Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

[X] Enetious

Maybe ask if we can offer support, somehow? And be careful if she remembers us. And if she spouts some mystic information, we'd better take note.
[X] Enetious

Maybe ask if we can offer support, somehow? And be careful if she remembers us. And if she spouts some mystic information, we'd better take note.
Thing is, is that it'd come off as too weird or pushy if Homura offered her support like that despite "not knowing each other". Homura asking about voices is already pushing it, though it's somewhat acceptable considering she has the excuse of Archer returning Alina's Student I.D. during that whole debacle.

Not actually sure if she'd say anything mysterious, considering Elsa Maria no longer has any direct sway over her. All that's left is probably any conditioning Elsa Maria might have left in Alina due to Elsa Maria controlling her for so long, which would likely be a side effect and not intended even by Elsa Maria (since Alina wasn't supposed to ever shake off her control in the first place).
----[X] Ask her - in a hopefully not impolite way - whether or not she's still hearing voices since then; according to your father she was pretty out of it when he came across her, so you're concerned for her well-being (for all they know she could have been exposed to some gas leak along with her father, so you hope they've been okay since then)
I think it would be better to see if she approaches us with this first, because I don't think there's a way to ask "do you hear voices in your head?" without coming off as... odd, if she hasn't. I know (and by know, I mean vaguely remember and hope was actually a thing so I don't look dumb) there was that omake of her hearing stuff, but that was then before the timeskip.
Homura asking about voices is already pushing it, though it's somewhat acceptable considering she has the excuse of Archer returning Alina's Student I.D. during that whole debacle.
Please refresh my memory on what you're referring to in regards to hearing voices.

[X] Enetious
I think it would be better to see if she approaches us with this first, because I don't think there's a way to ask "do you hear voices in your head?" without coming off as... odd, if she hasn't. I know (and by know, I mean vaguely remember and hope was actually a thing so I don't look dumb) there was that omake of her hearing stuff, but that was then before the timeskip.

Please refresh my memory on what you're referring to in regards to hearing voices.
There was an omake, and it involved Alina continuing to hear Elsa Maria's pleas to feed her people. It didn't involve Homura or Archer, but with how blasted out of her mind Alina was during the whole Elsa Maria debacle, I'm going to side with Enetious and say it's not out of the realm of possibility for us to be concerned for her, despite having "never met" her. I'm also agreeing with you, however, because I can't think of a way to ask about the voices in her head without coming off as looking crazy ourselves.
Homura asking about voices is already pushing it, though it's somewhat acceptable considering she has the excuse of Archer returning Alina's Student I.D. during that whole debacle.
We might want to rethink the phrasing of asking, directly, about the voices in her head. That does come across as us looking crazier than her.
I think it would be better to see if she approaches us with this first, because I don't think there's a way to ask "do you hear voices in your head?" without coming off as... odd, if she hasn't. I know (and by know, I mean vaguely remember and hope was actually a thing so I don't look dumb) there was that omake of her hearing stuff, but that was then before the timeskip.
We might want to rethink the phrasing of asking, directly, about the voices in her head. That does come across as us looking crazier than her.
A more subtle way to go about it could be asking her if she's been having any headaches
Edited that portion of the vote to be a bit more subtle, hopefully.
Day 5 Chapter 8
[X] Plan Visiting A Local Artist

Your phone vibrates in your pocket; it's Tomoe-san. "I'm sorry to bother you, Akemi-san," says Tomoe-san on the other end of the line. "I was going to visit Alina-san before dinner, and I thought I'd see if you wanted to join me. She's been asking about you."

Alina Gray...
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge as Tomoe-san mentions that name. A year and a half ago, Alina Gray had been the victim of a particularly insidious witch's kiss. The witch, by the name of Elsa Maria, was able to completely take over her mind, urging her to lead a false church whose 'patrons' were nothing more than prospective food for the witch. Six-hundred residents of Mitakihara, all 'members' of Elsa Maria's congregation, died in an instant when the witch and her familiars manifested in the real world. McRemitz-san was able to erase the memories of what had happened from Alina Gray's mind, but you and your team have always kept your eyes on her since then. And after what happened just last April... "Yes, I would be willing to join you," you say to Tomoe-san. "Paying our favourite artist a visit wouldn't be a bad idea; I'm glad you brought it up."

"Thank you, Akemi-san. Shall I meet you at the usual location?"

