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Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original | Page 168 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4183-4250]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Vassal

[X][Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
No. of Votes: 22

Task: Reform

[X][Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.
No. of Votes: 20

[X][Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
No. of Votes: 9

[X][Reform] She attempts to implement a militia system akin to what the Maradysh or the Cernn use.
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Reform] She attempts to make the subordinate states pay tribute to the Arthwyd.
No. of Votes: 3

Task: Haven

[X][Haven] Keep your current value.
No. of Votes: 12

[X][Haven] Caradysh
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Haven] Forluc
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Haven] Boarfolk
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Haven] Nersondur
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Haven] Zaradysh
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 30
If we can keep max Stability for a couple more turns, we have a golden age. Thankfully I don't see the bronze reforms doing anything to upset that and I reckon the Heroic Admin can juggle the faction requests adequately enough.
2120 AG - Aftermath of the Bronze Epic Age
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.
[X] [Haven] Keep your current value.

As the seasons went by, the world adjusted to the aftermath of the Nersondur invasion and the fall of the Caradysh Empire. For their part, the Arthwyd Empire remained uninvolved as those further north were too far away and the southernmost regions were busy rebuilding from the war.

There were many lessons that were learnt in the war through the Arthwydish and their barbarian subjects learnt different ones. For Arthwyd proper, Cadlon Evatine the Triumphant enforced two lessons that she had learnt from the war with differing degrees of push back. The first is that when so far from the Arthwydish heartland, logistics begin to get strained. While talented individuals back home had made up for it in the war and the Catclaws and Cateyes could handle themselves, something needed to be done to support the militia of the Maradysh and the Cernn and the barbarian warriors of the Arthwyd Empire when they operated so far away. The end result was making sure to establish supply lines for military expeditions so they would remain properly supplied and not suffer logistical issues.

While the vast majority of the Arthwyd were okay with that lesson, the other lesson that Evatine the Triumphant had learnt was far less popular. While the barbarians had eagerly taken to using metal weapons as their armaments, but the Catclaws and Cateyes had stuck to using stone. It was what they had always used and due to the associations that Arthryn had with stone, the usage of stone weaponry was considered part of their holy ways by the Catclaws and Cateyes.

Evatine the Triumphant sought to have the Arthwydish Sacred Warriors begin to making use of bronze weapons just like the Forlucans and other Lowlanders did. To this idea, there was much push back, but Evatine the Triumphant was both the Cadlon of the Arthwyd and the Champion of Arthryn. Combined with her great victory against Skjaldur and the Nersondur, there was only so much that her opponents could do to resist her.

Even then, there is the question of how quickly the adoption of bronze weaponry should take place. While it would be costly and disruptive, bronze weapons could be fully introduced in a couple of generations. On the other hand, it could be dragged out for a longer period of time through doing that means it would take more than Evatine the Triumphant's lifetime to see the project complete.

How quickly does Evatine push the adoption of bronze weapons?
[] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)
[] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech-- for 5 Turns, -1 Stability, ???)
[] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is very slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech- for 10 Turns , ???)

The majority of the interesting news of the past several seasons came from the south. Between the mass quantity of aid provided by the Arthwyd, gratitude from saved from the Nersondur and diplomatic charm of Cadlon Evatine the Triumphant, both the Fornn and the Fordysh took to freeing their slaves without any serious complaint. The Arthwyd had taken away the worst of the pain from doing so and nobody with any sense amongst their people was going to risk defying the Arthwyd on the matter that the northerners deemed very important.

Yet while there was peace in the lands of the Fornn and Fordysh, that same peace was not shared by their neighbours. With his Forlucan masters gone, Raonul had returned to the Bruraysh and was now leading his people in an attempt to carve out his own little empire. Unfortunately for him, his attempts at conquest had gone poorly so far and the Bruraysh were stalemating with their neigbhours the Sinsearsysh. The formerly peaceful tribes have had their pacifistic streak beaten out of them by the Nersondur and their warriors were giving enough of a good showing that only Raonul was keeping the Bruraysh from losing land to them.

