Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

It's a woman; she's got long hair, dark robes, and she appears to have decent parameters.
She'll be from Scotland
Okay, NOW I know who this is. I had my suspicions, but I guess she won't be Hijiri's Servant after all.

Maybe it's just my bias for Celtic heroes and this myth in particular but Caren is winning my support now that I know who she's summoning.

(because I've lost too much energy to refine this vote in any way)

A shame, I was looking forward to a Servant Battle between Hijiri and Niko just so she can drop the "There's no rule stating that a fake can't surpass the original" line.
A shame, I was looking forward to a Servant Battle between Hijiri and Niko just so she can drop the "There's no rule stating that a fake can't surpass the original" line.
We're barely into the second day of things. It's far, far too early to be assuming that you've missed an opportunity to see something.
Can I just say it feels kind of weird for everyone to just be going for my plan? I guess I'm just used to Enetious taking my plans and modifing/expanding them.
Can I just say it feels kind of weird for everyone to just be going for my plan? I guess I'm just used to Enetious taking my plans and modifing/expanding them.
I'm sure Jefardi would be doing something similar if he had the time to stick around and plan things out for us.
[ ] What do you tell Nurse Ortensia when you speak with her? (write-in)
-[ ] Everything minus Hijiri Kanna
-[ ] Everything, Hijiri Kanna included
Is there a reason we believe this would influence her decision one way or the other?

I know why that made a difference to Mom, but what does the Nurse care?
Is there a reason we believe this would influence her decision one way or the other?

I know why that made a difference to Mom, but what does the Nurse care?
Is basic disclosure of our team's situation not a good enough reason? Homunculi are essentially walking balls of absurd amounts of magical energy shaped like people in the Fate-verse, and they aren't exactly the most common things you'll see walking around on account of not many people being skilled enough in Fate's brand of alchemy to create one that isn't garbage. Hijiri is an asset the Saints will probably move to recover at some point or another, so having Caren know what Hijiri's deal is just common courtesy if we're all going to be on the same side.

Put another way, if your team is housing a nuclear weapon shaped like a person, a weapon that the enemy faction created and probably wants back, would you keep that a secret from a prospective teammate? Or would you let them know what they were getting into?
I'm sure Jefardi would be doing something similar if he had the time to stick around and plan things out for us.

It's less that and more along the lines of this vote came out before I could make one and don't see anything wrong with it lol. I'm not good with social votes and I tend to make overly complicated plans which aren't... The best.

I've figured that really speaking, I have time to do the vote cycle every two or three days (that's about the time I usually go through to make a vote, reason out why I did my choices and get people to agree) which means I have to really push myself to do the daily voting.
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Day 2 Chapter 4
[X] Plan: Honest conversation

"I know it's rather risky of me, but I believe I'll accept your offer, Akemi-san. I'll agree to be one of your team's masters."

That sounds like a "Yes." "Thank you," you say to Hitomi as she accepts your offer and signs on to the danger ahead. "I know you'll be more vulnerable than the rest of us, so I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe."

Once again, you hug Madoka. "Don't worry, Homura-chan," Madoka says, reciprocating your hug. The peace you've enjoyed these past seventeen months may have met with a brutal and abrupt ending, but Madoka's warm embrace soothes your soul even in trying times. There will be a lot of those in the weeks to come. "Everything is going to be just fine." You just wish you could believe Madoka when she says those words.

You wish you could believe Madoka, so you're going to try. "I've been thinking about what you asked me this morning," you say to her. "If you wanted to go with me when I take Amy to the vet, you're still welcome to."

"I'd like that."

You smile at Madoka's response. Even if it's several hours away, the promise of some time spent with Madoka is something you can look forward to when your obligations for the day are done. Well, that's not entirely true. You've got other obligations after that need to be taken care of. "I figure I should tell you this now," you say to Hitomi and Kyouko. "But Nurse Ortensia is also preparing to summon a servant, completely unrelated to what we're getting ourselves into. I spoke with Oriko when I found out, and she's given me the go-ahead to invite Nurse Ortensia to join our team. I thought I should ask the both of you how you each feel about that, in case you've got differing opinions."

