I have not voted against diplo outreach, and support the idea. I do not support the idea that the Admin cadlon is going to be significantly better at navigating the current legitimacy crises as a Mystic or just straight up going to war and folding in the barbaric Cernn ideas around warfare
Honestly, in this case that is probably true...
The first candidate was Priestess Elyna was a native to Greenbay and the woman was known for being a supporter of Cadlon Sarwyl and his predecessors, almost certainly continuing their support for widely unpopular decisions.

The next candidate was Catclaw Cerys was a warrior from Whitefield over on the North Coast. Sharply critical of uneasy peace with the Caradysh Empire, she would be an excellent choice to back any military build-up regardless of if the Arthwyd Empire goes to war or not.

The final candidate was Cateye Eyra of Stripped Leaves, one of the lesser settlements around Caermyr. While unhappy with the undead overlords to the south, Eyra was renown for her skill with magic and her desire to uncover the secrets of the world.
The admin choice may bring negatives due to her ties with the previous cadlon, and vocal support of the unpopulat decisions. While the martial choice would likely be bad to avoid war, yet very popular. The mystic choice seems to be the middle ground option as far as opinion...

Edit: Admin is good, but the other consequences may make the situation worse before it could get better...
[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Catclaw Cerys of Whitefield. (Excellent Martial, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Cateye Eyra of Stripped Leaves. (Excellent Mystic, ???)
Wall-building is short term appeasement and diplomacy is long term solution. The appeasement has value, but the diplomacy is a lot more important. I would've advocated to do walls this turn alongside the diplomacy, but then the Subordinate issue came up. The long term solution for the Caradysh and the Subordinate issue should be our priorities. We need information on the Caradysh and we need Prestige more than we need a pair of walls.
Excellent Mystic means they're good at the magical and scientific, while Excellent Admin is good for managing systems of people and enacting policies. Excellent Admin is more suited to our current state, especially with regards to our Subordinate issue. An Excellent Admin will minimise the chance of something going wrong for the two turns it'll take to get back in the Prestige safety zone in addition to managing the civilisation's efforts. Extra magical and scientific knowledge won't help us with our current issues.
the other major crisis is declaring the Cernn as "Civilized" which is clowns on face.

like. We make one weird anti-dogmatic decision? Sure we can manage that until the culture shifts in a few hundred years.

Two Anti-Dogmatic decisions? That's a cultural crisis. We can't Admin out of a cultural crisis. We need to adapt our Religion and Culture, or let it continue to get more tense and hopefully it'll simmer down as Cernn spreads their warlike ways to us and we go to war with . . . .

Wait. No. These crises directly feed eachother. By declaring CERNN civilized we're folding an extremely pro-war lowlander tradition into "Proper Civilized Behavior" while also saying "no war with the Ever Evil, bogeyman of thousands of years of history and the profane devil that enslaves the dead and living both"

no. We should adapt our Religion and our Culture using Mysticism, or double down on holy war. I do not think a diplomatic and administrative twiddling of thumbs will reconcile our behavior, nor do I personally approve of peace with the Ever Evil outside of military considerations.

It might not be Urth in there. That's fine. But it is still the bogeyman empire of many thousands of years. We should be on war-footing until diplomacy proves otherwise.
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no. We should adapt our Religion and our Culture using Mysticism, or double down on holy war. I do not think a diplomatic and administrative twiddling of thumbs will reconcile our behavior
Religion and culture isn't affected by Mystic. If you want something related to our religion or culture, what you need is a Diplomacy or Culture hero. Mystic doesn't have anything to do with this situation. Like I said, it's only for magical and scientific knowledge.

EDIT: It's not a choice between Mystic Hero or war either. We can have peace with any of the cadlons, but Excellent Admin is the best for it alongside with being the best for our overall civilisation.

