Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

[X] Enetious

Ah, yes, japanese politeness!

Truly, one of the best distractions to these people.
----[X] Signal to Makoto-san that they should give the two of them some privacy for a little bit since Hitomi hasn't seen Tohsaka-san in so long
If he asks, what should we tell him that Rin is to Hitomi? A teacher, but of what? Or do we do our best to completely sidestep answering the question?
--[X] talk to Rin about Hitomi's progress
I know we've only seen the one Mystic Code from her, but do we have anything in particular to say about Hitomi's progress? Maybe milestones we think Hitomi should be reaching based on our own experiences, or goals she should be setting for future accomplishments, or something in that vein?
If he asks, what should we tell him that Rin is to Hitomi? A teacher, but of what? Or do we do our best to completely sidestep answering the question?
Pen pal, tutor, etc.
I know we've only seen the one Mystic Code from her, but do we have anything in particular to say about Hitomi's progress? Maybe milestones we think Hitomi should be reaching based on our own experiences, or goals she should be setting for future accomplishments, or something in that vein?
Considering how wildly Magi differ in their respective specializations, it really depends on the measurable effect a Magi has. Hitomi has made great progress by weaponizing and making practical her air manipulation. Her next milestone would be either the expansion of what she can affect or the making of another Mystic Code. What wouldn't be remiss would be Hitomi finding some way to make her Magecraft more efficient by using something like an Azoth Blade or finding some means of storing magical energy for later use (or using Formalcraft to collect magical energy from the environment). Rin wouldn't be aware of Homura and Oriko's project after all.
Well, yes, of course, but tutor of what? What can we tell Hitomi's boyfriend that Rin is teaching her, without incidentally spilling the beans and having to get his memory wiped?
Just a general tutor. Actually, they could probably pass Rin off as a tutor Hitomi had when she was younger, but they stayed in touch, and since Rin is visiting Japan again Hitomi could just say they're catching up - Rin can't stay long though due to business so it won't really cut into their date.
Just a general tutor. Actually, they could probably pass Rin off as a tutor Hitomi had when she was younger, but they stayed in touch, and since Rin is visiting Japan again Hitomi could just say they're catching up - Rin can't stay long though due to business so it won't really cut into their date.
That plan of yours might require some cooperation on the part of everyone involved. Care to put it to your vote and see if anyone else has a different idea?

I am, of course, not speaking only to Enetious when I say things. I'd like to hear the words of the rest of the gallery, especially about something we might require the coordination of multiple parties to pull off.
Why not just... not introduce them? Rin and Hitomi's boyfriend don't need to interact. We can just go with a simple 'hey Hitomi nice to see you can I talk to you in private real quick?' and if asked, Hitomi can say 'ah, old friend of mine, we talk from time to time and she was in town' or something. I don't know. My social skills are through the floor.
That plan of yours might require some cooperation on the part of everyone involved. Care to put it to your vote and see if anyone else has a different idea?

I am, of course, not speaking only to Enetious when I say things. I'd like to hear the words of the rest of the gallery, especially about something we might require the coordination of multiple parties to pull off.
Why not just... not introduce them? Rin and Hitomi's boyfriend don't need to interact. We can just go with a simple 'hey Hitomi nice to see you can I talk to you in private real quick?' and if asked, Hitomi can say 'ah, old friend of mine, we talk from time to time and she was in town' or something. I don't know. My social skills are through the floor.
Yeah, idk, usually we only vote for Homura and Archer, so it's kinda odd that we'd vote for how Hitomi would introduce Rin to her boyfriend; it's certainly not Homura's job, that's for sure.

