Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Day 5 Chapter 5
[X] Plan Lecture From Tohsaka-sensei

"Morning," Tohsaka-san says to you as you open the door for her. "What did I miss?"

"It's one in the afternoon, Rin," you hear Archer call to her. You lead her into the kitchen where Archer is waiting with a pot of coffee. "Want some?" he asks, offering her a cup. Tohsaka-san takes the coffee from Archer, downing the entire thing before she sits down and passes the cup back to Archer. "You look like shit. When did you get in?"

"Well, just the flight from London to Fuyuki took about... Eighteen hours," Tohsaka-san says. "So there's the rest of my Friday and about half of my Saturday gone, right there. Then, as soon as I touch down in Fuyuki I have to hustle to get to the mansion, grab some books for Shizuki, and make it back to the airport in time to catch the next flight to Yokohama. Unfortunately, nobody thought to inform me that the flight to Yokohama wasn't arriving for another six hours!" Tohsaka-san just about tears her hair out as she says that, only stopping when Archer hands her another cup of coffee. "The plane for the Yokohama flight was held up coming in from its previous trip because of some bad weather, and I only found out the flight was delayed when I got to the airport. Stupid frigging airports. Somebody should just invent a branch of magecraft that'll pick you up from one place and drop you off in another, I swear. It'd save so much on travel expenses."

"But once the plane arrived, it was all smooth sailing?"

"No, actually, not. I worked out that it would actually be faster to take the next flight into Tokyo, then catch the Shinkansen from Tokyo into Mitakihara. Cost me a few hundred-thousand more Yen than I'd have liked, but..."You can see the blood vessel that Tohsaka-san just barely didn't pop, were it not for Archer's coffee. "Well, turns out I was wrong there, too. I ended up getting in at ten-thirty at night, so about an hour later than if I had just waited for my original flight to Yokohama. I'm just glad Minako was awake to let me into the upstairs place, otherwise I probably would have just broke a window and gone to sleep on your couch, or something." You're pretty sure Tohsaka-san has gone through the entire pot of coffee by the time she's finished with her story. "How's that treating you, by the way? It's still really weird to think that you've got yourself a wife and two kids now after, well... Everything we went through."

"Girlfriend, actually," Archer says, showing the lack of a wedding band on his finger. "We didn't feel right about marrying until the girls were able to get married first."

Tohsaka-san nods, sighing as she finally sets aside her cup, with no more coffee in the pot to refill it. "All right, let's get down to business. I know you two didn't call me in just to chitchat about how crappy my flight in was, so what do you have for me? Something about a Grief Seed that isn't a Grief Seed, right?"

"That's correct." You set one of the fake Grief Seeds down on the table for Tohsaka-san to examine. "Recently, we've been encountering witches that, well, aren't witches. They're... Well, I'm not sure what you'd call them in your world, but they look like grotesque mixtures of random animal parts all jammed together into a vaguely functioning animal shape."

"I'd have to see for myself, but what you're describing sounds like a chimera."

"A chimera, then," you say. "Anyway, these drop from defeated chimeras, similar to how Grief Seeds drop from defeated witches; but as I'm sure you can see, they... Aren't." Tohsaka-san reaches a hand across the table, grabbing for the fake Grief Seed. "They don't function like Grief Seeds, either. They don't absorb Grief, and even after sitting around for weeks none of them have ever shown an indication that they're going to hatch into a new witch. All Archer was able to figure out is that they're like Grief Seeds, but put together by someone who didn't know what they were doing."

Tohsaka-san ponders the fake Grief Seed for a moment, before asking "So, what else can you tell me about these? It'll take me a few hours of prying before I've got this nut cracked, so what else can you tell me about these in the mean time?"

"On top of us, the neighboring city of Asunaro reportedly also has an infestation problem," you say. "We have reason to believe that the Mitakihara and Asunaro infestations are originating form the same source; the Grief Seed of the witch Walpurgisnacht, which we believe is leeching corruption somewhere underneath the city's southern edge."

Tohsaka-san gives you a look. "You didn't try to take the thing back with you after you defeated it?"