Wall-building is short term appeasement and diplomacy is long term solution. The appeasement has value, but the diplomacy is a lot more important. I would've advocated to do walls this turn alongside the diplomacy, but then the Subordinate issue came up. The long term solution for the Caradysh and the Subordinate issue should be our priorities. We need information on the Caradysh and we need Prestige more than we need a pair of walls.
On this, when I say "I would've advocated for walls this turn", I meant that last turn, I was thinking we should build walls this turn. In fact, I was gonna advocate for Defensive Province policy so we could build them while we did diplomacy. That's not necessary anymore though. The Infrastructure passive policy is building walls for us automatically. Our people's fears of invasion are being addressed in the short term (and, if we do diplomacy, in the long term as well). We really don't need to spend manual actions on them.
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[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)
[X] [SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Caradysh)
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses

Last turn we dealt with the symptoms now we have to deal with the problem, we voted to accept peace not prepare for war so we should open a dialogue now we can take the hit.
[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)

[X] [SEC] Build Wall = (Eastern Rock River)
[X] [SEC] Build Wall = (Western Rock River)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)

[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Hamefordysh)
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)

At 4 Infrastructure Passives, we should be able to make up the Ice Age delay on temples. We have a massive backlog on infrastructure anyway. And Libraries/Sewers will probably make said backlog worse.

Establishing trade ties with Caradysh vassals would allow us to learn about the Caradysh while also offering the Lowlanders an alternative way to buy food.
If the Caradysh are evil, this will weaken their grip on their corpse supply. If they are not, we might get a traderist-backed boost to public support for peace. In the meantime, we get to help people without being too controversial.

Approval-voting for:
[X] [MAIN] Academy
Because at 4 Infrastructure Policies, we might see a 2 Wall/2 Temple split. And a Megaproject could be good for our prestige in case spamming temples and waiting out the glory passive doesn't pan out quickly enough.

I am a bit shocked that we decided to consider the Cernn fully civilized. That means that their way of life is civilized, which is uh. A Choice.

Well, at least one good can come of it. I believe that we should found a new divine order (I advocated for this earlier in thread) that is a town-bound Militia order. This helps hone the martial spirit by dividing our forces between Home Defense Militia and Foreign Legions. Those with an inclination to explore, to fight, to slay as the Boar-Slayer did, these will go into Cateyes and Catclaws. Those with the urge to Protect, and to Serve, to build high walls and staff them, these will go to Militia.

It is known that sometimes there is Divine Inspiration in the outlying colonies, and I believe that the dedicated Militia branch is a good idea in regards to folding the "Cernn Civilized Style" into our own. Exultation of combat and war is barbaric, sure, but the defense of the Arthwyd is something to be proud to train for.

If war done in the defense of the Arthwyd is considered civil, then we may take it one step further. We could ask if there could be a divine warfare? Could there be causes so just that they are acceptable to exult in, such as the banishment of the Ever Evil? We did just accept the barbaric Cernn as "fully civilized" so perhaps warfare is not as "barbaric" and undesirable to our people as was once preached, at least not in all cases.
One of the reasons I voted for semi-civilized.

A lack of desire to take the Stability/Legitimacy hit and a desire to be a higher ideal for our subordinates to strive for instead of lowering our standards were admittedly bigger factors, but still.

