Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

I will break a spear in Fate's favor and say that I'm pretty sure that it's something they obtained after becoming Heroic Spirits/Servants.
Gilgamesh would like to disagree, but fine, grumble grumble.

But yeah, Artoria getting s*** on for no absolute reason by every single person around her to the point where she turns into a Hood Ornament on the Mary Sue Litmus Test is one of the defining reasons for why Fate/Zero was meh for me instead of good.

Maybe they could go to an Izakaya
Might I remind you legal drinking age in Japan is 20? If bars I've heard of are any indication, they usually don't let minors in on principal.
Isn't this the same country with Vend-o-Beer?
From Japan Times:
Street bar: Machines sell beer and men consume it in Tokyo in 1977. Vending machines that dispense beer can still be found in Japan, but many disappeared after a "voluntary ban" on alcohol sales from vending machines was urged in 2000.
So no, Vend-o-Beer is (almost) no longer. And they needed Credit Cards to use IIRC, so it's not like they were geared towards kids anyways.
Might I remind you legal drinking age in Japan is 20? If bars I've heard of are any indication, they usually don't let minors in on principal.
Idk, I've gone to pubs all the time growing up (or rather what are called pubs in the U.S.) and usually they operate as family-esque restaurants in addition to having a bar and serving alcohol to anybody above drinking age. Heck, plenty of restaurants serve alcohol and have bars while also operating as family restaurants in general.
Idk, I've gone to pubs all the time growing up (or rather what are called pubs in the U.S.) and usually they operate as family-esque restaurants in addition to having a bar and serving alcohol to anybody above drinking age. Heck, plenty of restaurants serve alcohol and have bars while also operating as family restaurants in general.
Point I was trying to make is that Izakayas are mostly for drinking, with snacks being an afterthought. Take this quote from Wikipedia:
An izakaya is a type of informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks. Izakayas are casual places for after-work drinking,
Day 5 Chapter 4
[X] Plan Urban Safari

Kirika hands your phone back to you, and you feel as though you've just been party to something you would rather not have been party to. Against your better judgement, you ask "So, what was that about?"

"I'll tell you when you're older."

Something tells you that you're better off not knowing. It's just too bad you never learned how to listen to that something. "I'm fifteen," you say. "Need I remind you how old you were when you gave me that talk in the cafeteria a year and a half ago? If I was old enough at fourteen to hear you tell me where babies come from, then I think at fifteen I can handle hearing about whatever illicit plans you and Oriko used my phone to concoct."

"Yeah. I also remember how it traumatised you so badly that you and Pinkie still haven't gone all the way, a year and a half later." Unfortunately, Kirika has you there. As Kirika leans in with a malevolent smirk on her face, you know you've made a terrible mistake. You had every opportunity to say nothing, to not question your Big Sis and just let her know best. You just had to toss that opportunity away like yesterday's garbage."But okay. Since it's what my darling Little Sis wants, I'll tell you all about it."

"Are you feeling alright, sweetie? You've been looking pale since we left the apartment."

You turn to Minako, ignoring the view of scenic MItakihara from the window of the train car as you respond to her. "I'm fine," you say. "I'm just wrapped up in thinking about some things, that's all." Things which you ought not to have been wrapped up thinking about in the first place. If only you had never asked. "I... I still don't understand what the squid is for."

"The squid is for eating, dummy," Kirika says. "Fried calamari's pretty tasty, you know? Drizzle it in some sweet Thai chili sauce, and-" Kirika kisses her fingers before releasing the gesture, like a chef might. "Delicious. I should really thank Lancer for learning how to cook; now Oriko doesn't have to feel bad about cooking meat when I don't want to eat vegetarian." With a playful shove, Kirika then says to you "Hey, speaking of which, you never answered my question. How far have you and Pinkie gotten since I gave you my advice?"

You almost thought you had gotten away from your earlier conversation with your dignity intact. Unfortunately, almost wasn't good enough, and it appears your earlier conversation has caught up with you. "We haven't," you say. "Not everyone is comfortable moving their relationship along as fast as you were with Oriko."

Minako clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Girls, there are strangers present," she chides. "Keep that kind of talk to yourselves."

The zoo is a short fifteen minute walk from the station once your train arrives, and once the four of you have made it to the zoo proper you say to your family "Well, I know what I'd like to see first, but are there any animals any of you would like to see? Kirika? Dad? Is there a favourite animal of yours you want to see, mom?"

