Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

what would happen if Arizona put her jacket on one of the other girls?
Anyone wearing the jacket is seen as a Pennsylvania-class battleship.

"Sir, that battleship is making 35 knots!"
"Report this too command, the Americans have developed fast battleships."

While on the other side of the bay. "Kidd, give Arizona her jacket back!"
Aww, so this isn't canon?

Please make this canon.

The snip itself won't be canon, because that rather substantially torpedoes the story plot if something as obvious as the girls suddenly shifting color at will happened.

Will the 'clothes=changing camo' thing be canon? Depends.

Why's he wondering this?

Amusing little snip regardless, though. Had me chuckling at the mental image of a magic colour-changing ship in a thunderstorm.

You can blame @theJMPer for the idea on Discord originally.

He's wondering it, because Sky apparently including a throwaway comment I had made on Discord as well. Also, Imagine Saratoga suddenly having the outline of a battleship painted on her side.

"This is no carrier! This a dreadnought!"

As per what Drake said, I included the Ari bit for that...and the last bit Old Iron did in the BelBat thread. Ari has the most distinctive (and easily switched) jacket of the girls, and the idea of her letting someone borrow it is equal bits amusing and adorable.

See Little E drowning in the jacket, while her hull suddenly has a battleship painted on the side or something.


Sara: Lex! Look, I'm a battlecruiser again!
Lex: ...Sara, please give Arizona back her jacket.
Sara: Aww...

This could be used, you know. Dark blue jacket for nightfighting, signal orange to easilly get spotted if in trouble and in need of being seen... Not to mention the explanation potential:

Thompson: "Oh, you are saying I am crazy, and that theese ships are completely mundane?" *grins, turns to the ships and shouts* "Jacket change! Green!" *turns back towards to the admiral in the jeep as all the ships behind him changes color to green*

An interesting question of course is this: What happens if a shipgirl wears a ballistic vest, or a breastplate? If that works, of course, I'm not sure I even want to know how tough Yamato would be decked out in full masterwork quality samurai armor...

Depends on if I decide to make the camo swapping canon or not. Not sure on that yet.

At first I thought this would be something a slight bittersweet. A little lovey. A little dovey. A kind of soft, romantic piece.

Then Little E called and I started laughing like a moron.

The implications of this are hilarious. Let's play dress up with the boats and see what happens. You know, an evening gown to a bomber jacket with jeans to casual lounging wear. And you know you want to see how Little E will look with dad's Halsey's jacket. :D

Little E: This is a bit big on me...?
Halsey: Nonsense! You look like a proper sailor now.
Little E: *blushes brightly*

At least Sara was putting on clothes. Some ship-girls... well, as I posted on SB... :D

Oh dear Pola. Oh dear Shimakaze.

Those 1940s sensibilities would have no idea what to do....well, in the latter case modern day sensibilities don't know what do with Shima.

You think that's bad, wait until you try giving them rollerskates...

Sir... the Allies ships are um, landing on Normandy Beach.

So, we've planed for this, those landing craft won't make much progress.

No sir, their BATTLESHIPS are landing on Normandy Beach, and ah, continuing inland Sir. We have mines and anti-tank weapons but we can't get through battleship hulls sir!

Meanwhile on the bridge of a certain heavy cruiser an Army General is laughing like a loon.
Patton: "Now this is is armor warfare! Oh! Tigers to the one o'clock Augusta!"

Augusta: "What are they worth? 20, 40 points? And the correct term is port bow."

Patton: "50 and I'm ARMY and you are on land. So we are using army terms. Now faster!"

Sure would make El Alamein a lot easier.

"Anti-tank mine? WHAT anti-tank mine?"

"Seriously? You guys are shooting me with a gun that's not even three inches? What are you trying to do, dent me to death?"

Against BB-grade armor? 76mm shells would scratch/chip the paint job, at best.

"I see your landkreuzer,..."

"...and I raise you a land cruiser!"

This entire string of posts:


This raises the obvious question, if the girls start streaking al-la Borie and Frisco, will they turn invisible?

That would be awkward. One wonders if everyone inside them would become invisible too though, in which case:

California: Eat your heart out submarines!

First their camouflage disappears. Then their armor detaches from them and suddenly appears in a pile beside them.

Which for repairs just made that trick the favorite of dock workers cause do you know how hard it's to fix armor plate?

"You're not looking, right?"

"We promise."

*armor falls off*

I pity the poor schmuck who has to move all that armor though. And the even poorer schmuck who happens to look at the girl after she strips, because they'd either get slapped senseless...

Or incur the wrath of angry Dadmirals. Like Halsey.

Or both! :p

... Don't the Iowas have an internal armour belt?

Well, if coats are their Camo patterns and their armor is the clothes... does this make the Iowa-class's internal armor belt their underwear? o_O

IIRC, yes it is. Which might make it the underwear, yes.

Anyone wearing the jacket is seen as a Pennsylvania-class battleship.

"Sir, that battleship is making 35 knots!"
"Report this too command, the Americans have developed fast battleships."

While on the other side of the bay. "Kidd, give Arizona her jacket back!"


Wait... USS Kidd wasn't built until after Kidd himself died... on Ari's bridge...

...this is true.
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Depends on if I decide to make the camo swapping canon or not. Not sure on that yet.
Might be worth making how effectively the shipgirl can affect the ship at least in part dependent on how much of the crew can see the shipgirl?

Sure, she can wear that green jacket when only the admiral sees her, but to actually see a difference on the ship would be really hard. However, if the same is attempted later on when all 4000 sailors on board can see her...

This way it would be hard to do big things to convince everyone at the start, but once that is done? Quite a lot of possibilities opens up, to put it mildly.
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Maybe it goes the other way around? When a ship gets repainted, her girl gets a new wardrobe? That's the way I looked at it in the Frisco omake. Her clothes were all ratty and her hair was a tangled mess because she was pulling into Pearl for a through drydocking and de-fouling (aka shipgirl spa day.)
I do look at refits as changing their outfit at least.

Hence Sara going from her white-and-blue outfit to her white-and-black outfit. A thorough enough repainting would probably count as a new wardrobe in general though- replacing worn out clothes and cleaning hair and such. But an outright and extensive refit can lead to the clothes completely being different.

Admittedly a game mechanic, but it works here too.


Since Sky is Lazy and doesn't want to go back and edit out every mention of blue hair, assume that Destiny!Sara is WSG!Sara in everything but her hair being blue-with-black-streak. So the above, but with the blue hair.
Meanwhile on the bridge of a certain heavy cruiser an Army General is laughing like a loon.
Patton: "Now this is is armor warfare! Oh! Tigers to the one o'clock Augusta!"

Augusta: "What are they worth? 20, 40 points? And the correct term is port bow."

Patton: "50 and I'm ARMY and you are on land. So we are using army terms. Now faster!"

Oh, good god. I just realized something. This would lead to Halsey and Patton together.

