Making it so seeking wealth is a holy endeavour is unlikely to do good things to our culture. The best kinds of god we can get are the ones like Bronwyn, who have firmly pro-social domains like charity.
Making it so seeking wealth is a holy endeavour is unlikely to do good things to our culture. The best kinds of god we can get are the ones like Bronwyn, who have firmly pro-social domains like charity.
Hmm I could see charity fitting under the wealth tag, since you kinda need stuff to be charitable with it... Still leaves us a tech goddess that we need, the All-Seeress is knowledge, but seems more oriented to seeing/scrying as opposed to finding new knowledge.
Making it so seeking wealth is a holy endeavour is unlikely to do good things to our culture. The best kinds of god we can get are the ones like Bronwyn, who have firmly pro-social domains like charity.
Maybe an goddess of production? Would be even better if the goddess is some sort of proto socialist with the idea of the people owning the means of production.
Maybe an goddess of production? Would be even better if the goddess is some sort of proto socialist with the idea of the people owning the means of production.
Well, everyone is born equal, we make sure everyone is fed and taken care of... I don't think we have nobles... I'm pretty sure our society is basically socialist in nature.
Well, everyone is born equal, we make sure everyone is fed and taken care of... I don't think we have nobles... I'm pretty sure our society is basically socialist in nature.
I think that we have a lot of the ideas needed for some sort of primitive socialism but we still need the people to democratically own the workplace, or atleast make it so that wage theft is illegal and frowned on, So not there yet.
I think that we have a lot of the ideas needed for some sort of primitive socialism but we still need the people to democratically own the workplace, or atleast make it so that wage theft is illegal and frowned on, So not there yet.
I don't know that there are wages, I'm pretty sure all of our food is centralized locally then given out as needed. Or at least that's how I thought our stuff worked.
I don't know that there are wages, I'm pretty sure all of our food is centralized locally then given out as needed. Or at least that's how I thought our stuff worked.
Haman's got the right of it. Our social structure and economy seem fair, productive, stable, and sustainable, so the ideal is to keep the economic status quo.
Hmm I could see charity fitting under the wealth tag, since you kinda need stuff to be charitable with it... Still leaves us a tech goddess that we need, the All-Seeress is knowledge, but seems more oriented to seeing/scrying as opposed to finding new knowledge.
Mate, we really don't need a wealth goddess. Our people already produce surpluses they can share with others others. The Arthwyd's capacity to be charitable is already maximum, so making them care about keeping wealth would do nothing but make them keep a bigger slice of the pie for themselves. Honestly I don't understand why we'd want a wealth goddess. We have a very large amount of wealth already and we don't even use it for much.
As for the All-Seeress, if I had to guess I'm thinking that while she's not a science god at the moment, she may well become one as people reinterpret her and pray to her in a new capacity, kinda like how people did in real life.
Haman's got the right of it. Our social structure and economy seem fair, productive, stable, and sustainable, so the ideal is to keep the economic status quo.
Mate, we really don't need a wealth goddess. Our people already produce surpluses they can share with others others. The Arthwyd's capacity to be charitable is already maximum, so making them care about keeping wealth would do nothing but make them keep a bigger slice of the pie for themselves. Honestly I don't understand why we'd want a wealth goddess. We have a very large amount of wealth already and we don't even use it for much.
As for the All-Seeress, if I had to guess I'm thinking that while she's not a science god at the moment, she may well become one as people reinterpret her and pray to her in a new capacity, kinda like how people did in real life.
I was mentioning a wealth goddess just because I was kinda looking at having at least one for each stat. But like I said, Charity fills that slot fairly well for the purposes of our culture. So I agree we don't need a new one.
Yeah, I was kinda wondering about that myself, but it looks like Ossha likes the current way our culture/religion works. So its staying, unless something weird happens. Probably would need to meet another culture strong enough and sufficiently like ours for a merger to seem feasible. Then it might take on some kind of Brady Bunch situation. Which I think at least, would be absolutely hilarious.
