Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

My reaction to Nurse Ortensia is mostly "who?"
...yes, not familiar with Fate either, what am I even doing here? :V

Is summoning a Servant outside of a war possible? We seem to be able to have our own, but I don't really know how the previous quest ended, so there might be special circumstances.

...I'd sooner consider a homunculus with no known loyalties and hope to sway them to our side than a Holy Church representative. Shouldn't they be maintaining neutrality?
Is summoning a Servant outside of a war possible?
No. However, Servants can be maintained outside of a war at a significantly increased cost, since the Grail doesn't give them mana.

...I'd sooner consider a homunculus with no known loyalties and hope to sway them to our side than a Holy Church representative. Shouldn't they be maintaining neutrality?
Heh. Heheheh. HEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh yeah, you really aren't familiar with Fate. The long answer is a bit complicated. Short answer is that the Church always says that but they never do.
Heh. Heheheh. HEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh yeah, you really aren't familiar with Fate. The long answer is a bit complicated. Short answer is that the Church always says that but they never do.

SVS had a good saying for the last quest about it that I can't for the life of me remember, but to summarize it, it's basically "the rules in a Holy Grail War are there until they actually need to apply"
My reaction to Nurse Ortensia is mostly "who?"
...yes, not familiar with Fate either, what am I even doing here?
Here's your primer on Caren.

What you need to know is that Caren first appears in Hollow Ataraxia, which was a sequel to the original VN and takes place six months after the events therein. She also appears in Fate's magical girl spinoff, Prisma Illya, where she acts undercover for the Church by posing as the school nurse, a role which I've recycled here. She played only a minor role in the previous quest, so if you aren't familiar with her that's fine, I'll probably end up rolling out most of the need-to-know information if we let her become a more involved player this time around.
Is summoning a Servant outside of a war possible? We seem to be able to have our own, but I don't really know how the previous quest ended, so there might be special circumstances.
It's kind of tricky, and that's why it's so important that this quest takes place in the Hollow Ataraxia timeline, because even though the War ended six months ago in the HA timeline, all the servants from the VN are still around and living their lives doing everyday things. So there is precedent for servants sticking around when there isn't a War.

The mechanics for summoning a servant when not in Wartime aren't exactly touched upon, unfortunately, so I had to go off on my own when coming up with this one. In the first quest, most of the servants just kind of... Appeared, for their respective masters, although later on once the ball had gotten rolling several others were summoned the proper way. Wallyworld party wiped our servants the end of the previous quest, and that counted as 'ending' the War we had been in at the time. Since the War was 'over' the girls then had the option to 'start' another War by summoning their servants again, although none of them knew this was possible until Archer reappeared in the last omake of the previous quest. After that, I glossed over the other girls resummoning their servants so that the sequel could start with the servant roster already being a part of the main girls' lives so I only had to focus on introducing the servants we haven't met.

I realise this all looks like a confusing mess of an explanation, but that's just kind of how it is when you try to explain Fate stuff to a non-Fate.
...I'd sooner consider a homunculus with no known loyalties and hope to sway them to our side than a Holy Church representative. Shouldn't they be maintaining neutrality?
They technically should, but the representative has been involved in every War we've been shown. There is no reason to believe that wouldn't also be the case this time.
No. However, Servants can be maintained outside of a war at a significantly increased cost, since the Grail doesn't give them mana.
Which is mitigated by our girls all having massive storess of mana inside their Soul Gems.
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...doesn't Caren literally still have archer Gil. I don't think she could summon anew.
Caren didn't summon Archer Gil, she just inherited him from daddy. This being a fresh start and a different War means she's up on the chance to summon a servant of her own. At least, that's how I'm treating things. If Enetious wants to come in and tell me "That's not how it works" I would be willing to consider rolling back Caren's ability to summon... Were it not for the fact that Enetious actually okay'd me giving Caren a servant summon when he and I were working on the sequel.

A master could only summon one servant per war is nothing more than a rule that is built into a Holy Grail War Systems framework. As will all rules of a Holy Grail War, it can be subvented. A master can summon multiple servants, even from a different war.

