Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

See my thought process is that she'd go 'DAMN IT I KNEW HE WAS TOO GOOD TO BE REAL!'

I figure she'd probably take it better with sleep under her belt vs in right before bed.

Why the heck did Homura not tell her during the whole "archer is dead" six month period?
Also some quick research says Archer can't unless he gets incarnated by a grail or some other magical thing. Other exceptions are if he was Artoria and never died, or Jeanne Ruler and has a physical container.

We could totally get Shirou to donate some DNA for artificial insemination... That would be the closest we could get I think?
Why the heck did Homura not tell her during the whole "archer is dead" six month period?
Four months, not six. May, June, July, August, with Archer reappearing in early September. They've been a happy little family for thirteen months. The reason Homura didn't say anything was, at first, she was too grief-stricken to want to think about it, and later because because, if you'll recall how poor a state Minako was in, Homura didn't want to pile one more thing onto her plate.

But mostly because I didn't want to address it with Enetious having never thrown up a plan to tell Minako for everyone else to rubber-stamp, since he was banking on Archer being retired from service and getting his own body... Only to never show back in order to address that particular plot point. Man, Enetious leaving and not coming back really messed up a lot, didn't it?
We could totally get Shirou to donate some DNA for artificial insemination... That would be the closest we could get I think?
We'd first have to explain to Minako what Archer's deal was and why she has to go to this random kid for a sperm sample, but yeah, that would be the closest we could get without Archer getting incarnated into a physical body to call his own. Legally speaking it wouldn't be his, but biologically it would still be his DNA in the child.
[X] PlaguePaladin

@PlaguePaladin - For sending Archer in there alone to talk to Minako, but as you have amended that part, I'm more than glad. Also, this might be stupid, but do we need Enetious to make Archer a real boy? Alaya's all of us, after all? If we decide to grant a physical vessel to him, what's to stop us?
(Beyond @SVS saying that's not how we roll, and maybe we should do that *after* the current crisis)
Also, this might be stupid, but do we need Enetious to make Archer a real boy?
We don't, actually; I'm pretty sure it's canonical (I'd need to check my sources though) that if you burn all 3 Command Seals, you can incarnate a Servant. However, I agree with Swedish15 that we should save that for after the war, because that also means that Archer loses his Class Vessel benefits; that means that he loses his Servant stats (thus making him about as strong as Oriko physically without reinforcement and that's real low) and his mana stock goes through the floor with the only benefit being that he can sustain himself without Mana. So yeah, let's hold off on our primary method of incarnation.
And here I was sure that he would've told Minako he's a servant after he reappeared... Damn it, Emiy-uh "people die if they are killed" Archer. Still a dumbass.
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---[X] Everything, as soon as possible; Minako will probably be angry otherwise. This includes Archer's Servant-hood and the Grail War as a whole, if she wasn't already made aware.
Hm. When I said 'everything', I meant everything that pertains to Hijiri's situation, including the possible dangers of the war.
Archer's story is not for us to tell... but then if we are dropping truth bombs, may as well make that carpet bombing, leave none alive.

Archer's ghosthood is no more strange than magical girlhood, and it can be argued that meguca don't have a "flesh-and-blood body the same as a normal person" either. In a multitude of ways, starting from their durability to the ease with which they can discard their limbs.

...wait, Minako knows that both her daughters are magical girls, but does she know they are liches? I can't quite gauge the extent of her obliviousness. :V
I'm not too sure what's going on, but doesn't telling everything include the fact that Archer's technically still here for his "job" of preventing Rebellion or whatever? Then Minako will get all mad that Archer could be taken away at any moment (Which he won't, but that's beside the point)

[X] PlaguePaladin
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What confuses me as well is that Archer wouldn't plausibly be able to hide that he doesn't have a teaching job since end of last story, 1 year ago or so. I kind of hate to say this, but not having told Minako about himself in-between the stories already is way more farfetched than him giving her 'the talk' soon after they were reunited. Seems it needlessly complicates things and goes against what I think would be one of Archer's top priorities when he could finally enjoy some stability.
What confuses me as well is that Archer wouldn't plausibly be able to hide that he doesn't have a teaching job since end of last story, 1 year ago or so. I kind of hate to say this, but not having told Minako about himself in-between the stories already is way more farfetched than him giving her 'the talk' soon after they were reunited. Seems it needlessly complicates things and goes against what I think would be one of Archer's top priorities when he could finally enjoy some stability.

