[X] She splits her forces between liberating both the Fornn and the Fordysh.

"Aye, I will say the same for ma own people," says Eradan as he gives Narkae an approving nod before turning to Evatine, "Yah and yah people have been fighting alongside while lassie Morgyn has been sitting on her pretty little head in her big arse forest. Shows me and mine who we want to be in charge of us."
Ahh yes, the Scots! Or the Picts?
Bloodied, but Unbowed (Linked to Charitable Haven) Your people have suffered great loss, but you survive and you will recover. Blows that would break others merely leave you limping and your people have suffered enough of such blows to know how to recover and that they can recover.
Pros: Better at surviving and getting by in hard times, Bonus to dealing with disasters, Better resilience and recovery after suffering losses,
Cons: Harsher and ruthless,
By the way, I remember back aways during the ice age that once it ended that this would have something happen to it. Was that changed or something?
And then there is the reaction of the Forluc and the Forden. For whatever reason, High King Skjaldur had decided to reach out to them as he had sent several enjoys to convince the Forlucans to turn against the Arthwyd. The Forlucans took offer at the very existence of the offer and when it comes to how they vented their fury on Skjaldur's envoys as a result of that outrage, the less said, the better.
I think these two were meant to be envoys and offence.

[X] She splits her forces between liberating both the Fornn and the Fordysh.

I hate splitting our focus but the suddenly vassals situation pushes me into it. I was expecting the Caradysh to jump in but apparently they want a regime change, like seriously a new Caradysh Cadlon would be lovely.
The vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original | Page 164 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4091-4109]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

[X] She splits her forces between liberating both the Fornn and the Fordysh.
No. of Votes: 10

[X] She tries to launch an offensive assault into Nersondur territory.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 12
[X] She splits her forces between liberating both the Fornn and the Fordysh.
Well, the joined our empire, so well, we need to devote to both fronts. Though interestingly, this could be advantageous, considering apparently we re actually at enough of an advantage in general that apparently allow us general parity against their forces when led by their genius martial leader...
It was mixture of rolling a bit higher and having bonuses such as superior logistics, better equipment and heavy cav. Your modifiers don't quite match for Skjaldur brings when he is personally commanding, but they make it close.
[X] She splits her forces between liberating both the Fornn and the Fordysh.
Well, the joined our empire, so well, we need to devote to both fronts. Though interestingly, this could be advantageous, considering apparently we re actually at enough of an advantage in general that apparently allow us general parity against their forces when led by their genius martial leader...
Even if we both roll average, which would leave Skjaldur rolling a little higher than us, we'll still win thanks to our superior numbers and higher morale. And if they start winning hard enough, then they start having to besiege walled settlements.
Last edited:
2113 AG - Bronze Epic Age IV
[X] She splits her forces between liberating both the Fornn and the Fordysh.

Torn behind the need to defend both the Fornn and the Fordysh, Cadlon Evatine of the Arthwyd found herself having to split her forces between holding off High King Skjaldur in the lands of the Fornn whilst also driving the Nersondurans from the territory of the Fordysh.

Keeping the culturally Arthwydish forces for her own command and assigning the Forlucan warriors to Eradan's command, the Champion of Arthryn split off the barbarian elements of the Arthwydish army as she sent them to aid the Fordysh against the Nersondur invaders. In hindsight, Evatine would be unsure if she had made or not by dividing her forces as she did not know if she had gained victory at the cost of defeat or she would have been defeated regardless of how many she had under her command.

To the east, amongst the land of the Fordysh, things had gone favourable for the Arthwyd. While Raonul was easily a more capable general than any of the Arthwydish leaders opposing him, the barbarian warlord had over extended. Rallying the lowlander forces of the Nersondur Empire, Raonul was expecting the same resistance he over the past seasonal cycle and was completely unprepared to find any army from the Arthwyd Empire awaiting him instead.

While the warlord fought valiantly and managed to withdraw the majority of his forces in good order, the most recent fighting in the Fordysh favoured the defenders. Thanks to Raonul's quick thinking, the Nersonduran losses had not been as bad as they could have been, but the Arthwydish forces were able to drive the Nersondurans back and reclaim much of the previously conquered Fordysh land. While far from a crushing or an irreversible defeat for the Nersondur Empire, Raonul had very much suffered a defeat at the hands of the Arthwyd Empire.

Matters in the west were a different matter as Skjaldur proved just why he was so feared and respected. Eradan and Arnulfur continued to duel with their respective armies, trading a mixture of victories and defeats that slightly favoured the Nersondurans. Yet for the amount of land that Arnulfur had taken in exchange for the losses he had suffered had many on both sides doubting just how much of a winner he truly was.

