Day 30 Chapter 19
- Location
- Around here
[X] Plan: Shooting Star Lance
"Akemi-san, I believe we may have a problem. What are your orders?"
Tomoe-san's words echo in your mind's ear as the nosecone of an ASDF F-15J crests through the clouds, while beside you, "Ah, shit," Kirika's words echo in your ear's ear. "What are we gonna do now?"
"We need to bring the pilot down," Oriko says. Immediately, she realises how awful that must have sounded, and she quickly corrects herself. "Not like that. I mean, we need to force him to land, so that we can hypnotise him into believing that nothing's amiss." Oriko turns to you, adding "Unfortunately, we'll need to do that multiple times. The rest of his squadron can't be far behind."
"So we need to figure out how to down several fighter jets, without arousing suspicion, and manage to hypnotise all of the pilots into believing that nothing is wrong," you say. "All while trying to deal with Sidonia, Sigurd, and whatever the hell that thing is." Your hand instinctively points towards Sidonia's massive kaiju, which even from this distance you can see the emerald streaks following in the wake of Rider's chariot as it rams into the monster. "This is going to be difficult, isn't it?"
A massive ball of fire flashes to your south, lighting up the city's southern edge brighter than daylight. You feel Oriko's hand touching your shoulder, and a faint ghost of a smile forms on her lips ."Now, it's just Sidonia and her monster," Oriko says. "That should make things just a little bit easier."
"Homura, I've got good news," Archer says. "Lancer just defeated Sigurd, and both she and Assassin are heading back to you. Assassin's in need of medical attention, though, so make sure Nightingale is informed."
You don't even bother to respond to Archer before changing your mental channel to contact Kanna Niko. "Asami Saki is still leading the rest of you to us for refills, right? Is Nightingale with you?"
"Correct on both counts," Kanna Niko replies. "We're on our way right now, and I have Assassin with me. Why? What do you need?"
"Sigurd is defeated, but Assassin was injured in the process and is in need of medical attention. Make sure Nightingale is made aware of that."
"Thank you." Now that your business with Kanna Niko is taken care of, you can finally return your attention to Archer. You don't like that you've just left him hanging like this, but it hasn't been very long, and in that time you've come up with the germ of an idea. "Archer, are you able to, I don't know if I'm wording this correctly, but, are you able to bind a hypnosis spell to one of your arrows?"
"Rin could probably do it better than I could," Archer replies. "But yes, I should be able to do that. What's up? What are you thinking of?"
"We need a way to hypnotise that pilot of that fighter jet, but bringing him down to hypnotise him would be… Tricky, especially if we're forced to divert resources away from dealing with Sidonia. I was hoping you could bind a hypnosis spell to one of your arrows and then shoot it at the jet to wash the hypnosis effect over the pilot."
"I see what you're going for now," Archer says. "Yes, that should definitely be possible. What about everyone else?"
"Before that, tell me where Sidonia's gone off to. What's she doing?"
"Last I had eyes on her, she had that giant monster of hers drop her off at Tomoe's building. I don't know what she's planning to do there, but if we can spare it, I'd advise sending a handful of servants after her if we can spare them. Whatever she's up to, it's probably not good."
"Right." You leave Archer to prepare his hypnosis shot, and direct your attention into a message for the rest of your teammates. "Attention all. Sidonia's last known location is the rooftop of Tomoe-san's building," you say. "If anyone can spare their servants, go after her. We need to stop whatever she's planning next."
Affirmative responses come in from Hitomi, Tomoe-san, and Kyouko. Maki Kaoru's servant is already on the other side of the city by now, and you know Matou Sakura – and probably Aunt Illya as well – has trouble responding to your telepathic messages, so you can only hope that you managed to contact them successfully. But even after the affirmative comes from Kyouko, she has a question for you.
