Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Omake, side Mirai - Admonishment of the Fool
"This is all your fault!"

The stone splintered as Usagi Satomi slammed Wakaba Mirai against the wall. "If you hadn't gone off and attacked that redheaded bitch like a fucking idiot, then Archer might still be ali-"

"I told you! I didn't mean to start a fight with her!" Mirai had to weave her head in and out, dodging Satomi's fists as they crashed into the wall, cratering the already-strained stone on both sides of Mirai's head. "She started it! I was just-"

"-As much at fault as Sakura Kyouko, that is correct."

At the sound of that person's voice, Satomi let Mirai go, and the pair straightened up as Caster passed them in the hall, with Misaki Umika following shortly behind. Standing beside his master, you would be excused for assuming the pair were brother and sister; but despite their matching hair and eye colour, their relationship was far more transactional than familial.

"Caster, I…" Satomi swallowed, asking "What are you doing out? I thought you'd be working."

"You expect me to be able to concentrate when you two are making such an awful racket?" Caster asked. Satomi shot a glance to Umika, who shrugged and remained silent against her servant's admonishments. "It was bad enough having one loud, obnoxious idiot on our team-" Caster made sure Mirai was aware of his gaze when he shot it towards her. "-but now it appears that you've decided to follow in her footsteps. If you weren't necessary to keep Archer functioning, I'd have half a mind to suggest leaving you to the enemy, if this is how you're going to act whenever your servant is harmed. Well, I suppose you don't need your mouth for that; perhaps Assassin would be willing to sew it sh-"

"Archer's alive?"

"-ut." Caster made good on finishing his threat despite Satomi's interruption. "Yes, Archer is alive. Assassin is an exceptional healer and a credit to our team. You had better be grateful for all her hard work, because without her we would be down an Archer servant right now."

Caster scowled as Satomi assaulted him with a hug. He looked to his master, but Umika shrugged. "Is she awake? Did she ask about me? When can I see her?"

"When will she be combat-worthy?" Mirai asked.

"Four days," Caster replied, igoring Satomi's questions. "Give Archer four days to recover, and she will be good as new. Not that she would even need to recover, if your earlier actions had not prompted the enemy to launch a retaliatory strike. If only we could cure your recklessness in as short a time." Mirai remained silent, and Caster weaseled his way out of Satomi's grasp. Turning his attention back to Satomi, he said "If you care even the slightest bit about your feline companion, you will refrain from doing to her what you just did to me, until Assassin clears her to return to duty."

Satomi nodded. "Right. I'll be sure not to hug her until she's fighting fit."

"You would do well to avoid hugging her after that, as well," Caster remarked. "She hates you, you know. I'm honestly surprised that she puts up with any of you at all, given the circumstances."

No one had anything to say to Caster after that. Satomi cleared her throat, saying "I'll go see how Archer is doing then. Even if she hates me, I at least owe it to her to be there when she wakes up." An awkward laugh to cap off the glare coming from Caster later, and Satomi adds "Of course, I won't be hugging her."

"Saki wants to see us in the operations room," Umika said as Satomi made for her servant. Looking to Satomi, she added "I'll let her know you're going to be a little late, but you-" Umika's eyes were fixed on Mirai. "-have no excuse for skipping this one."


While Satomi made for her servant, and Caster returned to his workshop, the duo of Umika and Mirai left for the operations room, where Asami Saki and the rest of the Pleiades Saints were already waiting for them. Maki Kaoru was sprawled out across two seats, the second seat belonging to Kanna Niko, who stood off to the side beside Saki. Subaru Kazumi sat beside her, and beside her was where Umika took her seat. Shying away from Saki's glare, Mirai took her seat at the operations table, hoping no one would speak up.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Saki asked. Seems she wasn't getting off so easily.

"I didn't mean to go looking for a fight," Mirai said. "I just went out for a jog, and I ran into that redheaded bitch. She was the one who started it, not me."

Saki nodded, saying "And knowing you, I'm sure you didn't say or do anything that would have provoked her into starting anything with you." Mirai was silent, avoiding Saki's gaze and looking down at the interesting goings-on of her lap, until Saki slammed her palms down on the table, jolting Mirai to look up. "Your recklessness almost cost us our Archer," Saki said. "You're lucky Assassin is as skilled as she is, otherwise we'd have been down a servant all because you decided to go off and pick a fight on your own."

"I know, I know. Caster already told me-"

"I think we should all tell you how badly you almost screwed up, Mirai." Mirai swallowed, and forced her eyes to stay locked to Saki's glare, despite wanting so badly to look anywhere else. "You do not undermine my authority like this, do I make myself clear?" Mirai nodded. "Until Archer can recover, you are going to be pulling her weight for her. When you aren't on duty, you will be confined to your quarters. The next time you go behind my back like this, I'll be seriously considering handing your Command Seals off to someone else."

"You can't-!"

"And you can't jeopardise our operations by going off and picking fights!" Saki shouted. "Not only could something have happened to you, but your actions caused those Mitakihara girls to launch a retaliatory strike against us that almost cost us our Archer. I don't care what your beef with Sakura Kyouko is, but you do not get to go off on your own without a partner backing you up, and you do not engage the enemy if I haven't given a go-ahead to attack. If you're out there and you see one of them, you call it in. If you think you can take them out, I'll give you and your partner permission to attack. Otherwise, you will either hold position and watch them, or you will withdraw. This is a War, Mirai, not a tea party with your teddy bears. We have to be able to do things as a team. Do you understand?"

Mirai nodded. "I understand, Saki," she said. "I won't let it happen again."

Saki's gaze softened considerably at Mirai's acknowledgement of understanding, and she patted the pink-haired girl twice on the head. "That's good to hear. I'd hate it if I had to stay mad at you."

The operations room was silent, save for the soft breathing of all attending parties. Then, Kazumi raised her hand. "So, I've been here for a couple of days now, and I don't really understand why we're fighting these girls," she said. "I mean, we haven't even done much fighting since I've been here, so… I guess I just don't get what all this is supposed to be about."

Saki nodded, glancing over to Niko before asking "Niko, would you like to take over from here?"

"I can do that," Niko said. Saki took a seat at the operations table beside Mirai, while Assassin appeared to take her place at Niko's side. The control for a projector clicked once in Niko's hand, and several images appeared on the wall behind her. Kazumi recoiled, but the other girls remained steafast in the face of the grotesque amalgamations of flesh pictured. "These creatures are called fake witches," Niko said, pointing to one of the ash-coloured monstrosities dotting the projected images. "They're different from real witches, which are the natural enemies of us, the puella magi. When a fake witch is defeated, it drops one of these things-" Niko clicked the controller again, and the projection changed, this time showing a lumpy black shape with a twisting, licorice tail. "-which we've taken to calling Evil Nuts."

Kazumi raised her hand again, this time asking "So, what's a real witch, then? I don't really remember enough about this stuff to know what I should know."

"I'm sure your memories will come back soon," Niko said. "Until then, you don't need to worry about real witches. Fake witches are what we're concerned with fighting at the moment." Niko clicked the controller several more times, and each time she did the picture changed, depicting a different girl each time, five in total. "Then, there are these girls, who call themselves the Puella Magi Holy Quintet. They operate out of Mitakihara and Shirome, and they've found a way to bypass the natural puella magi system. As a result of their actions, they've caused fake witches to come into existence."

"How do you know that?"

"Because that is where the evidence points to, Subaru Kazumi." Kazumi turned her head as a new voice made its introduction. The creature, no larger than a cat, was covered in white fur, and its bushy tail swished this way and that as it made its way on to the operations table. "It is a fact that Akemi Homura and her allies have found a way to circumvent the natural order of the puella magi system. It is also a fact that these fake witches are originating from Mitakihara, where Akemi Homura and her allies reside and operate out of. Taken together, I leave you to draw the most obvious conclusion."

The other Pleiades Saints nod their head, but Kazmi still appeared unconvinced. "But, that's just conjecture, isn't it? You don't know for sure that these girls are behind those fake witches. Maybe if you talked to them, you'd be able to find out-"

"That won't be possible," Saki said. "Even if you give them the benefit of the doubt here, those girls are too dangerous to live."

"These two in particular," Niko added, pointing to pictures of a busty girl with long, ash-white hair and emerald eyes, and a girl with short, chocolate-coloured hair and amber eyes. "Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika are known serial killers who target puella magi for their Soul Gems. I doubt we'd be able to sit down and have a civil conversation with girls who want us dead. Even if we assume they aren't responsible for Asunaro's fake witch problem, defeating those girls is a matter of personal survival for us all."

"It is true," Kyubey added. "The wanton murders of Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika, combined with the baseless hostility towards me displayed by Akemi Homura-" At that name, Niko pointed to for emphasis a picture of a stern-faced girl with silky, black hair and piercing blue-violet eyes. "-are responsible for driving me out of Mitakihara completely. Then, using the information they gleaned through the assistance of their 'servants' they devised a way to completely bypass the natural order of the puella magi system. As I said, taking all this information into consideration, I leave you to draw the most obvious conclusion."

"I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment," Umika said to Kazumi. "But once your memories return, I'm sure you'll agree with us."

"Well, if you say so..."
Day 5 Chapter 1

You and Kirika must have gone to bed late last night; you aren't tired, but you swear you were only asleep for an hour or two. Kirika is absent from her futon cushion when you wake, and Amy is curled up in bed beside you. "Mew" she says, to which you respond with a lazy "Good morning, Amy. Do you know where Kirika went?" Amy gives no response, leaving you to ponder your sister's absence. You don't hear anything coming from the living room, so you quickly cross out the possibility that she's gone back to playing videogames.

"She's an early riser, isn't she?" you remind yourself. "Maybe she's showering?"