"It was larger than this entire building," you say. "We didn't have the means to bring it back with us, nor did we have a place to store it. We didn't really have a choice but to leave it where it fell, and once it got paved over during the reconstruction there wasn't really anything we could do."

Tohsaka-san rolls her eyes. "Well that was stupid on, like, a cosmic level," she says. "How are they getting from here to... Wherever the heck Asunaro is, anyway?"

"Asunaro is about an hour to the west of us," you say. "We've been pretty good about stopping them whenever they show up, to the point where we're not actually sure how they've been getting into Asunaro undetected. The Incubator is our best guess at the moment, but we don't really have any conclusive proof that it's responsible." Tohsaka-san gives you another look, as though she's saying to you "Well, is there anything else?" "Sorry, that's really all we know about the situation so far."

"Well, I guess I can work with that," Tohsaka-san says. "What about Asunaro? You said they've got an infestation as well; has that come back to bite you girls in the ass, or is that entirely a 'them' problem?"

"No, it's come back to bite us in the ass," Archer says. "Asunaro has a group of rival puella magi who are... Less than pleased at us over the whole 'infestation' thing. They're blaming us for it, and unfortunately, they've got their own team of servants to back their complaints up."

That gets Tohsaka-san's attention. "Really?" she asks. "So, what, is this like some kind of Great Holy Grail War, or something?"

"Actually, I was hoping you'd be able to tell us how it's possible for those girls to have their own set of servants," you say. "I know for a fact-" courtesy of the dream cycle shared by you and Archer, "-that it shouldn't be possible for those girls to have summoned another set of servants. Furthermore, all of our servants were defeated in the battle against Walpurgisnacht, but we were able to resummon them again afterwards. I'm really confused by this whole thing, and I was hoping you'd be able to tell us how any of this is even possible, when as far as I can tell the Grail was destroyed."

Tohsaka-san shrugs. "The best I can give you is that this city has some crazy strong leylines," she says. "Particularly that one big cluster by the park." She turns to Archer, adding "You know the one. It practically glows in the dark. That would be my best guess for where you're all getting the juice to keep summoning servants. So, got any idea who your enemy servants are this time around?"

"So far we know of Sigurd as their Saber, and Ramesses II as their Rider," Archer says. "They also had Atalanta as their Archer, but I took care of her last night. We know their Assassin is a skilled doctor, but we haven't met her yet. We don't know the rest."

Tohsaka-san whistles. "Tough crowd," she says; "And that's just two of them. Now, refresh my memory, who do you have on your side?"

"Well, we've got me-" Archer points to himself. "-as myself; Brynhildr as our Lancer; Achilles as our Rider; Gilgamesh as our Caster; and Lancelot as our Berserker. We've also got a pair of new additions, Diarmuid ua Duibhne as our Saber and Aífe as our Assassin."

"Aífe?" Tohsaka-san asks, racking her brain for a few moments before asking "Do you mean Scáthach's twin sister? Shouldn't she only qualify for the Rider and Caster classes? What's she doing as an Assassin?"

"Her master had a catalyst to summon her, specifically, and modified the summoning ritual in order to summon her when our Rider and Caster classes were already filled."

"Huh," Tohsaka-san says. "I didn't know you girls knew about catalysts, let alone how you'd get hold of one for a specific servant. Who's Assassin's master, anyway?"

"Caren Ortensia."

"Oh," Tohsaka-san says, before the realisation hits her like the Shinkansen. "Oh! Oh, crap, I bet she did that just to get back at McRemitz for stealing Lancer away from her. Oh, man, you guys cannot let her know that someone else has him as their servant. She would freak if she found out."

"Why is that?"

"Because Cú-" Tohsaka-san stops herself. "No, that's none of my business to tell you. You want to know, you should ask Assassin. That is, assumign you're fine with having your ear chewed off by her. She'll do it, I'm sure she would."

"I'm sure she would, too," you say. "The few times I've interacted with Assassin so far, she's been unpleasant, to put it politely."

