Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

I mean, I'm up for it if you're up for it. I'm sure there's ways to word things so they don't cross any lines.
Alright, I guess I'll just shove it under a spoiler since it's more the concept that comes close to violating rule 6 than the wording. I figure this probably doesn't even inch close to the worst stuff that's been allowed, since I've seen some less-than-savory descriptions of lolis and necrophilia on this site before, combined with young lesbian relationships between PMMM characters to begin with, so I'll just try to be relatively tasteful about it; especially since the characters in question are around 15-16 and Mami and Oriko are already on the tippy-toe line of being an adult anyways, so yeah.

Well, for Kirika and Homura, obviously they have fetishes for a very singular person. In that regard, they're probably into whatever Oriko or Madoka are into respectively.

Sayaka has 100% a taste for heavy costumes, like armor or spandex. Or she could be entirely into fantasy creatures like mermaids or elves. She strikes me as a person to probably have more orthodox fetishes.

For Hitomi it's a bit predictable, but almost anyone I've seen that's grown up in a stiff and repressive household has developed a taste for 'rebellious' kinds of stuff. Given her traditionally Japanese upbringing, shibari or other forms of artful shit is something she might consider getting into.

As I've found out, being around certain things when you are younger definitely defines your tastes when you're older. Given this combined with her clingy tendencies and boastful personality, Mami is someone I can see having developed something for BDSM.

Kyoko is a bit of an odd case. It's shown in-canon that she still believes in God, it's just that she doesn't believe in the kindness of God. Plus, I can't begin to guess what her history would've done to her sexual development. Since IIRC we're told that sometimes she subconsciously uses hypnosis on herself, her distaste for such things might've led to the overall erasure of any fetishes she might've developed. This might also explain why she's just incredibly overt towards Sayaka in this story, since she doesn't know any other way to express her desires.

Oriko's relatively charmed lifestyle combined with her freedom, and the various Italian R-18 movies she's watched, means she's probably developed more 'tasteful' fetishes like nudity, rubenesque stuff, or homosexuality in general (the last one we know for sure here). She doesn't strike me as the type to get too caught up in her fetishes when it comes to expressing her love, as she's more of a romantic.

Maki is a member of the pure bean club, and I doubt that she's got anything weird. Probably a sports gear fetish, if I had to give her any. It's more common than you probably think.

Minako is into sub/dom play, given how she's treated Archer in bed. She's 100% a switch. I feel like I can confidently say this because she is a grown-ass adult.

Here's where we get to the weirder stuff.

Caren being a total sadomasochist is literally canon.

As we know that Madoka's watched a lot of magical girl shows as a kid, she strikes me as the sort of person who's into body transformation (growth, shrinking, inflation, stretching, that kinds of stuff) but without overtly sexual aspects to her fetish. I have experience in the fact that people who watch girls' shows with overt fantastical elements always develop a fetish within this range.

Kazumi is a pure bean. Her desire towards Niko is 70% romantic to begin with and she basically doesn't think dirty thoughts at all. If she were to develop a fetish, since we know that her mind inherently comes back to either destruction or consumption given her nature as a witch, she's either into some brutal sadomasochist play, or she's into stuffing and food-play.

Umika strikes me as the type to enjoy more fantastical dom play. It's kind of like what I said about Madoka earlier, except more in the line of completely overtaking a person through those methods, like shrinking someone to create a massive disparity or giving them a curse that forces them to perform a particular action.

Given her relationship with Mirai here, I believe that Saki has a thing for massive fluffy poofy hair. Probably a dom on the side.

I really don't wanna talk about Usagi.

Niko strikes me as the type who is so self-repressive that they don't even know what their tastes are. As things are, she might inherit some from Kazumi, or following what I said about Kazumi earlier, might pick up a few traits from the other Saints.

Some Servants I had interesting thoughts about. (As they're adults, I'm going to beat around the bush a bit less)

Gilgamesh, owing to Sha Naqba Imuru, accidentally saw a bunch of horny shit and understood it. He is into basically every fetish, but likes 'rarer' or 'noble' fetishes more.

Shirou is taking Minako's lead, since his sexuality died in a fire (literally).

Brynhildr has no overt sexual tastes, but explicitly has an anti-fetish for sub/dom play, given the situation that led to her meeting Sigurd in the first place.

Achilles flirts with everyone as a way of trying to overcome the grief of Patroclus dying. Because of this, men that even vaguely remind him of Patroclus disturb him, which is why he tends to hit on men far less.

Diarmuid is historically into adultery.

Sigurd will kill you if you insinuate he loves anything but Brynhildr.

Pretty sure Atalanta is ace, primarily as a disciple of Artemis since birth.

Ramesses is into harem stuff, which surprises nobody.

We literally historically know that Hans is into gentlemanly men.

Nightingale treats sexual activity like you would go bungee jumping or being in a shooting range; it's entirely orthodox, planned out, and clean. That's if you can even get her to agree in the first place.

Given the place and culture within which she was raised. Boudica probably enjoys being entirely free about where and when she does the deed.

I think Sidonia probably does not give two hoots about horny stuff.

Scathach has had a habit of enjoying spunky young men. Even if, y'know, they were ten... man, that's kind of a messed-up part of their myth.

Aife has lost any and all sexual appetite.

