Day 4 Chapter 6
- Location
- Around here
[X] Plan Diplomacy (With Extra Contingency Plan)
For several moments time seems to stand still, and no one moves. Wakaba Mirai clutches the handle of her sword tightly, her eyes blazing as her gaze flits from Kyouko, to Archer, to you. For one brief moment, it appears that she might provoke Archer to strike, until twin shapes of gold appear, surrounding her; it's Saber and Assassin. Saber has drawn both of his swords; and Assassin, sensing the mood, you're sure, has conjured the specters of swords from a ring of Tiwaz runes above her head. You catch the fingers of Wakaba Mirai's hand slack in their grip, and at last she relents.
"All right, I get it," she says. "I wasn't planning on this turning into a fight to start with, so I'm fine withdrawing since I'm clearly outnumbered. Come on Rider, let's get out of here."
This doesn't sit right with you. Letting Wakaba Mirai go now, when Archer has her all but dead to rights and when Rider, Saber, and Assassin are nearby to deal with the enemy Rider swiftly, seems foolish. But if you attack and kill her now, you might lose the chance to obtain valuable information about the enemy. There has to be some kind of catch to all of this. "Oriko, I have Wakaba Mirai cornered. Sayaka and Hitomi are a safe distance away, but I need to know this isn't just a diversion so another Saint can take them out while we're occupied here."
"Give me just a moment and I'll see what I can."
You'll give Oriko the moment she needs. Instead, as the enemy Rider moves to join his master, you'll take the time to accomplish something else of importance; checking out the enemy servant with your master's vision. You've been operating under the assumption that his identity is that of Ramesses II, so it's time to see how wrong you really are.
Your look into the enemy Rider confirms the team's suspicions. Ramesses II has, all things considered, fairly average physical parameters. Then you see the rest of his stats. You had been overwhelmed upon seeing Sigurd, but Ramesses II is in an entirely other category. His Luck stat, the ranks of his skills, and his Noble Phantasms are enough to put him in a class of his own.
"Akemi-san, there doesn't appear to be anyone heaing for MIki-san and Shizuki-san. They should be safe, as long as Wakaba-san doesn't try to go after them."
"Good." You needed the good news after seeing the kind of servant Wakaba Mirai has at her disposal. No wonder she was so arrogant. As much as you want the chance to remove her and Ramesses form the War as soon as possible - immediately would be preferred, naturally - looking at her servant you feel just enough doubt in your heart as to your ability to do so. "Alright," you say to her. "If you'll answer some questions for us, we'll call this win ours and let you withdraw for now."
"Are you serious?"
Similar cries of contrition go up from Saber, Assassin, and especially Kyouko, but you insist. "You saw the enemy's Rider's stats, didn't you?" you ask him. "I don't think taking him down will be easy, even if it's three-on-one. As much as I hate to say it, it's in our better interest to let her go." Your response is as much directed to Kyouko as it is to Archer. You know she must want to finish the fight her opponent started, but you also know she must have seen the enemy Rider's stats.
Wakaba Mirai shrugs. "I guess I don't really have a choice in the matter, do I?" The roll of her eyes tells you all you need to know. She's just as confident in her servant's abilities as you are. "Go ahead, ask me anything."
"Why are you girls so interested in fighting us?"
"Anything but that."
You're going to treat anything that is a direct answer as Wakaba Mirai rejecting your offer to let her go. "Is there a reason you don't want to answer that?" However, you aren't above letting something go if forcing it gives you a chance for a more direct answer.
"What's the point in stating the obvious? You girls should know what you've done."
"I think the fact that I'm asking is indication enough that we don't know what we've done."
"So you're not the one I should be talking to, then." Wakaba MIrai is wearing your patience thin. "Bring out the person responsible for bypassing the Incubator's system, then. Maybe she will know what I'm talking about." But maybe you should keep giving her chances. She did give you something quite useful to work with just now.
"That would be me, actually," you say. Wakaba Mirai gives you a dirty look. "If your side was interested in finding a way around giving your Grief Seeds to the Incubator, we would have listened if you hadn't attacked us. Maybe we can still be persuaded to come to an arrangement if you'll agree to cease hostilities."