Tohsaka-san nods her head, and asks "Is there any other business you need me for? Or can I be directed to Shizuki so I can drop her books off and check on her progress? I am on a ticking clock, you know. I've got to get that done, then I've got to get back here and start fiddling around with this lumpy Grief Seed you've given me, and I've got to get all this done within four days, counting today. Getting Shizuki her books and checking on her progress is the easy part, but I don't know how much time I'll need to look at that Seed, so I'd like to get started sooner rather than later, and-"

Tohsaka-san is speaking in kilometers per minute, so you have to stop her before you've completely lost the opportunity. "There is one other thing I'd like your opinion on," you say. "We've recently come into protective custody of a homunculus, by the name of Hijiri Kanna." The word 'homunculus' is enough to grab Tohsaka-san's attention. "She was created by the enemy faction, but she ran away to warn us about them. She was made to be a replacement for her creator, but they didn't do a very good job fabricating her memories, and she's suffering as a result of not knowing who she really is or which memories are real-"

"So I'll just use some basic hypnosis and set her straight."

"She doesn't want that. She's had enough of people messing with her memories, she says. I was hoping you might have an alternative method of helping her that didn't involve modifying her memories."

"For that kind of help, you'd want the expertise of the Einzbern family," Tohsaka-san says. "Unfortunately, there's only the one Einzbern left since the rest of the family died off; but fortunately-" She looks at Archer, and adds "-This guy over here should be your in with her." Tohsaka-san stands, saying "Well, if that's everything, let's get this show on the road."

Do you
[ ] Take Tohsaka-san to meet with
-[ ] Hitomi
-[ ] Hijiri Kanna
-[ ] the rest of the team
[ ] Go inspect the base construction
[ ] Get the team together for a meeting
[ ] Other (write-in)
[x] Take Tohsaka-san to meet with
-[x] Hitomi

"For that kind of help, you'd want the expertise of the Einzbern family," Tohsaka-san says. "Unfortunately, there's only the one Einzbern left since the rest of the family died off; but fortunately-" She looks at Archer, and adds "-This guy over here should be your in with her." Tohsaka-san stands, saying "Well, if that's everything, let's get this show on the road."

Huh, does Illya still have Beserkules?
Huh, does Illya still have Beserkules?
This is the Hollow Ataraxia timeline. Cursed Arm Hassan is the only Stay Night servant that isn't still hanging around. And Angra Mainyu, but he's not really a Stay Night servant. SO yes, Illya still has Heracles as her servant; and no, Heracles will not be making an appearance. The enemy team comp was balanced around our own team, and throwing Heracles into the mix would imbalance things in our favour.
This is the Hollow Ataraxia timeline. Cursed Arm Hassan is the only Stay Night servant that isn't still hanging around. And Angra Mainyu, but he's not really a Stay Night servant. SO yes, Illya still has Heracles as her servant; and no, Heracles will not be making an appearance. The enemy team comp was balanced around our own team, and throwing Heracles into the mix would imbalance things in our favour.

I have a kind of a hard time imagining having Illya show up with out him, though. So I guess if we do decide to get her help, we're going to have to bring Kanna to her instead of her coming to us?
This is the Hollow Ataraxia timeline. Cursed Arm Hassan is the only Stay Night servant that isn't still hanging around. And Angra Mainyu, but he's not really a Stay Night servant. SO yes, Illya still has Heracles as her servant; and no, Heracles will not be making an appearance. The enemy team comp was balanced around our own team, and throwing Heracles into the mix would imbalance things in our favour.
I have a kind of a hard time imagining having Illya show up with out him, though. So I guess if we do decide to get her help, we're going to have to bring Kanna to her instead of her coming to us?
Gonna have to agree with NMS here, it's super unlikely that Illya would ever leave Berserker behind given their bond and Berserker's nature when not protecting Illya. A way to deal with this while she's visiting would be for her and Berserker to act like a force of nature (like in F/SN or Singularity F) in that if the Saints decide to attack them while Illya's around they get the 'zerk - best strategy would be just to avoid them. She doesn't have to join the war effort or stay long considering she'd just be there for the Homunculus anyways - and maybe to generally be a visiting aunt.

