I want to close the vote, but it is currently tied so I'll leave it open for a little while in hopes of a tie-breaker coming along. Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original | Page 166 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4154-4176] ##### NetTally 2.2.0
[X] Evatine goes to the north to talk with Novikov. No. of Votes: 9
[X] Evatine stays in the south to deal with Skjaldur.
After many seasons of constant fighting and great bloodshed, peace has finally returned. Or at least it has for the Arthwyd. Cadlon Evatine is under no doubts that continued fighting remains beyond the borders of the Arthwyd Empire. But for the Arthwyd, the war is no longer something they are involved in.
Whether the latest defeats were too much or the latest victories not enough, the Nersonduran offensive has collapsed and to the Arthwyd, it seems like there is a good chance that the Nersondur Empire will collapse along with it.
Details are sparse from the south, but it appears as if High King Skjaldur's failure to conquer the Arthwyd is a major blow to his authority and legitimacy, especially since he failed to even reach the pre-war borders of the Arthwyd Empire whilst losing tens of thousands to the fighting.
The lowlander allies of the Nersondur have withdrawn from the Fordysh lands while Skjaldur and Arnulfur are both suffering massive amounts of desertions to their respective forces. Lacking sufficient forces to contest his Arthwydish opponents and his authority back in the Nersondur Empire beginning to crumble, Skjaldur retreated to the heartlands of the Nersondur in the Far South.
This left the Arthwyd to consolidate their new borders. While part of the Arthwyd Empire has taken losses to the fighting, the newest additions of the Fornn and Fordysh have suffered the worst of it. With the majority of war taking place in their lands, the southernmost Forlucans have seen their lands ravaged and their people slaughtered. Perhaps as much as a third of the total populace has been lost in those lands over the last several seasons and little wealth remains after all of the Nersonduran pillaging and looting.
While there is some talk about invading the lands of the Nersondur, there is no easy way to do so and Cadlon Evatine has no desire to engage in further heavy fighting even beyond the already substantial borders of the Arthwyd Empire. Whilst some warriors remain behind to help guard the southernmost border against any Lowlander or Nersonduran raiders for the time being, the majority of the Arthwydish army heads north to return to their homes.
Meanwhile the situation in the north is peaceful as while Warlord Novikov has returned from the Far East, the Boarfolk warlord has taken one look at how the Arthwyd Empire had greatly expanded its borders while Skjaldur is struggling to hold his own empire together. The Boarfolk would easily come to the decision that the Arthwyd Empire was in no state of weakness to be exploited. So instead he contented himself with the victories and spoils that the warlord had gained in the Far East.
With the war over and no more fighting in sight, Evatine found herself needing to figure out how to handle the aftermath of it. In some ways, the Arthwyd Empire is fine due to fighting never having reached its old borders, but the new additions to it brought plenty of trouble with them.
For starters, both the Fornn and Fordysh need plenty of rebuilding, rebuilding that requires resources beyond what either group can currently muster on their own. The Arthwyd can muster up the necessary resources and send them to the south, but that far south, the logistical trail begins to get a little strained and only the active support of the Forlucans keeps it from being more than a little strained.
Nonetheless, it is something that is within the capabilities of the Arthwyd. The issue is that both the Fornn and Fordysh are both still slaver nations and that is something unpalatable to the Arthwydish. The Forlucans are far enough south that the issue could be ignored for now, but it would certainly cause problems in the future and by then, Evatine is not sure she would still be around to deal with it.
Dealing with it now could be troublesome, but the Champion of Arthryn was confident that she could leverage her defence of their lands and their current weakness into convincing the Fornn and Fordysh to give up their slaving way. Especially if she tied in Arthwydish support for their rebuilding into being contingent on abandoning slavery.
How does Evatine handle the Fornn and Fordysh?
[] [Vassal] The Arthwyd provide some help to the rebuilding. (Temp Econ--, Temp Mystic--, ???)
[] [Vassal] The Arthwyd provide full support to the rebuilding. (Temp Econ----, Temp Mystic----, ???)
[] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
And then there was the question of making changes to the Arthwyd. Thanks to both being the Cadlon of the Arthwyd and the Champion of Arthryn, Evatine had the authority to implement some reforms and make them stick, especially since she had defeated Skjaldur. Of course, even she could only do so much, but something was better than nothing.
