective
--[ ] Objective
--[ ] Objective
-[ ] Archer
--[ ] Objective
--[ ] Objective
--[ ] Objective
Instead, not needing to look where she was going, Niko reached for the wallet in her back pocket, glancing at a photograph she kept in its folds. Two adults, a dark-haired man with glasses and a smiling woman with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes, stood over their children; two young girls with the same dark hair as their father, and an older girl with the platinum blonde hair and blue eyes of her mother. That girl was smiling. Niko couldn't remember the last time she had smiled.

I've not read Kazumi Magica, so is this indicative of a different backstory?
I've not read Kazumi Magica, so is this indicative of a different backstory?
The only changes* to backstories that I've made have happened as a result of Nasuverse mechanics being a part of this world. We can safely assume that the people in Niko's photograph are the people they are supposed to be in Kazumi Magica, and that's all I can say without spoiling anything for the people who know even less than you do.

*Changes as in actual substantive changes, and not fleshing out where previously little or no information was given
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Day 2 Chapter 1

As a puella magi, your body technically doesn't need sleep in order to function, but you would be lying if you said that a good night's rest didn't feel refreshing. At least, on the nights when your dreams are allowed to be pleasant. This time, it wasn't Madoka who had died, but Archer, Kirika, and Minako. There was nothing you could do to save the people you've come to call your family; in fact their deaths had been your fault.

Fortunately, you open your eyes to a friendly sight. Light streams into your room through the slits in your blinds, catching on Amy's silky black fur as she rests curled up beside you. Some time in the night, she must have moved from her cushion at the foot of your bed and crawled up to be by your side. Cautiously, you pull yourself up, trying to exit your bed without disturbing Amy's rest. Your efforts fail, but you don't mind being greeted by her usual "Mew" as she uncurls, her eyes begging you for affection.

"Why is it so hard to say no to you?"

You give Amy her demanded scratches behind the ear as a yawn forces its way out of your mouth. No matter what, whether your dreams are pleasant or ghastly, whether you're able to leave your room without giving in to Amy's demands or not, pulling yourself out of bed after a night's respite and greeting the day anew is always the hardest part of your morning. Breakfast usually comes much easier until, as you enter the kitchen with Amy following at your heels, you remember that you've got a guest. Amy hisses as Hijiri Kanna comes into view, and she takes the long way around the kitchen to reach her food and water dishes in order to avoid your house guest.

"Your cat doesn't appear to like me very much."

Minako remains silent at the girl's comment, leaving Archer to be the one who must bear the bad news. "We're going to have to find you a better place to stay," he says. "This place isn't a very defensible position. If the enemy attacked here, there's no telling who could be injured."

"I figured that would be the case." Hijiri Kanna eats her breakfast with a look of complete nonchalance, a look you don't think you've ever seen on anyone's face before upon their first tasting of Archer's cooking. "Tomoe's apartment struck me as a more advantageous position. There's more room to establish defensive measures than there is here." Hijiri Kanna looks around the kitchen, adding "In fact, don't you think it's risky to not have a single defensive measure in place here?"

[ ] What do you talk about over breakfast?
-[ ] with Archer (write-in)
-[ ] with Minako (write-in)
-[ ] With Hijiri Kanna

When you head out after breakfast, do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
--[ ] About what? (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Major objectives:
- Keep Everyone on your side alive.
- Solve the mystery of the new Witches
- Win the coming Great War against the Pleiades Saints
- Find new masters and summon the Saber and Assassin servants
- Find Hijiri Kanna a place to stay
[ ] Set your major objectives here
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[ ] What do you talk about over breakfast?
-[ ] "You know what? That's a good point. Archer, get on that."

Okay actually it wouldn't be too bad an idea for us to set up defenses around the house but Archer probably isn't the man to call on for that, and also I'm just too tired to actually make something.
[x] Talk
-[x] to Hitomi
--[x] Test the waters. See if she's at least open to the idea of Summoning a Servant.
Regarding Archer's goals, I'd like to mix them up a bit:
- Protect your family
-- Especially from trauma
- Protect your allies
-- Especially from trauma
- Try to find a way to incarnate

Does this seem good?

