The next time you open your eyes, you find yourself back in the real world. The combined Noble Phantasm of Archer, Caster, and Ramesses has collapsed, and you find yourself, Tomoe-san, and Wakaba Mirai lying face-up on the broken ground. Your body feels heavy, and it's a chore to even lift yourself up enough to take a look at the damage all around you. It's brutal; the fight against Sidonia devastated a sizeable chunk of this part of the city, and only a few scattered houses along the northwest bank on this side of the river – and the school, somehow but miraculously – are left intact. Tomoe-san's apartment building is half of its former height, with the roof and upper floors all caved in, and structural damage to the interior, combined with the weight of the rubble on top of the damaged support structures, has left the remaining floors sagging.
The replica of a centuries-old brick church which stood over Sidonia's workshop and Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed is now gone, and presumably, with its master gone so is the workshop and everything else Sidonia built underground.
"Are we alive this time?" you hear Wakaba Mirai groan, as she too sits up with great difficulty. Well, at least the rest of your allies are alive, even if Sidonia isn't. "Please tell me we're alive this time."
"I believe we are in fact alive this time, Wakaba-san," Tomoe-san says. "Now, it's up to us to rebuild."
You aren't even sure where to start. There's so much rubble all around you, and you aren't even sure which parts once went to which buildings. You see Kyouko approaching Tomoe-san and Wakaba Mirai, and she squats down in the middle between the two of them. Her hands drape over each of their shoulders, and she says "You two did real good today," before gesturing to you with her head and adding "Hey Spooky, you wanna get in this? It ain't much, but I got room in my cold, dead heart fer one more hug."
"I'll pass," you say. "Not that I don't appreciate the offer, but if that's really the last hug you have on offer I'd hate to steal it from Sayaka."
"Nah, Blueberry won't mind," Kyouko says. "'Cause when I see her, I'm gunna give her something wa~ay better'n a hug." So, in lieu of you, Kyouko gestures over to Hitomi, and calls out "Hey Seaweed, ya handled yerself pretty good out there today. Fer a newbie, I mean. You wanna hug?"
"I suppose a hug would not be unappreciated," Hitomi says. "Certainly it would help to calm my nerves after… That."
Kyouko barely has to wait for further invitation before she throws herself at Hitomi, wrapping both arms around the green-haired girl in a hug that's more intense than either of the ones she gave to Tomoe-san and Wakaba Mirai. "Fuckin' A, Seaweed, I'm glad yer okay. If anything'd happened to ya, I… It'd been my fault fer not doing a better job'a protecting ya."
"I'm fine, Sakura-san," Hitomi says. "A little shaken up after… All of that, but fortunately, I'm unharmed."
You barely have a moment to appreciate the scene in front of you before Kirika comes in and wraps her arms around you as well. "We did it, sis," she says. "Well, you did it, I mean. There's no way we could have won if you hadn't been there to hold hands with all our mana at the end there."
"Then isn't it fairer to say that we all did it?" you ask. "After all, I couldn't have done that without all of you there to hold hands with."
"I couldn't have said it better myself, Akemi-san." You feel Kirika's arms leave your side as Oriko's voice enters your ears. When you turn to greet Oriko, Kirika has already wrapped her arms around her. "This was a victory for all of us. For our ability to come together to defeat a common enemy." Oriko pauses, and lets out a slight chuckle as she adds "I really do hate if I sound a bit on-the-nose by saying so, but it's true. Just like when we fought Walpurgisnacht, there's no way any one of us could have defeated Sidonia by herself."
You would have agreed with Oriko no matter what, but as you look out and see the two halves of your team – two halves which, until recently, had been at each other's throats – coming together in the aftermath of your victory together, you find yourself amazed that such a victory even occurred in the first place. You see Kyouko hanging out and chatting with Wakaba Mirai, as Tomoe-san and Asami Saki look on, occasionally saying a few words to each other as well. Their conversation is indistinct to you, but seeing those two able to sit down and talk amicably about anything would have been unthinkable even just a few days ago. If you had to guess, you'd even say it looks like they're on the road to becoming friends.
