Canon omake - New Years 2013
- Location
- Around here
1 January, 2013.
You don't remember much about your dream last night. Something about a mountain, an eagle, and an eggplant? Maybe? You aren't sure. What you are sure of is that you're rudely woken from your sleep by someone shaking you, and Kirika's voice in your ear saying "Come on, sis, wake up. We're all gonna watch the sunrise together."
It's still dark outside – obviously – when you pull yourself out of bed, quickly throwing on a bathrobe and donning slippers once you feel the cold air hitting your face, and follow Kirika to join her and the rest of your family in watching the sun rise. Archer and Minako are already waiting for you. They're seated out on the patio of the Emiya family house, staring up into the night sky. Archer doesn't turn to greet you, but when the sound of your footsteps reaches his ear he says "The moon is beautiful tonight," in a soft, content voice.
You and Kirika sit down beside your parents on the patio – you beside Archer, and Kirika beside Minako – and Archer says to you "You know, when I was younger, I couldn't wait to grow up so I could be a hero like my father. The years seemed to go by at a snail's pace back then. But now, there's nothing I want more than to spend as much time as possible with the three of you, but it's only now that time seems to fly by. It feels like only yesterday that I'd come back, and the four of us were able to be a family. It's crazy to think that, the next time we see the moon, it'll be a new year."
"It's hard to believe it's been almost a year and a half since you came back," Minako says, leaning into Archer's shoulder. "You almost missed Kirika's sixteenth birthday. If you'd just been another month late in coming back…"
"I'm a lot of things," Archer says; "And many of them aren't exactly me at my best, either. But I will not be the kind of father who misses his daughters' birthdays."
From the urgency with which Kirika roused you, you had believed that the New Year's sunrise would be coming soon. But instead, the four of you have plenty of time to spare, and so you talk about whatever comes to your mind. Last night's dinner of toshikoshi soba, prepared by Archer, his younger self, and Matou Sakura; or of the deep-cleaing the six of you – though it ended up being more when Rider, Fujimura-san, Tohsaka-san, and Saber all pitched in to assist with the deep-cleaning – did of the Emiya residence last night; or of the deep-cleaning the four of you will have to do for your own apartment when you finally return to Mitakihara; or of staying up late, past midnight as the New Year rolled around, in order to watch the fireworks being shot off all around you.
But eventually, you see the first rays of sunlight crest over the hilly landscape of Fuyuki. It's blinding, brilliant, beautiful, and its warmth and radiance brings only one name to your mind. "Madoka…" You wish she could have been here to watch the sun rise on the New Year with you. But when Archer leans over, wrapping his arm around you, and you feel the warmth of your father exceeding even the warmth of the sun, you know that being here to see the sun rise with your family is not a distant second place.
Because it's just as much as much the grand prize as watching the sunrise with Madoka would be. "Thank you," you say to your family members. "Thank you for being my family."
"Sis, we wouldn't even be a family if you hadn't stopped me and Oriko from being idiots," Kirika says. "Not to mention how good dad's been to mom. Really, we should be thanking you two. 'Cause if it weren't for you and dad, me and mom would still be living in that crappy apartment and struggling to make ends meet."
"You've been such a good sister to Kirika too," Minako says to you. "I know Oriko tries her best, but she's too soft on Kirika sometimes. She really needs someone like you around to keep her in line and out of trouble."
"I'll do my best this year to live up to your expectations, then," you say to your mom. She's seated on the opposite side of Archer from you, so you can't lean over to give your mom or your sister a hug, but you can say to Kirika "You're going to be turning eighteen this year. Are you excited?"
"No more excited than you'll be turning sixteen," Kirika replies. "'Cause neither of us'll be adults. But I bet you're excited about starting high school in a few months, right?"
You are, in fact, though you're also nervous. You've never made it this far before. Each new day that passes is another day you can't get back, can't rewind the clock to try again. You don't know what to expect going forward, and that thought scares you just as much as it excites you. "Yeah," you say. "I guess I am."
The four of you sat together like that, watching as the morning sun crested over Fuyuki, until it was time for breakfast. Breakfast was nothing to write home about, but that's not a measure of the food's quality. It's a testament to the fact that Archer and his younger self can make anything delicious, even a simple New Year's Ozouni of broth, chicken, and vegetables. So it's nothing to write home about because the high quality isn't a stand-out, it's the expected quality.
After breakfast is finished, the younger Emiya Shirou stands, and while Matou Sakura collects the dishes, he speaks, saying to the four of you "After Sakura and I do the dishes, the four of us were going to head to Ryuudou Temple for our New Year's prayers. You're all welcome to come with us if you'd like." You're sure that Archer knows the temple well, but for you, Kirika, and Minako Emiya Shirou adds "I know it's not a Shinto shrine, but it's the best Fuyuki's got, and the head priest-in-training is an old friend of mine and Rin's from high school."