Kinda feel odd about posting it, but SVS was down, so I went ahead and put some effort in anyways.
Day 28 Chapter 23
[X] Plan: Rest of the Night (part 2)

You join your parents in the kitchen after dinner. While Minako collects the dirtied plates and brings them to Archer at the sink, you make sure that everyone's leftovers are packed up and the cardboard delivery boxes are put away to be recycled. Oriko has taken up residence in the living room, and together with Kirika is enjoying some after-dinner tea served to her by Lancer.

You're sure she's enjoying Kirika more than the tea.

"Lancer, there's leftovers if you want any," Oriko says to her servant. "Before Akemi-san finishes putting them away, I mean. Pizza is much better when it's better eaten warm."

You see Lancer hang her head out of the corner of your eye, and hear her say "I appreciate the offer, master, but I shall pass. I am… Unaccustomed, to the taste of the red sauce, and find it… Unpleasantly acidic." Lancer raises her head up, adding "Forgive my rudeness, master, but I cannot fathom how your relatives could make an entire cuisine out of dishes with the red sauce. Your stomachs must be stronger than mine."

"That's unfortunate," Oriko says. "If you had said something, I'm sure Archer would have been willing to order you something without the sauce." At Lancer's addition, Oriko adds herself "I don't think you're being rude for saying anything, by the way. The tomato hadn't arrived in Europe when you were alive; it's perfectly understandable that you would find it unpleasant. Even if I still ate meat I don't think, for example, that I could ever enjoy the taste of salted Icelandic fish jerky."

At her master's reassurance, Lancer gives a faint smile. "Harðfískur is an acquired taste," she says. "Even the mistress does not like it, and I know from Archer that she is an enthusiastic eater of seafood."

You'll leave the three of them as they are; Oriko and Lancer conversing, while Kirika lays there like a cat in Oriko's lap, content to have her girlfriend stroke her hair and give her affection. You're not jealous. You're not jealous of your sister just because she has a girlfriend she can be affectionate and intimate with. You're totally jealous of your sister because she gets to spend time with her girlfriend when you're about to be grounded.

You have to leave, to get out and go somewhere you can't see Kirika stealing affection from her girlfriend. You've still got work to do. "I'm going out for a bit," you say to your parents as they finish up with the dishes. "There's something I'd like to get taken care of before it gets too late."

Archer is the first to turn towards you; "And what might that be?" he asks, his voice carrying a hint of "What sorts of trouble are you looking to get into?"

"I was going to go out and try to set my familiars up as sentries around key locations," you say. "Maybe around our apartment building, the train station, hospital, maybe have a few watching over Sidonia's workshop... Things like that. I imagine Lancer and Assassin will have their own familiars going around to similar areas either later tonight or tomorrow anyway, so I thought maybe I could get a head-start on that."

"If you think Lancer and Assassin are going to handle that, why do you need to go out?" Archer asks. "They're a lot tougher than you are, and I'm sure their familiars are sturdier, on top of not being… Well, you know. Are you sure that's a good idea?"

You nod your head. "It's the reason that I wanted to make them," you say. "Besides, if Lancer and Assassin come along and set up their own familiars, then I can tell mine to start moving around, so we have a more complete picture than if I'm having them sit there as static sentries." You don't think birds would make for very good static sentries, anyway.

You can still hear the hesitation in Archer's voice as she asks "Are you sure that's really necessary?" You're sure he means well, that he's just trying to look out for you and keep you safe, but he's being a bit more overprotective than usual. But eventually, after several moments spent in silent negotiations, where you and he exchange glances and not words, he says "Oh, all right. But stay safe out there; and if you see something, I want you to call it in and wait someplace safe while reinforcements are arriving."

"Thank you."

"Archer!" Unfortunately, while you might have won your father over, your mother is another story. "After the scare she put us through, you're going to let her just go out there and go god-knows-what with those familiars of hers? What if they-"

"They're birds," you say. "They're not going to do anything to me, not if they didn't do anything to me when I made them before." You know you offered earlier, but maybe if you don't word it so nonchalantly, Minako will be more keen on the idea this time, so you offer "I could show them to you, if you'd like. They're actually kind of cute; or at least I think they are."

"Is that safe?" Minako asks. "They won't… Try to attack us or anything, will they?"

"They're perfectly safe," you say. "Well-behaved, too. Not like me or my sister. They actually listen when someone tells them something."

Minako, still clearly hesitant, looks to Archer, as if he'll be able to tell her whether it's a good idea or not. After a few seconds, he nods his head. It's a slow, careful nod, and with it comes an unspoken agreement between you and he. "Don't put yourself in any danger doing this."

So you concentrate. You concentrate on your Soul Gem, feeling for the Grief accumulated inside of it. You envision the shape of a bird, more like a plush toy than a real animal, with soft black feathers and beady eyes like glass, and you concentrate on pooling your Grief into that shape, letting it fill up and take on a life of its own. You hold out your hand, letting your open palm be where your Grief is poured into the mould of your familiar, and you concentrate, giving it as much time as it needs before that popping sound echoes in your ears.

"O~oh, it's so cute~!"

Immediately, the sour notes in Minako's voice vanish, and her concern is thrown out the window as she finally lays eyes on your familiar. "Archer, look at it~! It's so adorable~!" she says, more like an excited schoolgirl than the concerned mother she was just a moment ago. "Look at it~! That came out of our daughter~!"