As for talking, both suggested actions seem fitting to me:
[ ] What do you talk about over breakfast?
-[ ] "You know what? That's a good point. Archer, get on that. Maybe talk to Caster about that?"
[] Talk
-[] to Hitomi
--[] Test the waters. See if she's at least open to the idea of Summoning a Servant.

I mean, we could talk Madoka into summoning a Servant, and it would be a incredible one, but I'd like to Nope nope nope that. ;)
Are you still too tired to make something?
I'm back for now, got just enough energy to put a vote out.

[X] What do you talk about over breakfast?
-[X] "You know what? That's a good point. Archer, can you set up a Bounded Field, or maybe ask Lancer if she can come over and do it?"
[X] Talk
-[X] to Hitomi
--[X] Ask her if she's comfortable with summoning a Servant. Don't press on this, but accentuate that it's perfectly viable for her to stay out of fights while still contributing her Servant to the war.
-[X] Sayaka & Madoka
--[X] Inform them that there's a group hunting our souls, so be careful and so on.

I mean, we could talk Madoka into summoning a Servant, and it would be a incredible one,
Well just because she has stupid high mana doesn't mean her Servant would be just as powerful, but she can just NP spam all day every day. Though like you said, Madoka summoning a Servant is a big NO.
Well just because she has stupid high mana doesn't mean her Servant would be just as powerful, but she can just NP spam all day every day. Though like you said, Madoka summoning a Servant is a big NO.
That's assuming I don't just punish you guys by having Madoka summon demi-servant Madokami and make it possess her. Having Madoka summon a servant should be the biggest NO we can think of.
Archer's goals:
[X] Protect your family
-[X] Especially from trauma
[X] Protect your allies
-[X] Especially from trauma
[X] Try to find a way to incarnate

[X] PlaguePaladin
And yeah, PP's right, Bryn's probably a better contact for this then Gil.

And really, I was trying to make a joke with the 'doka summoning. This was never meant as an even remotely earnest suggestion.
And really, I was trying to make a joke with the 'doka summoning. This was never meant as an even remotely earnest suggestion.
The intent behind humour doesn't translate well in text form. If your joke doesn't obviously appear as a joke, people probably aren't going to laugh unless you've unintentionally said something that's funny for a different reason. Getting Madoka involved (any more than she unavoidably is) is something we've fought pretty hard to prevent, so of course it's going to elicit strong "That's not funny" responses from other people.
True, which is why I was clarifiying it, before people think I want the 'doka to go magic girl. I thought the nope nope nope would make it clear, but I was mistaken.
That is a fantastic point, Where is the Ruler of this war? Another thing is that Kyubey is probably going to pull something and we should be careful of that.
I forgot to watch this thread, so I was kinda confused as to why this hadn't updated because I thought I had watched it. I'm still catching up with the quest..
Made it clear to me. Also, a thought occurs. If this is an Apocrypha, where's the Ruler?
That is a fantastic point, Where is the Ruler of this war? Another thing is that Kyubey is probably going to pull something and we should be careful of that.
Rulers are summoned by the Gacha Grail in order to generate revenue from whales who want to roll for their waifus enforce the rules of the War. Well, I am the Gacha Grail, and as such I don't need whale money to keep this quest afloat a third-party servant to enforce the rules when I'm capable of enforcing them myself from on high as QM. Not that having a Ruler present is even a guarantee that the rules will be followed in the first place, looking at you Amakusa.

In short, don't ask questions. Just vote and get excited for new updates you're working with incomplete information and no idea where everything is heading towards yet. It's not time yet for me to reveal my hand to you.

I don't mean to sound snippy when I say this. But we really are way too early into things for me to be revealing everything. We haven't even seen the rest of the enemy faction or met our new Saber and Assassin, forget about what other classes of servants will be making an appearance.
I forgot to watch this thread, so I was kinda confused as to why this hadn't updated because I thought I had watched it. I'm still catching up with the quest.
Welcome aboard. Always nice to see a new face. Or are you a returning face? The name is familiar, were you a lurker from the previous quest?
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