A "Tsch" sound escapes Kyouko's lips as you address her and Hitomi. "Do we really have ta?" she asks. "I mean, I know we're hurting fer bodies, but do we really wanna trust that crazy lady ta be part of our team? Seaweed here's at least someone I'd trust not ta stab me in the back or kidnap me while I'm sleeping."

Hitomi appears horrified by Kyouko's accusations, but immediately composes herself, saying "Well, perhaps I don't know Nurse Ortensia quite that well, but I've never known her to be quite so... Drastic, as Sakura-san fears her to be. She's not exactly the kindest person I've ever met, but the few times I've needed her she's been nothing but helpful." Kyouko rolls her eyes, to which Hitomi responds by asking "What has Nurse Ortensia ever done to deserve your scorn, Sakura-san?"

Kyouko looks to you, asking "Don't ya think we should, ya know, tell her, if yer intent on making Seaweed a part of our little crew?"

Hitomi looks between you and Kyouko, nervously asking "Tell me what?"

"Nurse Ortensia... Is probably not qualified to be a nurse, anywhere," you say, your words earning you a nod from Kyouko. "It's a bit of a long story, but the short of it is that Nurse Ortensia is a representative of the Church, stationed here in Mitakihara for-" your eyes dart to Kyouko momentarily, and on the chance that Hitomi doesn't know the full story you decide on a version of events which doesn't incriminate the redhead's father. "-reasons unknown. She has repeatedly insinuated that she might try to kidnap either Kyouko or Oriko to bring them to her superiors, though if her insinuations are genuine she has yet to act on them."

"I see. Well, that does make Sakura-san's reluctance to trust her a bit more understandable. But, if Nurse Ortensia isn't qualified to be a nurse, then how did she get her position here at the school?" You don't have an answer to Hitomi's question; a shrug will have to suffice. "What about Mikuni-san; how does she feel about Nurse Ortensia?"

"Oriko and Nurse Ortensia are cousins," you reply. "I think Nurse Ortensia would actually have to go through with her threat to kidnap Oriko before she stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt." Even then, Nurse Ortensia might still be a better relative than Oriko's uncle, for as little as you know of their strained relationship. "However, Oriko is confident that Nurse Ortensia won't be a detriment to our team."

"Well, that sounds fine to me," Hitomi says. "I don't know Nurse Ortensia well enough to feel uncomfortable working alongside her, so as long as she won't be a detriment I don't mind having her on the team, especially since she's already preparing a servant of her own. That makes your job a bit easier, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does."

As soon as your attention is off Kyouko, she and Sayaka are right back at it. Hitomi looks at you, and says "Sayaka-san sure has her hands full with Sakura-san, doesn't she?"

You nod. "I think sooner or later she'll have to learn how to cook if she wants to sate her girlfriend's appetite." That gets a laugh out of Hitomi. Considering her involvement in something which promises to be extremely dangerous going forward, you hope it won't be the last time you hear your friend laugh.

"Hey Akemi, you feeling okay?"

You stare at your archery target, where your inability to clear your mind has caused your aim to falter. As the team's captain addresses you, you reply with a simple "I've got a lot on my mind."

"I can see that. Want to talk about it?"

Even though you say "I don't know if I should," you allow the captain to lead you over to a bench, taking a sip from her offered water bottle as you both sit down. "It's... Kind of complicated."

"Eh, complicated's fine. Come on, you can tell me. Is it relationship troubles?"

"No, it's nothing like that."

If it were, you aren't sure what your captain could do for you. Mochizumi Nico - not to be confused with Kanna Niko - was the vice-captain of the archery club last year; at least, she was before Walpurgisnacht arrived, half the city was destroyed, and she was sent off to a school somewhere else in the prefecture. Back then, she had a crush on the previous archery club captain, Kasuga Shinji, who graduated in March and now attends the local high school. He was completely oblivious to her feelings, and Mochizumi-san absolutely refused to speak up and confess to him; you can remember how obnoxious it was watching the pair dance around her feelings. If what was on your mind was indeed relationship troubles, you aren't too confident in Mochizumi-san's ability to help you. Her "Oh, thank the gods," is hardly unexpected in that regard. "So then, what is it?"

