Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

I can just picture what's going on in Halseys head.

"Did she...just call me father? And she thinks of Langley as a mother, so does that make us...? My wife is gonna flip."
Very, very nice chapter. These interactions between Halsey and Little E just keep getting better. I think that entire father/daughter interaction is one of my favorite parts of the chapter.

The other being Richardson finally meeting Utah. That was hilarious. :rofl:
"But dear, I haven't even served on the old Covered Wagon, much less cheated on you with her."
Well... At least he hasn't run into other carriers calling him dad?
Is there a reason for that, actually? Shipgirls looking different ages depending on their ship type? Speaking of shipgirls, wonder when we'll see the first sub-spirits?
That reminds me, once the war broke out, the USN instituted a rotation system for their sub crews. Sixty days on-patrol followed by two weeks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel--complete with Waikiki beach--which had been rented out specifically for submariners to relax in.

Does that make USN subgirls beach bums? (exceptionally industrious and thievery-inclined beach bums, but beach bums never the less.)
That reminds me, once the war broke out, the USN instituted a rotation system for their sub crews. Sixty days on-patrol followed by two weeks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel--complete with Waikiki beach--which had been rented out specifically for submariners to relax in.

Does that make USN subgirls beach bums? (exceptionally industrious and thievery-inclined beach bums, but beach bums never the less.)
To be fair with a 22% attrition rate, submariners learned to live fast and to take every advantage they could.
Sadly, it won't stop the coming war. At this point, outside of the USA backing down - which it categorically won't do due to in-grained beliefs in Western superiority
I think I kind of take issue with this-I'm not denying that the US is probably aggressively racist at this point, but what exactly does the US have to back done from? Their demands that Japan stop invading a US ally/friend? Their refusal to continue funding that aforementioned invasion with quality metal and oil? The Japanese were the ones who escalated the conflict and their leadership will never feel comfortable with that Damocle's Sword of the Philipines hanging over the route from Indonesia to Japan.
I think I kind of take issue with this-I'm not denying that the US is probably aggressively racist at this point, but what exactly does the US have to back done from? Their demands that Japan stop invading a US ally/friend? Their refusal to continue funding that aforementioned invasion with quality metal and oil? The Japanese were the ones who escalated the conflict and their leadership will never feel comfortable with that Damocle's Sword of the Philipines hanging over the route from Indonesia to Japan.

I think your point got lost in there somewhere, as it sounds like you're agreeing with me.

And I don't just refer to the near institutionalized levels of racism during the 1940s in the USA, but more the fact that the USA honestly didn't believe that Japan, a nation smaller than the State of California, was producing designs that were effectively revolutionary leaps forward in all kinds of areas. That Long Lance torpedo of theirs is just the tip of the iceberg. And frankly, had Japan bothered to wait a year before stepping into things, the Pacific side of WW2 would have been a very different war. The USA would still have won, simply due to its industrial strengths being used to bury Japan under sheer numbers, but the initial 'six months' Yamamoto initially estimated, and actually got & ended at Midway almost to the day of the estimate, might very well have stretched into well over a year. A LOT of things Japan had been working on would have hit the water in enough numbers to have initially held the advantage, as the USA was still mostly of the mindset of 'not our war', and thus weren't massively gearing up for war. That took Pearl, and then it was basically all over for Japan no matter what happened. But until that point, Japan would have been able to produce a lot more of its better designs, and get them to its forces.
I think I kind of take issue with this-I'm not denying that the US is probably aggressively racist at this point, but what exactly does the US have to back done from? Their demands that Japan stop invading a US ally/friend? Their refusal to continue funding that aforementioned invasion with quality metal and oil? The Japanese were the ones who escalated the conflict and their leadership will never feel comfortable with that Damocle's Sword of the Philipines hanging over the route from Indonesia to Japan.
Its a matter of perspective. For the japanese is less about stopping an invasion and more about not allowing Japan to expand and grow while the imperialistic nations were able to plunder Asia at will, less about not funding a war of agression and more about cutting the necessary wares to keep their country safe, and the Philipines was a sign of the hipocresy of the Americans who denounced imperialism while having their own trite colony to play with.
No, better for Thompson not to give the IJN the knowledge of shipgirls, especially since a shipgirl aware of her body might give an edge to DamCom that would prolong the life of combat vessels and from there prolong the damage those battles would cause.

