Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Non-canon omake - Ten Years Later
Thursday, 7 January, 2021.

A hazy, white sun broke through the window of the darkened bedroom, stirring twenty-three-year-old Akemi Homura to wake. As she pulled herself up into a seated position, another body stirred beside her; her wife of nearly three years, twenty-four-year-old Kaname Madoka. Her pink eyes opened, and their eyes met. "Morning, sleepyhead," Homura said, leaning down to kiss her wife good morning. "Did you sleep well?"

Madoka nodded, the movement of her head rustling her pink locks against the pillow. "What about you, Homura-chan?"

"Of course I did." Homura glanced over to the clock on the bedside table, grinning as she read the early hour. "You know, we've still got some time before we have to get ready, if you wanted to..."

"Didn't you get your fill last night?" Madoka asked.

Homura leaned in once more, eliciting a giggle from Madoka as she nibbled on her wife's ear. "I can't help it; you're just so delicious. I'm going to eat you whole one of these days, Madoka." As Homura spoke, her hand slid under the covers, fingers tracing the smooth-shaven contours of her wife's lower parts. "But for now, there's only one part of you I'm interested in eating…"

Madoka giggled again. "When did you get to be such a tease, Homura-chan?" she asked. "You were never this bold when we were younger."

"That's not a 'no' I'm hearing…"

Forty-five minutes later, a fevered knocking at the bedroom door disrupted the pair. "Bigger Big Sis, Auntie Madoka, wake up! Dad's making breakfast!"

The pair hastily threw on their pajamas, and Homura opened the door to greet the interloper. You wouldn't have guessed it by looking at him, but the five-year-old boy standing in her doorway was, in fact, the son of her father, even though the two looked almost nothing alike. "Morning, Kerry," she said to the boy.

Five-year-old Emiya Kiritsugu, son of Homura's adopted parents Emiya Shirou and Emiya Minako - formerly Kure Minako, and the mother of Homura's older sister - pouted as he stared up at the younger of his two older sisters. "You two were doing grown-up stuff again, weren't you?"

Homura didn't acknowledge her younger brother's accusation, because it was entirely true. But poking her head out of the bedroom beside Homura was Madoka, who greeted the boy with a cheerful "Good morning, Kerry-chan."

The boy, already thoroughly tired of standing around while his sister and sister-in-law did grown-up stuff, huffed, raising his voice as he said "Come on already! Dad's making pancakes and mom said I can't eat until you two get up."

Homura and Madoka did as the boy instructed, following him into the kitchen where Homura's parents were already settled in, a stack of pancakes piled high on the kitchen table. "Good morning, sleepyheads," Homura's father - Emiya Shirou, though better known by the moniker of 'Archer' to those who knew him - said. "Hope you two worked up an appetite, because I think I made a bit too many." Archer's words didn't fail to elicit a blush from the pair.

When Homura and Madoka had gotten married, Archer and Minako had moved into the upstairs apartment in order to give the newlyweds their space. That didn't stop the family from coming together for meals each day, and breakfast, as cooked by Archer, was no exception today. "I hope we weren't too loud," Homura said. Though that would be fitting payback, now that Homura thought about it.

"You were fine," Archer said. "No louder than I'm sure Minako and I were when you were younger."

Everyone settled down into breakfast after that; the pancakes were delicious, as to be expected of their creator. "So Madoka," Minako said. "Remind me again what your friends are up to these day? I haven't seen Hitomi in years; are you girls still friends?"

"Mhm, me and Hitomi-chan are still friends," Madoka said. "She's still studying magecraft in London. She was taking winter courses, last I heard, and I think she said she's got… One year left?" Madoka looked to Homura for confirmation; Homura nodded her head. "She's going for her Master's, and hopefully she'll be able to come home by summer of next year so she can get married."

"She must be so lonely, spending so much time in a foreign country by herself," Minako said. "I hope she's managed to adjust."

"I'm sure she's fine," Homura said. "We've been speaking regularly, and from the sound of things HItomi's managed to make friends with a few of her classmates and most of her flatmates. Besides, even if she hadn't, Hitomi's a strong girl. I'm sure she would have been fine no matter what."

Minako nodded. "I'm sure you've already told me, but what field is Hitomi getting her Master's in again? It must have slipped my mind the last time you old me."

"Material Transmutations and Alchemy. She's studying under a professor by the name of Musik, if I'm not mistaken. I believe that was the name Hitomi gave me."