"It's..." How do you say this without revealing all the really weird stuff to Mochizumi-san? Is that even possible? You're going to have to try. "Last night, my friends and I found a homeless girl; either that, or she's a runaway, we're not sure. I invited her to stay at my place until we could figure out what to do with her, but as it turns out, there's a..." Don't call them a gang of murderers. Whatever you do, do not do that. ".... Rather unpleasant, gang of girls from Asunaro we think she's gotten herself tangled up with. Mom was willing to let her stay the night, but once she heard there might be people coming after her she said we had to find somewhere else to put her up."

"And you're worried about what's going to happen to her?" Mochizumi-san asks. "I can't say I blame you. Sounds like you're in a pretty tough spot. Maybe you should get in touch with the police? They're probably better equipped to handle things than you and your friends."

"Maybe," you say. "But, those girls are pretty dangerous. Even if we went to the police, there's no guarantee that'll keep her safe."

Mochizumi-san sighs, kicking her legs back and forth as her eyes flit between you and the others practicing on the line. "Hey Daigo, buddy, what the hell do you think you're doing? Keep your back straight!"

Along with yourself and Mochizumi-san, Suzuhara Daigo is the last member of the archery club still remaining from when you joined last year. Kasuga-san graduated, as did the fifth and final member of the club, Tanaka Haruo, leaving just the three of you, as well as a pair of first-years you and Mochizumi-san were able to recruit; and for the life of you you can't remember what their names are. "Sorry captain!" Suzuhara Daigo calls out, his accuracy immediately improving once he straightens his back. "Won't happen again!"

"Course it will!" Mochizumi-san calls out. "We all mess up sometimes; that's what practice is for!"

"Even you?"

"Took Shin getting himself a girlfriend for me to figure out that I shouldn't have kept putting off telling him how I felt, so yeah," Mochizumi-san says. "I'd say I messed up pretty bad there. Haven't even spoken to him since graduation; I'm still kicking myself for not speaking up when I had the chance." Mochizumi-san shakes off her negativity, asking you "So what about you and Kaname, huh? You two still going strong like always?"

"Yesterday was her birthday. We had a lot of fun, and after classes today she wanted to come with me while I take my cat to the vet for her checkup."

"Trip to the vet's not exactly my idea of a fun date, but hey." Mochizumi-san shrugs, kicking herself up and off the bench; it's time for you and she to get back to practice. "If it works, it works. Hope you two have fun."

You hope you aren't putting Madoka in jeopardy by bringing her with you.

Speaking of Madoka,
[ ] What do you want to talk about while you and she take Amy for her checkup? (write-in)
Don't mind the lack of a Caren conversation. I already have that scene typed up, but I wasn't able to make it flow cleanly from where this scene ends. It will be included at the top of the next update. Not really much of a vote we've got here; I almost didn't include anything. But I figured fishing for things we could talk to Madoka about while we're taking Amy to the vet was better than nothing, so here we are.
[jk] "So... you're gay?"

[X] Ask Madoka about how she's been doing recently.
-[X] Also, as usual, apologize for lack of time spent together recently. Genocidal maniacs and witches will do that to you.
-[X] Small talk? What do you talk about during the vet?

Seriously, what kind of stuff do you talk about at the vet?
Day 2 Chapter 5
[X] Ask Madoka about how she's been doing recently.

"So, will you consider joining our team as a master?"

Nurse Ortensia is fairly unresponsive when you approach her after archery practice with your offer. Even after disclosing the situation to her, she seems at best tepid about the prospect. Whether she's hiding some deeper emotional dialogue, or whether she genuinely doesn't care about your situation, you can't say from the stony look on her face. "You know, as the Church's representative in Mitakihara, I'm supposed to remain neutral in the event of something like this," she says.

"I also know that neutrality is a load of bull," you reply. "Archer told me about the Fifth Holy Grail War, and I've heard from Rider that the Church's representative in his War was hardly neutral as well. You've got no reason to lie; if you don't plan on getting involved, you're free to say so. I promise I won't be offended."

"Is that so?"

"That is so."

"Well, I suppose I don't have a choice, then." Nurse Ortensia shrugs as you look on in confusion. "I'll admit, I'm curious to meet this homunculus you girls have found, and my getting involved on your side makes it easier for me to do my job and keep tabs on all of you. On top of that, even if I went off and summoned a servant on my own, chances are pretty good I'd end up getting drawn into things one way or another. Either the enemy will see I have a servant and treat me as an enemy, or that annoying cousin of mine will end up dragging me into this somehow. At least this way, I can set my own terms for joining."