I agree, it's really silly that it hasn't happened yet outside of maybe wanting to see the reaction.
Also, this might be stupid, but do we need Enetious to make Archer a real boy? Alaya's all of us, after all? If we decide to grant a physical vessel to him, what's to stop us?
We don't, actually; I'm pretty sure it's canonical (I'd need to check my sources though) that if you burn all 3 Command Seals, you can incarnate a Servant.
I have never heard of this thing Plague is claiming. If only we had someone who could spit facts to tell us what was real and what wasn't.

But no, we technically don't need Enetious to make Archer a real boy. The reason I keep going back to him is because he was the one who brought it up, telling Archer about it got rubber-stamped, and then nobody else brought it up afterwards, so here we are. Same for Archer not telling Minako. All on Enetious for not coming up with a plan to tell her, and that lack of player interaction only coming back to bite us in the ass now. You guys don't have to be Enetious; you can come up with your own plans and your own ideas, and if there's something he said or did that nobody else followed up on, you don't have to not follow up on that just because nobody else did back then.

But also seriously, Enetious, just come the fuck back already. We miss you.
...wait, Minako knows that both her daughters are magical girls, but does she know they are liches? I can't quite gauge the extent of her obliviousness.
Kirika was the one who told Minako about magical girls, and that happened when we weren't looking. We can assume she did a better job of explaining things than we have, because she didn't have Enetious Muppeting her at the time.
What confuses me as well is that Archer wouldn't plausibly be able to hide that he doesn't have a teaching job since end of last story, 1 year ago or so. I kind of hate to say this, but not having told Minako about himself in-between the stories already is way more farfetched than him giving her 'the talk' soon after they were reunited. Seems it needlessly complicates things and goes against what I think would be one of Archer's top priorities when he could finally enjoy some stability.
I agree, it's really silly that it hasn't happened yet outside of maybe wanting to see the reaction.
Seeing Minako's reaction was an important reason, as was not wanting to tell her something that important without the players being the ones to make that decision, as was just not wanting to address it with Enetious never having made a plan to do so (see my rant above). As fro Archer's teaching job, there was an omake set shortly after Archer's return that would have addressed that, but it got left on the cutting room floor because I wanted the Archer/Homura omake to be the last entry in the original quest.

However, I'm willing to admit that I may have misread the intentions of people who didn't bring this up while Enetious was still around. If enough people really wanted for us to tell Minako, I can skip that conversation now, give you guys an edited version of the above omake that also addresses the servant conversation when I have the time, and we can move on without having to complicate things and needlessly put strain on our relationship at a time when we'll need some stability to come home to.
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Seeing Minako's reaction was an important reason, as was not wanting to tell her something that important without the players being the ones to make that decision, as was just not wanting to address it with Enetious never having made a plan to do so (see my rant above). As fro Archer's teaching job, there was an omake set shortly after Archer's return that would have addressed that, but it got left on the cutting room floor because I wanted the Archer/Homura omake to be the last entry in the original quest.

However, I'm willing to admit that I may have misread the intentions of people who didn't bring this up while Enetious was still around. If enough people really wanted for us to tell Minako, I can skip that conversation now, give you guys an edited version of the above omake that also addresses the servant conversation when I have the time, and we can move on without having to complicate things and needlessly put strain on our relationship at a time when we'll need some stability to come home to.

That would be great and reading about it in an omake is fine by me. Cheers!
If only we had someone who could spit facts to tell us what was real and what wasn't.
Well I'm not Enetious, but I found it;
On the 7th day (the day the youth's life burned out), his Master used all his Command Spells, and made Rider fully incarnate,
That's from Fate/Prototype in reference to Perseus, so take it as you will, as that's technically non-canon.

