So can we actually expand before we get another crisis? There is a reason you need to claim land quickly before everyone else out expands you, again...
[X] [Diplo] Blodwyn establishes a trading outpost at the conflux.
[X] [MAIN] Settle Land = (Rockbay)
Caermyr = [SEC] Build Palisade = Lowland Conflux
Merntir = [SEC] Settle Land = Western North Coast Plains, [SEC] More Fishing
Maradysh = [SEC] Build Arthrynite Shrine = Lower North Green River, [SEC] Build Zarannist Shrine = Lower North Green River
Things gone well at first. With the approval of Cadlon Carys the Beautiful, Blodwyn the Explorer had set up a trading outpost at the conflux of the largest rivers in the northern lowlands. Whilst the barbarians in the lowlands were still getting their act together, they would do so in time and when that finally happens, the Arthwyd will be positioned to dominate trade in the lowlands.
It took some time to set up Caermyr, but thanks to their expeditions, the Arthwyd already had claimed the site with a semi-permanent camp. It was a matter of turning that camp into a proper village and getting enough people to move into the lowlands. Not many of the Arthwyd were willingly to move to place so far away from proper civilisation, but with the sheer size of the Arthwyd, Cadlon Carys was able to find enough people to get a village going, especially with Blodwyn being very persuasive on the matter.
The Arthwydish didn't have any troubles from the local barbarians as they set up Caermyr. The chosen people of Arthryn and her Daughters had already established their presence in the lowlands over the last generation and none of the local lowlander tribes would dare mess with them. All those that would be so foolish had already suffered the consequences of getting on the wrong side of the Arthwyd.
The only lowlanders who would dare mess with the Arthwyd would be the Forluc, who competed with the Caradysh for the position of being the second most powerful people in the world. So of course the Forluc would stir up trouble once news of Caermyr reached them.
In fairness to the Forluc, it was their colonial state that caused the trouble once they realised just where Caermyr was and what it meant for the future. Unlike the vast majority of the barbarians in the lowlanders, the Forluc were long term thinkers and understood the implications of the Arthwyd claiming the prime trading spot in the northern lowlands.
The Forden didn't outright attack Caermyr, but they were definitely hostile to the Arthwydish traders. The Forlucans didn't care for the idea of anyone else getting one up on them and held little care for what was said of the Arthwdyish by the others in the lowlands. It didn't help matters that the Forluc had once ruled over the lands where Caermyr was located and felt like they still had a rightful claim to it.
Using her charming personality and clever tongue, Blodwyn was able to fend off the worst of the outrage. The Forden were still unhappy and the matter remained as a point of tension between the Arthwydish and the Forlucans, but the lowlanders were no longer upset to the point that they might attack the fledging trade post.
Nonetheless, the new settlers at Caermyr still went to the effort of putting up a palisade around their new home. More forebodingly, it seemed like the Forluc had a similar idea as rumour spread of the Forluc beginning to build a grand wall of stone around their capital.
Back up north, matters were more peaceful. More villages were founded in both the Rockbay area and along the fields of the Northern Coast while Maradysh continued their religious conflict. Whilst the north was firmly Arthrynite by this point, the Arthrynites and Zarannists competed for dominance in the south as both religions attempted to establish themselves in the southern parts of the Maradysh.
Yet everyone's plans would be shattered when the Caradysh made their move. Farkas Garfen was a good man despite being a barbarian and had made for a good king over the Forluc. He was both clever and caring, using his tongue and compassion to rule over the Forluc with a firm grip. He made for a good neighbour and Blodwyn feel more than comfortable about negotiating agreements with the Forlucan Farkas.
Then the Caradysh murdered him. Blodwyn and other Arthwydish didn't know the details, but they were able to gather up the gist of what happened. It was too major and too significant for the Forluc to have a chance of keeping secret. Everyone knew that several Caradysh revenants had snuck into the Forluc capital of Final Hope and slain Farkas Garfen and his two sons alongside several of his guards and servants.
According to the rumours coming out of the Forlucan lands, the Sun Warriors had crushed the Caradysh, but the Forluc were still in disarray. Farkas Garfen was still dead alongside his two sons, leaving his youngest child and only daughter Galdae as his successor.
They didn't exactly go blabbing about it to outsiders, but it quickly became apparent that Farke Galdae was an unpopular success to Farkas Garfen. Garfen had been respected and well-liked while Galdae had a reputation for being a selfish coward who refused to respect her father. Only Galdae's skill at appeasing others and fighting challenges had let her claim her position as Farke and even then, the Forluc chiefs were just giving her a chance to prove herself. If the woman didn't do something to earn her inherited authority soon, things would certainly get messy amongst the Forlucans.
Having gathered plenty of useful information, Blodwyn made the journey back to Greenbay to report the news to the Cadlon. Yet upon her arrival in the oldest and largest settlement of the Arthwyd, Blodwyn the Explorer discovered that the Forluc weren't the only people that the Caradysh had attacked.