It's a power play, then; "And, what are your terms?"

"We summon as soon as we can. Tonight, if possible. You bring your team and whoever you've pegged to be your seventh master to the basement of the Sakura Church by nightfall, and we'll take care of things right then and there."

"Any particular reason you've chosen the Sakura Church?"

"The city's leylines are fairly robust in that location. It'll take some of the burden of summoning off my magic circuits if we do it there." Huh. That wasn't even something you had thought to consider. If nothing else, you're glad Nurse Ortensia took it into consideration if it really is as important as she makes it out to be. It probably is. She's got prior experience with this sort of thing, after all. "The same should apply to your other master as well, I imagine."

You nod, and are about to speak when you feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. "Do you need to take that?"

It's Madoka. "I probably should." Your eyes glance over Madoka's text; it's nothing urgent, just her asking when you would be ready.
<Homura: I had to speak with Nurse Ortensia first. I'm just leaving now.>

You return your phone to your pocket, and say to Nurse Ortensia "I need to be leaving now. I assume Oriko will get in touch with you when we're ready."

Nurse Ortensia waves you out of her office, making sure to say before you leave "Don't forget. Tonight, at the Sakura Church. I'll be waiting."

Nurse Ortensia will be waiting several hours still before nightfall; that gives you plenty of time to spend with Madoka before you and the rest of your team have to be ready. You'll be seeing two servants summoned tonight, and you can't help but wonder which servants, and of which classes, Hitomi and Nurse Ortensia will be summoning. Saber and Assassin still remain; who will be summoning a servant of which class?

Madoka is waiting for you when you arrive at your apartment. "Hey, Homura-chan," Madoka says, hugging you as you fish your keys out of your pocket. "I hope I didn't drag you out of anything important, but I wanted to see you."

"It's fine. Nurse Ortensia and I were just talking; it's nothing serious." Reluctantly, Madoka pulls away from you so you can unlock the door. She waits outside, while you leave your shoes at the door so you can fetch Amy. You find her in your room, hiding under your bed. "Come on," you say, trying to coax Amy out with one of her toys. "It's just the vet; nothing bad's going to happen, I promise. You're just getting a checkup today, that's all. No shots." You can still remember how much Amy protested the first time you took her to get her shots.

"Come on, Amy, you've got to go to the vet." Madoka wasn't content to wait for you at the door, after all. She grabs another one of Amy's toys, joining you as the two of you, together, are finally able to coax Amy out from under your bed. Madoka smiles as Amy bats at the toy in her hand, saying "There, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Getting Amy into her travel cage is easier than getting her out from under your bed. Once you and Madoka relinquish your hold on her toys, she goes quietly, uttering only the occasional "Mew" as she bats her toys around inside the travel cage. "This'll be over quick, I promise," you say to Amy, as you and Madoka set off for the vet's office. It's not a very far walk, fortunately; just a few blocks, plenty of time for you and Madoka to catch up. "So, what have you been up to lately?"

"Well, my birthday was yesterday," Madoka responds. "I got to see my girlfriend; that was really nice."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." You do your best to smile, as you say to Madoka "I'm sorry I haven't had that much time to spend with you these past four weeks. Things have been a little hectic for the girls and I, and we're nowhere closer to being done even though it's taken up more time than I'd like to admit."

A quiet "Mhm" escapes Madoka's lips as she nods her head. "It's okay, Homura-chan, really. You're doing a good thing for the city. I just wish you had more time, that's all."

"So do I, Madoka." Ah! You know what you can talk about. "I didn't see your brother at all at your birthday party yesterday; how's he doing? He must be, what, five? Six? How is he?"

"Takkun is fine," Madoka replies. "Papa was watching him upstairs so he wouldn't bother us, but I guess I wouldn't have minded if he came down to say hi. He's in his first year of school now; he's already making friends, actually." Madoka smiles, saying "You know, I was about his age when I met Sayaka-chan and Hitomi-chan. I hope he makes some really good friends, just like I did."

"And what about girlfriends?" you ask, your lips turning upwards into a coy smile as you ask "How old do you hope Takkun is when he starts dating?"