"Yes, that would be fine." You and Tomoe-san hang up, and you call to Archer "I'm going out for a bit. Tomoe-san and I are going to meet with Alina Gray for a little."

"Alright," Archer says. "Let me know if you need anything while you're out."

Twenty minutes later, you arrive at the usual location - the train station near to Tomoe-san's apartment - where Tomoe-san is already waiting for you. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting," you say. "If I did, I apologise."

"Nonsense, you didn't keep me waiting at all, Akemi-san," Tomoe-san replies. "Now, shall we be off?"

You nod, and allow Tomoe-san to lead the way. This will be the first time you've actually seen Alina Gray since that time, you think to yourself. You have a vague idea of where Alina Gray lives; you're sure Tomoe-san mentioned it to you once before, and if not her then Archer, who saw her home address when he had to return her school ID to her back then as well. Tomoe-san leads you past the area where Alina Gray lives.

"How has she been holding up?" you ask as you and Tomoe-san pass by the neighborhood where Alina Gray's father, himself a former victim of Elsa Maria, lives.

"Better, I think," Tomoe-san replies. "She was doing much better the last time I spoke with her, though I don't know if that's because she's got a somewhat regular schedule now, or if it's because Satomi-san and Misono-san are speaking to her again."

The names aren't familiar to you. "Who?"

"Satomi Touka is - was - Alina-san's best friend, before the incident; and Misono Karin was her girlfriend." Ahh. "They've recently begun speaking to her again. I hope they're able to patch their relationship up."

You can see the tall flat top of a familiar building coming into view as you and Tomoe-san walk past the neighborhood where Alina Gray used to live. "I see. Do you know why she suddenly asked for me?"

Tomoe-san shakes her head. "I don't know. Part of me thinks that she just wants some confirmation that you exist, but I don't know for sure why she only asked to see you now." The two of you come to a stop, waiting for just a moment as the automatic doors of Mitakihara's general hospital slide open for you, and you and Tomoe-san make for the elevator. "Just... Be careful of what you say, will you? It would be terrible if she suffered a relapse now when she's been doing so well."

The elevator doors open, and you and Tomoe-san exit to find yourself on the fifth floor of Mitakihara General Hospital; the psychiatric ward. In the middle of April, one year to the day of Elsa Maria's attack, Alina Gray suffered a severe mental breakdown and attempted to take her own life. Psychiatric professionals diagnosed her with a late onset of post-traumatic stress caused by the death of her mother, which happened shortly before falling under Elsa Maria's spell; but you and Tomoe-san knew better.

Even with McRemitz-san erasing her memories, there was no erasing what Elsa Maria had done in the deepest recesses of her mind.

"Did you bring another one of Alina-chan's friends?" The nurse asks Tomoe-san, as she grants you and Tomoe-san entrance to the ward. "She should be in her room. Visiting hours are the same as always."

"Thank you. Yakumo-san." Tomoe-san bows for the nurse, and leads you to Alina Gray's room. She knocks twice on the door, which creaks open on the second knock. "Alina-san, I brought a visitor."

"Did you?" You haven't heard that voice in a year and a half; but it's unmistakably the voice of the girl who was held by the witch. "That's nice." You hear the shuffling of slippers as Alina Gray opens the door the rest of the way, tilting her neck as she lays eyes on you. "Ah! It's you! The girl from the golden room!" She reaches out to touch you, just barely stopping her hand centimeters from your face. "You do exist! Maybe now the nurses will listen when I tell them I'm not crazy! Did you bring the man in red with you as well?"

"That would be my father," you say, as Alina Gray straightens her neck to its proper angle. "He didn't come with me, but I'll let him know you were asking about him. He's been concerned about you, ever since he saw how out of it you were when he returned your student ID to you."

"Alina-san, this is Akemi Homura. She's one of my closest friends," Tomoe-san says. "Akemi-san, this is Alina Gray. She and I go to the same high school, and we've spoken many times."

"So you weren't just a dream, after all," Alina Gray says. She sighs the contented sigh of a man freed from his shackles, and motions for you and Tomoe-san to join her in her room. "Then, maybe you can tell me if the other things I see in my dreams really happened, also?" Your heart stops when Alina Gray moves to allow you entry into her room. The white walls have been painted over with streaks of black and grey and red, conjuring up images of Elsa Maria's intangible, serpentine familiars, and the crimson sunburst emblem of her phony church. "They don't let me used coloured pencils or paintbrushes anymore, so I have to make due with finger paints and crayons. It's not easy, but I need some way to express myself while I'm here."