"She's certainly an ambitious one, that girl," Archer said. "Tohsaka trained her well. What about you two? You've only got two months left before you're both done, right?"

Madoka nods enthusiastically. "Mhm! I can't wait to go out and find a job once I'm done with school." Turning to Homura, Madoka added "You're so lucky, Homura-chan. You've got a job lined up with mama right out of school."

"And then you'll be working alongside me," Minako said. "Man, I just hope nobody accuses Junko-san of nepotism, putting us both to work under her like this."

"What about Tomoe?" Archer asked. "Is she still having trouble finding a nice man to settle down with?"

"Unfortunately," Madoka said. "I really thought her last boyfriend was going to be the one, too." Madoka shook her head. "I just don't get it. Tomoe-san is one of the nicest girls I know. She's smart, and kind, and she's really pretty, so why can't she find a guy who's good enough to marry?"

"Who knows?" Minako asked. Turning to Archer she said "It took me seven years to find this handsome stud; maybe she just needs a bit more time."

"Still, it is unfair that she's the only one out of all her friends to be single," Archer said. "Even Sayaka and Kyouko have had better luck than her; and they fight all the time." Archer turned to both Madoka and Homura, asking either of them "How many times have they broken up and gotten back together over the stupidest things? I think I lost count after their tenth breakup."

"Your count isn't too far off, then," Homura said. "I think they're on breakup number fifteen. I'm sure they'll be back together in a week or two once they've had time to clear their heads and admit that whoever was wrong was wrong."

The youngest at the table rolled his eyes, declaring "Your friends are bo~ring. I want to see Little Big Sis and Auntie Oriko again! Why'd they gotta live so far away?"

"Shirome's only an hour away," Minako said. "We can visit Kirika and Oriko any time you'd like."

"Yeah, but an hour's like, forever away!"

"Maybe we'll invite them over for dinner during the weekend," Archer said, rustling his son's hair and causing the boy to huff in frustration. "I'm sure they'd love to see you again."

"Speaking of Kirika, she was planning on going back to school in March, wasn't she?" Homura asked. "At least, that was what she told me the last time we spoke. Did she mention anything about it to either of you?"

Minako shook her head. "No, she hadn't mentioned anything to me. Maybe it's something she only decided on recently?" Homura shrugged. "Did she say what she wanted to go back to school for?"

"I believe she said she wanted to be an, um, relationship counselor." Homura cast a careful eye towards her younger brother. His presence was the only thing keeping Homura from being more adult with her description of her older sister's plans. "So I imagine she'll be looking into psychology courses. Personally, I think she's better suited to that than she was to her first choice."

"And is Oriko still studying law, or did she decide to change course as well?" Homura nodded. "That's good," Minako said. "I think she'll do a great job."

"I suppose after what her father did, becoming a criminal prosecutor was the only thing she could think of to redeem her family's name," Archer said. "Personally, between going to law school or seminary school, I think she made the right choice. We could all do with a few less Yakuza in this country."


The final member of the Akemi-and-others household made her presence known. Amy was getting on in years, but somehow still seemed as spry as she had always been. "Did we forget to put breakfast out for you, Amy?" Madoka asked, leaning down to scratch behind the cat's ears. "I'm sorry. I'll get you something right away." Excusing herself from the table, Madoka made for the pantry and fished out some food for Amy, which she poured out along with some fresh water in Amy's two bowls. "There you go, Amy, eat up."

Breakfast conversation to follow was light; Minako's work and what Homura could expect one she was done with school; Madoka's own plans; whether little Kerry was looking forward to attending school in March. When breakfast concluded, Homura was the first to excuse herself from the kitchen table. "I'll help dad with the dishes as soon as I've showered and changed," she said.

With the smell of breakfast behind her, Homura sauntered off to the bathroom to take her shower. Ten years. Ten years ago, Homura would never have imagined that she would be fortunate enough to spend the rest of her life surrounded by people she loved. She had a family again; a father and a mother, things she hadn't had in so long it hurt to think about how much their absence didn't hurt. She had an older sister, and a sister-in-law. She had a younger brother; for years, Kirika had been her Big Sis; now, it was her turn to be the Big Sis to someone else. She had a wife; Madoka was such an amazing girl; and now, Madoka was hers, as sure as the sun rising in the east.