Also, each war is separate, so there nothing saying the same master who once a participant of the same war join a newer incarnation of the same war summons again even they keep their servant from the previous war unless a rule was build in saying this is not allowed in the war they are about to join.

Is summoning a Servant outside of a war possible? We seem to be able to have our own, but I don't really know how the previous quest ended, so there might be special circumstances.
No. However, Servants can be maintained outside of a war at a significantly increased cost, since the Grail doesn't give them mana.

Servants can be summoned outside of a Holy Grail War. The counter force utilises servants all the time to resolve the issue to the world. It is just not economically nor magical or technologically feasible for most mortals. If a normal humans wish to summon a servant outside of a Holy Grail War, they would need to develop a servant summoning system independent of the Holy Grail War system which to even develop is costly.

...I'd sooner consider a homunculus with no known loyalties and hope to sway them to our side than a Holy Church representative. Shouldn't they be maintaining neutrality?

The Holy Church has a lot of reason to interfere in a Holy Grail war. The three main reason why they would is religion and duty. The Holy Church safeguard holy artefact so anything with a Holy Grail name on it is bound to get their attention to interfere even if they know the Holy Grail in question is a fake. Duty is because the Holy Church take their duty to safeguard the world seriously. The power of a Holy Grail can upset the balance of the world and so to prevent the misuse of its power, the Holy Church will intervene to ensure it won't be miused.
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Homura would need to have knowledge about how the Holy Grail War systems work. As she lacks the required knowledge, she can't do it.
She already did when she summoned True Assassin last time. In order to 'summon twice' you need the spiritual core of another Servant to perform a sort of 'mulligan' which only works on 'false' Servants (or Servants that the Grail doesn't count). Thing is, that would mean summoning a Servant just for the sake of backstabbing them so that Homura can resummon Serenity, so that's probably not something we should (or can for that matter) do.

By the way, I'm not pulling these rules out of my ***- this is actually what Zouken needed in order to summon Assassin. The reason why Homura can do the same thing despite having her own Servant is because Jack was technically still alive, and thus counted as 'swapping contracts' under the Grail's eyes, which is a perfectly legal action.
She already did when she summoned True Assassin last time. In order to 'summon twice' you need the spiritual core of another Servant to perform a sort of 'mulligan' which only works on 'false' Servants (or Servants that the Grail doesn't count). Thing is, that would mean summoning a Servant just for the sake of backstabbing them so that Homura can resummon Serenity, so that's probably not something we should (or can for that matter) do.

By the way, I'm not pulling these rules out of my ***- this is actually what Zouken needed in order to summon Assassin. The reason why Homura can do the same thing despite having her own Servant is because Jack was technically still alive, and thus counted as 'swapping contracts' under the Grail's eyes, which is a perfectly legal action.

Jefardi question is along the line to why Homura just can't resummon Serenity. Jefardi wants to summon Serenity back. SVS state she has gone and can't be summoned back and I agree there no loophole in order to bring her for this quest. Serenity is not coming back for this quest.
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We now have character sheets. Sort of. They kind of resemble character sheets if you squint. I can find, come up with, or get portraits made on my own, that's not my concern. What I need filling in are the character bios. Coming up with succinct summaries of 30+ characters, some of whom we haven't even met yet, isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world, and if anybody wants to contribute anything it would be very much appreciated. Plague, I know you contributed some things, but I figure casting a wider net will ultimately be better. If you've got new things to add to what you already gave me, I'll gladly take those.
Unless you want me to write up more stat sheets, I don't have anything I could contribute to any bios or something like that. However, I can say that Caren's sheet cuts off in the middle.
Well, I did kind of hide from you the fact that the sequel took place after a 17 month timeskip., and I've always wondered if not knowing that impacted the profiles you already gave me. SO yeah, if you want to try your hand at more recent profiles, then go ahead. You've got my blessing.
Hmm, Servants of Green and Servants of Blue. Interesting color choices.
It's a reference to the Japanese words for blue and green. Ao (blue) starts with A, the same as Asunaro, the city where the Saints are from. Midori (green) starts with M, the same as Mitakihara, the city where the PMHQ are from. Unoriginal? Probably, but I chose it because it's an easy way to remember which faction is which by referring to their place of origin, rather than making us remember something more arbitrary like Red or Black.
t's a reference to the Japanese words for blue and green. Ao (blue) starts with A, the same as Asunaro, the city where the Saints are from. Midori (green) starts with M, the same as Mitakihara, the city where the PMHQ are from. Unoriginal? Probably, but I chose it because it's an easy way to remember which faction is which by referring to their place of origin, rather than making us remember something more arbitrary like Red or Black.