I'm all for the old friend/old tutor route, since it's clean and simple.
Clearly, the best distraction would be Kirkia prying everything about their relationship as she can out of the poor boy.
Yeah, idk, usually we only vote for Homura and Archer, so it's kinda odd that we'd vote for how Hitomi would introduce Rin to her boyfriend; it's certainly not Homura's job, that's for sure.
Well, I did once call for a Mami vote, so while it is uncommon to ask us to vote for another character, it isn't outside the realm of things that I could ask for. But actually, what I was suggesting was that we (Homura, Archer, Rin, Hitomi, and probably Kirika should get in on this as well) collaborate in some way to get our story straight so as to minimise the chance that we need to mindwipe her boyfriend if someone accidentally says something that contradicts what someone else says. That was what I was thinking.
Clearly, the best distraction would be Kirkia prying everything about their relationship as she can out of the poor boy.
She's the most love-obsessed person on the planet. She was going to do that whether I asked for it or not.
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Question: Has Homura told Mami and Kyoko about her time loops at any point between now and the last thread?
Question: Has Homura told Mami and Kyoko about her time loops at any point between now and the last thread?
She has not. While Madoka reacted positively to us telling her, Kirika was almost a wash, and Sayaka and Hitomi needed a few days to be okay with it when we told them. Now that we're sticking our noses into some dangerous business, it may not be the wisest course of action to tell them.
Day 5 Chapter 7
[X] Plan Japanese Politeness Is All The Distraction They'll Need

The doorbell rings twenty minutes later, and there is Hitomi with her boyfriend, just as she said.

"Good afternoon, Akemi-san," Hitomi says as she takes her shoes off at the door. "Akemi-san, this is my boyfriend, Aoba Makoto." The young boy, appearing identical to the boy in the picture Hitomi showed you, bows as he too takes his shoes off at the door. "Makoto-san, this is Akemi Homura, one of my dearest friends. She's currently hosting the woman I said I needed to speak with." Daring to be so bold as to show her affection in front of you, Hitomi kisses her boyfriend on the cheek, saying "I'll only be a few minutes; promise."

"Good afternoon, Akemi-san," the boy says, smiling as he extends a hand. "Hitomi speaks often of you; it's nice to finally be able to meet you."

You accept his hand, giving him a brief handshake as you lead him away from the kitchen. "Unfortunately, I've heard much less from you. I didn't even know Hitomi had a boyfriend until recently. I am glad to finally make your acquaintance." Unseen by her boyfriend, Hitomi shoots you a wink. "Let's give them some privacy, shall we? They haven't seen each other for some time, so I'm sure they've got some catching up to do. Can I get you anything? A snack, perhaps; or something to drink?"

"Ah, no thank you," Aoba Makoto says, as you lead him to the living room and away from the kitchen. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll be fine."

You nod. "This is the living room," you say as you welcome your guest. Just as you had guessed, Kirika is seated on the couch, waving the controller for the Wii back and forth as she shoots her weapon at various on-screen enemies; "And this is my older sister, Kure Kirika." Kirika pauses what she's doing as you mention her name. "Kirika, this is Hitomi's boyfriend, Aoba Makoto. He'll be staying with us for a few minutes while Hitomi and Tohsaka-san speak."

"'Sup?" Kirika asks, waving for the boy. Perhaps introducing a stranger you only know through your association with Hitomi was a bad thing, because your sister immediately goes for the kill, asking "So, how long have you and Seaweed been together?" And the question lying underneath that, "How far have you two gotten?"

"We've been together for about a year now," Aoba Makoto says. "We met when Hitomi was still going to school in Chigasaki." He scratches at the back of his head, looking ashamed at himself for the question on his lips. "I, uh, I saw three names on the nameplate by the door. I guess your family situation is kind of complicated?"

"Nah," Kirika says. "It's actually super-easy. Homura's adopted, and her dad's dating my mom. So we just put all of our names on the nameplate to make it easier." Kirika pulls you in by the shoulder; a difficult feat, given that she's shorter than you by a very noticeable five centimeters. "But don't think that doesn't make us any less sisters, got it? Homura's my Little Sis, no matter what it says on our family registers." The credibility of her claim is no doubt harmed by the fact that she's shorter than you.

"Oh," Aoba Makoto says the word without any surprise. "There's nothing wrong with that; I was just curious. Hitomi's only ever mentioned that Akemi-san has an older sister, but she never went into the details about your family." Aoba Makoto clears his throat, and asks you "Hitomi's told me you have a girlfriend, is that correct? Kaname Madoka?" You nod, and Aoba Makoto turns to Kirika next. "What about you? Do you have a significant other?"