You look to Tomoe-san as the two of you enter, taking seats on the small chairs surrounding Alina Gray's bed. You can see in Tomoe-san's eyes what she must be thinking."Is there any particular reason you've chosen this... Subject?"

"I see them in my dreams," Alina Gray says. "They talk to me in my mother's voice. They always tell me that they're hungry, but I don't know what they eat, and they won't tell me. Sometimes, they don't wait until I'm asleep to talk to me."

"I see." You aren't sure if this is worse, or better, than what you expected to find when Tomoe-san first told you about what had happened. "Are you... Well, I suppose it would be rude to ask if you're feeling all right, but-"

"I've been feeling better, actually. The nurses have been giving me some medication, and it helps to keep them quiet sometimes. But it also makes me not want to do art, so sometimes I don't want to take it."

You nod. "You were rather out of it when my father returned your ID to you last year," you say. "I'm sorry to see you in here; I hope you get better soon."

Alina Gray smiles; you aren't sure it's an entirely benevolent smile. "The nurses say I might get to go home in time for my final year of high school, if I keep taking my medication and don't... Well, you know."

"How is your father doing?" Tomoe-san asks, before either you or Alina Gray have the chance to say something that would further make the situation awkward. "Akemi-san's father found him to be rather... Well, out of sorts, I guess you'd say, shortly before the incident last year, and he's been concerned ever since. Have you spoken with your father recently?"

"No." Alina Gray shakes her head. "I think father considers me a burden, ever since this. I think we've only spoken a few times since April. He's healthy, though, if your friend's father is concerned about him. That much I can say."

Your eyes trace the black and grey patterns of Elsa Maria's serpentine familiars as they dance on the walls behind you. You know Elsa Maria is dead. You have her Grief Seed stored safely away. She is not coming back. You don't need to be afraid of them. They're just pictures drawn on the walls in paint. They can't spring from the wall and attack you like this. "I admit, the subject matter is a little too... Abstract, for my liking, but I can't deny that you have talent." Alina Gray preens at your compliment. "Are you thinking of becoming an artist once you graduate high school?"

"That would be nice," Alina Gray replies. "Before this, I was looking into art schools in Europe that I might like to go to once I graduate. I've won awards for my art before, did you know?"

"Three-time winner of the junior artist's competition, correct?"

"Four-time, actually. I won the fourth one just before this happened. But I'm impressed you knew that much; my name doesn't get me much recognition around here. I'd kind of forgotten what it felt like to be known." Her other smiles have either appeared predatory or disturbed, but the smile Alina Gray gives you in the wake of your compliment might be the first genuine smile you receive from her. "So, tell me about yourself. You seem to know quite a bit about me, but aside from knowing that you weren't just someone from my dreams, I don't know anything about you."

[ ] What do you tell Alina Gray about yourself?
[ ] Is there anything else you want to ask Alina Gray before you leave?
[ ] What do you do after you leave?
Agh, this whole chapter is giving me major Magia Record vibes, especially when playing that exact soundtrack in the background. Really didn't expect Alina to have been in the hospital, but that along with the memory issues only reminds me even more of Magia Record. Real shame the english servers were shut down, still upset about that after all the time I put into that game. x.x