Just as the Caradysh had attacked the Forlucan Farkas, the undead monsters had also attacked the Arthwydish Cadlon. Urth the Everevil had personally led the attack on Greenbay. Using some kind of foul magic to disguise themselves as refugees, the Foresters attacked Cadlon Carys the Beautiful as she was travelling between places. Whilst his revenants battled her Catclaw guards with spell and spear, Urth had obliterated Cadlon Carys with foul magic.
Yet Urth did not get away with his schemes as while no one had a clear picture of just what happened, it was certain that none of the Caradysh monsters got away. Whether they were slain by the Cadlon's surviving guards or if Arthryn herself struck down Urth, the Everevil didn't get away with his heinous attack.
It was agreed by all that the Caradysh had to be brought to heel once again for their misdeeds, but the Arthwyd also had to choose a new Cadlon. For those living along the Arth Coast, the obvious choice was Blodwyn as a talented diplomat, competent Cateye and one of the most well-known individuals currently alive.
The Merntir upended that idea as those up in the North Coast quickly moved to express their doubts about Blodwyn's suitability to be Cadlon. They claim that as she isn't a Catclaw, she isn't best suited to be Cadlon in this time of war and that she has spent too much time in the lowlands. The northerners claim that she has dealt with barbarians more often than she has with civilised people, making her unsuitable to be Cadlon.
Rather than support Blodwyn's ascension to the position of Cadlon of the Arthwyd, the Merntir put forth their own candidate. Whilst definitely less capable than Blodwyn, none could deny that Bryndar would make for a good Cadlon. The ageing Catclaw was recognised as a capable warrior even if he was too young to have seen any actual fighting. He could win a battle, lead an army and tell a truly excellent story even if he lacked Blodwyn's way with people.
Those in the south argued that the Merntir were causing disunity amongst the Arthwyd to which those in the north argued back that they weren't the ones causing disunity by putting forth an unsuitable candidate for Cadlon.
In the end, those living along the Arth Coast were more numerous and influential. Despite objections of those on the North Coast, Blodwyn could get elected Cadlon of the Arthwyd through it would result in some tension between those in the north and those in the south. Or Bryndar could be elected for the sake of unity in this time of crisis.
[] [Cadlon] Blodwyn the Explorer is elected as Cadlon. (-1 Legitimacy & -1 Stability)
[] [Cadlon] The Merntir candidate Bryndar is elected as Cadlon. (+1 Stability)
Beyond matters of who the next Cadlon would be, the Arthwyd still had to wage war on the Caradysh. This would normally just be a matter of invading the Cursed Forest, but the very similar attack that the Caradysh made against the Forluc left an opportunity that Blodwyn had spotted.
The Forluc would be seeking retribution against the Caradysh while the Arthwyd would also be seeking retribution and the chance to strengthen ties with the most powerful group of lowlanders. While it would be devoting valuable time, resources and attention away from their own war preparations, it might be possible to reach out to the Forluc to coordinate their mutual efforts against the Caradysh.
[] [War] Go it alone and invade the Caradysh with Arthwydish might.
[] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
Priests (5) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Seek retribution against the Caradysh within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Stability/-1 Legitimacy
Elders (2 (3)) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Pick Blodwyn as Cadlon, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Warriors (5) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Seek retribution against the Caradysh within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Palisade/-1 Stability
Farmers (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: More Farming, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Angry, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Venerate the Goddesses, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Sorry about the long delay between this update and the last. I hoped to get it done sooner, but I spent most of the last week sick so the work done on the update was limited. So in this update, things when well except for a trio of things.
First, the Forluc colony rolled a minor diplomatic incident with your new trading post while the second thing is that the Merntir rolled a major diplomatic incident with you guys. As a Diplo Hero, Blodwyn has been able to mitigate the worse of it, but you still have some diplomatic woes.
The third thing is that the Caradysh have made their move. For those wondering, their success is a mixture of them preparing for this, having vastly superior magical ability and rolling 95+ against both the Arthwyd and the Forluc. So now you got another war on your hands so have fun with that.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd Early Ancient Theocratic Elective Monarchy UpperCentralisationLimit: 8 Lower CentralisationLimit: -2 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4 Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Subordinates: 1 Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy. Special: Monarchs are more likely to be competent.
Early Ancient Palace Economy Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation. Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant. Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Additional Actions: None Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse. Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.
Subordinates Type/Loyalty/Dependence
Caermyr = Religious Trade Post/Very High/Medium
Maradysh = Vassal/High/Very Low
Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very High/Very Low
Values & Legacies Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions. Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn, Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls. Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive.
Born Equal While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,
Charitable Haven The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals, Gain a Value from current or historical neighbour,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,
Communal Mandate As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,
Marital Prowess (Linked to Charitable Haven) Your people are renowned for common pregnancies and the resulting large families. Men are encouraged to get women pregnant while women are encouraged to produce plenty of offspring.