"You shouldn't have asked that,"you try to say, but the damage has already been done. Kirika is grinning; you don't like it when Kirika has that grin on her face.

"I've got a girlfriend too," Kirika says. "Her name's Oriko, and she's just the absolute best thing in the whole world...." Well, the poor boy brought it upon himself.

"There's my little wunderkind," Rin says, giving Shizuki a clap on the back as she takes a seat at the kitchen table. "So, how are things going? I see you've got yourself a shiny new boytoy; he got any magic circuits to his name?"

"None that I'm aware of," Shizuki replies; "And if Makoto-san has any, I'm not dating him out of a sense of obligation. I'm dating him because I love him." Shizuki coughs into her hand, and says "Now then, I assume you'll be wanting to hear how I"m progressing with my studies?"

"Of course," Rin says. She turns to you, and asks "Archer, can you remember to go upstairs and grab the grey tote from my bedroom before Shizuki leaves? I've got her books in that one and I don't want to let her leave without them."

"Of course," you say. "But I hope you don't mind if I stick around until then." You're interested to hear how Shizuki is progressing in her studies as well.

Rin waves you off, saying "Fine, fine, we're getting off-track. So, Shizuki, tell us what you've been up to recently."

Shizuki takes the steel rings off the fingers of her right hand, setting them down on the table one by one. "I've got a Mystic Code I've been working on, almost since we first met, actually. Their purpose is to allow me to control atmospheric oxygen." Shizuki nudges the second of the two rings towards Rin as she names its purpose, before nudging the first one to join its twin. "I've also got this one. It's not a Mystic Code; just a normal ring with a flint inset. The idea is, when I use my Mystic Code, I'm modifing the density of the oxygen, then I snap my fingers, and when the flint strikes the steel ring it creates a spark."

"And boom," Rin says, following the train of thought to its logical conclusion. "Bombs on command. Not too shabby, actually. How's your control?"

"The control has been the reason why I've been working on this for almost a year and a half," Shizuki says. "But I've finally gotten the fine control down perfectly, I think. I used it in an actual combat situation, and I was able to perfectly direct the flames where I needed to."

Rin smiles, counting off each ring for herself. "A steel ring for oxygen manipulation and a flint inset," she says. "Somehow, you've managed to finagle your way into control over the Element of Fire, just by leveraging your Wind Element with a bit of basic chemistry. I'm really impressed." Shizuki blushes at Rin's compliment, and attempts to hide it as she takes her rings back. "Don't be shy, girl," Rin says. "Own your success. You earned it."

"Thank you, Tohsaka-san," Shizuki says. "I've put a lot of work into getting everything perfect, and I'm quite proud of my accomplishment. I'm just not used to being praised so, well, so directly."

"Ah, that whole 'Japanese politeness' thing," Rin says. "Yeah, can't say I ever got much out of that myself, really. If you've got something to say, better to say it directly, because there's always the chance you run into some idiot who can't read between the lines. Then you're screwed. Anyway-" Rin pushes forward without giving Hitomi a chance to take in her advice. Advice? Advice. "-You've done a really good job with this, so now I think it's time you expanded what you're capable of. Try to work out more applications, or work on a new Mystic Code. Doesn't have to be one for elemental gas manipulation, either, if you'd prefer to work on exploring different things you can do with your Element. You're a smart girl; I'm sure you've got some ideas kicking around in that noggin of yours."

"As a matter of fact, I do have a few ideas I'd like to work on."

"Good. Work on those. You can also try to find ways to make your magecraft more efficient, either by getting someone to whip you up an Azoth Blade to work with-" Rin looks in your direction as she suggest an Azoth Blade. "-or by finding a way to collect and store magical energy for later use. I've got a book on basic gem magecraft if you'd like to learn how to store magical energy that way, or you can take another look at that Formalcraft book I gave you awhile back and work out how to collect magical energy from the environment. Either one's a good option, especially since you're... Well, kind of limited, on account of your low circuit quantity."

"I'd be interested in taking a look at gem magecraft, actually," Shizuki says. "Not just for the application you described, but also because I want to be useful to my friends. I believe gem magecraft might be of some use to them, given their... Unique circumstance."