"Yeah, I probably am overthinking things," you say, relenting to Amy's insistence. "I know she wouldn't have just run off on us for no reason. She's got to be somewhere in the apartment." That is your major problem, isn't it? Your inability to not overthink things. That's not a problem your Big Sis has; Kirika is really open about her feelings, and there isn't an instance when her actions are out of sync with her spoken feelings. Being open, honest, and spontaneous is something that comes really easily to Kirika; so maybe she could give you some advice on how to not overthink things so much?

Amy nuzzles your hand as you ponder Kirika's openness. "Yeah, I can play with you for a bit," you say. You reach under the bed for one of Amy's toys - the squeaky mouse is up today - and play with her while your thoughts continue to wander. "Hey, you're a cat, so maybe you can tell me what we should do about the enemy Archer?" Amy looks at you, silent, as she bats her squeaky mouse around in your lap. "Yeah, I guess it was a long shot to expect you to know what we should do now just because you're both cats."

Archer took out the enemy's Archer last night, leaving the enemy down a servant. Even if she's still alive, he's certain to have bought your team a few days of reprieve; but what comes next? If Atalanta is dead, when can you expect the enemy to retaliate against your side? "This would be so much easier if they would just talk to us," you say. Then again, are you sure you'd want to sit down and talk to girls who explicitly want you dead for your Soul Gems? You and Tomoe-san gave Oriko and Kirika the chance to sit down and talk with you, but they had to prove themselves to be genuinely remorseful for their actions before you could trust them to be useful members of the team. Can you trust these girls to display the same remorse for their actions?

You spared and gave that chance to two girls already. Would it be wrong of you to deny these girls the same chance you gave to Oriko and Kirika? If you did, would you still want to work with them if their actions cost you someone you cared about?

The bedroom door opens, and in walks Kirika, her chocolate locks soaked and her body wrapped in a towel. "Morning," she says. Then, without warning, she adds "Hey, look away for a second, will you?"

"Gah!" You try to look away as Kirika drops to the floor the towel which no longer covers her body. You try, but you've already seen more than enough. "Put something on!"

"What do you think I'm doing?" Kirika asks, reaching for a pair of panties and a shirt. "Come on, sis, we're both girls. It's not like I'm packing anything you haven't seen before." She says that, but there actually is something Kirika is packing that you haven't seen before; and only too late does Kirika realise that you've seen it too. On the back of her right shoulder is a tattoo, a dragon dyed in greens and golds and blues. Its serpentine body is twisted in many looping curls, taking up the entirety of her shoulder blade, and the dragon's head faces to the left. When she realises that you've seen it, Kirika is unable to do anything but stare at you like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

For several moments the two of you stand there in complete silence; you, unable to look away; and she, unable to move to put a shirt on, or something. Finally, Kirika breaks the silence, saying "Please don't tell mom."

Do you
[ ] Don't tell mom
[ ] Tell mom
[ ] Try convincing mom to let Kirika get her ears pierced; there's your proof, apparently
-[ ] You also want to get your ears pierced

Over breakfast, do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Archer
-[ ] to Minako
-[ ] to Kirika
-[ ] to Amy
--[ ] About what? (write-in)

[ ] What are your plans for the morning? (write-in)

Sunday, 7 October, 2012

Major objectives:
- Keep Everyone on your side alive.
- Solve the mystery of the new Witches
- Win the coming Great War against the Pleiades Saints
- Find new masters and summon the Saber and Assassin servants
- Find Hijiri Kanna a place to stay

2 major objectives accomplished! [ ] Set new objectives?
- Protect your family
- Protect your allies
- Find a way to incarnate into a real body
[ ] Do you want to set additional objectives?
Last edited:
Day 5 Chapter 2
[X] Plan Yet Another Morning To Throw On The Pile

On the back of Kirika's right shoulder is a tattoo, a dragon dyed in greens and golds and blues. Its serpentine body is twisted in many looping curls, taking up the entirety of her shoulder blade, and the dragon's head faces to the left. When she realises that you've seen it, Kirika is unable to do anything but stare at you like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

For several moments the two of you stand there in complete silence; you, unable to look away; and she, unable to move to put a shirt on, or something. Finally, Kirika breaks the silence, saying "Please don't tell mom."

"Okay," is all you can manage to say as you continue to stare, until Kirika finally finds it within her to put on a shirt, one of her wrinkly black band tees. She forgoes wearing a bra, but you don't particularly care as long as you have somewhere else to look right now. Like a good sister, you'll keep this secret from Minako - it's just one more thing you and Kirika can't ever tell mom - but you have to ask "When? Where? How?" At least you now have proof that puella magi can permanently modify their bodies, in case you ever wanted to get those earrings Madoka said you'd look good in.

"Just this summer, when I went with Oriko to visit her family in Italy," Kirika says. "We didn't know anywhere that'd give us a tattoo here in Japan, but over in Italy they don't seem to care as much about the Yakuza connection like we do here. The how's actually the easiest one to answer; we walked into a tattoo parlour, told the guy with the needle what we wanted, and he gave it to us."

"Okay, but... Why?" Kirika never gives you a why; you don't give her time to give you a why; "And what do you mean, we? Did you talk Oriko into getting a tattoo as well?" What if Oriko's uncle finds out? He already hates Kirika enough as it is, what would he do to her if he found out she convinced his niece to get a tattoo?

"Yeah, Oriko got one too; but you got it all backwards, Sis. She was the one who wanted to get a tattoo first, and I went along with it because I didn't want her to have to do it by herself." You try to imagine that in your head; Oriko deciding to get a tattoo of her own volition. You shake your head, incapable of imagining it. Not when she's already carrying the burden of another mark. "So, now that you've got your proof that we can do stuff to our bodies and make it stick, will ya help me convince mom to let me get my ears pierced? Huh, will ya?"

You sigh. "I suppose I can think of something to say to her," you say. "I don't know if it'll convince her, but I'll at least try to make a case for you." And, um, maybe while you're at it... "So, are you ever going to put a bra on, or are you just going to wear that shirt all day?"

Kirika makes a "Psh" noise at you. "Half of the time I don't even bother wearing a bra."

You and Kirika leave things at that, and the two of you play with Amy until it's time for Archer to knock on your door, announcing "Breakfast's on, girls, get it while it's hot."

You remain in your pajamas, while Kirika quickly throws on a pair of pants, and the two of you follow Archer into the kitchen, with Amy following behind you. Minako is already seated at the kitchen table, and she greets the two of you in turn with a hug and a kiss each as you sit down to breakfast. "So, how are my two wonderful girls doing this morning?" Minako asks. "Did you stay safe last night?"

"We mostly stayed in last night, and had our servants go out and do the work for us."

"Oh?" Minako raises an eyebrow at Kirika's words, before turning to Archer to ask him "What about you, then? Did you stay safe last night?"

"I'm still in one piece, aren't I?"

Minako blushes like a schoolgirl, saying under her breath "Oh, absolutely." You and Kirika just look at each other, glad you were too engrossed in your videogames to hear them. Once your blushing schoolgirl-slash-mother is finally able to calm herself down, she turns to you and asks "So, did you find anything out about whatever is going on with Hijiri Kanna? I'd like to be able to tell the police something if I can."

"I did, actually," you reply. "As far as I can tell, it's not actually her that's the runaway, but her creator. She's the real Hijiri Kanna; the one we know is just someone she created to replace her at home, at least that was the impression I got when I spoke with her." You'll spare Minako some of the worst aspects of your talk with Hijiri Kanna; the deep-seated memory problems that have caused her to seek the death of her creator. "Why she did, I'm not entirely sure. Probably she just didn't want to arouse suspicion in her parents while she was doing work for her team."

"But then her replacement ran off, and now her parents think their daughter is missing."

"It's unfortunate, but I don't know if there's anything we can do about it at the moment." Minako gives you the look of a disappointed mother. "We know where the real Hijiri Kanna is hiding out, probably; we think the enemy team is operating out of an underground base beneath Asunaro's teddy bear museum. If Hijiri Kanna is anywhere, she's almost certainly there. The problem is that getting her out isn't exactly feasible. First, this is all pretty unbelievable, isn't it? If you were a policewoman, what would you think if someone told you that your missing girl was hiding in a previously unknown basement underneath the teddy bear museum?"

"If it were me, I'd want to check, just in case."

"Of course; and when you get there, and are unable to find anything because there's no way those girls won't have disguised their base to outsiders, or put up barriers meant to turn intruders away through psychic suggestion, what would you think after you found nothing? No missing girl, no basement; nothing?"

"At that point, I'd probably think someone was pulling my leg," Minako says. "Okay, I think I see what you mean. If those girls really are hiding a base down there, then I guess you're right that they wouldn't make it easy to get to." Minako sighs, shaking her head as she asks "So, what does this mean? You can't get Hijiri Kanna home to her parents, then?"

"We can try our hardest, but at the moment I don't think I can say anything."

Minako appears saddened by your response, but she says no more about it. The four of you enjoy breakfast with relatively unremarkable conversation, until around midway through breakfast, when Kirika nudges you with her elbow, before saying "So mom, me and Homura were talking earlier this morning about getting my ears pierced..."

"Were you now?"

Oh, crap. You need to think of something, and fast. Minako looks at you, expectantly; so does Kirika. "Well I was thinking, since she's got a job now, isn't it about time she learned to make her own decisions about how to spend her money?" Gods above, you hope this is the right call you're making. "Giving her that degree of independence would help teach her the value of using her money in a responsible manner, and it's not as if she's asking for anything outrageous, either. Sure, shooting her down over her other suggestions is fine, but I've seen girls at school with their ears pierced in the style Kirika wants. It's not the most common style, but it's not too outrageous, either. I think as long as she's willing to spend her own money, and is okay with accepting the consequences of her decision, there's no reason she shouldn't be allowed to get her ears pierced."