"Your friend, maybe," Tohsaka-san says. "I'm pretty sure Issei still hates my guts."
"He doesn't hate you, Rin."
"He was practically over the moon when we told him we'd broken up," Tohsaka-san says. She adopts an exaggerated masculine voice, and says with her finger extended as though she were explaining magecraft to you, "He said, 'Shirou, I see you've finally vanquished the red devil and chosen a proper woman like Sakura." Matou Sakura beams with pride at her sister's words, and leans in just slightly closer to Emiya Shirou, hugging his arm in what you can only describe as a possessive display. Emboldened by her sister's display, Tohsaka-san slips an arm around Saber's waist– "Rin!" –surprising her as Tohsaka-san adds "'Though, it's unfortunate that she's managed to corrupt a good woman like Saber to her cause, the fiend'," before passionately kissing Saber on the lips, thoroughly one-upping Matou Sakura.
Kirika is the only one enjoying the show.
Emiya Shirou rolls his eyes at Tohsaka-san's words, saying as he casually sidesteps the display "He did not say that; And he certainly didn't try to make fun of you when we told him that you and Saber had started dating, either." Tohsaka-san rolls her eyes, and Shirou says "Come on, Rin, I know you two have never really gotten along, but I can't believe we're still having this conversation almost a decade out. You're both my friends, and I really wish you two could at least pretend to be civil around each other."
"I can pretend just fine," Tohsaka-san says. "I just don't want to waste the effort putting up a front for someone who knows it's not genuine." Tohsaka-san rolls her eyes again, and adds "At least he's stopped trying to 'prove' to Kuzuki that Caster is secretly evil."
Tohsaka-san's accusation does not go unnoticed by the rest of the native Fuyuki inhabitants, who all laugh it off, while you and the rest of your family all look to one another, confused. "Uh, dad…?" Kirika asks. "Care to help us out explaining that one?"
"I… Don't know what she's talking about, either," Archer says. "Kuzuki was one of our teacher's when we were in high school, and Caster was his servant, but…" Archer stares at the rest of his Fuyuki companions, just as lost as you and Kirika are. "I don't know anymore."
"Kuzuki and Caster got married a few years back," Shirou says. "But for a while after they were married, Issei kept trying to uncover proof that Caster was evil so he could get them to divorce."
"Thankfully, it never panned out, and he eventually gave up and admitted that Caster wasn't hiding or scheming anything," Saber says. "Caster and I may not always get along, but she and her master are happy together. Trying to separate them through such underhanded methods is something I would not have expected from such an otherwise upstanding young man."
"Mhm," Minako says. When she asks "Are relationships in Fuyuki… Always this complicated?" you can hear in her voice the way she's fending off the urge to say something else.
"Pretty much," Tohsaka-san says. "For a while, I was pretty sure we were all living in some sort of eroge simulator. For all I know, we might still be." Tohsaka-san looks to the rest of the Fuyuki crowd, and asks them "Mitsuzuri's the only one of us who's never actually had to put up with any sort of BS relationship drama, right?"
Emiya Shirou, Matou Sakura, and Saber all nod their heads. "Well, her and our guests," Matou Sakura says, before looking to Archer and Minako, and to Tohsaka-san who knows your family better than he does. "I think?"
Archer nods his head, and Saber says "It is a good thing, that your relationship with your wife and daughters is a stable one. I… Even if Rin decides she would like to adopt, or have a child by surrogate, I do not believe I am suited to being a parent, after what happened the last time."
Tohsaka-san places a hand on Saber's own, saying "Listen, Saber, I'm pretty sure we've all had to cosmically fuck up at some point in our lives in order to be where we are now. Just learn from your mistake, and make sure the next one doesn't turn out like the last one." It's just barely enough to force a slight smile on Saber's face, and Tohsaka-san adds "Of course, assuming we're still together by the time I'm ready to have children, don't think for a second that I'll just jump in without seeing if you're also ready."
"Thank you, Rin."
Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura retire to the kitchen to do the dishes, and soon it's time for the eight of you to all be heading out. Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura walk at the front of the pack, talking to themselves about nothing in particular in a low voice. You don't know how long it's been, since before they started dating, since the last time they saw one another, so you're sure the past two months have been as much about the two of them catching up as it has been about strengthening their relationship. Trailing just off to the side, making sure to give her master a wide berth to spend with your father's younger half, you see Rider, and trailing behind you, you can hear Tohsaka-san and Saber talking to themselves in a low voice as well.
Like most of the Fuyuki that Archer has spent the past week showing to you and your family, you've only ever seen brief flashes of the city from the dreams you've shared with Archer. So when, after ascending the lengthy stairs leading up the snowy, wooded mountains of Fuyuki, you're finally greeted to the sight of the temple, finally coming into view, you're taken by surprise at a most unusual sight.