You see Kazumi and Kanna Niko over by Nightingale and Hijiri Kanna: another success story. She might be down two limbs and confined to a seated position, a piece of rubble acting as both her backrest and the mount for an IV drip of blood that Nightingale has her hooked to, but Hijiri Kanna actually looks better than she did when she was living with Tomoe-san. The fact that she's speaking with her creator and there's not a trace of anger or resentment in her face says it all. You even see Kazumi lean in to hug her, though you can't hear their conversation to know the reason why.
"Speaking of Walpurgisnacht…" You wonder what's going to happen to the massive Grief Seed that's buried dozens of meters underground, now that Sidonia isn't there to keep it. Even with Sidonia gone, it's still there, slowly seeping Grief into the soil and water tables. You can't just leave it there, but, "What about the Grief Seed? We can't leave it there, but it's not like we have the ability to move it, either, so…?"
"If you can manage to excavate the Leviathan Seed for me, I would be entirely willing to dispose of it for you." You turn your head when you hear that voice, but then remember that it's all in your head. You don't need to be facing Juubey in order to speak with it. "You and your allies did an admirable job in dealing with this… Event," Juubey says. "The Collective has means of disposing of Leviathan Seeds such as this one, but this one being underground, combined with my predecessor's focus being elsewhere, has prevented us from dealing with this properly."
"Thank you," you say to Juubey. Even that is a marvel to you. Before this, the thought that you would ever willingly thank the Incubator for anything would have sounded foreign to you, but now you're saying it with a genuine sense of gratitude. "I don't know how we're going to excavate it, but I'll figure something out if I can."
"Maybe Shizuki and I could figure something out?" The offer comes from Kanna Niko, who has left her previous conversation with her homunculus to address your concerns. "Between our combined transmutation magic, I'm sure the both of us could figure something out that would have it properly excavated. Maybe we could even do some work on restoring the city, if Juubey wasn't already planning on doing damage control?"
"Lancer and I could help out as well," Kazumi offers. "If I knew what and where to blow up, I could help make the digging go smoother, and then Lancer could help by either hypnotising people to not think we were being suspicious, or to power the rest of us up while we're working so we don't get tired." Next to her master, Scáthach nods her head, and Kazumi asks "Did you want to go say hi to your sister?"
Scáthach nods her head, and Kazumi sends her off, before allowing Kanna Niko to nudge Juubey into answering her earlier question. "The amount of damage that needs to be covered up is substantial. Without significant assistance, I do not think it would be possible," Juubey says. "If there are any among your combined rosters who can undo some of this damage, it would be more feasible for me to lend my assistance in covering everything up."
"Then I suppose we don't have much of a choice," Hitomi says. "Niko-san, I suppose we'll be working together for the foreseeable future."
"Sakura, Illya, and I can probably help as well," Tohsaka-san says. "Not so much with the repairs – I mean, sure, we can do that too – but more with covering this all up. Two entire cities don't just get blown up like this without anybody noticing." Tohsaka-san turns to you in particular, and says "Akemi, you and your girls will need someone on your side playing damage control. Not just with covering this up, but with smoothing things over with the Association. There's no way they're just going to let this slide. Not this time."
"Sister and I will do what we can to smooth things over," Matou Sakura says. "I don't have anywhere as much pull as she does, but the Matou name does still command a level of respect among the older families. I'll see if Grandfather has any connections I can use to help smooth things over."
Aunt Illya nods her head; "And don't think I'll just leave you all out to dry either," she says. "I'm not about to let the Association mess with my adorable little nieces." Aunt Illya gives you and Kirika as big of a smile as she can manage. "Sure, maybe that sounds selfish of me, but I really don't care. The Association can stuff it, and if they think they get to mess with my Big Brother's family, then they can just deal with Berserker. He'll set them straight."
You find yourself wondering, amidst all of this, what your own home is going to look like. One of Sidonia's massive serpents – a nigh-unkillable behemoth only put down for good by Nurse Ortensia – was held off near your apartment building by Berserker, Boudica, and Medusa. But the damage done to the area must be a sight to behold. You wonder how long it'll be before your family is able to move back into the building.