On the upside, it should hopefully result in enough support for military innovation and maintaining a large standing army to mke the "outdated warfare" and "victory disease" crisis points less of an issue.
Conservatives (9/10) = Goals: Stability and the status quo, Mood: Concerned, Ability: +1 Passive Policy per 4 Faction Power, Objective: Found a New Colony within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Temple/-1 Stability
Gerontocrats (1.1/10) = Goals: Empowerment of the Elders, Mood: Angry, Ability: Econ+ per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Go to war with the Caradysh in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/-
Theocrats (3/20) = Goals: Empowerment of the Priesthood, Mood: Concerned, Ability: +1 to Mystic per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Build 2 Temples within 1 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/-
Monarchists (7.1/10) = Goals: Empowerment of the Cadlon, Mood: Angry, Ability: Free Secondary Action per 5 Faction Power, Objective: Go to war with the Caradysh in 1 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Train Sacred Warriors/-1 Stability
Centralists (7.2/10) = Goals: Increased centralisation, Mood: Mixed, Ability: +1 to Upper Centralisation Limit per 3 Faction Power, Objective: Go to war with the Caradysh in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Martial+/-1 Stability
Localists (5/10) = Goals: Decreased centralisation, Mood: Relieved, Ability: -1 to Lower Centralisation Limit per 3 Faction Power, Objective: Build 2 Walls within 1 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Exploration Expedition/Temp Econ-
Militarists (3/10) = Goals: Stronger military and increased warfare, Mood: Angry, Ability: Martial+ per 2 Faction Power, Objective: Improve Martial by 2 in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Diplo+/-
Isolationists (1.1/10) = Goals: No interactions with foreigners and their lands, Mood: Mildly Pleased, Ability: Diplo- per 2 Faction Power, Objective: Build 1 Walls in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/-
Explorists (8/10) = Goals: Exploration of the world, Mood: Relieved, Ability: +1 to Exploration Rolls per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Rediscover the Catfolk in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Settlement/Temp Diplo+
Traderists (7.1/10) = Goals: Thriving trade networks, Mood: Angry, Ability: Wealth+ per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Go to war with the Caradysh in 1 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Small Wall/Temp Wealth--
Internalists (5/10) = Goals: Internal development, Mood: Relieved, Ability: +1 Econ per 1 Faction Power, Objective: Build 3 Aqueducts within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/-
Pacifists (7/10) = Goals: No violence or offensive wars, Mood: Mixed, Ability: TBD, Objective: -, Success/Failure: -/-
Purists (1.1/10) = Goals: No barbarians and their ways, Mood: Somewhat Pleased, Ability: Diplo- per 2 Faction Power, Objective: Improve Martial by 1 in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Temp Econ+/-
@Oshha shouldn't the Internalists be at 2 aqueducts due to the completed Pacifist quest?

[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure) x2

This seems fine.
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[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)

[X] [SEC] Build Wall = (Eastern Rock River)
[X] [SEC] Build Wall = (Western Rock River)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)

[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Hamefordysh)
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)
[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)

[X] [SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Caradysh)
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Glory+Glory)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture->Glory)

I'm voting for the Sinsearysh because the name sounds nicer to me. If it's better to trade with the Hamefordysh, tell me and I'll change my vote.

Establishing trade ties with Caradysh vassals would allow us to learn about the Caradysh while also offering the Lowlanders an alternative way to buy food.
If the Caradysh are evil, this will weaken their grip on their corpse supply. If they are not, we might get a traderist-backed boost to public support for peace. In the meantime, we get to help people without being too controversial.
This is strong logic. I think Diplomatic Outreach with the Caradysh themselves is vital and something we should do as soon as possible, but sending a trade expedition to a vassal to bring the traderists on board (and do everything else you mentioned) is very sound diplomatic policy.

[X] [SEC] Build Wall = (Eastern Rock River)
[X] [SEC] Build Wall = (Western Rock River)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)

At 4 Infrastructure Passives, we should be able to make up the Ice Age delay on temples. We have a massive backlog on infrastructure anyway. And Libraries/Sewers will probably make said backlog worse.
Mate, our infrastructure passives aren't building temples right now, they're building walls. You can verify it by looking at the temples/walls we had this turn and last turn, and by looking at the faction quests.

We need more Glory to quickly get to 70 Prestige, otherwise we're bound to suffer a crisis. It'll take too long for enough temples to get built even if the infrastructure passives were building them, but they aren't even doing that.

Please vote to switch (most of) the agriculture passives to Glory like in my vote and remove the wall-building actions. We need the Prestige and our passives are building walls anyway.
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[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)

[X] [SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Caradysh)
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Glory+Glory)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture->Glory)
Mate, our infrastructure passives aren't building temples right now, they're building walls. You can verify it by looking at the temples/walls we had this turn and last turn, and by looking at the faction quests.

Also, you need to look at our Subordinate slots. Because we lost a point of Legitimacy, we lost one. We need more Glory to quickly get to 70 Prestige, otherwise we're bound to suffer a crisis. It'll take too long for enough temples to get built even if the infrastructure passives were building them, but they aren't even doing that.