Makes sense.

And here I was, thinking it was some Meta reason like: "Oh, Blue and Green are similar colors. Is this some secret sign that the teams aren't that different? Are they going to end up teaming up against some greater threat?"
And here I was, thinking it was some Meta reason like: "Oh, Blue and Green are similar colors. Is this some secret sign that the teams aren't that different? Are they going to end up teaming up against some greater threat?"
Well, if that was something I was planning on having happen, do you really think I'd tell you this early? Now you have to double-meta me and ask yourself "Is his explanation the real reason, or is that just a cover to obscure the real real reason?"
Well, if that was something I was planning on having happen, do you really think I'd tell you this early? Now you have to double-meta me and ask yourself "Is his explanation the real reason, or is that just a cover to obscure the real real reason?"

*Insert "I know you know I know you know I know you know I know you..." Joke here*
Day 2 Chapter 3
[x] Plan: Family Opinions

You leave the nurse's office without telling Nurse Ortensia anything of what is about to come. Of all your possible masters, you trust her to work alongside your team the least. You know your opinion isn't one shared by the rest of the team, however, so in the interest of fairness - and because she's at least primed to summon a servant, if nothing else - you reach out to the only person you can think of willing to give Nurse Ortensia the benefit of the doubt.

"I've got a bit of a surprise for you." You hope you aren't interrupting Oriko in the middle of an important class right now. "Nurse Ortensia has acquired a catalyst, and is preparing to summon a servant."

"Is she?"
Oriko's mental voice sounds positively thrilled. "That's wonderful news, Akemi-san. Do you know which servant she plans on summoning?"

"I'm afraid I don't. Her catalyst is a wheel fragment sent to her from Scotland, but I don't know who she could be attempting to summon from a catalyst like that."
Archer would probably have an idea, if he were able to give the wheel fragment a bit of structural analysis. "Actually, I'm letting you know because, well, because I don't entirety trust Nurse Ortensia to be someone who would work well with our team, so I wanted to check in with you to see whether we should allow her to summon her servant or whether we need to speed our timetable up."

"I wish you wouldn't think so poorly of Caren-san. I know how she seems on the surface, but I want to believe she's better than to cause problems for us, if she knew the situation."
Despite their physical similarities - the same ash-white hair, similar facial structures, and similarly-shaped eyes despite the difference in colour - somehow you never put together the fact that Mikuni Oriko and Caren Ortensia were related until it was spelled out for you. Their maternal grandmothers were sisters, as you've heard, and for the past two summers since connecting with her cousin Oriko has joined Nurse Ortensia in visiting their family in Italy over summer break. If anyone can give you a positive review of Caren Ortensia, Oriko is that person. "But, I suppose I should at least check to make sure she can work well with us as a team."

You're more than happy to give Oriko the few minutes she needs to peer ahead into Nurse Ortensia's future, because she soon returns with good news. "I don't see Caren-san, well, being particularly nice to any of us, but assuming we treat her as an equal partner it doesn't appear she'll give us any problems. I was even able to get a bit of a sneak peek at her servant. It's a woman; she's got long hair, dark robes, and she appears to have decent parameters. I don't know who she is, and I'm not sure whether she's a Saber or an Assassin, unfortunately, but I think we should give Caren-san the go-ahead to join our team, if she's interested."

A woman with long hair, dark robes, and decent parameters. She'll be from Scotland, with some relation to the fragment of wheel Nurse Ortensia found, and she'll qualify for either the Saber or Assassin class. You really need to study more mythology if you're going to find yourself in situations like this. But even if you've been left even more confused as to the identity of Nurse Ortensia's servant, Oriko's news is still good. "Alright, I'll be sure to speak with her when classes are over."

You can almost see the smile on Oriko's face as she says "That's wonderful to hear, Akemi-san. I really hope Caren-san accepts the offer. Working alongside her will be a great opportunity, I believe."

