As soon as you see Sidonia- There she is! You master's vision here; and this time, pushing past the blinding headache that attempting to look at her gives you –
Oriko must have had to push past the same headache if she was able to see Sidonia for what she truly was – you can finally see exactly what you're up against; And you don't like it one bit.
In that moment, Sidonia turns her head in your direction, as though
she knew you were looking at her, and she sneers. "Oh, it's you," she says. "Brought your sister and the little homunculus problem child too, I see. What an interesting combination." Without even moving her hand, Sidonia sends a jet of fire screaming towards your position. You're quick to react, and the flames crash against a wall of both ice from your
Isa rune, and against barriers thrown up by Oriko in your path. "I have to say, after she sold your family out to me, I didn't imagine that you'd actually end up
siding with the little problem child." You feel your hand clenching into a tight fist.
She has no right to taunt you with threats towards your family.
"Oh, wait-" Sidonia stops herself, and considers Kanna Niko more closely. "How did you manage to heal your arm? Did you have to grovel and beg for forgiveness from the people you betrayed to me? Did they fix your little arm up after I went through all the trouble of grafting it onto you like you asked me to?"
"Guess again," Kanna Niko says, before dropping down low, slamming her hands against the floor, and sending a wave of fists made from debris directly into Sidonia.
Sidonia makes no movement to counteract Kanna Niko's attack. Instead, a black sphere, shimmering with colours that shouldn't exist –
a sphere made entirely from Grief – shoots out in front of Sidonia, flattening out into a shield against which Kanna Niko's transmuted fists crash without effect. "I've decided," Sidonia says, her voice seeming to amplify itself through every corner of the hallway, "That I'm going to kill the three of you first. The little homunculus problem child, the one who is always getting in my way, and her sister, just to make her suffer before she dies."
Flames converge onto Sidonia, and she releases them in a massive bursting wave that spreads out in all directions. It tears through walls, windows, support beams, anything and everything in its path as it surges outwards.
Was she holding back her true powers all this time? Or is her strength increased exponentially because today is November first and she's channelling the power of her god? Even behind the barriers thrown up by Oriko, you can still feel the sweltering heat of Sidonia's attack as her flames wash over everything in their path. You can't imagine surviving this without Oriko's barriers, no matter what sort of protections are set around your Soul Gem.
Then, you hear the sound of voices straining. You can make them out: Kyouko, Tohsaka-san, Matou Sakura, and Scáthach; you can hear all of their voices straining against the roaring inferno Sidonia has set against you, and eventually, you hear their straining voices winning out. With their combined efforts, the four of them wrest control of the blazing inferno away from Sidonia. It's done its damage: everything that had been above your head is now gone, completely blasted away by the flames, but the inferno has died out, or more accurately been swallowed and redirected by the magic of Kyouko, Tohsaka-san, Matou Sakura, and Scáthach. You can see a pair of bright red
Sowilo runes blazing, several red-hot gemstones held in Tohsaka-san's hands, and a large
creature made of flames at Matou Sakura's side that looks like a six-legged lizard.
Then you hear a cry, and Maki Kaoru lunges towards Sidonia, clad from head-to-toe in her shiny black armour. She strikes with her fist, and almost manages to make it to Sidonia, when- "Insolent little girl. Did no one ever teach you to respect your elders?"
Maki Kaoru's arm is caught in a web of Grief, just centimeters from Sidonia's face. The convergence is entirely black-on-black, but even so you can see fingers of black crawling up Maki Kaoru's arm, melting away at her Ultimate Shield and digging into her flesh. Maki Kaoru attempts to pull her arm away, but Sidonia's web of Grief has her in a tight hold, and-
A gold spear plunges into Sidonia's chest, slipping in just out of her peripheral vision as her attention is kept on Maki Kaoru. Droplets of black drip from Sidonia's mouth as she turns her head, snarling at Saber. "If you're going to chastise a child for not respecting their elders, then what about someone who's older?" Saber asks, tearing his spear out and delivering a kick to Sidonia's head. It's too close for her Grief shield to block, and when the blow connects, Sidonia is sent flying. Immediately, the web of Grief binding Maki Kaoru breaks apart, and she withdraws to Kanna Niko's side.
Sidonia picks herself up and, before she can do anything to address the injury Saber has just dealt to her, is immediately forced to counter another strike from Saber. Her shield of Grief forms in front of her as Saber slices through it, but it's enough to buy her time to step back, putting her just into the line of fire of a barrage from Tomoe-san and Oriko. Quickly, you join in with your arrows, and the three of you press the attack. Sidonia responds to your attempts with a counter-barrage of flames, and you bring up a wall of fice to defend yourself, but Sidonia's attempt is quickly defeated by Tohsaka-san, as Saber and Scáthach charge in from opposite sides. They lash out with sword and spears, only for their weapons to be intercepted by a tangling ring of spikes which erupt from the floor. The grief-made constructs grab hold of Saber and Scáthach's weapons, giving Sidonia just enough time to blast them both with a close-range burst of flames, before leaping out of the circle.
"Why are you all so hell-bent on stopping me?" Sidonia screams. "When I'm done here, I'll create a new world where the magical needn't fear for their lives anymore! Where the ignorant masses who have spent countless centuries persecuting us will have all perished! Why can't you see that I'm trying to do you all a favour?"
"Because you aren't," Tohsaka-san says. The burning gemstones she's holding are crushed in her hands, and she blasts Sidonia with a hailstorm of mana bolts, forcing Sidonia to raise up her Grief shield to block them. "If you think killing all muggles will make the world of mages a safer place, then you've sorely underestimated just how fucked up the average mage truly is! All you'd be doing is letting that fucked-up-edness out in the open! You'd be killing seven billion people just so that the few who remain can stratify themselves into a hierarchy based solely on whose families are older, and every single mage on the bottom of that wrung would be vastly worse off than they are now!"