Minako looks like she's turning your suggestion over in her head, but the look on her face doesn't indicate a promising end to this story. Well, you never promised that your argument would win Minako over. just that you'd make the attempt; and why are you the one who has to make this argument, anyway? Doesn't Kirika owe you for keeping her tattoo a secret? "You really want to get your ears pierced, just because Oriko off-handedly remarked that you'd look cute?" Kirika nods; "And if Oriko told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"


Minako reaches over the table, rapping her knuckles over the top of Kirika's head. "Not on my watch you wouldn't." Minako shakes her head, sighing once again as she turns to Archer, asking him "Well? Did either of them talk to you about this?"

"Nope," Archer says. "I assume they were scheming this up all on their own. I never heard a word about it."

"Well, what do you think?" Minako asks Archer. "Personally, I'm against it, but I also think Homura makes a good argument. I just wish she were making that argument about something else."

"Come on, mom, don't be like that!" Kirika exclaims. "Why are you so against me getting my ears pierced?"

"It's not that I'm against you getting your ears pierced," Minako says. "Or even that I'm against you learning to spend your own money like a responsible adult. I'm against it because the only reason you want to get your ears pierced is because Oriko put that idea in your head, and you went along with it. I know you love her, pumpkin, but I don't want you making your decisions just because Oriko said something. You shouldn't be doing that. You're seventeen now; you should know how to make your own decisions without Oriko telling you what to do or how to think."

[Archer] Do you
-[ ] Side with Homura; Kirika should learn how to spend her money responsibly, like an adult
-[ ] Side with Minako; Kirika should learn how to make decisions without Oriko, like an adult

[Homura] After breakfast, do you
-[ ] Go check on the base construction with Archer and Kirika
-[ ] Call the team together for a meeting
-[ ] Suggest someplace to go for a family outing
--[ ] The mall
--[ ] The zoo/aquarium
--[ ] A family picnic
--[ ] A local museum
---[ ] You hear there's this teddy bear museum that's supposed to be interesting...
-[ ] Other (write-in)
Day 5 Chapter 3
[X] Plan Responsible Parent+

"It's not that I'm against you getting your ears pierced," Minako says. "Or even that I'm against you learning to spend your own money like a responsible adult. I'm against it because the only reason you want to get your ears pierced is because Oriko put that idea in your head, and you went along with it. I know you love her, pumpkin, but I don't want you making your decisions just because Oriko said something. You shouldn't be doing that. You're seventeen now; you should know how to make your own decisions without Oriko telling you what to do or how to think."

Minako looks to Archer hoping he would back her up; and to Kirika's evident disappointment, he does. "I'm going to agree with your mom," Archer says. "You're seventeen now, Kirika. You'll be an adult in just three years, and it's time you started learning how to make your own decisions without Oriko." You should have expected Archer to side with Minako, having seen in the past the kind of trouble Kirika can get into when she blindly follows Oriko's direction.

Kirika pouts; to be expected when her desire to modify herself for Oriko's sake is struck down. "I know you're upset now, pumpkin," Minako says, reaching a hand across the table to ruffle Kirika's hair. "But it's for your own good. You've got to start learning to think for yourself."

Archer nods, adding "On top of that, it would also be a good idea for you to stop taking everything Oriko says so literally, and to learn the difference between when she's actually telling you something versus when she's just thinking out loud. Just because she said you might look cute with your ears pierced, that doesn't have to mean it's something she actually wants you to do. I'm sure she'll continue to love you and find you cute just the way you are."

Unfortunately, it looks like Kirika might end up sulking for the rest of breakfast. You hope that at some point she takes to heart what your parents' suggestions, and that she doesn't go off and get her ears pierced on her own. Sort of like how she decided to get a tattoo under your parents' noses. You still can't believe it was Oriko who wanted to get a tattoo first; and yet, when you think about it, isn't Oriko getting a tattoo the only reason you can think of that Kirika would get one?

"I was thinking," you say as breakfast nears to wrapping up. "It might be difficult to find the time for us all to do something as a family in the near future, especially with those girls still at large. So maybe today, we could do something a little on the special side, and try to have that tide us over for the next couple of weeks while everything is being sorted out with those girls."

"What did you have in mind?" Minako asks.

"Well, if all of you were interested, maybe we could go to either the zoo or the aquarium? I've been feeling like seeing the birds at the zoo lately, but I'd be fine with going back to the aquarium. Or maybe there's something else one of you would like to suggest?"

"Well, I would have suggested a movie, maybe," Minako says. "But there's really nothing good that's playing, and I don't want our family time to be spent in a dark room not talking to one another, either."

Archer nods, adding "I don't really have any strong opinions either way. Rin's not going to be waking up for awhile, so we've got some time to kill. If we got to the zoo at, say, nine then we'd have about three hours, at minimum, before Rin woke up. That would give us plenty of time to see the birds and anything else we wanted to, and maybe even get lunch on the way home if we felt like it, since there's no guarantee she'll be waking up at noon on the dot."

Kirika offers no comment; apparently she's still sore over not being allowed to get her ears pierced. You're sure she'll get over it as soon as Oriko tells her that she doesn't need them to be cute; but that still leaves you with a sulking Big Sis for most of today. Oh boy. Fun.

You make for the shower after breakfast is over, and change into something presentable once you've dried off. Kirika, true to her word, doesn't bother putting on a bra, instead throwing a black button-up on over her band tee. "Are you going to sulk all day?" you ask her. You're sitting on your bed, and she's sitting in the chair by your desk.


"Well, don't do that. I know you're upset now, but I'm sure Oriko will still find you attractive even without getting your ears pierced. You've been with her for over two years, haven't you? You must have been doing something right, and I'm sure a lack of earrings on your part isn't going to change that." When your words elicit no change in Kirika's demeanour, you decide to go for the nuclear option, and ask her "Would it make you feel better if I got Oriko to say that to you?" That does it. Upon hearing her lover's name, Kirika's eyes immediately light up. This is exactly what Archer wanted to see change for her, but you'll do what you have to. "I'll let her know you want to speak in just a moment. First, I need to check something with her and Tomoe-san."

You take out your phone, and type a quick message to your teammates.
<Homura: Tomoe-san, Oriko, I need to know if Caster or Lancer have reported back to you about their progress on the base.>
<Homura: Also, I'd like us to meet up later today to discuss a possible incursion into Asunaro. We've gained a bit of momentum taking their Archer out, and I'd like to assess our options to capitalise on that.>

You don't need to wait long before you receive your replies.
<Tomoe-san: Caster has nothing to report. Work on the foundation is going smoothly with no incidents. We're estimated to have the entire base completed in four days.>
<Oriko: Lancer had much the same to report. Foundation is comign along nicely, and we should have the entire mansion ready in four days. I can try asking Caren'-san if she's head anything from Assassin, but I imagine she wouldn't have anything substantially different to report.>

<Homura: Has Assassin been any trouble so far, or is she behaving?>

<Tomoe-san: Caster says she's been behaving. I suppose the thought of losing her new toy was enough to keep her in line.>

<Homura: That's good to hear. Oriko, if you could call me when we're done here, that would be great. There's something I need to talk to you about in private.>

You set your phone down, and give it a minute for Oriko to call back. "Hello? Akemi-san? You needed to speak with me about something?"

"Yes, I did," you say, setting your phone in speaker so Kirika can hear her lover's voice. "So, Kirika has been... A bit pouty, this morning, because Minako and Archer won't let her get her ears pierced. I told her that you would still find her attractive even if she didn't, but I figured she needed to hear it from you for it to really stick. Am I right to believe that, or were you being serious when you suggested she get her ears pierced?"

"Oh, I really didn't think she'd take me seriously," Oriko says. "Dearest, you don't have to worry about getting your ears pierced. You're already beautiful, and you don't need to change yourself at all in order to make me happy. If you wanted to get your ears pierced, then I'd support your decision, but you shouldn't feel like you need to do it on my account. I'll still love you no matter what." By the look in her eyes, that's enough to get Kirika to put the idea to rest. "Akemi-san, could you turn off speaker and hand the phone over to Kirika? I'd like to say something to her in private, if you wouldn't mind."

You do as Oriko asks, turning off the speaker and handing your phone over to Kirika. "Hey, Ori~ko, how's it going?" ... "Uh-huh, I'm not upset anymore, 'cause I got to hear from you." ... "Oh? A surprise for me?" ... "Mhm, I'll be looking forward to it, then. I know I'll see you later tonight, but I can't wait to see you Monday." ... "Uh-huh, love you too. Bye!"

Kirika hands your phone back to you, and you feel as though you've just been party to something you would rather not have been party to. Against your better judgement, you ask "So, what was that about?"

"I'll tell you when you're older." Something tells you that you're better off not knowing.

[ ] Wat do?
Day 5 Chapter 4
[X] Plan Urban Safari

Kirika hands your phone back to you, and you feel as though you've just been party to something you would rather not have been party to. Against your better judgement, you ask "So, what was that about?"

"I'll tell you when you're older."

Something tells you that you're better off not knowing. It's just too bad you never learned how to listen to that something. "I'm fifteen," you say. "Need I remind you how old you were when you gave me that talk in the cafeteria a year and a half ago? If I was old enough at fourteen to hear you tell me where babies come from, then I think at fifteen I can handle hearing about whatever illicit plans you and Oriko used my phone to concoct."