You can't help but show off a satisfied smirk, but Archer eyes Minako with a bit more incredulity. "Are you sure you should be fawning over it like this?" he asks her. "Yes, it's cute, but I thought the fact that it came out of our daughter was the problem. But here you are, gushing over it like it's your grandkid. I thought Homura was too young to be a mother."

"She is." Minako forces herself to straighten up almost immediately at Archer's words. "I let myself get a little out of control there for a second. But, it really is cute, and that… Sort of makes it easier for me to accept? I guess?" Minako shrugs. "I'm still all on for punishing Homura after the scare she caused us, but seeing how cute this little guy is… I guess I'm not as mad as I was before."

Well, aren't you the lucky one.

"So, you're going to go around and drop these little cuties in places so they'll keep watch, is that the plan?"

You nod your head. "That's the plan," you say to Minako. "I know it's far from perfect – birds don't exactly make the best static sentries, I guess – but it's the best plan I've got at the moment. Once Lancer and Assassin are ready on their ends, I can have the birds start moving around. They'll be more useful for keeping an eye on large sections of the city than they will be sitting in one place, but until Lancer and Assassin are ready this is the best I can do."

"What if you tried making them into other shapes?" Minako suggests. "I guess they wouldn't be as cute as this, but maybe you could try to make them into other shapes, or other things that would be more useful sitting in one place?" Your mother stops, before correcting herself to ask "Or… Is that not how this works?"

"I don't know," you reply. "I tried making familiars in other shapes earlier in the day, but it wasn't very successful. Maybe I just didn't have a good enough image of what I wanted to make, or maybe I got lucky with these birds, hit on a familiar that my actual witch would have, but then didn't have that same luck with the other attempts." You shrug. "I just don't know."

"Well maybe that's something to keep in mind for the future."

Archer shakes his head, muttering under his breath just loud enough to be heard "I can't believe you're encouraging her. This is what she got in trouble for in the first place, playing around with her Grief. You want her to do more of that?"

"No," Minako says. "Even though that bird's a cutie, I'm still uncomfortable about this whole thing. But I know this is something Homura is invested in, and she's doing it for a good reason, so maybe it's enough that I'm supportive of her." Minako quickly remembers to change her tone when she addresses you only moments later, adding "But you'd still better be careful out there, sweetie. Don't think that something's not dangerous just because you think you know what you're doing. I don't want to see you getting hurt because you weren't careful."

"I'll be careful, mom," you say. "But… Thank you for having enough trust in me to let me do this." You approach your mother, and wrap your arms around her waist to hug her. "That means a lot."

[ ] Where do you go to deposit your familiars? (write-in)
[ ] You want to try experimenting with different shapes of familiars; who do you call for advice?
-[ ] Tohsaka-san
-[ ] Matou Sakura
-[ ] Lancer
-[ ] Assassin
-[ ] Scáthach
-[ ] Someone else (write-in who)
[ ] Who do you call for reinforcements if you see something going down while you're out? (write-in who)
[ ] If nothing happens, what do you do when you get back? (write-in what)
[X] Plan: Normal Nightly Excursion
-[X] Where do you go to deposit your familiars? (write-in)
--[X] Try going for places that are less covered by Niko, Scathach, and Bryn's familiars, and have a relatively wide view, if possible; like the top of a tall building, or something.
-[X] You want to try experimenting with different shapes of familiars; who do you call for advice?
--[X] Scáthach
-[X] Who do you call for reinforcements if you see something going down while you're out? (write-in who)
--[X] Achilles and Kyoko, since you know they don't have a lot to do and are generally your fastest responders.
-[X] If nothing happens, what do you do when you get back? (write-in what)
--[X] Go to your room and cry about Madoka try and be more experimental, and see if you can't work the time-based effects out of Isa.

Sakura was a close second for advice, but Scathach generally knows more about what makes witches tick and still knows a fair bit about familiar magecraft. As for reinforcements, Kirika and Archer are close-by and fast, but that leaves Minako less protected. Achilles is literally our fastest team-mate to begin with, and he hasn't gotten a lot of screen-time lately.
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I'll start this one off simple. Obviouly, tomatoes are a New World fruit, so an Icelander like Brynhildr would never have tasted them in her lifetime. So obviously, tomato sauce on a pizza is going to be too acidic for her liking. On the other hand, the thing she likes, harðfískur is a real Icelandic salted fish jerky. It's incredibly dry, and incredibly pungent. Since Oriko is a vegetarian because she physically can't stand the taste of meat without becoming ill, I imagine that something as smelly as harðfískur would make her sick just by smelling it. But she and Lancer respect each other's tastes, even if they don't always like the same tastes.

We're not quite done with the night just yet. This one was tricky to get the words right on, so I'm stopping here for now and I'll let you guys take over when it comes to figuring out our road map for placing these little guys, along with ideas for who we can contact for inspiration into other possible shapes. @PlaguePaladin this might be where you want to come in and talk about the other ideas for familiars you had. I know you don't like discussing your ideas in public, but this might be a good place to do so, even if it's just so everyone else is on the same page.
We're not quite done with the night just yet. This one was tricky to get the words right on, so I'm stopping here for now and I'll let you guys take over when it comes to figuring out our road map for placing these little guys, along with ideas for who we can contact for inspiration into other possible shapes. @PlaguePaladin this might be where you want to come in and talk about the other ideas for familiars you had. I know you don't like discussing your ideas in public, but this might be a good place to do so, even if it's just so everyone else is on the same page.
Alright, so the primary thing to know is that familiars are the 'projections of a magical girl's heart before she became a witch', according to canon sources. From what we can see in-canon, they basically carry out something metaphorically related to the routines and desires of the magical girl. Reworking some ideas I gave to SVS (still in the format of a witch profile sorry):

The stagehands of a stagnant play. Their duty is to cut off bad futures. Their bodies are weak, but their frightening foresight and ability to 'cut the life' from a target make them terrifying. They especially hate fire and white rats. (Representing her fear of losing her 'happy ending', taking actions to prevent this through Homura's witch-power of stagnation. Take on a sort of Caster/Assassin role in combat.)