A samurai, dressed in robes of white and purple, sits beside the front gate, hands folded in his lap in a meditative pose. His sword, sheathed in a scabbard of purple and gold, rests against the temple gate behind him, and his dark hair moves out away from his face as he tilts his head up to get a better look at everyone. "Now, this is a strange party," he says, as his eyes rove all around the party of eight, before finally settling on Archer. "I must say, even after hearing the news for myself, to see our Archer with a family at his side is… Strange, to say the least. I hope you are all finding your New Year to be a pleasant one."
"It's been a pleasant New Year so far, thank you Assassin," Archer replies. The samurai – an Assassin servant, by Archer's words – nods his head. His is not a face which you recognise from Archer's dreams, nor is it one which you remember from among the false servants summoned by Walpurgisnacht, even though the rest of those servants had all been from Fuyuki. You don't know who this servant is. "I heard that Caster and Kuzuki were married. If we don't see them while we're offering our prayers for the New Year, could you send them my congratulations?"
"I shall be sure to pass your words of well-wishing along to my master when I see her," he says. "But I am guessing you all will see her first. Please, go on ahead. The master of this temple has already reserved a special place for your party to give your thanks at."
"Thank you, Assassin," Emiya Shirou says, before offering the servant something. "Onigiri with pickled plums. I didn't know if Caster and Kuzuki would include you in their New Year's activities, so I wanted to make you something if they hadn't."
Assassin accepts the offering graciously. "Thank you, Emiya Shirou," he says. "May the New Year be a bountiful one for you."
"You too, Assassin."
The Assassin servants allows the eight of you to pass, and you finally enter the temple. As you take in the sight before you, the elegant masonry and intricate woodwork, and the temple grounds covered by a light dusting of snow, your breath is stolen from you. "It's beautiful." The words escape your mouth, and you catch sight of your frozen breath leaving your mouth as you speak.
"Isn't it?" Matou Sakura says in response. "But it's even more beautiful in the fall, I think, when all the leaves turn red. Archer will have to bring you and your family back again some time so you can see them."
You just nod your head. It's Kirika who looks up at Archer, and with pleading eyes begs him "Can we bring Oriko next time, dad?"
Archer smiles, and reaches his hand out to tousle Kirika's hair. "We'll see, pumpkin," he says. "That'll depend on what Oriko wants to do."
You must be early, because you don't see anyone else around the main gate when your party entered. But as you round the corner, you see it, throngs of people have come, flocking to several stations that the temple priests must have set up, offering their prayers for the new year. Now, Matou Sakura takes the lead, and the rest of your party follows her as she leads you around the back of the temple. There, you see a young man waiting, stern-faced, eyes hidden behind his glasses. "Shirou," he says, moments before he and your father's younger half embrace.
"How's your New Year been, Issei?" Shirou asks.
"Busy. The other monks and I spent most of the morning getting everything ready for when we'd finally start letting people in." The two break, and 'Issei' offers a hug to Matou Sakura and Saber as well. Though there's no hug for Tohsaka-san, just a frosty "Tohsaka," and a glare that you're sure was once even sharper than it is now. "I hope your New Year is a pleasant one."
"Same to you, Ryuudou."
"So it's true." If his reaction to seeing Tohsaka-san was a frosty one, the young man's reaction to the voice that sneaks up behind him is positively bone-chilling. You see the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge, and his eyes turn ever so slightly as a woman passes by his side, approaching Archer. "Archer's other self really does have a family."
The blue-purple hair doesn't stand out to you. You're used to seeing much stranger things in Mitakihara. But the pointed, elf-like ears most certainly do. They draw your eyes, and the woman, the Caster servant from Archer's War, turns her attention to you. "Something catch your eye?" she asks.
You can see both Archer and Rider bristling as the woman speaks to you. But you're frozen, caught in the hypnotic gaze of her cold blue eyes- "Yeah, your ears." Kirika's words tear you out of your trance. "Sis is probably just staring 'cause she's never seen anyone with ears like that before." Caster's gaze turns from you, and towards Kirika, but before she can say anything – and before your mother can stop her – Kirika continues. "They're really cool. You ever think about getting them pierced? I bet you could fit a lot of different types of earrings onto ears like that."
Kirika's words stop Caster dead in her tracks. "So, you're the type who enjoys thinking about ways to accessorise," she says. She smiles, and her snake-like grin almost splits her face in half. You see Archer's hand twitch, as if he's preparing to attack, but Caster's next words diffuse the situation entirely. "I might not agree with your taste in fashion, but I can respect your passion for it." Caster offers Kirika a hand, and says "You know, you've got a great body. Would you like to become my model?" Kirika is taken aback. So are you. So is Minako. Archer instantly snaps back to an aggressive stance. But the rest of the Fuyuki natives just hold their heads in their hands. "I'd ask Saber, but she's leaving for London soon, and I doubt Rin would let me keep her. So how about it?"