"Yeah. I also remember how it traumatised you so badly that you and Pinkie still haven't gone all the way, a year and a half later." Unfortunately, Kirika has you there. As Kirika leans in with a malevolent smirk on her face, you know you've made a terrible mistake. You had every opportunity to say nothing, to not question your Big Sis and just let her know best. You just had to toss that opportunity away like yesterday's garbage."But okay. Since it's what my darling Little Sis wants, I'll tell you all about it."

"Are you feeling alright, sweetie? You've been looking pale since we left the apartment."

You turn to Minako, ignoring the view of scenic MItakihara from the window of the train car as you respond to her. "I'm fine," you say. "I'm just wrapped up in thinking about some things, that's all." Things which you ought not to have been wrapped up thinking about in the first place. If only you had never asked. "I... I still don't understand what the squid is for."

"The squid is for eating, dummy," Kirika says. "Fried calamari's pretty tasty, you know? Drizzle it in some sweet Thai chili sauce, and-" Kirika kisses her fingers before releasing the gesture, like a chef might. "Delicious. I should really thank Lancer for learning how to cook; now Oriko doesn't have to feel bad about cooking meat when I don't want to eat vegetarian." With a playful shove, Kirika then says to you "Hey, speaking of which, you never answered my question. How far have you and Pinkie gotten since I gave you my advice?"

You almost thought you had gotten away from your earlier conversation with your dignity intact. Unfortunately, almost wasn't good enough, and it appears your earlier conversation has caught up with you. "We haven't," you say. "Not everyone is comfortable moving their relationship along as fast as you were with Oriko."

Minako clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Girls, there are strangers present," she chides. "Keep that kind of talk to yourselves."

The zoo is a short fifteen minute walk from the station once your train arrives, and once the four of you have made it to the zoo proper you say to your family "Well, I know what I'd like to see first, but are there any animals any of you would like to see? Kirika? Dad? Is there a favourite animal of yours you want to see, mom?"

With a mocking growl, Minako turns to Archer, saying "I've got my favourite animal right here." When her teasing gets her nowhere, Minako relents. "I don't know. I haven't been to the zoo in forever. I guess I don't really have a preference for what we see first." Minako looks to Kirika and Archer, asking them the same question you just did. "Pumpkin? Archer? Is there anything you want to see?"

"I want to see the monkeys!"

"I guess seeing the big cats would be nice. After taking care of Amy, it'd be nice to enjoy a few cats I don't have to be responsible for."

Birds, monkeys, and big cats, you think. Minako smiles, saying to you "We can look at everyone else's animals first, and I guess I'll just see if anything inspires me while we're walking around."

You do end up making the bird house your first stop, in the end, and you immediately make for the peacocks once you arrive. You brought your phone, so you make sure to take plenty of pictures for Madoka. You had wanted to take her to the zoo for a date, but with the War looming over your head you don't know when you'd be able to make time for that, so these pictures will have to tide her over until then. Kirika joins your side while you're snapping shots of the strutting peacocks, and you ask her "Don't they look like Assassin? If you dyed their feathers black, wouldn't the peacocks look just like Assassin with her feathered dress?"

Kirika laughs. "Yeah, I guess I can see it," she says. "She'd probably throw a fit if you ever said anything to her face, though." A wicked grin crosses Kirika's face, and she says "Gimme your phone so I can get a few pictures of you with the birds."

You do as Kirika asks, and together you and she take a series of humourous pictures of you, posing outside the exhibit so it looks like you're interacting with the peacocks. When you and she reunite with your parents, admiring another bird exhibit a few meters away, Minako says "You two looked like you were having fun." You and Kirika nod. "So, who's this "Assassin' you were talking about? Is that one of your other servants?"

"She's the servant of Oriko's older cousin Caren," Archer says. "She's... Not exactly a nice person, and I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it if she knew you two were making fun of her." It takes you a second to realise that Archer isn't admonishing you or Kirika, and he adds "But yes, she does look like a peacock when she struts around in that dress of hers."

The big cats are up next, and there's not much you think to note about the big cats; you take some pictures, particularly of a sleek black panther whose vibrant green eyes remind you of a much fiercer, less cuddly Amy. Maybe you could put those pictures up by her climbing post to serve as an inspirational goal? "Is something wrong?" Minako asks Archer, as she catches him staring wistfully at a lion, grooming itself after a meal.

"Just thinking about someone I used to know," Archer replies. "It's the lion; it reminds me of her." Minako nods, but doesn't ask any more questions.

Your trip to see the big cats did manage to inspire Minako, if that counts for anything, and the four of you make a stop to see the bears. Lions, tigers, and now bears. Oh my. But Minako enjoys watching the bears, so even if there's not much of note you're glad for her. Much the same is true for the monkeys which Kirika wanted to see. You laugh when one of the monkeys steals the hat of the man who went into the exhibit to feed them, and of course you make sure to get plenty of pictures for Madoka to enjoy later.

Three hours, and trips to as many other animal exhibits as you can manage pass quicker than you anticipated, but that's fine. You've had a nice morning out with your family, gotten to enjoy what might be your last free day until the War is over, and taken plenty of pictures to show to Madoka tomorrow; and a souvenir, you can't forget that. You grab a pair of matching stuffed birds; one for you and one for Madoka. You'll give her her bird on Monday when you show her all your pictures.

Lunch is next, and there's a cute little place that's about a twenty minute walk from the zoo to reach. You take your seats, and "Did everyone enjoy themselves?" Minako asks as your orders are taken. "I know I did. I don't think I've been to the zoo in... Gosh, not since before Kirika was born, at least."

"Did you go with dad?" Kirika asks. "Uh, I mean, not dad dad, but..."

Minako nods. "Yeah. My ex and I and I must have gone to the zoo once, maybe around the time we started dating." Immediately, you can tell Kirika wishes she hadn't brought her father up. She's indicated to you that she still misses him occasionally, even though she knows she shouldn't. She was only eight at the time her parents divorced, so it's natural she might still have a rose-coloured picture of the man buried somewhere. "But enough about him, pumpkin. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. I wish I'd gotten some footage of when the monkey stole that guy's hat, though. That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while."

"I managed to get some," you say to Kirika. "I could send it to you if you'd like."

"Did you also get footage of those two turtles we saw doing it?"

Minako reaches over the table, rapping Kirika over the head with her knuckles. "Don't talk about that stuff in public," she says. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, but keep that stuff private."

"What sort of other trips did you go on when you were younger?" you ask Minako, hoping to change the topic before someone looks your way. "You mentioned the zoo, but did you ever go anywhere else when you were younger?"

"Not really," Minako says. "My parents were middle-class, and they took it pretty hard when the bubble burst. We never really went to many places, or did anything fancy like that. I remember once, when I was really little, we went to the beach, but I think that was about it. Anywhere else I went, I went with my ex..." Minako snorts out a brief laugh, and hoping to steer the conversation once more away from her ex, she adds "I think the most I ever saw my father spend on anything was when he bought a new car the year Kirika was born. He's still driving that same car today, if you can believe it."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed coming out with us today," Archer says. "Was there any animal in particular you liked seeing the most? The bears, maybe?"

"Actually, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the lizards," Minako says. "I thought they'd all be gross and slimy, but it was actually really fun watching them climb around in the trees, especially the ones with the big eyes and the long tongues. But, I actually think the monkeys were my favourite. Especially that big, strong gorilla with the patch of silver." You know that look in your mom's eyes as her hand finds its way to Archer's bicep. "There was just something familiar about him... I wish I could place it..."

"Well, wait until we're home before remembering."

"Have you ever gone to the zoo before?" you ask, hoping to give your father a way out of his current predicament. "And, did you ever see any of those animals in their natural habitats before, on your travels?"

"I've never been to the zoo before, no," Archer says. "But I have seen most of the animals we've seen in the wild before. I've had to do quite a few jobs in Rome, and back then you could see just about any animal native to the Old World if you had the time to look. That's not to say I didn't enjoy my time out with everyone, it's just that seeing them all in captivity was... A little odd, if I had to place it."

[ ] Is there anything else you want to talk about while you're eating lunch?
[ ] Is there anything else you want to do before you return home?
[ ] What do you need to talk about with Tohsaka-san when you return home?
[ ] Other (write-in)​
Last edited:
Day 5 Chapter 5
[X] Plan Lecture From Tohsaka-sensei

"Morning," Tohsaka-san says to you as you open the door for her. "What did I miss?"

"It's one in the afternoon, Rin," you hear Archer call to her. You lead her into the kitchen where Archer is waiting with a pot of coffee. "Want some?" he asks, offering her a cup. Tohsaka-san takes the coffee from Archer, downing the entire thing before she sits down and passes the cup back to Archer. "You look like shit. When did you get in?"

"Well, just the flight from London to Fuyuki took about... Eighteen hours," Tohsaka-san says. "So there's the rest of my Friday and about half of my Saturday gone, right there. Then, as soon as I touch down in Fuyuki I have to hustle to get to the mansion, grab some books for Shizuki, and make it back to the airport in time to catch the next flight to Yokohama. Unfortunately, nobody thought to inform me that the flight to Yokohama wasn't arriving for another six hours!" Tohsaka-san just about tears her hair out as she says that, only stopping when Archer hands her another cup of coffee. "The plane for the Yokohama flight was held up coming in from its previous trip because of some bad weather, and I only found out the flight was delayed when I got to the airport. Stupid frigging airports. Somebody should just invent a branch of magecraft that'll pick you up from one place and drop you off in another, I swear. It'd save so much on travel expenses."

"But once the plane arrived, it was all smooth sailing?"