Yet the highlight of the latest fighting had to be between High King Skjaldur and the bulk of the Nersonduran army against Cadlon Evatine and her Arthwydish warriors. Evatine was a capable commander in her own right, but she was no match for someone of Skjaldur's calibre.

The losses were little at first and intermingled with small victories, but as the seasons went by Evatine found herself increasingly giving ground to the invaders as the Arthwydish struggled to stem the flow of the Nersonduran conquerors. Yet even as she yielded territory to the Nersondur, warriors on both sides would die in an equal manner that favoured the Arthwydish and their greater reserves of manpower.

The fighting between the Arthwydish forces under Cadlon Evatine and the Nersonduran forces under High King Skjaldur would come to a climax at the start of winter, when the snow that had begun to fall in the north had yet to reach the Lowlands in the south. For the Nersondur Empire, the Battle of Redground Ford was a triumphant victory, a glorious achievement of Skjaldur and his unmatched martial prowess. For the Arthwyd Empire, the Battle of Redground Ford was a disastrous defeat, a terrible tragedy that had befallen the Champion of Arthryn and those under her direct command.

In mere hours, thousands on both sides would no longer be amongst the living as the death toll mounted in one of the bloodiest battles of the war so far. Completely outmaneuvering Cadlon Evatine, High King Skjaldur caught the Arthwydish warriors in a cunning trap and crushed them. Yet even as hundreds of Catclaws and Cateyes got cut down as they were swarmed by angry Nersondurans, they fought back valiantly and bravely and for every Arthwydish warrior that died, so did a warrior of the Nersondur Empire.

Despite the heroic efforts of the Arthwyd, the losses in the bloody battle were only even in quantity as in terms of quality, it was an unambiguous victory for Skjaldur and his Nersondurans. The fallen Nersondur were not equal in calibre to the sacred warriors of the Arthwyd Empire and every fallen Catclaw or Cateye was a bigger tragedy for the Arthwyd than the loss of a farmer turned warrior or a professional raider was for the Nersondur.

Caldon Evatine did her best to organise a withdrawal of the Arthwydish survivors, but by the time she succeeded, the damage had already been done. The ground ran red with blood and was covered in corpses and the day belonged to the Nersondur.

Yet as the Arthwyd army fled the defeat, the Champion of Arthryn spotted her vaunted rival on the battlefield as the High King of the Nersondur Empire personally led his forces on the frontlines. For a moment, Evatine had a choice. A choice of getting away unharmed with what remained of her army or risking her own life in an attempt to take Skjaldur's. She would be unlikely to survive the latter option, but if the Champion of Arthryn was to succeed, the war would be over in an Arthwydish victory as the Nersondur Empire and its invasion would fall apart with Skjaldur to hold it together.

What choices does Evatine make?
[] She makes the safe choice to get away unharmed to continue the war effort. (War continues normally)
[] She makes the risky choice to strike at Skjaldur, imperilling her own life for the chance to end her foe's. (Very high chance of Evatine dying, High chance of Skjaldur dying)


Sorry about the long delay. I just hit a point where I didn't feel up to writing any quests, but that has mostly passed. I am going to be aiming to try and update Chronicles of Nation once a week to pace myself. Hopefully that will be enough to keep my interest without it also being too much for me.

In the update itself, the Arthwyd Empire continues to prove to be a powerhouse as you can tank losses thanks to your greater reserves of manpower and a more robust society. Even though the Nersondur have won a series of victories in the latest year of fighting, they aren't able to keep up the war effort as much or as long as you can. At this point, Skjaldur needs to keep on winning to avoid defeat, but he is capable of doing that and the Arthwyd Empire can only take so many defeats. If you do beat the Nesondur, you still got to worry about the Boarfolk warlord returning from the far east and losing too many of your sacred warriors could have negative long term consequences.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel free to ask questions for more details and information.

The Arthwyd
Ancient Theocratic Elective Monarchy
Upper Centralisation Limit: 8
Lower Centralisation Limit: -2
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 6
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 1 Main Action + 1 Secondary Action +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces.
Subordinates: 2 + Prestige/10
Special: Gain Crisis Resistance+ per Province
Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy.
Special: Monarchs are more likely to be competent.

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Crisis Damage: Event, Crisis Damage- per 1 Centralisation.
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant.
Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces.
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.