"So, Spooky, I know I said I could have Killer help out, but… What about that giant monster thing? Are we just gunna let it run rampant while we get our servants ta gangbang Sidonia? 'Cause, if yer okay with it, ain't Killer got a pretty good move ta use on that thing that just might do th' trick…"
"Been a while since I had the chance to use this," Rider said to himself. "Not since that fight with Teacher, back then…"
Rider spun his spear around in his hand, and tossed it to the ground with a cry of "Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē!" The spear twinkled emerald as it fell, planting itself in the ground with a bright flash, as a dome of emerald fell in a wide arc around Rider, the monster, and the chunk of city they had found themselves in. "All right, big guy, let's see how you like it when you're trapped in here with me!"
Sigils of flame burned at the monster's back, but when it tried to propel its projectiles forward, the flames were snuffed out. "Really, those annoying little fire blasts of yours were the first things that had to go," Rider said, grinning as he gave his shield a heft in his hand. "That, and your connection to your master, of course. She can talk to you, if she thinks you've got anything interesting to say; but she'll be unable to protect you when it's just you and me in here, all by ourselves." The monster roared at Rider, sounding like an erupting volcano, to which Rider could only respond with a laugh. "Is that all you've got, big guy?" he taunted. "Take those flames away and you're just one big target, huh? Even my mortal old man'd have no trouble bringing you down like this!"
In defiance of Rider's taunts, the monster raised its spear up, and thrust forward, sending a torrent of flames blasting from the blazing head of the spear straight into Rider. "Guess it'd be unfair of me to say you can't use your spear, when I'm more than capable of using my own weapons!" Rider charged his chariot into the inferno, shield raised up, projecting the miniature world inside out in front as his chariot slammed forward.
At the last second, Rider had his horses pull down, ducking under the flames and surging forward unimpeded. The monster was quick to refocus its efforts, bringing its spear down lower to meet Rider and his chariot head-on with a new burst of flame. Rider charged his chariot through this as well, before ordering his horses to pull up, causing the chariot to slam straight into the monster's arm.
The monster reeled its arm back as Rider's chariot slammed into it, but quickly retaliated. Its spear arm was swift, and it swung its weapon at Rider and his chariot, over and over. But each time, Rider brought his shield up, slamming the miniature world inside into the spear and deflecting the attack. "Hey, Killer, I sure hope ya know what yer doing," said Kyouko to her servant. "All this action yer getting's really wearing me down, mana-wise. I mean, sure, we got Grief Seeds to spare, but I'd hate ta burn through all'a Spooky and Big White's stock just fer this fight, ya know? We've still gotta beat that other bitch after this."
Rider forced his horses to climb, narrowly dodging a jet of flame from the monster's spear as it swung at Rider from the side. "My apologies, master," he responded, forcing his horses to make a second sharp turn, and then a third in quick succession, as the monster's flaming spear almost nicked their heels. "But try to hold out for a little bit longer!"
Rider would have to take his own words to heart as well, and do his best to hold out a little longer for himself. The monster swung its flaming spear again, and this time, Rider wasn't fast enough to avoid it all together. Though Rider managed to pull his chariot up in time to avoid being swatted by the spear, the torrent of flame left in the wake of the spear's passing still managed to leave a burn on his arm and on part of his chest.
Rider forced his horses into one more quick turn, as the monster did something unexpected. Rather than swipe at Rider with its spear, it swiped at him with its right hand, as a man swatting at a mosquito. Rider swerved his chariot, narrowly avoiding the attack, and the monster brought its hand down, cleaving through a nearby building. "That was close," Rider said to himself. "I guess now that you're not trying to ferry your master around, you're free to use both hands, aren't you? Looks like I'd better be more careful."
Rather than let the fear of losing, of almost certainly dying against this monster that towered several dozen times his size over him, Rider grinned. "This fight just got even more interesting!"
The monster bellowed, the roar of an erupting volcano almost deafening to Rider's ears this close to the monster's head. He charged in again, surging his chariot forward, as the monster brought up its hand. Hand and chariot struck each other at the same time, and while the monster was knocked back as Rider's chariot punched its hand, the monster's hand also succeeded in slamming into Rider.