"It was all worth it," Homura said to herself, sighing contentedly as the warm water struck her body. "It was all worth it, if it means I get to wake up each morning and see Madoka's smiling face. Thank you. I don't know who's listening, but whoever you are; thank you."
Today is the ten-year anniversary of episode 1 of Madoka Magica. In celebration, I give you this look into what our first family is up to today, ten years later.
*Non-canon Omake*

This is canon as far as I'm aware and I will reject your reality until you submit to my (head)canon.

PD: Happy ten-year anniversary, PMMM!
*Non-canon Omake*

This is canon as far as I'm aware and I will reject your reality until you submit to my (head)canon.
It's only classed as non-canon because the events described therein aren't relevant to the present day events of the quest. As far as I'm concerned, I wrote it with the intent of being canon, and I encourage everyone else to view it as such. But it is still classed as non-canon regardless.
Day 4 Chapter 8
[X] Plan Fish And Souls

Before you can comment on the aggressive display of affection which Kirika has subjected you to viewing, you are interrupted for a second time. "Ah, Oriko, you're here. Are you staying for dinner?" Minako asks, as she joins her daughter and you in the living room. "I think we've got enough to make something for you, if you wanted."

"Please please please stay for dinner!" Kirika begs.

Oriko looks to Minako, then to Kirika, and then to you. You nod; if she wants to stay for dinner, you would have no complaints. "Oh, I suppose I can stay for dinner," she says, seeing that all are accepting of her presence. "I hate to impose on Archer by asking him to make a vegetarian dish on my behalf, but if everyone is fine with having me, then I suppose I won't complain."

"Oh, nonsense," Archer says as he pokes his head into the living room. "I had a feeling you might be staying for dinner, so I had plans to make a few more vegetarian dishes just for you. Are gyoza okay?"

"Gyoza would be lovely, Archer."

Ten minutes later, gyoza is just one of the many dishes Archer has prepared. You see the aforementioned gyoza, sautéed shimeji mushrooms, an omellete with chopped peppers; and of course, the salmon and mushrooms baked in foil. With a call of "Alright everyone, dinner's on!" the kitchen is filled. Archer takes a seat beside Minako, and you take what could reasonably be called the 'head' of the table so Kirika can sit next to Oriko. "Itadakimasu!"


Oriko takes a few moments longer to say grace over her gyoza, breaking to reach for the mushrooms and a slice of the omellete to add to her plate. "Everything looks wonderful as always, Archer, thank you very much."

"Not a problem," Archer says. "It's the least I could do to accommodate one of my future daughters-in-law."

"Hey, Kirika," you say, catching your sister's attention before she's able to lose it watching Oriko eat. "So, earlier today, Madoka asked if she could wear my Soul Gem for a bit, and I said yes. I was wondering, is that something you and Oriko have ever done before?"

"Oh yeah, all the time," Kirika replies. "It's really hot, isn't it?"

So maybe it wasn't just you, if Kirika gets hot whenever she lets Oriko wear her Soul Gem. "Yeah," you say, nodding your head. "Everyone kept asking me if I was feeling alright; and I admit, it was a lot warmer than I expected, so-"

"No, no, I meant like hot hot. You know, intimate, sexy, that sort of thing. When Oriko and I do it, it's like we're hugging each other's souls, and it's super hot. What are you talking about?"

"Well, I thought you meant hot literally. As in, temperature-wise. When I let Madoka wear my Soul Gem, I felt really hot." You look over to Archer, and to Oriko; if anyone would know why you felt that way, it would be one of those two. "Is that normal?"

"I'm not entirely sure if that's a normal reaction just between two puella magi," Archer says, his eyes darting between Oriko and Kirika. "But for you, you basically let a walking leyline wear your soul. It wouldn't really surprise me if the exposure was what caused your magic circuits to feel like they were overheating."

"Wait a second..." Minako speaks up, looking at you with an uncomfortable gaze. "So, you let Madoka... Wear your soul?" As soon as she says that, it's as if something clicks in her mind, and her eyes immediately shoot to Oriko and Kirika as well; "And you two have done that regularly as well? Am I the only one who thinks this all sounds kind of... Weird?"

"Eh-heh, yeah." You sheepishly laugh at Minako's accusation. "Now that you say it like that, it does sound kind of strange, doesn't it?" Minako nods, and you have to admit, if you were in her shoes and had only a passing at best knowledge of what magic is like, then you would also find things like wearing your soul to be a little unusual. But, to change topics to something more pleasant, you ask Minako "So, you'll be done with your first year of university in March, right? Do you know how well you're doing?"