Please vote to switch the agriculture passives to Glory like in my vote and remove the wall-building actions. We need the Prestige and our passives are building walls anyway.
I know our Passive policy shifted to Walls this turn. I suspect that the reason it shifted to walls is because the Priesthood wants war while the Localists/Isolationists were pushing for walls(and More Warriors doesn't appear to be Infrastructure). Similar to how the Infrastructure Passive shitting out Temples was due to the dominance of the Priest faction.

Localist quest wants 2 more walls. Isolationist quest wants 1 more wall. I expect the overflow to go to the Temples once the Localist quest completes. Or at least for the Infrastructure Passives to shift back when all settlements along the Western/Eastern Rock River are walled.
If we're lucky, building 2 walls while at 4 Infrastructure might also lead to a 2 Temple/2 Aqueduct split.
Alternatively, the trade expeditions might return a desire for peace and shift the Passive Policies back to non-military infrastructure.

And while being slightly over-capped on subordinates might stress our Imperial administration in the short run, this might encourage innovation in the field of governance.


I'm voting for the Sinsearysh because the name sounds nicer to me. If it's better to trade with the Hamefordysh, tell me and I'll change my vote.
The first of these people were the Hamefordysh. Located to the south-west of the Fornn, this group of barbarians were an odd bunch where they were ruled by a Zarannist priesthood, but the greed of their people meant that their priests were constantly competing with the local traders and crafters. An odd state of affairs that the visiting Arthwydish didn't fully understand, but barbarians were going to barbarian.

The third group was to the south of the Fordysh and south-east of the Fornn, known as the Sinsearysh tribes. Lacking a centralised authority, the Sinsearysh were less of a single power and more a collection of petty powers that shared the same culture and values. In this case, they prioritised trade and art as in an odd display of being semi-civilised, these barbarians distained war as something wasteful that was to be avoid. Yet even as they did this, they looked down upon outsiders, shunning those that didn't come from one of their tribes.
Hamefordysh were the ones with Crafters/Traderists acting as a balance against the priesthood.

Synsearysh were decentralized and kinda isolationist/purist but also had Pacifism and an Art/Culture bent.

I'm fine with either.
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And while being slightly over-capped on subordinates might stress our Imperial administration in the short run, this might encourage innovation in the field of governance.
Not a good idea to stress this kind of thing when in troubled times. Usually the "innovations" that pop up are things that are survivable in the short term but rather unfavourable in the long term. If we ever choose to stress this stuff, it should be when we have the free space to adequately manage all the short term negative consequences of the ideal long term choice.
Not a good idea to stress this kind of thing when in troubled times. Usually the "innovations" that pop up are things that are survivable in the short term but rather unfavourable in the long term. If we ever choose to stress this stuff, it should be when we have the free space to adequately manage all the short term negative consequences of the ideal long term choice.
The Ice Age is over, the stress is relatively minor, our subordinates have high opinions of us and the current voting trend is leading to a high-Admin ruler.
These factors should result in a generally positive type of innovation.

Priestly warmongering trouble isn't an administrative issue.
The Conservative trouble is applicable, but their desire for status quo is directly at odds with their desire for extra subordinate slots in this instance.
The Ice Age is over, the stress is relatively minor, our subordinates have high opinions of us and the current voting trend is leading to a high-Admin ruler.
These factors should result in a generally positive type of innovation.

Priestly warmongering trouble isn't an administrative issue.
The Conservative trouble is applicable, but their desire for status quo is directly at odds with their desire for extra subordinate slots in this instance.
...Shit, you're right. I mean, I do think the administrative problem with our vassals could spill into the belligerence issue, but the high loyalty of our subordinates plus the high admin ruler would be good at tamping down on the issue for longer than would otherwise be safe.

[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)

[X] [SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Caradysh)
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure) x2

6 infrastructure passive policies total. We don't need the Agriculture; the ice age is on minor and ending. This much Infrastructure will get walls built and probably temples too. Even if it doesn't get us temples, with the peace actions we're doing, they'll probably do temples afterwards, and they'll build them quick enough that it'll either solve the Subordinate crisis or mitigate it enough to further improve our odds of good innovations. And of course, this much Infrastructure will be fantastic for our civilisation's health in the long run. Good in the short, medium, and long term.
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So I'm curious about the risk of some kind of disease outbreak what with x-hundred thousand corpses running around among the living. Besides the thread seems to have forgotten about the magical beasties to our north? Either problem probably requires a magical solution imo, unless the Caradysh don't spread disease?