The force of the monster's blow sent Rider and his chariot spiralling out of control, and it was only thanks to a quick hand on Rider's part that he was able to stabilise his horses and get them going again. "Hiyah!" he cried as he cracked the reins. "Aim for the legs!" His horses surged forward, forcing the chariot into a sharp turn as they slammed into the monster's leg, quickly pulling out as the blow caused the monster to tumble. Its spear slipped from its grasp as it fell, and the monster hit the ground, kicking up a terrific cloud of dust and debris in the process.
Rider brought his chariot around to a safe distance, circling the cloud of dust as he waited for his visibility to clear. A hand, massive and burning, shot forward, and faster than Rider could react the hand had grabbed his chariot. "Whoa!" Rider cried out, as the hand tossed his chariot aside. He narrowly avoiding being thrown from his chariot entirely, thanks only to his hand being tangled in the reins. Even more thankfully, Rider himself was not torn from his hand, and with great difficulty he was able to pull himself back into his chariot-
Just in time for the entire chariot, horses and rider included, to slam into the side of a building. Rider clutched at his head as he scrambled to pick himself up, and the monster emerged from the dust cloud with a fierce bellow, stopping only to pick up its spear before advancing on Rider's position. It must not have been expecting Rider to get up so soon after being thrown, because it was unable to do anything as Rider, his chariot righted once again, shot forward, slamming into the monster's unprotected head.
The force of the blow took one of the monster's horns with it, and when Rider pulled away, circling around to a safe distance, he saw that he had also taken one of the monster's eyes as well. The socket around the burning white ember had collapsed from the blow, and the ember inside had died out. As the monster roared, Rider worked loose a kink in his shoulder, saying "Guess you're not so invincible after all, huh? Nice to see that even you can take a hit."
Emboldened by the success of his strike, Rider charged forward again. This time, the monster was ready for him. It swatted its spear, forcing Rider to swerve to avoid the attack. Flames followed in the wake of the spear's slice, and the monster quickly recovered, thrusting the spear again and flinging a torrent of fire towards Rider. Rider swerved to avoid the attack, and the monster caught Rider off guard with its right hand, swatting Rider and his chariot out of the sky again.
This time, when Rider and his chariot hit the ground, Rider was thrown, and his horses scattered as the monster brought its foot down. Rider was faster, but even still only just managed to avoid being squished by the monster's stomp. "Geez, how'd they manage this?" he asked himself, remembering how much easier of a time Saber and Heracles had seemed to have with this as he'd watched them from above. Again, Rider had to throw himself out of the way as the monster brought its foot down.
But that only brought Rider in range of the monster's reaching hand, which was much harder for Rider to avoid. Unlike Heracles, Rider lacked the raw strength to pry the monster's fingers open, so when the monster's hand grabbed hold of him, Rider knew he was stuck. The hand squeezed, and Rider felt as though his head were about to pop off his shoulders. "Crap… Guess this is it for me, isn't it?" he said to himself. "Only one chance to get me out of this mess…"
Rider could feel the monster's hot breath pouring over him as he was brought face-to-face with the ram-headed behemoth. It stared at Rider, its one remaining eye glaring at him, somehow, despite the lidless ember never once blinking or moving in its socket. This close, Rider could see the shifting black void that was the monster's body. It was nothing, neither skin, muscle, nor bone. It simply was, a black that was blacker than the blackest black, a shadow only given form by the burning outline around the monster's body. Red-orange flames sparked in the monster's mouth as it opened, the outlines of its teeth only visible by the glowing red-orange at the back of the monster's throat; and as hot, ash-laden steam washed over Rider, he knew this was probably the end.
Rider sucked in as much air as his lungs could hold, and he let out a loud whistle. It wasn't enough to distract the monster, but it didn't have to be. It just had to be enough that- Yes! Rider's horses, trailing behind them his empty chariot, slammed into the monster's right hand, knocking Rider free from its grasp. Rider plummeted, but he gave another whistle, and his horses pulled up underneath him. His feet touched down in his chariot, and he immediately grabbed hold of the reins. "If we keep this up, I'm going to be the one who dies," Rider said, cracking the reins and forcing his horses to climb. "But… It'd be a shame to end this now, when everyone else is counting on me!"