With a mocking growl, Minako turns to Archer, saying "I've got my favourite animal right here." When her teasing gets her nowhere, Minako relents. "I don't know. I haven't been to the zoo in forever. I guess I don't really have a preference for what we see first." Minako looks to Kirika and Archer, asking them the same question you just did. "Pumpkin? Archer? Is there anything you want to see?"

"I want to see the monkeys!"

"I guess seeing the big cats would be nice. After taking care of Amy, it'd be nice to enjoy a few cats I don't have to be responsible for."

Birds, monkeys, and big cats, you think. Minako smiles, saying to you "We can look at everyone else's animals first, and I guess I'll just see if anything inspires me while we're walking around."

You do end up making the bird house your first stop, in the end, and you immediately make for the peacocks once you arrive. You brought your phone, so you make sure to take plenty of pictures for Madoka. You had wanted to take her to the zoo for a date, but with the War looming over your head you don't know when you'd be able to make time for that, so these pictures will have to tide her over until then. Kirika joins your side while you're snapping shots of the strutting peacocks, and you ask her "Don't they look like Assassin? If you dyed their feathers black, wouldn't the peacocks look just like Assassin with her feathered dress?"

Kirika laughs. "Yeah, I guess I can see it," she says. "She'd probably throw a fit if you ever said anything to her face, though." A wicked grin crosses Kirika's face, and she says "Gimme your phone so I can get a few pictures of you with the birds."

You do as Kirika asks, and together you and she take a series of humourous pictures of you, posing outside the exhibit so it looks like you're interacting with the peacocks. When you and she reunite with your parents, admiring another bird exhibit a few meters away, Minako says "You two looked like you were having fun." You and Kirika nod. "So, who's this "Assassin' you were talking about? Is that one of your other servants?"

"She's the servant of Oriko's older cousin Caren," Archer says. "She's... Not exactly a nice person, and I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it if she knew you two were making fun of her." It takes you a second to realise that Archer isn't admonishing you or Kirika, and he adds "But yes, she does look like a peacock when she struts around in that dress of hers."

The big cats are up next, and there's not much you think to note about the big cats; you take some pictures, particularly of a sleek black panther whose vibrant green eyes remind you of a much fiercer, less cuddly Amy. Maybe you could put those pictures up by her climbing post to serve as an inspirational goal? "Is something wrong?" Minako asks Archer, as she catches him staring wistfully at a lion, grooming itself after a meal.

"Just thinking about someone I used to know," Archer replies. "It's the lion; it reminds me of her." Minako nods, but doesn't ask any more questions.

Your trip to see the big cats did manage to inspire Minako, if that counts for anything, and the four of you make a stop to see the bears. Lions, tigers, and now bears. Oh my. But Minako enjoys watching the bears, so even if there's not much of note you're glad for her. Much the same is true for the monkeys which Kirika wanted to see. You laugh when one of the monkeys steals the hat of the man who went into the exhibit to feed them, and of course you make sure to get plenty of pictures for Madoka to enjoy later.

Three hours, and trips to as many other animal exhibits as you can manage pass quicker than you anticipated, but that's fine. You've had a nice morning out with your family, gotten to enjoy what might be your last free day until the War is over, and taken plenty of pictures to show to Madoka tomorrow; and a souvenir, you can't forget that. You grab a pair of matching stuffed birds; one for you and one for Madoka. You'll give her her bird on Monday when you show her all your pictures.

Lunch is next, and there's a cute little place that's about a twenty minute walk from the zoo to reach. You take your seats, and "Did everyone enjoy themselves?" Minako asks as your orders are taken. "I know I did. I don't think I've been to the zoo in... Gosh, not since before Kirika was born, at least."

"Did you go with dad?" Kirika asks. "Uh, I mean, not dad dad, but..."

Minako nods. "Yeah. My ex and I and I must have gone to the zoo once, maybe around the time we started dating." Immediately, you can tell Kirika wishes she hadn't brought her father up. She's indicated to you that she still misses him occasionally, even though she knows she shouldn't. She was only eight at the time her parents divorced, so it's natural she might still have a rose-coloured picture of the man buried somewhere. "But enough about him, pumpkin. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. I wish I'd gotten some footage of when the monkey stole that guy's hat, though. That was the funniest thing I've seen in a while."