"Don't think I'm going to let you keep her, either."
"Why Archer, that's no way to speak to an old friend, is it?" Caster taunts. "I'm just trying to make a business offer."
"Not with my daughter you aren't." Now it's Minako's turn to speak up. "I don't even know you! Kirika doesn't know you! You can't just proposition someone like that when they don't even know you!"
Minako steps in front of you and Kirika, but before things can devolve into a shouting match – though it wouldn't take much, considering the volume everyone is already speaking at – Saber steps up. "If it will get you to leave Archer's daughter alone, Caster, I suppose I can convince Rin to let us stay for another few days while I model for you." Caster's eyes light up, but Tohsaka-san bristles at Saber's offer. "However, I ask that you not force me to model anything as… Disrespectful, as that white gown you forced upon me. My body still bears the shame of that humiliation."
"Relax, I'll only put you in cute, wholesome dresses from now on," Caster says. "But, it doesn't appear that the little lady is all too pleased with your sacrifice."
"Because unlike you, some of us have jobs we have to get back to," Tohsaka-san says. "I've got important work waiting for me when we get back to London. I don't know if I can afford to put it on hold any longer than I already have, just so Saber can fulfil your little doll fetish."
"What's going on here?" There's a cold, stern voice, and it cuts through the noise that your group is making. A sharp-faced man wearing a worn suit and tie approaches, and his hand settles on Caster's shoulder. "What was it she said about you, Caster?"
"Nothing!" Caster quickly protests. "I don't have a 'doll fetish'!"
"Caster, we've been married for seven years," the stern man says. "You don't need to feel like you have to defend your image to me. I don't care if there are things you like as long as they make you happy."
"Oh, Kuzuki!"
That was the moment in which Caster checked out of reality. Rolling his eyes, Issei beckons for everyone to follow him. "This way," he says. "Before things start to get silly again." So, without giving Archer a chance to congratulate the couple that's now lost in their own little world on their marriage, Issei leads the nine of you around another corner of the temple, and it's here that he's reserved a private booth for all of you to offer your prayers at.
"Hey! You made it!"
Aunt Illya is waiting for you by the booth, and she calls out, waving to you and Kirika. She offers everyone a hug, and when yours and Kirika's times come, Aunt Illya makes sure to hand you both thick red envelopes. "Otoshidama," Aunt Illya says to you and Kirika, before leaning in and whispering in your ears "Don't tell your parents how much I gave you."
You're curious as to just how much Aunt Illya has given you, but you pocket the envelope before your curiosity can get the better of you. Not so with Kirika, who peels back the fold to take a peek, and your eyes go wide when the two of you see the ten brand-new ten-thousand Yen banknotes inside. Your Aunt just gave you and Kirika each a hundred-thousand Yen for your New Year's money.
"You're going to save most of that, right?" Kirika almost jumps out of her skin when your mom speaks up from behind her. "Illya, Archer and I appreciate how much you're willing to do for our daughters, but you really shouldn't spoil them like that. The gifts you got them for Christmas were more than enough." Gifts like the assortment of expensive clothes for the both of you, or the pair of Playstation 3's, one each for you and Kirika. "Honestly, giving them each a hundred-thousand Yen is just too much."
"It's fine," Aunt Illya says. "Sure, grandfather racked up a lot of debts before he died, and I had to sell the mansion in Germany, but I've still got plenty left. I could wallpaper my toilet with envelopes just like those, and I might only lose the equivalent to a week's worth of my total lifetime remaining funds, if that." Aunt Illya pulls you and Kirika in for another hug, and she says, as much to you and Kirika as to your parents, "Really, Minako, it's fine. I don't mind splurging a little if it means I get to spoil my nieces rotten."
"You might not mind, but what about Minako and I?" Archer asks. "We don't want them developing unreasonably high expectations that we won't be able to meet." Archer's eyes fall on you and Kirika, and he says "You can go out and see your friends when we get back to Mitakihara. But you'll have to wait until the school year is over before you can open up your Playstations. Especially you, Homura. You've still got a lot of studying to do to pass your high school entrance exams." Minako nods her head in affirmation of Archer's decree. That'll be that, then. "Now, come on, let's give our prayers for the New Year."
The rest of the Fuyuki natives are already underway with their New Year's prayers by the time your family of four are ready. You can hear Archer, Kirika, and Minako whispering under their breath, but you aren't sure what to say. You've never been one for prayer before, and you aren't even sure what you should ask the New Year to bless you with. Not because you're ungrateful, but because you already have everything you could ever want. You have a family: a mother, an older sister, and a father, and all of them love you as much as you love them. You have your friends, and you have Madoka, your girlfriend, who is waiting for you to return to Mitakihara. You have a city you've worked so hard to protect. So what can you ask for?
"May the New Year let me keep everything I've worked so hard to obtain."