"No, actually, not. I worked out that it would actually be faster to take the next flight into Tokyo, then catch the Shinkansen from Tokyo into Mitakihara. Cost me a few hundred-thousand more Yen than I'd have liked, but..."You can see the blood vessel that Tohsaka-san just barely didn't pop, were it not for Archer's coffee. "Well, turns out I was wrong there, too. I ended up getting in at ten-thirty at night, so about an hour later than if I had just waited for my original flight to Yokohama. I'm just glad Minako was awake to let me into the upstairs place, otherwise I probably would have just broke a window and gone to sleep on your couch, or something." You're pretty sure Tohsaka-san has gone through the entire pot of coffee by the time she's finished with her story. "How's that treating you, by the way? It's still really weird to think that you've got yourself a wife and two kids now after, well... Everything we went through."

"Girlfriend, actually," Archer says, showing the lack of a wedding band on his finger. "We didn't feel right about marrying until the girls were able to get married first."

Tohsaka-san nods, sighing as she finally sets aside her cup, with no more coffee in the pot to refill it. "All right, let's get down to business. I know you two didn't call me in just to chitchat about how crappy my flight in was, so what do you have for me? Something about a Grief Seed that isn't a Grief Seed, right?"

"That's correct." You set one of the fake Grief Seeds down on the table for Tohsaka-san to examine. "Recently, we've been encountering witches that, well, aren't witches. They're... Well, I'm not sure what you'd call them in your world, but they look like grotesque mixtures of random animal parts all jammed together into a vaguely functioning animal shape."

"I'd have to see for myself, but what you're describing sounds like a chimera."

"A chimera, then," you say. "Anyway, these drop from defeated chimeras, similar to how Grief Seeds drop from defeated witches; but as I'm sure you can see, they... Aren't." Tohsaka-san reaches a hand across the table, grabbing for the fake Grief Seed. "They don't function like Grief Seeds, either. They don't absorb Grief, and even after sitting around for weeks none of them have ever shown an indication that they're going to hatch into a new witch. All Archer was able to figure out is that they're like Grief Seeds, but put together by someone who didn't know what they were doing."

Tohsaka-san ponders the fake Grief Seed for a moment, before asking "So, what else can you tell me about these? It'll take me a few hours of prying before I've got this nut cracked, so what else can you tell me about these in the mean time?"

"On top of us, the neighboring city of Asunaro reportedly also has an infestation problem," you say. "We have reason to believe that the Mitakihara and Asunaro infestations are originating form the same source; the Grief Seed of the witch Walpurgisnacht, which we believe is leeching corruption somewhere underneath the city's southern edge."

Tohsaka-san gives you a look. "You didn't try to take the thing back with you after you defeated it?"

"It was larger than this entire building," you say. "We didn't have the means to bring it back with us, nor did we have a place to store it. We didn't really have a choice but to leave it where it fell, and once it got paved over during the reconstruction there wasn't really anything we could do."

Tohsaka-san rolls her eyes. "Well that was stupid on, like, a cosmic level," she says. "How are they getting from here to... Wherever the heck Asunaro is, anyway?"

"Asunaro is about an hour to the west of us," you say. "We've been pretty good about stopping them whenever they show up, to the point where we're not actually sure how they've been getting into Asunaro undetected. The Incubator is our best guess at the moment, but we don't really have any conclusive proof that it's responsible." Tohsaka-san gives you another look, as though she's saying to you "Well, is there anything else?" "Sorry, that's really all we know about the situation so far."

"Well, I guess I can work with that," Tohsaka-san says. "What about Asunaro? You said they've got an infestation as well; has that come back to bite you girls in the ass, or is that entirely a 'them' problem?"

"No, it's come back to bite us in the ass," Archer says. "Asunaro has a group of rival puella magi who are... Less than pleased at us over the whole 'infestation' thing. They're blaming us for it, and unfortunately, they've got their own team of servants to back their complaints up."

That gets Tohsaka-san's attention. "Really?" she asks. "So, what, is this like some kind of Great Holy Grail War, or something?"

"Actually, I was hoping you'd be able to tell us how it's possible for those girls to have their own set of servants," you say. "I know for a fact-" courtesy of the dream cycle shared by you and Archer, "-that it shouldn't be possible for those girls to have summoned another set of servants. Furthermore, all of our servants were defeated in the battle against Walpurgisnacht, but we were able to resummon them again afterwards. I'm really confused by this whole thing, and I was hoping you'd be able to tell us how any of this is even possible, when as far as I can tell the Grail was destroyed."

Tohsaka-san shrugs. "The best I can give you is that this city has some crazy strong leylines," she says. "Particularly that one big cluster by the park." She turns to Archer, adding "You know the one. It practically glows in the dark. That would be my best guess for where you're all getting the juice to keep summoning servants. So, got any idea who your enemy servants are this time around?"

"So far we know of Sigurd as their Saber, and Ramesses II as their Rider," Archer says. "They also had Atalanta as their Archer, but I took care of her last night. We know their Assassin is a skilled doctor, but we haven't met her yet. We don't know the rest."

Tohsaka-san whistles. "Tough crowd," she says; "And that's just two of them. Now, refresh my memory, who do you have on your side?"

"Well, we've got me-" Archer points to himself. "-as myself; Brynhildr as our Lancer; Achilles as our Rider; Gilgamesh as our Caster; and Lancelot as our Berserker. We've also got a pair of new additions, Diarmuid ua Duibhne as our Saber and Aífe as our Assassin."

"Aífe?" Tohsaka-san asks, racking her brain for a few moments before asking "Do you mean Scáthach's twin sister? Shouldn't she only qualify for the Rider and Caster classes? What's she doing as an Assassin?"

"Her master had a catalyst to summon her, specifically, and modified the summoning ritual in order to summon her when our Rider and Caster classes were already filled."

"Huh," Tohsaka-san says. "I didn't know you girls knew about catalysts, let alone how you'd get hold of one for a specific servant. Who's Assassin's master, anyway?"

"Caren Ortensia."

"Oh," Tohsaka-san says, before the realisation hits her like the Shinkansen. "Oh! Oh, crap, I bet she did that just to get back at McRemitz for stealing Lancer away from her. Oh, man, you guys cannot let her know that someone else has him as their servant. She would freak if she found out."

"Why is that?"

"Because Cú-" Tohsaka-san stops herself. "No, that's none of my business to tell you. You want to know, you should ask Assassin. That is, assumign you're fine with having your ear chewed off by her. She'll do it, I'm sure she would."

"I'm sure she would, too," you say. "The few times I've interacted with Assassin so far, she's been unpleasant, to put it politely."

Tohsaka-san nods her head, and asks "Is there any other business you need me for? Or can I be directed to Shizuki so I can drop her books off and check on her progress? I am on a ticking clock, you know. I've got to get that done, then I've got to get back here and start fiddling around with this lumpy Grief Seed you've given me, and I've got to get all this done within four days, counting today. Getting Shizuki her books and checking on her progress is the easy part, but I don't know how much time I'll need to look at that Seed, so I'd like to get started sooner rather than later, and-"

Tohsaka-san is speaking in kilometers per minute, so you have to stop her before you've completely lost the opportunity. "There is one other thing I'd like your opinion on," you say. "We've recently come into protective custody of a homunculus, by the name of Hijiri Kanna." The word 'homunculus' is enough to grab Tohsaka-san's attention. "She was created by the enemy faction, but she ran away to warn us about them. She was made to be a replacement for her creator, but they didn't do a very good job fabricating her memories, and she's suffering as a result of not knowing who she really is or which memories are real-"

"So I'll just use some basic hypnosis and set her straight."

"She doesn't want that. She's had enough of people messing with her memories, she says. I was hoping you might have an alternative method of helping her that didn't involve modifying her memories."

"For that kind of help, you'd want the expertise of the Einzbern family," Tohsaka-san says. "Unfortunately, there's only the one Einzbern left since the rest of the family died off; but fortunately-" She looks at Archer, and adds "-This guy over here should be your in with her." Tohsaka-san stands, saying "Well, if that's everything, let's get this show on the road."

Do you
[ ] Take Tohsaka-san to meet with
-[ ] Hitomi
-[ ] Hijiri Kanna
-[ ] the rest of the team
[ ] Go inspect the base construction
[ ] Get the team together for a meeting
[ ] Other (write-in)
Day 5 Chapter 6
[X] Plan Tohsaka Day

For the kind of help you're looking to give to Hijiri Kanna, "You'd want the expertise of the Einzbern family," according to Tohsaka-san. "Unfortunately, there's only the one Einzbern left since the rest of the family died off; but fortunately-" She looks at Archer, and adds "-This guy over here should be your in with her." Tohsaka-san stands, saying "Well, if that's everything, let's get this show on the road."

"Ah, actually, I do have a few more questions I"d like to ask you," you say. "They'll be short, I promise; just a few basic things and then we can be off."

Tohsaka-san huffs, but she grits her teeth and bears it, not with a smile, but with an "Argh, fine," she says. "I guess I can answer a few basic questions before we get started. Speaking of which, are we meeting Shizuki at her house, or is she coming here? I don't think I've been to her parents' place yet, and I'd rather not have to wipe their memories if I can help it. I mean, I don't have a problem wiping their memories if I need to, but I'd prefer not to make my favourite first-generation wunderkind pissed at me if I can avoid it, you know?"

"I'll see what we can do so you can avoid that," you say. "First, I'd like to know if there's a way I can get in contact with the Einzbern mage you spoke of. She's..." You look over to Archer, recalling the name from his tales of the Fifth Grail War and the images you saw in his dreams. "... She shouldn't be too hard to get in contact with, right?" If she's the daughter of Emiya Shirou's adopted father, does that make her your aunt? Does she even know she has a niece? Does she know she has two nieces, if you count Kirika?