Meanwhile the Caradysh had decided to make another try at empire-building now that Skjaldur was gone. While Cadlon Morgyn of the Caradysh had sent a polite and respectful message to Cadlon Evatine the Triumptant of the Arthwyd that the undead abominations would respect the Arthwydish claims to the Fornn and Fordysh, Undead warriors had marched into the territory of the Hamefordysh and Diondairsyh. While the Caradysh had made little gains for now, it was quite clear to outside observers that the Lowlanders would only be able to hold for so long as according to the traders and refugees coming north, the Caradysh would ultimately win via weight of numbers.

The last big contender in the southern Lowlands was the Lochanysh as after many seasons of gathering their strength, the magic-hating isolationists finally made their move. Striking at the Forzea and the Nersondur colonists, the Lochanysh made the most gains as their war-weary and militarily reduced foes struggled to put up a meaningful resistance. Nobody was sure what it meant, but given the Lochanysh looked like they are poised to seize the main trade route to the Far South.

And speaking of the Far South, the rumours from down there were mixed. High King Skjaldur had seemed to be successful in avoiding the outright collapse of the Nersondur Empire or any civil wars. Yet he also seemed to be spending all of his time putting down constant rebellions as his authority continued to remain due to his failure to defeat the Arthwyd. Most worryingly of all, it seemed that Skjaldur had learnt from his failures and there were increasingly consistent rumours of organised armies being formed by the Nersondur in the Far South.

What Legacy do the Arthwyd gain from winning the war against High King Skjaldur and the Nersonduran Empire?
[] [Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.
[] [Legacy] Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd) Legacy.
[] [Legacy] Gain the The King Still Stands Legacy.


So this is the end of the Epic Age. You won, Skjaldur is struggling to keep his empire together and the southern lowlands have collapsed into wars as multiple powers are attempting to go empire building with the current power vacuum down there.

With the Epic Age innovation rolls, you got a military tech, the Forluc got three techs, the Nersondur got two techs and the Caradysh got no techs. You also get a Legacy and since I wasn't sure which one to give you and I needed a vote, I decided to put the choice up to you guys on which one the Arthwyd get.

The other vote is about how quickly you implement Evatine's reform as you can either do it quickly at a cost or you can drag it out to make it less painful. After this update, you will be back to regular updates. Or sort of. You got an Admin Hero and thanks to how your civilisation is set up, Evatine will be picking your actions.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel free to ask questions for more details and information.

The Arthwyd
Ancient Theocratic Elective Monarchy
Upper Centralisation Limit: 8
Lower Centralisation Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 6
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 1 Main Action + 1 Secondary Action +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces.
Subordinates: 2 + Prestige/10
Special: Gain Crisis Resistance+ per Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.
Special: Monarchs are more likely to be competent.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Crisis Damage: Event, Crisis Damage- per 1 Centralisation.
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant.
Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces.
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.

Diplo: Decent (Very High)
Econ: Immense Farms and Manpower (Low)
Martial: Good (Slightly Below Average)
Mystic: Effectively Limitless (Low)
Culture: Low (Extremely High)
Tech: Decent (Above Average)
Wealth: Very Wealth (Very High)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 7 (1/11)
Hierarchy: 4

Centre of Trade (Caermyr): Temp Wealth+ every Turn.
Centre of Trade (Greenbay): Temp Wealth+ every Turn.
Coughing Plague (Medium Plague): d6 Crisis every Turn.
Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are greatly increased, +2 to Innovation Rolls,
King of the Hill: Temp Diplo+ at the start of every Turn.
Trade Dominance (Bronze Goods): Wealth++
Trade Dominance (Copper Goods): Wealth+
Trade Dominance (Gold Goods): Wealth++
Trade Dominance (Silver Goods): Wealth+
Trade Deficit (Honey): Wealth--

Prestige Ranking.
Arthwyd: 82
Nersondur = 53
Maradysh = 47
Merntir = 44
Caradysh = 40
Forluc = 40
Caermyr = 33
Grythwyd = 26
Cernn = 25
Achland = 22
Hielwald = 21
Boarfolk Nomads = 20
Halbarnwyd = 18
Zaradysh = 19
Forden = 16
Tordysh = 15
Raradysh = 14
Lorvysh = 13
Fordysh = 10
Fornn = 10
Forzea = 9
Lochanysh = 8
Bruraysh = 6
Diondairysh = 4
Hamefordysh = 3
Sinsearysh = 3