As for the All-Seeress, if I had to guess I'm thinking that while she's not a science god at the moment, she may well become one as people reinterpret her and pray to her in a new capacity, kinda like how people did in real life.
I don't know if the deity rules have changed since the previous quest. Previously, there was a tendency for deities to become less changable over time:
Deities have a period where they are initially shaped by belief until they have their own identity. Once they got their own identity and are tied to a concept or set of concepts, they can't be changed by mere belief and most will react poorly to attempts to change them not because they will succeed if they don't, but because of the attempt itself is being made.
All deities are supernatural entities powered by a source and are influenced by what their power source is. A faith deity has their power source as the worship of their followers and is in turn influenced by that worship. A concept deity is powered by a concept and is influenced by their concept.[/quote\
It's possible that faith deities are simply a new thing.
Incidentally, the All-Seeress' original domains were apparently "lost to time" (implied to be during the violent upheaval of the Merntir wars), which implies either that the All-Seeress was still changeable, or that the threshold was met to force change on a concept goddess.
[X] [Mithril] Form an elite unit of Catclaws equipped with mithril called the Arthgard.
[X] [Crisis] She subtly tries to convince them to stop. (Temp Diplo-, ???)
[X] [Mega] The new academy inspires even greater ideas for education amongst the Arthwyd. (Unlock the Public Education Megaproject)
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure x2
[-] [MAIN] Build Roads = Greenbay
[-] [SEC] Expand Econ
[-] [SEC] More Messengers
[-] [SEC] Build Wall = Sunrise Bay
[-] [SEC] Support the Halbarnwyd
[-] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
Having realised the long term danger of expanding so far away and knowing all too well just how fallible the Arthwyd Empire truly is, Cadlon Evatine the Triumphant decided something needed to be done about these new far ranging expeditions before things got out of hand. While she had the authority to just shut them down as Cadlon of the Arthwyd and Champion of Arthryn, Evatine the Triumphant decided against this route as while it work for now, it would only last for what little remained of her lifetime and leave the root of the issue unaddressed.
Instead the Cadlon of the Arthwyd worked on handling the reasons behind the problem so the cause would be dealt with rather than just the symptoms. It would not be an overnight solution, but with time and effort, Evatine the Triumphant could convince the daring explorers to focus closer to home rather than as far abroad as they could go.
While she made some headway over the next generation, subtle action may be more effective, but it is not swifter. The explorations continued to go and this generation was particularly eager to see what lay further along the eastern coastline and beyond the Merntir. Longships were constructed while supplies were gathered for an extended period of time away from the rest of the Arthwyd.
It was not long before the great expedition set sail from Greenbay with two dozen longships and almost a thousand people. They made their way north to the Mentir before following the coastline to the east, to lands previously unexplored by the Arthwyd. They passed the great forest of the north until they reached the edges of the Boarlands. As supplies began to run low, the explorers turned to fishing and trading with Boarfolk tribes along the coastline.
After many days and nights of travel, the expedition finally reached lands beyond the steppes that made up the Boarlands. Grasslands could be found along the coast and the further east, those fields gave way to mighty forests. Furthermore, these lands appeared to be uninhabited and that was good enough for the Arthwydish explorers.
While they did not settle there immediately, the leaders of the expedition immediately got to work arranging another expedition upon their return to the Arthwyd Empire. Despite many questioning their wisdom, they sought to settle the lands beyond the Boarlands and this adventurous spirit drew many of the bold youth of the Arthwyd to their cause.
Before long, the Arthwydish colony of the Morydwyd had been founded in the Far East as the Arthwydish set up new settlements in the coastal grasslands beyond the Boarlands. Even as many praised this move as an example of Arthwydish greatness, others within the Arthwyd were concerned how stretched this left the commitments of the Arthwyd.