If at all. It might be time to consider moving to another place, one that'll have enough room for all four of you if Kirika ends up having to move back in permanently.
"Homura, Kirika, if you're both ready, we should be heading out soon." Archer's voice draws you out of your musing, and reminds you that this isn't your final appointment of the day. "I promised Minako that we'd meet her at her parents' place as soon as we were done here."
Kirika is the first to jump at the invitation. "All right," she says, before turning to Oriko and asking "You were gonna come with us, right Oriko? Come on, I know grandma and grandpa would love meeting you!"
Oriko looks to Archer, who gives her a silent nod of his head. "Sure, you can come with us if you want to," he says to Oriko, before adding for your mind only, "We'll talk about how grounded Kirika is once Minako knows we're all safe." "But Kirika-" Archer stops Kirika just short of dragging Oriko along with her. "When we're at your grandparents' place, I don't want to see any funny business from you and Oriko, got it? Nothing your mother and I wouldn't approve of."
"I understand, daddy," Kirika says with a roll of her eyes. "I'll behave; promise." Archer gives Kirika a looks, but says nothing, and Kirika turns to you to say "Come on, let's get going."
"Dearest, wait up," Oriko says. "Let me at least say goodbye to Caren-san first." It takes a great deal of effort for Oriko to pry her wrist out of Kirika's iron grip, but she does, and goes to her cousin. "Caren-san, thank you so much for everything you've done this past month," Oriko says to Nurse Ortensia. "For agreeing to fight on our side when it looked like there would be our War between our two sides, and agreeing to contribute yourself and Assassin in the fight against Sidonia." Oriko gives her cousin a hug, and to your surprise she even does the same for Assassin, hugging her despite the obvious look of protest on Assassin's face. "Thank you both so much. We couldn't have done it without your help."
"It was nothing," Nurse Ortensia says. "Really. I was just fulfilling my duties as a member of the Church, overseeing your girls' little Grail War, and dealing with a rogue witch. I would have done it for anyone, family or not."
"Still, it means a lot to me, knowing that you were there." Finally, Oriko gets the message, and she removes herself from Assassin's waist. She bows, and says to them "Again, thank you so much for your help, Caren-san; and Assassin, I hope everything goes well for you and your sister in the future." Oriko gives her cousin and Assassin a wave goodbye, and goes to join you, Archer, and Kirika. All appears well as the four of you head off together, until a thought strikes Oriko, and she turns to you, asking "Akemi-san, whatever happened to those little familiars of yours that looked like us?"
Oh. You'd almost forgotten about them.
"I… Don't actually know," you say. "I sent them out and told them to go reinforce our other positions, and then they just… Disappeared on me, and I don't know where they went off to."
"That's a shame," Oriko says. "The one that looks like Kirika is really such a cutie." You can almost see steam coming out of the real Kirika's ears as Oriko praises her creepy miniature doppelganger. "I'd love to have been able to see her again before we left."
"I'm sure you'll have plenty of chances to see them again," you say. If they're so unruly that they'll even come out when you haven't made an effort to call for them, you have a feeling that you'll definitely be seeing more of them in the future. "But, don't get too attached. I don't want them thinking they can disobey orders and still get rewarded for it."
Oriko almost looks defeated, until an alarming "What the heck…?" from Maki Kaoru draws your and Oriko's attentions, and she calls out to you, "Hey, Akemi, is that what I think it is?"
You look, and "It is… Somehow." You see your five familiars, made in the image of you and your closest friends and allies, marching a captured and very beaten up Hans Christian Andersen towards you. He looks… Different, from what you had been expecting. He's a child – a literal child – with shaggy blue hair, and dishevelled clothes that are also coloured in blue. You had heard from Archer that he was small, but the picture you're seeing now is a far cry from the image your mind's eye painted for you. Your five familiars come to a stop, presenting you with Misaki Umika's former Caster servant as though they were soldiers delivering a POW to their commanding officer, and you say "Well. I can't say I was expecting this," to the tune of their gleeful, childlike snickering.