[X] [Cadlon] Cateye Eyra of Stripped Leaves. (Excellent Mystic, ???)
Monarchist and Traderist quests are set to expire this turn.
Localist, Isolationist, Theocrat and Internalist hopefully completing this turn.
Localist quest reward might finish Explorist quest this turn.

6-7 new faction quests(not counting the Pacifists) and a hope that public opinion will be shaped by what the Traderists encounter in the Lowlands over the priests' warmongering.
Venerate can push opinions that a large majority of the priesthood supports. It might be good to delay that until we've started trading with the Lowlanders and after our factions make up their minds about what they want.

[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)

[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure) x2

[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Hamefordysh)
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)
[X] [SEC] Trade Expedition = (Fornn)

Approval for:
[X] [SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Fornn)

Looking at the map... Hamefordysh and Synsearysh lie beyond(and neighbour) Fornn lands. Getting the latter on board could help get our regional trading presence established(as well as provide more perspectives on the Caradysh).

So I'm curious about the risk of some kind of disease outbreak what with x-hundred thousand corpses running around among the living. Besides the thread seems to have forgotten about the magical beasties to our north? Either problem probably requires a magical solution imo, unless the Caradysh don't spread disease?
Disease Cure (Basic/Refined)
We developed anti-disease magic during the last major plague outbreak.

Also, the Merntir have their own magic, we've already sent them extra magic/military support previously and they've been walling up/training magical warriors lately.
[X] [Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
[X] [SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)
[X] [MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
[X] [SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Fornn)
The current suggested timeline is this:

Mystic Hero of Zaranna (leader of a rebellion in our territories) flees the losing battles at the river into the Evil Woods.
Urth the Ever Evil comes in contact with this Mystic Hero. He is not actually divinely inspired (word of Oshha) and simply magically studious. And evil.
Zarannan Mystic Hero defeats(?) the Ever Evil in a permanent manner, likely because of divine intervention.
Zarannan Mystic Hero models herself Cadlon of Urth's old holdings, which seemed to mostly be places to further his magical studies and fortifications against us.
Zarannan Mystic Hero (Zaranna being a goddess of chaos) ends up utilizing the undead hordes to ???? grow food under magical wards Urth designed?
uses food to bribe lowlands to be under her sway and survive.
is currently worried about getting into a massive war with us.
If there was the case, the Caradysh Empire would be ruled by Zandis Laithyche and not by Cadlon Morgyn.
and he doesn't call himself the Everevil.
Urth is, was, self titled The Ever Evil because it amused Urth.
Urth just calls himself Urth with the expectation that everybody knows who he is while the lowlanders call him the Undying or the Everliving. It is only the Arthwydish who call him the Everevil.