One thing that she could do is attempt to implement a militia system like the Cernn or Maradysh, where part-time warriors were used to supplement the Catclaws and Cateyes. Or perhaps she could just get the Catclaws and Cateyes to start using bronze and other metal weaponry instead of exclusively using stone. Another possibility would be reviving the old idea of making the subordinate states pay tribute to the Cadlon or she could try to institute the idea of having members of the priesthood go out and actively try to convert the barbarians to the Teachings of Arthryn.
What radical reform does Evatine implement?
[] [Reform] She attempts to implement a militia system akin to what the Maradysh or the Cernn use.
[] [Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.
[] [Reform] She attempts to make the subordinate states pay tribute to the Arthwyd.
[] [Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
Do you wish to get a new Value from Charitable Haven?
[] [Haven] Keep your current value.
[] [Haven] Maradysh
[] [Haven] Raradysh
[] [Haven] Zaradysh
[] [Haven] Tordysh
[] [Haven] Lorvysh
[] [Haven] Boarfolk
[] [Haven] Caradysh
[] [Haven] Forluc
[] [Haven] Forden
[] [Haven] Nersondur
[] [Haven] Cernn
So the war is over. Skjaldur couldn't keep his army together any longer so now he needs to focus on keeping his empire together while Novikov took one look at your expanded borders and decided that Skjaldur was an idiot.
Beyond that, the war is over and due to logistical concerns, Evatine is refusing to go further hence no vote on whether or not to go conquering. So instead you get to pick what to do about the slaves in your vassals, what reform Evatine will push and the chance to get a new value from Charitable Haven.
I'm not accepting write-ins, but if you want to suggest a reform that isn't in the list, I will consider adding it.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel free to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd Ancient Theocratic Elective Monarchy UpperCentralisationLimit: 8 Lower CentralisationLimit: -2 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 6 Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province Player Actions: 1 Main Action + 1 Secondary Action +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Subordinates: 2 + Prestige/10 Special: Gain Crisis Resistance+ per Province Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy. Special: Monarchs are more likely to be competent.
Early Ancient Palace Economy Crisis Damage: Event, Crisis Damage- per 1 Centralisation. Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant. Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Additional Actions: None Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Statuses. Centre of Trade (Caermyr): Temp Wealth+ every Turn. Centre of Trade (Greenbay): Temp Wealth+ every Turn. Coughing Plague (Medium Plague): d6 Crisis every Turn. Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are greatly increased, +2 to Innovation Rolls, King of the Hill: Temp Diplo+ at the start of every Turn. Trade Dominance (Bronze Goods): Wealth++ Trade Dominance (Copper Goods): Wealth+ Trade Dominance (Gold Goods): Wealth++ Trade Dominance (Silver Goods): Wealth+ Trade Deficit (Honey): Wealth--
Values & Legacies. Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions. Ancient Bureaucracy: +2 Passive Policies Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn. Blessing of Bronwyn: Gain +1 to all Diplomacy Rolls. Blessing of Mairyn: Gain +2 to all Exploration Rolls. Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions. Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls. Colonial Empire: +1 Colony Slot. Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive. Tech Discoverers: +1 Temp Tech to Tech generating actions Wealth Discoverers: +1 Temp Wealth to Wealth generating actions
Born Equal. While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,
Bloodied, but Unbowed (Linked to Charitable Haven). Your people have suffered great loss, but you survive and you will recover. Blows that would break others merely leave you limping and your people have suffered enough of such blows to know how to recover and that they can recover.
Pros: Better at surviving and getting by in hard times, Bonus to dealing with disasters, Better resilience and recovery after suffering losses,
Cons: Harsher and ruthless,
Caretakers of Nature. The Arthwyd are the guardians of their land and that means looking after the place that they call home. They will safeguard and preserve their lands lest they fail in their duty.
Pros: Bonus to land management projects,
Cons: Additional consequences for harming the land,
Charitable Haven. The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals, Gain a Value from current or historical neighbour,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,
Communal Mandate. As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,
Pioneering Ways. The world is wondrous and ripe for the taking. The Arthwyd regularly seek out new lands to make them their own as they funnel their plentiful population into the frontier to settle the wilderness.
Pros: Increased Population Growth, Common Independent Exploration, Common Independent Expansion,
Cons: More mouths to feed, Common Uncontrolled Expansion,
Sacred Defence. The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Completed Megaprojects.
The Aqueduct. A series of waterways built throughout the city of Greenbay, the aqueduct allows easy access to fresh, clean water for all those within Greenbay.