That would be great and reading about it in an omake is fine by me. Cheers!
Same here.
That's from Fate/Prototype in reference to Perseus, so take it as you will, as that's technically non-canon.
Slight miscalculation there, chief, because you've forgotten that Bryn exists. the Prototype timeline is canon to this quest, but its events didn't occur in this timeline. Now, whethe Bryn knows about this and could tell us that it's possible, or whether the mechanics work the same in this timeline, those are up for debate. But the Prototype timeline is part of this quest's canon.

Note, I know what you meant, but what's canon to the Nasuverse as a whole doesn't really matter when I'm picking, choosing, and mashing elements together as I please across different canons.
Eh, I won't shy away from it. Handling the complications is half the fun.

So long as I don't have to put the exact words in our characters' mouths.

But if the logic of the story is "Archer kept it hidden for a year for some reason*", I would probably switch more firmly to "don't mention that part".
*that doesn't have to do with a disappearance of a voter
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We don't, actually; I'm pretty sure it's canonical (I'd need to check my sources though) that if you burn all 3 Command Seals, you can incarnate a Servant. However, I agree with Swedish15 that we should save that for after the war, because that also means that Archer loses his Class Vessel benefits; that means that he loses his Servant stats (thus making him about as strong as Oriko physically without reinforcement and that's real low) and his mana stock goes through the floor with the only benefit being that he can sustain himself without Mana. So yeah, let's hold off on our primary method of incarnation.
That's from Fate/Prototype in reference to Perseus, so take it as you will, as that's technically non-canon.

Using 3 regular command seals is not possible to incarnate a servant. Using a Greater Command Seals such as Sirius Light is possible but not 3 regular command seals. If Archer or any servant is to be incarnated, it will require a Holy Grail or the right combination of knowledge, skills and resources to made it happen or more than 3 command seals.
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Eh, I won't shy away from it. Handling the complications is half the fun.

So long as I don't have to put the exact words in our characters' mouths.

But if the logic of the story is "Archer kept it hidden for a year for some reason*", I would probably switch more firmly to "don't mention that part".
*that doesn't have to do with a disappearance of a voter
I've outlined above the reasons why I've kept Archer from saying anything, but those are all meta reasons for why I never wrote anything. In-story, it's entirely dependent on the players whether they'd rather Archer have spoken up in the past, or to have saved speaking up for now, and while I personally would prefer we not address the servant matter right now, I'm not averse to writing anything one way or the other depending on what the players want.

As for your other concern, I don't think I've ever made voters put words into a character's mouth more than a handful of times, if even that.
Just to show my complete ignorance, but what is a greater command seal?

A Greater Command Seal is a command seal of a higher order. Like the difference between regular servant and Grand servant. It power rivals a regular Holy Grail. Like a Holy Grail, it can realize any command/wish. The most powerful effect that has shown with the Sirius Light that is able to alter the Texture of a Lostbelt, bringing foward miracle. The only organization so far in the series that has constructed Greater Command Seal is Chaldea.
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Additionally, if we take Grand Order as canon, a Holy Grail can incarnate a Servant into a normal human being. (And there were some additional hoops to jump through for that character.)

That was the wish of Marsbury's servant, and that guy was a Grand Caster with a direct connection to God.
A Greater Command Seal is a command seal of a higher order. Like the difference between regular servant and Grand servant. It power rivals a regular Holy Grail. Like a Holy Grail, it can realize any command/wish. The most powerful effect that has shown with the Sirius Light that is able to alter the Texture of a Lostbelt, bringing foward miracle. The only organization so far in the series that has constructed Greater Command Seal is Chaldea.
Additionally, if we take Grand Order as canon, a Holy Grail can incarnate a Servant into a normal human being. (And there were some additional hoops to jump through for that character.)
Ah, it's something unique to FGO, then. @Jefardi, looks like we can feel free to ignore it.