"I've been doing better," Minako says. "When I started, it was really difficult readjusting to being back in school while also juggling working for Junko-san, but I'd like to think I've managed to get into the swing of things It's really fun, actually, when the workload on both ends isn't overwhelming." Minako leans in to Archer, smiling for him as she adds "Of course, I'm so glad I've got a supportive boyfriend and two great daughters; it really makes everything I'm doing feel worthwhile."

You nod. "We're all happy to see you moving up in the world," you say to Minako. "Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll be in Junko-san's position, giving some down-on-their-luck single mother the chance they need to get a leg up." Minako smiles at your words; and while you've got family on your mind... You turn to Oriko next, and ask her "Speaking of family, what are your relatives in Italy like? You've only ever given us little tidbits; I'm sure we'd all like to hear more about them."

"Well, where should I begin?" Oriko asks. "There's my great-aunt Sophia, she's Caren-san's grandmother. There's my aunt Maria and my uncle Antonio; they're not really my aunt and uncle, of course, but it's easier to call them that than to call them my whatever-cousin-however-many-times-removed. They're the ones who raised Caren-san after her mother died. They've also got two adorable little boys of their own."

"They're a lot of fun!" Kirika chimes in. "When I went with Oriko last summer, playing with them made me really want to have kids with Oriko one day."

Oriko nods. "I thought they wouldn't approve of my relationship with Kirika, since Caren-san told me they're all very devout, but they had no problems with her at all. They're really all very nice people."

"What sort of things do you do when you go to visit them?"

"It depends. During the week, I'll help them with shopping, or working in the garden, cooking lunch and dinner, or taking care of the kids if Maria or Antonio need a break. Sometimes we'll go into town and just go sightseeing." Oriko's eyes light up as she speaks about her family and her time in Italy. "Florence is such a beautiful city, you know, and there's so much to do I think I'd still be finding new things even if I spent the rest of my life there."

"We saw a painting of a naked lady in a museum!" Kirika exclaims. "I think Oriko has bigger boobs than she did, though."

Oriko laughs, saying "That was Botticelli's Birth of Venus. We saw it when we visited the Uffizi Gallery." Another smile, before Oriko's voice takes on a more solemn tone, and she said "Then, every Sunday morning, we'll all get up and go to church together. When we get home, Aunt Maria and I always make a big lunch for everyone, and we take the rest of the day off to spend time with one another."

"It sounds like you really enjoy the time you spend in Italy," you say. "Have you ever considered moving there to live with them permanently?"

"I've thought about it," Oriko replies. "Since my grandmother was an Italian national, I should be able to easily get Italian citizenship. But I don't know if I'd want to leave everything else behind and run off to Italy to live with family I only see twice a year. I love them, dearly, but I've got too many roots already settled here in Japan, and pulling them all up would be quite difficult." Oriko smiles, adding "But I think I might consider purchasing a little summer home in Italy when I'm older; somewhere romantic Kirika and I could run away to if we ever wanted to get away from it all for a few weeks."


Even though Amy has dinner and water sitting in her bowls, it clearly isn't enough, not when the scent of Archer's cooking is there to tempt her. "Oh, all right," you say. You tear off a bit of fish with your chopsticks, making sure not to pass along any of the onion the fish was cooked with as you give the small treat to Amy. "But only because you're such a good girl, understand?" Without complaint, Amy takes the fish from you, and both you and she return to your dinners.

Light conversation over dinner continues, until Kirika decides to ruin everything by asking "Hey mom, can I get my lip pierced?"

"Absolutely not," Minako says, shutting down Kirika's attempt to be rebellious before an attempt can even be made. "Why would you even ask that?"

"What about my tongue? Nobody would see it, and-"

"-And when you chipped your tooth it would cost us a fortune in dental bills." Again, Minako shuts Kirika down. "One of my coworker's sons chipped their tooth on his girlfriend's tongue piercing, and it cost them almost three-hundred-thousand Yen to fix. That money is supposed to be going towards your education, not yours or Oriko's dental bills."

"Then what about my bellybutton? Nobody would see it except for me and Oriko, and it wouldn't cause you to spend a fortune getting my teeth fixed if something happened. Or what about my-"

"Absolutely not." Minako shakes her head, sighing deeply as she says to Kirika "Why don't you just tell me what it is you actually want, instead of trying to haggle me down from something you know I'll just say no to?"

