It isn't that you lack the physical capability to pull it off, you lack the social will to do it. It is one thing for the Arthwyd to have people working part time to protect their homes, it is another to send them off to fight and die in faraway lands.We also literally do not have the infrastructure to support a militia force taking offensive actions which is a point in their favor.
This as said before, i growing our main fighting force, which naturally is only going to do so muchto actually manning the walls. Not sticking our head in the sand like the do nothing option, but still too limited.[] [War] They expanded the ranks of the sacred warriors (Martial+)
This forms what seems to be groups of part-time guards, which while not as skilled as professional soldiers, let alone our own, will likely be sufficient for the usual siege situations due to both numbers and the logistics, or lack therof to mantain our towns.[] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
This, actually made me realize something. Earlier we were all viewing our force as a professional army. But thinking back, including some of the tactics we used when not simply throwing around numbers, we are more accurately fielding a massive amount of special forces instead of a more standard professional army. While it would not be a purely defensive force, we might see some strategic innovations if we choose this option.[] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
And this, I think I don't need to say what this does.
This, actually made me realize something. Earlier we were all viewing our force as a professional army. But thinking back, including some of the tactics we used when not simply throwing around numbers, we are more accurately fielding a massive amount of special forces instead of a more standard professional army. While it would not be a purely defensive force, we might see some strategic innovations if we choose this option.
You can check the civ sheet in the last threadmark to see what concepts our military uses. We've got squads, ambush tactics, logistics, and a shield wall. So we aren't nearly still at the level of individuals running in and fighting in melee.I completely agree with this. Here's how I'd been viewing it (anyone have a better feel or can call out places where I've misunderstood/ remembered wrong please chime in). Right now we have a really strong elite group of holy warriors who're doing some guerilla/melee sorts of battles. We just throw all our nearby warriors at the enemy and they fight a bunch of individual battles until they win or lose (melee). Any teamwork is just kind of there due to personal relationships and I don't recall things like having dedicated ranged units to continually thin out enemies behind a shield wall or flanking, skirmishing tactics, etc.
I think creating an empire spanning non-sacred professional army could in the short term defend the walls, improve empire cohesion (common institutions, passively strengthening our authority + improving order), and help with tactics/logistics development.
They'd do things like mentally simulating or physically drilling and planning how to survive a siege and rapidly request/mobilize help from/to the nearest towns. They'd also be a source of permanent guards for towns. Ideally we'd get to a point where those in command will have training to be able to effectively lead and maintain order/morale and they'd be less likely to be mentally overwhelmed. Gives us a smaller force (but not too small) that is more capable and easier to equip.
War is still bad but if we need to defend ourselves we're creating the foundation that will make us more skilled at doing so. If we only use the force for defense and have the ability to move them internally to support our empire when in times of hardship it shouldn't instantly blow up our sacred defense value.
Downsides I'm seeing are social friction, creating another internal power-base, friction between sacred + non-sacred warriors, smaller total number of combatants, and avoiding temptation to be war-hawks.
We have Sacred Defense already so I could see that working.[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
I wonder if it's plausible for some sort of like, sacred warfare value to develop if we're careful?
Like the idea of having to 'cleanse' yourself after getting in a fight/combat situation, universally.