"Oh yeah, like that's a smart idea. Just hand our Soul Gems over to you girls, why don't we? As soon as we do, Mikuni will just tear them apart to find out how we tick."
"That's rich, coming from your side," you say. Infuriating, but you are getting somewhere; aren't you? You have, as far as you can tell, narrowed the enemy's reasons for fighting you down to two major articles; a way to bypass the Incubator's system, and an apparent grievance against Mikuni Oriko. You want to shake your head. Even after this much time has passed, Oriko is still suffering for her mistakes back then. The same mistake these girls have made, allegedly. "Hijiri Kanna told us what you've been up to."
"Did she now? I always told Niko her little pet project would come back to bite us in the ass one day."
"We're getting off topic," you say, hoping to get a clearer picture of things. "I've appreciated the information you've given me, but I'm afraid I have to insist on a direct answer this time. Why is your side fixated on attacking mine?"
"It's really quite simple, isn't it?" Clearly not, or you wouldn't be having this conversation. "You, specifically, are the one responsible for finding a workaround to the Incubator's system. That makes you directly responsible for the damage those fake witches have done to Asunaro; and since we're in need of Soul Gems, it only makes sense to use yours! That way, we keep our city safe and we get more material for Niko to work with! Two birds with one stone!" So many parts of Wakaba Mirai's response stick out at you, that you barely have time to react when she declares "Rider! Use your Noble Phantasm and get us out of here!"
"As you wish, my master." Rider raises his crook towards the sky, and he bellows out "Come to me, O boat of millions of years! Mandjet!"
Archer looses his arrows on Wakaba Mirai, but his volley is blocked by the arrival of a great vessel. Made of wood and decorated with gold and blue and red, the massive ship weathers the storm of Archer's arrows, which bounce off its sturdy hull. Archer disappears from your field of view, and you can feel the pull of his mana as he makes for a better sniping spot several kilometers away, but by the time he gets into position it may already be too late. The ship - it definitely is a ship, but clearly it isn't meant for the water - lifts up into the sky, raining down brilliant lances of sunlight as Wakaba Mirai and her servant make their escape. Assassin looses her swords, and off in the distance you an see a burning black sword racing towards the vessel. The swords make contact, but the ship is stronger, and soon Wakaba Mirai, her servant Rider, and their flying ship, are out of range.
You don't know how long it takes for your mind to stop racing; maybe it's still racing when Kyouko approaches, asking "So, like, what the fuck was that?"
[ ] What the fuck was that?
For several moments time seems to stand still, and no one moves. Wakaba Mirai clutches the handle of her sword tightly, her eyes blazing as her gaze flits from Kyouko, to Archer, to you. For one brief moment, it appears that she might provoke Archer to strike, until twin shapes of gold appear, surrounding her; it's Saber and Assassin. Saber has drawn both of his swords; and Assassin, sensing the mood, you're sure, has conjured the specters of swords from a ring of Tiwaz runes above her head. You catch the fingers of Wakaba Mirai's hand slack in their grip, and at last she relents.
"All right, I get it," she says. "I wasn't planning on this turning into a fight to start with, so I'm fine withdrawing since I'm clearly outnumbered. Come on Rider, let's get out of here."
This doesn't sit right with you. Letting Wakaba Mirai go now, when Archer has her all but dead to rights and when Rider, Saber, and Assassin are nearby to deal with the enemy Rider swiftly, seems foolish. But if you attack and kill her now, you might lose the chance to obtain valuable information about the enemy. There has to be some kind of catch to all of this. "Oriko, I have Wakaba Mirai cornered. Sayaka and Hitomi are a safe distance away, but I need to know this isn't just a diversion so another Saint can take them out while we're occupied here."
"Give me just a moment and I'll see what I can."
You'll give Oriko the moment she needs. Instead, as the enemy Rider moves to join his master, you'll take the time to accomplish something else of importance; checking out the enemy servant with your master's vision. You've been operating under the assumption that his identity is that of Ramesses II, so it's time to see how wrong you really are.