You don't remember much about your dream last night. Something about a mountain, an eagle, and an eggplant? Maybe? You aren't sure. What you are sure of is that you're rudely woken from your sleep by someone shaking you, and Kirika's voice in your ear saying "Come on, sis, wake up. We're all gonna watch the sunrise together."
It's still dark outside – obviously – when you pull yourself out of bed, quickly throwing on a bathrobe and donning slippers once you feel the cold air hitting your face, and follow Kirika to join her and the rest of your family in watching the sun rise. Archer and Minako are already waiting for you. They're seated out on the patio of the Emiya family house, staring up into the night sky. Archer doesn't turn to greet you, but when the sound of your footsteps reaches his ear he says "The moon is beautiful tonight," in a soft, content voice.
You and Kirika sit down beside your parents on the patio – you beside Archer, and Kirika beside Minako – and Archer says to you "You know, when I was younger, I couldn't wait to grow up so I could be a hero like my father. The years seemed to go by at a snail's pace back then. But now, there's nothing I want more than to spend as much time as possible with the three of you, but it's only now that time seems to fly by. It feels like only yesterday that I'd come back, and the four of us were able to be a family. It's crazy to think that, the next time we see the moon, it'll be a new year."
"It's hard to believe it's been almost a year and a half since you came back," Minako says, leaning into Archer's shoulder. "You almost missed Kirika's sixteenth birthday. If you'd just been another month late in coming back…"
"I'm a lot of things," Archer says; "And many of them aren't exactly me at my best, either. But I will not be the kind of father who misses his daughters' birthdays."
From the urgency with which Kirika roused you, you had believed that the New Year's sunrise would be coming soon. But instead, the four of you have plenty of time to spare, and so you talk about whatever comes to your mind. Last night's dinner of toshikoshi soba, prepared by Archer, his younger self, and Matou Sakura; or of the deep-cleaing the six of you – though it ended up being more when Rider, Fujimura-san, Tohsaka-san, and Saber all pitched in to assist with the deep-cleaning – did of the Emiya residence last night; or of the deep-cleaning the four of you will have to do for your own apartment when you finally return to Mitakihara; or of staying up late, past midnight as the New Year rolled around, in order to watch the fireworks being shot off all around you.
But eventually, you see the first rays of sunlight crest over the hilly landscape of Fuyuki. It's blinding, brilliant, beautiful, and its warmth and radiance brings only one name to your mind. "Madoka…" You wish she could have been here to watch the sun rise on the New Year with you. But when Archer leans over, wrapping his arm around you, and you feel the warmth of your father exceeding even the warmth of the sun, you know that being here to see the sun rise with your family is not a distant second place.
Because it's just as much as much the grand prize as watching the sunrise with Madoka would be. "Thank you," you say to your family members. "Thank you for being my family."
"Sis, we wouldn't even be a family if you hadn't stopped me and Oriko from being idiots," Kirika says. "Not to mention how good dad's been to mom. Really, we should be thanking you two. 'Cause if it weren't for you and dad, me and mom would still be living in that crappy apartment and struggling to make ends meet."
"You've been such a good sister to Kirika too," Minako says to you. "I know Oriko tries her best, but she's too soft on Kirika sometimes. She really needs someone like you around to keep her in line and out of trouble."
"I'll do my best this year to live up to your expectations, then," you say to your mom. She's seated on the opposite side of Archer from you, so you can't lean over to give your mom or your sister a hug, but you can say to Kirika "You're going to be turning eighteen this year. Are you excited?"
"No more excited than you'll be turning sixteen," Kirika replies. "'Cause neither of us'll be adults. But I bet you're excited about starting high school in a few months, right?"
You are, in fact, though you're also nervous. You've never made it this far before. Each new day that passes is another day you can't get back, can't rewind the clock to try again. You don't know what to expect going forward, and that thought scares you just as much as it excites you. "Yeah," you say. "I guess I am."
The four of you sat together like that, watching as the morning sun crested over Fuyuki, until it was time for breakfast. Breakfast was nothing to write home about, but that's not a measure of the food's quality. It's a testament to the fact that Archer and his younger self can make anything delicious, even a simple New Year's Ozouni of broth, chicken, and vegetables. So it's nothing to write home about because the high quality isn't a stand-out, it's the expected quality.
After breakfast is finished, the younger Emiya Shirou stands, and while Matou Sakura collects the dishes, he speaks, saying to the four of you "After Sakura and I do the dishes, the four of us were going to head to Ryuudou Temple for our New Year's prayers. You're all welcome to come with us if you'd like." You're sure that Archer knows the temple well, but for you, Kirika, and Minako Emiya Shirou adds "I know it's not a Shinto shrine, but it's the best Fuyuki's got, and the head priest-in-training is an old friend of mine and Rin's from high school."