The guardians of a dead world. Their duty is to guard what is important. Covered in bulky diamond-strength armor and using their gargantuan limbs to crush any signs of rebellion, they enforce the world that their master has created. (Raw 'protecc Madoka' energy. Take on a sort of Saber/Berserker role in combat.)

The vanguard of a fallen kingdom. Their duty is to locate transgressions. Boasting the intellect and will of their master, they scour the skies at blinding speeds, swiftly eliminating all that does not belong. They especially loathe white rats and fools. (Homura's birds, represent her constantly being out on the watch, a character trait that we've kind of given her. Take on a sort of Lancer/Rider/Archer role in combat.)

But it's really possible for anything to be here, so long as it sufficiently fits what lies in Homura's heart. If I had a clearer idea of the fundamental principals of her desires, I could probably get a more precise and less wanky idea of what her familiars could be in this situation.

I suddenly just had the thought of Homura making little chibi Madokas as familiars.
This actually isn't that improbable. Matter of fact, it's even likely.
And now, let's see how much of this I can respond to without making it worse.
Well, for Kirika and Homura, obviously they have fetishes for a very singular person. In that regard, they're probably into whatever Oriko or Madoka are into respectively.
Kirika, I thought, would be one of the easiest to guess, and she was, but despite her moaning about how Minako won't let her get any for a while, I'm surprised that you missed how she's got a pretty big thing for piercings. Not sure if you could say that extends to general bodymod stuff, or if she's just into piercings and tattoos without addressing the really freaky Slaanesh-type bodymods.
I have experience in the fact that people who watch girls' shows with overt fantastical elements always develop a fetish within this range.
And I can directly say that, as someone who grew up watching the Nelvana dub of Cardcaptor Sakura (it came on right before Pokemon, and I'll never forget that) and have spent pretty much my entire life watching some form of magical girl anime or another (the aforementioned Cardcaptor Sakura and Powerpuff Girls as a kid, to Madoka, P&SwG, Utena, Princess Tutu, Symphogear, hell even MLP was a pretty good magical girl series for the first four seasons, and beyond as an adult) I can confidently say that I do not have any overt fantastical fetishes to speak of.
Given her relationship with Mirai here, I believe that Saki has a thing for massive fluffy poofy hair. Probably a dom on the side.
Funny you say that last part, because there's just something about the way Saki looks that makes me think she's secretly a huge masochist. Maybe it's because nobody could possibly stand being intimate with Mirai and not be a masochist at some level. And speaking of Mirai, she's got a thing for teddy bears. Obviously. Frankly, I think Mirai's thing for teddy bears is wa~ay worse than whatever you could have been imagining for Satomi.
Niko strikes me as the type who is so self-repressive that they don't even know what their tastes are. As things are, she might inherit some from Kazumi, or following what I said about Kazumi earlier, might pick up a few traits from the other Saints.
If I felt like crossing the line twice, I'd say that Niko's fetish is for stuff like self-harm and degradation. Like, she wants her partner to hurt her because she's so messed up that she views it as part of her penance. But you're probably more right that she's so repressed that she doesn't know what she likes.

Now, for the bonus round...
Pretty sure Atalanta is ace, primarily as a disciple of Artemis since birth.
I think it depends entirely on the man in question. Remember, she did take a husband, and in some versions of the myth she was even okay with it and liked him. She also got caught banging her husband in a temple and that's what got her turned into a lion, so, you know...
Nightingale treats sexual activity like you would go bungee jumping or being in a shooting range; it's entirely orthodox, planned out, and clean. That's if you can even get her to agree in the first place.
I think Nightingale died a virgin. I'm not sure. I wouldn't try to guess her preferences.
Gilgamesh, owing to Sha Naqba Imuru, accidentally saw a bunch of horny shit and understood it. He is into basically every fetish, but likes 'rarer' or 'noble' fetishes more.
Canonically we know Gilgamesh is into banging virgins on their wedding night. That's what got his subjects pissed at him in the first place. And probably temple prostitutes as well. And probably Enkidu as well as well.
Given the place and culture within which she was raised. Boudica probably enjoys being entirely free about where and when she does the deed.
The time period is one thing, but Boudica also had a husband and two kids. I get the feeling that she's the type who would be faithful to her husband even though he's not around right now. Or at least be more concerned with "Kill all the Romans" to bother with intimacy.
I think Sidonia probably does not give two hoots about horny stuff.
Wolde Albrecht accusing her of being a witch who had sex with the devil would disagree. I digress, but if she weren't so genocide-obsessed I'd probably peg her as a lesbian regardless, though how interested I'd say she is is up for debate. Definitely more concerned with other pursuits. Part of that might because I look at the number of complaints she and the other women at the abbey had with each other and think "Oh, they're just jilted lovers having a spat" and part because I think it would be hilarious to ship her with Elizabeth Bathory and see what happens. But like, the good Elizabeth Bathory. Not the pink-haired idol wannabee from Extra.
Scathach has had a habit of enjoying spunky young men. Even if, y'know, they were ten... man, that's kind of a messed-up part of their myth.
I'm not 100% on this, but I think in TM canon, Cu is 16 when he trains with Scat, not 10 like he is in the actual myth. Surprisingly, that's the version I've gone with over the real one, so feel free to not be grossed out by this version of Scat's proclivities. Oh, and do remember that this version of Scat has also slept with her female students, not just her male ones. Benefits of being a former puella magi and all.