Tohsaka-san scratches a pair of phone numbers onto a notepad and hands it to you. "That's the number for the Einzbern mansion in Fuyuki," she says, tapping one number before switching to the other; "And that's the number for the Emiya residence. She splits her time between those two, and her other mansion in Germany." She has two mansion? Just how rich were the Einzbern mages that their survivor could afford two mansions? "I don't know the number for her German mansion, so there's still a one-in-three chance you'll miss her even if you dial both numbers, but it's the best I can do."

"What about a cell phone number? Does she have a cell phone I could call?"

"Listen, Akemi, I can barely work a VCR without it breaking. Be glad I even know what a phone is, and take the numbers I gave you."

"Thank you for what you've given me, then," you say, setting aside the prospective phone numbers for your new aunt. "I guess mages aren't as... Up-to-date on technology as puella magi are." Is this how Oriko felt when Nurse Ortensia gave her the numbers for her aunt and grandmother? "Um, you mentioned the name Emiya. Is that-"

"Yeah, it's the same as this guy," Tohsaka-san says as she jabs her thumb in Archer's direction. "I mean, the one of him that's from this timeline, that is. Not the servant."

"U, if you don't mind me asking, what's your relationship with him? I know what Archer told me about your time together during the War, but that was eight years ago. What are things like now?"

Tohsaka-san shrugs, saying "Well, I guess we're kind of dating, if I had to put it into words. Problem is, half of the time I'm doing research work in London, while he's off feeding starving kids in Africa, or something. So, we're technically dating, but we don't get too see each other in person more than a couple times a year. At least he's not trying to get his dumb ass killed like I know he would be if he didn't have me to straighten his dumb ass out." She shakes her head as she looks to Archer, adding "We're definitely not as active as your mom and dad are, if that's what you're getting at."

You can barely stand to imagine your parents being intimate, let alone a different version of your dad being intimate with someone who isn't your mom. "I think what Homura is trying to ask," Archer says, "Is whether or not she should think of you as, well, as her aunt-in-law, since you're dating a version of me."

"Ugh, please don't," Tohsaka-san says. "I'm too young to be anyone's aunt. I'm sure Illya would be thrilled to have you as her niece, but Shirou and I haven't even thought about having our own kids yet, forget about anyone else's kids."

You nod; you can accept not accepting Tohsaka-san as another aunt for the time being. At least for as long as it takes to get that image out of your head. "Well, I believe that's all," you say. "I really mean it this time; that's everything I wanted to ask. Thank you so much for coming here, and for the information you've given me." You'll need to find a more secure place to put Illya's phone numbers than to leave it lying out on the kitchen table. "I'll give Hitomi a call now to see what she wants to do about meeting with you."

"Right, you do that," Tohsaka-san says. "I'll just be talking with Archer for a bit while you're busy."

You excuse yourself from the kitchen, and head to your room to make your phone call to Hitomi. Kirika isn't in your room when you open the door; then she must be playing videogames in the living room, you think as you dial Hitomi's number.

The phone rings three times before you hear her voice. "Moshi moshi, Shizuki Hitomi speaking."

"hey Hitomi, it's Homura. I was just wondering whether you were free for a few minutes."

"I'd love to make the time, Akemi-san, but-" You hear Hitomi giggling as she pulls the phone away from her ear, followed by a soft "Makoto-san, stop that; I'm on the phone." You hear a bit of further giggling from the other end before Hitomi returns, saying "My apologies, Akemi-san. My boyfriend actually came in from Chigasaki earlier in the day, and we're currently out on a date. I'd love to make the time to see you, but today might be my only chance to see Makoto-san for the next couple of weeks, so I'd prefer to spend the time with him, if that's all right with you."

"I see," you say. "I'm sorry to hear that, actually. Not like that - I'm glad you're enjoying your time with your boyfriend, of course - but Tohsaka-san arrived last night, and she's anxious to drop your new books off for you. Is it possible you could make just a few minutes for her?"

"Oh, I wish you had led with that, then. I suppose taking a few minutes wouldn't hurt, assuming Makoto-san were okay with it. Let me ask him." This time, you don't hear Hitomi's voice as she steps away from the phone; likely, she has her hand covering the speaker. It takes a few minutes before she comes back to you, and whens he does she says "Makoto-san believes that would be agreeable, yes. I've told him about you and Kure-san, and he's agreeable to the idea of meeting you for a few minutes while I speak with Tohsaka-san."

"Thank you," you say. "I promise we won't keep you two for very long. I imagine she just wants to give you your books and to check on your progress."

"We'll see you in about... Twenty minutes, then," Hitomi says. "Maybe a little less."

"Right. Goodbye, Hitomi." You hang up, returning your phone to your pocket and returning yourself to the kitchen. "Hitomi will be here in about twenty minutes," you say to Tohsaka-san. "Unfortunately, I caught her in the middle of a date with her boyfriend, so she'll be bringing him along with her. I'll do my best to make sure Kirika and I can distract him while you give her her books and check on her progress."

"Ugh," Tohsaka-san groans. "A boyfriend? Geez, is he at least a mage?"

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that."

Tohsaka-san sighs. "Great. I swear, if I end up having to wipe his memories she better not get mad at me." Tohsaka-san shakes her head, adding "Doesn't she know the rules for this sort of thing? What's she thinking, dating a guy she can't even talk to about the most important thing going on in her life?"

"I imagine she's thinking that he makes her happy," you say. "The girl I'm dating isn't a puella magi, but I don't let that stop me from loving her."

"Yeah, well, maybe your all-girls club just has less strict rules about that sort of thing."

[Homura] When Hitomi arrives, do you
-[ ] talk to Hitomi about her progress
-[ ] talk to Tohsaka-san about Hitomi's progress
-[ ] stay and watch as Tohsaka-san and Hitomi go about their business
-[ ] do your best to distract her boyfriend with Kirika (write-in how you plan to distract him)
-[ ] other (write-in)

[Archer] When Hitomi arrives, do you
-[ ] talk to Hitomi about her progress
-[ ] talk to Rin about Hitomi's progress
-[ ] stay and observe as Rin and Hitomi go about their business
-[ ] other (write-in)
Day 5 Chapter 7
[X] Plan Japanese Politeness Is All The Distraction They'll Need

The doorbell rings twenty minutes later, and there is Hitomi with her boyfriend, just as she said.

"Good afternoon, Akemi-san," Hitomi says as she takes her shoes off at the door. "Akemi-san, this is my boyfriend, Aoba Makoto." The young boy, appearing identical to the boy in the picture Hitomi showed you, bows as he too takes his shoes off at the door. "Makoto-san, this is Akemi Homura, one of my dearest friends. She's currently hosting the woman I said I needed to speak with." Daring to be so bold as to show her affection in front of you, Hitomi kisses her boyfriend on the cheek, saying "I'll only be a few minutes; promise."

"Good afternoon, Akemi-san," the boy says, smiling as he extends a hand. "Hitomi speaks often of you; it's nice to finally be able to meet you."

You accept his hand, giving him a brief handshake as you lead him away from the kitchen. "Unfortunately, I've heard much less from you. I didn't even know Hitomi had a boyfriend until recently. I am glad to finally make your acquaintance." Unseen by her boyfriend, Hitomi shoots you a wink. "Let's give them some privacy, shall we? They haven't seen each other for some time, so I'm sure they've got some catching up to do. Can I get you anything? A snack, perhaps; or something to drink?"

"Ah, no thank you," Aoba Makoto says, as you lead him to the living room and away from the kitchen. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine."

You nod. "This is the living room," you say as you welcome your guest. Just as you had guessed, Kirika is seated on the couch, waving the controller for the Wii back and forth as she shoots her weapon at various on-screen enemies; "And this is my older sister, Kure Kirika." Kirika pauses what she's doing as you mention her name. "Kirika, this is Hitomi's boyfriend, Aoba Makoto. He'll be staying with us for a few minutes while Hitomi and Tohsaka-san speak."

"'Sup?" Kirika asks, waving for the boy. Perhaps introducing a stranger you only know through your association with Hitomi was a bad thing, because your sister immediately goes for the kill, asking "So, how long have you and Seaweed been together?" And the question lying underneath that, "How far have you two gotten?"

"We've been together for about a year now," Aoba Makoto says. "We met when Hitomi was still going to school in Chigasaki." He scratches at the back of his head, looking ashamed at himself for the question on his lips. "I, uh, I saw three names on the nameplate by the door. I guess your family situation is kind of complicated?"

"Nah," Kirika says. "It's actually super-easy. Homura's adopted, and her dad's dating my mom. So we just put all of our names on the nameplate to make it easier." Kirika pulls you in by the shoulder; a difficult feat, given that she's shorter than you by a very noticeable five centimeters. "But don't think that doesn't make us any less sisters, got it? Homura's my Little Sis, no matter what it says on our family registers." The credibility of her claim is no doubt harmed by the fact that she's shorter than you.

"Oh," Aoba Makoto says the word without any surprise. "There's nothing wrong with that; I was just curious. Hitomi's only ever mentioned that Akemi-san has an older sister, but she never went into the details about your family." Aoba Makoto clears his throat, and asks you "Hitomi's told me you have a girlfriend, is that correct? Kaname Madoka?" You nod, and Aoba Makoto turns to Kirika next. "What about you? Do you have a significant other?"

"You shouldn't have asked that,"you try to say, but the damage has already been done. Kirika is grinning; you don't like it when Kirika has that grin on her face.

"I've got a girlfriend too," Kirika says. "Her name's Oriko, and she's just the absolute best thing in the whole world...." Well, the poor boy brought it upon himself.

"There's my little wunderkind," Rin says, giving Shizuki a clap on the back as she takes a seat at the kitchen table. "So, how are things going? I see you've got yourself a shiny new boytoy; he got any magic circuits to his name?"