"Your friend, maybe," Tohsaka-san says. "I'm pretty sure Issei still hates my guts."
"He doesn't hate you, Rin."
"He was practically over the moon when we told him we'd broken up," Tohsaka-san says. She adopts an exaggerated masculine voice, and says with her finger extended as though she were explaining magecraft to you, "He said, 'Shirou, I see you've finally vanquished the red devil and chosen a proper woman like Sakura." Matou Sakura beams with pride at her sister's words, and leans in just slightly closer to Emiya Shirou, hugging his arm in what you can only describe as a possessive display. Emboldened by her sister's display, Tohsaka-san slips an arm around Saber's waist– "Rin!" –surprising her as Tohsaka-san adds "'Though, it's unfortunate that she's managed to corrupt a good woman like Saber to her cause, the fiend'," before passionately kissing Saber on the lips, thoroughly one-upping Matou Sakura.
Kirika is the only one enjoying the show.
Emiya Shirou rolls his eyes at Tohsaka-san's words, saying as he casually sidesteps the display "He did not say that; And he certainly didn't try to make fun of you when we told him that you and Saber had started dating, either." Tohsaka-san rolls her eyes, and Shirou says "Come on, Rin, I know you two have never really gotten along, but I can't believe we're still having this conversation almost a decade out. You're both my friends, and I really wish you two could at least pretend to be civil around each other."
"I can pretend just fine," Tohsaka-san says. "I just don't want to waste the effort putting up a front for someone who knows it's not genuine." Tohsaka-san rolls her eyes again, and adds "At least he's stopped trying to 'prove' to Kuzuki that Caster is secretly evil."
Tohsaka-san's accusation does not go unnoticed by the rest of the native Fuyuki inhabitants, who all laugh it off, while you and the rest of your family all look to one another, confused. "Uh, dad…?" Kirika asks. "Care to help us out explaining that one?"
"I… Don't know what she's talking about, either," Archer says. "Kuzuki was one of our teacher's when we were in high school, and Caster was his servant, but…" Archer stares at the rest of his Fuyuki companions, just as lost as you and Kirika are. "I don't know anymore."
"Kuzuki and Caster got married a few years back," Shirou says. "But for a while after they were married, Issei kept trying to uncover proof that Caster was evil so he could get them to divorce."
"Thankfully, it never panned out, and he eventually gave up and admitted that Caster wasn't hiding or scheming anything," Saber says. "Caster and I may not always get along, but she and her master are happy together. Trying to separate them through such underhanded methods is something I would not have expected from such an otherwise upstanding young man."
"Mhm," Minako says. When she asks "Are relationships in Fuyuki… Always this complicated?" you can hear in her voice the way she's fending off the urge to say something else.
"Pretty much," Tohsaka-san says. "For a while, I was pretty sure we were all living in some sort of eroge simulator. For all I know, we might still be." Tohsaka-san looks to the rest of the Fuyuki crowd, and asks them "Mitsuzuri's the only one of us who's never actually had to put up with any sort of BS relationship drama, right?"
Emiya Shirou, Matou Sakura, and Saber all nod their heads. "Well, her and our guests," Matou Sakura says, before looking to Archer and Minako, and to Tohsaka-san who knows your family better than he does. "I think?"
Archer nods his head, and Saber says "It is a good thing, that your relationship with your wife and daughters is a stable one. I… Even if Rin decides she would like to adopt, or have a child by surrogate, I do not believe I am suited to being a parent, after what happened the last time."
Tohsaka-san places a hand on Saber's own, saying "Listen, Saber, I'm pretty sure we've all had to cosmically fuck up at some point in our lives in order to be where we are now. Just learn from your mistake, and make sure the next one doesn't turn out like the last one." It's just barely enough to force a slight smile on Saber's face, and Tohsaka-san adds "Of course, assuming we're still together by the time I'm ready to have children, don't think for a second that I'll just jump in without seeing if you're also ready."
"Thank you, Rin."
Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura retire to the kitchen to do the dishes, and soon it's time for the eight of you to all be heading out. Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura walk at the front of the pack, talking to themselves about nothing in particular in a low voice. You don't know how long it's been, since before they started dating, since the last time they saw one another, so you're sure the past two months have been as much about the two of them catching up as it has been about strengthening their relationship. Trailing just off to the side, making sure to give her master a wide berth to spend with your father's younger half, you see Rider, and trailing behind you, you can hear Tohsaka-san and Saber talking to themselves in a low voice as well.
Like most of the Fuyuki that Archer has spent the past week showing to you and your family, you've only ever seen brief flashes of the city from the dreams you've shared with Archer. So when, after ascending the lengthy stairs leading up the snowy, wooded mountains of Fuyuki, you're finally greeted to the sight of the temple, finally coming into view, you're taken by surprise at a most unusual sight.