[X] Plan Tohsaka Day
-[X] Get some way to contact your aunt from Tohsaka-san before anything else - from what you recall from your father's encounters with Illya from the dream cycle she's fascinated by the outside and modern world, so it's likely she'd have a cellphone by now unlike most Magi
--[X] Be sure to remember to thank Tohsaka-san for everything she's done and is doing to help everyone out
---[X] ... By the way, what's Tohsaka-san's relationship with the still alive Emiya Shirou anyways? You know that in at least one timeline her and him hook up, and it was one of the timelines that got mashed together apparently according to Archer, so what would that make her to you and Kirika who are the daughters of Emiya Shirou?
-[X] Take Tohsaka-san to meet with
--[X] Hitomi

Three Emiya Shirous are too many Emiya Shirous for this world to handle.
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She doesn't have to join the war effort or stay long considering she'd just be there for the Homunculus anyways - and maybe to generally be a visiting aunt.

---[X] ... By the way, what's Tohsaka-san's relationship with the still alive Emiya Shirou anyways? You know that in at least one timeline her and him hook up, and it was one of the timelines that got mashed together apparently according to Archer, so what would that make her to you and Kirika who are the daughters of Emiya Shirou?
Since you two appear to want me dragging Illya into this whole mess, and are keen on having us ask about Emiya "People die when they are killed" Shirou, I'm surprised to see you stopping there. Why not ask about Sakura and Rider, Seibah, Caster and Kuzuki, etc?
Since you two appear to want me dragging Illya into this whole mess, and are keen on having us ask about Emiya "People die when they are killed" Shirou, I'm surprised to see you stopping there. Why not ask about Sakura and Rider, Seibah, Caster and Kuzuki, etc?
Because they're not relevant right now, so Homura has no reason to ask about them. Rin's free to bring them up though when describing whatever relationship resulted from the Hollow Ataraxia though. :p

Homura's just asking about Rin's relationship to Shirou due to not knowing how Rin fits into the whole family situation thing, if at all.
Since you two appear to want me dragging Illya into this whole mess, and are keen on having us ask about Emiya "People die when they are killed" Shirou, I'm surprised to see you stopping there. Why not ask about Sakura and Rider, Seibah, Caster and Kuzuki, etc?
Don't forget Shinji!

*Cricket noises*

....or not.

[X] Enetious
[X] Enetious
You know that scene at the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy where the one dude just deadpan "Who?"s Starlord? That's me right now, expressing my complete and utter unwillingness to recognise Shinji as a person who I know to exist.
...Shinji is, unironically, one of my favorite characters.

Sadly for him, Sakura is my second favorite heroine behind Saber, so he's still shit.
how? I get enjoying a character who you don't like as a person but Shinji is such a garbage human I cannot enjoy anything related to him.
By two reasons:

1 - He is a pitiful person, yet his motivations are easily one of the most relatable that I have yet to see.

His motivations don't have anything to do with the 'fate of the world', nor ideals not, even about loved ones; His motivations are simply and plainly his inferiority complex, that might as well could have been encouraged by Zouken, and his desire of 'prove everyone' his worth.

While that kind of things remind me of some character like Naruto in a superficial way, Shinji is a realistic take on a bad person with an oversized ego but at the same time being forced to confront the reality that he is basically a failure.

His way of showing the world his worth is by putting everyone whom he sees as Annoying(Better than him), is to put people down and humilliate them.

I enjoy Shinji because this response is something I can relate with and, as much as I love Shirou, is a much more down to earth personality problem than with the rest of the cast in the VN.

2 - Because I can empatize with him.

The feelings of inferiority and inadequancy are feeling that I can admit to have felt and liven through, so I can say that, while I will never condone or excuse his actions during the VN, I can understand and sometimes actually put myself in his shoes for a few moments.

Shinji is an horrible person, and even with what Shirou says about him being redeemed in the UBW ending, I would put that into doubt considering the fact that the principal causes of his development towards that kind of human being are still there (Zouken, Sakura, with her still being the 'heiress'), so I honestly doubt that he will get better as much as an ex-alchoholic being put close to a beer.