"Yeah, now that you say it, I guess gem magecraft would be useful for them, wouldn't it?" Rin leans over the kitchen table, eyeing Shizuki like a predator as she says "It ain't cheap, I'll tell you that."

Shizuki nods. "I'm sure I'll manage to figure something out," she says. "I thank you for your assistance, Tohsaka-san, but I believe I've taken up enough of my boyfriend's time. I would like my books, please, so we can return to our date."

Rin nods. "I'd actually like to talk to you about your participation in whatever Grail War nonsense mess that's going on, but I get it. You're young, you're in a hurry, and I'll still be here for another few days while I sort out this lumpy Grief Seed Archer gave me." Rin motions for you to fetch Hitomi's books from the grey tote in her bedroom. She knows you aren't her servant anymore, but you don't see the harm in helping out, as long as she doesn't make a habit of it. "So I'll give you your books, and maybe I'll catch you when you aren't in the middle of snogging that lowercase-A average one you've hooked."

You know Shizuki has learned a lot about magecraft in the past year and a half, but you don't know if she knows enough to find Rin's comment offensive or not. You'll go get her books now, and leave those two to say whatever partings words they want to one another.

Hitomi leaves with her boyfriend and a grey rolling tote at her side, and you're so glad she's leaving when she is. You don't know how much more her boyfriend could take of hearing Kirika talk about Oriko. "I think you could have kept some of that stuff to yourself," you say to Kirika as soon as the door is closed behind your guests. "I'm sure he didn't need to hear all of that."

"Oh, please, I didn't tell him anything worse than what mom told me when I was that age," Kirika replies. "I just saved him the trouble of having to ask."

"He didn't ask, because he didn't need to hear that stuff."

Kirika rolls her eyes, and after patting you on the back and returns to the living room. Archer is in the kitchen, and Minako is in the bedroom doing schoolwork on her laptop. And that would be your phone vibrating. "I'm sorry to bother you, Akemi-san," says Tomoe-san on the other end of the line. "I was going to visit Alina-san before dinner, and I thought I'd see if you wanted to join me. She's been asking about you."

Do you
[ ] Join Tomoe-san in visiting Alina Gray
-[ ] Do you have anything you want to talk to her about when you see her?
[ ] Don't join Tomoe-san in visiting Alina Gray
-[ ] If you choose not to join Tomoe-san, Wat do?​
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[X] Join Tomoe-san in visiting Alina Gray
-[X] Do you have anything you want to talk to her about when you see her?
--[X] Aside from the obvious small talk, ask questions to ensure that there hasn't been anything supernatural going on. I.E have you been hearing voices, has any weird stuff happened lately, so on so forth. Low chances, but luck is a clever son of a bitch.

Don't have much else to say.
I thought Alina had her memories partially erased? How did she get back into the supernatural fold?
I thought Alina had her memories partially erased? How did she get back into the supernatural fold?
For starters, she had a witch inside her head for quite some time, and their bond was strong enough that said witch could manipulate her actions, words, and even her thoughts. Do you think that kind of damage would go away just because she couldn't remember any of it as more than a hazy dream? That, and who said she had gotten back into the supernatural fold? Maybe she's just asking about Homura because Homura is Mami's friend. Mami and Alina do go to the same high school, after all; it's not out of the realm of possibility that they might talk about their friends.
[X] Plan Visiting A Local Artist
-[X] Join Tomoe-san in visiting Alina Gray
--[X] Do you have anything you want to talk to her about when you see her?
---[X] Ask her how she's been doing since that whole debacle a year and a half ago (don't specify any details, though if she asks tell her that you heard about her predicament through your father who found her Student I.D. and returned it to her)
----[X] Ask her - in a hopefully not impolite way - if she's been feeling alright or if she's been experiencing anything out of the ordinary since then; according to your father she was pretty out of it when he came across her, so you're concerned for her well-being (for all they know she could have been exposed to some gas leak along with her father, so you hope they've been okay since then)
-----[X] Is her father okay as well?
---[X] Get to know her and reciprocate while you're there
----[X] Is she looking to become an artist when she graduates from high school?

Anything else to add, anyone?

EDIT: Changed asking about voices to something a bit more subtler.
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