[ ] Wat do?
"Akemi-san, I believe we may have a problem. What are your orders?"
Tomoe-san's words echo in your mind's ear as the nosecone of an ASDF F-15J crests through the clouds, while beside you, "Ah, shit," Kirika's words echo in your ear's ear. "What are we gonna do now?"
"We need to bring the pilot down," Oriko says. Immediately, she realises how awful that must have sounded, and she quickly corrects herself. "Not like that. I mean, we need to force him to land, so that we can hypnotise him into believing that nothing's amiss." Oriko turns to you, adding "Unfortunately, we'll need to do that multiple times. The rest of his squadron can't be far behind."
"So we need to figure out how to down several fighter jets, without arousing suspicion, and manage to hypnotise all of the pilots into believing that nothing is wrong," you say. "All while trying to deal with Sidonia, Sigurd, and whatever the hell that thing is." Your hand instinctively points towards Sidonia's massive kaiju, which even from this distance you can see the emerald streaks following in the wake of Rider's chariot as it rams into the monster. "This is going to be difficult, isn't it?"
A massive ball of fire flashes to your south, lighting up the city's southern edge brighter than daylight. You feel Oriko's hand touching your shoulder, and a faint ghost of a smile forms on her lips ."Now, it's just Sidonia and her monster," Oriko says. "That should make things just a little bit easier."
"Homura, I've got good news," Archer says. "Lancer just defeated Sigurd, and both she and Assassin are heading back to you. Assassin's in need of medical attention, though, so make sure Nightingale is informed."
You don't even bother to respond to Archer before changing your mental channel to contact Kanna Niko. "Asami Saki is still leading the rest of you to us for refills, right? Is Nightingale with you?"
"Correct on both counts," Kanna Niko replies. "We're on our way right now, and I have Assassin with me. Why? What do you need?"
"Sigurd is defeated, but Assassin was injured in the process and is in need of medical attention. Make sure Nightingale is made aware of that."
"Thank you." Now that your business with Kanna Niko is taken care of, you can finally return your attention to Archer. You don't like that you've just left him hanging like this, but it hasn't been very long, and in that time you've come up with the germ of an idea. "Archer, are you able to, I don't know if I'm wording this correctly, but, are you able to bind a hypnosis spell to one of your arrows?"
"Rin could probably do it better than I could," Archer replies. "But yes, I should be able to do that. What's up? What are you thinking of?"
"We need a way to hypnotise that pilot of that fighter jet, but bringing him down to hypnotise him would be… Tricky, especially if we're forced to divert resources away from dealing with Sidonia. I was hoping you could bind a hypnosis spell to one of your arrows and then shoot it at the jet to wash the hypnosis effect over the pilot."
"I see what you're going for now," Archer says. "Yes, that should definitely be possible. What about everyone else?"
"Before that, tell me where Sidonia's gone off to. What's she doing?"
"Last I had eyes on her, she had that giant monster of hers drop her off at Tomoe's building. I don't know what she's planning to do there, but if we can spare it, I'd advise sending a handful of servants after her if we can spare them. Whatever she's up to, it's probably not good."
"Right." You leave Archer to prepare his hypnosis shot, and direct your attention into a message for the rest of your teammates. "Attention all. Sidonia's last known location is the rooftop of Tomoe-san's building," you say. "If anyone can spare their servants, go after her. We need to stop whatever she's planning next."
Affirmative responses come in from Hitomi, Tomoe-san, and Kyouko. Maki Kaoru's servant is already on the other side of the city by now, and you know Matou Sakura – and probably Aunt Illya as well – has trouble responding to your telepathic messages, so you can only hope that you managed to contact them successfully. But even after the affirmative comes from Kyouko, she has a question for you.