A samurai, dressed in robes of white and purple, sits beside the front gate, hands folded in his lap in a meditative pose. His sword, sheathed in a scabbard of purple and gold, rests against the temple gate behind him, and his dark hair moves out away from his face as he tilts his head up to get a better look at everyone. "Now, this is a strange party," he says, as his eyes rove all around the party of eight, before finally settling on Archer. "I must say, even after hearing the news for myself, to see our Archer with a family at his side is… Strange, to say the least. I hope you are all finding your New Year to be a pleasant one."
"It's been a pleasant New Year so far, thank you Assassin," Archer replies. The samurai – an Assassin servant, by Archer's words – nods his head. His is not a face which you recognise from Archer's dreams, nor is it one which you remember from among the false servants summoned by Walpurgisnacht, even though the rest of those servants had all been from Fuyuki. You don't know who this servant is. "I heard that Caster and Kuzuki were married. If we don't see them while we're offering our prayers for the New Year, could you send them my congratulations?"
"I shall be sure to pass your words of well-wishing along to my master when I see her," he says. "But I am guessing you all will see her first. Please, go on ahead. The master of this temple has already reserved a special place for your party to give your thanks at."
"Thank you, Assassin," Emiya Shirou says, before offering the servant something. "Onigiri with pickled plums. I didn't know if Caster and Kuzuki would include you in their New Year's activities, so I wanted to make you something if they hadn't."
Assassin accepts the offering graciously. "Thank you, Emiya Shirou," he says. "May the New Year be a bountiful one for you."
"You too, Assassin."
The Assassin servants allows the eight of you to pass, and you finally enter the temple. As you take in the sight before you, the elegant masonry and intricate woodwork, and the temple grounds covered by a light dusting of snow, your breath is stolen from you. "It's beautiful." The words escape your mouth, and you catch sight of your frozen breath leaving your mouth as you speak.
"Isn't it?" Matou Sakura says in response. "But it's even more beautiful in the fall, I think, when all the leaves turn red. Archer will have to bring you and your family back again some time so you can see them."
You just nod your head. It's Kirika who looks up at Archer, and with pleading eyes begs him "Can we bring Oriko next time, dad?"
Archer smiles, and reaches his hand out to tousle Kirika's hair. "We'll see, pumpkin," he says. "That'll depend on what Oriko wants to do."
You must be early, because you don't see anyone else around the main gate when your party entered. But as you round the corner, you see it, throngs of people have come, flocking to several stations that the temple priests must have set up, offering their prayers for the new year. Now, Matou Sakura takes the lead, and the rest of your party follows her as she leads you around the back of the temple. There, you see a young man waiting, stern-faced, eyes hidden behind his glasses. "Shirou," he says, moments before he and your father's younger half embrace.
"How's your New Year been, Issei?" Shirou asks.
"Busy. The other monks and I spent most of the morning getting everything ready for when we'd finally start letting people in." The two break, and 'Issei' offers a hug to Matou Sakura and Saber as well. Though there's no hug for Tohsaka-san, just a frosty "Tohsaka," and a glare that you're sure was once even sharper than it is now. "I hope your New Year is a pleasant one."
"Same to you, Ryuudou."
"So it's true." If his reaction to seeing Tohsaka-san was a frosty one, the young man's reaction to the voice that sneaks up behind him is positively bone-chilling. You see the hairs on the back of his neck stand on edge, and his eyes turn ever so slightly as a woman passes by his side, approaching Archer. "Archer's other self really does have a family."
The blue-purple hair doesn't stand out to you. You're used to seeing much stranger things in Mitakihara. But the pointed, elf-like ears most certainly do. They draw your eyes, and the woman, the Caster servant from Archer's War, turns her attention to you. "Something catch your eye?" she asks.
You can see both Archer and Rider bristling as the woman speaks to you. But you're frozen, caught in the hypnotic gaze of her cold blue eyes- "Yeah, your ears." Kirika's words tear you out of your trance. "Sis is probably just staring 'cause she's never seen anyone with ears like that before." Caster's gaze turns from you, and towards Kirika, but before she can say anything – and before your mother can stop her – Kirika continues. "They're really cool. You ever think about getting them pierced? I bet you could fit a lot of different types of earrings onto ears like that."
Kirika's words stop Caster dead in her tracks. "So, you're the type who enjoys thinking about ways to accessorise," she says. She smiles, and her snake-like grin almost splits her face in half. You see Archer's hand twitch, as if he's preparing to attack, but Caster's next words diffuse the situation entirely. "I might not agree with your taste in fashion, but I can respect your passion for it." Caster offers Kirika a hand, and says "You know, you've got a great body. Would you like to become my model?" Kirika is taken aback. So are you. So is Minako. Archer instantly snaps back to an aggressive stance. But the rest of the Fuyuki natives just hold their heads in their hands. "I'd ask Saber, but she's leaving for London soon, and I doubt Rin would let me keep her. So how about it?"