Sadly, not really. IJN's damage control policies during the 1930s-1940s were, to be polite, absolutely horrendous. They used literal bucket brigades to fight fires aboard ships, and had NONE of the equipment that the USA's DamCon crews literally took for granted as always being available. Even if the kanmusu's spirit was present and directing things, there would have been precious little she would have been able to do.

Its much like someone suffering from a gunshot to the kidneys. Yeah, they -might- have the strength left to slap on a gauze pad front'n'back to stem the blood loss, and could tell you where to pull anything out of the wound, but they're still going to be dead in minutes anyways because they don't have a qualified surgeon to keep them functional. The USN's policies on the other hand basically mean they all have a surgeon available at all times. BIG difference.
Adm. Halsey is adjusting quickly. Then again, he is definitely the type of man to not waste time.

And there we have it. I wonder what Adm. Halsey's first reaction was, since we cut away immediately after this? His stoic and gruff demeanor, shock? Or something else...

Ah, and so the beginnings of a link are being manifested?

Well well. I think we can say that between Utah lifting Jackson and being visible to Adm. Richardson, he now believes.

Great update!

Halsey is all for just charging forward like a...god the pun...Bull in a china shop. He'll be one of those guys who, once he has to admit that 'yes this freaky stuff is real' would be one to just roll with the punches, so to speak.

As for Halsey and the 'father' statement:

The blonde took in a deep breath, before looking exactly at Halsey. "You're like a father to me, sir. I...none of my other commanders. None of the workers who built me. Not one of them cares about me like you do. You always treated me as more than just a pile of steel and oil. I...I know that you never really considered me alive like I am. But..."

Well...technically, he already knew she felt that way about him. Granted, not her actually calling him that though.

And yeah, Richardson has enough connection to old Delaware- Engineers are always going to be fond of their girls -that Utah, who is basically a slightly newer/slightly larger Delaware, can ping those old feelings.

Heh, I wonder if any sailors witnessed that. Scuttlebutt may cause a number of NCOs and enlisted to see their ships spirits before official announcements start being made...

To be fair, the rumor mill is already spreading the whole 'Halsey talked down a ghost claiming to be Enterprise' thing. One can reasonably expect more and wilder rumors to pop up as time goes on.

Small question: right now, is the only thing shipgirls can contribute is near silent radio and living ship minimap (for damage control)? Cuz if they can touch people, only a matter of time before they can touch the guns that are supposedly their own body.

Theoretically they could touch their guns. But that doesn't mean they could fire them on their own, or something like that. The girls can't teleport around their hulls- Doria and Hood both demonstrate this with all the running around they do -so they couldn't load the guns and then move to fire them.

Now that Richardson is on board, I wonder what he could potentially do before he is sacked (if it still happens)?

Also it is about time someone lampshades how young of an Admiral our time-travelling protagonist is. Would be funny if someone asks about it and Thompson has to make up a really awkward answer. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't really thought about how he got his Rank in the first place. But alas with the events going on, its kind of understandable.

Honestly, he doesn't know how he's still an Admiral. It's one of those 'in the back of his head, but it hasn't come up so hasn't worked on it' things. Like the fact his great-granddad is now his dad.

Wow, this is really good.

I'm quite liking the premise and you have done a marvelous job executing it. I do expect the time traveling thing to come out at some point, he's strongly implied or outright told too many shipgirls for it not too, Especially given the way this story is developing. On the same token, I'm really enjoying how you write the shipgirls to be characters that keep their own secrets, even from their admirals. It's a nice touch that adds a bit of depth to their characters.

Really, it's something that he can't keep hidden forever. Even if one of the girls doesn't blab about it, the fact remains it's only a matter of time until he slips up somehow. Or just gives it up intentionally, when needed. This said, that particular secret is one he's not particularly inclined to reveal any time soon.