"None that I'm aware of," Shizuki replies; "And if Makoto-san has any, I'm not dating him out of a sense of obligation. I'm dating him because I love him." Shizuki coughs into her hand, and says "Now then, I assume you'll be wanting to hear how I"m progressing with my studies?"

"Of course," Rin says. She turns to you, and asks "Archer, can you remember to go upstairs and grab the grey tote from my bedroom before Shizuki leaves? I've got her books in that one and I don't want to let her leave without them."

"Of course," you say. "But I hope you don't mind if I stick around until then." You're interested to hear how Shizuki is progressing in her studies as well.

Rin waves you off, saying "Fine, fine, we're getting off-track. So, Shizuki, tell us what you've been up to recently."

Shizuki takes the steel rings off the fingers of her right hand, setting them down on the table one by one. "I've got a Mystic Code I've been working on, almost since we first met, actually. Their purpose is to allow me to control atmospheric oxygen." Shizuki nudges the second of the two rings towards Rin as she names its purpose, before nudging the first one to join its twin. "I've also got this one. It's not a Mystic Code; just a normal ring with a flint inset. The idea is, when I use my Mystic Code, I'm modifing the density of the oxygen, then I snap my fingers, and when the flint strikes the steel ring it creates a spark."

"And boom," Rin says, following the train of thought to its logical conclusion. "Bombs on command. Not too shabby, actually. How's your control?"

"The control has been the reason why I've been working on this for almost a year and a half," Shizuki says. "But I've finally gotten the fine control down perfectly, I think. I used it in an actual combat situation, and I was able to perfectly direct the flames where I needed to."

Rin smiles, counting off each ring for herself. "A steel ring for oxygen manipulation and a flint inset," she says. "Somehow, you've managed to finagle your way into control over the Element of Fire, just by leveraging your Wind Element with a bit of basic chemistry. I'm really impressed." Shizuki blushes at Rin's compliment, and attempts to hide it as she takes her rings back. "Don't be shy, girl," Rin says. "Own your success. You earned it."

"Thank you, Tohsaka-san," Shizuki says. "I've put a lot of work into getting everything perfect, and I'm quite proud of my accomplishment. I'm just not used to being praised so, well, so directly."

"Ah, that whole 'Japanese politeness' thing," Rin says. "Yeah, can't say I ever got much out of that myself, really. If you've got something to say, better to say it directly, because there's always the chance you run into some idiot who can't read between the lines. Then you're screwed. Anyway-" Rin pushes forward without giving Hitomi a chance to take in her advice. Advice? Advice. "-You've done a really good job with this, so now I think it's time you expanded what you're capable of. Try to work out more applications, or work on a new Mystic Code. Doesn't have to be one for elemental gas manipulation, either, if you'd prefer to work on exploring different things you can do with your Element. You're a smart girl; I'm sure you've got some ideas kicking around in that noggin of yours."

"As a matter of fact, I do have a few ideas I'd like to work on."

"Good. Work on those. You can also try to find ways to make your magecraft more efficient, either by getting someone to whip you up an Azoth Blade to work with-" Rin looks in your direction as she suggest an Azoth Blade. "-or by finding a way to collect and store magical energy for later use. I've got a book on basic gem magecraft if you'd like to learn how to store magical energy that way, or you can take another look at that Formalcraft book I gave you awhile back and work out how to collect magical energy from the environment. Either one's a good option, especially since you're... Well, kind of limited, on account of your low circuit quantity."

"I'd be interested in taking a look at gem magecraft, actually," Shizuki says. "Not just for the application you described, but also because I want to be useful to my friends. I believe gem magecraft might be of some use to them, given their... Unique circumstance."

"Yeah, now that you say it, I guess gem magecraft would be useful for them, wouldn't it?" Rin leans over the kitchen table, eyeing Shizuki like a predator as she says "It ain't cheap, I'll tell you that."

Shizuki nods. "I'm sure I'll manage to figure something out," she says. "I thank you for your assistance, Tohsaka-san, but I believe I've taken up enough of my boyfriend's time. I would like my books, please, so we can return to our date."

Rin nods. "I'd actually like to talk to you about your participation in whatever Grail War nonsense mess that's going on, but I get it. You're young, you're in a hurry, and I'll still be here for another few days while I sort out this lumpy Grief Seed Archer gave me." Rin motions for you to fetch Hitomi's books from the grey tote in her bedroom. She knows you aren't her servant anymore, but you don't see the harm in helping out, as long as she doesn't make a habit of it. "So I'll give you your books, and maybe I'll catch you when you aren't in the middle of snogging that lowercase-A average one you've hooked."

You know Shizuki has learned a lot about magecraft in the past year and a half, but you don't know if she knows enough to find Rin's comment offensive or not. You'll go get her books now, and leave those two to say whatever partings words they want to one another.

Hitomi leaves with her boyfriend and a grey rolling tote at her side, and you're so glad she's leaving when she is. You don't know how much more her boyfriend could take of hearing Kirika talk about Oriko. "I think you could have kept some of that stuff to yourself," you say to Kirika as soon as the door is closed behind your guests. "I'm sure he didn't need to hear all of that."

"Oh, please, I didn't tell him anything worse than what mom told me when I was that age," Kirika replies. "I just saved him the trouble of having to ask."

"He didn't ask, because he didn't need to hear that stuff."

Kirika rolls her eyes, and after patting you on the back and returns to the living room. Archer is in the kitchen, and Minako is in the bedroom doing schoolwork on her laptop. And that would be your phone vibrating. "I'm sorry to bother you, Akemi-san," says Tomoe-san on the other end of the line. "I was going to visit Alina-san before dinner, and I thought I'd see if you wanted to join me. She's been asking about you."

Do you
[ ] Join Tomoe-san in visiting Alina Gray
-[ ] Do you have anything you want to talk to her about when you see her?
[ ] Don't join Tomoe-san in visiting Alina Gray
-[ ] If you choose not to join Tomoe-san, Wat do?​
Last edited:
Day 5 Chapter 8
[X] Plan Visiting A Local Artist

Your phone vibrates in your pocket; it's Tomoe-san. "I'm sorry to bother you, Akemi-san," says Tomoe-san on the other end of the line. "I was going to visit Alina-san before dinner, and I thought I'd see if you wanted to join me. She's been asking about you."

Alina Gray...
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge as Tomoe-san mentions that name. A year and a half ago, Alina Gray had been the victim of a particularly insidious witch's kiss. The witch, by the name of Elsa Maria, was able to completely take over her mind, urging her to lead a false church whose 'patrons' were nothing more than prospective food for the witch. Six-hundred residents of Mitakihara, all 'members' of Elsa Maria's congregation, died in an instant when the witch and her familiars manifested in the real world. McRemitz-san was able to erase the memories of what had happened from Alina Gray's mind, but you and your team have always kept your eyes on her since then. And after what happened just last April... "Yes, I would be willing to join you," you say to Tomoe-san. "Paying our favourite artist a visit wouldn't be a bad idea; I'm glad you brought it up."

"Thank you, Akemi-san. Shall I meet you at the usual location?"

"Yes, that would be fine." You and Tomoe-san hang up, and you call to Archer "I'm going out for a bit. Tomoe-san and I are going to meet with Alina Gray for a little."

"Alright," Archer says. "Let me know if you need anything while you're out."

Twenty minutes later, you arrive at the usual location - the train station near to Tomoe-san's apartment - where Tomoe-san is already waiting for you. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting," you say. "If I did, I apologise."

"Nonsense, you didn't keep me waiting at all, Akemi-san," Tomoe-san replies. "Now, shall we be off?"

You nod, and allow Tomoe-san to lead the way. This will be the first time you've actually seen Alina Gray since that time, you think to yourself. You have a vague idea of where Alina Gray lives; you're sure Tomoe-san mentioned it to you once before, and if not her then Archer, who saw her home address when he had to return her school ID to her back then as well. Tomoe-san leads you past the area where Alina Gray lives.

"How has she been holding up?" you ask as you and Tomoe-san pass by the neighborhood where Alina Gray's father, himself a former victim of Elsa Maria, lives.

"Better, I think," Tomoe-san replies. "She was doing much better the last time I spoke with her, though I don't know if that's because she's got a somewhat regular schedule now, or if it's because Satomi-san and Misono-san are speaking to her again."

The names aren't familiar to you. "Who?"

"Satomi Touka is - was - Alina-san's best friend, before the incident; and Misono Karin was her girlfriend." Ahh. "They've recently begun speaking to her again. I hope they're able to patch their relationship up."

You can see the tall flat top of a familiar building coming into view as you and Tomoe-san walk past the neighborhood where Alina Gray used to live. "I see. Do you know why she suddenly asked for me?"

Tomoe-san shakes her head. "I don't know. Part of me thinks that she just wants some confirmation that you exist, but I don't know for sure why she only asked to see you now." The two of you come to a stop, waiting for just a moment as the automatic doors of Mitakihara's general hospital slide open for you, and you and Tomoe-san make for the elevator. "Just... Be careful of what you say, will you? It would be terrible if she suffered a relapse now when she's been doing so well."

The elevator doors open, and you and Tomoe-san exit to find yourself on the fifth floor of Mitakihara General Hospital; the psychiatric ward. In the middle of April, one year to the day of Elsa Maria's attack, Alina Gray suffered a severe mental breakdown and attempted to take her own life. Psychiatric professionals diagnosed her with a late onset of post-traumatic stress caused by the death of her mother, which happened shortly before falling under Elsa Maria's spell; but you and Tomoe-san knew better.

Even with McRemitz-san erasing her memories, there was no erasing what Elsa Maria had done in the deepest recesses of her mind.

"Did you bring another one of Alina-chan's friends?" The nurse asks Tomoe-san, as she grants you and Tomoe-san entrance to the ward. "She should be in her room. Visiting hours are the same as always."