"Caster?" The blue-haired Caster shies away from Kazumi's gaze. "Umika, Niko, look! It's Caster!"
The blue-haired Caster snorts through his nostrils as Maki kaoru directs his former master's attention over to him, and says in a voice you were not expecting a child to possess "I suppose you'll be getting rid of me, then." It's a deep, arrogant drawl, and its sound almost reminds you of the sound of Ramesses' voice. "Not much else to be done with me after all of this. Between Kazusa Michiru rejecting my Noble Phantasm, to my assisting that awful woman, I don't suppose there'd be any love lost by my absence. All my faults considered, I daresay there's hardly a reason for my continued existence."
Your eyes turn to Kazumi. You know in most situations, she'd be a more lenient master than you, but after today you just don't have the heart to take any amount of anger out on anyone. This little blue creature has barely done anything to harm you, outside of some nebulously-defined assistance given to Sidonia that might not have constituted anything more than giving her the proper summoning circle with which she summoned Gudrun. But for that? You just don't have it in you to be angry. "I'll leave it to Kazumi to decide what happens to you," you say to the blue-haired Caster. "I've had enough killing for one day."
You'll leave Hans Christian Andersen to his fate, whatever that may be, and you say to Archer and Kirika "Come on, let's go let mom know we're okay." You're just about to leave, when you remember to bring someone else along with you. Five someone elses, as a matter of fact. "You five come along as well," you say to your quintet of familiars. They look to each other, and it almost looks as though they're unsure whether or not they actually want to follow you. You sigh, and roll your eyes as you say "We can discuss your reward for capturing Hans later." True, they disobeyed your orders when they took off rather than going to help reinforce Tomoe-san and Kirika's positions, but they did succeed in capturing a vital member of Sidonia's team, and possibly prevented him from assisting her in God-knows-what manner.
So maybe they can still get the juice and hugs you promised them.
As if sensing your resignation, your gaggle of familiars follow behind you, giggling to themselves the entire way; "And make sure you disappear before we get to the train station," you say to them. "I don't want to risk anyone seeing you."
Fortunately, nobody sees them, and the commute up to Kirika's grandparents' place in Shirome goes off without incident. The train ride northwest takes about the same length of time as if you were going to visit Oriko, and is spent mostly in silence. Not for a lack of trying on anyone's part: Kirika especially tries to get the four of you talking. But you just don't have the energy, and you don't even know what you have to say. Your mind is still spinning in the aftermath of everything that's taken place this morning.
Had this fight been as simple as the one you fought against Walpurgisnacht a year and a half ago, you wouldn't have so many disparate thoughts about what happened. But because of what happened in the space between words, you find you've developed a more complex and complicated picture of Sidonia than what you initially thought. If that experience on the boundary of life and death hadn't happened, you probably would have been content to remain angry at her for everything she had done. She destroyed two entire cities, left thousands sick and dying, and tried to wipe out the vast majority of human life on the planet. It would have been easy to continue to hate her.
But is there even really a point in hating her now?
She's gone, presumably – hopefully – forever, and perhaps she's even found herself in a better place this time around than the first time she died. The fact that it might still be possible for someone else to summon her as an Avenger somewhere down the line gives you pause for concern, but maybe what she experienced in that place will have changed her for the better the next time she's summoned. You aren't in any great hurry to find out, but you find that you can't really bring yourself to hate her anymore. Yes, her actions caused you and so many others a great deal of harm, and whether you ever see Sidonia von Borchk again or not you have no plans to forget the things she's done to cause you harm, but what would be the point of hating her now?
What's the point of hating someone who isn't even alive to harm you anymore?
"Hey, sis, I asked you a question." You can afford to cut your musing short in order to pay attention to what Kirika is saying. "I asked if you've told Pinkie yet that we won."
"No, not yet," you say. It's not that you forgot. You don't know if your mind would have been in the right place to speak to Madoka. You still aren't sure if you're ready, or if your thoughts are still so distracted that it's better for you to wait until you've had time to clear your head a bit better. "But I should probably get on that, thank you for reminding me."