Diplo: Decent (Very High)
Econ: Immense Farms and Manpower (Average)
Martial: Good (Average)
Mystic: Effectively Limitless (Average)
Culture: Low (Extremely High)
Tech: Decent (Above Average)
Wealth: Very Wealth (Very High)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 7 (1/11)
Hierarchy: 4

Centre of Trade (Caermyr): Temp Wealth+ every Turn.
Centre of Trade (Greenbay): Temp Wealth+ every Turn.
Coughing Plague (Medium Plague): d6 Crisis every Turn.
Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are greatly increased, +2 to Innovation Rolls,
King of the Hill: Temp Diplo+ at the start of every Turn.
Trade Dominance (Bronze Goods): Wealth++
Trade Dominance (Copper Goods): Wealth+
Trade Dominance (Gold Goods): Wealth++
Trade Dominance (Silver Goods): Wealth+
Trade Deficit (Honey): Wealth--

Prestige Ranking.
Arthwyd: 74
Nersondur = 63
Maradysh = 46
Merntir = 43
Caradysh = 42
Forluc = 39
Caermyr = 32
Grythwyd = 25
Cernn = 24
Achland = 22
Hielwald = 21
Boarfolk Nomads = 20
Halbarnwyd = 18
Zaradysh = 18
Forden = 15
Tordysh = 14
Raradysh = 13
Lorvysh = 12
Forzea = 11
Lochanysh = 8
Bruraysh = 8
Fordysh = 7
Fornn = 7
Diondairysh = 6
Hamefordysh = 5
Sinsearysh = 5

Diplomatic Relations.
Status/Frequency of Contact
Achland = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 4/10
Boarfolk Nomads = Independent/High
-Your Opinion 8.5/10
-Their Opinion = 8.5/10
Bruraysh = Nersondur Vassal/None
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10
Caradysh = Independent/Some
-Your Opinion 3/10
-Their Opinion = 7/10
Diondairysh = Nersondur Vassal/None
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10
Forzea = Nersondur Vassal/None
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 7/10
Hamefordysh = Nersondur Vassal/Some
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5.5/10
Hielwald = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 4/10
Lochanysh = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 2/10
-Their Opinion = 2/10
Nersondur = Independent/None
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10
Sinsearysh = Nersondur Vassal/Limited
-Your Opinion 2.5/10
-Their Opinion = 5/10

10/9 Subordinates
3/3 Religious Subordinates
1/1 Colony

Caermyr = Religious Trade Post/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Cernn = Religious Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 7/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Forden = Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 5.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Fordysh = Vassal/High
-Your Opinion 4.5/10
-Their Opinion = 8.2/10
Forluc = Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 5/10
-Their Opinion = 9.5/10
Fornn = Vassal/High
-Your Opinion 4/10
-Their Opinion = 8.5/10
Grythwyd = Religious Colony/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Halbarnwyd = Religious Colony/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Lorvysh = Vassal/Low
-Your Opinion 4.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Maradysh = Religious Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 8/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Merntir = Religious Vassal/Very Low
-Your Opinion 9.5/10
-Their Opinion = 10/10
Raradysh = Colony/Low
-Your Opinion 6.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Tordysh = Vassal/Low
-Your Opinion 6.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10
Zaradysh = Colony/Low
-Your Opinion 6.5/10
-Their Opinion = 9/10

Values & Legacies.
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions.
Ancient Bureaucracy: +2 Passive Policies
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn.
Blessing of Bronwyn: Gain +1 to all Diplomacy Rolls.
Blessing of Mairyn: Gain +2 to all Exploration Rolls.
Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions.
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls.
Colonial Empire: +1 Colony Slot.
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive.
Tech Discoverers: +1 Temp Tech to Tech generating actions
Wealth Discoverers: +1 Temp Wealth to Wealth generating actions

Born Equal.
While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,

Bloodied, but Unbowed (Linked to Charitable Haven).
Your people have suffered great loss, but you survive and you will recover. Blows that would break others merely leave you limping and your people have suffered enough of such blows to know how to recover and that they can recover.
Pros: Better at surviving and getting by in hard times, Bonus to dealing with disasters, Better resilience and recovery after suffering losses,
Cons: Harsher and ruthless,

Caretakers of Nature.
The Arthwyd are the guardians of their land and that means looking after the place that they call home. They will safeguard and preserve their lands lest they fail in their duty.
Pros: Bonus to land management projects,
Cons: Additional consequences for harming the land,

Charitable Haven.
The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals, Gain a Value from current or historical neighbour,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,

Communal Mandate.
As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,

Pioneering Ways.
The world is wondrous and ripe for the taking. The Arthwyd regularly seek out new lands to make them their own as they funnel their plentiful population into the frontier to settle the wilderness.
Pros: Increased Population Growth, Common Independent Exploration, Common Independent Expansion,
Cons: More mouths to feed, Common Uncontrolled Expansion,

Sacred Defence.
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Completed Megaprojects.
The Aqueduct.
A series of waterways built throughout the city of Greenbay, the aqueduct allows easy access to fresh, clean water for all those within Greenbay.
Effects: Reduces True City Upkeep for Greenbay, Bonus to Greenbay's rolls,

Arthrynite First Temple.
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Arthrynite Temple is the first temple in the known world. With a centre piece built around stone statues of Arthryn and her Daughters, this temple is one of the holiest places in the world.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, Temp Mysticism+ every Turn.