"Thank you. Yakumo-san." Tomoe-san bows for the nurse, and leads you to Alina Gray's room. She knocks twice on the door, which creaks open on the second knock. "Alina-san, I brought a visitor."

"Did you?" You haven't heard that voice in a year and a half; but it's unmistakably the voice of the girl who was held by the witch. "That's nice." You hear the shuffling of slippers as Alina Gray opens the door the rest of the way, tilting her neck as she lays eyes on you. "Ah! It's you! The girl from the golden room!" She reaches out to touch you, just barely stopping her hand centimeters from your face. "You do exist! Maybe now the nurses will listen when I tell them I'm not crazy! Did you bring the man in red with you as well?"

"That would be my father," you say, as Alina Gray straightens her neck to its proper angle. "He didn't come with me, but I'll let him know you were asking about him. He's been concerned about you, ever since he saw how out of it you were when he returned your student ID to you."

"Alina-san, this is Akemi Homura. She's one of my closest friends," Tomoe-san says. "Akemi-san, this is Alina Gray. She and I go to the same high school, and we've spoken many times."

"So you weren't just a dream, after all," Alina Gray says. She sighs the contented sigh of a man freed from his shackles, and motions for you and Tomoe-san to join her in her room. "Then, maybe you can tell me if the other things I see in my dreams really happened, also?" Your heart stops when Alina Gray moves to allow you entry into her room. The white walls have been painted over with streaks of black and grey and red, conjuring up images of Elsa Maria's intangible, serpentine familiars, and the crimson sunburst emblem of her phony church. "They don't let me used coloured pencils or paintbrushes anymore, so I have to make due with finger paints and crayons. It's not easy, but I need some way to express myself while I'm here."

You look to Tomoe-san as the two of you enter, taking seats on the small chairs surrounding Alina Gray's bed. You can see in Tomoe-san's eyes what she must be thinking."Is there any particular reason you've chosen this... Subject?"

"I see them in my dreams," Alina Gray says. "They talk to me in my mother's voice. They always tell me that they're hungry, but I don't know what they eat, and they won't tell me. Sometimes, they don't wait until I'm asleep to talk to me."

"I see." You aren't sure if this is worse, or better, than what you expected to find when Tomoe-san first told you about what had happened. "Are you... Well, I suppose it would be rude to ask if you're feeling all right, but-"

"I've been feeling better, actually. The nurses have been giving me some medication, and it helps to keep them quiet sometimes. But it also makes me not want to do art, so sometimes I don't want to take it."

You nod. "You were rather out of it when my father returned your ID to you last year," you say. "I'm sorry to see you in here; I hope you get better soon."

Alina Gray smiles; you aren't sure it's an entirely benevolent smile. "The nurses say I might get to go home in time for my final year of high school, if I keep taking my medication and don't... Well, you know."

"How is your father doing?" Tomoe-san asks, before either you or Alina Gray have the chance to say something that would further make the situation awkward. "Akemi-san's father found him to be rather... Well, out of sorts, I guess you'd say, shortly before the incident last year, and he's been concerned ever since. Have you spoken with your father recently?"

"No." Alina Gray shakes her head. "I think father considers me a burden, ever since this. I think we've only spoken a few times since April. He's healthy, though, if your friend's father is concerned about him. That much I can say."

Your eyes trace the black and grey patterns of Elsa Maria's serpentine familiars as they dance on the walls behind you. You know Elsa Maria is dead. You have her Grief Seed stored safely away. She is not coming back. You don't need to be afraid of them. They're just pictures drawn on the walls in paint. They can't spring from the wall and attack you like this. "I admit, the subject matter is a little too... Abstract, for my liking, but I can't deny that you have talent." Alina Gray preens at your compliment. "Are you thinking of becoming an artist once you graduate high school?"

"That would be nice," Alina Gray replies. "Before this, I was looking into art schools in Europe that I might like to go to once I graduate. I've won awards for my art before, did you know?"

"Three-time winner of the junior artist's competition, correct?"

"Four-time, actually. I won the fourth one just before this happened. But I'm impressed you knew that much; my name doesn't get me much recognition around here. I'd kind of forgotten what it felt like to be known." Her other smiles have either appeared predatory or disturbed, but the smile Alina Gray gives you in the wake of your compliment might be the first genuine smile you receive from her. "So, tell me about yourself. You seem to know quite a bit about me, but aside from knowing that you weren't just someone from my dreams, I don't know anything about you."

[ ] What do you tell Alina Gray about yourself?
[ ] Is there anything else you want to ask Alina Gray before you leave?
[ ] What do you do after you leave?
Day 5 Chapter 9
[X] Plan Alina Gray can't handle the truth.

Alina Gray has given you several smiles in the short period of time you and Tomoe-san have been visiting. Her other smiles have either appeared predatory or disturbed, but the smile she gives you in the wake of your compliment might be the first genuine smile you receive from her. "So, tell me about yourself. You seem to know quite a bit about me, but aside from knowing that you weren't just someone from my dreams, I don't know anything about you."

"Well, where should I start?" you ask; a rhetorical question, because you already know what you can, and cannot say at the moment. If you let your eyes wander in Tomoe-san's direction, you worry it will give away your intentions. A silent conversation will have to do instead. "Are we planning on telling her that she isn't crazy? That the things she's seeing in her dreams are real?"

"I understand if you feel concerned about her, Akemi-san, but please consider the situation Alina-san is in right now. Telling her of the existence of magic might make her feel better, but how will the nurses take it if she decides to push back against them and insist even harder that she isn't crazy? How would that look from an outsider's perspective if she were to suddenly start talking about magic as if it were real?"

You hate to admit it, but Tomoe-san has a point. "I guess that wouldn't be very good for her, would it?" It might even mean Alina Gray doesn't get to leave until much later than she's hoping she can. "But we can't just leave her here to think that she's crazy, can we?"

"Unfortunately, what other choice do we have? No matter what we tell her, Alina-san isn't leaving this hospital until her psychiatrist believes she's well enough to, and anything we might say to her, we have to weigh against how the professionals around her will treat her if she speaks or acts on that. I don't like keeping this from her, but at the moment I don't believe telling her would do her any good."

You disagree, but you can still see the logic in Tomoe-san's argument. Ultimately, this isn't a situation where you can see an easy way out. "Sorry," you say, when you realise that Alina Gray is still waiting for your response. "I was just thinking about what I should say. It's actually been quite a while since I had to introduce myself to someone on a personal level like this." Alina Gray nods her head, but says nothing. "My name is Akemi Homura, as Tomoe-san said. I'm fifteen, I'm adopted, and my father is the man in red. I'm not sure what you remember about the golden room, but I can assure you, it wasn't a dream."

You can tell her that much, can't you?

"I knew it," Alina Gray says. "I knew it had to be real."

"I'm sorry it's taken you this long to find someone who believes you," Tomoe-san says. "If it's any consolation, Akemi-san and I really do hope you get to go home soon."

"Tell me more about your family," Alina Gray says to you. "I barely have a father any more, since I'm such a burden to him; hearing about a family that isn't a complete mess might give me inspiration for my next piece."

"Well, my father is dating a really nice woman; she's my new mom. She also had a daughter from a previous marriage, so when they started dating I also ended up with an older sister. Actually, she and I started calling each other 'sister' before our parents really got serious. We've also got a cat named Amy. She's a real sweetheart."

"Mhm." Alina Gray nods her head, and you see her hand twitch as you speak. "Sorry. I wish I had some way of drawing what you're telling me, but the nurses keep my art supplies locked up when I'm not in the common area..." Alina Gray stares off into the distance, before tilting her neck to the side and asking you "Are you in any clubs? I was in the art club for a little, but none of them could keep up with me."

"Archery, myself," you reply. "Last year, we might have had a chance to compete if that big natural disaster hadn't wiped out the southern half of the city. We're hoping to have another shot this year. So far we've been doing good; haven't run into any of the really tough schools yet."

Again, Alina Gray nods her head. "Do you have a significant other? I had a girlfriend, before this happened." You suddenly feel awkward, because you get to gush about your cinnamon roll girlfriend while Alina Gray doesn't. "We've started talking again, but it might be some time before we're able to, uh, be girlfriends." You hope she doesn't mean that in the way you're sure Kirika means it when she talks about Oriko.

"I've also got a girlfriend," you say. "We've been dating for a year and a half, now."

"Really? So you and she started dating around the same time Karin and I started dating!" Alina Gray straightens her neck, and adds "That's her name; Misono Karin. She's a silly girl sometimes, but..."

"But you don't care, because you love her, right?" Alina Gray nods. "It's the same way with my girlfriend. You and she will get through this, I'm sure you will."

You decide to leave before Tomoe-san. You still feel bad that all of this happened to Alina Gray because of you. If you or Archer had done a better job of keeping your eyes on her, maybe you could have prevented this from happening. Alina Gray would still be able to see her best friend and her girlfriend, instead of being stuck a in a psych ward surrounded by people who think she's crazy, because they don't know that the images she sees aren't just in her imagination. Even now, a year and a half later, Elsa Maria's influence is still harming that girl.

You check the time on your phone; you spent longer talking with Alina Gray than you thought you would. It's not quite dinner yet, but by the time Tomoe-san joins you in leaving, or is asked to leave when visiting hours are over, it may as well be. While your phone is still out, you send a message to the members of your team through your group chat.
<Homura: I'd like for us all to get together today. The enemy Archer is out of the picture, and I'd like it if we could discuss how to proceed from this position.>

You hit [Send] and return your phone to your pocket, as you wait to hear back from your teammates.

[ ] What do you talk about at the meeting tonight? (write-in)