"Be silent!" You can see it; can see how Sidonia is slower than Saber or Scáthach, which forces her to rely on her Grief shield to block their attacks automatically, rather than to allow herself to outpace them. She doesn't have the speed for that. "You know
nothing of the suffering I've had to endure, for no other reason than because I was different! My own
brother hated me! He couldn't
stand the fact that I was different from him!"
A bolt of water strikes Sidonia in the face. You should rephrase that, because it sounds like Matou Sakura shot at Sidonia with a squirt gun. Allow you to rephrase yourself, because it was much, much more akin to her hitting Sidonia in the face with a high-pressure water cannon. "Mage society is no different!" Matou Sakura screams back to Sidonia. "My stepbrother hated me, too! He was jealous that grandfather chose me to be the next heir and not him! If I'd been a normal girl and not the daughter of a mage, then I could have grown up in my own home, with my
real family, and not had to endure a decade of suffering because
mage families are the worst thing in the world! Growing up, I couldn't tell you how many days I just wanted to be normal! Your insane, genocidal scheme would make what I had to endure the default!"
"You're wrong! I'm doing this to
save our kind!"
Sidonia lashes out at Tohsaka-san and Matou Sakura with a tremendous burst of flames, but with great effort, the pair manages to withstand and contain the blast, absorbing its force into more gemstones and another six-legged lizard familiar. Scáthach springs into action, lashing out with a flurry of thrusts from her spear, but Sidonia blocks each of her blows with her Grief shield. But Scáthach is faster, and manages to slip her leg underneath Sidonia's barrier, delivering a sweeping kick to her leg which knocks Sidonia to the ground. As Scáthach brings her spear down, Sidonia rolls out of the way, and her shield reshapes itself into a wicked black spear, which thrusts itself at Scáthach.
But Oriko is there to block the strike with her barriers, and while the black spear digs itself through each of Oriko's seven layers of shield, Saber comes in, slashing through the weapon and sending the puddle of Grief slinking back to Sidonia. "Stop getting in my way!" The sphere of Grief reforms at Sidonia's side, and she sends it shooting out again, taking on the form of many spikes this time. Oriko is shoved behind Saber and Scáthach, who counter the surging black spikes with their sword and spears; and while they defend, you and Tomoe-san go back on the attack.
You bring up your bow, and unleash a volley of ice arrows into Sidonia, while Tomoe-san opens fire with her muskets. Kanna Niko crouches down to the floor, clapping her hands and sending a column of fists surging towards Sidonia as she joins in the attack as well. Even Kirika joins on, ducking down to the floor alongside Kanna Niko and sending a wave of black shadows across the floor to where Sidonia is standing. Sidonia's black shield whips around, blocking your combined barrages and-
Kirika's shadow touches Sidonia's, and a circle appears on the ground at her feet. "Got you!" Kirika declares, before announcing "Time Alter: Double Stagnate!" For a brief moment, it appears as though Kirika's attack has succeeded, and Sidonia's movements appear to have slowed for a second or two. But then a burning red ring appears around Sidonia, slicing through Kirika's circle and returning Sidonia's movements to their normal speed. As if she'd never been slowed down, Sidonia launches into a flaming barrage, concentrates on the five of you while her defensive efforts remain concentrated on blocking attacks from Saber and Scáthach.
"All right!" Kirika declares, "If that won't slow her down, then how about this!" Kirika takes off running; Sidonia tracks her movements, blasting at her with a fiery barrage, but is never able to hit her faster opponent. For one, brief, idiotic second, Kirika lunges into Sidonia's zone of control, slashing at her and raking her claws across Sidonia's chest before she even has time to defend herself with her Grief shield, before ducking back out as another flaming barrage from Sidonia continues to track her. "Up we go!" Kirika proclaims, as she- "Dearest, wha-Ouah!" picks Oriko up on her shoulders and dashes back out. "Now you're not a dead fish on your feet, Oriko!"
"Dearest, I'm
never a dead fish," Oriko replies, earning a snicker from Kirika as the two dash to safety, while Sidonia is too busy beating back an onslaught of blades from Saber and Scáthach, or the constant magical barrages from Tohsaka-san and Matou Sakura, to be able to respond to Kirika's aggression.. "But thank you."
Sidonia ramps up the pressure of her flames, cranking their intensity up as she continues to launch blast after blast on everything in her line of sight. You and everyone near you; Tohsaka-san and Matou Sakura; Saber and Scáthach. Somehow, despite the wounds Saber, Scáthach, Tohsaka-san, and Matou Sakura have managed to deal to her, Sidonia barely seems to be slowing down at all.
How? How is she still able to keep going even after everything you've pumped into her? You, Tomoe-san, Oriko on Kirika-back, and Kanna Niko are blasting her with everything you've got, but Sidonia just shrugs it off. Kyouko, Tohsaka-san, Matou Sakura, and Scáthach are doing everything they can to keep her flames under control, but Sidonia just keep spitting out more and more flames without ever running dry. Saber and Scáthach keep pushing back against her as aggressively as possible, but that stupid Grief shield of hers just lets Sidonia block them. She's slower and physically weaker than either of them, and when she does take a hit from one of them it's devastating, but then she just gets back up again and keeps going! She's like the Terminator!
"Damnit!" you cry out. "Isn't there anything we can do to stop her?"
An answer comes to you from Heaven. You eel static electricity crawl up the back of your neck: the only warning you'll get before a missile made entirely from lightning bursts through the wall, striking Sidonia and sending her flying, crashing into a pile of rubble that had once been part of a wall. "How about with that?"
[ ] Wat do?