You can see the look of defeat on Kirika's face as Minako figures out her plan. She reaches a hand up to her ear, running her fingers along the upper edge as she says "My ears. I want to get the kind that clamp around the ear, right here at the top."

"It's my fault, Minako-san," Oriko says. "We were watching a movie the other night, and one of the actresses had her ears pierced like that. I said to Kirika I thought she might look cute with something similar, but I really didn't think she would take me seriously."

"Of course I'd take you seriously!" Kirika says. "If you think there's something I'd look cute in, then I've gotta get it!" Your sister makes the biggest puppy-dog eyes you think you've ever seen a human capable of making, and she asks Minako "Can I get my ears pierced? Ple~ase?"

"Absolutely not," Minako says for a third time. So, even after being haggled down from lip, tongue, bellybutton, and whatever else Kirika would have tried asking for, Minako still says no. "Your father and I have spent enough money on you already. We bought you that really nice jacket for your birthday, and that was only a week ago. I know we've got it better than we used to, but we're not made of money, you know. I can't afford to be buying you jewellery on top of everything else." Kirika deflates, appearing as defeated as Oriko looked when Nurse Ortensia refuted her the previous night. "I'm sorry, I know you want to look cute for your girlfriend, but I'm trying to save our money so you've got enough to go to a decent university."

Do you
[ ] Agree with Minako's decision
[ ] Try to convince Minako to change her mind
-[ ] Actually, you want to get your ears pierced too

[ ] After dinner, what needs to be discussed
-[ ] with Hitomi
-[ ] with Tomoe-san
-[ ] with Kyouko
-[ ] with Oriko
-[ ] with Kirika
-[ ] with Nurse Ortensia
--[ ] About what? (write-in)

[ ] Other (write-in)

[Archer] Do you
[ ] Agree with Minako's decision
[ ] Try to convince Minako to change her mind

[ ] After dinner, what needs to be discussed
-[ ] with Saber
-[ ] with Lancer
-[ ] with Rider
-[ ] with Caster
-[ ] with Assassin
-[ ] with Berserker
--[ ] About what? (write-in)

[ ] Other (write-in)​
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[] Agree with Minako's decision
-[] Telepathically tell Kirika. "Well she didn't say you couldn't get your ears pierced, just that she wasn't going to be the one to pay for it."
[X] Plan: After-Dinner Discussion
-[X] Agree with Minako's decision
--[X] "Wouldn't you just regenerate it anyway?"
-[X] After dinner, what needs to be discussed
--[X] Oriko & Hitomi
---[X] About using runes to give her an artificial Magic Crest
--[X] Hijiri & Mami
---[X] What's the deal with the missing person's report? Is that actually her family, or did the Saints mess with their memories? Does that family have to do anything with Kanna Niko?
---[X] What can she first remember, if she's willing to talk about it?
---[X] Is there anything she wants, aside from safety from the Saints? You don't want her feeling like a prisoner when she isn't (even if circumstances have pushed her to coming to them)
-[X] Archer
--[X] Saber and Assassin
---[X] Since it's more practicality then a reward at this point, go ahead and give Assassin the Sword of Paracelsus; the enemy might be knocking down our door any minute, so it's good to be prepared. Also give Diarmuid his spears.

Since it's become a ghost town over here, I guess I'll vote.
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[X] PlaguePaladin

Hum... Nobody here except Plague, guess he will have to do.
I don't think we talked to Mami and Hijiri yet, so that still needs to be addressed. Luckily Enetious already wrote a section for that if anyone wants to incorporate it into their vote:

--[ ] Have that talk with Hijiri Kanna along with Mami; just be polite and patient with her due to what you've learned from Nurse Ortensia - inform Mami of what you learned from her beforehand just in case
---[ ] What's the deal with the missing person's report? Is that actually her family, or did the Saints mess with their memories? Does that family have to do anything with Kanna Niko?
---[ ] What can she first remember, if she's willing to talk about it?
---[ ] Is there anything she wants, aside from safety from the Saints? You don't want her feeling like a prisoner when she isn't (even if circumstances have pushed her to coming to them)
Sorry, I'm on overtime today & tomorrow. I'd like to also discuss battle formations, and the new info we have from the Pleiades; can we somehow check the veracity of their response?
Well Enetious basically vanished for the day, and I have no clue what he wanted to discuss. Nevertheless, modified to have a few more things.
Wait, no, I see his name down below. Hey, @Enetious, get in here, we need you to work your magic.
Sorry, I'm on overtime today & tomorrow. I'd like to also discuss battle formations, and the new info we have from the Pleiades; can we somehow check the veracity of their response?
Can we check the Saints? We've tried that before, and they've apparently got some pretty strong anti-check measures set up around their base. We can look in their pasts, but not their presents or futures.
Well Enetious basically vanished for the day, and I have no clue what he wanted to discuss
To be fair, I was here up until the last moments before the update came out, just bad timing really. :p