"I managed to get some," you say to Kirika. "I could send it to you if you'd like."

"Did you also get footage of those two turtles we saw doing it?"

Minako reaches over the table, rapping Kirika over the head with her knuckles. "Don't talk about that stuff in public," she says. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, but keep that stuff private."

"What sort of other trips did you go on when you were younger?" you ask Minako, hoping to change the topic before someone looks your way. "You mentioned the zoo, but did you ever go anywhere else when you were younger?"

"Not really," Minako says. "My parents were middle-class, and they took it pretty hard when the bubble burst. We never really went to many places, or did anything fancy like that. I remember once, when I was really little, we went to the beach, but I think that was about it. Anywhere else I went, I went with my ex..." Minako snorts out a brief laugh, and hoping to steer the conversation once more away from her ex, she adds "I think the most I ever saw my father spend on anything was when he bought a new car the year Kirika was born. He's still driving that same car today, if you can believe it."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed coming out with us today," Archer says. "Was there any animal in particular you liked seeing the most? The bears, maybe?"

"Actually, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the lizards," Minako says. "I thought they'd all be gross and slimy, but it was actually really fun watching them climb around in the trees, especially the ones with the big eyes and the long tongues. But, I actually think the monkeys were my favourite. Especially that big, strong gorilla with the patch of silver." You know that look in your mom's eyes as her hand finds its way to Archer's bicep. "There was just something familiar about him... I wish I could place it..."

"Well, wait until we're home before remembering."

"Have you ever gone to the zoo before?" you ask, hoping to give your father a way out of his current predicament. "And, did you ever see any of those animals in their natural habitats before, on your travels?"

"I've never been to the zoo before, no," Archer says. "But I have seen most of the animals we've seen in the wild before. I've had to do quite a few jobs in Rome, and back then you could see just about any animal native to the Old World if you had the time to look. That's not to say I didn't enjoy my time out with everyone, it's just that seeing them all in captivity was... A little odd, if I had to place it."