"So, Spooky, I know I said I could have Killer help out, but… What about that giant monster thing? Are we just gunna let it run rampant while we get our servants ta gangbang Sidonia? 'Cause, if yer okay with it, ain't Killer got a pretty good move ta use on that thing that just might do th' trick…"
"Been a while since I had the chance to use this," Rider said to himself. "Not since that fight with Teacher, back then…"
Rider spun his spear around in his hand, and tossed it to the ground with a cry of "Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē!" The spear twinkled emerald as it fell, planting itself in the ground with a bright flash, as a dome of emerald fell in a wide arc around Rider, the monster, and the chunk of city they had found themselves in. "All right, big guy, let's see how you like it when you're trapped in here with me!"
Sigils of flame burned at the monster's back, but when it tried to propel its projectiles forward, the flames were snuffed out. "Really, those annoying little fire blasts of yours were the first things that had to go," Rider said, grinning as he gave his shield a heft in his hand. "That, and your connection to your master, of course. She can talk to you, if she thinks you've got anything interesting to say; but she'll be unable to protect you when it's just you and me in here, all by ourselves." The monster roared at Rider, sounding like an erupting volcano, to which Rider could only respond with a laugh. "Is that all you've got, big guy?" he taunted. "Take those flames away and you're just one big target, huh? Even my mortal old man'd have no trouble bringing you down like this!"
In defiance of Rider's taunts, the monster raised its spear up, and thrust forward, sending a torrent of flames blasting from the blazing head of the spear straight into Rider. "Guess it'd be unfair of me to say you can't use your spear, when I'm more than capable of using my own weapons!" Rider charged his chariot into the inferno, shield raised up, projecting the miniature world inside out in front as his chariot slammed forward.
At the last second, Rider had his horses pull down, ducking under the flames and surging forward unimpeded. The monster was quick to refocus its efforts, bringing its spear down lower to meet Rider and his chariot head-on with a new burst of flame. Rider charged his chariot through this as well, before ordering his horses to pull up, causing the chariot to slam straight into the monster's arm.
The monster reeled its arm back as Rider's chariot slammed into it, but quickly retaliated. Its spear arm was swift, and it swung its weapon at Rider and his chariot, over and over. But each time, Rider brought his shield up, slamming the miniature world inside into the spear and deflecting the attack. "Hey, Killer, I sure hope ya know what yer doing," said Kyouko to her servant. "All this action yer getting's really wearing me down, mana-wise. I mean, sure, we got Grief Seeds to spare, but I'd hate ta burn through all'a Spooky and Big White's stock just fer this fight, ya know? We've still gotta beat that other bitch after this."
Rider forced his horses to climb, narrowly dodging a jet of flame from the monster's spear as it swung at Rider from the side. "My apologies, master," he responded, forcing his horses to make a second sharp turn, and then a third in quick succession, as the monster's flaming spear almost nicked their heels. "But try to hold out for a little bit longer!"
Rider would have to take his own words to heart as well, and do his best to hold out a little longer for himself. The monster swung its flaming spear again, and this time, Rider wasn't fast enough to avoid it all together. Though Rider managed to pull his chariot up in time to avoid being swatted by the spear, the torrent of flame left in the wake of the spear's passing still managed to leave a burn on his arm and on part of his chest.
Rider forced his horses into one more quick turn, as the monster did something unexpected. Rather than swipe at Rider with its spear, it swiped at him with its right hand, as a man swatting at a mosquito. Rider swerved his chariot, narrowly avoiding the attack, and the monster brought its hand down, cleaving through a nearby building. "That was close," Rider said to himself. "I guess now that you're not trying to ferry your master around, you're free to use both hands, aren't you? Looks like I'd better be more careful."
Rather than let the fear of losing, of almost certainly dying against this monster that towered several dozen times his size over him, Rider grinned. "This fight just got even more interesting!"
The monster bellowed, the roar of an erupting volcano almost deafening to Rider's ears this close to the monster's head. He charged in again, surging his chariot forward, as the monster brought up its hand. Hand and chariot struck each other at the same time, and while the monster was knocked back as Rider's chariot punched its hand, the monster's hand also succeeded in slamming into Rider.