Maybe talking to Madoka is exactly what you need to do for your mind to be at peace.
You look up to your father, and he gives you a silent nod of his head. You aren't grounded, not yet. So, with his silent permission, you take out your phone, and you dial Madoka's number.
Your heart's beat slows to a crawl, only pumping on each of the three rings it takes for Madoka to pick up, and it's not until you hear her voice as it calls your name that your heartbeat returns to normal "Homura-chan? Is it… Is it over?"
"Yeah," you say to Madoka. Your mind isn't yet made calm, but hearing Madoka's voice has at least put it at peace. "It's over, Madoka. We won."
"I'm glad to hear that, Homura-chan. Are you…" Madoka's voice trails off for a moment, and it takes her a few seconds before she finds it again. "Did you want to get back together yet, or are you still grounded?"
"Archer allowed me to call you to let you know we'd won, but I imagine my punishment will be starting as soon as I hang up the phone." As much as you'd like to stay like this forever, to take advantage of your father's generosity and never let this conversation come to an end, you can't. Even though he's giving you some leeway by letting you call Madoka, you can still feel your father's gaze bearing down on you. "But, once I'm no longer grounded, I'd really like to take you out somewhere nice. I'm not sure where, just yet, but I'll have plenty of time to figure that out."
"I'd like that, Homura-chan. I'll be looking forward to getting to see you again."
"So will I, Madoka," you say. "But until then, I guess we'll have to settle for seeing each other in school." Madoka's voice trails off with a content-sounding "Mhm," and you say to her "Take care, Madoka. I'll see you at school." Whenever school is set to start up again.
"See you at school, Homura-chan."
You hang up, and with a sigh you hand your phone over to Archer. You don't even both trying to prolong this by returning your phone to your pocket. "It's just until the holidays," Archer says. "I know it'll feel like forever, but if you're on your best behaviour, you'll only be grounded for two months."
But you still know how long two months can feel.
The train comes to a stop at the Shirome station, and the four of you disembark. You look around the station as you get off: it's empty. The four of you are the only people coming from Mitakihara. It's amazing the trains were even running today at all, you think. The Japanese public transit system is a damn miracle.
You've only visited Kirika's grandparents in their home a handful of times. Most of the time, they've come to visit you at your apartment, though even then they've only visited a handful of times more than you've visited them. They're nice people, but for how infrequently you've met them they almost feel like strangers to you, even if they're technically your grandparents now. Their house is in a nice location, and it's a nice house, all things considered. Nowhere near as fancy as the mansion where Oriko lives, but it's a decent, comfortable house all the same.
As you approach the front door, you can hear voices inside having a rather animated conversation, though you only manage to catch the tail end of it.
"Really, Minako, that Archer boy left you to visit us all by yourself, and didn't even let you bring your daughters with you? What the heck must be going through his mind? Are you sure everything's all right between the two of you? You know, one of my employees has a son about your age. If things aren't working out, I'm sure he-"
"It's not like that, father. Everything is fine between us. Archer loves the girls, and I'm not about to disrupt things for them just because you think there's trouble in paradise. Kirika's already had to lose one father, I'm not going to make her lose another."
"Well, then why isn't he here with you? Why'd you feel like you had to come running to us and not bring the girls?"
"I told you, dad, it just worked out that way. Archer had some business he needed to take care of. He said he'd be bringing the girls along with him as soon as he was done."
Now seems like as good a time as any to interrupt, before your mother's parents get any more bad ideas about Archer. Fortunately, Archer is one step ahead of you. Before you can make a move to, he knocks on the front door, and you hear your mother's voice saying "See? That's problem them right now." You hear shuffling as the sound of footsteps approach, and the door opens- "Goodness, what took you all so long?"
Your mother's voice carries an undercurrent of worry behind it, and as quickly as you hear it, your mother crouches down, wrapping her arms around you and Kirika as tightly as she can manage. "I've been waiting forever to see you girls again." But under her breath, she whispers "Is it over?" just softly enough that her parents can't hear her.
"Yeah," you whisper back. "It's over."