But it's really possible for anything to be here, so long as it sufficiently fits what lies in Homura's heart. If I had a clearer idea of the fundamental principals of her desires, I could probably get a more precise and less wanky idea of what her familiars could be in this situation.
Madoka, obviously. Her family and friends. When we talked earlier, you had the idea that what she's most concerned about is losing any of them and not being able to take it back. That was what you tracked in order to come up with the familiars you're presenting here, unless I seriously misinterpreted what you said before.
I suddenly just had the thought of Homura making little chibi Madokas as familiars.
This actually isn't that improbable. Matter of fact, it's even likely.
I'm not so sure how comfortable I feel about this. Mostly because I'm imagining Madoka but Neco-Arc, and I don't want that. That's too creepy.
And now, let's see how much of this I can respond to without making it worse.
Most of this is entirely fair. Fetishes are really hard to guess at by sheer virtue of the fact that they're incredibly easy to influence when you're young.

And I can directly say that, as someone who grew up watching the Nelvana dub of Cardcaptor Sakura (it came on right before Pokemon, and I'll never forget that) and have spent pretty much my entire life watching some form of magical girl anime or another (the aforementioned Cardcaptor Sakura and Powerpuff Girls as a kid, to Madoka, P&SwG, Utena, Princess Tutu, Symphogear, hell even MLP was a pretty good magical girl series for the first four seasons, and beyond as an adult) I can confidently say that I do not have any overt fantastical fetishes to speak of.
Most of the experience actually comes from me myself, and similar other people. I think the list you've given me here is probably an indicator of why they didn't influence you this way, since outside of Cardcaptor Sakura, these series are either lacking in odd transformations or came out after you were 13 or below, which is what I've found through talking with others is generally the range of influencing someone's tastes.

Funny you say that last part, because there's just something about the way Saki looks that makes me think she's secretly a huge masochist. Maybe it's because nobody could possibly stand being intimate with Mirai and not be a masochist at some level. And speaking of Mirai, she's got a thing for teddy bears. Obviously. Frankly, I think Mirai's thing for teddy bears is wa~ay worse than whatever you could have been imagining for Satomi.
I'd personally think that a teddy-bear fetish isn't quite as bad as b****iality, but it's a matter of perspective.

I think Nightingale died a virgin. I'm not sure. I wouldn't try to guess her preferences.
I'm mostly going off Nightingale as seen here. IRL, Florence Nightingale is really outside of our range to guess, not to mention that's incredibly out-of-line in the first place.

Wolde Albrecht accusing her of being a witch who had sex with the devil would disagree. I digress, but if she weren't so genocide-obsessed I'd probably peg her as a lesbian regardless, though how interested I'd say she is is up for debate. Definitely more concerned with other pursuits. Part of that might because I look at the number of complaints she and the other women at the abbey had with each other and think "Oh, they're just jilted lovers having a spat" and part because I think it would be hilarious to ship her with Elizabeth Bathory and see what happens. But like, the good Elizabeth Bathory. Not the pink-haired idol wannabee from Extra.
It's particularly because of her being what she currently is right now that I said what I said; normal Sidonia would definitely fit into lesbianism.

The time period is one thing, but Boudica also had a husband and two kids. I get the feeling that she's the type who would be faithful to her husband even though he's not around right now. Or at least be more concerned with "Kill all the Romans" to bother with intimacy.
Eh, what I said doesn't necessarily exclude her from being faithful. She'd just be a lot more open to 'being faithful', if you catch my cold.

Madoka, obviously. Her family and friends. When we talked earlier, you had the idea that what she's most concerned about is losing any of them and not being able to take it back. That was what you tracked in order to come up with the familiars you're presenting here, unless I seriously misinterpreted what you said before.
Since I have confirmation now, I effectively believe that, in some way, shape, or form, her familiars would generally track with what I gave here, more or less. A few more general ideas include:
  • Her familiars being vaguely based off of her friends or their familiars, further representing her refusal to let them go; probably more likely if they die, but since they're all alive, this might be less likely
  • All of her familiars being direct applications of forms of magic she's had, since in some way you could metaphorically link all of them to a strong desire Homura has
  • All of her familiars being a callback to some sort of significant moment she's had with each loved one (probably most likely given her bird familiars)
  • Every single idea I've given so far, since they're actually not exclusive to each other
Ultimately still up to you to decide.
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I'd personally think that a teddy-bear fetish isn't quite as bad as b****iality, but it's a matter of perspective.
See, this is where you and I differ, because I don't think Satomi would be into animals that way. Sure, she loves them, but I think her brain might just not be wired for intimacy or romance, and not even in an asexual or aromantic type of way, but more the "I genuinely do not understand this" type of way. Or else she only sees it as a way to manipulate others without enjoying or understanding it for its own merits. At absolute worst, I could see Satomi being a furry, but not into animals.