Diplomatic Relations.
Status/Frequency of Contact
Achland = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 4/10
Boarfolk Nomads = Independent/High
-Your Opinion 8.5/10
-Their Opinion = 8.5/10
Bruraysh = Nersondur Vassal/None
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10
Caradysh = Independent/Some
-Your Opinion 3/10
-Their Opinion = 7/10
Diondairysh = Nersondur Vassal/None
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10
Forzea = Nersondur Vassal/None
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 7/10
Hamefordysh = Nersondur Vassal/Some
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5.5/10
Hielwald = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 4/10
Lochanysh = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 2/10
-Their Opinion = 2/10
Nersondur = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10
Sinsearysh = Nersondur Vassal/Limited
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10

10/10 Subordinates
3/3 Religious Subordinates
1/1 Colony

Caermyr = Religious Trade Post/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Cernn = Religious Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 7/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Forden = Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 5.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Fordysh = Vassal/High
-Your Opinion 4.5/10
-Their Opinion = 8.2/10
Forluc = Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 5/10
-Their Opinion = 9.5/10
Fornn = Vassal/High
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 8.5/10
Grythwyd = Religious Colony/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Halbarnwyd = Religious Colony/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Lorvysh = Vassal/Low
-Your Opinion 4.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Maradysh = Religious Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 8/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9.5/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Raradysh = Colony/Low
-Your Opinion 6.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Tordysh = Vassal/Low
-Your Opinion 6.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Zaradysh = Colony/Low
-Your Opinion 6.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10

Values & Legacies.
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions.
Ancient Bureaucracy: +2 Passive Policies
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn.
Blessing of Bronwyn: Gain +1 to all Diplomacy Rolls.
Blessing of Mairyn: Gain +2 to all Exploration Rolls.
Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions.
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls.
Colonial Empire (Three): +1 Colony Slot.
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive.
Tech Discoverers: +1 Temp Tech to Tech generating actions
Wealth Discoverers: +1 Temp Wealth to Wealth generating actions

Born Equal.
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Bloodied, but Unbowed (Linked to Charitable Haven).
Your people have suffered great loss, but you survive and you will recover. Blows that would break others merely leave you limping and your people have suffered enough of such blows to know how to recover and that they can recover.
Pros: Better at surviving and getting by in hard times, Bonus to dealing with disasters, Better resilience and recovery after suffering losses,
Cons: Harsher and ruthless,

Caretakers of Nature.
The Arthwyd are the guardians of their land and that means looking after the place that they call home. They will safeguard and preserve their lands lest they fail in their duty.
Pros: Bonus to land management projects,
Cons: Additional consequences for harming the land,

Charitable Haven.
The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals, Gain a Value from current or historical neighbour,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,

Communal Mandate.
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Pioneering Ways.
The world is wondrous and ripe for the taking. The Arthwyd regularly seek out new lands to make them their own as they funnel their plentiful population into the frontier to settle the wilderness.
Pros: Increased Population Growth, Common Independent Exploration, Common Independent Expansion,
Cons: More mouths to feed, Common Uncontrolled Expansion,

Sacred Defence.
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Completed Megaprojects.
The Aqueduct.
A series of waterways built throughout the city of Greenbay, the aqueduct allows easy access to fresh, clean water for all those within Greenbay.
Effects: Reduces True City Upkeep for Greenbay, Bonus to Greenbay's rolls,

Arthrynite First Temple.
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Arthrynite Temple is the first temple in the known world. With a centre piece built around stone statues of Arthryn and her Daughters, this temple is one of the holiest places in the world.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, Temp Mysticism+ every Turn.

Arthrynite Grand Temple (Tier 2).
Built in the heart of Greenbay, the Arthrynite Grand Temple is the largest building of its time. Equal in size to a village or neighbourhood, the Grand Temple is both a massive centre of worship for the Arthrynite religion, an extensive administrative centre for the Arthrynite priesthood and a nexus for the power of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Enhances the Faction Power of the Theocrats, Doubles of the Mystic Gains of religious actions, Boosts diplomacy with Arthrynites.