In general, I can understand and empatize with Shinji up to a point, so that's onne one of the reasons that I genuinenly like his character.
EDIT: Oh, um, @SVS! I didn't see the notification about your answer... I think this may interst you...? Considering you answered my shit-tasted opinion, so, maybe?
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EDIT: Oh, um, @SVS! I didn't see the notification about your answer... I think this may interst you...? Considering you answered my shit-tasted opinion, so, maybe?
I am genuinely surprised to see a well-reasoned defense of Matou Shinji as someone's favourite character. Usually I just see the ironic shitters who like him because he "did nothing wrong" or because "Sakura was asking for it" or that sort, but you managed to give a non-shitter answer. Colour me impressed.
I am genuinely surprised to see a well-reasoned defense of Matou Shinji as someone's favourite character. Usually I just see the ironic shitters who like him because he "did nothing wrong" or because "Sakura was asking for it" or that sort, but you managed to give a non-shitter answer. Colour me impressed.
Yeah, usually it's just 100% neckbeard A-holes, I've never seen someone who defended Shinji that doesn't condone his actions. I'm surprised, because thinking about it that way, I can actually appreciate Shinji as a character better.
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I am genuinely surprised to see a well-reasoned defense of Matou Shinji as someone's favourite character. Usually I just see the ironic shitters who like him because he "did nothing wrong" or because "Sakura was asking for it" or that sort, but you managed to give a non-shitter answer. Colour me impressed.
Yeah, usually it's just 100% neckbeard A-holes, I've never seen someone who defended Shinji that doesn't condone his actions. I'm surprised, because thinking about it that way, I can actually appreciate Shinji as a character better.
Yeah, the 'Shinji did nothing wrong' meme, while I do find it funny, using it as an actual defense of the character is just disrespectful, not only to the side that is arguing with, but to the character itself.

Shinji is a great character in my opinion, not despite his flaws, but because of said flaws; A great deal of his character is build upon his actions and the consequences of such actions, and taking the responsibility away from him damages the character more than any bad adaptation could ever do.

One thing I love about the Fate Series is the Matou family, which I consider one of the best written group of characters that I have ever seen in any media: Kariya, Shinji, Sakura and even Zouken to some extent are what I consider masterfully written characters which I think very well as deconstructions of tropes; The Shounen Protagonist (Kariya), The Self-Insert (Shinji), The Yamato Nadeshiko/Damsel in distress/Lady with a dark background (Sakura) and The For The Greater Good Hero (Zouken).

Shinji apologist that deny the responsibility of his actions, I believe, are people that have managed to see themselves in the character of Shinji and desire him to succed even after all he has done.

Shinji is a surprisingly easy character to one see themselves in because his issues and problems are so relatable; Many of us have at least once felt inferior to others or inadequatancy at certain moments, and seeing Shinji going to the same gives the viewer a feeling of wanting him to succed, despite his bad actions.

I could keep going for quite a while, and even more expanding in the rest of the Matou family, and maybe if @SVS allows me I'll do, but for now I'll leave this comment here and hope for everyone to enjoy my view on Shinji's character!
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Shinji.... is a rapist asshole, but he is partially the product of his raising. This is no defense, and someone *should* shoot him in the head, or the ass at least, but I consider growing up with Zouken to be at least grounds for mitigating circumstances.
Shinji.... is a rapist asshole, but he is partially the product of his raising. This is no defense, and someone *should* shoot him in the head, or the ass at least, but I consider growing up with Zouken to be at least grounds for mitigating circumstances.
I would say that Zouken has, indeed, have his hand on a quite a bit of Shinji's character by the time of the VN, but as you yourself have said, using Zouken as an scapegoat for Shinji's actions is going too far.

I honestly believe that Shinji is redeemable, but one thing that we must admit for that is that there's nothing that we could call a redeemable feature in Shinji at the time of the VN's end.

Now, 'Without redeemable features'=/='Irredeemable', I believe that Shinji can be redeemed, but it would be a long process and it would mean keeping him far away from the influences of Zouken and the possibility of once more starting his abuse towards Sakura... Which is one of the reasons why I believe that his relapse in the end of UBW is just a matter of time, without Shirou to make himself a stabilizar influence in his life and with the two other factors still in his life, I don't believe that his 'redemption' is going to stick for long before he gives another shot at his old habits...
Day 5 Chapter 6
[X] Plan Tohsaka Day

For the kind of help you're looking to give to Hijiri Kanna, "You'd want the expertise of the Einzbern family," according to Tohsaka-san. "Unfortunately, there's only the one Einzbern left since the rest of the family died off; but fortunately-" She looks at Archer, and adds "-This guy over here should be your in with her." Tohsaka-san stands, saying "Well, if that's everything, let's get this show on the road."