"We missed you, mommy," Kirika says, nuzzling up close to Minako's face, trying to hog all of your mother's attention away from you. "How are grandma and grandpa doing?"
"Why don't you ask them yourself?" Minako says, releasing you and Kirika as she moves to embrace Archer next. She kisses him, with maybe a bit more passion than is necessary, but after what you heard you're sure your mother is just putting on a show for them. "Hey there, handsome," she says to Archer. "Did my girls behave themselves while I was gone?"
"About as well as could be expected of them," Archer replies.
As soon as her point has been made, Minako releases Archer, and she gestures for the three of you to join her. "Well, don't just stand there, come on in," she says. Catching sight of your fourth guest, she even adds "Oh, and you brought Oriko, too," before turning to her parents. "Mother, father, Kirika brought a guest. Is that okay?"
Kirika's grandparents exchange glances, and once they've reached a consensus, her grandfather says "If it's someone special to Kirika, then I don't see why not," before asking, to no one in particular "Who is it, by the way?"
Oriko bows for Kirika's grandparents, and introduces herself. "My name is Mikuni Oriko," she says. "I'm Kirika's girlfriend. I'm grateful for the chance to finally meet the both of you."
"Ah, so this is Oriko," you hear Kirika's grandmother saying. "Well, come in dearie, don't be a stranger. It's so good to finally meet you."
For as much of a stranger as Kirika's grandparents feel to you, those words are as much an invitation for you to enter as they are for Oriko. Kirika is already inside, and you can hear her chatting up her grandfather while you and Oriko take your shoes off at the door. You feel your mother smiling on you as you enter, and as you and Oriko pass by her on your way inside, she says "I'm sure you girls did a great job out there."
Archer nods his head. "They did good out there today," he says to Minako, as she smiles at his words.
"I'm glad to hear that." You walk beside your mother, with Archer following closely behind, as the three of you approach the living room table, where Oriko, Kirika, and her grandparents are already waiting. Addressing you and Archer as much as she is Oriko and Kirika, Minako says "Now, I'll bet you're all hungry after the morning you've had." Breakfast was only an hour or two ago, and yet when your mother speaks, you suddenly realise just how hungry you are. "Lunch won't be for another couple of hours, but mom made cookies when I told her you'd be coming over later."
Kirika perks up at the mention of cookies, her eyes sparkling like it's her birthday, Halloween, and Christmas all rolled into one; and that's enough for Minako. "Just don't eat so many that your appetite is ruined for lunch," she says to Kirika.
While Kirika skips off into the kitchen to grab her promised cookies, you take a seat on the couch, tentatively sitting down beside the woman who is technically your grandmother. "Goodness, Homura, it's been months since the last time we got to see you," she says. "Tell me all about what you've been up to since the last time we got to see you. Are you doing well in school? Looking forward to entering high school next year? How's that Kaname girl treating you? You two planning on going to the same high school together, like Kirika did with Oriko?"
Oriko offers a sheepish smile for Kirika's grandmother. You can tell she's trying not to be an imposition, but all hope of that is dashed when Kirika's grandmother gestures to her, and says "Come sit down, dearie, don't think you're a stranger here or anything. Kirika's told us all about you."
"Well, if you insist," Oriko says, opting not to take a seat on the couch, but in the chair across the table from you and Kirika's grandmother. She smiles for Oriko, and her smile only brightens when she sees Kirika returning from the kitchen with the tray of cookies in her hand. Oriko reaches for one, offering up a curt "Thank you, dearest," for Kirika as she set the plate down on the table.
"Now then, Homura, you were saying?" Kirika's grandmother says.
This may not be your home. It's the house of two people who, for as infrequently as you see them, might as well be strangers to you, were it not for them being the parents of your adoptive mother. But this doesn't have to be your home for it to still be home. Home isn't where your house is. Home isn't located in the building where you and your family live. Home is where your family is, regardless of where you are. Right now, this may not be your home, but because it's where your family is, it's still home to you.
You draw in a deep breath as you continue regaling your grandmother with stories of what you and Kirika have been up to lately, and a smile creeps its way up the corners of your mouth. "Well, I'm home," you say to yourself.