You're sure Oriko really believes that. Yourself not so much, but at least that's one master you don't have to worry about finding. One down, one to go.

The first half of the school day passes uneventfully. You have no major tests, you don't get back any major assignments, you don't have to worry about any major projects. It' sjust a normal day at school. Ironic, when you think about how the night waiting for you at the end of this day will be anything but normal. "Homura-chan?" Madoka speaks your name in a concerned tone as your group of five sits down at your usual table for lunch. "You're worried about what's going to happen, aren't you? You've looked like you've been out of it all day."

"Yeah," you say, making sure to hug Madoka as tightly as you can. Maybe if you hold on tight, Madoka's presence will ground you and you won't be blown away to wherever Fate wills you. "I thought I'd be done with stuff like this once Walpurgisnacht was defeated, but I guess I only managed to buy myself some time."

Madoka returns your hug with one of her own, saying "I know, Homura-chan. You've got a really tough job to do, and I wish you didn't have to do it. But at the same time, if there has to be weird stuff happening, I'm glad it's you who's protecting the city."

"Stop it, Kyouko, that's my lunch you're eating."

"Make me!"

"You've got your own lunch! Eat that instead!"

You and Hitomi exchange knowing glances, you and she both watching in silence as Sayaka and Kyouko bicker over nothing. It's not like they won't just keep stealing food from one another until they've both eaten the other's entire lunch. "I've been giving your request some thought, Akemi-san, and I think..." You don't like the tone in Hitomi's voice. It sounds like a "No." "When you asked me back then, well, I wasn't exactly prepared to give the question an adequate amount of consideration. I'd barely known about the existence of magic for a few weeks at the time, and I had even less experience with magecraft than I had knowledge of magic. But now..."

Hitomi looks over to Sayaka and Kyouko; you can't tell if their current round of bickering is friendly or charged. Sometimes, you can't tell if there's a difference for those two. "I'd hate to see something happen to Sakura-san that would make Sayaka-san upset. I know I'd feel terrible about that, especially if there were something I could do about it." That doesn't sound like a "No." "I know it's rather risky of me, but I believe I'll accept your offer, Akemi-san. I'll agree to be one of your team's masters."

That sounds like a "Yes." "Thank you," you say to Hitomi. "I know you'll be more vulnerable than the rest of us, so I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe." Once again, you hug Madoka. You know her presence won't keep you from being blown away to wherever Fate wills you, but it just feels so good to hug her.

"Don't worry, Homura-chan," Madoka says. "Everything is going to be just fine." You wish you could believe those words.

Do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
-[ ] to Kyouko
--[ ] Does Madoka still want to go to the vet with you after classes?
--[ ] How soon can Hitomi summon her servant?
--[ ] How does Kyouko feel about having Nurse Ortensia on the team?
--[ ] Other (write-in)

[ ] What do you tell Nurse Ortensia when you speak with her? (write-in)
-[ ] Just what she needs to know
-[ ] Everything minus Hijiri Kanna
-[ ] Everything, Hijiri Kanna included
--[ ] Once you've spoken with her, how soon can she summon her servant?

Today is archery club practice. [ ] Wat do?​
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Please give me more material to work with next time. I knew what I wanted to accomplish with this update, but I had so little material to work with that actually getting there felt torturous. I'm still not satisfied with the result, but I don't know how I'd go about improving it that wouldn't make the preceding and succeeding updates worse for having done it.
[x] Plan: Honest conversation.
-[x] Talk
--[x] to Madoka
---[x] Does Madoka still want to go to the vet with you after classes?
--[x] to Sayaka
---[x] Ask when she's finally going to learn how to cook. It's going to take a lot of effort to keep her gluttonous girlfriend fed.
--[x] to Hitomi and Kyouko
---[x] How would they feel about having Nurse Ortensia on the team?
-[x] What do you tell Nurse Ortensia when you speak with her? (write-in)
--[x] Everything, Hijiri Kana included
-[x] Archery Practice
--[x] Try and focus on having consistent aim.
---[x] Fail
----[x] Talk about your recent problems, as vaugely as possible, to your teammates.