The real question is how Zaranna has changed since a divine champion of hers has become undead and also has been active for over a thousand years
Laithyche has barely been around for five and a half centures let alone a thousand years. Unless you are referring to Voryn, in which case he has became an undead champion of Zaranna over a thousand years ago, but he hasn't been seen since the Lowland Collapse.
Morgynys was a Mystic Hero who lead a Zarannan rebellion in the lowlands against us, and she ultimately fled into the Forest of Urth the Ever Evil and was never heard from again. It is how the lowlands became dominantly Arthwynnite. Sure, they rebelled again later but that was somewhat inevitable with Zaranna being chaotic and we being a religion of Orderly Things. Ah well.
That was Laithyche not Morgynys. Morgynys was an Arthwydish Cadlon from a couple of turns ago. Also the Lowlanders still have a majority of Zarannists with a significant majority of Nalnirans. Arthwydish settlers don't really count as they live in enclaves with a different culture while Lowlander Arthrynite converts tend to move to Arthwydish lands before or after converting.
Leadership decided to not do something inherently simple and righteous (Urth Delende Est) and the culture is having a hard time reconciling the peace with. You know. Urth Delende Est.
Caradysh Delende Est. The objection is to the Caradysh as a whole not Urth specifically even if he is considered the worst of the lot.
Urth was literally the only personality in the whole of Caradysh last we checked, the various subcommanders were not fully sapient.
I'm not sure where you got this idea from, but the revenants have always been fully sapient and I have made it explicit that Urth is not the only person in the Caradysh. It is only the wights that are mindless and while he is their uncontested leader, Urth has his own nobility that he has to deal with in the form of the revenants that make up the Caradysh alongside himself.
Religion and culture isn't affected by Mystic. If you want something related to our religion or culture, what you need is a Diplomacy or Culture hero. Mystic doesn't have anything to do with this situation. Like I said, it's only for magical and scientific knowledge.
Not quite true. Religion does fall under Mystic though it also falls under Culture, especially in the case of the Arthwyd thanks to how much your religion is tied up with your culture and government. In this case, Eyr
@Oshha shouldn't the Internalists be at 2 aqueducts due to the completed Pacifist quest?
I'll fix that when I update the Pacifists.
The Ice Age is over,
It has greatly lessened, but it is not quite over yet.
Little Ice Age (Minor): Temp Econ- every Turn.
Besides the thread seems to have forgotten about the magical beasties to our north?
The Merntir currently have that handled. One of the benefits of having competent and capable vassals is that they can handle their own troubles without your help.
The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original | Page 130 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 3250-3293]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Metal

[X][Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into both the Sunrise Mountains and the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ--, ???)
No. of Votes: 9

[X][Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into the Sunrise Mountains. (Temp Econ-, ???)
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Metal] Yes, they send an expedition into the Sunset Mountains. (Temp Econ-, ???)
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Cadlon

[X][Cadlon] Cateye Eyra of Stripped Leaves. (Excellent Mystic, ???)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Cadlon] Priestess Elyna of Greenbay. (Excellent Admin, ???)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Cadlon] Catclaw Cerys of Whitefield. (Excellent Martial, ???)
No. of Votes: 3

Task: MAIN

[X][MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
No. of Votes: 2

[X][MAIN] Academy
No. of Votes: 1

[X][MAIN] Library
No. of Votes: 1

[X][MAIN] Study Magic.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][MAIN] Study Magic. x2
No. of Votes: 1

Task: SEC

[X][SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure)
No. of Votes: 4

[X][SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Fornn)
No. of Votes: 4

[X][SEC] Trade Expedition = (Sinsearysh)
No. of Votes: 4

[X][SEC] Diplomatic Outreach = (Caradysh)
No. of Votes: 3

[X][SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
No. of Votes: 3

[X][SEC] Academy
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Build Wall = (Eastern Rock River)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Build Wall = (Western Rock River)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Glory+Glory)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture+Agriculture->Infrastructure+Infrastructure) x2
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Change up to two Passive Policies (Agriculture->Glory)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Library
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Study Magic.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SEC] Trade Expedition = (Hamefordysh)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] argenten
[X] Qeqre

[X][SEC] Trade Expedition = (Fornn)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Qeqre

Total No. of Voters: 12
Values & Legacies
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions.
Ancient Bureaucracy: +2 Passive Policies
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn.
Blessing of Bronwyn: Gain +1 to all Diplomacy Rolls.
Blessing of Mairyn: Gain +2 to all Exploration Rolls.
Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions.
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls.
Colonial Empire: +1 Colony Slot.
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive.
Tech Discoverers: +1 Temp Tech to Tech generating actions
Wealth Discoverers: +1 Temp Wealth to Wealth generating actions
Are these legacies useless, or have they become much stronger?
History of Urth as of 1950 PGB
@Oshha, what do we know about Urth in this quest?

This is a bit of a long thing due to how long Urth has been around whilst being an active player in world affairs so it gets its own post and

Urth was the second Martial Hero after Vryn herself, being born about a century and a half Vryn died almost two thousand years ago. He conquered the original Zaradysh on the behalf of the Forester Shamans and the Forest Spirits back when the Arthwyd were discovering how to make rope and fishing nets. He was also the first undead and paved away for the Foresters becoming undead though he remained a loyal subordinate to the shamans until the Lowland Collapse.