"Ah, actually, I do have a few more questions I"d like to ask you," you say. "They'll be short, I promise; just a few basic things and then we can be off."

Tohsaka-san huffs, but she grits her teeth and bears it, not with a smile, but with an "Argh, fine," she says. "I guess I can answer a few basic questions before we get started. Speaking of which, are we meeting Shizuki at her house, or is she coming here? I don't think I've been to her parents' place yet, and I'd rather not have to wipe their memories if I can help it. I mean, I don't have a problem wiping their memories if I need to, but I'd prefer not to make my favourite first-generation wunderkind pissed at me if I can avoid it, you know?"

"I'll see what we can do so you can avoid that," you say. "First, I'd like to know if there's a way I can get in contact with the Einzbern mage you spoke of. She's..." You look over to Archer, recalling the name from his tales of the Fifth Grail War and the images you saw in his dreams. "... She shouldn't be too hard to get in contact with, right?" If she's the daughter of Emiya Shirou's adopted father, does that make her your aunt? Does she even know she has a niece? Does she know she has two nieces, if you count Kirika?

Tohsaka-san scratches a pair of phone numbers onto a notepad and hands it to you. "That's the number for the Einzbern mansion in Fuyuki," she says, tapping one number before switching to the other; "And that's the number for the Emiya residence. She splits her time between those two, and her other mansion in Germany." She has two mansion? Just how rich were the Einzbern mages that their survivor could afford two mansions? "I don't know the number for her German mansion, so there's still a one-in-three chance you'll miss her even if you dial both numbers, but it's the best I can do."

"What about a cell phone number? Does she have a cell phone I could call?"

"Listen, Akemi, I can barely work a VCR without it breaking. Be glad I even know what a phone is, and take the numbers I gave you."

"Thank you for what you've given me, then," you say, setting aside the prospective phone numbers for your new aunt. "I guess mages aren't as... Up-to-date on technology as puella magi are." Is this how Oriko felt when Nurse Ortensia gave her the numbers for her aunt and grandmother? "Um, you mentioned the name Emiya. Is that-"

"Yeah, it's the same as this guy," Tohsaka-san says as she jabs her thumb in Archer's direction. "I mean, the one of him that's from this timeline, that is. Not the servant."

"U, if you don't mind me asking, what's your relationship with him? I know what Archer told me about your time together during the War, but that was eight years ago. What are things like now?"

Tohsaka-san shrugs, saying "Well, I guess we're kind of dating, if I had to put it into words. Problem is, half of the time I'm doing research work in London, while he's off feeding starving kids in Africa, or something. So, we're technically dating, but we don't get too see each other in person more than a couple times a year. At least he's not trying to get his dumb ass killed like I know he would be if he didn't have me to straighten his dumb ass out." She shakes her head as she looks to Archer, adding "We're definitely not as active as your mom and dad are, if that's what you're getting at."

You can barely stand to imagine your parents being intimate, let alone a different version of your dad being intimate with someone who isn't your mom. "I think what Homura is trying to ask," Archer says, "Is whether or not she should think of you as, well, as her aunt-in-law, since you're dating a version of me."

"Ugh, please don't," Tohsaka-san says. "I'm too young to be anyone's aunt. I'm sure Illya would be thrilled to have you as her niece, but Shirou and I haven't even thought about having our own kids yet, forget about anyone else's kids."

You nod; you can accept not accepting Tohsaka-san as another aunt for the time being. At least for as long as it takes to get that image out of your head. "Well, I believe that's all," you say. "I really mean it this time; that's everything I wanted to ask. Thank you so much for coming here, and for the information you've given me." You'll need to find a more secure place to put Illya's phone numbers than to leave it lying out on the kitchen table. "I'll give Hitomi a call now to see what she wants to do about meeting with you."