Yet this was not the only news of note over the last generation. While the lands of the Arthwyd Empire were peaceful under the reign of Cadlon Evatine the Triumphant, the lands beyond were not.
Both the Far South and Far East were still being stalked by plague with countless individuals falling victim to it. These outbreaks of disease were far enough away that the Arthwyd were unaffected by them, but it did slow down trade between the Arthwyd Empire and both the Far South and the Far East.
Even more disruptive than the plagues was the death of High King Skjaldur. The High King of the Nersondur had finally died to join whatever afterlife the Nersondur had and with his absence, his empire had collapsed almost overnight. With no leader with enough might or charisma to replace Skjaldur, the various chiefs and warlords of the Nersondur began to fight each other as they each sought to claim what they could of the Nersondur Empire.
Thankfully, the fighting did not reach any Arthwydish lands as the Lochanysh had already cut off the Nersondur raiders from the Lowlands while Hielwalders are between the Halbarnwyd and the Far South. There was a steady toll of death and displacement within the Far South between the plague and the Nersondur, but sheer distance and other countries in the way limited the number of refugees that reached the lands of the Arthwyd to barely noticeable levels.
As was usually the case, the lands of the Arthwyd Empire had peace and prosperity while the barbarian lands beyond saw widespread death and suffering.
Golden Age Started! Golden Age: Temp Econ+ at the start of each turn,
Pick a Golden Age Bonus
[] [GA] Improve relations with all neighbours. (Temp Diplo--, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Improve relations with the southern people. (Temp Diplo--, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Improve relations with all Arthwydish subordinates. (Temp Diplo--, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Improve relations with all barbarian subordinates. (Temp Diplo--, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Unlock the Port Megaproject. (Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Unlock the Great Library Megaproject. (Temp Mystic, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Unlock the Dockyard Megaproject. (Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Gain a Hero. (Temp Econ- AND Temp Diplo- or Temp Mystic- or Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Upgrade a random Value. (Temp Diplo-, Temp Culture-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Gain a random Value. (Temp Diplo-, Temp Culture-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Discover a new mine location. (Temp Econ-, Temp Martial-)
[] [GA] Promote the glory and greatness of the Arthwyd. (+5 Prestige, Temp Diplo-, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Gain random general technology advancement. (Temp Wealth-, Temp Econ-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Gain random social concept advancement. (Temp Diplo-, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Gain random military technology advancement. (Temp Econ-, Temp Martial-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Gain random magical knowledge advancement. (Temp Econ-, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
[] [GA] Gain random agricultural technology advancement. (Temp Econ-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Gain random metallurgy technology advancement. (Temp Econ-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Gain random nautical technology advancement. (Temp Diplo-, Temp Econ-, Temp Mystic-)
[] [GA] Gain random administration technology advancement. (Temp Diplo-, Temp Mystic-, Temp Culture-)
Conservatives (9.1/10) = Goals: Stability and the status quo, Mood: Upset, Ability: +1 Passive Policy per 4 Faction Power, Objective: Plant 5 Sacred Forests in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ++/-1 Stability Gerontocrats (1.1/10) = Goals: Empowerment of the Elders, Mood: Happy, Ability: Econ+ per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Build 2 Academies in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/- Theocrats (4.6/20) = Goals: Empowerment of the Priesthood, Mood: Very Happy, Ability: +1 to Mystic per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Plant 2 Sacred Forests in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: -/- Monarchists (7.3/10) = Goals: Empowerment of the Cadlon, Mood: Happy, Ability: Free Secondary Action per 5 Faction Power, Objective: Empower the Cadlon in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Culture+/- Centralists (7.5/10) = Goals: Increased centralisation, Mood: Happy, Ability: +1 to Upper Centralisation Limit per 3 Faction Power, Objective: Do 3 More Messengers in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Road/- Localists (5.4/10) = Goals: Decreased centralisation, Mood: Happy, Ability: -1 to Lower Centralisation Limit per 3 Faction Power, Objective: Support one Religious Subordinates in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Road/- Militarists (3.2/10) = Goals: Stronger military and increased warfare, Mood: Pleased, Ability: Martial+ per 2 Faction Power, Objective: Build 3 Walls in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Martial+/- Isolationists (1.1/10) = Goals: No interactions with foreigners and their lands, Mood: Angry, Ability: Diplo- per 2 Faction Power, Objective: Oppose the Adventurer Expeditions, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/- Explorists (7.9/10) = Goals: Exploration of the world, Mood: Annoyed, Ability: +1 to Exploration Rolls per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Support the Adventurer Expeditions for 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Sacred Forest/-1 Stability Traderists (7.2/10) = Goals: Thriving trade networks, Mood: Pleased, Ability: Wealth+ per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Do 3 Plant Cash Crops in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Academy/- Internalists (5.4/10) = Goals: Internal development, Mood: Very Happy, Ability: +1 Econ per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Build 4 Libraries in 5 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Sacred Forest/- Pacifists (7.3/10) = Goals: No violence or offensive wars, Mood: Annoyed, Ability: Chance relative to faction power to negate Stability loss while at peace, Objective: Avoid war for 1 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/Temp Diplo- Purists (1.4/10) = Goals: No barbarians and their ways, Mood: Somewhat Pleased, Ability: Diplo- per 2 Faction Power, Objective: Do not aid any barbarians for 1 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Eco+/-
This update was meant to be both done sooner and be longer, but parts of it took me a while so I just decided to keep it simple to get it done in a timely manner.
So Skjaldur is dead and with his death, the empire he was holding together has collapsed. Evatine is also on her last legs as unless she gets lucky with her survival roll, she will die of old age before the start of the next turn.
Beyond that, you got unlucky with the colony roll as you effectively failed a DC6 roll. And then when I rolled for the location of the new colony, you got the new location that had been discovered by the adventurers this turn instead of the Sunset Mountains or the Sunrise Mountains.
Oh and you finally got your Golden Age.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel free to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd Ancient Theocratic Elective Monarchy UpperCentralisationLimit: 8 Lower CentralisationLimit: -2 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 6 Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province Player Actions: 1 Main Action + 1 Secondary Action +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Subordinates: 2 + Prestige/10 Special: Gain Crisis Resistance+ per Province Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy. Special: Monarchs are more likely to be competent.
Early Ancient Palace Economy Crisis Damage: Event, Crisis Damage- per 1 Centralisation. Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant. Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Additional Actions: None Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Statuses. Adventurer Expeditions Crisis (Major): Gain free 1d3 Explore Lands actions each turn, Chance for a new free Arthwydish colony to be founded each turn. Introducing Bronze Weapons: Temp Tech- every Turn until 2,220 AG. Centre of Trade (Caermyr): Temp Wealth+ every Turn. Centre of Trade (Greenbay): Temp Wealth+ every Turn. Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are greatly increased, +2 to Innovation Rolls, Golden Age: Temp Econ+ at the start of each turn, King of the Hill: Temp Diplo+ at the start of every Turn. Trade Dominance (Bronze Goods): Wealth++ Trade Dominance (Copper Goods): Wealth+ Trade Dominance (Gold Goods): Wealth++ Trade Dominance (Silver Goods): Wealth+ Trade Deficit (Honey): Wealth--
Values & Legacies. Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions. Ancient Bureaucracy: +2 Passive Policies Ancient Bastion of Civilisation (Garthryd): Significant bonus to defending the Garthryd region against outside threats. Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Garthryd): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn. Blessing of Bronwyn: Gain +1 to all Diplomacy Rolls. Blessing of Mairyn: Gain +2 to all Exploration Rolls. Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions. Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls. Colonial Empire (Three): +1 Colony Slot. Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive. Tech Discoverers: +1 Temp Tech to Tech generating actions Wealth Discoverers: +1 Temp Wealth to Wealth generating actions
Born Equal. While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,
Bloodied, but Unbowed (Linked to Charitable Haven). Your people have suffered great loss, but you survive and you will recover. Blows that would break others merely leave you limping and your people have suffered enough of such blows to know how to recover and that they can recover.