Strength - C
Endurance - C
Agility - B
Mana - A
Luck - A+
Noble Phantasm - EX
Endurance - C
Agility - B
Mana - A
Luck - A+
Noble Phantasm - EX
Divinity - B
Magic Resistance - B
Riding - A+
Magic Resistance - B
Riding - A+
Charisma - B
Golden Rule - EX
Imperial Privilege - A
Protection of the Sun God - A+
Golden Rule - EX
Imperial Privilege - A
Protection of the Sun God - A+
Ramesseum Tentyris: The Shining Great Temple Complex - EX
Taking the form of the The Great Temple Complex, the might of the Pharaoh Ramesses II is embodied in his strongest Noble Phantasm. It is the manifestation of how the glorious Pharaoh contains within his body the various Egyptian gods, thus it contains a number of mystics. It appears as a giant complex consisting spanning a great many temples and corridors, and the central pyramid, the Ramesseum Great Temple Complex, acts as the main temple and throne room. Housed within the complex are a number of powerful spells, boons for the self and for allies and curses for enemies, and all manner of phantasmal beasts from ancient Egypt prowl the complex as its guardians.
In addition, the temple's main form of attack is the Dendera Electric Bulb, a high-power wave-motion cannon capable of destroying enemy fortifications from afar. Though the Dendera Electric Bulb contains its own power supply, Rider can pour his own mana into the weapon to increase its power.
Mandjet: The Solar Boat of Millions of Years - A+
The Pharaoh Ramesses, regarded as the scion of Ra on earth, is using as his own the solar barque used by Ra during his journey across the day-time sky. Embodying the might of the sun, the Mandjet is capable of burning everything in its path with its powerful solar beams. It can also fly, naturally.
Abu el-Hol Sphinx: The Lion-Bodied Beast of the Hot Sand - A
The strongest divine beast to originate in ancient Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza, rendered in living flesh and stone, is summoned to the aid of the pharaohs of Egypt.
Taking the form of the The Great Temple Complex, the might of the Pharaoh Ramesses II is embodied in his strongest Noble Phantasm. It is the manifestation of how the glorious Pharaoh contains within his body the various Egyptian gods, thus it contains a number of mystics. It appears as a giant complex consisting spanning a great many temples and corridors, and the central pyramid, the Ramesseum Great Temple Complex, acts as the main temple and throne room. Housed within the complex are a number of powerful spells, boons for the self and for allies and curses for enemies, and all manner of phantasmal beasts from ancient Egypt prowl the complex as its guardians.
In addition, the temple's main form of attack is the Dendera Electric Bulb, a high-power wave-motion cannon capable of destroying enemy fortifications from afar. Though the Dendera Electric Bulb contains its own power supply, Rider can pour his own mana into the weapon to increase its power.
Mandjet: The Solar Boat of Millions of Years - A+
The Pharaoh Ramesses, regarded as the scion of Ra on earth, is using as his own the solar barque used by Ra during his journey across the day-time sky. Embodying the might of the sun, the Mandjet is capable of burning everything in its path with its powerful solar beams. It can also fly, naturally.
Abu el-Hol Sphinx: The Lion-Bodied Beast of the Hot Sand - A
The strongest divine beast to originate in ancient Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza, rendered in living flesh and stone, is summoned to the aid of the pharaohs of Egypt.
"Akemi-san, there doesn't appear to be anyone heaing for MIki-san and Shizuki-san. They should be safe, as long as Wakaba-san doesn't try to go after them."
"Good." You needed the good news after seeing the kind of servant Wakaba Mirai has at her disposal. No wonder she was so arrogant. As much as you want the chance to remove her and Ramesses form the War as soon as possible - immediately would be preferred, naturally - looking at her servant you feel just enough doubt in your heart as to your ability to do so. "Alright," you say to her. "If you'll answer some questions for us, we'll call this win ours and let you withdraw for now."
"Are you serious?"