The force of the monster's blow sent Rider and his chariot spiralling out of control, and it was only thanks to a quick hand on Rider's part that he was able to stabilise his horses and get them going again. "Hiyah!" he cried as he cracked the reins. "Aim for the legs!" His horses surged forward, forcing the chariot into a sharp turn as they slammed into the monster's leg, quickly pulling out as the blow caused the monster to tumble. Its spear slipped from its grasp as it fell, and the monster hit the ground, kicking up a terrific cloud of dust and debris in the process.
Rider brought his chariot around to a safe distance, circling the cloud of dust as he waited for his visibility to clear. A hand, massive and burning, shot forward, and faster than Rider could react the hand had grabbed his chariot. "Whoa!" Rider cried out, as the hand tossed his chariot aside. He narrowly avoiding being thrown from his chariot entirely, thanks only to his hand being tangled in the reins. Even more thankfully, Rider himself was not torn from his hand, and with great difficulty he was able to pull himself back into his chariot-
Just in time for the entire chariot, horses and rider included, to slam into the side of a building. Rider clutched at his head as he scrambled to pick himself up, and the monster emerged from the dust cloud with a fierce bellow, stopping only to pick up its spear before advancing on Rider's position. It must not have been expecting Rider to get up so soon after being thrown, because it was unable to do anything as Rider, his chariot righted once again, shot forward, slamming into the monster's unprotected head.
The force of the blow took one of the monster's horns with it, and when Rider pulled away, circling around to a safe distance, he saw that he had also taken one of the monster's eyes as well. The socket around the burning white ember had collapsed from the blow, and the ember inside had died out. As the monster roared, Rider worked loose a kink in his shoulder, saying "Guess you're not so invincible after all, huh? Nice to see that even you can take a hit."
Emboldened by the success of his strike, Rider charged forward again. This time, the monster was ready for him. It swatted its spear, forcing Rider to swerve to avoid the attack. Flames followed in the wake of the spear's slice, and the monster quickly recovered, thrusting the spear again and flinging a torrent of fire towards Rider. Rider swerved to avoid the attack, and the monster caught Rider off guard with its right hand, swatting Rider and his chariot out of the sky again.
This time, when Rider and his chariot hit the ground, Rider was thrown, and his horses scattered as the monster brought its foot down. Rider was faster, but even still only just managed to avoid being squished by the monster's stomp. "Geez, how'd they manage this?" he asked himself, remembering how much easier of a time Saber and Heracles had seemed to have with this as he'd watched them from above. Again, Rider had to throw himself out of the way as the monster brought its foot down.
But that only brought Rider in range of the monster's reaching hand, which was much harder for Rider to avoid. Unlike Heracles, Rider lacked the raw strength to pry the monster's fingers open, so when the monster's hand grabbed hold of him, Rider knew he was stuck. The hand squeezed, and Rider felt as though his head were about to pop off his shoulders. "Crap… Guess this is it for me, isn't it?" he said to himself. "Only one chance to get me out of this mess…"
Rider could feel the monster's hot breath pouring over him as he was brought face-to-face with the ram-headed behemoth. It stared at Rider, its one remaining eye glaring at him, somehow, despite the lidless ember never once blinking or moving in its socket. This close, Rider could see the shifting black void that was the monster's body. It was nothing, neither skin, muscle, nor bone. It simply was, a black that was blacker than the blackest black, a shadow only given form by the burning outline around the monster's body. Red-orange flames sparked in the monster's mouth as it opened, the outlines of its teeth only visible by the glowing red-orange at the back of the monster's throat; and as hot, ash-laden steam washed over Rider, he knew this was probably the end.
Rider sucked in as much air as his lungs could hold, and he let out a loud whistle. It wasn't enough to distract the monster, but it didn't have to be. It just had to be enough that- Yes! Rider's horses, trailing behind them his empty chariot, slammed into the monster's right hand, knocking Rider free from its grasp. Rider plummeted, but he gave another whistle, and his horses pulled up underneath him. His feet touched down in his chariot, and he immediately grabbed hold of the reins. "If we keep this up, I'm going to be the one who dies," Rider said, cracking the reins and forcing his horses to climb. "But… It'd be a shame to end this now, when everyone else is counting on me!"
[ ] Wat do?