And don't even quote "A cat is fine too" at me, because I never got the impression that she loved her cat as anything more than a pet-slash-close friend.

Mirai's teddy bears, on the other hand, those things are human-sized, and we've seen (Confringentur) Mirai stuff them full of blades, claws, and probably God knows what else if she feels like it. Now take that with my thinking that Saki is secretly a masochist, and maybe you'll start to see why I thought it was worse than Satomi.
It's particularly because of her being what she currently is right now that I said what I said; normal Sidonia would definitely fit into lesbianism.
Yes, that is fair. Present-day Sidonia's sexual orientation is definitely "Genocide and genocide".
Since I have confirmation now, I effectively believe that, in some way, shape, or form, her familiars would generally track with what I gave here, more or less. A few more general ideas include:
  • Her familiars being vaguely based off of her friends or their familiars, further representing her refusal to let them go; probably more likely if they die, but since they're all alive, this might be less likely
  • All of her familiars being direct applications of forms of magic she's had, since in some way you could metaphorically link all of them to a strong desire Homura has
  • All of her familiars being a callback to some sort of significant moment she's had with each loved one (probably most likely given her bird familiars)
  • Every single idea I've given so far, since they're actually not exclusive to each other
Ultimately still up to you to decide.
None of these are bad ideas, but that still leaves open the question of "What should they look like?" If we accept that it's less likely for her familiars to look like her friends if they're still alive, then what sort of forms should they take? What sort of forms are approporiate to encapsulate significant moments in Homura's relationships with her friends and family that could form the basis of familiars?
None of these are bad ideas, but that still leaves open the question of "What should they look like?" If we accept that it's less likely for her familiars to look like her friends if they're still alive, then what sort of forms should they take? What sort of forms are approporiate to encapsulate significant moments in Homura's relationships with her friends and family that could form the basis of familiars?
Some possible ones are:
  • Madoka's bow as a sign of Archer; representing both her will to protect Madoka and the first thing Archer ever taught her to do (I'm saying bow-using familiars, not living bows, by the way)
  • Madoka's stuffed bird as a familiar, obviously
  • An Inguz-based symbol, or at least something representing Inguz as a way to represent Quintett Fuoco, representing the Quintet as a whole
I don't actually have a lot of ideas for this, since it's hard to tell who's going to have a familiar and who isn't. One for each person would be way too bloated, but just grouping them together might have the opposite effect. If we're going for the 'each familiar represents a form of magic' thing as well then it should be about 5 (six with timestop), but that's a bit hard here. It's also hard to metaphorically encapsulate those moments into a single thing, especially when I don't actually remember a lot of important bonding moments for everyone.
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It's also hard to metaphorically encapsulate those moments into a single thing, especially when I don't actually remember a lot of important bonding moments for everyone.
Since Madoka and Archer are both obvious, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and try to think of some important moments that would have solidified the bonds between Homura and the poeple around her.
Mami - The time Homura sat with her and talked her out of wanting to die after Mami learned the truth about the puella magi system from Oriko.
Sayaka - When she stood between Homura and a surrendering Oriko and prevented her from killing Oriko and Kirika.
Hitomi - When she learned that she was a mage. Or else when she confided in Homura that she was scared of making a move on Kamijou because she didn't want to betray Sayaka and ruin their friendship.
Kirika - The first time Homura went over to the Kure apartment and Archer and Minako cooked dinner together for the family-to-be. Could also double as one for Minako, or else Minako's would be the way she took in Homura and let her stay with her and Kirika after Walpurgisnacht.
Oriko and Kyouko are kind of hard for me. Oriko because she started out being closer to Tomoe-san than to Homura, and the process of becoming friends with her was pretty gradual, and I can't think of any one moment in particular that might have solidified things. Maybe just the process of sitting down with Oriko and hearing her side of the story, seeing her as a human for the first time and not just an obstacle who wanted to kill Madoka. Kyouko... Is also pretty hard, because Kyouko was pretty standoffish during the previous story and was closer to Mami than Homura, and now she's closer to Sayaka and Hitomi than she is to Homura, so it's hard for me to pick something out.

I'm not sure what you could get out of these, but these are the ones that stand out to me the most from the previous story.
Homura familiars
I'm not sure what you could get out of these, but these are the ones that stand out to me the most from the previous story.
I'll definitely try. Here's what I make from these, combining all of my previous ideas:

All familiars inherit: a target (or targets) of Homura's love or friendship, a particular memory related to the target of her affection, a form of magic, a personality trait of Homura's and the people the familiar is associated with, and a duty based around her nature as a witch.

The vanguard of a fallen kingdom. Their duty is to seize bad things. Boasting the intellect and will of their master, they scour the skies at blinding speeds, finding and storing these negative things in their infinite beaks, to be slaughtered later. They especially loathe white rats and fools. They have the look of a plush bird, and are found by many to be adorable; this is helped by their above-average intellect for a familiar, and their somewhat humorous ability to 'eat a ton'.

