
So, the whole reason we have sacred warriors is because we see war as inherently unclean and the only way to partake in it without tainting yourself is to do it purely in the name of the Goddesses, right? How would that jive with having professional warriors that aren't also priests?
Beliefs can change with time and necessity. Also why those options have '???' to them.
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)

They advocated for the creation of a part time militia to patrol the walls to ensure that they did go not undefended
I think those words need to get switched.
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[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They expanded the ranks of the sacred warriors (Martial+)

[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)

[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
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The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original | Page 194 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4836-4855]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: War

[X][War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
No. of Votes: 8
[X] Random Member
[X] Chiperninerm
[X] Fireiy
[X] Illusion of Eris
[X] Mad_Sage
[x] SeaReader
[X] swift1212
[X] UwU

[X][War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Random Member
[X] nat_401
[X] Simon. Andersen

[X][War] They expanded the ranks of the sacred warriors (Martial+)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Andres110
[X] jamie96969

Task: Mega

[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
No. of Votes: 9
[X] nat_401
[X] Chiperninerm
[X] Fireiy
[X] jamie96969
[X] Mad_Sage
[x] SeaReader
[X] swift1212
[X] Taliys
[X] UwU

[X][Mega] The port has inspired a similar project involving boats and ships. (Unlock Dockyard Megaproject)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Random Member
[x] SeaReader

[X][Mega] The work on the port allowed for several new ideas to flourish (Gain three random Innovations)
No. of Votes: 2
[x] SeaReader
[x] Simon. Andersen

[X][Mega] The work on the port resulted in new maritime discoveries being made. (Gain two maritime-based Innovation)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Random Member

Total No. of Voters: 13
You are also required to accept that they will have less problem with starting offensive wars and more problem with seeking peaceful resolutions instead of war. It's an unavoidable part of them thinking that war is distasteful, but natural and inevitable, and therefore that peace is unnatural and silly to try and avoid.

EDIT: I cannot stress enough how badly this combos with Bloody but Unbowed and our present major crisis with the Caradysh. Don't pretend your position lacks majorly negative to catastrophic consequences.
There's also the fact that with local milities, the idea of central order will fall apart.

Because it means that any attempt to take a walled Arthwyd settlement by the central governement amounts to a massive siege, an effort which can take months or years. Seceding provinces would become essentially unassailable.
There's also the fact that with local milities, the idea of central order will fall apart.

Because it means that any attempt to take a walled Arthwyd settlement by the central governement amounts to a massive siege, an effort which can take months or years. Seceding provinces would become essentially unassailable.
Just to be clear, this isn't an issue with the militia, it is an issue with properly manning your stone walls. All of your military is locally sourced and stay in their hometowns until they are called up for a campaign by the Cadlon. Your proposed scenario applies equally to all of the options so long as the walls are properly defended.
[X][War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)

I'm going to go with this. Militias can't really help with offensive wars like professional soldiers/warriors can, but will man walls just fine.

[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] HanEmpire

I mainly want militias over non sacred professionals because it feel it will make us less warlike. Let me explain.

War is currently barbaric. War is impure. Only those who are properly blessed and in the service of the Goddesses can engage in war without tainting themselves.

But, what about protecting your homes? What about defending yourselves? I feel like, as long as we only ever use the militias for defensive purposes like manning the walls and never ever use them for offensive war, we can keep the idea that war is bad and wrong (since defending yourself when attacked isn't exactly war is it?).

I could be super wrong, but this is my gut feeling right now.
Non sacred warriors won't give us anything that our barbarian vassals don't already provide us but militias let us use our massive population to protect ourselves whilst leaving our sacred warriors free to act.
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)

[X] [Mega] The work on the port resulted in new maritime discoveries being made. (Gain two maritime-based Innovation)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)
[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)

[X] [Mega] The work on the port resulted in new maritime discoveries being made. (Gain two maritime-based Innovation)
[X] [Mega] The port has inspired a similar project involving boats and ships. (Unlock Dockyard Megaproject)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)

I'd rather have non-sacred warriors to provide a buffer for the normal folks. I think it would also help with unity as it would be a group that spans the empire. As long as either that or the militia is implemented with the focus on defending walls and guarding the people I feel like we can manage any wrinkles and still have our people be more secure. (Sacred Defense reads more like militias but I'm strongly of the opinion that dedicated craftspeople will be better at a task at large scale than hobbyists)

[X][Mega] The work on the port allowed for several new ideas to flourish (Gain three random Innovations)
[X] [War] They began to recruit full-time non-sacred warriors to support the Catclaws and Cateyes. (Martial++, ???)

[X] [Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)
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[X] [War] They founded local militias to protect their homes. (Martial++++++, ???)
[X][Mega] The construction of the port empowers the All-Seeress to give a Divine Blessing to the Arthwyd. (Gain the Blessing of the All-Seeress)