He would later lose to Voryn in the latter's Zaradysh uprising almost a century later before defeating him and conquering the Zaradysh again before making Voryn into an undead revenant like himself. But with the aid of Zaranna, Voryn broke free of the Caradysh and led the Zaradysh in another successful uprising before going onto make Zarannism the dominant religion of the Lowlands. He and Voryn would fight back and forth for control of Zaradysh with Urth being able to conquer parts of the Zaradysh with Voryn never letting him conquer all of it.

About a thousand years ago, the Lowland Collapse took place and in it, Voryn disappeared and has yet to be seen again while Urth toppled the old Shaman leadership of the Foresters and turned the Caradysh from having a mix of living and undead to being solely undead. It was about this point that he started to be a Mystic Hero in addition to being Martial Hero from all of his magical studying adding up. Urth went on to conquer the northern Lowlands and the newly formed Maradysh in the Lowland Collapse.

Urth then decided to take a swing at the Arthwyd and almost made it to Rockbay after killing many Arthwydish warriors including Evalyn's husband Cadyn before being defeated by Evalyn. It was here that the Arthwyd got their hatred for Urth and undead in general thanks to the backstory of their war-goddess heroic fighting against the undead and their evil leader Urth in addition these events being the Arthwyd's formative encounter with the undead and necromancy in general.

Urth was believed killed in the fighting and the Caradysh withdrew to the Cursed Forest for some time. What remained of their empire in the Lowlands fell apart and the First Forluc Empire arose. About three centuries later, the Caradysh returned with Urth at the helm as the Caradysh attacked the leadership of both the Arthwyd and the Forluc. This led to the War of Three Powers which resulted in a bloody victory for the Arthwyd, the decimation of both the Caradysh and the Forluc and the Caradysh willing becoming vassals of the Forluc whilst simultaneously puppeting the Forluc.

The War of Three Powers was a mixed affair for Urth as he achieved his initial goals and beat back the first Arthwydish offensive only to see the second Arthwydish offensive obliterate the northern half of the Caradysh while Urth personally crushed the Forluc and installed a puppet queen on the Forlucan throne whilst officially submitting the Caradysh as a vassal. After this affair, Urth spent the next couple of centuries laying low, paying tribute to the Forluc whilst personally devoting the Caradysh to the study of magic with his only notable act being giving refuge to Laithyche following the failed Zarannist Uprisings.

This changed with the Grand War where the Caradysh supported their nominal overlords against the Arthwyd Empire and the Boarfolk Tribes. They let the Forluc launch a surprise attack on Rockbay via Rock River and then directly aided the Forlucan expedition after the Arthwyd drove it back. They also attacked and conquered the Raradysh, completely wiping out any Arthwydish presence within the Raradysh. The Forluc Empire would ultimately lose the war and the Arthwyd drove the Caradysh out of the Raradysh. Urth's major part in this war was halting the Boarfolk offensive. When everyone else in the Forluc Empire failed to stop the Boarfolk, the Caradysh used cunning tactics to swarm isolated Boarfolk forces with overwhelming numbers.

Throughout his war and the resulting peace, the Caradysh collected up as many corpses as they could. They easily made up for their losses at least three times over and got over ten thousand Boarfolk corpses along with their dire boar mounts. After the conclusion of the Grand War, the Caradysh returned to their solitude until the Ice Age. When the Ice Age got really bad, the Caradysh came to the southern lowlands and offered survival to those that would have starved otherwise. They sent revenants to use magic to help their crops grow and provide their homes with heat and in return, all the lowlanders had to do is give up the bodies of their fallen to the Caradysh. Between this and conquering half of the Forlucan heartland, the Caradysh formed their second empire in what is currently known as the Caradysh Empire.
Or, we actually check to see if they have changed, and wage war if they are evil, or perhaps try to create a lasting peace if they have become better. And we need to actually poke at them to figure this out.