Effects: Reduces True City Upkeep for Greenbay, Bonus to Greenbay's rolls,
Arthrynite First Temple. A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Arthrynite Temple is the first temple in the known world. With a centre piece built around stone statues of Arthryn and her Daughters, this temple is one of the holiest places in the world.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, Temp Mysticism+ every Turn.
Arthrynite Grand Temple (Tier 2). Built in the heart of Greenbay, the Arthrynite Grand Temple is the largest building of its time. Equal in size to a village or neighbourhood, the Grand Temple is both a massive centre of worship for the Arthrynite religion, an extensive administrative centre for the Arthrynite priesthood and a nexus for the power of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Enhances the Faction Power of the Theocrats, Doubles of the Mystic Gains of religious actions, Boosts diplomacy with Arthrynites.
The Census (Bronze Age) (Tier 2). A grand administrative project to give the Cadlon information about the population such as how many people there are, where they are and what they need to get by in life.
Effects: Temp Econ+ every Turn, Temp Wealth+ every Turn, Crisis Resistance++,
Code of Laws (Bronze Age). A standardised set of laws that all of the Arthwyd must follow, these laws are focused on following the teachings and guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Religious Subordinates, Reduced Internal Discontent from Arthrynites.
The Evalynite Walls. The Evalynite Walls are the first stone walls in the known world and are devoted to Evalyn, the Arthrynite Goddess of Battle. They stand guard around the ancient capital of the Arthwyd and the religious centre of the Arthrynite religion.
Effects: Bonus to defending walled settlements, Bonus to defending Greenbay,
First Library. The Library of Greenbay is the greatest collection of information in the world and the first library. Containing almost countless records, this was the first great collection of information that is semi-available to all.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls
Grand Sacred Forest. A grand forest planted throughout the settlement of Greenbay, this forest is the supposed to be the opposite of the Cursed Forest and is sacred to Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: Additional Temp Mystic+ from Venerate the Goddesses, Bonus to Study Nature,
Greenbay Palace. While not as impressive as the Forlucan Royal Palace, the Greenbay Palace does its job just as well. Acting as a centre of administration for the vast Arthwyd Empire, the palace is a boon for any Cadlon.
Effects: +1 Upper Centralisation Limit, +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces, Crisis Resistance+
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage. A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: Gain Temp Mysticism+ whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
It seems to me like the biggest losers in this war where the Caradysh they basically lost their entire empire, and still have a hostile empire that likes raiding on their border.
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
[x] [Haven] Caradysh
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to implement a militia system akin to what the Maradysh or the Cernn use.
[X] [Haven] Keep your current value.
[X] [Reform] She attempts to make the subordinate states pay tribute to the Arthwyd.
Time for them to start pulling their weight.
[X] [Reform] She attempts to implement a militia system akin to what the Maradysh or the Cernn use.
[X] [Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
[X] [Haven] Keep your current value.
A militia system is a bad idea. It militarises our civilisation and makes them like war more. Keeping it as a system of elites is ideal for maintaining the goodness and health of our culture, which belligerence would certainly erode.
Spreading our religion is what we should do instead. It'd increase the loyalty of our vassals to us, vastly so once enough have been converted to count as religious subordinates. Also, it makes them stronger by giving them positive, pro-social values and the blessings of our gods. And, of course, it reduces their jerkness. All in all, if we want to increase the military power, health, prosperity, morality, and cohesion of our empire, there isn't a single better choice than missionaries.
As for Haven, I think we should keep our current value. It's a decent enough value, and so long as we keep pursuing peace whenever and wherever possible (which includes not implementing a militia system), I think it's con is manageable. If there were a civ I'd like to take values from, it'd be the Caradysh, easily. No civilisation is as close to our own culture as the Caradysh so they're the best source for positive values in the region, and more importantly, the best source for avoiding negative values.
If there were a civ I'd like to take values from, it'd be the Caradysh, easily. No civilisation is as close to our own culture as the Caradysh so they're the best source for positive values in the region, and more importantly, the best source for avoiding negative values.
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
[X] [Haven] Caradysh
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.
X] [Reform] She attempts to implement a militia system akin to what the Maradysh or the Cernn use.
[X] [Haven] Caradysh
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to implement a militia system akin to what the Maradysh or the Cernn use.
[X] [Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.
[X] [Haven] Keep your current value.
Approval voting both military reforms because we don't get many chances to improve our military and I don't want to throw away this chance.
