[X] Plan Responsible Parent+
"It's not that I'm against you getting your ears pierced," Minako says. "Or even that I'm against you learning to spend your own money like a responsible adult. I'm against it because the only reason you want to get your ears pierced is because Oriko put that idea in your head, and you went along with it. I know you love her, pumpkin, but I don't want you making your decisions just because Oriko said something. You shouldn't be doing that. You're seventeen now; you should know how to make your own decisions without Oriko telling you what to do or how to think."
Minako looks to Archer hoping he would back her up; and to Kirika's evident disappointment, he does. "I'm going to agree with your mom," Archer says. "You're seventeen now, Kirika. You'll be an adult in just three years, and it's time you started learning how to make your own decisions without Oriko." You should have expected Archer to side with Minako, having seen in the past the kind of trouble Kirika can get into when she blindly follows Oriko's direction.
Kirika pouts; to be expected when her desire to modify herself for Oriko's sake is struck down. "I know you're upset now, pumpkin," Minako says, reaching a hand across the table to ruffle Kirika's hair. "But it's for your own good. You've got to start learning to think for yourself."
Archer nods, adding "On top of that, it would also be a good idea for you to stop taking everything Oriko says so literally, and to learn the difference between when she's actually telling you something versus when she's just thinking out loud. Just because she said you might look cute with your ears pierced, that doesn't have to mean it's something she actually wants you to do. I'm sure she'll continue to love you and find you cute just the way you are."
Unfortunately, it looks like Kirika might end up sulking for the rest of breakfast. You hope that at some point she takes to heart what your parents' suggestions, and that she doesn't go off and get her ears pierced on her own. Sort of like how she decided to get a tattoo under your parents' noses. You still can't believe it was Oriko who wanted to get a tattoo first; and yet, when you think about it, isn't Oriko getting a tattoo the only reason you can think of that Kirika would get one?
"I was thinking," you say as breakfast nears to wrapping up. "It might be difficult to find the time for us all to do something as a family in the near future, especially with those girls still at large. So maybe today, we could do something a little on the special side, and try to have that tide us over for the next couple of weeks while everything is being sorted out with those girls."
"What did you have in mind?" Minako asks.
"Well, if all of you were interested, maybe we could go to either the zoo or the aquarium? I've been feeling like seeing the birds at the zoo lately, but I'd be fine with going back to the aquarium. Or maybe there's something else one of you would like to suggest?"
"Well, I would have suggested a movie, maybe," Minako says. "But there's really nothing good that's playing, and I don't want our family time to be spent in a dark room not talking to one another, either."
Archer nods, adding "I don't really have any strong opinions either way. Rin's not going to be waking up for awhile, so we've got some time to kill. If we got to the zoo at, say, nine then we'd have about three hours, at minimum, before Rin woke up. That would give us plenty of time to see the birds and anything else we wanted to, and maybe even get lunch on the way home if we felt like it, since there's no guarantee she'll be waking up at noon on the dot."
Kirika offers no comment; apparently she's still sore over not being allowed to get her ears pierced. You're sure she'll get over it as soon as Oriko tells her that she doesn't need them to be cute; but that still leaves you with a sulking Big Sis for most of today. Oh boy. Fun.
You make for the shower after breakfast is over, and change into something presentable once you've dried off. Kirika, true to her word, doesn't bother putting on a bra, instead throwing a black button-up on over her band tee. "Are you going to sulk all day?" you ask her. You're sitting on your bed, and she's sitting in the chair by your desk.
"Well, don't do that. I know you're upset now, but I'm sure Oriko will still find you attractive even without getting your ears pierced. You've been with her for over two years, haven't you? You must have been doing something right, and I'm sure a lack of earrings on your part isn't going to change that." When your words elicit no change in Kirika's demeanour, you decide to go for the nuclear option, and ask her "Would it make you feel better if I got Oriko to say that to you?" That does it. Upon hearing her lover's name, Kirika's eyes immediately light up. This is exactly what Archer wanted to see change for her, but you'll do what you have to. "I'll let her know you want to speak in just a moment. First, I need to check something with her and Tomoe-san."
You take out your phone, and type a quick message to your teammates.
<Homura: Tomoe-san, Oriko, I need to know if Caster or Lancer have reported back to you about their progress on the base.>
<Homura: Also, I'd like us to meet up later today to discuss a possible incursion into Asunaro. We've gained a bit of momentum taking their Archer out, and I'd like to assess our options to capitalise on that.>
You don't need to wait long before you receive your replies.
<Tomoe-san: Caster has nothing to report. Work on the foundation is going smoothly with no incidents. We're estimated to have the entire base completed in four days.>
<Oriko: Lancer had much the same to report. Foundation is comign along nicely, and we should have the entire mansion ready in four days. I can try asking Caren'-san if she's head anything from Assassin, but I imagine she wouldn't have anything substantially different to report.>
<Homura: Has Assassin been any trouble so far, or is she behaving?>
<Tomoe-san: Caster says she's been behaving. I suppose the thought of losing her new toy was enough to keep her in line.>
<Homura: That's good to hear. Oriko, if you could call me when we're done here, that would be great. There's something I need to talk to you about in private.>
You set your phone down, and give it a minute for Oriko to call back. "Hello? Akemi-san? You needed to speak with me about something?"
"Yes, I did," you say, setting your phone in speaker so Kirika can hear her lover's voice. "So, Kirika has been... A bit pouty, this morning, because Minako and Archer won't let her get her ears pierced. I told her that you would still find her attractive even if she didn't, but I figured she needed to hear it from you for it to really stick. Am I right to believe that, or were you being serious when you suggested she get her ears pierced?"
"Oh, I really didn't think she'd take me seriously," Oriko says. "Dearest, you don't have to worry about getting your ears pierced. You're already beautiful, and you don't need to change yourself at all in order to make me happy. If you wanted to get your ears pierced, then I'd support your decision, but you shouldn't feel like you need to do it on my account. I'll still love you no matter what." By the look in her eyes, that's enough to get Kirika to put the idea to rest. "Akemi-san, could you turn off speaker and hand the phone over to Kirika? I'd like to say something to her in private, if you wouldn't mind."
You do as Oriko asks, turning off the speaker and handing your phone over to Kirika. "Hey, Ori~ko, how's it going?" ... "Uh-huh, I'm not upset anymore, 'cause I got to hear from you." ... "Oh? A surprise for me?" ... "Mhm, I'll be looking forward to it, then. I know I'll see you later tonight, but I can't wait to see you Monday." ... "Uh-huh, love you too. Bye!"
Kirika hands your phone back to you, and you feel as though you've just been party to something you would rather not have been party to. Against your better judgement, you ask "So, what was that about?"
"I'll tell you when you're older." Something tells you that you're better off not knowing.
[ ] Wat do?