The girls have proof they exist. He has no proof he's from the future, especially with all the butterflies over in Europe.

Now Richardson is now on board the shipgirl train, alongside Halsey, Jackson and Thompson.

Now we need Kidd and Van Valkenburgh to arrive now; and Willson to get his marching orders.

That won't happen till January and February '41, if it goes historically.

I like that the admirals have yet to see a lewdmarine, or more worringly for them, destroyer shipgirls.
If Halsey is uncomfortable with how young Enterprise looks the destroyer are going to floor him.

Depends on the class. The duckies don't look much younger than Lil'E. The Akatsukis though...

Yeah, it does depend in large part on which destroyer we're talking about here. Most are going to look young though...and pretty much anyone other than Thompson- who while not fine is at least used to it -will have issues with that. This said, Fletchers look closer to early teens (though none of them are around yet). Not sure yet on the Mahan's and other inter-war DDs. The four-pipers are going to look only marginally older than Elephant Lady and sisters though. Unless I decide I like Pac!Edsall enough to run with that for all of them.

intensely uncomfortable

uniform of hers

and someone he would have to take into

feels like Delaware did, but not

Nor were there any other

Is there a reason for that, actually? Shipgirls looking different ages depending on their ship type? Speaking of shipgirls, wonder when we'll see the first sub-spirits?

I tend to think it's meant to represent size. The smaller the ship, the younger the girl- discounting oddities like subs, which are always going to be smaller. The issue, of course, comes when you have stuff like Tenryuu and the Agano-class light cruisers, whom rival battleships in the bust department despite being light cruisers. Or a couple of the destroyers like Hamakaze.

You have to wonder how Thompson is going to handle the IJN girls. Its going to damn near shatter him if he has to fight them. At the very least, if he's allowed to break radio silence, he might be able to at least give the IJN girls some comfort in what's to come.

Thatand/or manage to be one of the last foreign officers allowed to visit Japan before they close the borders as they get ready to pull the trigger, and due to being a flag officer, gets to have a tour of one of the older IJN ships (obviously Yamato, Nagato, Fuso, or anything post-1930s would be off-limits), and gets close enough that he can chat with their shipgirl avatar. On that point, it'd likely be even easier for the IJN crews to come to accept that shipgirls/kanmusu exist due to their Shinto beliefs. In that -every- object/creature has a soul, just that most humans can never see it. Get an officer, likely a shrine master's son, to believe, and you'd very quickly see a quiet revolution in Japan.

Sadly, it won't stop the coming war. At this point, outside of the USA backing down - which it categorically won't do due to in-grained beliefs in Western superiority - the War In The Pacific will break out. On the flipside however, is likely there'd be even more respect for ships & their crews on both sides of the conflict, along with much more pro-active (if unofficially approved/turned-a-blind-eye-towards) taking on survivors and better treatment.

As in, a certain destroyer leader would, due to butterflies in this timeline, never get a reputation for being sadistic, but possibly be much more like her twin sister's mentality (aka: "Combative yet hiding a sweet side, but god help you if you try to hurt the kids").

Or not. It could potentially make things worse down the line. Such as, instead of Tatsuta having sadistic tendencies, but never really having those come to the forefront, in this timeline, she ends up being ACTIVELY sadistic, due to her Captain playing an out'n'out active role in making her view any/all enemies of Japan the way he did.

Yeah...things are going to be fun once the war actually begins. This said, I doubt he could get into Japan really. Short of getting assigned to the Asiatic Fleet he has no reason to be in that part of the world, and he wouldn't leave Sara. And even then, the Japanese are likely to be a bit leery of letting anyone near their ships, flag officer or no.

Well I'll be damned...


Frankly the sadistic personality is far more probable considering the way nationalistic Japan indoctrinated their sailors and especially their officers (junior officers murdering admirals with moderate political views was not rare), as well as the way discipline was always done by beating the ship out of their men for the smallest infraction. Personally I think that part of the reason so many of the japanese shipgirls were nice at all is the humility borne out of losing and having the late war recluits being hungry, scared and a lot less sure of the final victory (some exceptions of course like the Ikazuchi and Inazuma who were famous for rescuing sailors).

