Finally, you think as the last bell of the day rings. You pack your things into your bag and make ready to head out when Sayaka approaches your desk, stopping you to ask "Hey Homura, you wanna go to the mall with me and Kyouko?" You weren't expecting an invite from Sayaka, much less when there are other things you should be taking care of.
Something you're sure she knows. "I was thinking it'd just be us at first, but then I thought maybe you and Hitomi would like to come with us, since I doubt you'll have much time to just hang out in the future."
"What were you thinking we would do at the mall?"
Sayaka shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno," she said, evidently having not thought that far ahead. "We could go to the arcade, go shopping, get something to eat at the food court... You know, just general
hanging out stuff, I guess. It's been awhile since we just
hung out together, you know? So, you interested?"
A few desks over, you catch Kyouko approaching Hitomi, presumably about the same offer which Sayaka has presented you with. Inside you, part of you wants to accept Sayaka's offer. Things are about to get hectic, and having a few moments of reprieve may be what your mind needs, something to hold onto in the dark and the heat of battle to center you. But then you recall the events of last night. The Pleiades Saints are intent on waging a war of annihilation against your faction, and proved last night their willingness to accept collateral damage as the cost of defeating you. What's to stop them from attacking in broad daylight? Even with you, Kyouko, Hitomi, and your servants, would that be enough if the Saints brought their full force to bear against you? What about Sayaka? She's got no way of fighting back; one wrong move, one serious injury, might force this timeline down a dark path you aren't prepared to accept.
"I'm sorry," you say after some consideration of the costs. "But Madoka has one of her clubs today, and I'd hate to make her feel left out if I went without her."
"Hey, no problem," Sayaka replies. "I get it, okay? Maybe we'll try again for Sunday or next Wednesday when we can all get together?"
"Maybe." You don't know if you'll be able to accept Sayaka's offer then, either.
How long can you reject her offers? Your eyes shoot over to Kyouko; by the look of things, she's convinced Hitomi to come along.
"Make sure you two keep your servants nearby in case you're attacked," you say to the pair.
"We can't afford to take any chances. If you're attacked, focus on getting out rather than on fighting."
"Then why don't'cha come with us, Spooky? If we got Archer watching us, it'll be easier fer us than if we've just got Rider and a Saber who can't do shit."
"I have Archer doing overwatch at a location he believes to be the Saints' base of operations. If you're attacked, let me know and I'll have Archer level the building, hopefully with at one a couple of them still inside."
"Man, that's ruthless."
"We don't have a choice. They've displayed their willingness to be ruthless first."
Sayaka cuts in between Kyouko and Hitomi, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders. For a brief moment, you can see the trio wearing the blue-and-green uniform of the school they attended in Chigasaki as they leave down the hallway, before the image fades and the tan-and-black Mitakihara uniform is back where it belongs. You know Hitomi wishes she could still attend Chigasaki to be with her boyfriend, so maybe her reason for accepting to hang out in spite of the danger present is the reminder being with the pair brings to her of that time. You hope Saber and Rider are enough to get the trio to safety; certainly they wouldn't be enough against the enemy's own Saber and Rider servants.
As for yourself, you've got the war effort to consider. Given Archer's information, chances are good the Saints aren't operating out of individual residences. That's an advantage to them, because if they attack one of your side's bases of operation, that's someone's residence. Given Archer's information, your team should also be thinking about establishing a neutral base of operations that isn't any one teammate's residence;
And you know just who to get in contact with.
"Tomoe-san, Oriko, I need your help in setting up a neutral base of operations for us to operate out of. We'll need Oriko and Caster to find a suitable location, and Caster and Lancer to do the actual building and fortifying."
"Won't that take some time to construct?" Tomoe-san asks.
"Do we have the time to spare, when those girls are already attacking us? Wouldn't it have been better if we had done this before?"
"It would have," Oriko chimes in.
"I'm so sorry for not noticing this happening sooner. I was so focused on everything going on with those strange witches that I completely missed checking for anything else."
"If they were able to avoid being seen until they wanted us to see them last night, then chances are good they have ways of avoiding your precognition. You don't need to feel bad about not seeing them," you say to Oriko.