[] Plan Alina Gray Isn't Crazy
-[] What do you tell Alina Gray about yourself?
--[] You were adopted by Archer (the red man) and he got you even more family in the form of your mother who he's dating and your big sis who came with your new mom; you also have an adorable cat named Amy
--[] You're in the Archery club, and are looking to win the next archery competition with the rest of the club members; you would've already gotten to that point if not for the natural disaster that wrecked a good portion of Mitakihara a year and a half ago
--[] You've got a girlfriend
-[] Is there anything else you want to ask Alina Gray before you leave?
--[] After consulting with Mami telepathically about revealing to Alina what happened to her a year and a half ago (since they mostly went through with erasing her memories of the experience to counteract some of if not all of Elsa Maria's lingering influence, as well as to respect her father's wishes for them to stay out of the magical side of things at the time), ask Alina: "Do you believe in Magic?"
---[] You're not going to let her believe she's crazy for the rest of her life - especially if her slight obsession with her missing time is any indicator - so transform and ease Alina into what happened a year and a half ago
----[] She was possessed by an evil entity called a Witch - which was more powerful than most - and she was only freed once it was killed; you didn't realize that the Witch could have left such a mark on her, so you sincerely apologise to her
-----[] You know it's no consolation, but you were busy fighting to make sure that the Super Witch that caused that natural disaster a year and a half ago didn't just destroy all of Mitakihara and kill everyone in it, and after that your Dad went missing for months before he was found again... You do feel really bad for letting Alina get this bad before you found out she was in the hospital though, she's definitely not crazy
------[] Stick around and answer any questions Alina may have, along with Mami if she wants to contribute
--[] Exchange numbers if she's feeling up to it after telling her about what happened (obviously if she blames you for not checking in with her, you probably shouldn't bring it up), and offer to hang out sometime if she ever wants to
--[] It should go without saying that Alina shouldn't bring any of this up to the nurses or anything and should pretend - at least to them - that none of this is real; they would just have her institutionalized, and you definitely don't want that (if she ever wants to talk about stuff like magic or what happened to her, she could always talk to either you, Mami, or your friends who are in the know, and she's always welcome to hang out if no one's busy)
-[] What do you do after you leave?
--[] Call for a team meeting in order to discuss whether or not that should capitalize on the enemy Archer's supposed death and continue on the offensive, lest the Saints attack them first; stay a bit longer with Alina though, don't just drop all this on her and leave immediately
[X] Plan Alina Gray Isn't Crazy
-[X] What do you tell Alina Gray about yourself?
--[X] You were adopted by Archer (the red man) and he got you even more family in the form of your mother who he's dating and your big sis who came with your new mom; you also have an adorable cat named Amy
--[X] You're in the Archery club, and are looking to win the next archery competition with the rest of the club members; you would've already gotten to that point if not for the natural disaster that wrecked a good portion of Mitakihara a year and a half ago
--[X] You've got a girlfriend
-[X] Is there anything else you want to ask Alina Gray before you leave?
--[X] After consulting with Mami telepathically about revealing to Alina what happened to her a year and a half ago (since they mostly went through with erasing her memories of the experience to counteract some of if not all of Elsa Maria's lingering influence, as well as to respect her father's wishes for them to stay out of the magical side of things at the time), ask Alina: "Do you believe in Magic?"
---[X] You're not going to let her believe she's crazy for the rest of her life - especially if her slight obsession with her missing time is any indicator - so transform and ease Alina into what happened a year and a half ago
----[X] She was possessed by an evil entity called a Witch - which was more powerful than most - and she was only freed once it was killed; you didn't realize that the Witch could have left such a mark on her, so you sincerely apologize to her
-----[X] You know it's no consolation, but your Dad went missing for months soon after what happened to Alina before he was found again... You do feel really bad for letting Alina get this bad before you found out she was in the hospital though, she's definitely not crazy
------[X] Stick around and answer any questions Alina may have, along with Mami if she wants to contribute
--[X] Exchange numbers if she's feeling up to it after telling her about what happened (obviously if she blames you for not checking in with her, you probably shouldn't bring it up), and offer to hang out sometime if she ever wants to; she should only talk about this stuff to those in the know otherwise she might be institutionalized, and no one wants that
-[X] What do you do after you leave?
--[X] Call for a team meeting in order to discuss whether or not that should capitalize on the enemy Archer's supposed death and continue on the offensive, lest the Saints attack them first

One of the worst things you could do to someone is make them think they're crazy, and considering those dreams of hers aren't going away anytime soon I predict something bad will happen sometime soon if she's left as she is. This was one of the reasons I kept voting for Archer to check in on Alina in Part 2, too bad it escalated to this point while Archer was MIA though...

One of the major reasons for opting to erase Alina's memories (other than her father) wasn't necessarily to make Alina unaware of the Moonlit World (though her father wanted that), but rather to try and suppress what damage Elsa Maria's done to Alina's psyche, and it partially worked. It shouldn't be a problem to explain things to her about what happened back then if it would make her feel less crazy, as she's obviously somewhat obsessed with her missing time and it wouldn't do for her to be like that for the rest of her life.

Also having Homura offer positive interaction assuming things go okay in the conversation, as Alina being able to talk with someone about her experiences - that other people think are crazy - would likely be healthier than otherwise.