"Right, you do that," Tohsaka-san says. "I'll just be talking with Archer for a bit while you're busy."

You excuse yourself from the kitchen, and head to your room to make your phone call to Hitomi. Kirika isn't in your room when you open the door; then she must be playing videogames in the living room, you think as you dial Hitomi's number.

The phone rings three times before you hear her voice. "Moshi moshi, Shizuki Hitomi speaking."

"hey Hitomi, it's Homura. I was just wondering whether you were free for a few minutes."

"I'd love to make the time, Akemi-san, but-" You hear Hitomi giggling as she pulls the phone away from her ear, followed by a soft "Makoto-san, stop that; I'm on the phone." You hear a bit of further giggling from the other end before Hitomi returns, saying "My apologies, Akemi-san. My boyfriend actually came in from Chigasaki earlier in the day, and we're currently out on a date. I'd love to make the time to see you, but today might be my only chance to see Makoto-san for the next couple of weeks, so I'd prefer to spend the time with him, if that's all right with you."

"I see," you say. "I'm sorry to hear that, actually. Not like that - I'm glad you're enjoying your time with your boyfriend, of course - but Tohsaka-san arrived last night, and she's anxious to drop your new books off for you. Is it possible you could make just a few minutes for her?"

"Oh, I wish you had led with that, then. I suppose taking a few minutes wouldn't hurt, assuming Makoto-san were okay with it. Let me ask him." This time, you don't hear Hitomi's voice as she steps away from the phone; likely, she has her hand covering the speaker. It takes a few minutes before she comes back to you, and whens he does she says "Makoto-san believes that would be agreeable, yes. I've told him about you and Kure-san, and he's agreeable to the idea of meeting you for a few minutes while I speak with Tohsaka-san."

"Thank you," you say. "I promise we won't keep you two for very long. I imagine she just wants to give you your books and to check on your progress."

"We'll see you in about... Twenty minutes, then," Hitomi says. "Maybe a little less."

"Right. Goodbye, Hitomi." You hang up, returning your phone to your pocket and returning yourself to the kitchen. "Hitomi will be here in about twenty minutes," you say to Tohsaka-san. "Unfortunately, I caught her in the middle of a date with her boyfriend, so she'll be bringing him along with her. I'll do my best to make sure Kirika and I can distract him while you give her her books and check on her progress."

"Ugh," Tohsaka-san groans. "A boyfriend? Geez, is he at least a mage?"

"I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that."

Tohsaka-san sighs. "Great. I swear, if I end up having to wipe his memories she better not get mad at me." Tohsaka-san shakes her head, adding "Doesn't she know the rules for this sort of thing? What's she thinking, dating a guy she can't even talk to about the most important thing going on in her life?"

"I imagine she's thinking that he makes her happy," you say. "The girl I'm dating isn't a puella magi, but I don't let that stop me from loving her."

"Yeah, well, maybe your all-girls club just has less strict rules about that sort of thing."

[Homura] When Hitomi arrives, do you
-[ ] talk to Hitomi about her progress
-[ ] talk to Tohsaka-san about Hitomi's progress
-[ ] stay and watch as Tohsaka-san and Hitomi go about their business
-[ ] do your best to distract her boyfriend with Kirika (write-in how you plan to distract him)
-[ ] other (write-in)

[Archer] When Hitomi arrives, do you
-[ ] talk to Hitomi about her progress
-[ ] talk to Rin about Hitomi's progress
-[ ] stay and observe as Rin and Hitomi go about their business
-[ ] other (write-in)
[X] Plan Japanese Politeness Is All The Distraction They'll Need
-[X] When Hitomi arrives, do you
--[X] do your best to distract her boyfriend with Kirika
---[X] Do so by introducing yourselves as Hitomi's friends, as well as offering some kind of beverage (like tea) and snacks like a proper host
----[X] Signal to Makoto-san that they should give the two of them some privacy for a little bit since Hitomi hasn't seen Tohsaka-san in so long
-----[X] Ask him about how himself, and how his relationship with your friend is going; reciprocate along with Kirika
-[X] (Archer) When Hitomi arrives, do you
--[X] talk to Rin about Hitomi's progress