"Don't think I'm going to let you keep her, either."
"Why Archer, that's no way to speak to an old friend, is it?" Caster taunts. "I'm just trying to make a business offer."
"Not with my daughter you aren't." Now it's Minako's turn to speak up. "I don't even know you! Kirika doesn't know you! You can't just proposition someone like that when they don't even know you!"
Minako steps in front of you and Kirika, but before things can devolve into a shouting match – though it wouldn't take much, considering the volume everyone is already speaking at – Saber steps up. "If it will get you to leave Archer's daughter alone, Caster, I suppose I can convince Rin to let us stay for another few days while I model for you." Caster's eyes light up, but Tohsaka-san bristles at Saber's offer. "However, I ask that you not force me to model anything as… Disrespectful, as that white gown you forced upon me. My body still bears the shame of that humiliation."
"Relax, I'll only put you in cute, wholesome dresses from now on," Caster says. "But, it doesn't appear that the little lady is all too pleased with your sacrifice."
"Because unlike you, some of us have jobs we have to get back to," Tohsaka-san says. "I've got important work waiting for me when we get back to London. I don't know if I can afford to put it on hold any longer than I already have, just so Saber can fulfil your little doll fetish."
"What's going on here?" There's a cold, stern voice, and it cuts through the noise that your group is making. A sharp-faced man wearing a worn suit and tie approaches, and his hand settles on Caster's shoulder. "What was it she said about you, Caster?"
"Nothing!" Caster quickly protests. "I don't have a 'doll fetish'!"
"Caster, we've been married for seven years," the stern man says. "You don't need to feel like you have to defend your image to me. I don't care if there are things you like as long as they make you happy."
"Oh, Kuzuki!"
That was the moment in which Caster checked out of reality. Rolling his eyes, Issei beckons for everyone to follow him. "This way," he says. "Before things start to get silly again." So, without giving Archer a chance to congratulate the couple that's now lost in their own little world on their marriage, Issei leads the nine of you around another corner of the temple, and it's here that he's reserved a private booth for all of you to offer your prayers at.
"Hey! You made it!"
Aunt Illya is waiting for you by the booth, and she calls out, waving to you and Kirika. She offers everyone a hug, and when yours and Kirika's times come, Aunt Illya makes sure to hand you both thick red envelopes. "Otoshidama," Aunt Illya says to you and Kirika, before leaning in and whispering in your ears "Don't tell your parents how much I gave you."
You're curious as to just how much Aunt Illya has given you, but you pocket the envelope before your curiosity can get the better of you. Not so with Kirika, who peels back the fold to take a peek, and your eyes go wide when the two of you see the ten brand-new ten-thousand Yen banknotes inside. Your Aunt just gave you and Kirika each a hundred-thousand Yen for your New Year's money.
"You're going to save most of that, right?" Kirika almost jumps out of her skin when your mom speaks up from behind her. "Illya, Archer and I appreciate how much you're willing to do for our daughters, but you really shouldn't spoil them like that. The gifts you got them for Christmas were more than enough." Gifts like the assortment of expensive clothes for the both of you, or the pair of Playstation 3's, one each for you and Kirika. "Honestly, giving them each a hundred-thousand Yen is just too much."
"It's fine," Aunt Illya says. "Sure, grandfather racked up a lot of debts before he died, and I had to sell the mansion in Germany, but I've still got plenty left. I could wallpaper my toilet with envelopes just like those, and I might only lose the equivalent to a week's worth of my total lifetime remaining funds, if that." Aunt Illya pulls you and Kirika in for another hug, and she says, as much to you and Kirika as to your parents, "Really, Minako, it's fine. I don't mind splurging a little if it means I get to spoil my nieces rotten."
"You might not mind, but what about Minako and I?" Archer asks. "We don't want them developing unreasonably high expectations that we won't be able to meet." Archer's eyes fall on you and Kirika, and he says "You can go out and see your friends when we get back to Mitakihara. But you'll have to wait until the school year is over before you can open up your Playstations. Especially you, Homura. You've still got a lot of studying to do to pass your high school entrance exams." Minako nods her head in affirmation of Archer's decree. That'll be that, then. "Now, come on, let's give our prayers for the New Year."
The rest of the Fuyuki natives are already underway with their New Year's prayers by the time your family of four are ready. You can hear Archer, Kirika, and Minako whispering under their breath, but you aren't sure what to say. You've never been one for prayer before, and you aren't even sure what you should ask the New Year to bless you with. Not because you're ungrateful, but because you already have everything you could ever want. You have a family: a mother, an older sister, and a father, and all of them love you as much as you love them. You have your friends, and you have Madoka, your girlfriend, who is waiting for you to return to Mitakihara. You have a city you've worked so hard to protect. So what can you ask for?
"May the New Year let me keep everything I've worked so hard to obtain."
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