No, better for Thompson not to give the IJN the knowledge of shipgirls, especially since a shipgirl aware of her body might give an edge to DamCom that would prolong the life of combat vessels and from there prolong the damage those battles would cause.

Frankly, the majority of the Japanese girls are going to be...different. I've already touched on this with Enterprise, Sara and Arizona. They aren't the girls our time-traveler remembers, because they haven't experienced the war- or her sinking, in Ari's case. Now, what does this mean for the Japanese girls then?

Fun times really...part of the reason I hold them in reserve for now.

I've only just caught up on this story again, Skywalker, so I know this comes a couple of weeks late, but I feel I should point it out nonetheless:
Point of terminology: this being the Royal Navy, it's "Action Stations", not "General Quarters".

I think I understand the phenomenon you're referring to, but I'm having trouble decoding that exact acronym. Translation, please?

...right. Will keep that in mind for the future.

I can just picture what's going on in Halseys head.

"Did she...just call me father? And she thinks of Langley as a mother, so does that make us...? My wife is gonna flip."

"But dear, I haven't even served on the old Covered Wagon, much less cheated you with her."


Very, very nice chapter. These interactions between Halsey and Little E just keep getting better. I think that entire father/daughter interaction is one of my favorite parts of the chapter.

The other being Richardson finally meeting Utah. That was hilarious. :rofl:

Well... At least he hasn't run into other carriers calling him dad?

Honestly, Little E and Halsey will probably remain one of the funnest bits to work with. Especially here, where she's showing that there is a hint of Big E in her, even if she's still all nervous about it.

And I would be worried for 'ole Bill if the other carriers started calling him that. Considering the only other carrier he has ever served on (IIRC) is when he was Captain Halsey of Sister Sara that would be...


That reminds me, once the war broke out, the USN instituted a rotation system for their sub crews. Sixty days on-patrol followed by two weeks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel--complete with Waikiki beach--which had been rented out specifically for submariners to relax in.

Does that make USN subgirls beach bums? (exceptionally industrious and thievery-inclined beach bums, but beach bums never the less.)

...I hadn't thought of that, but the image is stuck in my head now.

I wanted to like, accidentally hit hugs. Still works, courtesy of Utah.

Utah is a very huggable person.

...I am okay with this image.

US Pacific Carrier Fleet: Dad!
Mrs Halsey: *STAAAARES*

Oh dear.
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Yeah, it does depend in large part on which destroyer we're talking about here. Most are going to look young though...and pretty much anyone other than Thompson- who while not fine is at least used to it -will have issues with that. This said, Fletchers look closer to early teens (though none of them are around yet). Not sure yet on the Mahan's and other inter-war DDs. The four-pipers are going to look only marginally older than Elephant Lady and sisters though. Unless I decide I like Pac!Edsall enough to run with that for all of them.
Frankly I always imagine PacEdsall as more of a Light Cruiser than a destroyer, both visual and personality wise, in fact she's my ideal view of how the USS Junea would look and act like.
Right I was reading some of the likes Ive gotten in this thread and I just want to bring up an old idea.

Basically the shipgirls become well SHIPGIRLS after they sunk.

I just want one of them to tell their sinker, "Strike me down and I will only become more powerful"

and Preceded to do that much to shock and confusion to well the enemy while their allies go "THIS BE GOOD!"

Unlikely to happen but be amusing omake.
Yeah, it does depend in large part on which destroyer we're talking about here. Most are going to look young though...and pretty much anyone other than Thompson- who while not fine is at least used to it -will have issues with that. This said, Fletchers look closer to early teens (though none of them are around yet). Not sure yet on the Mahan's and other inter-war DDs. The four-pipers are going to look only marginally older than Elephant Lady and sisters though. Unless I decide I like Pac!Edsall enough to run with that for all of them.

For what it's worth, Admiral Hart did make a comment that the four-stacker DesRon were all old enough to vote, and their crews did note that their flush-deckers can't quite reach their maximum speed as they could in their prime.