[X] [Vassal] The Arthwyd only provide support if the Forlucans give up their slaving ways. (Temp Econ-----, Temp Mystic-----, both the Fornn and Fordysh abolish slavery in their lands, ???)
[X] [Reform] She attempts to institute active attempts to spread the Arthrynite religion and convert barbarians.
A militia system is a bad idea. It militarises our civilisation and makes them like war more. Keeping it as a system of elites is ideal for maintaining the goodness and health of our culture, which belligerence would certainly erode.
If the military relies on a selection of divinely blessed elites, then their sole way towards greater importance is to encourage wars. After all, if there is no war then they are not important.
If the military relies on a militia, then wars are actively negative. The people in the militia don't want to fight wars, because it takes them away from the fields. The priests managing the economy don't want to fight wars, because it disrupts everything.
Meanwhile, attempting to spread religion is extremely likely to cause additional wars. Remember, our religious doctrines are incredibly at odds with those of any nearby civilization. This means that attempts to spread religion will run into hostility sooner or later. Combined with this is the problem that we're a theocratic state with very little separation between religion and state. The vast majority of our empire is held together by religious ties.
Consider too our communal mandate. What do you think will happen if we create a small religious minority in a neighbouring empire, that empire decided they don't like the abolitionists in their backyard, and now we get calls from opressed minority asking for us to come save them? Attempting to actively spread a religion which we know will invite violent repression while we have a religious mandate to protect our citizens is very likely to lead to militarization and a crusade.
The only way to avoid that is to aim for greater syncretism (aka, tolerating slavery).
@Oshha Can we implement multiple reforms or only one?
If the latter, I'm gonna argue against adopting proselytization right now. It's very unlikely that we'll get another chance to reform our military anytime soon, but we should be able to unlock conversion missions if we keep spamming more diplomatic/trade missions.
Oh yeah, I know, was just trying to convince people who wanted to take any new value to choose specifically that one. I still think taking no new value is best, just in case we pick up a bad Caradysh value.
The status quo is that, unlike most historical elites, our military elites don't seem to care much about importance or status. Thus far they've been entirely okay with how they've been, and while parts of the military have doubtlessly advocated for war in the past, we've never observed their motive being status-related. Instead, they've called for war for the same reasons that other members of Arthwyd society have called for war, like hatred towards the Caradysh or wanting to defend our vassals. If we keep the status quo, the status quo will be kept.
A militia's a whole other story. A massive reason why our military are such cool dudes compared to other militaries is because they have an entire civilisation's worth of culture and religion (of which they're full on priests of) saying that war is bad and people should do as little of it as possible. It's exactly because of that belief that the Arthwyd developed a fully elite army instead of having a militia - it's an aberrant, necessary evil that the minimum amount of people should get involved in, and priests do it because they have spiritual training to avoid becoming war-happy like barbarians universally do.
Implementing a militia first requires a loosening of that belief to implement, otherwise a militia is heresy. Implementing a militia secondly results in a loosening of that belief, because then you have a whole civilisation who don't like war, but certainly think it's normal, inevitable, and not necessarily a last resort.
The status quo is that, unlike most historical elites, our military elites don't seem to care much about importance or status. Thus far they've been entirely okay with how they've been, and while parts of the military has doubtlessly advocated for war in the past, we've never observed their motive being status-related. Instead, they've called for war for the same reasons that other members of Arthwyd society has called for war, like hatred towards the Caradysh or wanting to defend our vassals. If we keep the status quo, the status quo will be kept.
A militia's a whole other story. A massive reason why our military are such cool dudes compared to other militaries is because they have an entire civilisation's worth of culture and religion (of which they're full on priests of) saying that war is bad and people should do as little of it as possible. It's exactly because of that belief that the Arthwyd developed a fully elite army instead of having a militia - it's an aberrant, necessary evil that the minimum amount of people should get involved in, and priests do it because they have spiritual training to avoid becoming war-happy like barbarians universally do.
Implementing a militia first requires a loosening of that belief to implement, otherwise a militia is heresy. Implementing a militia secondly results in a loosening of that belief, because then you have a whole civilisation who don't like war, but certainly think it's normal, inevitable, and not necessarily a last resort.
That still leaves the problem of how proletization is inevitably going to result in conflict. Which will eradicate that taboo far faster.
If we change our values so that it becomes our moral duty to enlighten the barbarians, then it will soon become our moral duty to protect the converts by sword if necessary .
[X] [Reform] She attempts to make the Catclaws and Cateyes use bronze weaponry instead of stone.