Inherits: Homura's love of Madoka | memories of winning the stuffed bird for Madoka | storage magic | Homura's flightiness and fears mixed with Madoka's kindness | locating bad futures

Their name is based on a shortening of Elizabeth, meaning 'God is my oath'. Fitting for the familiar representing a love for Madoka. I somewhat based the expansion of their abilities on the fanon idea I particularly liked that Homura's storage space derived from her desire to keep Madoka close. I liked fitting that in with birds, who like hoarding shiny things. I love birds. They are essentially Homura's Lancers and Archers, acting in her interests but not requiring her direct presence to best be used, also specializing in speed and singular self-destructing attacks.

The guardians of a dead world. Their duty is to protect at all costs. Boasting thin yet diamond-strength armor and a set of bows and spear-like arrows, they are adept at both close and long ranged combat. They carve through the same sets of swords, spears, and bows like paper with their cavalier fighting style, owing to the one who taught them such things. Even with their limbs and innards torn and ripped to shreds, they still work for the time being; they are resistant to change, and grow even stronger when surrounded by allies. Outside of battle, they aimlessly wander the barrier, finding humor in their master's imperfections.

Inherits: Homura's love of Archer | memories of Archer's first Magecraft session | Element & Origin, Projection & reinforcement | Homura and Archer's collectedness, Homura's coldness and Archer's snark | guarding VIPs

Their name is a shortening of Eleanore, a name given to the child of Henry II's wife Aenor, with the 'el' being short for 'alia', or in other words, 'another Aenor'. I thought it was kind of fitting, as this particular familiar is aesthetically similar to Homura for a reason. In essence, they're copying Archer's style, but don't have a lot of weapons outside of shitty versions of K&B, Caladbolg, Hrunting, and Madoka's bow and arrows. If I didn't get it across, they essentially look like if Homulilly's Lotte mixed with Archer's clothing set. For Homura, they are effectively her 'Saber' or 'Berserker', brute-forcing their way past problems. Without Homura being a witch, the cost of their wasteful fighting style might be too much for her.

The stagehands of a stagnant play. Their duty is to cut off bad futures. Their bodies are weak, but they wield the full power of Isa, which they use to drain the energy from malcontents, generate and maintain structures of ice, and manipulate time. They are depressive and hate energy and progress, fearing what might happen if things get out of their control. Most of all, they hate fire and white rats. To those few that have their master's love, they are shy and absolutely lovely to be around, like stewards of some kind.

Inherits: Homura's love of Kirika, Oriko, Minako, Sayaka and Hitomi | memories of the beach house | Isa | Homura's Philia, Kirika's Eros, Oriko's Agape, Minako's Storge, Sayaka's friendliness, Hitomi's thoughtfulness | denial

Their names derive from Lily, further derived from the latin 'lillium', essentially meaning 'innocence and purity', which these familiars serve to protect. The beach house was one of the places where Homura could once again genuinely connect with her friends and those she met across the timelines, and a place where she gained new perspectives and friends, and also a time when she didn't have to worry about Walpurgisnacht; hence how I connected it to Isa, in a sort of 'store this moment forever' kind of way, since it's one of the most stress-free moments she ever had in acts 1 and 2. They essentially act as Homura's 'casters' and 'assassins', working to degrade their opponents if they can't kill them, and if they can kill them, it will happen very fast.

The keepers of a lost time. Their duty is to record. Wielding a variety of weapons, and boasting the full power of Inguz, they collect the power of the damned and forgotten and work to replicate their lost wonders. Even without the dead, they are the commanders of this frozen land, demarcated by their fanciful costumes and their ability to command the life of this barrier.

Inherits: Homura's love of the Quintet | memories of Quintet Fuoco | Inguz | Homura and Mami's experience, Kyoko's will, Oriko's wisdom, Kirika's dedication | TO TAKE THE DEAD

Their name derives from Luitgard, a name that means 'people enclosure'. Fairly fitting. Essentially, if Homura fully witched out and some of the Quintet had died, Lutgard would essentially use them as a power source and act like mini-bosses. If they had witched, Lutgard would be in charge of taking them into Homulilly's barrier. But since neither of those are true, they're basically living relays. If Homura were full power they could be compared to a 'rider', boasting a variety of abilities and second-rate powers, but as they are now they're essentially more like 'casters', and to break them down even more, they're like relay stations, since they use Inguz.

Some of it's a bit wanky, some of it tries to work in a lot of aspects into little space, but I finished some of my ideas. I should also note, finding female German names starting with L that had some connection to the relevant familiar was kind of a pain. Not sure how much is usable, not sure if SVS will like it, but it's what I've got. I would've given a familiar for each friend, but that's way too much; so there's one for Archer and Madoka, Homura's biggest influences, and one for her 'stabilizing group' (her family and the friends that ground her) and the Quintet as a whole.
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Her familial love. Greek word, pronounced 'store-gay'.

Eh, that one's an obscure reference, kinda. Essentially, guy gets turned into floaty demon dude, the guys who made him that way try to kill him, his head survives, he tries to hunt and kill anyone who comes near him so he can have a complete body again. That last part vaguely relates to Lutgard's role. His HD version is a lot creepier.