The Census (Bronze Age) (Tier 2).
A grand administrative project to give the Cadlon information about the population such as how many people there are, where they are and what they need to get by in life.
Effects: Temp Econ+ every Turn, Temp Wealth+ every Turn, Crisis Resistance++,

Code of Laws (Bronze Age).
A standardised set of laws that all of the Arthwyd must follow, these laws are focused on following the teachings and guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Religious Subordinates, Reduced Internal Discontent from Arthrynites.

The Evalynite Walls.
The Evalynite Walls are the first stone walls in the known world and are devoted to Evalyn, the Arthrynite Goddess of Battle. They stand guard around the ancient capital of the Arthwyd and the religious centre of the Arthrynite religion.
Effects: Bonus to defending walled settlements, Bonus to defending Greenbay,

First Library.
The Library of Greenbay is the greatest collection of information in the world and the first library. Containing almost countless records, this was the first great collection of information that is semi-available to all.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls

Grand Sacred Forest.
A grand forest planted throughout the settlement of Greenbay, this forest is the supposed to be the opposite of the Cursed Forest and is sacred to Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Additional Temp Mystic+ from Venerate the Goddesses, Bonus to Study Nature,

Greenbay Palace.
While not as impressive as the Forlucan Royal Palace, the Greenbay Palace does its job just as well. Acting as a centre of administration for the vast Arthwyd Empire, the palace is a boon for any Cadlon.
Effects: +1 Upper Centralisation Limit, +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces, Crisis Resistance+

Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage.
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: Gain Temp Mysticism+ whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Compost, Manure & Nightsoil)
Basic Irrigation
Black Soil (Terra Preta)
Seasonal Crops
Soil Fertility
Three-Field Crop Rotation


Primitive Earthen Flood Control

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Outrigger Canoes
Walnut Oil

Live Trapping

Fired Bricks

Proto-Human Anatomy

Bronze Smelting
Copper Smelting
Gold Smelting
Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Dedicated Messengers
Memory Stone Record Keeping
Planned Settlements
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Metal Jewellery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Arthwydish (Oral/Written = Logograms)
Boarfolk (Oral)
Forluc (Oral/Written = Logograms)
Lowlander (Oral)
Merntirish (Oral/Written = Logograms)

Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals
Stone Walls

Supply Lines

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Formal Hierarchy
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics
Anti-Boarfolk Training
Shield Walls

Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing (Crude Limited)
Guided Attacks (Basic/Refined)
Increased Accuracy (Expert/Refined)
Scrying (Basic)
Truth Detecting (Expert)
Undead Detection (Limited)

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Stone Manipulation (Advanced/Refined)
Stone Skin (Basic)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)

Wyrnite Divine Magic
Inspire (Limited)
Memory Stones (Expert/Refined)

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Disease Cure (Basic/Refined)
Human Fertility Boost (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic/Refined)
Plant Fertility Boost (Limited)
Plant Growth (Basic)
Wound Healing (Expert/Refined)
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[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.
[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)

I want to get this done whilst our Diplo hero is alive to push it through

[X] [Legacy] Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd) Legacy.

I like the narrative in being both the ancient center and bastion of civilization

Things don't look fantastic to me, the Caradysh have gone agressive expansion, trade routes are being claimed by a magic hostile power, professional army's are forming in response to us. Good thing we have a genius diplomat at the helm. For now.
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@Oshha what's the difference between these three legacies?
Presumably that's something we're supposed to guess at.

I strongly suspect that it'll look like this

- Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy. : Bonus to defense (fairly obvious)
- Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthwyd) Legacy. (probably similar to Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay)) => Military innovation bonus?
- Gain the The King Still Stands Legacy : Either a reference to the monarchy, or to King of the Hill. So, monarchy or prestige related
@Oshha what's the difference between these three legacies?
Legendary Defenders is based winning a defensive war against long odds and in this case, this was winning against a a Martial Genius/Heroic Admin and two Martial Heroes with a Heroic Admin/Heroic Martial and a Martial Hero. Ancient Bastion of Civilisation is about being the big holdout of civilisation of your region in ancient times and you get from repelling a massive 'barbarian' invasion while being the biggest civilisation around. The King Still Stands is about successful having fended off an attempt to take your King of the Hill status because while it was never outstated in the update, that was basically Skjaldur's casus belli beyond general right of conquest.