Just a note here if anyone doesn't want to go down the 'revealing magic' route to Alina, feel free to edit this plan or create a new one. :)
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Agh, this whole chapter is giving me major Magia Record vibes, especially when playing that exact soundtrack in the background. Really didn't expect Alina to have been in the hospital, but that along with the memory issues only reminds me even more of Magia Record.
Funny you say that, because after a year of putting it off I've finally gotten around to watching the anime. I think that may have been a mistake, because it's giving me ideas for a 4quel. The MagiReco vibes may or may not have been intentional, because originally the sequel was going to be much different than what it is now, and would have been more MagiReco-inspired with a payoff to the Alina plotline from the first quest. This cameo by her is all that remains of the original version of the sequel; maybe she'll show up again in five years if we make it long enough to get to the 4quel.
Just a note here of anyone doesn't want to go down the 'revealing magic' route to Alina, feel free to edit this plan or create a new one.
While it might make Alina feel better about herself, how are the nurses going to take it when she tries to push back even harder about how she's not crazy, because magical girls are real and all that jazz? We might end up making her feel worse when nobody else believes her.
While it might make Alina feel better about herself, how are the nurses going to take it when she tries to push back even harder about how she's not crazy, because magical girls are real and all that jazz? We might end up making her feel worse when nobody else believes her.
Added another point to clarify that she can indeed use that phone number Homura's giving her or take Homura up on her offer if she ever wants to talk to people in the know about things, and that she shouldn't reveal any of this to the nurses or other mundane people lest she be institutionalized.
Funny you say that, because after a year of putting it off I've finally gotten around to watching the anime. I think that may have been a mistake, because it's giving me ideas for a 4quel. The MagiReco vibes may or may not have been intentional, because originally the sequel was going to be much different than what it is now, and would have been more MagiReco-inspired with a payoff to the Alina plotline from the first quest. This cameo by her is all that remains of the original version of the sequel; maybe she'll show up again in five years if we make it long enough to get to the 4quel.
"I've been feeling better, actually. The nurses have been giving me some medication, and it helps to keep them quiet sometimes. But it also makes me not want to do art, so sometimes I don't want to take it."
Egads, it actually works?
"So, tell me about yourself. You seem to know quite a bit about me, but aside from knowing that you weren't just someone from my dreams, I don't know anything about you."
We can avert this issue by saying that Mami-san spoke of Alina to us.
--[X] You've got the best girlfriend in the whole wide world
I get the sentiment, but because of this-
"Satomi Touka is - was - Alina-san's best friend, before the incident; and Misono Karin was her girlfriend." Ahh. "They've recently begun speaking to her again. I hope they're able to patch their relationship up."
I feel like flaunting our relationship would be a bit insensitive. Just mention Madoka more matter-of-factly.
Just a note here of anyone doesn't want to go down the 'revealing magic' route to Alina, feel free to edit this plan or create a new one. :)
I would be all for voting for you. I really would. It's just that this was specifically said-
"Just... Be careful of what you say, will you? It would be terrible if she suffered a relapse now when she's been doing so well."
So I'm a bit dubious of just laying it all out?

TBH, just leaving her hanging isn't that good, either. I can agree with that. The worse case scenario of showing her magic isn't too likely IMO, so I guess it's worth the risk. That, and I'm kinda rooting for hospital buddies here, even if they're of a different kind.
While it might make Alina feel better about herself, how are the nurses going to take it when she tries to push back even harder about how she's not crazy, because magical girls are real and all that jazz? We might end up making her feel worse when nobody else believes her.
... Or maybe not.
--[X] It should go without saying that Alina shouldn't bring any of this up to the nurses or anything and should pretend - at least to them - that none of this is real; they would just have her institutionalized, and you definitely don't want that (if she ever wants to talk about stuff like magic or what happened to her, she could always talk to either you, Mami, or your friends who are in the know, and she's always welcome to hang out if no one's busy)
While this obviously stopgags the issue of Alina coming off as cray-cray, I think it will make Alina more dependent on us, because we'll essentially become her only "confidants". While that's not too bad for the present, it's something to note, since it could alienate her more from the mentioned ex-BF/GF and her father, and will have to be addressed later, whether it's by us or in a timeskip for the next theoretical sequel.

[X] Enetious
Funny you say that, because after a year of putting it off I've finally gotten around to watching the anime. I think that may have been a mistake, because it's giving me ideas for a 4quel. The MagiReco vibes may or may not have been intentional, because originally the sequel was going to be much different than what it is now, and would have been more MagiReco-inspired with a payoff to the Alina plotline from the first quest. This cameo by her is all that remains of the original version of the sequel; maybe she'll show up again in five years if we make it long enough to get to the 4quel.
I see this as a great success in diplomacy!