[ ] Is there anything else you want to talk about while you're eating lunch?
[ ] Is there anything else you want to do before you return home?
[ ] What do you need to talk about with Tohsaka-san when you return home?
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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[X] Plan Lecture From Tohsaka-sensei
-[X] Is there anything else you want to talk about while you're eating lunch?
--[X] Nothing much really that hasn't already been mentioned (such as what they enjoyed at the zoo), just enjoy your lunch with your new family
-[X] Is there anything else you want to do before you return home?
--[X] Nope, except maybe to pick up a coffee for Tohsaka-san if Archer isn't going to just make a fresh batch when you get home
-[X] What do you need to talk about with Tohsaka-san when you return home?
--[X] First up on the list is the mystery of the "Warped Seeds" and heir "Warped Witches"; share what you've gathered thus far: namely that they seem to be spawning from the Grief Seed of Walpurgisnacht - which is buried somewhere in the southern side of the city - and that the Incubator appears to be bringing some of these Warped Witches to Asunaro (if that's important for whatever reason, maybe since the Incubator is still able to manipulate these mutated Witches)
--[X] Second on the list is the mystery of the Homunculus created by the Pleiades Saints, "Hijiri Kanna"; explain the situation, and specify that Kanna has problems with her memories - namely that she doesn't seem to want the false memories copied to her from her creator, and due to the botched job the Saints did of fabricating her memories she has a phobia of any sort of memory manipulation or hypnosis, so they can't simply have Tohsaka-san dull her false memories with it
--[X] Third on the list is asking why there are so many goshdarn Servants in this goshdarn prefecture; why can so many people summon Servants at will for no apparent goal or device (e.g. the Holy Grail): first you and the Quintet manage to resummon Servants which you know for a fact from Archer's memories (the dream cycle) shouldn't be a thing (not that you regret having been able to resummon your new father, not one bit), and why could the Saints summons another batch of Servants? How and why is any of this possible? Didn't the Grail in Archer's war require like fifty years to collect enough magical energy to call upon only seven Heroic Spirits?
and that the Incubator appears to be bringing some of these Warped Witches to Asunaro (if that's important for whatever reason, maybe since the Incubator is still able to manipulate these mutated Witches)
We (Homura) don't know the Incubator is involved. We can guess, but all we know is that they're somehow moving from Mitakihara to Asunaro without us knowing about it.
explain the situation, and specify that Kanna has problems with her memories - namely that she doesn't seem to want the false memories copied to her from her creator, and due to the botched job the Saints did of fabricating her memories she has a phobia of any sort of memory manipulation or hypnosis, so they can't simply have Tohsaka-san dull her false memories with it
What would Rin suggest to fix this? Is there a way to fix Hijiri's problem without further messing around with her memories? Or does Rin suggest leaving her be, and trying to counsel her through her anger problems?
We (Homura) don't know the Incubator is involved. We can guess, but all we know is that they're somehow moving from Mitakihara to Asunaro without us knowing about it.
That's why I put "appears to be"; it's their best and likely only guess at this point anyways.
What would Rin suggest to fix this? Is there a way to fix Hijiri's problem without further messing around with her memories? Or does Rin suggest leaving her be, and trying to counsel her through her anger problems?
If it's Rin, then she'd probably suggest a professional every time when it's not life and death and she has to finagle a shaky solution to a problem. They'd most likely have to wait for Archer's big sister to come around to help out Kanna through Einzbern Alchemy, rather than through memory alteration directly (and yes, since Illya inherited all of Justeaze-type Homunculi's records and experiences - including the original primeval Justeaze - she'd certainly be the expert in all things Homunculi and Einzbern Alchemy).
They'd most likely have to wait for Archer's big sister to come around to help out Kanna through Einzbern Alchemy, rather than through memory alteration directly (and yes, since Illya inherited all of Justeaze-type Homunculi's records and experiences - including the original primeval Justeaze - she'd certainly be the expert in all things Homunculi and Einzbern Alchemy).
Alright, so then what would Illya suggest?
Alright, so then what would Illya suggest?
Through the Einzbern's unparalleled mastery of Northern Alchemy and Transference of Consciousness spells, Illya would probably devise a treatment of some kind that would probably require Kanna to be put under. She would then rework what she could of Kanna's body in relation to her spirit in order to compartmentalize the false memories implanted within her so as to reflect how the Einzberns do things (the memories would be more clinical and stored as data to be referenced rather than as personal data and experiences). It may or may not require the use of a tube or pool/tub of some kind in order to interface with Kanna's body, such as what we've seen of Homunculi in Illya's flashbacks and the castle in Apocrypha.
Can we still send Archer messages as "Alaya" every once in a while?
We can, but only one person has ever really done so, and the rules for what we can and can't tell Archer are hidden somewhere in the vast empty reaches of the first thread where no mortal dares look, so nobody else really decides to give it a shot. But the basic gist of the rules is that you can't infodump Archer about a part of the world (person, place, or thing) which he is unaware of, with a generally accepted special exemption for giving him new toys. We can't, for example, infodump Archer about something that happened in an omake he wasn't part of, and you shouldn't try to give him "definitive" information about something that's only guesswork on the players' parts. Stuff like that.
[jk] "Hey, Archer! Long time no see. Enjoying your vacation and playing family man? Good, good. Unfortunately, I've got to call you back into work. Seems like you haven't finished your last job properly. We can't have that now can we? So, I'm going to need you to handle it or else I'll be forced to send someone else to handle it. Understand?

Say hi to the kids for me!"
You know, I think I might have horrendously screwed the sequel up, because in retrospect it probably would have been better to have us in Kazumi's shoes this time around. That way I'm not retreading the same characters we've already seen for two years, the Saints can get the same attention and development that the original cast got, and it wouldn't really impact any of the major story beats or surprise twists, and might have even made their impact hit harder.
You know, I think I might have horrendously screwed the sequel up, because in retrospect it probably would have been better to have us in Kazumi's shoes this time around. That way I'm not retreading the same characters we've already seen for two years, the Saints can get the same attention and development that the original cast got, and it wouldn't really impact any of the major story beats or surprise twists, and might have even made their impact hit harder.
Hey, not too late for a perspective switch.
You know, I think I might have horrendously screwed the sequel up, because in retrospect it probably would have been better to have us in Kazumi's shoes this time around. That way I'm not retreading the same characters we've already seen for two years, the Saints can get the same attention and development that the original cast got, and it wouldn't really impact any of the major story beats or surprise twists, and might have even made their impact hit harder.
Look at the good side, if we are still alive for the time this ends, you can do the perspective switch for the 3rd one!