Pros: Increased Population Growth, Value familial unit more,
Cons: More mouths to feed,
Sacred Defence The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Completed Megaprojects
The Census (Neolithic) A grand administrative project to give the Cadlon information about the population such as how many people there are, where they are and what they need to get by in life.
Effects: +2 Temp Stats each Main Turn, -1 Temp Econ Damage,
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
Straw/Reed Rope
Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Fired Bricks
Native Gold
Copper Smelting
Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Dedicated Messengers
Memory Stone Record Keeping
Planned Settlements
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks
Trading Outposts
Earthenware Pottery
Metal Jewellery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling
[X] [Cadlon] Blodwyn the Explorer is elected as Cadlon. (-1 Legitimacy & -1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
We get plus one stability from the priest faction quest for attacking within 2 turns so I want to go with Blodwyn then go to the Forluc and use her diplomancy on them in order to tag team Urth.
So, two major things I'm worried about this update:
First is that the Forluc are starting up on a Stone Wall, and while we can build faster than them because of our Rush Builders legacy they'll definitely finish it first if we don't get started soon.
Secondly; the Zarannists are still around in force and organized enough to be building shrines among the Maradysh. The religion isn't necessarily itself inherently bad, but unless they've been tempered by Arthwyd living I would prefer not to let them gain too much of a presence.
I believe the best solution here is to elect Blodwyn as Cadlon despite the objections of the Merntir, as their real reasoning for not wanting her is simply baked in xenophobia more than anything else. After this, we can use her Heroic Diplomacy to ally with the Forluc to go beat up the Caradysh. Either the new Forden will shape up and learn how to delegate effectively, or the Chiefs will realize that retribution is more important than her already fragile claim to the throne and replace her. They could also decide that it was somehow our fault or something silly like that, but this is why you have the Heroic diplomat around to lessen the chances of such things.
[X] [Cadlon] Blodwyn the Explorer is elected as Cadlon. (-1 Legitimacy & -1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
[X] [Cadlon] Blodwyn the Explorer is elected as Cadlon. (-1 Legitimacy & -1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
[X] [Cadlon] Blodwyn the Explorer is elected as Cadlon. (-1 Legitimacy & -1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
We're about to fight a major war in the lowlands, fighting alongside a foreign superpower. Picking someone who has no experience with war, the lowlands, and lowlanders, and who is very likely xenophobic, is a bad idea.
Also, we should stop sending the Merntir refugees. They're building a Zaranna shrine, so they obviously haven't been integrating them as well as they should.
EDIT: Also, given that we'll be fighting in the Cursed Forest, a Cateye leader is better suited than a Catclaw leader, since scouting and ambushes will be more important than big block fighting.
Also since I mentioned it in the Discord:
Cadlon = Arthwydish for King.
Zandis = Zarannist Lowlander for King.
Farkas = Forlucan for King.
Farke = Forlucan for Queen.
Cadlon and Zandis are gender neutral as they just mean some form 'top leader' with the gender being irrelevant while the Forluc have gendered titles for their monarchs.
Also, we should stop sending the Merntir refugees. They're building a Zaranna shrine, so they obviously haven't been integrating them as well as they should.
So, good news. Since allying with the Forluc is a mid-turn action, we'll be able to use our third Secondary to get started on the stone wall. We don't have enough econ to finish it this turn, but thanks to Rush Builders, we'll probably be able to match the Forluc. We can finish it the turn after, probably before the Forluc finish theirs.
[X] [Cadlon] The Merntir candidate Bryndar is elected as Cadlon. (+1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
I'm picking Bryndar just because I want to see our wartime/ peacetime leadership split in practice. Hopefully if Blodwyn survives the war see will take over in accordance with our government system.
Was Urths plan just to decapitate the local leadership and grow whilst we recover? It might work with the Forluc but it's not the best plan against the Arthwyd, he must have a nasty surprise in the Cursed Forest waiting for the obvious counterattack. I doubt he expected us to break our isolationist stance so suddenly so he probably hasn't accounted for cooperation between the powers he has tried to sow discord between before now.
[X] [Cadlon] The Merntir candidate Bryndar is elected as Cadlon. (+1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
I'm picking Bryndar just because I want to see our wartime/ peacetime leadership split in practice. Hopefully if Blodwyn survives the war see will take over in accordance with our government system.
I'm picking Bryndar just because I want to see our wartime/ peacetime leadership split in practice. Hopefully if Blodwyn survives the war see will take over in accordance with our government system.
Am I right that we have a system where there is suppose to be wartime and peacetime Cadlons? edit: I don't see anything about it on the Civ Sheet but I remember it being a thing. Also if it is a thing I don't think we have been doing it o would that have an effect on it?
There is only supposed to be one Cadlon. Who that Cadlon is - a war-focused or peace-focused one - is determined by whether or not the Arthwyd are at war when the Cadlon is elected.