The details of what each Legacy does requires you to take it to find out.
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Anyway, I want to go for

[] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)

Because if our people think that 2 centuries is a reasonable pace for introduction of new weapons that have already existed for ages, and a 40 years is seen as recklessly fast, then we're getting way too ossified.
Especially considering that we're not dealing with peasant levies here, the Arthwyd have a professional and relatively small military for their population size.
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Because if our people think that half a millenium is a reasonable pace for introduction of new weapons that have already existed for ages, and a 100 years is seen as recklessly fast, then we're getting way too ossified.
A turn is twenty years so the quickest option is forty years or 2140 AG, the middle option is a century or 2220 AG and the slowest option is two centuries or 2230 AG.
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd) Legacy.

I like the narrative of this option. Not sure about the Bronze option though.
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[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is very slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech- for 10 Turns , ???)
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.

We don't need bronze weaponry quickly. We really, truly don't. We're the strongest empire in the region by far, and the three farming techs we got just before the epic age will make us much stronger quickly thanks to population growth. This is further compounded by our new legacy, whatever it is we get. We'll get a golden age in 2 turns if we keep our Stability, and on top of the many good things it gives us, it also lets us buy military innovations.

I think Legendary Defenders is the best legacy to get. The King Still Stands is bad because it's our civilisation focusing on our prestige. However, Ancient Bastion is also bad, because it's about our civilisation seeing other people as barbarians. Legendary Defenders has no bad cultural implications, and I'm guessing it'll give a bonus to all defensive wars, not just ones where we're attacked by barbarians.
[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech-- for 5 Turns, -1 Stability, ???)
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.

This is not so much because we need the weaponry ASAP, but to prevent ossification and the idea that change must be incredibly slow. We can push for a somewhat faster adaption without excessive instability.
@Oshha what techs did the Forluc get?

the Caradysh have gone agressive expansion, trade routes are being claimed by a magic hostile power, professional army's are forming in response to us.
The Caradysh going expansionist is something that worked out entirely fine for us last time and that power claiming the trade route is specifically and fervently NON-magical.
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The Caradysh going expansionist is something that worked out entirely fine for us last time and that power claiming the trade route is specifically and fervently NON-magical.
Last time they expanded peacefully and I know they are none magical, they in fact seem very hostile to magic and magic is a fundamental part of our civ, this could easily cause issues for us since we want access to that trade route.
[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.

seems like something we'll need, what with the Arthwyd being overextended.

[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech-- for 5 Turns, -1 Stability, ???)

We probably won't need get into another war for five turns; can't say the same for ten. -1 Stability is okay with our buffer, whereas -2 would be pushing it.

The only reason to go for the fast route would be to spur quick tech adoption as the norm (with maybe other side-effects). On the other hand, the middle-ground also involves the Arthwyd continuing the tech transition on their own without Evatine looking over their shoulder (while not being incredibly gradual like with the ten-turn transition).


Edit: approval voting for Golden Age

[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is very slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech- for 10 Turns , ???)
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[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is very slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech- for 10 Turns , ???)
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.

I want that golden age, nobody is going to start a war with us for a while not with the losses that everyone sustained.
The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original | Page 171 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4255-4272]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Metal

[X][Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Metal] Bronze weaponry is very slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech- for 10 Turns , ???)
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Metal] Bronze weaponry is slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech-- for 5 Turns, -1 Stability, ???)
No. of Votes: 2

Task: Legacy

[X][Legacy] Gain the Legendary Defenders Legacy.
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Legacy] Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd) Legacy.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 8
[X] [Metal] Bronze weaponry is slowly phased in over time. (Temp Tech-- for 5 Turns, -1 Stability, ???)
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd) Legacy.
[X] [Legacy] Gain the Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd) Legacy.
[X][Metal] Bronze weaponry is introduced as quickly as possible. (Temp Tech---- for 2 Turns, Temp Wealth----, -2 Stability, ???)
I must admit to picking quick bronze is more for the industrial development than the military advantage. As for the legacy anything that upgrades our civ is bound to be awesome. Hopefully with bastion of civilisation we'll get even better tech.