And Edsall's design is pretty neat.
The acronym translates basically to If this is not broken, don't fix it. Although I messed up the I with the T.

That is what happened to Hood basically.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" does not apply to the material state of HMS Hood in this period. The RN was operating on "We know it's broken — or it will break any minute now — but we 'can't afford' to take her off-line to fix it." The Admiralty knew full well that she was being run far past her limits, flirting with gross mechanical failures, that she couldn't make her top speed due to engine problems — her crew couldn't even get fresh water to wash themselves in, for God's sake! I understand they felt rather desperate at that stage of the war, but the fact is that the prize show-horse of the Royal Navy, their supposed pride and joy, was being thrashed like a government mule and run into the ground like an old nag.
Frankly, if Bismarck hadn't nobbled her at the Denmark Straits IOTL, Hood would have suffered a major casualty to a vital engineering system and keeled over on her own within months anyway. :mad:
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" does not apply to the material state of HMS Hood in this period. The RN was operating on "We know it's broken — or it will break any minute now — but we 'can't afford' to take her off-line to fix it." The Admiralty knew full well that she was being run far past her limits, flirting with gross mechanical failures, that she couldn't make her top speed due to engine problems — her crew couldn't even get fresh water to wash themselves in, for God's sake! I understand they felt rather desperate at that stage of the war, but the fact is that the prize show-horse of the Royal Navy, their supposed pride and joy, was being thrashed like a government mule and run into the ground like an old nag.
Frankly, if Bismarck hadn't nobbled her at the Denmark Straits IOTL, Hood would have suffered a major casualty to a vital engineering system and keeled over on her own within months anyway. :mad:
The thing is that they did plan to do her 1941 refit before the war in 1937.

But the British Admiralty was like "NA man lets said her on a worldwide tour instead. She good man... It's not like a war going to happen."

Mind you the crew was like, "Wait we are down to showing twice a week and they are sending us around THE FUCKING WORLD?" At the time so....

And German was like "Oh goody in a few years we are going have a ship that will BEAT THE FUCKING HOOD. BEHOLD THE KEEL OF THE BISMARCK!"
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Right I was reading some of the likes Ive gotten in this thread and I just want to bring up an old idea.

Basically the shipgirls become well SHIPGIRLS after they sunk.

I just want one of them to tell their sinker, "Strike me down and I will only become more powerful"

and Preceded to do that much to shock and confusion to well the enemy while their allies go "THIS BE GOOD!"

Unlikely to happen but be amusing omake.
Hasn't someone already done something like that? In fact, IIRC, BreakAway25 did that in Fight our Battle Cry before he killed it, with USS Halsey. At least something like that
Hasn't someone already done something like that? In fact, IIRC, BreakAway25 did that in Fight our Battle Cry before he killed it, with USS Halsey. At least something like that
Yes but here's the thing. Shipgirls were known at the time so it was like, oh modern ships can do it too, huh.

Here only ONE, maybe two if he told Sara, knows that the Shipgirls can comeback after they are sunk. No one else.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" does not apply to the material state of HMS Hood in this period. The RN was operating on "We know it's broken — or it will break any minute now — but we 'can't afford' to take her off-line to fix it." The Admiralty knew full well that she was being run far past her limits, flirting with gross mechanical failures, that she couldn't make her top speed due to engine problems — her crew couldn't even get fresh water to wash themselves in, for God's sake! I understand they felt rather desperate at that stage of the war, but the fact is that the prize show-horse of the Royal Navy, their supposed pride and joy, was being thrashed like a government mule and run into the ground like an old nag.
Frankly, if Bismarck hadn't nobbled her at the Denmark Straits IOTL, Hood would have suffered a major casualty to a vital engineering system and keeled over on her own within months anyway. :mad:
.... I think you need to sort of calm down. I sort of knew what Hood's condition was, but I didn't realise how bad that statement angered you.

But like Firefinder said, Hood's refit was constantly delayed due to the Admirality thinking that she has not broke yet so she still could be used. And this was back in 1937.

Hood was basically a working Utah, and she was about to break sooner or later. And Utah had it easy.