Pros: Better at surviving and getting by in hard times, Bonus to dealing with disasters, Better resilience and recovery after suffering losses,
Cons: Harsher and ruthless,
Caretakers of Nature. The Arthwyd are the guardians of their land and that means looking after the place that they call home. They will safeguard and preserve their lands lest they fail in their duty.
Pros: Bonus to land management projects,
Cons: Additional consequences for harming the land,
Charitable Haven. The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals, Gain a Value from current or historical neighbour,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,
Communal Mandate. As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,
Pioneering Ways. The world is wondrous and ripe for the taking. The Arthwyd regularly seek out new lands to make them their own as they funnel their plentiful population into the frontier to settle the wilderness.
Pros: Increased Population Growth, Common Independent Exploration, Common Independent Expansion,
Cons: More mouths to feed, Common Uncontrolled Expansion,
Sacred Defence. The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Completed Megaprojects.
The Aqueduct. A series of waterways built throughout the city of Greenbay, the aqueduct allows easy access to fresh, clean water for all those within Greenbay.
Effects: Reduces True City Upkeep for Greenbay, Bonus to Greenbay's rolls,
Arthrynite First Temple. A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Arthrynite Temple is the first temple in the known world. With a centre piece built around stone statues of Arthryn and her Daughters, this temple is one of the holiest places in the world.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, Temp Mysticism+ every Turn.
Arthrynite Grand Temple (Tier 2). Built in the heart of Greenbay, the Arthrynite Grand Temple is the largest building of its time. Equal in size to a village or neighbourhood, the Grand Temple is both a massive centre of worship for the Arthrynite religion, an extensive administrative centre for the Arthrynite priesthood and a nexus for the power of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Enhances the Faction Power of the Theocrats, Doubles of the Mystic Gains of religious actions, Boosts diplomacy with Arthrynites.
The Census (Bronze Age) (Tier 2). A grand administrative project to give the Cadlon information about the population such as how many people there are, where they are and what they need to get by in life.
Effects: Temp Econ+ every Turn, Temp Wealth+ every Turn, Crisis Resistance++,
Code of Laws (Bronze Age). A standardised set of laws that all of the Arthwyd must follow, these laws are focused on following the teachings and guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Religious Subordinates, Reduced Internal Discontent from Arthrynites.
The Evalynite Walls. The Evalynite Walls are the first stone walls in the known world and are devoted to Evalyn, the Arthrynite Goddess of Battle. They stand guard around the ancient capital of the Arthwyd and the religious centre of the Arthrynite religion.
Effects: Bonus to defending walled settlements, Bonus to defending Greenbay,
First Academy. The Academy of Greenbay is the first formal centre of learning in the world, the intelligent go to get educated. No other centre of education has its prestige or history.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls
First Library. The Library of Greenbay is the greatest collection of information in the world and the first library. Containing almost countless records, this was the first great collection of information that is semi-available to all.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls
Grand Sacred Forest. A grand forest planted throughout the settlement of Greenbay, this forest is the supposed to be the opposite of the Cursed Forest and is sacred to Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Additional Temp Mystic+ from Venerate the Goddesses, Bonus to Study Nature,
Greenbay Palace. While not as impressive as the Forlucan Royal Palace, the Greenbay Palace does its job just as well. Acting as a centre of administration for the vast Arthwyd Empire, the palace is a boon for any Cadlon.
Effects: +1 Upper Centralisation Limit, +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces, Crisis Resistance+
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage. A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: Gain Temp Mysticism+ whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
So ports and dockyards both seem rather helpful potential mega-projects. Especially dockyards. If we are going to have a colony that far away, having the naval power to do something about it if an enemy shows up is important.