[X] Plan This Is A Briefing, Not A Get-together
-[X] Agree with Minako's decision
--[X] They don't even know how their Puella Magi bodies would react to piercings yet, so for all they know it'd be a massive waste of money; best to test it at some point when she has some disposable amount of money at hand
-[X] After dinner, have a briefing and discuss
--[X] Ramesses II and what you saw of him through your Master Vision
---[X] Possible counters for Ramesses II would be the Chains of Enkidu or Archer's Volcano Caligorante due to his Divinity; heck, they'd probably work very well against any Divine Beast that Ramesses II could throw at them for the same reason
--[X] Double check with Caster that using the Sword of Paracelsus as they have isn't actually spawning these Warped Witches, if that's somehow even possible
---[X] Speaking of, can Caster discern anything from the past of the Saints that has to do with the Warped Witches? They seem to blame them for them after all, but as far as you're aware you and the team haven't been allowing the Warped Witches to survive long enough to leave Mitakihara
--[X] with Oriko and Hitomi
---[X] about creating an artificial "Magic Crest" for Hitomi to use to power Saber in battle by storing an Inguz Rune in an Othala Rune
----[X] Where the Inguz Rune would draw power from could be split among the Puella Magi, if necessary
-----[X] (Archer) Chime in with specifics on how a theoretical Magic Crest would work with Runes along with Lancer (who knows better how Othala as a Magic Crest would work); you do not just make Magic Circuits using Othala somehow
--[X] Have that talk with Hijiri Kanna along with Mami as per Plan Holy Ra What Was That?!
-[X] After the briefing, deploy the Servants to start getting started on the base
--[X] (Archer) Since it's more practicality then a reward at this point, go ahead and give Assassin the Sword of Paracelsus; the enemy might be knocking down our door any minute, so it's good to be prepared. Also give Diarmuid his spears.
---[X] Assassin'll need you to keep it around anyway, so it's still a reward, and she'll need it for effective base building.

EDIT: Changed double checking to only Caster. Added Archer chiming in about the fake Magic Crest plan, though I refrained from repeating every single detail that went into it from the discussion before to keep it brief in the vote (and added Lancer into he conversation to help with the Othala-Magic Crest explanation for redundancy).
EDIT2: Added Caster postcogging to check for the Saints' history with Warped Witches
EDIT3: Shortened the plan as per SVS' request
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--[X] Double check with Archer and Caster that using the Sword of Paracelsus as they have isn't actually spawning these Warped Witches, if that's somehow even possible
We checked with Archer, if you'll recall. He's prtty sure that's not how it works, but now it's Archer's turn to check with Caster to make sure he wasn't spewing BS and that he's actually correct about how his sword works.
--[X] with Oriko and Hitomi
---[X] about creating an artificial "Magic Crest" for Hitomi to use to power Saber in battle by storing an Inguz Rune in an Othala Rune
----[X] Where the Inguz Rune would draw power from could be split among the Puella Magi, if necessary
As I brought up when you corrected me, this might be something we want to have Archer chime in on, since he would be able to better articulate how you were hoping this would function, rather than how I thought this function.
-[X] After the briefing, deploy the Servants to start getting started on the base
Are we not at all planning on heading over to Asunaro to knock at least one singular block after Mirai did that to us earlier in the day?
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Are we not at all planning on heading over to Asunaro to knock at least one singular block after Mirai did that to us earlier in the day?
I want to, but it's better to get our underprepared territory into gear before we head into the enemy's very prepared territory. Plus, it's not like heading into enemy territory is urgent.
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[X] Enetious

I wouldn't mind heading to Asunaro if Mirai was still seperated from her team. Though that does run the risk of her calling reinforcements faster...
We can look in their pasts, but not their presents or futures.
That still sounds useful. Perhaps we can look into their past for any incidents involving the Warped Witches.