"Well, I met my first girlfriend when I was fourteen," Madoka says, returning your coy smile with one of her own. "I guess I'd be okay with him meeting his first girlfriend at that age, too." One of Madoka's hands finds its way to your free hand, and her fingers slip in-between your own. "Of course, I really hope that my first girlfriend turns out to be my only girlfriend, so I guess I'd hope the same for Takkun as well." Madoka lets out a small "Oh!" as she hastily adds "But I'd also be fine if Takkun had a boyfriend! You know, don't they say there's a higher chance of being gay if you've got an older sibling who's also gay?"

"I wouldn't know," you reply, shrugging as best as you can with your arms weighted down as they are. "I'm adopted, so I guess there's no relation between me being a lesbian and my older sister also being a lesbian."

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised if Takkun brings a boy home when he's my age. I wonder how Mama and Papa would take it, though; they're both riding on Takkun to give them grandkids..."

You and Madoka continue to exchange smalltalk as you make your way to the vet's office, a tiny clinic located on a somewhat-busy street a few blocks from your apartment; an when you say tiny, you mean it. It isn't as though the veterinarian is a poor one, but you don't think you've ever seen more than a handful of people in the clinic at a time. Not that it could fit more than a handful of people at a time, that is. You check in with the lady at the front desk, after which you and Madoka take your seats underneath a poster with information on feline dental hygiene, and you wait for your name to be called.


"That's me." Amy comes with you, while Madoka stays behind, engrossed in some animal health pamphlet she's picked up for reading material. "It's her regular checkup," you say, letting Amy out of her travel cage once you've found your way into the examination room. "I haven't noticed any problems with her health since the last time you saw her."

"Good, good." The vet, a bespectacled twig of a man by the name of Yoshida, takes over once Amy settles in. Doctor Yoshida's routine is, well, routine to you by now; he checks her ears, nose, mouth, and eyes; he feels her underside looking for problems with her stomach and intesites; he checks her reflexes; and he checks her coat for parasites. The whole process takes about ten minutes. "Well, she's in perfect health, as always," Doctor Yoshida says. "You know, I'm amazed at how healthy she is, considering she's a former stray and all. You must take very good care of her."

"Only the best." Only the best for your best kitty; because the alternative is Madoka contracting to revive her. "See?" you say to Amy as you nudge her back into her travel cage. "That wasn't so bad, was it? No shots, just like I said." Once you have Amy secure in her travel cage, you say to Doctor Yoshida "Thank you. See you in six months?"

"See you in six months, Akemi. Take care."

Doctor Yoshida sees you out of the examination room, and you return to Madoka to deliver the good news. "Well, how'd it go?"

"She's in perfect health."

"I'm glad." Madoka smiles, and the two of you make to return to your apartment. "So, Homura-chan, we've got some time before you've got to meet up with the others, right? What do you want to do?"

What do you do while you wait for nightfall?
[ ] Spend your time with Madoka
-[ ] Doing what? (write-in)
[ ] Meet up with your teammates to get everything ready
-[ ] What needs to be done to get everything ready? (write-in)
[ ] Other (write-in)
It'll take some of the burden of summoning off my magic circuits if we do it there.
To be frank, I'm glad you retconned Caren into having magic circuits, because Hollow Ataraxia's Caren made literally no logical f***ing sense. How does "proneness to be plagued by illness" give someone the magical energy to support a Servant?

[X] Plan: Chill & Prep
-[X] Spend your time with Madoka
--[X] Tune on the TV and just chill
-[X] Send a text to your teammates (Hitomi included of course) when and where the summoning is happening in case they have time; they'll probably want a look at the capabilities of the new Servants sooner the later

Probably sub-par vote. I can't think of anything else, though.
To be frank, I'm glad you retconned Caren into having magic circuits, because Hollow Ataraxia's Caren made literally no logical f***ing sense. How does "proneness to be plagued by illness" give someone the magical energy to support a Servant?
To be frank, I wasn't actually aware that Caren didn't have magic circuits in HA. I just assumed she did because there's no logical way for her to have been supporting Lancer otherwise. I don't think I'm going to go back and change it now that you've corrected me, because you're right, there's no way Caren not having magic circuits but still being able to support a servant makes any logical sense.

EDIT: You know, I hope we get some more people coming in to contribute something, because unlike this previous update I don't have anything prepared to go off a single vote; and oh man do I hate having to go off just a single vote. It feels so disgusting.
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