Similar cries of contrition go up from Saber, Assassin, and especially Kyouko, but you insist. "You saw the enemy's Rider's stats, didn't you?" you ask him. "I don't think taking him down will be easy, even if it's three-on-one. As much as I hate to say it, it's in our better interest to let her go." Your response is as much directed to Kyouko as it is to Archer. You know she must want to finish the fight her opponent started, but you also know she must have seen the enemy Rider's stats.
Wakaba Mirai shrugs. "I guess I don't really have a choice in the matter, do I?" The roll of her eyes tells you all you need to know. She's just as confident in her servant's abilities as you are. "Go ahead, ask me anything."
"Why are you girls so interested in fighting us?"
"Anything but that."
You're going to treat anything that is a direct answer as Wakaba Mirai rejecting your offer to let her go. "Is there a reason you don't want to answer that?" However, you aren't above letting something go if forcing it gives you a chance for a more direct answer.
"What's the point in stating the obvious? You girls should know what you've done."
"I think the fact that I'm asking is indication enough that we don't know what we've done."
"So you're not the one I should be talking to, then." Wakaba MIrai is wearing your patience thin. "Bring out the person responsible for bypassing the Incubator's system, then. Maybe she will know what I'm talking about." But maybe you should keep giving her chances. She did give you something quite useful to work with just now.
"That would be me, actually," you say. Wakaba Mirai gives you a dirty look. "If your side was interested in finding a way around giving your Grief Seeds to the Incubator, we would have listened if you hadn't attacked us. Maybe we can still be persuaded to come to an arrangement if you'll agree to cease hostilities."
"Oh yeah, like that's a smart idea. Just hand our Soul Gems over to you girls, why don't we? As soon as we do, Mikuni will just tear them apart to find out how we tick."
"That's rich, coming from your side," you say. Infuriating, but you are getting somewhere; aren't you? You have, as far as you can tell, narrowed the enemy's reasons for fighting you down to two major articles; a way to bypass the Incubator's system, and an apparent grievance against Mikuni Oriko. You want to shake your head. Even after this much time has passed, Oriko is still suffering for her mistakes back then. The same mistake these girls have made, allegedly. "Hijiri Kanna told us what you've been up to."
"Did she now? I always told Niko her little pet project would come back to bite us in the ass one day."
"We're getting off topic," you say, hoping to get a clearer picture of things. "I've appreciated the information you've given me, but I'm afraid I have to insist on a direct answer this time. Why is your side fixated on attacking mine?"
"It's really quite simple, isn't it?" Clearly not, or you wouldn't be having this conversation. "You, specifically, are the one responsible for finding a workaround to the Incubator's system. That makes you directly responsible for the damage those fake witches have done to Asunaro; and since we're in need of Soul Gems, it only makes sense to use yours! That way, we keep our city safe and we get more material for Niko to work with! Two birds with one stone!" So many parts of Wakaba Mirai's response stick out at you, that you barely have time to react when she declares "Rider! Use your Noble Phantasm and get us out of here!"
"As you wish, my master." Rider raises his crook towards the sky, and he bellows out "Come to me, O boat of millions of years! Mandjet!"
Archer looses his arrows on Wakaba Mirai, but his volley is blocked by the arrival of a great vessel. Made of wood and decorated with gold and blue and red, the massive ship weathers the storm of Archer's arrows, which bounce off its sturdy hull. Archer disappears from your field of view, and you can feel the pull of his mana as he makes for a better sniping spot several kilometers away, but by the time he gets into position it may already be too late. The ship - it definitely is a ship, but clearly it isn't meant for the water - lifts up into the sky, raining down brilliant lances of sunlight as Wakaba Mirai and her servant make their escape. Assassin looses her swords, and off in the distance you an see a burning black sword racing towards the vessel. The swords make contact, but the ship is stronger, and soon Wakaba Mirai, her servant Rider, and their flying ship, are out of range.
You don't know how long it takes for your mind to stop racing; maybe it's still racing when Kyouko approaches, asking "So, like, what the fuck was that?"
[ ] What the fuck was that?
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