[X] Enetious
I get the sentiment, but because of this-
I feel like flaunting our relationship would be a bit insensitive. Just mention Madoka more matter-of-factly.
I would be all for voting for you. I really would. It's just that this was specifically said-
So I'm a bit dubious of just laying it all out?

TBH, just leaving her hanging isn't that good, either. I can agree with that. The worse case scenario of showing her magic isn't too likely IMO, so I guess it's worth the risk. That, and I'm kinda rooting for hospital buddies here, even if they're of a different kind.
Thing is, is that that only applies under the assumption that she isn't aware of magic's existence. Obviously provoking her by spouting all kinds of magic/Elsa Maria stuff without any proof of magic would really exacerbate her condition, but finding out that it's all real and that she's not crazy would probably be a real relief (especially since she's very adamant about it in that it's real already).
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[X] Plan Alina Gray can't handle the truth.
-[X] What do you tell Alina Gray about yourself?
--[X] You were adopted by Archer (the red man) and he got you even more family in the form of your mother who he's dating and your big sis who came with your new mom; you also have an adorable cat named Amy
--[X] You're in the Archery club, and are looking to win the next archery competition with the rest of the club members; you would've already gotten to that point if not for the natural disaster that wrecked a good portion of Mitakihara a year and a half ago
--[X] You've got a girlfriend
-[X] What do you do after you leave?
--[X] Call for a team meeting in order to discuss whether or not that should capitalize on the enemy Archer's supposed death and continue on the offensive, lest the Saints attack them first

As a suicide risk, shouldn't she constantly be being monitored?

Also, I don't think that they let people in a psych wards use phones.
It's short enough now, yeah. I'm a little worried that telling Alina about magic - especially telling her about Wallyworld, because she doesn't need to know how bad it could have been - but if nobody else wants to chop us telling Alina then I'm fine with it.
Removed any mention of Wally The Clockwork Clown and instead just went with Homura's dad having gone missing for months soon after Elsa Maria.
As a suicide risk, shouldn't she constantly be being monitored?
It's probably been a long while since she's been admitted, and she's made real progress towards recovery already. Considering they allow her to go to High School still, they probably trust her well enough by now that she's not a risk anymore - likely after countless psyche evals and constant observation over a long period of time.
Also, I don't think that they let people in a psych wards use phones.
Same as above, kinda, especially so since it's noted they'd be releasing her soon.
Removed any mention of Wally The Clockwork Clown and instead just went with Homura's dad having gone missing for months soon after Elsa Maria.

It's probably been a long while since she's been admitted, and she's made real progress towards recovery already. Considering they allow her to go to High School still, they probably trust her well enough by now that she's not a risk anymore - likely after countless psyche evals and constant observation over a long period of time.

Same as above, kinda, especially so since it's noted they'd be releasing her soon.

Where are you getting soon from? She said she might get to go home before her final year of highschool. There's also this:

"They don't let me used coloured pencils or paintbrushes anymore, so I have to make due with finger paints and crayons. It's not easy, but I need some way to express myself while I'm here."

They're still keeping her from art supplies that could be used for self harm.
As a suicide risk, shouldn't she constantly be being monitored

Also, I don't think that they let people in a psych wards use phones.
They don't let them keep phones, but based on what I know there should be a communal phone that patients can earn the privilege of using with good behaviour. We can give her our phone number if she has phone privileges, but we shouldn't automatically assume she would be able to call us. Mami did mention that we shouldn't say anything that might set off a relapse, so it's possible the nurses don't think she's as well as she thinks herself to be.

I was going to have Alina address phone privileges when we gave our number to her, but someone brought the matter of Alina being unable to call us before I could.
It's probably been a long while since she's been admitted, and she's made real progress towards recovery already. Considering they allow her to go to High School still, they probably trust her well enough by now that she's not a risk anymore - likely after countless psyche evals and constant observation over a long period of time.
She was admitted in April of this year. Mami mentioned that we shouldn't provoke a relapse, so like I said to NMS, we shouldn't just assume she's as well as she thinks she is. The nurses are keeping art supplies from her, as NMS said. I also never said that she still physically attends high school. She and Mami do attend the same high school, but this would be a pretty lax psych ward if they let a suicide admit leave to go to school. She has her schoolwork brought to her, although there's no way we would have known that.