Arthrynite Grand Temple (Tier 2).
Built in the heart of Greenbay, the Arthrynite Grand Temple is the largest building of its time. Equal in size to a village or neighbourhood, the Grand Temple is both a massive centre of worship for the Arthrynite religion, an extensive administrative centre for the Arthrynite priesthood and a nexus for the power of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Enhances the Faction Power of the Theocrats, Doubles of the Mystic Gains of religious actions, Boosts diplomacy with Arthrynites.

The Census (Bronze Age) (Tier 2).
A grand administrative project to give the Cadlon information about the population such as how many people there are, where they are and what they need to get by in life.
Effects: Temp Econ+ every Turn, Temp Wealth+ every Turn, Crisis Resistance++,

Code of Laws (Bronze Age).
A standardised set of laws that all of the Arthwyd must follow, these laws are focused on following the teachings and guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Religious Subordinates, Reduced Internal Discontent from Arthrynites.

The Evalynite Walls.
The Evalynite Walls are the first stone walls in the known world and are devoted to Evalyn, the Arthrynite Goddess of Battle. They stand guard around the ancient capital of the Arthwyd and the religious centre of the Arthrynite religion.
Effects: Bonus to defending walled settlements, Bonus to defending Greenbay,

First Library.
The Library of Greenbay is the greatest collection of information in the world and the first library. Containing almost countless records, this was the first great collection of information that is semi-available to all.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls

Grand Sacred Forest.
A grand forest planted throughout the settlement of Greenbay, this forest is the supposed to be the opposite of the Cursed Forest and is sacred to Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Additional Temp Mystic+ from Venerate the Goddesses, Bonus to Study Nature,

Greenbay Palace.
While not as impressive as the Forlucan Royal Palace, the Greenbay Palace does its job just as well. Acting as a centre of administration for the vast Arthwyd Empire, the palace is a boon for any Cadlon.
Effects: +1 Upper Centralisation Limit, +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces, Crisis Resistance+

Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage.
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: Gain Temp Mysticism+ whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Compost, Manure & Nightsoil)
Basic Irrigation
Black Soil (Terra Preta)
Seasonal Crops
Soil Fertility
Three-Field Crop Rotation


Primitive Earthen Flood Control

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Outrigger Canoes
Walnut Oil

Live Trapping

Fired Bricks

Proto-Human Anatomy

Bronze Smelting
Copper Smelting
Gold Smelting
Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Dedicated Messengers
Memory Stone Record Keeping
Planned Settlements
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Metal Jewellery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Arthwydish (Oral/Written = Logograms)
Boarfolk (Oral)
Forluc (Oral/Written = Logograms)
Lowlander (Oral)
Merntirish (Oral/Written = Logograms)

Big Man
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals
Stone Walls

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Formal Hierarchy
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors

Ambush Tactics
Anti-Boarfolk Training
Shield Walls

Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Future Seeing (Crude Limited)
Guided Attacks (Basic/Refined)
Increased Accuracy (Expert/Refined)
Scrying (Basic)
Truth Detecting (Expert)
Undead Detection (Limited)

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Stone Manipulation (Advanced/Refined)
Stone Skin (Basic)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)

Wyrnite Divine Magic
Inspire (Limited)
Memory Stones (Expert/Refined)

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Disease Cure (Basic/Refined)
Human Fertility Boost (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic/Refined)
Plant Fertility Boost (Limited)
Plant Growth (Basic)
Wound Healing (Expert/Refined)
[X] She makes the risky choice to strike at Skjaldur, imperilling her own life for the chance to end her foe's. (Very high chance of Evatine dying, High chance of Skjaldur dying)

Okay, so the Boarfolk will attack us if we look weak. Losing a bunch more Warriors will make us look weaker than losing a single Hero. Also, the Nersonduran invasion will almost certainly fracture without their leader.
[X] She makes the safe choice to get away unharmed to continue the war effort. (War continues normally)

I cannot see us recovering if we lose Evertine.
[X] She makes the safe choice to get away unharmed to continue the war effort. (War continues normally)

Endurance fights favor us. It's not bad enough of a situation to risk our everything.