"Granted, that doesn't change the fact that we should have done this earlier, but it isn't your fault that we didn't." You know Oriko has problems dealing with guilt. You know telling her it isn't her fault likely won't be enough.
"If you still feel like you need to make it up to us, then can you get in touch with Nurse Ortensia and ask her if Assassin would be willing to lend a hand with this as well? She knows the runes, so she could probably help Lancer with setting things up."
"I can ask her, but..." But you already know what she'll say.
"Well, I'm worried that Assassin might not be very cooperative, given the relationship she has with Caren-san. Maybe if we had a way to placate her or, well, bribe her, I guess, we might have better luck, but I don't know that much about who Assassin is as a person to be able to say what we should consider offering to her."
"If you get in touch with Nurse Ortensia, I can ask Archer if there's anything he might be willing to gift Assassin with to keep her compliant." You don't know what Archer might have to offer Assassin, but you're sure he probably has
something that might succeed in appeasing her.
"Right. Are you working on anything in particular at the moment, Akemi-san?"
"As soon as I get home, I was going to do some research on the building Archer singled out. It's a teddy bear museum, and I'm hoping there might be something off about it I can find that'll give us useful information. Kyouko and Hitomi are off doing their own thing with Sayaka at the moment, but maybe once they're free and Kirika gets off work we can all get together and discuss this further, if you're both willing."
"Yes, that sounds agreeable. I assume I should bring Caster with me if we're not meeting at my apartment?"
"I assume so. I'll be bringing Lancer with me if we're not meeting at the mansion. What about you, Akemi-san? Will you be bringing Archer with you if we aren't meeting at your apartment?"
"Possibly," you reply.
"Currently, I have Archer doing overwatch at a location he thinks could be the Saints' base of operations. It'll depend on whether I can afford to pull him away from that. But if I can afford to, then it's likely he'll be joining us. I'm sure he's got some good insights we'll want to take into consideration."
Amy is the only member of your household to greet you as you return to the apartment. As you take your shoes off, she nuzzles in turn each of your legs as you remove each shoe from the opposite foot to the leg being nuzzled. Once both your shoes are off, you lean down to scratch the back of her head, to which she responds with a content
"Mew" in typical Amy fashion. "I've got some work I need to do for a little while," you say as Amy follows you into your room. "I'll be more than happy to play with you when I'm finished, okay?" Again, a content-sounding
"Mew" is al the response you get, but it's enough. "That's a good girl."
You sit down at your desk and open up your laptop, which still displays the results from last night's searches on Sigurd and Ramesses. You clear them, and type in "Angelica Bears" into the search bar int heir place. "Let's see what you're all about," you say as the search engine generates your results. "Not bad."
The museum has a website, which is good news for you; and although it's a fairly new establishment at less than a year old, it has impressive collection of both vintage and contemporary bears, some dating back to over a hundred years ago. The website shows a floor plan of the museum; three floors and a basement, with the bulk of the exhibits being located on the first and second floors. It doesn't appear that anything is amiss with the floor plan;
until you notice a strange irregularity.
Similar to the Mitakihara aquarium, the basement floor is attached to a subway station, with a rear entrance serving as an additional point of entry to the subway station. On the floor plan you count four elevators, clustered into two groups of two on either end of the museum's wing exhibits; but there's a fifth elevator located near the rear entrance that doesn't appear to actually go to any other floor of the museum. As if it goes
down instead of up.
Is that access for subway workers; a blueprinting error; or is there something else at play here? You print out a copy of the museum's floor plan, circling the location of the mystery elevator with a red marker.
Do you
[ ] Have Archer investigate the fifth elevator
[ ] Investigate the fifth elevator for yourself
[ ] Wait and assemble a team to investigate later
[ ] Other (write-in)
While you wait to hear back from the others, do you
[ ] Do your homework
[ ] Practice runes/magecraft
[ ] Play with Amy
[ ] Watch TV/play videogames
[ ] Other (write-in)
[ ] Aside from base construction, is there anything else you need to address at the meeting tonight? (write-in)