Also, I'm pretty sure I get that reference.
Her familial love. Greek word, pronounced 'store-gay'.
Ah, yes, the store-gay. Is that what you call it when Kirika hangs out at the mall for too long? Or is that the store where Kirika does all her shopping?
I'm pretty sure this is not the first time I've made a JonTron reference.
Eh, that one's an obscure reference, kinda. Essentially, guy gets turned into floaty demon dude, the guys who made him that way try to kill him, his head survives, he tries to hunt and kill anyone who comes near him so he can have a complete body again. That last part vaguely relates to Lutgard's role. His HD version is a lot creepier.
And I say again; What? What the fuck?
what D&D race do you think everyone would be?
If we could go back to this for a moment, I have something that's actually relevant to bring up. So, some friends and I are going to try playing D&D for the first time (my second time, actually, and that first time was a story and a half, and I'd be willing to share it if anybody asked), and I've volunteered to be the DM since I"ve already got a map and a game idea in mind. Now, none of my real-life friends know what I do here, so I thought it would be funny if I tried to make Sidonia into the final boss of the game. At the moment, she's a mix between a Pyromancer Sorcerer (for the fire, obviously) and a College of Creation Bard (summoning devils and making familiars out of inanimate objects), though that's still up for grabs if there's a way I can do her better, and that got me thinking-
Forget about what race each of the main girls would be, what would they look like if you tried making them as actual characters? What would their classes and abilities look like when translated into D&D terms?
No. I'm pages back and while I have played D&D before I don't care about the whole build games people play with it. Have fun being a GM in tabletop though, you've been a good one to us.
If we could go back to this for a moment, I have something that's actually relevant to bring up. So, some friends and I are going to try playing D&D for the first time (my second time, actually, and that first time was a story and a half, and I'd be willing to share it if anybody asked), and I've volunteered to be the DM since I"ve already got a map and a game idea in mind. Now, none of my real-life friends know what I do here, so I thought it would be funny if I tried to make Sidonia into the final boss of the game. At the moment, she's a mix between a Pyromancer Sorcerer (for the fire, obviously) and a College of Creation Bard (summoning devils and making familiars out of inanimate objects), though that's still up for grabs if there's a way I can do her better, and that got me thinking-
Forget about what race each of the main girls would be, what would they look like if you tried making them as actual characters? What would their classes and abilities look like when translated into D&D terms?
Pretty sure there's a 9th level time stop spell for Homura. Aside from that though, I'm with Dmol; I actually am into making builds, but D&D's balance is so fucked, so I never really got into it outside of a more freeform game me and some friends did back in middle school. Did slam-dunk a phoenix and killed a god of metal by getting a dwarf to do the 'Bob, THROW ME' maneuver, and that was fun, but I'm probably not doing that ever again.
but D&D's balance is so fucked, so I never really got into it outside of a more freeform game me and some friends did back in middle school. Did slam-dunk a phoenix and killed a god of metal by getting a dwarf to do the 'Bob, THROW ME' maneuver, and that was fun, but I'm probably not doing that ever again.
That sounds like the kind of thing that would have happened in the one game I played previously. I played a crab-man and towards the end of the game I made an elf jedi deepthroat their own lightsaber. Our dwarf fell in a dragon cesspit and we had to fight the dragon to get him out. We found the Spear of Longinus in the possession of an angel who was a dancer at a titty bar the party went to one time. Fucking wild.

I haven't played since then, but character creation, especially seeing if I can make existing characters within the mechanics, is a puzzle I've always enjoyed.

EDIT: But @PlaguePaladin, @NMS, @K4lepo, maybe one or more of you could help me fill out the last two posts before the page turns. I have the update all typed, but I don't want to post it in a situation where all the votes would be on a different page from the update. Thanks in advance.
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EDIT: But @PlaguePaladin, @NMS, @K4lepo, maybe one or more of you could help me fill out the last two posts before the page turns. I have the update all typed, but I don't want to post it in a situation where all the votes would be on a different page from the update. Thanks in advance.
Oh, okay then. Uh...

What is it about martials having supernatural powers in fantasy games that makes a lot of tabletop nerds angry? Though it's a rant video, my feelings are best described here; why would anybody wanting to be effective at higher levels in D&D ever want to pick a martial when there's Johnny Big Balls over there with his sorcery, allowing him to play the game with only one stat, with bigger effects, with more versatility? This derives from what I said earlier about not really liking D&D due to the striking balance issues. But it seems like a lot of people will try tearing you a new one if you let martials get supernatural stuff.
What is it about martials having supernatural powers in fantasy games that makes a lot of tabletop nerds angry? Though it's a rant video, my feelings are best described here; why would anybody wanting to be effective at higher levels in D&D ever want to pick a martial when there's Johnny Big Balls over there with his sorcery, allowing him to play the game with only one stat, with bigger effects, with more versatility? This derives from what I said earlier about not really liking D&D due to the striking balance issues. But it seems like a lot of people will try tearing you a new one if you let martials get supernatural stuff.
I was about to post a huge response to this, when it hit me that I didn't agree with the premise at all and was trying to argue a position based solely on your claim, rather than on it being anything I actually believed or wanted to say. I know what you're referring to, but honestly, I've seen more complaints from people who think casters are too OP and that martials should be allowed to do supernatural stuff, than I have the reverse. I've even seen "Why do people get upset at martials doing supernatural stuff when casters are allowed to break reality" more times than I've ever seen anyone actually getting mad at a martial trying to do something supernatural.

If I had to guess, I'd say the "complaint" is one that only exists in the cultural consensus, but is one that isn't actually perpetrated as much as its claimants think it is. Based on my own experiences, the exact opposite is true, and people dislike caster supremacy more than supernatural martials.